UAKCH s. 1328 STATE NEWS BKIEFS George Holmes, -ir., slayer of j O. L. Robertson as he stood in front of a Burlington theater on the even-! ing of January 17, was acquitted! of murder by an Alamance county jjary at Graham Saturday. The annual meeting of the North Carolina State Sunday School convention will be held in Concord, April 10, 11 and 12. Among the speakers who will deliver addresses * before the convention ar Dr. Charles P. Wiles of Philadelphia; Miss Mabel Lee Cooper of New York Dr. Wade C. Barepiy of Chicago, and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Mann of Philadelphia. | The United States senate has [ passed and sent to the house a bill? to settle claims of the state of | North Carolina against the federal] government to the extent of SI IS,-' 000. The claims, so mo of which data I back to the War of 1.S12, had been approved and ruled valid by the treasury department. Senator Overman .sponsored the bill. fUeiilsville, March ?This week's term of court in Franklin county established a couple of records. In the Ercell Brogan patricide ease. Judge Diliard president and three of his i sons appeared as defense counsel, j There was not one conviction in ten murder indictments. Six alleged slayers were set free on self defense, one was sent to the asylum and three were continued. Greensboro, March >.?The /prize whiskey raiding of the year occurred in Wilkes county on Thursday when four United States agents bagged nine big stills, four of them on one branch, near Call and the others not far distant. On the following day they got four more to run the total up to IS. The agents poured out over IspOOO gallons of beer and '100 gallons of whiskey. Raleigh, March 4.?Mineral resources arc now being produced or have been mined in 82 of the J 00 counties of North Carolina, a tabu- q lation prepared by the division of mineral resources of the state <\e~ | partment of conservation and dcvcd-! opraent reveals. Preparation of the list of minerals that are knowr to ho present in the various counties, because of present of previous work- ~~ itigs. is a part of the efforts of the J division to encourage ami assist- in j the maximum development of the resources. ( FOR SALK A good pjiir of youug y mules. Also 110 acres of land, ti new house just completed, near a the highway, . one mile from f, Boone. F. A. Linncy 2 v: Oliver Chilled Plows f and Repairs at Boone i Hardware Co. l {..(/. si j vm!r . i V'f^Baby i VlfChicks * ^ ?. \ ' "on t let tnesv* die? ??ji * : Dr. HeGear's Clhick p DiarrSa<s>ea TaMets ? 1MPRO IX'O ?will protect thetn against white I' diarrhoea and bowel troubles. An intestinal antiseptic. Use :: Kill can. p If not satisfied, will refund your money. - .. SoJAb? BOONE HARDWARE CO, Boone TJ T. L- MAST & BRo.. Lovill. Pastimei - THEATRE - f "THE PLACE OF GOOD SHOWS" - i fl Thursday-Friday,. March 8-9? r "The Rough Riders" | A story of Colonel Roosevelt and | the Spanish-American War ^ Saturday, March 10 @1 Yakima Canutt IN "The Fighting Stallion" ? Monday, March 12 Ranger, the Wondfer Dog | IN "Fangs of the Wild" ? Tuesday, March 13? Milton Sills and Doris | Kenyon tKT IN ^ The Valley of the Grants | From novel by Peter B. Kyne | Wednesday, March 14?1 ^ | Monte Blue IN "The Black Diamond t Express" J A thrilling * story of railroad life | in | Sawmill, plumbing sup- J \ plies at Boone Hardware | Company. ' ] ; : ' ' . . -wow-Boys v. .lYOJEOF "frVCAN <?/ ; ? - V RiDE AT &M. ?m ?|M W: ^.r M^<\ IT, - H W'^P^'W MRS- 1 '/.- ! r/^KxocRAcy? i . " <immi ; ' ?;v>J _/ ^ y ^::ll j !? 1 *^y - -'" ?vi". i -T J I ;&. ? A J|?||^0r^ -'f f |j^ ;<)01> TEAM OK HOUSES ANi) A| pair of three-year-old mules, well broken. Wei|E 900 to 1000 each. Would sell either team. If interested sec E. F. Greene, Sands. N. C. 2-10-Jt I sale of Land for Taxes By order of the Board of County 'omnn.-sioTM i s. and by virtue of the ower vested in me by Jaw, I will on Londay* April L928, between he hours ol' 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., t the courthouse door in Boone, sell > the highest bidder for cash to atisfy taxes to the amount and for he years indicated, the lands ?>f the allowing delinquent tax payers: Boone Township aw.-. Don. 4 lets. 1925...$ 0.50 ogan, D. L. 1 lot, 1925. . . . 20.76 in 1?*. R. C., 40 acres, 1-1 interest, 1925-20 20.03 iitle heirs* 55 acres, 14 iutcrest. 1925-2G 10.3d LeNeal, C. F, I lots, 1925 . 8.20 tiller, W. B.. 108 acres. 1925-20 131.25' toretr, Miss Loney, 2 Jots, 1925 - 3.58 loretz, Vilas, 2 Vi lots, 1925-20 14.59 IcNeal. A. T.. 1 lots (Winkler Addition), 1920 ... 7.20 loretz, Ralph, 1 lot, 1020.. 16.11{ tiller. Marvin F., 1 lot, 1920 3.15! revctte, Edward, 2 lota. . 5.40 j enny, Miss .1 osie L., 1 lot, <Winkler Addition), 1926 1.60 enny, li. W., 1 lots (Daniel Boone I'ark), 1926 . 39.60 arson, A. F., 1 lot, Main street, 1926 ... .... 39.60 ecce and J. W. McBrido, 1 .lot, 1926 45.00 ogers, Coy, 1 lot, Oak street, 1926 21.72 otzer, D. L., 30 acres, 1925 and 1926 24.30 ingletaiyj J'., 1 lot, 1925 . . 25.741 tevcns, G. G., I lot, 1925 . 20.751 mith, Fi. A.. 1 lot. 1925-26 5.70' tui tilll. W. M., i acre, 1925 16.92 j torie James L.. 26 acves.... 12.06) 'riplett, Tfaos. 1 lot, 1925-26 1.95 Three Forks Cheesy Factory, 1-10 acre, 1925 11.40 hearer, Robt. heirs, 10 I Greer i ? will be open TffllRSIUV ?a a x j H a We are located i Building, have ii modern furnishii der the very higl ice at all times. BROT THET WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?KY] d Derision To Make v ^Sl i 1J1 / Maw- Ki?T .: , J Ix^-"?^-1 vs Ipil Si liPJ M ?*<** i-->;:?? ^v.:^??^^ Field Fence and Barbwire, a carload just received. Boone Hardware Company. acres, 11)25-/20 .... I.*5.02 Vanruiy, R. G.? 1 lot, 1025-26 11.55 Vannoy, W. C., 7 !0ts (near Fish Hatchery) 1026.. . . . 1.60 Watauga Hospital. 1 lot. 1925 55.83 Wilson, II. L. 6 Iota, 1925-26 (18.22 Wilcox, G., I lota, I (125. . 8.20 Warren, Charlie. 3 lots, 1025 8.20 Warren, W. Y. 1 lot, 1025-20 7.70 W aikms, Mrs. W. It., 1 lot, 102(1 1.00 Coffey, .1. A.. 1 lot, 1025.. 29.32 Coffey, Mrs. -J. A.. 1 lot, 1025 2.85 Harrison, N. L? 25 acres, 1925 . . <1.75 Grimes, .lack 3Vi acres, 1925 22.90 Hortun, Hunter, 2 lota, 1925 and 102(1 26.02 Horton, dim, 1 lot, 1026 . . 5.44 Heeler, H. H.. heirs, 1 lot, 1025-20 12.45 Mitchell, Osia 21 acres, 1926 13.78 Whittinj*ton, G. C-. 1025.. 4.C6 Brown, Mrs. J. C., 95 acres, 1926 60.(12 Sullivan, S. B., 2 lota (Daniel Boone Park,) 1926 15.01 Rattan. C. C., 2 lota, 1925 . . 13.22 Johnson, W. It., 1 lot, 1025. 4.51 Sherer, Mrs. Eoht., 1 lot, 1925 .". 5.91 Keece, W. ST., 1 lot. 1926.. 27.00 ShawnCehaw Township Worlev heirs, 161 acres, 1025-26 102.7 1 Ward, S. M., 48 acres, 1925 and 1926 60.90 Robbir.s, G. W., 26 acres, 1925-26 60.SC Hicks, J. B? 46 acres, 1925 20,26 McGuive, J. M., 6 acres, 1026 0.71 Bray-hill, H. B? dee'd, 192 acres, 1925 4.31 Elk Towuitip Wheeler, N. G.. G4 acres. 1025-28 1 i Hampton, W. W., 44 acres, 12)25-26 44.1)0; This March 8, 1028. L. M. FARTHING, i Sheriff Watauga' County. j SiiSiiMiiiiii; s Cafe for business MARCH 8th n the new Hahn istalled the most lgs and will renlest class of serv'HERS, Proprietors PRY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. MSx~ r' By .1 Htvri lit'tr: j m I " yc a <T j wi ! th | <Io j Mss' : ^i^5r - I & 119% " ^ ] j > <C-r > N*-* NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Haying: qualified as administra-1 trix of the estate of H. ). Hardin,! deceased, this is to notify all nersons i having claims against the estate ofj said deceased to present them for payment within one ydar date of this notice, or same will be 'plead in bar of their recovery. Alt persons indebted to the estate will come forward and make immediate payment. This March 8, 192$. * t.O T? t ,r intN.v: 1 iuivo. n. n.viUMA, o-K-fi Administratrix ' fj m ONYX POIf FOR 1 ORIGINAL ATI Not ordinary sts Pointex Silk Stc trade mark sta new Spring col Tliis is Onyx Poin set aside by the run duoe the original I ing to millions of demonstrate how tl trimness, grace and j Or si , ^ SPAIl j ' I FIVE Father, mother amt. little Tommy! ' Willy's Point are ir, the street ear. Tommy andj Father: Aren't you ashamed to other had secured seats, but poor: be al tj,e bottom in a class of 2K ther had to stand. ! boys? Mother: Tommy, doesn't it pain' 'willy: It might be worse. 'U to see your father reaching for| Father: How could it be? strap?' Willy: Suppose there were 10 Tommy: "Only at home mother."I boy in the class? It's fair enough. The woman! ithout a fur coat suffers outdoors; CjTcISS Seeds, all kinds. ? n-nmon t.-U.. U- ^ - -- ' v- ....... ...lie aunviTj lU-j J~ I T 1 'ors. : rSoone rlardware vx>. To those unfamiliar with the complete variety of nationally advertised lines carried in our store at reduced prices, we cordially invite your inspection of our stocks. It is impossible for us to list the hundreds of items carried. Call for what you want at any CAROLINA STORE. If wc don't have it, and if it has ni^rit, we will get it?and SAVE YOU MONEY on it. We handle not only the highest quality grocery lines obtainable but all kindred lines as well. Woodbury's Facial Soap, cake 21c Bayer's Aspirin, 24s, . 27c 12's . . 15c Listerine, 7 ounce, . .45c 3 ounce . . 23c Pepsodent Dental Cream, tube 39c Jergen's Lotion, bottle 39c Pineapple, Silver Bar, No. 2 tali can. . . 19c Peaches, large 2x/z can, in heavy syrup, two for 35c Kraut, Carolina Maid, highest quality, large can 10c Libby's Mince Meat, 1 -lb. jars 27c Lard, Royal Aster, pure vegetable, 8-lb. pail $1.00 ?ll?HHJ?Ba?railWIII I I IB ? IMIWWI I I PB? Carolina Stores for Carolina People BOONE, N. C. BLOWING ROCK, N. C. VFEX WEEK MARCH T"u?80"' Wf , . / / | For One Week only I | These Special , V.;b v I I Onyx Pointex Prices / \\ |\ / St ! Kntul.r Onyj'fLntix /ll i J 4 I g'Ssj'U.9 / 707 Service-Shier. 1 '7 }/ 7/7 *1.35 11 j ?cotton j * -i? ilA > 750 Chiton. Silk 1 $1 JA \!i\U ft?m cop^5| l.fJJJ \ii^ HIS WEEK ONLY?THE POINTED HEEL STOCKING V1UCH LOWER PRICES ackings?not irregulars?but genuine and new Onyx >ckings, made in Onyx Mills, with the Onyx Pointex mped upon every heel ? offered in the complete or range and at prices far below the usual level! ?tex Week? a week Secure vcur supply of these stockings tiufacturcr to inrro- now. Let the stockings themselves 'oinied Heel Stock' suggest why so many smart women new wearers?to throughout the country wear them lePointedHeel adds regularly. charm to ankle lines. Buy them by the pair or by the box. lyx Pointex rfte ORIGINAL Pointed Vee/Stocking \HOURS\ Inc. BOONE, N. C. v i'i "MM

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