' MARCH S, 1028 Improved Uniform Internationa! Sunday School * Lesson? .. 2?28. Western Novepaivw Unl n * Lesson tor March 11 JESUS FEEDS THE MULTITUDE LESSON TEXT?Atark 0:^1-u. GOLDEN TEXT ?I am the bread ol life: ho that coiueth to Ale shall jievei bunker, and he that beUeveth on Ale shall never thiist. PRIMARY TOPIC?An Unusual Meal JUNIOR -TOPIC?A Hungry Crowd Fed. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?Jnsfun Meeting Every-Day Noels YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?JOsus' Compassion for Humnr ) Need. x t. Jesus' Invitation to the Weary Disciples (vv. 31, 32). The apostles had just returned from an evangelistic tour in Gali lee with a report of what thej had done and taught. Their minis try occasioned no little stir. Besides >Jesus Himself continued to preach As a result of their combined niiin ;5stry, the commotion was so greai that there Was no opportunity foi resting or eating. In such a time oi need Jesus invited His disciples R retire lrom the crowd and rest. Ii order to do this they departed pri votely by ship for a desert place Periods of withdrawal from tin crowd in fellowship with the Lon are necessary after evangelistic cam palgns, They serve a doyble purpose t. To get the eyes of the minister: ofl' themselves and their work. 2. To prevent despondency ia their failures. II. Jesus Teach'ng the Ignoran Multitude (vv. 33, 3?i). 1. Thronged by the people (v. 33). The wonderful words and works o the Lord and Mis disciples brpugh . n?\- mmiiunH"' i \ * cnevn. . iu vaCMfi] the liirong the\ rook I heir dopar,un fer a desert place (v. 32) Seeiuj the Lord and Mis disciples dcp.nl the popple from. I lie surrouudmj eilios npfrcipatcd their landing place ami. proceeding thither, welcome* the ship upon lis arrival. 2 Tnc Lord moved with compos slon (v :m). Instead ??i becoming irritated h; the intrusion of the crowd His hear was moved with pity. Mis persona interests were forgotten as the need of the shopiierdless sheep presse upon His notice, therefore Mo begni to leach them many things. Je3US i now the same compassionate Snvioi touched with the feelings of onr in flrmities (Hob. Hi. Jesus Feeding the Hungry Mul titude (vv. 35-44). 1. Conference with the disciple (vv. 35-38); (t> The disciples request that th multitude be sent to the surrouDdin villages to buy bread (v. 36). Accord ing to Mntthew, Christ made th proposition that the multitude be fe tmau. it: ii?;, I -1 jesus command / ' them to feed the multitude (v. 87] V (.'!) Tim disciples' perplexity (v. :t7: They b?gnn to calculate as to th amount of provisions required. The ashed (lie Lord whether they shohl go and buy two hundred iwnnywort of bread. Their perplexity was dti to the fact that tliev were depend!" upon their own resources' Instead 0 CI trlst To ho fare to face will, th humanly impos^iltio lias a tlireefo! boriellt. (a) It makes as realise du dependence opnn Christ; (It) Prive us to llitn lor help in bur need; (c Leads os to give Him the glory tithe results. Though our ability t teach, preach or to give, he in Page when coupled with the Lord's nbilit; it is equal to any demand. 2. .Jesus' method it) feeding th multitudes (vvi 30-44). (1) The Lord's part. This was t Issue histructions as to the metho of procedure and to create the pr< vision. Though they had but fiv loaves and two fishes He so increase them that the nco.d of the itungr multitude was met. (2) The disciples' part'. They wet to have the people sit down in con panics so as to facilitate distribi tion. They then took that which th ^ Master had blessed and distribute it to the people. The disciples' n sponsibility eras not for the erentin of the provision, hat for its distrihi tlon to the neonle f.tr The noonle pnrt Tlielr part was not to oreat nor distribute, but obediently to s S'MATTER hSS? POP BY % C. M. Payne Through Auteeaster $ Service v i 1-3-28 < ,i. i i in i down .1 iiij partake of the prevision.! Even after the bread had boeit blessed by the Lord and distributed by (he disciples, they woald have famished with hunger had they not partaken of the food. Unless the people receive Jesus Christ and the salvation i which He has provided they shall i eternally starve. The Lord has done His part. The disciples dre under 1 solemn obligation to do their pari' and the llnal responsibility rests niton : the people. Obedience Obedience Is the secret. Not Slav ! | ish obedience, but sympathetic, loving ! eager obedience. May the law ot j holiness be to me welcome as lbs I i tiobf enmnt fl.rx ' - - o?rvvi ao iiic miners, UHjre W. bp desired thau much due sold!?W. Ij i Watiinson. t A Brother's Keeper ' A genuine brother's keeper is aioro ] 1 concerned with his brother's peril ihun ' his own pleasures.?Christian Ob-' j . ' server. I j (' !s Miss Flo's Corner i A Question Box for the Ladies By MISS FLO t A Vain Wife; A Dentist or a Min- ? i?ter? f ' > Dear Miss Flo: 1 I am a young woman of 22 and ha ve been married only a year. 1 love j A my husband very much and he is j } everything: 1 could ask of a man. He ^ * loves me, provides well for me, hnd j , trusts me completely. Still I am not j t * contented- At the present time I i ( 3 am playing around with another1 . man. I don't love him. But he amuse.:! ( r ir.e. 1 like to have a good time |; like to flirt?like to be admired? j , and I am bored to death with' one!, man's attention. I know 1 am not! playing fair with my husband, hut, j ^ i can't help being as I am. What J { shail 1 do 7 ? 1) L). a ? . 7. .. n you huVv* no intent? of ro- j j Is forming, the only fair thing f6v you j J i \o to leave your hi?soand, fo; , . * . v?, u ol* later he will learn that you j, j aren't worthy of his trust or hive, and it will mean great unbiippiness for hi ni. r. The troiihie with you, my dear, thai ym? married before you were ^ ready to settle down. That, is ii'nfoi*tuiiate?both for you and your husband?but if you want '.o pre* vent the crash that will wreck your l.ot.ii". there is only one tiling to do , 1 and that is, show some real char- , ? actor. :>'"u corvdi efc yourself as an * honorable wife should. l" it yuu ituiiy :ose your husband and want to keep him, stop doing the tiling that you know to be wrong, (jut out the flirtations that! s mean nothing to you but the satis tying of your vanity. Give, up the'! e silly love making. Give up your j5 hunt for thrills and satisfy yourself! with the honest affection of your * husband- Stop kidding yourself 4 with .the thought that you can't help , s ( what ypu are doing because you , '*: were born that way. b That's po excuse! Every woman 0 in the world is born with the vanity ' y that, makes her love admiration and want attention! There is nothing " peculiar in that respect. The o'nlyj , 0 difference between you and other| 3 wives is that they have the courage! lf a ml strength of character to resist i p ' temptations that come their way | <>l and honor enough to iive up to their! ' marriage vows and play fair with; s their husband. ' * , _ Can't you see yourself as you r must appear to others -a cheap, vain ? flirt without honor, without honesty. r> j without even the coinage to break p-! away from the man you betray and | live the life, you want. Is any flire tation worth that? j 1 don't wonder that you aren't ? contented?when you think of your - hilsband and how you deceive him! >" I If you love him, be true to him. it e the only way to a happy married life. y j r'or cheating at cards, or in busi! ness, or in love, or in marriage is ?l much the same. The principle holds i true that you will be caught sooner | or later. p j And you will have no one to blame <1 j but yourself. D | Hoar Miss Fio: > 1 am in love with two men and I 'sj can't decide which one 1 should mar ry One is a dentist and tlio other is 'f \ a minister. Which do you believe 3NT T?LL ME Voy! A OOOE 'PacrC,z T OK A 3>o6 rut; WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV' Famous Aviator Missing - i; jjj^^ i i Photo Show-: Harry famous aviator who pjuv.^.fi ;!?{?? the breaker* otT M - idb'Gurot: while on a itight fr-. i Tii.esvtlb*. to Miami, Florida. The Atlantic Ocean gave- tip hi wrecked. ;.{am* but the body of I hi* funs<>u.> aviator lias not been found. i voulil make the best husband??D. | 1 I suppose it depends upon whether | rou want-to save your teeth or your j ;oui as to which one of the two men I vouid make the best husband. Buti ny real opinion is that you can't] rare a treat deal for either one of r hi. If you did, there wouldn't be iny doubt in your mind as to wuich >he you should marry. Better wait i while: Perhaps a nice lawyer will oine along. RHEUMA TIS Ml While in France with the Aaieri-j :an Army I obtained a noted French prescription for the treatment of Rkemna.km and Neuritis/ I have (i-i-vt.n ill $ to thousands with wonderful results.- The prescription cost me nothing. I ask nothing for i.. ! Will mail it if you wi.l send me your1, address. A postal w It bring it. j Writv today. PAUL CASE, D? pt. F209 Brockton, Mh s. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE, j By virtue of the power of sale | contained in a certain diced ot' liustj executed to the undersigned trutt-c by Cbas. L. Lewis and wiie, Sarah j Lewis, on the 17th day of May, j 1920, which said deed of trust is re-1 corded in the office of the reg.St.erj of deeds for Watauga county in Book 7 at page 541, to secure the payment of the sum of ^.3;&6d.o0j and defaut having been made in th? payment of sair sum as therein provided, I will on Monday, April 9, 1928, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. at the courthouse door of Watauga county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Being Lots Nos. 2, 3, 1, 5.. u, 7 and eight in Block B of Cherry Park Addition to the town of Boone, N. C. For more complete description of same see plat of said land which is of record in the office of the register of deeds for Watauga county. This 5th day of March, 1928. j JOHN E. BROWN, Trustee, j NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, County of Wat-i ?Superior Court; Before the Clerk Roy 1. Haynes vs Pritchutt-Cobb Motor Co. The defendant), Pritchctt-Cobb j Motor Co., >vill take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court ol' Watauga county, N. C., for damages in favor of the plaintiff ami against the defendant in the sale of a motor truck and the same has been attached as the property of the defendant and the said defendant will further take- notice thai he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of said county at the courthouse in Boone, N. C., in said county on the Rth day of March. 1D2R, and answer or demur to the complaint hi said action or the plain-j tiff will apply to the court for the; relief demanded in said complaint, i This 7th dav of February, 1 !<28. 1 A. E. SOUTH, i Clerk. Superior Court, Watauga Co.j W Cal l8<4> KHninBBjHEsuuS haul the loads, They'll not have to ask t/ie qucs.L?ti "iicier the bonds, but whore's the roads?" M. A. Denton, Greensboro Record. NOTICE OF M?-rR i GAGE HI'S SALE l?y virtue oi trie power of sale ceiiu\i?ico in a . certain OKotgage rieed executed to the unaers.gned on tin 21st day of February, 1925, trecuve ire payment of > poll-..- to a stake; then south 79 degrees east 14 poles to a stake; then south G2 M degrees east 4 poles t.? a sugar tree in B R. Brown's line, north Go poles to a stake in J. J. L Church's line; then with said line north S-l degrees west 53 poles to a cucumber; then north 62 degrees west S poles to a stake in said branch; thence, down.and with the branch 10 poles west 8 poles to a stake : then south 11 degrees we I with branch J 7 poles to a stake; then south w ith branch 7 poles to the beginning, containing 27 acres, more b.v less. a his 5th day of March. 1928. il. 61 ' M ARTIN, Mortgage . NO i ICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE . y virtue of the power of sale continued in a eeitain mortgage 305(:. 80 which said mortgage is re corded in the office of the registei . r.. .'fit f.kv Wnlatiwa Book Z at page- 194, and default having been made in tin? pay in nt. ol the sum of money as therein.pro vrclqii, I will 015 Monday, March 2?'> 1.: between the hours of 10 a. m and ' p. m., at the courthouse dooi dt Watauga county; sell to the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-\vit: Beginning on a stake at the in tersection of the Blowing Rock high way and Winkler's road, runs soufc) 47 degrees west to a stake in tin railway right of way; thence nor 11 3*5 degrees we3t with said vight ol way 22 poles to a stake, E. G. Fai th ing's line; then an east dircetior with said Farthing's line 12 poles t< the highway; then south 3-3 degrees east with highway, 17 1-4 poles tthe beginning, containing I 1 acres, more or less, i? This 25th dav of February, 192S ,J. L. WINKLER. Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage dee< executed by .!. R. Phillips and wife A. V. Phillips to L. H. Holler on the 2nd day ot M area, .1925, to secuvc the payment of the sum of $110.0.01! whicli said mortgage* i:> recorded ir the office- of the register of deetii fai W m r r i: or r4 f c. ' < in Pur. L- 7. oi page ?85 and default having been made in the payment of the sum 01 money therein provided; I will or Monday, April ' >, l'J2S. between tlu bouts of 10 a. Ill and 2 nr., at tin county courthouse door of Watauga county, sell to the highest bidder foi cash the following described real estate, to wit: J. R Phillips' home place and bounded aa follows, on the east by the lands of A. VV? Phillips, O. J Phillips: or. the north by the iamb of A. P. Ward, 1.. D. Harnian: M. A Ward; on the west by !he lands ol V.". H. Glenn and N. H. Shall; or. thr. south by the lands of W. H. Shall and K. S. Greer. This is intended to cover ail tlu land in the .1. R. Phillips home tracl and contains 1 s.1 acres, more oi less. This .March >, 192SC h. Hi HOl.LEK, Mortgagee. \ ' bowf ) ME i a ! iv 1 f^-^r- \ ^ ~ --z-?^zrrir-- r=r_NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION j Having qualified as administra-1 ! to; of the estate of Rachel Swift, \ j deceased, this is to notify all persons | i having claims; ofraifist the estate ofj j said deceased to present them for; payment within oik- year of the date! of this notice, or satue will he plead j j in bar of their recovery A11 per -1 i I sons indeht d to the estate will come j i forv,a.td and make immediate pay- J ' ment ; 1 this February 14, 1928. M ALFlttT) THOMAS, , t 2-1G-G Administrator. j? " 1 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER j < EXECUTION j North Carolina, Watauga Couuty?' : In the Superior Court r, j Farmers Hardware & Supply Co. vs. \ < L. a South and V, K. Bol ou ! < By virtue of an execution directed j s to the undersigned sheriff of Wat-It , uuga comjuty in the above entitled e ! action. I will on Monday, the 26th I ! day of March. 1028, at 1 o'clock p. i id, at the conrtKpii.se door of Wat-j j auga county, sell to the highest bid-' i dei' for cash to satisfy said execuj t.icn al! the right, title and interest j which the said L. S. South and V. E. Baliou, the defendants, have in the following described real estate, to-' I wit: | Beginning on a stake $5 feet from. ~ , the corner of the Junaluska road ar.d ' j apple tree, and runs south 73 dej grees west GO feet to a stake; thence , north 19 degrees west 200 feet to a stake in" the edge of an alley; thence n o th 73 degrees east GO feet to a1 stake; thence south !'.) degrees east! 200 feet to the beginning, being lots I Xo. 2 of the V E Ballon addition', to the town of BooheThis 23rd day of February. 1028. L. M. FAKTIIING, Sheriff Watauga Co. NOTICE OF SUMMONS j North Carolina, Wa'a ga County In the Superior Co rt Befo e the CI :rk j Lena. Greer and husband, Ccerol Greer, and Charlie Wilkeson. | vs. j | Ellja Morel*/: and lu^band. Fli Mo-Jl rctz; Con': y Wi'iUv on and wife, j | ,i Loren Wilke-cn; I. F Wilkeson { Blanche Walker and husband. S nil Walker; Ruth Burton and s j ban 1 I ? Burton; 1? ?-..ard \\aid ! I 'd Ward, Frank Ward and ! Ward, the last four named minor noil's of Mae Ward, deceased, a d ilari Smith, mi- or heir of Chi la ,'j Smith, deceased. i The defendants above nairu d v. t \ j.'.take notice that summons in 1 < . j above entitled aciion was is uod | l against, said defendants o v ihc S'fch Vday of Fein nary. 1928, by A. E.,'j .1 South, clerk super Mr cdrrl of Wat J aiiga county, N. which summons is returnable before said clerk at | his office in Boone, on the 19Ui day .} of March, 1928. The defendant* J will further lake noiiee that said 1I proceedings is for the sale of cr'a n J tracts of land at SilvetsfoVie, N. C. . , ?i\< I that they are required to answer t- or (lennur to the petition or the relief demanded will be granted, i This 8th day of February, 1928. i A. E SOUTH . 2-lft-I clerk Superior Court 'i? ? i 5cV r-O-- fg&frt.'/If. ' . 3gfigggggagftBn c'.ivr I ^ ^ DR. W. B. CALDWELL AT THE. AGE OF 83 Most men and women past fifty xnnat give to the bowels some occasional help, else they suffer from constipation. One might as well refuse to aid weak eyes with gias.wy as to neglect a gentle aid to weak bowels. Is your present laxative, in whatever form, promoting natural how-el "regularity'"?or must you purge ' Ei'.d "physic." every day or two to 1 atvoid sick headache, dizziness. b>l ioiiM u-.-, co]?]3, or sour, i'u&sv stem H.-V . t].iivoiys Syru*> Pepsin helps to ">T.inii?h natural. regular bowel 3m overrent oven ior thoec chronically const spited. It never gripes, sickeiia ' - -' "X-v f' X V dtjS o4?-i tj iil W I "vS>OMf I SI \ "Tei-L. me. yr SEVEN rs notice of trustee's sale of real estate By virtue, of the lower of sale contained in u certaiD deed of trust executed by C. JF. Dixon to Jor. 11 E. Brown, trustee for X. M. Clement,' dated July 2-J, lil20, recorded in Book 7 of mortgager at page 510 to ecure the sum of ?5513,75 and default having been made in the nuniys secured therein, I will on Moniswj Mprch 2D. between th, lours of 50 a nt and 3 p. m.. at tie courthouse doer of VVr.tnno-i rounty, sell to the highest bidder for ash the following described real state, to-wit: BeiiVg Lots Nos. 1. 2. ; and .' it Section A of th< Mont Clement property sold by the Piedmont Realty Jomparr; and tor a more complete Inscription of the same see map of aid property on file in the office < he register of deeds for Wataiu'.. ounty. This February 22. I t)2S. JOHN E. BROWN, rrusttc. -John E. Brown T. E. Bingham I Brown & Bingham Attorneys at Lav/ 13OONE, N. C. J^>fCicos over post office. MRS. E. T. EVANS i HEARSE SERVICE! | at all hours Phone Central DR. J. M. GA1THER DENTIST Office in Critcher Building Over T> .. ..~ . T-?_ . owrie "! iu: ?_o. a.m. to 12:30 p.xn. 1:30 p- m. to 5 .00 p. m: Sundays and Night-by Appointment Phone 65 Boone, N. C j ' is DR. C. J. FARTHING j D E N T S S T Offices Over Moretz | Furniture Store BOONE, N. C. Sundays and Nights by Appontment. jj$DR. ALFRED'OSTTl 3 r RYE SPECIALIST 2 _^8S^8h^TC SELL BETTER.! SFE blua | I /lie best Siquspment Obtainable. I 'i Glasses Fitte-l l:xcl sivety g \ mnm block, (.eriois.. u , IX youcoc it (rum 111 LA It'SAli rilKlit I * w:.ron PAt>ii? von uatbs. it! Falls Meed ! Hi laialife a ^T"" " n k'-'4'?7ft.-'* $w| a i or Uj&fcts tho system. u is absolutely harmless nil i feasant io take. Buy a large fiO-cenl ?. - . . : any More that sells medicine write '"Syrup JYprun/' Moniieello. Illinois, for a FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE and just seo for yourself. j/*ry//T?woww w^EM I / 1 I ) TRAHE.3 / ' \JT NSfej . \ , Y':'; v ' j&'vSSr * > ' ' "nBS5^vyr?i^W^tfj' 'zi ?jSfi':; >f?cijWJ