FOUR The Watauga Democrat' issued Everv Thursday by The KlYERS PRINTING COMPANY K. C. RiYKKS ROB. RIVERS Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ozie year $1.50 Six Montis . .76 Three months .-IU Payable iu Advance Advertising Rales on Apph cation Cards o? Thanks. Resolutions of* Respect. Oidtuams, etc.. ar?- charged for at the vegu;ar advertising rate.-. Entered at the Poiteffrcc- at Boone, *r ?' . - Sfcond Class mail matter. THURSDAY, MARCH 15: !92S " "AMERICAN LIBERTY" Ediths \Vataugn Democrat: This great nat'on of ohrf, thi United States of America, ( n? of the most powerful and glorious nations ?>f the world, the *honn* ?.f the brave and tjhe land 6i the free," ov-fs its magnificence and :ts honor to the- fact that it gave birth 2nd growth t" a government in freedom. Why did the Huganots and the Pii{Hjijiis and other such companies from lands of religious oppression to seek refuge on the shores of America, but io obtain the freedom to norship Goo' according to the dictates cf their own conscience. Why did the colonist rebel 1 against their mother country, England., to form an independent state, if ii was hot for their inberenr and God-given love of freedom. God's hand was ir the uVruhhe: of this great nation, which "conceived in libevtv and dedicated to the preposition that all men are create:! equal." The God-fearing men who formed the constitution of our nation recognized the rights and liberties of Americans ami upon thai wholesome and sound foundation is built the strength ana happiness of the American people, o? today. Yet the attempt is now being made bv -rcanizo.d bodies of churches throughout our land kiipwjj ah the "Lord's Day AI!tanc'a*% and the International JL-f'oiu; Mpve'mbu.t," through tAup^es^niaii Lankford t<; }psv'{ a law in the Distrii't of Oolnm Ida. and if possible ' throughouti fbej Staler Y.vh,- al'j hi observe a.-' a SnfrbftT.ti 0? rc-t day on which no trains -bail he run. no mail carried, no work or sporiS in, etc. Thereby this act should it over come to pass will not o:'il.v unite church and state. but woUicl he p|||KW5i upon I he liberties of Amo'icar! cravens. The first amendment the ronstituiion reads, "Congress shall make m.? Ia\ys spociing ah establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." ,Y"'ir-j James Madison, the author pi the first amendn>en!, says: "Religion is not, in the purview of human government and exempt from its cognizance. A connection between them would be injurious to both." The Apostle Paul Says: "One man esteenuuh ;?o day aba v.- another;! another erJeemeth every day alike. Ijet every man be persuaded in his r,\yn mind." The historian. Bancroft, in snehkim^ of thn .-t :..?i /?r United States says: "^Vindicating the! right of indiyidhalitjl, even in vc-j ligiou. ami in religion above all, thci' nation dared to -or the example- of j accepting in sis relation to God the | principle dr. iaeiy ordained in dudes, j It loft the un.poral thengs to the' temporal l ower; but the American ] constitution iii ttaimpay with ,thc' people o: the United States wit held from the federal government power to invade tie; heme of ve;..-oii.' the cited'1 of '.ho conscience, the sanctuary of the rout, and not from indifference but that, the infinite spiI'll of etehnai truth might move! in it:- freedom and purity and1 power." iielniior eon never he forced StitLf driven any more than love can lie,' and no government founded upon! freedom and separation of church ami state such as is the government j of the United States can form any; laws restricting: the religion of the people without doing an injustice to its constitution, to God and to the conscience of men. <;. B. H. Banner Elk. X. 0., March <5, 1628. AT THE CHURCHES BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH | Sunday school 9:45 a. m.. W; K ' Gragg. superintendent Preaching at, 11 a. m. and 7:20 o. in . hj, pastor-! E. V. P. IVs 6:!:>. Mid-week prayer j service Wednesday 7 p. in. You are! cordially invited to attend ali these I . i .services. BOONE METHODIST Sunday school Sunday niorumgj at .7. D. Rankin. superintendent: Prof. A. Jl. Notion, teacher Comrades* Bible Class; E. N. Hahni teacher Men's Bible class; Alts. -f- L. Winkler, teacher Women's Bible class; .1. B Steele, church lay leader; H. G. Farihirg, chairman board of stewards. 11 o'clock: Sermon by the pastor, subject. "The Power of Principle." 6:4T< o'clock: The Senior League' will meet. 7'firt n'pl.ipl" sjprmnw Kn +V>/. v -,'j i>iic jj?o tor, subject, "Ingratitude." Wednesday evening at 7:15: Midweek prayer service. We. welcome the stranger at our door. LOST?On February 5, a bunch of key3 between Boone and Vilas on No. GO Finder return to Democrat and receive $5 reward- 2t r j LOCAL AFFAIRS | Mrs. ?k1 C. Hodges i? spending, ; Itw days in Winston-Salem. thej j Sliest of her parents. j Mr. Carl Coach who has a position j | ivlth the William T. Kilter Lumber! Company at Tiny. Va.. spending a \ | few days in Boone. i { Prospects are nov. fine for the! { lavgost crowd of sump\ei tourists! J in Boone this year (hat has over eis-j ited the town. Mr. ami Mrs. James H. CounVili of Bfdva. M. 0.. \veve over-Sunday visitors at the home of their parents; Mr. and M:. B. J. Councill. ? I Attorneys F. A. Linriey, Brown &| ! Bingham. W. K. Comer and prob-j j ably others of the local bar are ai-j 'tending court at Wilkesboro. the j j lV>o.-d of ihfii' being eoiim>ye?i ill the. i Flub Wagner murder case which\ went to trial Tuesday ? Dr. Fred Hodires oi Boone bust ! broker, dirt fc-r a handsome new \ residence on Highway Xo. 17 near' j the home of Pro:'. A. V. Howell.[ W. H. Ciragrg has the contract and! work on the building will b'egiti tnj the Very near future. J. W. !!-yant. county fish wjivden; requests that all members of lie j newly-formed Watauga Game aiul I , Fish Club to meet at the Han'u ; i Boone hotel Saturday evening at; j 7:150 at which time some important1 matters '?C coriservation and devel-; | opnient are to be discussed. ! . ?r:?r Relatives antl friends will pain-' j :/cl '.?? learn of "the death of Mr. Joseph Greene, wha-U occurred at. j Kuba'nk,- Kj!; daniiaVj 18tJi last, lie! j was \Vat&y,ga county man. i jam so- Hi any relatives and friends' j in the county, He resided on Alc-ai [ Camp iiiiiil IS'RD. from where he! moved :.? his pite fcorne in Kentucky. ' Vn ?.yror lust Week ;r- the id p.fl ~u.. . oi -- I ! -*> tarovjiM cMHti. CilUiV'I ?.S illlU" 1 : ?fn? anio&g !h>i patrons as soon as I the paper? were delivered to sub- . j ser:fi- ! .-. Trie price? p.f an S--pouhd | jpa?t arc! was made U> read $l;.i)Qj 1 when .: .-h-v-uid have been $1.01). | ! Fhe : : u- rests- with the paper, but it is additional pro?>L thai the ads in' j The Democrat are really read. The Boone Drug tympany's store , hits been undei>co:n<: a remodeling for the past few days and the appearance of the establish me at ha. been improved. The partit oil formerly cutting off tin* pie-; i script ion department and office .has been removed, allowing about ten i feet adiiional room. The mezzanine 1 floor in now being: used for the busi| re:office and prescription ease. Mr. Kd Mintim of Ait. Pleasant, I Cabarrus county, with his daughter, j Miss FiXie. passed through town yes j tor day on his return from a brief j visit to his aged mother, Mrs. Rich1 nrd Mif.ton, of Vilas iR. 4<\ D. Mr.: Mir. ton has been gone from Watauga for many years, hut his heart still yearns for his native unuity, and if he could dispose of his property' in { Cabarrus he would t-ofbe back. H Mr.s. M. B. Blackburn was right painfully; bet not seriously, hurt? ] Monday night. ht? tailing ih >use hove Saturday, Mat ch _'i. i h? townslup conventions wu: meet on Friday. March 2 3rd, for thi 1 purpose < f electing delegates to the i county convention. Each precinct is entitled to one delegate for each 2T> Republican votes cast in the last genera! election. Mr. Homer Brown, who ten years ago as a there boy. left his home in Boone to tight vhe battles of life alone, is home now for a few daysvisit To his mother. Mrs. Mary Brown and brothers, sister and many friends residing in Watauga. Soon after leaving here, young Brown enlisted in the U. S. navy and for four and a half years suited the high seas, entirely girdling the glol e while in the service. He got his discharge five years ago and located in Xev\ York city where he was married soon after. During this time he has been in the insurance business and says he has made some money, lie is easily one of the best informed men. politically and otherwise, we have seen of late, and his visit is! being very much enjoyed by his friends here. LYONS-PHILLIPS \i... . try.,,.. ; ; \. s BTui.t i.?'in in,a ?iv. .iainc>: D. Phillips were rmmied at Mountain City, Tonn.. on March 10th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. J. M. Lyon of Room:. She is charming and pretty and is one !>r Boone's most admired and popular young ladies. The bridygrrioin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. :i. Phillips of Perkins villc He !. ah indimtrious yourigj inaii and commands ninny friends in| business and .society circles. It is, not known yet where the young cou-1 pie will make their future home. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Page 2~Reynoids Tobacco Co.: Graham Bros- Trucks. Page 'heviolet and used cars; American Tobacco Co; \V. It. Winkin tv Co. Page! McColm*'!! Motor Co?; If in liters Hardware A- Supply Co. j Page 1?1 lodges Drug Co.; Watauga County Bank. j Page f>?Spainhours*. Inc.; \V. R. Winkler & Co.; Blue Ridge Lumber! Co. i i age- ?s?guoon Annis Beauty Parioiv; Taylor Motor Co; Bo^ne Clothing Si ore; Farmers Hardware ^ Supply Co. NOT ALL FOR HOOVER "There are a few Republicans in Watauga county who are supporting' Governor Lpwdon for the presidential nomination," said W. H. GraS, diaiiniun of the county Republican executive commiyteei following reiv > 'i -- from this section that the war, solidly behind Svceta*;y Hoover. Mr. Gragg is a most nchosiastie l.owdenite and points J v>th a great deal of pride to the post? ecord of achievement of the former 1 liinois governor. He and his friends' ire. encouraged by the drift of sen-, irnert for their candidate, in map.y ections of the country at this time; nd feel thfi. tthe nominee, A!:. arid M; <. J. L. { Goodnight of Boone, she is a gradi ate of the Appalachian Siacc Nori tru ! and has been very popular as a | teacher and an active church worker. | Mr. White is a native of Lincoln | county, graduating in dune from! ! Emory and Henry University. Following the cards the tables! | were cleared for refreshments. Each j ! was laid with a dainty te?*i cover ami; ! centered! with a crystal candlestick. | holding a green and yellow candle. ' The hostesses, assisted by Miss i Blanche Craig-served an ice course. ! Miss Goodnight was presented j uit.n a lovely uncle's book and the j prize-winnet's at hearts also presented to her their prizes. There were I about forty guests present. BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Helen Grain? gave a | lovely party to a number of her litI lie friends and school mates at the | home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. j \V. H. Gragg on Thursday evening j I ??t" last week, from 3:30 to 0:30, in celebration of hei ninth birthday | anniversary. Many lively games, music and conI tests were enjoyed, the most exciting being the donkey game, which never } grows old. For attaching the most I important appendage in the proper I place. Virginia South was given a J 1 prize. Carrying peanuts on a knife j I and throwing a ball into a box, j | three contests which proved thor-. ! oughly delightful. Ruby Trivett won j the prize in the peanut contest and j Ruby Dare South proved to be the! I best ball player. | At the close of the games the! dining room doors were opened, a i beautiful birthday scene greeted the ! eyes of the party. The handsome birthday cake with its nine gleaming i candles1 which each child had a chance to blow t in. Proceeding to the living room, the little hostess : opened many useful and attractive 1 gifts from her little friend* A i ! o'clock all returned attain to ihe din ? ! ir.y room whore refreshments were _ I served. A color scheme of yellow* ^ ; jVnd white was carried out: in detail.j j j Irf cream, birthdhy cake. orange-;S I crash and apple: were served.. 1-iti'kMC i Yellow baskets filled with nuts and \S ! mints were given as favor*. The j ^ [lowing* quests enjoyed the part y:, Rub\ Trivett, Martha Hardin, "J l Anabeil Rivers, Edna Moody; Allie ? 1 Xorris, Virginia Cook. Mabel Wilson, % ' Virginia and Elizabeth South, RuhviJS Dart South, Helen Hodges, j< I Setzer, Lyda Clay, Martha Moore,IS i Louise Taylor, Anhvile Beach, Lou-bC j ise AjUiins, Mala Steele, Daisy Lyons J? | and Clnrisse White. ;*5 "NORMAL NOTES l*t On the 10th, ltev. P. A. Hicks 01 ,? the Baptist church and Mists .1 oy S Heumnn, student worker, >ver6 nil!" the chapel exercises of the Normal,|5 and Mr. Hicks conducted the devr>-J5j tiunal service and Miss Bearnan jS made a talk to the student body. |3j On Saturday night a number of j ^ young ladies of the Phila Rrtian. I designating themselves as the "OldI ^ Maids' Club," gave a comic enter-j?? tainvnent, consisting of song, read-1J, ing, society history, piano solo, and'.' coinir dialogue given by the dcsig-lj. bated club. The dialogue was j? J originated by the young ladies theni-jj. selves to entertain the other societies'iC and showed remarkable skill and % originality on the part of the young]i Indies. A large,crowd of the student 5 body and people from the town were \ present, and appreciated and enjoyed ^ tht' skill disnlayed l'wffi VH& a Think Of ': HaveI Itave you got enough HON your wife and children from liav should be taken suddenly away f] This is enough to think of at START SAVING R1 WE INVITE YOtTR B WATA V?| COUNTY Boone, HAVE MONEY1 Let'? DEVELOP \ MARCH 15, 1928 ruins. The <1 am gave way this morning, the east and west wings collapsing and down the beautiful canyon dotted with citrus groves, rushed the devastation barrage. 212? CS ^ * AND BABE 3abe healthy by althe simple remedies l your medicine chest : things you need and today. sorry. U R 1) 11 U G GISTS GES )MPANY JER Your Health \T jftff/k th Carolina ?$ ^ /&& s I I I .V.W.VlV.V.V.V.V.-.VAV.V.", \ I sa ^ > t SUMMER NOW! | u* screening needs now will r against the invasion of an JJ ater on. s ihe real economy in using the best copper, and win ? d in the standard weaves. 5* 5? made to your order. Also ^ >nab!y priced. NOW- ^ | umber Co. | Build a House? 5 Chimney" < ftVWWJVftWWWkWWW' * " " I four Duty yiONEYl EY safe in t,he hank to keep ing a hard time of it if you rorn them? m one time. SGULARUY NOW ANKING BUSINESS .UGA Our County KXVE MONEY! N