i mmy SIX _ R] ILLUS SYNOPSIS I'aiiMyra Tree, . .:" ! the yacht Raiubow, is t . . - 'in . a hitxiG thrust thiougrh the p ti h< . . . . She makes a secret ..' .? a?ul j discovers a stowaw She - . .e j poirjtrsl ii: hi- wild telfs him avl < < his co uwun* to c'amc rit the door?she -ees a! jwfjeP he ree. v oppey-ho vd man. with j a ten-inch knife kel'j : .:: j nihfc !in>! liurke. the st -vvav.;.;. e : : j plains tba* it i- a . L'.r.t | isijra . kezi. N'r '. ?Ja\ . Burk* ! irtd the brown mur< -jo \:p on d^ck. j Tl... J- ... . u : t- ? uii m/.' v. .i a .?s t-M' tusrpj -> '.mi j wilu tans of an : :v r.turesome ivfo.j which his dstent-. s- rvf use $? hc-I'eve. j Now read on: CilArXEK III | Eiu-mies ? and Friends Some sixteen dao- later '-! > ; Crawford'-- caoiii a JOfffererua a-a* ( uruler'way. 'Bill my ii&fcv. n y dour. ' Pal mvra's mother was j to test "' can you say every thiar'- going right when Pa!n- spends t? est of her time ijst< T'H"-' to that, that miser stowaway; (hat-?human toad. He; father is ?esicie himself vv.th ur.xie( y The man made deprecatory 5 sou lid. "Kvente'.V said the ftostefrs ifhpre.s-j sively. -have >n?y too wet! shown j that T. that we intervened j ist n! lime. Your vJau<ch; ; was ;i the j verge of falling in lovfe with John! Thu rstan." Fhe father entered a protest. "\ doivt sue wc-'.Vt sra>tii'<i ?n\ thin,;." i "'(.j ..-, aiv vi>ur >-ya<" ttiaiui..! hv hostess. "A.- ' said n CaliiVi nia. Van. with his ret'iiiedj ntfeoaafil',. lit.-- ial.o the va.ht's in Hit-.? 'Thfc Voting King rharle?"! into a gilded tratfce. l'lru -toe. "if.; <>:o contrary. is a greifX. 1 :.1 bring. Me looks vto'.l !i inhere Itiil hue, it, these 1.1 r' <:par'. ; meats, "I: this mm ". deck, his hands and feet Seen: the way." She paused l" sir,:V :-.i tho:u reassuringly . "Surely, with Jijfcis at hi- worst. Van ut his bent ? need we tearV' Meanwhile, Constance Crawford j was forward at the Rainbow'.-, how,t .-ailing through the tropic night upon enchanted waters. When .John Thurston presently joined i ,. ! stance, she looked ii;i with u frcwr. "i was just thinking," she explained, "that IT.im Tree doesn't at all realise what Burke may he getting into his '.nine, i believe the iil(.'.e fraud's quite puffed ap, over the idea he's made -air.'..-: bur: of e.onoiiest." Thurston answpreij minor absent-1 ly. "V.nyfirtiv. in.' s-uua 'Burke's over: the siil; ;it Honolulu and Kone ior-j ever." She arsv:ii.ed. ! vohtf v;"ijs siiyr.t ""in tihV- 1 Then: "To tike in go too,'" be fcarstj out. "i've been frying to tc-!i fun, I've taken your advice.;, ssfcotj her to! hevor.K- my wife." "Vw," sue answered without inoy.-i Incr. "I know.'' "Sii. toi.i von'."' So: t-'t'-huniort. ' "No. You did." v?s e^arjcLneii "Suppose ' doj 'On ttte coaltarjr. Yoo'v* been splendid" Sr..- glanced #J> friendlily. "But ! still th'.nfc it was tup right thine: to do. A week. or f.vo hence, absolutely no hope; Oh, why uidn't. you spunk In California.? She originally liked you best. P? sure of 't. l>ocv still, if she only knew. Or," Constance added ruoful'y, "would it they'd let tier .1:0/1;;." j Hp laughed with some bitterr.e.vs. | "Oh, 1 know what vou mean." He foil ;T?to a sodden lor-.I When TUuistot! ?] >>{;<: ujaht It v.-a a apparently in an effort, to .'it ion- a more cheerful vein. "Sec-tnittttly." he said. ' i nave ar,otiter well-wisher aboard." With a pocket flashlight he made visible for her a small object of woven. fibre; a bark cord wound around a packet perhaps two inches square; "BU ' "> in;-!." hi' explained, "Olive incarnated himself before me. Looked about furtively, jerked my coat-tails up. fastened this round iny waist. Then he gave me a friendly grin and vanished." "But," she puzzled, "what . it?" "Inside there's a bit of tine mat. seven hairs and a tooth," a good luck charm. "But, but why?" "How should I know She was thoughtful. "At any rate," she said finally, "he seems to be wishing you pood luck." She examined the amulet again with an absent attention. Then, the smile fading from her lips: "John, promise me you will not leave the Rainbow at Honolulu." The yacht was pushing on at her best pace, setting up such a livelystir at her prow as to achieve the small- private rainbow for which she had been flamed. ED HA1 AND LUE SE STANLEY TRATIONS BY KDENRY ] QTYJUQHT BY CHARLES SCRJaNER": Bark* and Palmyra vrcre on dec! ?Burke feaS quizzically regardinj tht i-Msivv Palmyra. As though defining her ver; ughts, he yoke. "Excuse rnc. Miss,;* he *Tho.se others?" a slightly cor 'n::. wbat ? latr v- But y iii? V? h you're different. Yksure wasn't in u*r>led for their ?ittie o! Ifrdcag ?>f life. 'N&fcnve meant y-fo >h i thing lively-Uke. something u and doing:.; i'he gin laughed. * Xat t re." ?fc said. 'meant me *'? v a tfivctio. Itr" in my l?k?od." she affirmed. "First a Norseman ravaging the coasts o Engkii\d. Then. a British admir? ravaging cvciythirg else. Aiui las? id plain Ebendzer. with .lor; ravi Actios. ruling onr* mor uY'on thy coasts : England.' Burke unirned in admiration. The ?$ ). turned to go: then pa a so kn irhina back at him ever ho shoulder. "Yon, jponape Burke." sh ?a1 ; 4-you and I?I'm afraid v.uere bora too late."' At the rate the Rainbow was sai In the I'l-ntiiu^ i'w,:y. ad >he hat hoi, thui ho h.el-i !v. y last. Nov pair of arms yho >?< ! hs| ie.jr, it was evident tiio vaci.in,; soon make a landfall- indeed, a ready oyes wore peering Ihimftfe powerful glasses eekihg for th (irs: sBHdowy silhouette of the peek of Oiahu. As iho Rainbow raised the pan. lama of dead craters that stand: rather barren, above the verdai town of Honolulu, none open he decks was so expectant a.-; Palmy?' Tree. For from the chaff of I'or ::pv Burke's narration she. had wij l owed tile clean strain of beaut;.' an 1'orer.nee that is the life of this i: land world of the palm tree. He imagination was a-glow. Through the gateway of itonc ioki she was to sail on into thi world where Happiness is iiueen. She Was sail acvnjs thy ira.-i letis sea as those hroyvtt mariner of ,>!d, A? the gill, thus deep in reverb >o;l watching the distant, peak ;hf> ~*\(>r:\rr*e iv.riiv- f.f it hri>>pn . jpM- side. Taming. she starJSssj ;i pi) encountering the l.rov:r) man (alive. He ..'ifi: tongue to a few a viable: pi 1 plexeti, then fei! hack u; i.n pantomime. The hour of depsu iPi>j had cur.'.e. Scon Burke and h wiaM g' vet the .hi..- and fhrevt into ohiryior:. Palmyra smiled. She tried i overcome ber aversion, to rl-spbti to Kis attempted farewell. As !: had done, she moved to speak. fown herself helpless, returned the a mil Tht brown man, thus countei snc.nd, laid, the square finger up.) her own breast Having thus idem fieii the girl as the being of" tV drama, he raited his hand, with e. tended 'arm; straight over hir. he a She thought he invoked the Or -above. But site gave this ap vrht she ativ that he waggled, fSntterc tiro fingers. Whan she shook her head, r frretf u'bv. he abandoned the uprai e<! hand as futile. He brought o) a ring. Palmyra Tree had never set such a ring; tortoise shell inlaid wii silver. There were letters on i seemingly one word, thrirc- repeat, and so ii.'.rated bv discs?the woi l-'X-i." j Olive pointed to the letters, thi ] to the frit ! and once more held nlo I the hand rvith the moving fingei | F.ut attain she shook her head, j The brown man stood baffle I Then grinning anew, he hurrit away forward. The savage, presently retornin thrust into the. girl's hand a lith graph, an advertisement of Egy tian cigarettes. ife pointed u> the silver letters the ring and pronounced the wo: "Ni," then to her with a secoi ''NT," and to the picture with third. He dropped the ring into h fingers. At last the girl who was nam Palmtrce understood. For there the advertisement was a palmtrt The upraised hand bail symbolic i the paim?herself, Olive but soug the; watao:. a. democrat- eve R-. OSBORN ray lee ? SONS k>- to y.ivo her a ring with her name I upon it. ' When the hour of 'cavetaking| \*| canted hoc. ever he seemed to have. entered, the stlehee. and the fare-j i. \veHs devolved upon Pen ape Burke, I As the little stowaway reached; . hot in his r'v.ird he achieve*! a Mm fcloqiu it p fwlinsr. ''You've , ' i"--n kisui t'rne, nussA' he said- t , t r.-p-it'i' t'to'.gel it. Xor you J*- She shook hands with nr. uriasp stinted friendliness. "I'm sure." she - i. 'Sye shall see you again." i- Sharply he glanced at her. as jf : get* to know whether really had] h a hope- Then he shvugged. is. nci-wise. "It's a largt ean lady, k; With you and roe it's .fust lights. missing in the dark; a hail, and then ? a< thing.' A minute latt-r. Palmyra's pirates iy.cre swinging over the. side into their boat. Burke raised his hat jauntily. But! * 1 it was rather a? the savage the girl c ! looked. Over the- white man's shoulr tier he seemed to be watching her to the grill with that strangely expresI ' sionies- hot I'.:* rji stare. \\ *As that Van's arms \vt round A'kA (Arte-. ~>;< i* u-ii.' t.. .......U... u 5*< . t Palmyra faced ^brhptly away and I-} >n.iLolied tha ifc from her linger, h \r-." (it- whimpered, "I'm certainly i to have seen the last oi him." One short week ashoiv and the j good ship Rainbow was at sea again. )- j Round she \va- now far the heart of 3. | Oct ardeu. the Equatorial isles of it! Mu-ront-sia. A.> the yacht was to r j put John Thurston aboard a Philip-, a: plrio transport at Guam, only a ! it tic i southing:, said, the hostess. would !- take them in among the Gilberts, d 5 the Marshaits, the Carolines, that i-' Milky Way of atolls along the Line, r * ? which Ppnape Rorke had talked : so aiUinnfrly. (Continued Next Week) is ? ; Seed Potatoes - Ch~>r.,ieiatir.2 with cite liepatlni.-.-it. of Ajtrii nituvi fti? making .arrange) . i incnts to l<uy certified seed potatoes 5 . 1 all fatm.jrs in tin- eouitty 'vho; i: limy A-st'o them. There seems !r. Uc?i a shoirtige o? seed to supply the de-i j ma mis ?!' Watauga farmers this year' . ; ami those desiring seed should plare j. their orders with me at onee. 1 anil i-. not going into the business to moke. money Inst t", assist thfe farmers ancli ,rj only want tv. hay v sufficient amount to supply the demand. ? d- L. QLULfS \ ^vedh^ : /COSTING more pei ra V1 costs less than $4.C house ? and, as prov ft j saves $210.24 in 5 year v..! 'J, ,v _ tune-proof protection agau efj Saves repair bilis! *See 1 in store proves Quality is a b ie. |. FARMERS' HARDWj mmMMWsM&t&k RV THURSDAY?BOOXK. X. r. 'm^wwrnFl; BRIEFLY TOLD Outitanding Happenings of Week Gathered from Everywhere Condruied for the Busy Reader Rodman W'anauiCikev. son of the i late dohn vVaua maker. the merchant 1 r>rha ?. died at his homo m Atlantic ' City, last Thursday morning. He ' was *>- years of age and was said to } have been the highest insured man ir America. carrying some $7.50ugj < vvv iuf uisuvancv. Vnemph>y merit is in excess of norma) throughout the country, accoding! t?? a report by the prcsiiit.-n t of the national industrial conference hoard, given out in Xcw York recently. The report stated that there was a decline sn unemployment (hirmg IP27. but that ! -*28 the number of -jobless been increased. Atlantic City. March 15.?Samuel l\ Leeds, president. of the Allanlie City chamber of commerce, bus admitted that the parade of girls in 1 each attire ir the annual "Miss America" contest, staged here even y fall, has beer, held for the last imic. While plans are being drawn for the 192$ ".Miss America5' contest. no girls viii appear clad; in Paining' suits. Floyd Bennett and Bert Raleh'on v ill accompany Richard E. Byr'd when he takes off for his attempted flight over the South Pole. In addition to the tri'-motored Fokker. Fokker Universal and Bel Ian ca monoplanes have been assembled for the i expedition and a tri-mpiO) Ford aUI metal plane being constructed. | The i xni'dition is expected id cost: OLOlH) :niil fr,?in rt?*n ot\/I ? ?r, I tli years will be requ>re<i. Miami", i'la.. March ? With ,000.000 acre's at' rich muck lands [ ---menaced by incessant fires, solui tip** of the fire prove nriori problem : < ?::wtrable with that of the national ;\yas sowltht hcvb Sat as day at. i \ Just about fch tin ] the year hfeeUs j i a t >nic to brace liiirs up I ' after the lijiori; of win j I rev. ; : PEPTONA Is "Our Best Tonic" i i | ! 1;':. pleasant to take. Will ; not iffipi the stomach. (lives yr.tt strength and !' p^r-: Will ?rich your blood. An extra large bottle for $1.00 Boone Drug Co. The Stars *L BOONE, N. C. I V I ualiiy Paint r gallon, Quality Paint K3 more for the average ed by the cost chart* si _ ^ ^ ^ ot only gives low 5 year but gives property a mois1st decay and depreciation, low the cost chart at this ig economy. \RE & SUPPLY CO. cniletV nv?eti?}r of the Evorsrlasiesj fire control JgjkrH. KxjWt'U. ;e'.;eiully) astrt> thr.~ >:?;-! tracts of tive rich; stuck lauds arc threatened v>. tth runsj >sle? some solution is found, while] is a side issue the city of iliava: isl seeking relief from a ski)? nuts- j trice which reached the wo.-t stage j rf the season yesterday when heavy pal! of whitiMoo o sraokt darkened j the city iM se.vend hoius i nd d moralized traffic arid shipping. The] rnick lauds*, composed of decaying! vegetable matter mucK like peat,! try out each win tor arid fir:-:? spring; ;{) over t)k- scattered areas an 2 often assume serious pro portions. Sowk* tuaents of the Wamp lands ha.vcj i' 5 to 25 Mil >j\/ t 10 to 45 Mile, I No other car in T1 approach these asto And that holds cqu? There's a simple, lo tacular periurmanc pound of car weight Jrt other -words, a r engine with a new a The problem of wei of dc sign. The pro!: simplicity of parts, major body pieces) y ~ _lt _ ? * nigu power rnaoc i construction and D High speed made pi center and i;a hotly o. of body) This is Victory Derr the car and win or Demonstration Pria McCONNe: bo Me VICT by ii n n g i "loTiGrro i in i i win matte my seem on the following date unpaid 1 925 and 1 9i on or before date of Again I call attentioi ihat all taxes must 1 May. Those unpaid May. Those unpaid 1 over to the commissi levies to be made on costs. See me at th BOONE?First Monday and T NORTH FORK, March 8?The Potter's store in the af to: MEAT CAMP, March 9?Mov Sievens' store in the after BAJL.LI MUU.NTA1N, .March 1C STONY FORK, March 12?Co Deep Gap in the afternoo EI.K, March 13?Trivett's stoi BLUE RIDGE, .March 15?Sto BLOWING ROCK, March 16? WATAUGA, March 17?Collin Cruris in the afternoon. WATAUGA, March 18?Vaile vSHAWNEEHAW, March 19 ? LA OREL CREEK, March 20? and Ward's store in the i BEAVER DAM, March 21?SI Hagaman's in the aftemo COVE CREEK, March 22?Ma in the afternoon. L. Sh< -? MARCH IS. m* | Vau:e<l the tires on spontaneous combustion. bill air tao&i commonly accepted explanation ts> that ventttreti by industrial nmi agricultural interests thst the ficcs fgetierasly starfc from carelessly attended moonshine Mil! fires or those started by tin-itsrlrtU'sMv camuers. Tourist: "is the London tog realty so awfully heavy'.'" Londoner: -"'Terrible."' Tourist: "How ilo the- vehicles get along?." Londoner: "Well, the first one makes a tunnel which all the follow!:-.;: ones pass through." I I 095 uoonsimv* >. l> IV!iwi-. k\ p;?j- Hour in iecozidsi ? ill 13/2 Seconds: ]C Victory price ciar > can nishing get-away ir;uies' rliy ttna of Victory -p.'eu i gical answer to thi:. .spec- A :e ? :uje<(;ial!ct/ /*>? .<- per )C\v ant! superip " kin.! of ltd superior kind of body. ght solved thru simplicity iTcm of design solved thru (No body sills?only S "easibla by nigged Dodge odge quality materials . . . radical by a lower gravity Oerbang. (Chassis full width tonstration Month. Or; ie qf Dodge brothers bi>, l-s. (Full details on request) LL MOTOR CO. ONE, N. C. ok.y Six y i B?iaTH&R.5 TAYPAYFRS I fiiii n i kiiw id call for 1927 taxes :s at places named. All 26 taxes must be paid call. i to the law requiring be paid by the 1st of before that timeonay. >y that date will turned oners, who must order property, thus adding ie following places: uoadnys. Y'fi imns* store hi the morning and moon. etss's store in the morning and noon. i?Voting place. oK's store in the morning and at n. * re. ric's store. -Hoishouser's store. s' store in the morning and \ a'-le Crucis. Jones' store. / J\ B. Hicks' store in the morning: ifternoon. lerwood's in the morning and at on. bel in the morning and Sherwood's M. FARTHING, sriff, Watauga County.

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