KKjltT Political Events of the Past Week (Continued From Patfe One) s&id he- would go strong is? their se?;- * \ .io ns because Democrats hciiove he j i : a winner- ; ; The same editors are divided be- j < i\yeet? Secretary of Commerce Hoov* a ami Vne iTesiUent Daw es in their ] predictions < ,? the Republican ?u?n?i- < nee,. Most of them picked i'awi-:. ; explaining Unit Hoover Jacks the po- I l;iie:i! background necessary to come t to the onvenvion with more than . KiiVidrity following. i They were virtually unanimous in ? belief that the faith of the east* J jidate- would C'K hut iittie figure at the *. Icoti'ot). , Oovct.i Smith of Now Vork ar.d .^ecretai v of Commerce Herbert ! Hoover were named the outstanding ; c^didatos for their parties* presi- J dential nominations; by William ^ Green, president of the American' Feueratshii of Labor, speaking at Lima. Ohio, Sunday; Governor McLean will introduce . Senator lames A. Reed to the : Daughters of the American Me volution at their: annual state convention in Ualtdgh March 27-29. The. i senator* is to speak on the 27th. hhv-' | injr a date at the University of * ( North ( aro'ina on the same day. The; 1 coining: of the Missouri senator has < created some t"? ar in Raleigh, aecording to dispatches, in view ?.f the; ] fact that he is a ferocious opponent of certain measures being agitated' in Washington in which the overwhelming majoritv of orc;ini/ed wosiieb Iwye : great 'leal of ;ntiuest. ^ But it is noted the senator hits not: v been (juite sty ^e.vo^ouis in his earn-] { naijen a? hi the olden '.hays, i- hay- [ j injr been bbsem-ii that a? nines he \ even speaks ioyhijriy > ( Wooiiro'v j Wilson and in a pin&h is a Vie to for- ? jlbt whether or not he . - a ;>r??hi- | hitioihst 't an anti. : Prohibition Main Issue, Says Linncy That the main issue in the } h'2S 'ie.etion would he the prohibition is ' ' sue, anri such being; r-*' ease, the greatest 'uKiej.-yiuk-ni yhie 5ti the his-j ' tory of thy Country would he east, qlid that tht country \v?-uUl stand for none I pat a clean' anti honest can-; i: < i:?t - - an;l thai Soorcfury < I Conrnunee Hoover uas vftt wan of Hh hour, Very the sehtinteiits y.xjjressecl fSpHi B Suits.* She IT u ^? T-a-l-^ I -- Ii'jvrrv til in The greatest chspl ever made in Bo They are lower in have ever been sii in business?five ) We do not bandit merchandise. It < doesn't pay you. our custom: SATIS Everything goes o under a positive gi 11V./W inui.ll g SUIT PRICES I SHOES $3.50 Up WE CAN IVL I Boone - SSxSaJj&ro? &(??tS??H3f% m% 1 y Frank A. Lmuey nt Boone )i iddiess before a leathering: of l>ejubh.'ans m Wuistojr-Saiera !; >? Ki lav night, Aet--?nI'.'.v to The Journal* ?t wa--; t typical Linuey address. whose .'irsr. .stroke was to deplore the fact J hat the Demo oralis party whs shout to desert and renounce the; greatest hit of legislation it had ever, iccomplished. "The greatest bit 61 egislation the Dehiocrat ;c party ?vei passed was the eighteenth The solid south stood >ack of that nmromenl and got it r.brough. And now; if they listen to' ihv little song that's being sung' up '!\ New York. they'll defeat the greatest achievement th^vw irrivcd at." : "The is3i\t- of prohibition, 1 am o7wived, will he the ^rcaiest issue n the condn.y election," continued Mr. Lliihoy. "And it's the duty of Republicans in North Carolina to secure a mighty support bark of Hoover. I can't be Sieve that North ; REPORT OF CON WATAUGA C< it Boone, in the state of North Carol 18. 1028. RESOL -wans and Discounts Jomami Loans, school vouchers )ver drafts, secured and unsecured . Linking house. $18,500; furniture an 7ash in vault and net amounts due 1 Trust Companies ... aquj'datinn account _ . TOTAL _ .. LI AM 11. Capital Stock paid Vu Surplus I* uhd . Jot lie ided Profits, less earn?;: expen: Jills Payable - _ 'e(K>sits subject to check. Individual deposits due State of X. ? . and any djishlVr's tniflwhiniiino' I inu* ( crtif it'Htt1? c> 1 Dcposkj, < i u <' -" avir,;r.- IVm-sit:TOTAL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?I'm L (I. P. Uaj.-a?nan. cashior of th< ?wvai that the aixtw Aat.oimTt is in tohof. Stjbsciifn .; ,lmi atvotti to licfoiv i A. E, IlalSo Shi 171 !i/T .g in ifiej ay of Men's Wear j one or Watauga price than they ice we have been fears. / s cheap, shoddy rjoesn't pay us; it v ERS MUST BE >FIED ut from this store tarantee. It don't it costs to make EANGE FROM 9 Up. HATS $2.00 Up MCE IT PAY YOU T BEFORE YOU BUY Clothing <i???% i?i ?! ? HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE '"; :<.>::::a v>lj' over Mjtr. pro hiMelon." ? ? Di??cr*?s ''Setting Pretty'* Ih-.' "jlhnnoeiv.io 1 ;?t:M>f?a! commit' Uv v. '. l\j start its 11?2S cainyaiirn. Chairman Olpm Shever anno km -. 1 ins sum will li^ left aftes che 19'J4 .deficit is paid <?fx. he >au?. "3on;.'" Platform Arthur L. GiHibisi, attorney general i:j Inuiaiia. ins announced his candidaex ' >r the Republican ser.alorial n* nfinatibh ' a iriutforin of ":>! ohibit I - without fanaticism and hypocrisy, and Americanism without Mortgages Wanted Money to loan on both fir3t and second mortgages. on real estate securities, at h-gal rate of interest. National Finance & Brokerage Co.. 110 N^sen BIdg\. Winston-Salem. N:. C. 2-23 tt DITION OF THE 3UNTY BANK ina. at the close of business February TtCES $032*417.89 32,<507100 I 24.02 d fixtures. SI.000.00 22,500.00 rem Bank-. Bankers :uui _ _ . . _ ;i8,G-I8.3:> 20.484.44 .$740,394.OS IT IKS .... S -50.000.00 i .... .. 44,000.001 s-s arid tuxes paid .. _ 9,121.70 | 10,000.00: I . 192,-899.' I I | official thereof 13,559.15 ...... . . 3,734.47 j or after 20 days. . 389,772.92 i . 78,307.30 | ... . ..... $740,39 4.?K! tihr.y iff Wrttau^a, MfVrch s. 1 '.ijs. >. above named Bunk, do solemnly j if to the ! si 01 my knowledge and] c: p irw:i\:'.v wo, this l.'Uh iJay of March, lf?28 ! >Ol Mi. Clerk Superior Court; Correct ?Attest: Is. I. M.VST. H- fK)l GHKRTV. Directors. rls, and if si s Wear 11 O SEE US Store I RY TH L" R S J >AY? >'.<)(>X i . N. (_\ i Washington. March 11. Request! | Cot- . i\ -.iiOu applanation with j which to make a topomupturn I suir-'j \ v<*v\ and 'uis'n b\ the Great Smoky j Xatiotial Park was sub-! milted on Monday to Chairman 1 Madden ?>t the house appropriations | j eoinnnUee. Congressman Temple,' 11?? Pennsylvania, who ip chairman of j j the southern Appalaciuaittji Park con)-1 !.mission. hea|fed the delegation that! ; nvesenic-d the request. Cone-res^-j i men Weaver and Doughton of North = ; Carolina seconded the motion. Republican Convention j The Republicans of \Yataujra| ' Comity. N. C.. are called to meet in j i Saturday, March 24. J^2K at: | 12 to., to elect, delegates to the state j v : .t-iiiuM: wr.icii ir.ee is 111 Kuicign April li. 1928, also delegates fccf the -iiig: ess-ional and senatorial conven!ions and transact such other business as may come before the cony.en-; The .chairmen of the differentj township* are urgently rciiuested to i call their township conventions on the 2y5i"d of March at 2 o'clock p. ni. \ l and elect delegates to the county ' '-.invention. One delegate for every \ i'-.vonly-five Republican votes cast in ] 'the last election. A full delegation j I expected. Every Republican come. ' ' This March 5, 1928. W. FI. GRAGG, Chin: ; -i. C RAY. Secretary. ' " Tire IS YOUR CAR SHOE HER WI IaiLVLK I U silvertown: PRO( is tf TRY SOME. * |S?|ls SUA'El WilHMMEBDnBBMBnCMMII^^nWMIMMIIIMIICaiHnUUI iyr Vfj? 1WE HAVE YOUR NE Plows Harrows Fertilizer Drills Planters Wagons I A 1CU EiCdl Seedt It always pays to see uj ne Farmers Han Everything i if '/V:' ' : M ; %Jff 1j V MARCH 13. I: JS Miss Hazel Cook is Back on the Job... Miss Hazel Cook, who has been away for the winter, employed in a Beauty Shop in South Carolina, is now back on the job in the nice, new, well equipped Beauty Parlor located in the rear of the Sanitary Btirber Shop, under Hodges Drug Co. Miss Cook is better prepared than ever to render the very V best of service in beauty culture. Call, phone or write her for an appointment. U >c? JL AM. A SHOD GOOD? IF NOT, WE CAN TH THE FAMOUS GOODRICH WN. NONE BETTER. TO RIDE ON 5 IS TIRE SATISFACTION. I 3F OF THE PUDDING IE EATING THEREOF. i ~ ]f ./f - * ~ ^ _ I r liiuior to. ( (TOWN DEALERS 1 2: r_r^SE2S358SI :eds ? Binders' Hardware Paint (we got it) Carload of? t Cement Fencing t Nails fi i, all kinds Sewer Pipe ills Roofing IB 198 > first; we are here to serve you. Tell us your :ds and we will* do the rest iware & Supply Company 1 in Hardware and Associated Lines \ BOONE, N. C. I h^hhhhhhhhuhhhesshbbhhhhhJs!

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