V\ VOX. XXXIX, NO. 6 - ? Early Spray for Apple and Peach Orchards Horticulturist Prophesies Bumperj Crop nnd Advises improvement it>. ! Quality, to Secure Good Price | There is every indication ol" a large crop of apples and peaches in! Watauga younty this year, thinks H.! H. Niswoswcer, extension hovticul-i tursst <>f State college, who was u.\ recent visitor here. The factorsj which are responsible for this possible for a normal, or bumper crop, says Mr. Niswonger, are the short production of last year in most of the orchards and the weather conditions this winter that have heldj back the blossom buds. Market con-j ditions following a heavy production j from the orchard sections usually | means low prices but the grower who | Harvests a largo quantity of fruit; per tree having good color, free from; blemishes alid properly graded will be able to make a satisfactory margin of profit during a period of low , prices. Bear this in mind and. strive to the utmost to grow fruit- of this kind by a thorough application of summer sprays. Mr. Nisvvonger recommends the following sprays to improve quality ( and production: Early Sprays for the Apple Delayed Dormant?This is a spray j put on just as the tips of the leaves are appearing consisting of either! the lime sulphur or oil sprays at the' same strength as used for the dor ' mant application; that is, 15 pounds of the dry lime sulphur 01 5Vi gallons of the liquid?the oil sprays according to the recommendation of the manufacturer of the brand you have been using. These spray ma torials will get the scale insects and frtnnv of the aphids and apple scab which often appear at this time. Pink Bud Spray Begin spraying when the blossom bud clusters are separating and the xips show pink. Use lime Sulphur, pounds of the dry or 5 quarts of the lifiiiid Kit 'Pi,;--. primary spray for tin: apple scab. Don't miss it. If aphids are present ,-udd ane-balf pint of black leaf !0 I" the SO gallons of water. Don't use oi! sprays alone at this. time. Calyx Spray Pogiti spraying when the majority ?f tliu flowers hove dropped, using the lime sulphur solution nga>? at the stupe strength as for the pink bud spray to which in added I pounds of arsenate of load. This combination of sprays will got the apple worm or reddling moth arid also the apple scab which is still spreading to the fruit. Success in control of the apple worm is dependent on a thorough application of this poisoned spray at this time, using an extra amount of spiny solution per tree. Early Sprays for Peaches First spray?When most of the flowers have dropped. ( Second spray?When .the shucks surrounding- the little peaches begin to shed. . Use for each spray 1 pound of arsenate of lead in 50 gallons of water, to which has beer, added pounds of lump lime or 5 pounds of h yd rated liuic. This gels the eurcu lio or the peach worm that works in, the fruit. Picking up the dropped peaches later on and destroying these will aid you in cohtroliiiig the peach worm. TUTORING DRY AGENTS . A school in methods of prohibition enforcement has opened in Atlanta/ with Webster Spates of Washington; an the teacher, and a number of dry 1 agents from North and South Cam-! lina, Georgia and Florida are in at-' tendance. The school, according to' the director, ia for the purpose o; discussing court, arrest and.evidence' procedure. RED GIRL SLAYS WHITE MAN i i , Alturas, Cal., March In.?-CassieI Turner. Indian giri, was called be-j fore the white man's tribunal toj answer for the slaying of Robert' Declute. Her defense is that Bec-1 lute, after she had refused to marry; him, asked her to shoot him, and; Jack Sharp, attorney, announced he; would contend that Deelutb knew1 enough of Indian psychology *to rea-, Hze that the girl would comply^ with' his strange request with the same j willingness as she would give him nj giass 01 water. Lowjen and Smith in North Dakota Fargo, N. D. March 20.?Thirteen votes for Frank O. Dowden in the! Republican presidential convention I and ten for Governor Alfred Smith ir. the Democratic were pledged by the North Dakota electorate in today's statewide presidential preference primary. Those two presidential possibilities were unopposed and their in-! dovsement- was merely a formality,' incident to the selection of delegates' 'o the two nntiona'i conventions and"'; naming of Presidential electors. /ATA1 A Non-Partisan N? BOO IPOUTKAL EVENTS' OF THE PAST WEEK i Highlights of Politic^] Activity of 1 Both Major Parties ^Summarized From Recent News Dispatches. From Over the Country RcpuMieans Miet Saturday 'j he Watauga county Hepubiican convention will meet at the courthouse here Saturday at noon for the purpose of electing delegated to the .state, congressional and judicial conventions. Smith Only Hope For Success Some rattier noteworthy developments in the interest of Governor Smith have been noted during- the past day or so, says a Washington Specie) of March 17 to the Greensboro Daily News. Colonel Robert N. Harper, president of the District National bank, told the Daily .News today that there could be no question Concerning the entire availability of the New York governor, that his nomination would be both wise and logical from every point of view, and chiefly for the reason that it would afford the Dmecorals a real chance to win. Democrats opposed to the nomination of Governor Smith concede the effectiveness of such arguments as nuie by Colonel Harper, long a close friend of the late W. J. Bryan. They say that if it should be needed that more- money could he raised to prosecute a Smith campaign than has been employed in running the campaign of all the candidates for pves lc.ent since the foundutiof- of the republic. II gives weight to the contention of the pro-Smith forces that the nomination of the governor of the empire slate would give the party a chance to put a man in the White House *' ' Though a dry, Methodist and a Republican. Dr. Edward T. Devinc, graduate dean at American university here, declared today that A1 Smith i-' his first choice for president. "1 admire Governor Smith," said Dr. Devinc, "l>eoaur,e I lived in Nev; York for many years, and hud an opportunity to study both, the mini and his work. He has a genius for government that is probably unmatched today. He thoroughly understands the problems of government, especially in thc-ir social aspect In isiv mind there >\s no doubt that ho would make a great president. I say this not 03 a politician, but as a student and one who has no active association with politics or politicians. 1 say it despite the fact that he is; a wet, a Catholic and a Democrat, and i am none of these. "I am a dry, but it is absurd to rhir.k that Governor Smith would break clown prohibition enforcement, or that as president he could affect this question at all. "Prejudice against him based on religious feeling is not to be thought of. but I can say this; 'fheve is not an nance of bigotry in Governor Smith, us his reply to Charles Marisdvall showed. That was a masterly document. Stys CaniKdr.tr: Must Speak Out Lancaster, Ohio. March J 7. ? With what appeared to be an indivpii shot at Herbert Hoover, prohibition was Ki aught to the tore in Of,in':; Itepublican primary campaign here today by Senator Frank B. Willis. who declared in a speech- that the voters this year will stand for no dodging on the issue by presidential candidates. "Campaigns cannot be won by evasion," said the senator, who is fighting it out with the Commerce secretary for Ohio's 51 delegates to the Kansas City convention. "Consequently in the contest of 1028, it may as well be understood at the outset that the people will demand and are entitled to receive definite and unequivocal assurance of the position of candidates regarding the ISth amendment and the enforcement of the law. "Voters will respect candidates or parties that clearly state. their Position, but thev will -not- cove tlion. support to those who seek (o equivocate, to evade and to camouflage. Partial answers will not do. The statement -of principles must be definite and courageous; otherwise, defeat will come. It is too late in the history of the Republican party for it to tread the oaths of cowardice or nullification." Catholic* Have No Interest in Smith Candidacy Route, March 18.?The campaign of Governor Smith of New York for the presidency of the United States does riot, interest the Vatican, Cardinal Mudelein of Chicago said tonight in the first interview he has aororded to American newspaper correspondents since his arrival here, ."During my whole week's stay in Rome the subject was not broached once to or by me in either of my two audiences witli the pope or any A (Continued on Page Eight) LJGA ' ] awspaper. Devoted to the B MIS. WATAUGA COUNTY. XOltTH CA1 Sim Tate Acquitted of J Bank Robbery* Charge i Evidence Was Thak Watauga Boy Was Forced Into Episode by Noted Cvimiual Fi j Attorney William E. Lovill returnj-fd Monday night. from Vega, Texas, where he went to defend young Simeon Tate j?l" Boone, accused ofj ! complicity in the robbery <*f a bunk | at Wiilboro, Texas, a few weeks ^ : ago, and brings back the- news of the r, i acquittal of the local boy by the rH ; Texas .jury. Mr. Lovill was iccom- >)( panied on his return by Mr. F. C. 7. Tate, father of Simeon; the trip fa having been made by motor. m The story of how the seventeenyear-old boy happened to be come entangled in the bank-robbing epi- rc socle is interesting and is not unlike some pages from Horatio Alger's sl] novels. Young Tate had gone, to At- a lanUi, G&., in quest of employment. ^ He had failed to secure work, had ^ used all the money he had taken from home ami wis beginning to get pretty blue when he iyas accosted by a feliow giving his name as Aubrey n. Ray. who advised Tate he could find ^ a job for him without difficulty. tj. Young Tate told him be knew of u, work 011 an oil project in Texas, but | fr was broke and would have td stay in a) Atlanta for the time being. Whereupon, Ray flashed a considerable roll of money, pointed 011 this automobile and assuring Tate of his willingness to help a boy in trouble, suggested ^ that they go to Texas together. The young man found in Rny an excel- P1 j lent companion and the two enjoyed j le. a pleasant journey to the Lone Star state. However, when thev arrived at Willboro and parked the car near ^ | a small bank, the demeanor of the genial' Kay changed. He told Tate l-1 They were going to rob the bank. P' The youngster absolutely refused to! 6 have anything to do with the deal, j ^ Kfit his protests were without avail, j ^ | He was made to get from the car} <*' l and at the point of a gun march in & j front of the criminal to the bank. I i Once inside Pay quickly covered the! : cashier, reduced a gecoiui pistol and j di I ordered the frightened by to ' hold*. ?? him" a rain lite, lie looted the vault, i * ? i turned quickly and found Tate gone, < M * only to return in a monnyat under ( shotgun guard of two citizens. Kay he! dwho .coshic-i; with an automatic ^ in his chest and told the new arrivals . i> they made a move he would kill tthc cashier. Protecting himself -M with the iife of the official, he ;ii j forced Tate to drive the car audi *1 t they took speedy leave. The cashier' vc | was freed h short distance out olnj J the highway and the couple proceed-} ^ . fed to a neighboring village whore a j r 'stop was made at it "garage for ro-j al j pair work. There Kay was accosted j t by an officer who inquired Jis to ihci | ownership of the car. Tate \\ us j P I j some distance away and the officer! ! was cited to him. Quick as a flash j ? j Ray was gone and Tate was nrrgst&d j and placed in jail. "Mot satisfied with the day's work j the notorious robber proceeded to} ^ rob two other banking establish- j ^ meats within live period of :t few j ^ days and was fumllv ,?n reeled in > . ! Oklahoma City. He proved tr. be i an eseoped convict from the Austin t j penitentiary, having been sent ttii-rr v ; for 03 years, He has already been g ! tried for the last two robberies and (l( given two sentences of ?!? years Young: Tate is remaining in Texas asj p. i witness, against Ray in" the case in j which he became innocently involv- w ed, and will return to his home as p. soon as the hearing is over. jji Attorney J-ovill hail little mlfient- ,pty in securing the acquittal of Tate ;l ] when hi;; evidence was presented to iK the court, and says public senti- 'tl. merit was overwhelmingly in support u] of his client. STATE S. S. CONVENTION MEETS IN CONCORD IN APRIL ?r Beginning Tuesday night, April 10 and continuing through Thursday . < night, the 12th, the annual State j, ! Supday School convention under the p j auspices of the North Carolina Sun- j ! day School association, will be held . j in Concord. General sessions of the ^ | convention Will be held on Tuesday (l] I night, April 10, and Wednesday and * I Thursday mornings and nights, the ! | 11th and 12lh, in the First Bani.isi church, which will he the convention (j headquarters. The afternoons of Wednesday and Thursday will he de- ~ voted to departmental conferences, which will be held in the First Pros- ? hyterian and Central Methodist ? churches. yn hi The price of horseradish has ad- fv vanced 300 per cent to 27 cents a M pound on the Chicago market as one i of the results of the Mississippi I floods. The Illinois chamber of | commerce reports whole counties of j horseradish wiped out. Wild horse- j' radish, which has a fearful kick, is being substituted in the boiled beef ^ industry. r? , w We do not print this for its wit hi Nor its poetic grace. in ! We don't, care what it says a bit SI It's jus! to fill the space. ih " . DEM< est Intere ?^of Northw< JO UNA, TF 5* DAY, MARCH 2! ILOWVa ROCK'S C fC. TO MEET rcsj- H. C. Martin Requests Fu. ktlendance, as Plana for Summer Advertising Are, To Be Discussed By RTJPFRT GfBLETT Blowing: Rock, March 22-?H. C. aviil'i Wftolrldni I-I?A , j,, vi mg uiv/tviuj; ock Chamber of Commerce, iin>ur>?cd Wednesday that the ehnmkr will meet next Tuesday night 'at 30 in the school auditorium to acuss important plans for the sinner season. "This meeting/' Mr. Martin said, vill be of particular interest to toming house owners and to all .her business men who cater to the ircmer trade. We are to consider plan for placing the names of lowing Rock rooming houses anil isiness firms before summer visors who might otherwise never hear : them, "To do this, however, we shall ?ed the entire co-operation of all ho wish to have the advantage of te advertising plan that we have ruler consideration. We arc, thereire, requesting a full attendance by I who are interested in having a >od summer season." The play, "Unacquainted with "orkt" which had its premiere in lowing Rock two weeks ago, was resented last Friday night before a rgc audience at the Cove Crock gh school. The 'proceeds, amount-' tr tl> will K.V .r.,rw1? 1 to school and the Blowing Rock and, which piTUejpjated in the logram. Those in the cast of the were Glenn Coffey, .Jay Knight, ynum Crisp. Fred Spann. William olshouser, William White, Lucy lillianis, Klixahcth Suduer.Lh, Lule Keid, Lucille Coffey and Rubv it: hards. Yh? play, 4.;S\mshi?ie,** under the ivoction of .si; :- Pottrlo Webb, is ?iw\i rehearsed by a local talent -.si for presentation at some date in ic future. ? kc i 1 gj|| | feti Neavly evcr.s boy in the Blowing ock high school who has reached \c mputo.l age is making applivao? for admission to the Citizen*1 [iliinry Training Camp to be held Fort Brugs this summer. Among ose 'yho are making application or msidcrhsg it are Fred $pah?, Wii \m Lent:-:. William Hnisbouser, ynum Crisp Paul Foster and Glenn of toy. Several others intended tti )|>ly. hut they learned that they mid not be accepted unless they e seventeen' before the camp -V | GUNTY FISH AND GAME n.im nrit.n<5 fjnf mpptimc A lacy..- mihrber >f sportsmen of it- I'.i.ty and county at large, attendt the meeting of the Wat a OCT uurrty Game ami h'iah Chib SaturH evcWi.'K- Tin; gather-rhp was at ic Daniel Boom; hotel ami jr.uch inpcrf was manifest a- discussion:-", ere entered into. Mr; .1. \Y. cyan, county game and fish war Ml, who during the nasi year noted that fish from the local hatch y did not seem to thrive, arrivotl the conelasion that when the fish ere planted they were too small to rve a chance with the snakes and g fish of the larger streams Irereforc-. it was agreed upon that number of brooding pools should i constructed and that the young out. should be eared for in these rtil about sis inches long. The ub proposes to feed the fish and r, Bryan thinks practically 100 c cent of the output of the hatchy would survive if handled in this anner. The proposition of a-deer park 50 came up for consideration. Hon. A. Liriney offered to furnish the ub one hundred acres of land for period of ten years, provided a itable fence shall be placed around c boundary. This the club proises to do with the aid of the cottuThe fencing should cost npoxinrately $1,001). Dr. J. M. niHypg filerr yrvjfi.a fi? nf^nv rrt 1 llrt re? of land for a deer preserve., ride H. Phillip?, head of the deirtinent of conservation and dedopment. in a letter to Warden cyan, has heartily endorsed the evament for the park and promises s support. Young deer \yiil be imished from preserves in the Mt, itcheil section. Will* Fortune to Pet Dog Denver, Colo.?Shep. a shaggy old >g. need not worry about the lure. He has inherited part of a rtune of $110,000. Fred H. Forster, an eccentric Denver resident, tiled almost his entire fortune to s pet dog- Shep and to other canine habitants of the state of Colorado, iep had been Forrester's pal for a -cade. * '*>:- -;'^r ' DCR^ sst North Carolina J, 1928 i Nearly Million in j State's Public Schools I Figures for 1926-27 Disclose Chert j Were 824,151 Children in North Carolina Schools. | Raleigh March IS.?There were I 824,151 public school children in | North Carolina in the school veai : 1926-27, according to tabulation? ? just completed. j 'Of this number 571,056 or G9.3 j per cent an- white children ? and 125*1,005 negro or Indian. Or divided according to school location thereare 015,488 rural children and 1 208,005 city children enrolled in I each resneetivo tvne of stfimftl In other words, there are about three rural children to every city child. The enrollment in public elemental 5 and secondary schools of the state has increased from 135,181 in 1900-1001, the first year of the period under consideration, to 824,151, the last year for which statistics are available. At the present average rate of increase of more than 150,000 annually, the state department of education expects within three more years the enrollment to be double 1900-01. The most recent statistics available for the nation is for the year 1*925-26. During thai year there were more than 30 million children of school age. that is, from-five to 17 years, inclusive. Of this number 25,000,000 a. or approximately 82 per cent, were enrolled in school, and 20,000,000 on an average atitended every day. ; In the 16 southern states theic fare neatly 10,000,000 school chilIdren, Texas having the largest number, 1,210,127. North Carolina the j second largest number. Maryland I- has the smallest enrollment of any southern state, 263,249. 511 Mnvt.li Oin Afliiiiil nrin .skis im-Iudos ail between the a#es of r. mii?l , inclusive, I WILL TAKE CENSUS OF DEAD j CAME BIRDS AND ANIMALS | A II I..-us of til ' dead, thi first I undertaking of this vha'ractei to he j tried in North 'Cavoii'ia. has been iuunrhed. The dead in this ease will be tin* number of gajne birds and annua1.:-: taken in the state during h< hunting sS'n just closed, Ik Wyke, deputy game and fish comiftissionoi. announced yesterday. The census will ho in the nature of a survey of ganje condition* the state. it win be carried on by . means 01 : return postal card mailed to every hunter in the state on the number game birds and animate killed during the season. One hundred and tv. emy-H . e thonsnnd return cards, Mr. Wyke said, are being: mailed out ifom the department of conservation rvnri development'by Dir?_t tor Wade H. Phillips with requests that the blanks I be filled in and mailed back to-the i department nnmedtnt; y. I " Tiii' report," r< minuet! the depu! ty commissioner. "is one whirh every ! biiui ;n I.:: .pplieafioo for :: !i: tin- nerved to make at the vlose of i the season. )t is important thst j every '. '.inter make this report in ori -.lev that accurate information iiiay i In- obtained regai'dins game coo j iiit ions in tlio state. 'liiiormaUon complied from the | survey win show definitely the sup' Ply (if various types of {nunc in thcdiffevent sections of the state or.d ! will provide a basis "upon Which will rest many of the solutions of game nrobletns in North Carolina. It will help to show how the supply ran be increased for the benefit of every hunter." "fn your sworn application for license under the state same law you agreed to report at the er.d of the season the numbv and kind of bird# and animals taken by you were taken," says the report blank. "The. ! (V.... - , ov ^atitc! i-?i mil jny yc 11 j;i wt help in solving the problem.- of came conservation. Will you, therefore, kindly fill in. sign, ami return the attached postal card at once" The information so sent cannot be used as a basis fov law violation." SAYS IT'S ALL FALSE ! Tire editor of The Democrat is in I receipt of the following letter from jJohn II. Taylor of Newland: "1 hold yon responsible for the piece printed in the Watauga Demo] crat paper until you give the name 1 of the other. In regard to the late John Dula and myself, as it is all false." Mr. Taylor evidently referred to the following paragraph which appeared in The Democrat, ot March 16: "Information from Newiand is to the effect that a coroner's jury returned a verdict that Dula came to his death dpe to an accident. It is thought that he missed his footI ing and fell over the cliff, death | resulting. It is also reported that , warranty have been issued for a : tan by the name of Taylor in connection with the case, Taylor being the las! ioan Dula was seen with." . ... - FIVE CENTS A COPY 'WIGNERGETS 25 TO 30 YEARS : Sentence of Slaying Dexter S. Byrd, However. Will Run Concurrently . | With That tor the Slaying of Earl ! Moody; Verdict Friday ; In Wilkes superior court last Fri' day morning, Judgb Michael Schenek ! sentenced Hub Warner to serve not j j less than 25 nor move than ol> years in the state prison for the murder ,j of Dexter Byrd at Foscoe on ChristJ mas day, 1920. ' Wagtner was sentenced last An; pcust to a term of not less than 15 | nor more than 20 years in the state i wcmtcuciitiy ior cne 51 aying oi itfari j Moody, his victim. The sen!tence imposed Friday is to run con! currently with the former sentence, , so Wagner's actual minimum time of 25 years and his maximum time thirty years. If he is a good prisoner he will likely serve the minimum, but at that he will be 57 years I old when he is released. I \V, C. Newland 01 defense counsel, made a touching final ?>lea in behalf of the prisoner just before the sentence was pronounced. The jury received the case late Thursday afternoon and deliberated an hour and a half before bringing in a verdict of second degree murder. Wagner on the Stand Wagner took the stand Wednesday and told his own story of the shooting. He did not state that he shot to kill. as he did in the Moody triah but he stated it was "in defense of his own life. His story remained unshaken in the main and his poise upon the witness stand indicated that lie still retained the nerve which gained for him a dangerous name in his own community The bloody underclothes and shirt worn by Bvrd when lu- was killed were exhibited by ix witness, Kalph who helped t" take them from Byrd-s lifeless body. The binding fit' I'Hn ??i ??r 1 K,. bullet, showing tin* deadly aim Wagner used, ami another hole was m the underwear at. the spot revering -the right groin. Then was ;i | tiftiu in the left shoulder of the stiiirt, which the ?t*ie stressed, contending that the last, shot was fired int.-. ByrdV body after it had slowly CO ikipred to tiie ground. Mrs. Judd iS'.ienci. mother of the , i defendant, was a tolling witness in ' her son's behalf. She Saw a part of ! the first homicide and was out in h. front yarn when tier.son shot and kiilid F.vrd a short distance away. It was Mrs. Wagner, who . i swore at the trial of Huh for kilting Moody that she saw a small object ill Moody's hand, arid site r.estiiiod that later she found a leaden blackjack with a string to it in : Moody's rap. In her testimony ' Wednesday she told practically the > same state of facts about the actual I killing of ByeI as that told by her json. .She said she saw tlyrd raise slie- shotgun and thru saw her son swing his pistol around-, end start i shooting. Mrs. Wagner took l'yrd'r fingers y from the shotgun, she testified. Uuby Taylor, who was with Wagner as he walked up the railway j tracks from the scene fof the first. ; jailing;, was standing ay his side i vihi'n he shut. hyrt!. helped to pet the ! shotgun from under the prostrate ! form. | Wagner himself testified that I liyrd asked. '"Wagner. ,v'l:at is ail ' this trouble about?d? you, I am | giong to kill you," and started to | raise the shotgun. Wagner said j Byrd waited for no reply. He then i shot in self-defense. pulling the J trigger as fast as he could. He shot three times, ail of the bullets taking effect. Kyrd carried an automatic shotgun which was found to, be fully loaded when it was oxami ihed. The Taylor girl threw the i gun in the Wagner yard when it I was finally extracted. That was done i .i, 1.. *1? auiiuov \> H.II buc mcipowering: and disarming of Waged. The state's inability to shake the testimony of the defendant, his ijiother and the Taylor girl prob; ablv saved Wagner from the extreme j penalty of first degree murder. ' CONGRESSMAN HAS KEPT ! CIGAR GIVEN HIM BY GRANT i Wethershold. Conn., March 21-? i Hart Fenn, congressman from the i first Connecticut district, has a cigar that is pretty near half a century j old. He keeps it in a tin box. It is one of his treasured possessions, as it was handed to him by President U. S. Grant, j The representative. a former newspaper* man, was interviewing : Grant, during the Garfield-Hancock campaign when the general lighted a cigar ami passed another to his interviewer. Fe.r.n quickly substituted it for one in his rocket sSnd has preserved to th;.- present day.

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