sL MARCH 32, 1923 I SundaySchooi 1 ' LessonT fc&V tB.vR?;". P. a. PiTZ'.VATB)'. I>.\)., Dean ???:' Aloo'ly Bible Iprtitute of Chi?:??so.> (CO. 102.*. Western Nf-vepatwr I'rion.* Lesson for March 25 REVIEW?JESUS PROCLAIMS THE KINGDOM OF GOD GOGUKN TEXT?And Jesus went .about ail l*?t- cilia utid viliSgesj teachiins: in tlxcil syna^ogru'e? and preachim? the gospel c( the K.tnprtoni. and heal?gj?? J opt their sickness vuid every disease. PHI3IAilY TOPIC? Stories About le?C;? JUNIOR TOPIC ? .Mark* Stories fSSr About Jesus. INTERMEDIA TR A ND f?EMIOR TOP,IC?How Josfcts Beftau His Work. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP? >IC?The Early Ministry of Jesus. T)w method or review must always . }be determined by the genius of' the i earlier, the grade of the school, and the aptitude of the pupil. For the senior and adult classes perhaps the ,:eo.??. profitable method will be to .summarize the facts of each lesson uud to study tlie main teaching thereof. Since the great personality around 'which all tlie facts and teachings of the quarter gather is Jesus Christ. it ought not to he difficult to plan a review. Whatever plan is used, the teacher should have the matter thought out and assignment made to the different scholars a week ahead of time. The following suggestions are made: Lesson for January 1. John the Baptist came ih fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy announcing the advent of the Messiah. The leading lesson is that Jesus is the Messiah, the Sou of God. as witnessed hy John tlie Baptist and the Voice from the open heavens. Lesson for January 8. Jesus taught . with authority and demons!rated it hy conquering demons, healing fever. Js and cleansing n leper, Christ ? is able to savo unto the uttermost, to deliver from al? kinds of sickness and snlnhie nmvi?i-? Lessor, for January 15. Jesus Erecty g;ive Himself to flu? task <>f bosiMug: the of the people and 'forgiving their sins, and the lending lesson Is Uud Jesus has not only pdwer to heal i he ??f the body but to forgive sin, which is the cause of disease. Lesson for January 22. Jesus Jived Ills life in conformity with, Conflict with the Jews over :i!" matter of ChrisCs disregard ot their laws of fasting and the Snbbath was due either tc their fai'ure to utitijSB&ftnil GOfVs law or to its perversion. Human welfare can be realised only through conformity to God's law. Lesson for January 29. With the Increase, of the fame of Jesus came increase of opposition. In spile of the opposition by Ells enemies He continued His niighty works in easting out demons and ministering to those; iu need. Lesson for February 5. Jesus was misunderstood by ll?r> friends, His family and feiiow townsmen, and yioIlcntly opposed by the .scribes and Pharisees. A spiritual nature Is necessary in order to understand Christ. t-cason Tor r-coruary Y?. JOSUS' showed Himself the master teacher] In picturing truth concerning Hisj kingdom, so as to conceal the truth! from those who were not in sympathy with Him and by interpretation to be understood by His disciplesLessen for February 10. .testis' deity was manifested In calming tlie i storm-tossed sea and tn healing the i demoniac. Because of what Jesns is i we shotii-J confide in Him. Lesson for February 26 .iysnsj raised from 'lie ilead Juirus' dttugh- j ier and healed the womau who had been Stflicted for twelve years. Only ; a divine being rotild raise the dead, j Lesson for March 4. .lo*iis cniled'j twelve men aud sent them forth to j preach the gospel of the kingdom., Those sent forth were furnished with j power to lieal diseases. Lesson for March 11. Christ bud I catnpasslou upon the vnultltudes and created food to supply their hunger. Our small gifts and possessions, when placed at the Lord's disposal, are sufflcient for liny. need. Lesson for March 18. Christ denounced tlie eriipty forms and trndftlnne /if lha Pltn>>fditibt> >?d c 1.-> aiMi niiTMifll I that defilement can only come from' llie heart | FOR SALE There will be sold in the town oi Butler, Tenn., on April 5, 1928, at public auction, through a trustee's sale, one practically new residence consisting of six rooms with two additional building lots adjoining the corner lot on which thebuihlings are now located. This property is located in one of the best residential sections y>f the town, on a good"sur faced street, near the Baptist church. This property will go at a bargain as the owner is out of the state and will not he there to protect liis interests. It is now almost a foregone conclusion that the Whiting Band Mill will he located in Butler with railroad going in North Carolina. This alone will greatly enhance property in the city. ___ I.OST?On February :>, a bunch of keys between Boone and Vilas on No. GO. Finder return to Democrat and receive $5 reward. 2t EYE SPECIALIST I ha- ?? been licc^?] by exiucination > j by the State Box ids ?f Exarmr^rs of | r North Carolina. South Carol: n-\ ar.l Tor.- j 9 nesscft and pronounced thoroughly own- i j ?stent to cxaisioe ey?is ar.f t his notice, or same will be plead : ijt 11 bar of their recovery. Ail per-j ions! indented to the estate will come j re orward and make immediate pay- v at. j fa This March 8, 1928. J m. MRS. H. J. HARDIN, 1-8-6 Administratrix, j v-j 40TICE OF MORTGAGEEJs" SALF. j X By virtue of the power of sale. do contained in a certain mortgage deed hi] x ecu ted by Hairs ten ShuU and wife, in] Dakota ShuU, to J. J> Winkler on he 15th day of January, 1928, to M Secure the payment of the sum' of liti >305(1 80 which said mortgage is re- sfc rorded in the office of the register Gi >1 needs lor Watauga county injpc Book Z at page 191, and default ro laving keen made in the payment of to the sum of money as therein pro- er tided, I will ovi Monday. March 20, d< 1928, between the hours of 10 a. m. M and 2 p. m., at the courthouse door 3S of Watauga county, sell to the high- C< est bidder for cash the following a described real estate, to-wit: G Beginning on a stake at the in- to tersection of the Blowing Rock high- tt way and Winkler's road, runs south !o 17 degrees west to a stake in the a? railway right of way; thence north to 36 degrees west with said right of 2! way 22 poles to a stake. E. G, Farlh- ni ingV. line: then an east direction j m with said Farthing's line 12 poles to I the highway; then south 33 degrees j cast with highway, 17 1-4 poles, to I 8 the beginning, containing 1 1-1j ? acres, mere or less. j 3 This 2nth day of February, 11)28. L. WINKLER. Mortgagee j cc Sale of Land for Taxes U: By order of the Board of County}**1 Conimissioru is, and by virtue of the j |s power vested in me by law, I will on J ] ' Monday, Aprifr 2, 1928, between[ the hours of 10 a. m and 2 p. m.,j P* it the courthouse door in Boone, sell j to the hichost liifirinv fr>r I'?cli l n: sanpfy taxes to the amount and for v' the years indicated, tlie land'i of the :following delinquent tax payers: :>Boonc Township "1 Laws, Don, l lots, 1925.. ,S 6.S6 ei Logan, D. L. I lot, 1925. .. 20.75 Little, It. <' , 10 aires, i-1 interest, 1926-26' ....... 540-03 ' Little heirs. 55 seres, 1-.4 in- ~ let-cat, 192S-26 10.36 P MeNenl, C. I-'. 1 lots, 11125 . . 8.20 Mitier. \V. U., 188 acres, < ? 1925-26 111!.25 st Morels, Miss i.oncv, 2 lots, W 1925 3.58 -r< Morctz.Sji Vilus, 2Mi lots, , 3 925-28 . . .- 14.691 V.eNeal, A. T.. I lots (Winkler Addition). 1926 7.2(1 j N Morel/, Ralph, '. lot. 1926. . 16.11 Miller, .Marvin K.. 1 lot, 192C 8.151 N Prevelte, Edward, 2 lots. 5.19 Penny. Miss Josie L., 1 lot, 11 (Winkler Addition), 1326 1.0)0 Penny, H. \V., 1 lots (Dariie) Boone Park), 1926 .. 89.60 R< Parson, A. E., 1 lot, Main street, 1026 39.00 iteece and J. \V. McBri.le, 1 lot. 1926 45.00 Rogers, Coy, 1 lot. Oak street, 1926 24.72 M Setzer, I>. L., 30 acres, 1925 in add 1926 21.30 Hi Angle tar V, -J? 1 lot, 1925 . . 25.74 M Stevens, G. (i., 1 lot, 1925 . 30.75 tit 5)idth, 1L A.. 1 lot. 1925-26 5.76 cn Aurgill, W. Mr, i acre, 1925 16.92 Vv itoric James 1,., 26 acres. 12.06 t.U .'nplelt, Thns. 1 lot, 1925-26 1.95 I R; rhtee Parks Cheese, Factory, $2 110 acre, 1025 . v li.lOj 3C iheaier, Rol.t. heirs, 10 : tii acres. 1925-26 13.03 j do /annoy, R. G., 1 lot, 1925-26 11.55j Lh /annoy, W. C., 7 lots (near j iii] Fish Hatchery) 1026. , . . 1.G0, br Valauga Hospital, 1 let, , M; 1025 . . 55.83 j R. Vilson, H. L. G lots, 1025-20 63.22 M, file-ox, G. G., 4 lots, 1026. . 8.20 fU Varren, Charlie, 3 lots, 1925 8.20 Alt'arren, W Y. 1 lot. 1926-26 7.701 til Vatkins, Mrs. \V. II., 1 lot, I an 1926 J.60) do loffev, .). A.. 1 lot, 1925.. 29.32 j At 'ofley, Mrs. J. A., 1 lot, 1925 2.85 > 1st tarvisovi. N. I,.. 25 acres, ' or. 1925 4.75jve( Crimes. Jack 8',i acres. 1925 22.90 dec lortoe, Hunter, 2 lots, 1925 j -o, and 1926 20.02, th, lorton. Olim, 1 lot, 1926 .. 5.4,1 j be (egler, H. II., heirs, 1 lot. \ coi 1925-26 12.45! dis litchell, Osia acres, 1926 13 781 dfc Vhittington, G. C-. 1925.. 4.66! thi Crown, Mrs. J. C- 95 acres, i im 1926 60.02 of ullivnn, S. B., 2 lots (Dan- of iel Boone Park.) 1926 15.01 ! lagan, C. C-, 2 lots, 1925 . . 13.22, tie onnson. w. K., 1 lot, 1925. 1.51 via herer, Mrs. Robt., 1 lot, ! cla; 1925 5.91 ipn '.core, W. M.. 1 lot, 1926.. 27.00 t;:: Shawneuhavf Township 1 tin Foiley heirs. 161 ncres, ; ret 1925-2G 1 02.71 i lord, S. M., IS acres, 1925 i th< and. 3 926 60.90; cju lohbins, G. W., 26 acres, th< 1925-26 50.86. sai licks. J. U.. 16 acres, 1925 20.26 Bo fcGuirc. J. SIT., 6 acres. 1926 9.71 th; '.royhill, H. B., lec'd, 192 th< acres, 1925 1.31 an; Elk Township plf /heeler, N. G., 64 acres, wi 1925-26 39.61 do: lampton. \Y. W., 11 acres, 1925-26 44.901 This March 8. 1928. | Cli L. M. FARTHING, j Sheriff Watauga County, i 3-J IY THURSDAY?BOONE, N C. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue of the power of sale ntained in a certain deed of trust! ecut'.d to the undersigned on the| tli day of February, '1927, to se-j re the sum o f $1,800.00 to R. B. J ckson by E. O. Greer and wife, i lie Greer, which said deed of. J is recorded in the office of the gister of deeds for Watauga coun-j in Book 12 at page 143, and de-J b|t having been made in the pay-, ent of the sunts of money theresecured as therein provided, I 11 on Monday, April 10, 1928, at o'clock p. m., at the courthouse or of Watauga county, sell to the jThest bidder for cash the follower described real estate, to-wit. Beginning on a hickory tree, John pier's corner, and S. W. Greer's ic. ?uniting west .s-i poies to a &ke in John Miller's line and R. T. reor's lint*; then A degrees east 30 des to a stake on lower bank of I ad; then 1 4 degrees east -J 0 poles a sassafras; then north 11 degrees ist 20 poles to a locust; north 3 agrees 16L: poles to a white oak, orphew and Phillips' line; north 2 poles to a white oak corner, A. S. tipper's line; then south -10 poles to red oak stump and sprouts, S. W. leers corner; south 73 degrees east! i a maple, S. W. Greer's corner;! !fr. south 30 poles to a stake on! vcr hank of road; then r uniting sol ; to include said road west 30 poles' a hemlock corner; then south > poles to a Hickory, the beginir.g corner, containing 50 acres, ore or less. This 12th day of March. 1928J. A. ROLAND. Trustee, rown & Bingham, Attys. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue of the power of sale in tain ed in a certain deed of trust cceiited to the uhdersSried trustee ; M. P. Critchcr oh the 24th day of lly. 1226, which said deed of trust .?< -rded in the- office <>f the rc-g to? of deeds for Watauga county Book 7 at page 517, to secure the lyihent of the sum of $425.0Q and .'fault having been made in the y.i said sutii as therein pro-; ited, \ will on Monday, April 9,| 128 ijctwee'ti the hours of 10 a. m.'l id 2 p. Hi.; at the courthouse door! \Vji4iuii / nunti* i?lt i?> ** ?? '. bidder for rash the following 'Sin bed rt-ni est ale: Hiring Lots Nbs.' I", 11, 12, l:i. 1, l-r>. id an;i IT in Section 11, ami 1 ami i'b, in Si ( lion B. of the Mont lenient pi-oui-ifi .-old by the Biedont Realty Company and foe more duple Iii description of (In .same, e map of raid property on file in IC office of the register of deeds r Watauga county. This 7th itav of March, l'J28. JOHN K. UK OWN, Trustee. OTICE Of" SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ortli Carolina, Watauga County, in the Superior Court untcr Mn a Of art urine: it Commission Company, Plaintiff, vs. abort S. Mellaril-, Myra Ruff Mebarte as Trustee, and individually. Myra Sloan Mehane, Hubert -S. Mehane, Jr., and H. 1>. ilebane. Defendants. Tin- defendants, Robert S. Mehane, via Ruff Mcbar.e as trustee, and dividuaily, Myra Sloan Mehane, rbeiS. Mr-bane, Jr., and Fi. R. ebar.e will take notice that nr. aperty of the said defendants renable before the saifi court at the ie and place named herein for the urn of the summons. And the said defendants will fur;r take notice that they are reired to appear at the office of : clerk of the superior court of d county in the courthouse irr one. North Carolina, not later m thirty days from the date ofs ; service of this summons and swer or demur to the said comlir.t in said action of the plaintiff II apply to the court for the relief manded in said complaint. Tliis IGth day of March, J92S. A. K. SOUTH, ?.rk of the Superior Court of Watauga Coiwty. !2-5t : NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION | North Carolina. Watauga. County In the Superior Court ' Farmers Hardware & Supply Co. vs.! j L. S. South and V. E. BalJou By virtue of at. execution directed j to the undersigned sheriff of Wat ! auga county in the above entitled i action. I wili on Monday, the 26th j day of March. 1928, at J o'clock p.j m.. at the courthouse door of Wat- j auga county, sell to the highest hid-; der for cash to satisfy said exec a-; tion all the light, title and interest which the said L. S. South and V. E. BaJIou, the defendants, have in the following described real estate-, tou it: Beginning on a stake 55 feet from the corner of the Junaluska road and apple tree, and runs south " 3 dc-| jrrees west. (JO feet to a stake; thence} north 19 degrees west 200 reet to aj stake in the edge of an alley; thence! north 72 degrees east 60 feet to nj stake; thence south 19 degrees east| 200 feet to the beginning. being: iotsj i No. 2 of the V. E. Ballou addition | to the town of Boone. This 23rd day of February. 1928.! L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff. | NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SAl.E1 By virtue of the power of sr.lei contained in a certain n\ortgage{ I deed executed to the undersigned onj the 21st day of February, 1925, toj secure ibe payment of $000.00 andj default having been made in the payment of $200.00 of said sum as! therein provided. \ will on the 0th [ i day of April, 1928, between the j hours of 10 c. m. and 2 p. in., at the-1 courthouse door of Watauga county,! sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: ! Beginning on a stake at a. small j branch near ft. A. Shore's residence, j running: north To degrees east 0 ' i>o|gs; then south 7*1 degrees east 7 j poles to a stake: then south 15 dergrees east 2 poles to a white oak; j | "then south 39 degrees east 1 >1 i* j | poles to a blackgum; thence south ! i 79 V. degrees east 25 poles to a i i beech; then south 73 degrees east 13 I pole? to a stake; theii south ^79 de! greets east 1 I poles to a. stake; then | south 02 ' degrees east 5 mdes to j | a sugar tree in B ft. Brown's line:j north 03 poles to a stake in J. ). Li I r I- ? * I ? * ' * 1 : > mircnr. : 1 iso; men witti sum line I mirth S I degrees '.vest 53 poles I i a .; then north ii"_' degims I west s poles to a stake in sniiii branch: theme flWn ami evilh the' branch III pole: -est S poles to aj stake; then so nth il degrees west' with braneii 17 poles to a stake; then south with branch 7 polos to the beginning. containing 27 acres, more or less j-This 5th ilttv of March, 1U2H . K. M. MAUTIN, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE 1 By virtue of the power of sslej contained in a certain deed ol trust! executed to the undersigned trustee! by F. P. .lennings and wife, Fannie i M. Jennings, on the 25th day off June, 1026, which said dcod o? trust. j is recorded in the office of the rep ' inter of deeds for Watauga county j in Book 7 at page l-l t:. secure the: payment of the sum o! ?1183.38, j and ( having been made in the I payment, of said sums as therein provided, 1 Will or, Monday, April, ! j'.'2S, between the hours of 10 a j ! n>, bud o . to., at the courthouse; | door of Watauga eouniy sell to the j highest bidder tor cash the follow I ing described ,'reai estate: Beginning or. a stake on the north; side of the old public road near aj thorn bush. Ben Moody's corner, and' ri.ns north -13 degrees wort, with tlio Moody lino 21 poles tvy a stake in j the branch; thc-nco north ?H degrees' cart up; Uv bl anch 7 poles to a, stake on the south side of the branch; thence south I'lli degrees it east with the plai/k fence 20 poles;? to a stake on the .cost bank of the j road leading- to T. If. LovilVs house; A hence south 7 degrees east with the: I west side of the voe.d (i poles to a 1 stake on (he north side of the. old:. public, road; thence south SO degrees f west tcitli the north side of said, road j 5 l-;i polos to the beginning. ' This 7th day of March. IV'28, John T?. Brown. Trustee. "WTHEN I received a sai V V Syrup Pepsin I gave it without hesitation, as I had c best medicine for children. It sti sleeping good and growing fast best stomach and laxative mcdicin (Name and address will be 6imished upoi Children Thrive as' Mothers never tire tehing how ch how it puts an end to bilious, s< headache, cleans bowels, no pain, n nurse in the family, never any re Mother's terrible sick headache, i attack, makes peaceful the lives o family medicine for the daily d'~ c Gel ii'T/vhsy ?tod bnvc it handy, aivv^b Per a free trie! bottle scr-d t ;vy Cotnpc&ji, Mottlf SEVEN NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Raving qualified as administratrix of tv estate of T. S. Wats* . deceased. this is tv notify all poisons having ylaiJiis av/ainst the e>lata of said deceased 10 preset: . them for naymet.L .vitlun one yea: from the time of thh" notice; othervise this notice iyill be pleaded in bar of their rc-covi . AU persons indebted to the estate will come for ward and moke Immediate y>a"rm:r Iras 7 th ? I-- - made in the payment of the sum of money therein provided; 1 will on Monday, April 9, 1928, between tie hours of JO a. m. and 2 p. m? at Khe eountv courthouse door of Watauga county, sell to the Highest bidder fo; cash the following described real estate, to wit: -J. R. Phillips' home place and bounded as follows; on east by the lands of A. \V. Phillips, 0. Phillips; on the north by the lands of A. P. Ward, L. D. Hainan; M. A. Ward; or the west by the lands of W. II. Glenn and X. li. Shu 11:' on the south by the lands of W. H. Shu'. 1 and it. S. Greer. This is intended to cover all the land in the J. R. Phillips home tract and contains 185 acres, more o less. This Marcli 5? 1928. L H. HOLLER, Mortgagee. John E. Brown T. E. Bingham Brown & Bingham Attorneys at Law BOG XL' X < Offices over post office. MRS. E. T. EVANS HEARSE SERVICE at all hours Phone Central DR. J. M. GAITHER DENTIST Office in Critelier Building Over Boone Drug Co. Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1.30 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. Sunday;, anil Night by A ppointmeril Phone 65 Bcone, N. C. I DR. C. J. FARTHING DENTIST Offices Over Morctz Furniture Store BOONE, N. C. Sundays and Nights by Appontmeyit. |m ssl'- alfreS1 biiOi. | . I * EYE SPECIALIST * \ TO SEE SE ITER j ( SEE fiULfi j jflie Best tlqViipiiieritOVjitainaBle^'l I Glasses Fitted exclusively f \ KARYife BLOCK? tEHQIB, M* OJ i if jou ? t IVs All ftifrbt. | 1 * WATCH J?AJ\fcU.\ >X?K 1>AT I>S. * - V'W* # cs Mofesr dial's Best nple bottle of Dr. Caldwell's to my two-riionths-old baby ?ften heard of it as the very ppped crying right away, began For myself it has been the very e and 1 can't praise it too nvn i>." They Grow mJgfm ildren thrive on it; jur stomach, stops ,SSk o gripe. Just like a al sickness. Stops ;nds Dad's bilious 1 Cft. CACOWTLS. j fold folks. A real lue to constipation. DnCaldwrlfir Sold by all druggists- gyniip and address at - - > krlL-, Illinois PlEPlbSH