I VOL. XXXIX, NO. 20 General Reduction in Postal Rates! Effective First of Next Month Post! Cards Be Mailed for One Cen.E; , Parcel Post and Newspaper Rates j Also Reduced Changes announced in posta! rates effective July 1, include a general reduction for all classes of mail except air mail and that, is to be roy duced a month later, avoiding to! information given out from the post-' office department at Washington. ! Beginning July 1, post cards can be mailed at the rate of one cent., the present rale being two cents. Third class maii, newspapers, will cost one cent for each two ounces;; present rate being two cnts for two ounces. Farce! post mail will he reduced] substantially all the way through in; ail zones. Newspapers will have the. follow- j ing reduction: First and second 7.0nes. new rate 1 cents per pound j as against the present rate of two j cents per pound; third zone, two; cents a pound, reduction of one] cent; fourth zone, three cents, or; halt the present rate of six cents;' fifth zone, four cents, present rate six cents; sixth zone five cents, the present rate being six cents. Special handling rates, will give; first class service on parcels, the I same service given lettels, as] follows: 10 cents up to two pounds;] 15 cents up to 10 pounds, and 20 cents above ten pounds. The pres- ] v ent rate is 25 cents all the way; ^ through. Under the new rates announced, mail may in- registered up to $1,000 in value, the present regulations not permitting registration above $100 j in value. Attention is also directed t,. the fact that effective Juiy 1, persons ordering special request envelopes will be asked to make deposit over the stamp value. The air mail vprluHtnlu offonVivn the first of August; will be as follows: Five cents for the firsi ounce \ and 10. cents for each additional ounce; the present, vate is 10 cents for each half-ounce. - . . v.; i BAMBOO AND MABEL VICTORS IN LAST SATURDAY'S GAMES; Local Team Falls Before Bamboo in 11 'inning Exhibition. While Mabel j Lick? Cove Creek to Frazxlc Fighting: like veterans, the BamI.ki team of the Watauga loop,! won a 1 1-irminp contesl from Boone last Saturday afternoon by the close. ^ sccae of S to I. Each team is crod-j iled with eight, safeties, bat Bamboo} was nfc'e th hi! in the pinches and push over the marker required to win the second game of the league' nevies. It v:. a lino exhibition ox the nations! pastime, ehug full of; thrills from the- time the first ballj was tossed oval the plate until the; last inoti was lagged in the eleventh; svsjia. Coffey, on, rhe mound for K'.ionc, worked out a nice game, while Bamboo used six pitchers hi order to hold the peppy locals in check. While Boone was losing to Bamboo, Mabel romped away with Cove Creek, the Muble boys trotingaround the circuit almost at will, j The score in this fracas was 22 toi II in favor of the Mabelites. Following is a summary of the I runs and hits in the Boone-Bambooj game: Boone Ab. R. H. Eggers, If 5 0 1 j S. Winkler. 3b 5 -1 2j Moore, rf 4 '2 1 j Hampton, ss 5 2 2i McGuire, 2b 5 0 1 F. Winkler, lb 5 0 0| I nodges. cf 5 0 01 Dougherty, C 4 0 0 Coftey, p 4 0 0 Totals 42 4 7 ,'offey add Dougherty. Bamboo Ab. R. H.: S. Critcher, ss 5 0 0 W. Cook, c 5 2 2 K. Cook, p 5 1 l'i iPQHCK, *5D 1 1; N. Cook, 2b 5 0 lj Vannoy. If 4 0 0 0; Critchcr, cf 4 0 1 Elrod. lb 4 1 1] Hampton, rf 4 0 lj Totals 41 5 8 "R. Cook, S. Critcher, IV. Cook, N. j Cook, Bolick and W. Cook. Lait Saturday's Results Boone 4; Bamboo 5. j Cove Creek 0, Mabel 22. Wbere They Play Saturday Cove Creek at Boone Bamboo at Mabel. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION WILL MEET HERE MONDAY The Watauga Ministerial Associa> lion will meet at the Boone Methodist church Monday. July 2, at 10 o'clock a. m. Pastors of the county are especially invited to attend this meeting of the association. /ATM A Non-Partisan Ne voone. i POUTICAL EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Highlights ot Political Activity of Both Major Part'ica Summarized From Recent News Dispatches From Over the Country Reed Makes Bid For Dry Vole* Houston, Texas. June -4.?Declaring for "impartial*' enforcement of the laws and constitution, Senator Reed of Missouri, issued a statement today expressing the view that the *\l8tn amendment will stand un- : ti! and unless the moral forces of the nation become convinced that there is some hotter way to deal with the 12 liquor problem. Tar Heel Delegation Demands Dry Plank 1 Houston. Texas, June 2d.?A dry plank, one thai, will commit the \ Democratic party to out and out in-1 ; cio.semer.t of the prohibition amend-' moot to the United States eonstitv,-, tioi) and no compromise on the question was demanded by the North Carolina delegation to the Democratic national convention here today. Meeting' in caucus the delegation chose Josephus Daniels as a member of the resolutions committee which will draw up the platform. Not onlyi did they elect the noted dry leader to i the platform job l?ut they also instructed him t-> demand :? strong prohibition piank, one like the hone dry' plank adopted at the state conven-j i tior. at Raleigh. Republicans Will Mn.k:i Effort to Carry N. C. for Hoover Once the Houston convention shall! have completed its labors. Republicans of North Carolina ore expected to set about the task of formulating i plans for the campaign *.o come in} the late summer, su^s a Washington special of Monday to the Greens-} fro Daily News. It is understood h^VO ilifit Jrnhirivi. i>l?nc ?*"! *'< -.?? ? conference shortly of members of the state pxecijmR' committee and other party leaders end adviaecs, when heni'.nvuirteis will he establish-, ' i: anil the campaign set in motion.; t he probable scene of such activity| has already received some cor.sideta-j lion, and.the pr iposal now is to opea| offices in Charlotte, as this will he! convenient for State Chairman 1 .Jackson anil National Committeeman Jonas. Whatever Democrats in sympathy] with Senator Simmons may think of the sitaatior. at Houston, it is rare to find any Republican who has any douht that Governor Smith will he' the Democratic standard bearer. Republican campaign plans keep Governor Smith constantly in view and, I believing that this Democratic pro-! ceitcre is going to give them the hast opining they have had since the: C-ivis war. it is the aim of the Republic n leadership to put i:p a fight in section of the sis to, from! townships up to the- congtessional: districts, which they have put their best men forward. Farm Relief and Prohibition Main Issues at Houston Houston, Texas, June J J.?A profusion of planks dealing with the two big subjects before the Democratic' Yiational convi'r.r.iiMi ? - am! farm relief?were put forward J today as leaders among the platform I builders held preliminary conferences in an effort to smooth over some of the differences on these sab-; jects. With a spirit of conciliation generally manifest among the delegates, party chieftains were hopeful that, the fight over these planks could bej kept off the convention floor. Prom-; inent dry leaders in the south, how-j ever, were prepared for a contest within the convention itself if the resolutions committee failed to report out. a very vigorous prohibition! enforcement plank. As the situation shaped up to-, night, it seemed that New York state would join with Maryland and perhaps one or two others in supporting; a plank calling for modification ofi the Volstead act so as to permit the. stai'pji tr* fiptomiinn ol#w*UliX content of beverages. Admittedly that proposal would get only a very few votes in the com-| mittee, with the fight then narrow-; ing to the question of whether the j law enforcement provision should name the 18th amendment. There was some opposition to referring to the prohibition clause of the constitution above all others, the oppon1 ents desiring merely a general law enforcement declaration with a sharp | criticism of the Republican administration for an alleged failure to en-! | force the law. Hoover Machine Assembled | Herbert Hoover's hand-picked slate, replacing the Coolidge high i command in control of. the Republi: can national committee, has been I elected by the special committee of j 24 G. O. P. committeemen and women dispatched to Washington for that purpose by the- Kansas City (Continued on Page Eight) 'liteBiWiiii'inwiwwiwrtWi.iwMiBiiwiiiiMil iwrfuWiitnimn JGA wspaper, Devoted to th VATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CJ Dr. Gordon is New Pastor at Cove Cree Micister Will Preach First Sernn as JFjasior of Cove Creek Bapti Church Next Sunday; i* Grad ate of Princeton and Chlcaj Theological Seminary Mumpers of th Cove Creek Ba List church \vill have the opportune Sunday morning of getting: acquail cd v. ith their new pastor, Hev. E Will O. Gordon nf f'ln Term., who will preach his first sc inon at the church en that day. Dr. Gordon has a high record scholarship, having taken the d agrees of M. A. and Lilt. D. fro Princeton University and being graduate of the Chicago Theoiogic Seminary. For a number of yea he has been a member of facilities several colleges and high schools. Or. Gordon has done a lar; amount of research work, which 1 expects to continue during his ps to rate at Cove Creek. He is takii up rural church work in order th he may have leisure to pursue 1 researches. The Cove Creek church is eonsi efod fortunate in securing as i paster a man of such high oduc tiotial attainments as Dr. Gordon, large congregation is expected at t church Sunday to hear his sermon. Dr. Gordon was accompanied his new field of endeavor by 1 wife arid daughter, little Miss M dred. FIDDLERS' CONVENTION FRIDAY AND SATURD/1 Under the auspices of the \Yi amta Fish and Game Club, an oi time fiddlers' convention wili setaged in Boone Friday and Si urday nights of this week, iho c five proceeds to he used for payi i or ?i seiies 01 Droo/ier dams at t stat: hatchery rind to meet ofcfc incidental expenses of the organi< tion. This is indeed most laudable, a the convention sho'uld he attend by every Walaugan who has an >i teres; t in the fish, and game of t county. if wo hnvc to 'O-stork o streams with the "speckled bet tier," we iniist have a way to re thein above the size we get from t hatchery, and plant them in streai in the fall instead of the spriti when they will have attained a si sufficient to enable them tc care f themseives The breeder is the or solution for the problem, and t club will appreciate very much yo presence- and help them a bit in th< efforts, to bring back our fish a: same to what it was in the yea gone by. The club put; oniy or.e stipu titm on those who attend, and Mi is, no contestant under the influen of whiskey, will be allowed to ng ticipn'fo. Bear this in imn'n. Cov sober! MISSION WORKERS GATHER AT BANNER ELK TODh Banner Elk. June 2ii.?T Home Mission Workers oC Hoist Presbytery have been called to m< at. Pinnacle Inn, Banner Elk, i June 2Sth and 2jth. The suneri tendent c? home missions, Rev. W: ter K. Keys of Bristol, Tenn., h called (his meeting and is in cbarf An excellent program has been in pared which will contain several i spirational addresses as well as he] ful conferences. There are fort odd workers who may attend tl meeting. On Thursday evening 1 Cunningham of Bristol, formerly Gainsville. Fla., will be the speaki and on Friday evening the addit will he made by Rev. Dan Grabs of Blountviile, Tenn. i-mnacie inn is ideally equipp for such a conference. Operated the fireproof stone dormitories Lees-MeRne Institute, if has amp room and supplies its guests with i modem conveniences. The Nor Carolina building which is used du inc the school session for administr tive purposes, is well adapted f conference use. Pinnacle Inn, 1,000 feet "up I he air," opened last. week. T fishing is proving unusually go; this season, and guests are delight; with the success of this spori. AUTO TAGS NOW HALF PR1CI Beginning last week, State Coi missioner of Kevenue R. A. Doug ton informed branch offices throug out the state which are issuing sta automobile licenses, to do so at or half the regular fee to all app canto. When an applicant has purchas a motor vehicle before June 20, ai has operated it prior to that dal Commissioner Doughtod advised b reaus to collect the full yearly f< However, if an applicant purchas a motor vehicle before June 20 ni did not operate it before that dal the commissioner said the applica should make a statement to this ( feet on his application. He won then pay the bureau one-half of t annual fee' for his license tag. - ? . ,, dem< e Best Interests of Northw UtOLlNA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, ID: INEWSOFWEEKAT BLOWING ROCK Oil ' :.l ?? u. Old Schoolh* to be L'sed as Plac< r of Worsb v y Sandy Flat Church ? aj_. j Open f & business p.! & j-v; Blow *" Rock, Juno 2S.?Definite permi ?. to use the old Sandy Flat scho for religious services a has en granted by the owners )VJ F1 top ;?Tanor estate, to the re I cer.tTv orgaEheii Sandy Flat Daptisi : church. The new church has beer authorized to make any improve a; ments considered necessary, alj The interior of the building wii ,rs to painted, and electric lights wil of be installed, it was said by the pas tor. Rev. E. D. Kobbins. grC The church was organied last Fob he I ruary and now has 13 members ts-.j Frefiaratiohs are being made to com ngj pose the letter to the association,' bu at it has not been decided whether tlx lis} church will join the Three Forks 01 th Stony Fork association. Deacon: d- will be ordained before the letter >: Its transmitted. a- Services are held or. the secom A and fourth Saturdays of each montl he at 8 p. ivt. Sunday school meets ov ery Sunday at 10 a. in. Good con to g rogationr have been present eve: lis since the church was organized, anc il- they are growing larger with eacl j meeting. J Fracticalty all of the season a wY j business houses were t re nod t'o ! business this week. Bee's Baza a tt-j and Har.nu's Oriental Shop openei early last week, as did the Ijlowinj jjel Rock Exchange and the Hob Nol j Tea Room. This week. K'azeoV - i shop, handling fine l'in'eris. lingerie !l1" arid imported and domestic textile ngj was opened. The WondV rlan hei tiuater in Mayviey.' I'ark opor.ei or Monday night with a good crowd .a- The Mayview Drug Store was als opened last week. nd ee The linancifd report of the tow i"* for the two months, May 1 to Jun he 7. made pubic by J. E. Kolshousei or town treasurer: shows receipts 0 lU"i 55,21 C.Ci, disbursements of 55 ar 120,55, and cash on hand $90.00. he Of the disbursements, the larges ns items were notes and interest, whic It, tntuled $2,400. The next targes ZP item was composed of saiariet or wages ar.d homntissions. which reach ' I-. ed the total of $032.39. he I "\l Mrs. F. K. Hartley was hostess i> n(]( Wednesday afternoon at a shnwe given in honor of Mrs. Sh'erma & i Roberts of .'ohnson C'i.iy, Tenu., Mri . Hartley's sister and her guest i'c-r th a? week. Mrs. Roberts is a recent by-id _ w's v has many irieiids in Hlowin '".l j Rock. After the guests had assem bled, a book was prest nt '(i. in whic l each was asked to write a favor":'. ! recipe. Then followed art o.xfcitiv. "'bride's contest." in which "Ai.r Lloyd Bobbins was declared. wisitic lY but prcsontou her award, r. ail" handkerchief. to the guest of hone; bo Mrs. Hartley then s< n - ! v fresh a?i meats, a:-vi t;> ; by her. :a;;yht.1 ?t Hgc. Nov.. Dare entered the liv ?5| ipg room carrying ? aiiisti whit n-j parasol ami announced: "Ft i- get *H ling. cloudy; we are goir.g to have as | shower." Follow big ;-li' announce re.'moat, Mis. 'Inrihy entered, carry "gtj ins a basket ct presents. which wev li-i presented to tin bride, ihon passei n- around for all to admire. Before thj y-j guests departed,! they were in 1 t li-sj rhe porch to take part in a water r.i iueton feast. Guests included Mis of! .1. 11; Hodges. Mrs. \V. J... Crisp, Mrs ir, i P. 1.. Car.nou. Mrs. Lloyd Koh'oint ss Misses Mabel Coffey. Edna Mille m and iieule.h Wooten. j .. ml Col. \Y. IV. Stringfellov of Annie in ton, Ala., ha- arrived here am ofj opened his summer collage for th 'l_e; season. th Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Youneo o ir- Aurora. Mo., who left North Oaro a- lina twenty years ago. were here th! or week for the first time since th. i departure. They are visiting Mrs in Yonnce's niece. Mrs. A'. M. Cvichei be ? Dd HEN HATCHES 4 ALLIGATORS edj Kin-ton, N. C., June 22.?Herr ' < a-.- --.i-M-! ; wiwn-xvm, <x KCg"w, luuav eAjuuuei | four baby alligators which he sail 1 1 were hale-lied by a hen on a fanu five miles below here, h- The 'gators were about five inche h-i long. te Crawford said he found an alii e.- gator's nest in Pamlico county rev ii- oral Weeks ago. lie brought a r.um ber of the eggs home with him am ed placed them, together with chicke nd eggs, under the hen. The chicke te, eggs failed to hatch, but the littl u- 'gators seemed tc appease the motile. er urge of the hen. ed "She looked like ar. oV foe nd clucking to them things and thei te, paying no attention to her." Cram nt ford said. "They just scramble if- around the nest aimless-like. The ild didn't know what to do. I took thei he away from the old hen, she fussin about it." ______ __._t.___? ^i.I ? ...... ? OCRA est North Carolina. 28 Centennial Campaign Will Close Tonight 1 Announcement Was Made Last Tliarsdjty That -40 Per Cent oi ? County's Quota Had Been Sob; scribed; Dr. Van To Speak The Baptist Centennial campaign, [ ; which has been under way in Wai?i auga county for the past four weeks, kjwi!l close this (Thursday) evening, ; when a meeting will be held at the ti Baptist church in Boone for the . purpose of hearing final reports h from the churches of the Three Forks and Stony Fork associations. 1 It is also announced that Dr. R. T. - Vann of Raleigh, will deliver the address at the final meeting tonight, j At the meeting' last Thursday I evening, reports showed that about . $2,500 or 40 per cent of the county's; approxi mately SG00 pledged but! . fov which cards had not been turnJ ed in. Mr. M. A. Hoggins, generalj _ director or the campaign in this. r district, expressed the belief that the >! county's quota of $0,500 would be r i reached by tonight. . Committees reported the follows: ing amounts subscribed up to last Thursday evening: i Boone, $1,57 1.50: Blowing Rock, 1 $203.50; Three Forks. $125; Laurel _ Springs, $80; Cove Creek, $-383; _ j Willow dale, 878 Forest Grove, r $41.50; Timbered Ridge, $120.50; \ Zion Iliii, $75; Bethany, $50. 1 Prof. 1. G. Greer, county cbairJ man, presided over the meeting Thursday tvnlng and introduced Dr. R. L. Moore, president < ' Mats Hill College, who made an eloquent plea c for the maintenance of the j j and colliigeses that will part.icip.. o t| in the funds raised by the rentennia' campaign- He emphasized the c fact thai thf plea fov more funds , was not being made for the benefit s of teachers ami official* of the vari:! ous institutions, hut for the hoy* and il srirls of North Carolina yvho are |.: knocking at (ho college doors. The hoi)' of the nation, ho said, did no) ; lie in culture, as that did not save Greece, nor in wealth and luxury? n; they caused the downfall of the P.oej man empire. America is immensely , wen'thy. We must use that wealth j| for the benefit of mankind if we expect to survive." Dr. Moore said ' there wore evidences of prosperity t! on every hard in W aiauga I, county, and felt sure the Baptist . people would raise iheir shave of . | of the $1,500,000 goal set by the ' state convention for the benefit of j Christian education in North Cardt tins. The general public is cordially irt"ivited to attend the service this ;rj (Thursday! evening at 7:;',0 o'clock, n: tnd hear the beloved Dr. Vann speak i-i GOV. SMITH SEEN AS EARl.Y ' WINNER WHEN VOTING STAR TS 5>'j ^ - ' Por-ston, dune _'?>.?Throujrhoi:! n "he r ,". i noTVCf Guvonioi ,J Smith of Xee Yduffb'e laisv ntoiv'jiyie! r:r.. .uiiti (Smith de'egd^tcins item cvera! states jyfve nsk rig for a vj .:vce, or rt (erstaf. verms. ki ice^hssi.v.r.tive.; of .vor.te cf the elates tr>.: cannot vote for Smith *1 because ,.-f hoove fcntimo? havfe' B>' ! j r. actior! the Vjiuitii rtdoring coiniiiitM tsfa w.lth the propose) that Smith s. p l over on the rust ballot. Thy: v.iVi iutiis it easier, for the southerna| ter# 'basmuch a? they v.i.i ;-.of have "! to throiVgh the motions 01 fig? " ii;^- tc the last ditch. ?j Ohio, Indiana and Xehmska are :ii prepared to so for Smith; which irie'surc; a two-thirds vote in the con" vention. It was the plan to have ail ~ j these and such others as had favov | :te spit candidates to record them j selves with a compliment to their ; j candidates imforc the Smith movtr j pai;e on the nomination was fore-! i ciosed. i; is very probable that Senator -Joseph T. Robinson. pevr.ianent I! chairman of the convention, wiil he el nominated for the vice presidency. GENERAL NOB1LE RESCUED f i Rome, June 2d?General Umber to Xobilr. castaway since May 25, si when the dirigible Italia was wrcck"j cd on the Arctic ice, has been res' coed, but the five other members "-[of his jjToUD still ave marooned, ac; l:. ?._ ? .a ; uiiuisa^; m inici Uii 1CI?I repOl'CS tRai ' | were received by radio today, yi Unheard of, also remain the seven drmembers of his party carried away i; with the hay: of the Italia, the three n. who started to walk to land on May ;;0 ar.d the six would-be rescuers in s] the French seaplane which carried j Roald Amundsen on a rescue oxpe[ dition. Swedish aviators won the- credit, for making the first actual rescue, d One cf their planes cropped with n runners, made a bold landing near a Mobile's camp on an ie.e floe. It c took off with the wounded leader i- but crashed when the pilot tried several hours later to repeat his feat. >1 The general was carried by the 11: rescue plane to an island in Hinlopen -| " trait. th< body of water which sepad rates west Spitsbergen from Xorthy east Land. There he was transfern red to another Swedish machine, a g seaplane, and transported to Virgo Bay. u I x;;;4 rp FIVE CENTS A COPY BOWERSASSASLS G. 0. P. MISRULE Democrat;!. Convention Arouiedl ic. Great Enthusiasm as Keynoter Tears Mercilessly Into Harding and Co&lidgc Adrnioist.ralions Houston, Texas, J dne 26*?A stormy challenge by the Rational Democracy to the "RepUiUiican presidential ticket ana pl&tf ?rro Dot yet two weeks old vent )V2ring out over the radio arid telegraph tonight as notice to the world that the party of .leffejgon and Jackson would en> tor the November lists with blood in its eyes. Claude G. Bowers ox New York, temporary chairman and carefully selected k?ynspeaker, touched off a veritable powder keg of Democratic enthusiasm ff? IiSsly at the record .-! tv.'t> Republican administrations. Iho-t of HarrJ:.7ig and Ceoli<?ge. to sweep ?ji* au'iicnce in the crowded pavilion into outbursts of applause aa he went down the- line 021 the s.aii-.iais, "farm legislation, "fake pi >sperity," *u:i? mpioyn.cr.T" an J r. I: the ether allegations ut Itemiblican misrule, upon which the Democrats propose to base the figrii; election of their presidential ticket. Tiv? new \ oik * .'i;'or spoke to a crowd, many of which Pad ueen drenched by a heavy thunder, huv.-er "hi.j penetrated tin- V" l t>: this newly-built auditorium, i>?r the deley:u = wen wiliiiig to forgot their h-.\v:'t di:-. otpl 1 i fand the fight ever the president in nomination, which vJ::a ;rsj!v ' Goverr.oi Smith, it order to hear him sound the party | halite cry. Especially voctfchpUs was the icaikroi cf convention to Bowers' d?m:?nt: that the hand of prrrilogh he takei. from the thioats of :ho farm< i s. Every state star.il.ivd was reMpveci bull. moorings ard a pa ?nil:- o? snveial minute? followed. The standard-bearer made up the major part of the procession, while the delegates cheered. Bowers' keynote was the pvincopa! ,.b" business cf the night session., the remainder of the tipto being taken up with necessity routine. such as (he appointment of committees and adoption of rules of procedure. The eoiivr-htioh adjohrhoT: at 0:21 l>. m., uaiii 1 o'clock tomorrow '.vr.ing. when reports of commit1.a s. ii chiding (ht platform committee. n?Bt its troublesome prohibition ,.,...1.1 .... ill 1... ' ? i_.iv. .-<u 111 i-iuvfE "! : uii.il r i; huiioi! of Arkansas will bo installed pcrnianoh'c chairman. it iitis= r."t beeiv t!>. finitely determined whc-n the nominating: speeches ' wii! lie- made. ' rO :t virtually ceri '.air. fh.st a pi-o.-ddentiB.l-choice will be . derlrr.atorf Thursday r, Priday. RLANCHARD I.VOM UNWHLI.NG PARTV TO -t SLAYIC.NS IN MO. i Fcrevd a I Point of Gun to Shauufeur for Drunken Neighbor Who Kill.; 3 Worcen r.nci 1 ftlan Mr K.arii i.. Lye:,. trnvoiir,;- saltS man of Koor.e. bis- iocel-. vri n letter irom ins- c u.-ir:, Blanchortl Lyon, vi' lives near Sipr insficid, Mo., : teiiit.c o'i one of XJlar.ehard's noiith5M5 vho fdi drunk and killed three i women and a policeman before he i was ovovpow 'fired. The neighbor-, after ktUinfr one woman, forced Blanrhavd Lyon, at | i he point of a aim. to arc as chauffeur for the drank neighbor and | drive him around oyer the country. [ Unarmed Bin achat J was unable to ; resist. Darin.;' the ride the noiyh; t or killed two other women, but all ! the time he kept lJlanchard so well ! covered with the ;;un that nothing 1 could be done- to si on -.he shooting | spree. Finally an officer approached and tin? drunken rl&ghbor shot him also. After the fbuy killings, however, he was overpowered. Air. Hard Lyon said that he has ; written to his cousin to tell the full details in his next letter. ; Blanchar.i I.vop. is well known in : Watauga. lie was here on a visit only last year. He is a son of Air. Adolphus Lyon who went from this i county to Missouri several years ago. The Socialist party will put a ticket in the field in Xerth Carolina nest November, William A. Toole, Baltimore Socialist organizer, who was in Raleigh Saturday, announced. Mr. Toole conferred with R. C. Maxwell. secretary of the board of elections. -and was toia that under the law it was too iate to enter a ticket : and get ballots printed by the state. but thtd. the Socialists might print and distribute their own tickets if ; they wished. Mr. Toole intimated that this would be done. The last | time a Socialist ticket was entered j in this state was in 1320 when Eu; gene V. Debbs got less than 1,000 votes for president. Mr. Toole, howS ever, said that, he saw enconrage; ment in the fact that LaFollette, running on the progressive ticket J four years ago. got 7,000 votes. 'M ?? -1tfwjiSliifcfc*,

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