VOL. XXXIX. NO. 44 . .NEWS OF WEEK" AT BLOWING KOCH Dr. B. B. Douglicriy D die vera Addresses lo High School; New Volumes Added to Library; Aged Lady C?lehratc? Birthday Blowing Rock. Dec. 12.?Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president of the Appalachian State Novmc.i College a1 Boone, delivered two lectures ThursI day to pupils of the Blowing Rock * high school. His first address was to the American history class on the early his lory of North Carolina, and particularly on the Watauga Settlement, the Battle of King's Mountain, and other incidents and aspects of the formation of North Carolina ahc Tennessee. In his second address, f"l? itif PlV'irc ''loeu ho r?n? slate government and capital. Accompanying l)r. Dougherty \vaSmith Hagatnan, county superintendent of education. After visit i rid one of the English classes. Mr Hagaman delivered a short address to the civics class foil James to wr and Williamsburg, Va,, and the his torieai associations surrounding the towns. Another speaker at the school lasi week was Kev. Robert Jsbell of Le noir, who delivered at chapel Wed riesday morning an address on the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, whicl he visited during his tour of the Le vant a year or so ago. Shufcrd Ediriinsteh was founc guilty >!' drunkenness at a mock tria in the Children's Literary Society 61 r> the fifth, sixth and seventh grade: last Friday. Mr. K. R. Askew, the instructor, acted as. judge, and prov vided much of the comedy of th< program. At the close of the chil d.ren's program, Rev. Mr. fsbeli de Hvered an interesting lecture or crossing the Lybian desert. Visitors at the meeting were Rev Mr. Isbcil, Mrs. Annie Greer, Mrs Dai Tester. Mrs. Charles Spariii Doris White. Mrs. George Crisp, a nc Mrs. Lcc Cvisn. This Society was organized by Mr Askew at the first of the sehoo year. It meets every Friday after eon, when visitors are iiKvays wel coma. The of fleers are Merril Gragg, president; Opal Pitts. see rotary, and Elsie Pitts, treasurer. Twenty vol usees of new fietioi were milled to the shelves of thi Plowing Rock School and Conumini ty Library this work by Halle; Mudge, who is lending the volume: to the library during the school year books include the works o! Zone Charles A. Seltzer, Ku gene Maniovi; Rhodes arid severe other popular authors, j ISi'.Lvvrior. 15.0 and 200 volumes <> juvenile books Pave been ordcrei for the juvenile shelves and are ex peetod to be here within n shor time. So far the library has ha; only a X,-\v juvenile booss ami ha been unable to supply Lie dsruaud Mrs S. C. Muilir.eld celebrated he seventieth birthday last Sunday a her home near jj&ShOs l'ork. Tin pkily war the occasion St? a rial oldtime family reu>iio>>, with all th <cKUdrun and a number ?i th grandchildren of Mrs Hollifieli filling every room and the porch am >ard. After felicitations hud been give! to Mi":. Hollifield, a bountiful labl was set in the dining room, anil th large gathering assembed aroum the board to enjoy the best of coun try delicacies. Those present at the party wer Wiley Hollifield and family of Mid die Fork, Ed Hollifield ar.d family Carol Hollifieid and family, .less Hollifield, Mrs. Emma Gragg, Mn iilattie Richards, W. W. Collins an family, Merritt Coffey and famil of Hickory, Mrs. Flora Coffey, Mrs it Elina Gragg, O. D. Gragg, Chri: P tine Gragg and Lloyd Gragg. Dewey Story has returned froi Statesvilie, where he underwent a operation for appendicitis. He is no' well or. the road to recovery. Get Bobbins, local manager of the Blow ing Rock Light and Power Compan; has also returned from Statesvilh where he underwent a similar open Hon. I Mr. I,oud"er>r.ilk is back in tli barber shop after an extended il ness. T. E. "Mercer, former principal c the Blowing Rock consolidate scholo, paid a visit to the school la: week. He expressed himself : greatly pleased with the new librar; furniture and laboratory equipmen and with the progress that the scho is making in general. Mr. Merci is now leaching in a large. consol dated school near Newton. Mrs. T. H. Coffey. Mrs. Sail Reeves,, and Miss Lena Reeves hai returned from a trip to Hot Spring Va., where they visited Mrs. Reeve daughter, Mrs. Erne3t Davis. 1 Virginia, they visited the Shena doah Caverns and on the return It ? they spent a night in Bristol, V They made the 300-mile trip to H SATAl A Non-Partisan Nea BOONE, W Monthly Meeting of Civitan Club Today i. i The monthly meeting el the iJoone j Civitan Club will he held today at .1 X2;45 at the Daniel Boone hotel. I A number of important business _ Ij matters are in come up for consider ' j ation and a large attendance of the . , I n'.cmbership is desired. | ni The feature of the luncheon last}<j Thursday v.-;. --, an addrses by Rev. Dr. j ? William M. Vines, and reports of the ^ : cent meeti: g at Salisbury of the! . Carolinas Association, given by I j. : Giyitans W. E. Comer and Prank | n, Moore. Dr. Vines talked on citizen. ship, and his talk was very interest- j. ing and helpful, and was highly ap-|c.j predated by the membership of the f, Club. j r? I Dr. James II. niilman, director of j n certification, department of educa-!., I tion, Raleigh, was also a guest of the i ? , club and made a short taik. }... . i i;' COOL1DGES CONSIDER ? ; VACATION IN SOUTH p ,, p Washington, Dec. 11.?President: ^ . Colidge may take another brief va- f, i cation in the south during the u i (Christmas holidnvs- r> Ir'nonrrV, hn< - not mode up his mind definitely. j u ; Mr. Coloidgc has received a nura-' p : her of invitations from individuals ? r, L: and roganizations, as well as city:,, - j governments to visit in certain see- j a - lions of the south some time this ^ i | winter. It is probable that he will j v 1 i accept one of these. The invitations ^ - that he is known to be more serious-1 ly considering are those to an island {i j a Short distance from the lower part u Ijcf Georgia, Asheville and a private jj i j late in South Carolina. j v< ENTRE NOUS CL UB ' y : On last Friday afternoon the j Enlre Nous Uridgo Club was delight-1 fijliy entertained by Mrs. .Tames llor-v ton. Only the club members were present and th< game was unusually! V piritcd thCpiighout the afternoon.) Mrs. Sam Horton carried off th? I high score prize which was an at* J' 'a< live embroidered handkerchief . while Mrs. Wilt Payhe was 1 \ j awarded the consolation prize, aj^ enuUiul handkerchief of r.ilk and J ; iacc combined. j 1 At the close of the afternoon Mrs. ^ Hoifcon served a delicious Thanks-i ^ j giving plate which was topped with!. Man attractive turkey souvenir, also ! ^ ~j small gift tf&skets of mints. The-! ^ ! honor prize was presented to Mrs.' Will Payne. 1.. M ; i ' x; d A. R. SHERMAN DEAD J Mr. A. U. Sherman, prominent it j! civic leader and manufacturer of; j Yvilkesboro, died at Ids home therei ? j on November 28,-. following a gener- ; ;:i decline in health covering a long !;ij v. period. Mr. Sherman was 77 years j t i of and is .-survived by a wife, j 5 ? j who whs before, her marriage, Miss Mi 1 Dora. sistSs Io Dr. It. K. Bingham of j ' i this city. ' gS i: . . i Springs in twelve hour... 5 J. IT. Winki.-r motored to Dmxci 1t . Sunday to mctt Mrs. Winkler, who : be.:, been visiting; friends and vela- g r tivcs in ami near Statcsville. ?i t; tVili Btulderth, Max Cannon and I , a: I piiderdown, who have just fir.?: turned from a tour of t:Toriria in M ile, Suddcrth's car. report that in 8 e! Florida business is dull and work is: s ij scarce. In Jacksonville they visited J r :l j Doii lloid, formerly of Blowing Roek. j'e j Moving of trie pine hedge on the is i i Cone estate, to make room for their e j new Yonaiiiossee Road, is progress-i 1 s jng rapidly. The hedge is being sets! ili back several feet to make rouni for:' -1 the 2G foot highway. ! > j The apples on the Corn; estate jw e are being sold very rapidly. Buyers jS I-. ironi all parts of North Carolina and' ,1 from neighboring states are frequent) < elvisiros at the apple house. If t e =.; soiling c ontinues as briskly as it hasjt d during the last two weeks, there will I s y he no apples left by Christmas. 5.! Mrs. Thomas Coffey, Jr.. is vis-'.' i-1 it ing her parents. Mr." and Mrs. V>". j; ' F. Sherwood at Shervv'ood. Mrs. i i I Coffey's sister spent Saturday and'; n ; Sunday of last week here. h n| Mrs. J. T. Miller and her daugh-; t v|ler, Margaret, arc spending a few|( > 1 days in Lenoir with Mrs. Miller's sis- j 1 ter, Mrs. J. R. Pruett. j i r, I Miss Clara Coffey of Hickory and i1 b, Miss Joyce Hoffman of Lenoir! i i- spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. D. | < P. Coffey and family. j ' ie There will be a box supper Sat-!: 1-! urday night at the Friendship Mcth- ' i odist church at Alio. The proceeds if will be used to help defray building 1 id expenses on the new church. The st public is invited to come and bring ts boxes. y, As a community project, pupils of t, the high school civics class are gathol ering news of the community each :r week for publication in this column, li- Several promising reporters with aj "nose for news" have been developie ed as a result of the project, re Charlie Critcher of Statesville, s, | who has been in Montana and Idaho, j is' j studying the chestnut and long leaf j in i pine blights under the direction of | n- the department of agriculture, was' ip; a visitor over the week-end at the j a. | home of his brothr, A. M. Critcher, ; otj of Blowing Rock. CHRISTMAS EDlTfOi JGA vspaper, Devoted to the ATAtJGA COUNTY, NORTH CAR Local Shops R< Christmas as The various business houses of the ity arc vapidly getting the Christias .spirit and everywhere decoracms symbolic of the holiday season ro seen in rare abundance. The lores arc unusually well equipped ith diverse offerings to make the i.-.k of shopping 1? burdensome nd nr. gift list is too long or oiiinlex. but that it may readily bo lied right here in Boone. The n;ev 1 a fits are making a definite bid >r jour business in tins issue of he Democrat. Its pages arc Jamie d with more than twice the usual mount of advertising matter and a lance will convince the most skeptijl) that; no town the sine of Boone i to be found with so fine an array f modern stores and shops. The roprietors have spared neither time or expense in providing their cs\blishinents with all the good things jr Christinas, and this year's offerijts surpass all previous endeavors, The publishers of The Democrat oald insist that the people ol loonc and the county at large patsnize the local merchants. By keep?g our money at home we build up bigger and better city and countji nd develop a more prosperous citiunship. i)o business with those whc elp bear the burden of supporting uv varied public institutions. The;, eserve yuor patronage and gooc ill. Let your slogan be "t can buj . in Boone." and then make youi "ords good. Read the messages brought tc ou in this Christinas number fron LOT AGAINST HOOVER IS FOUND IN ARGENTINA l^uenos Aires. Dec. 11?Officio ontrrmatior, of the discovery of < lot against the life of Herber [novel* and of its frustration by t'n< olice v as made public tonight bj 'resident Irigoyen. His statemon aid: "The president of the republic ting desirous of making agreeabh lie visit of the president-elect of tin iiited States of America and of of ering the greatest possible guaran ce of the safey to the personnel he illustrious visitor, eomman<le< he police to intensify their observa ion ' " dangerous anarchist elements his order was carried out by tin ivision of investigation which, aft r discreet inquiries and mvestiga ions, this morning searched a hctlsi h* Estoniha street irs which wen ound four hand grenades, two cyl adrical bomb?, q'uc square bomb lynamite, revolver?, automatic pis ols, quantities of ammunition am 50 ten peso notes?all ox whicl lave been placed at the disposal o udieiul .-ithorities." The police sail hat a room in the raided house Con a;nod a detailed map of the ruihva: ysi< m which apparently was used b: he plotters in planning their attack t was announced tonight that 1.501 raards had been employed or. specia iuty to insure the safety of Mloover d&rihg his visit. % -raj'--'; : London, Dec. 0.?-With Musjolir bunding war trumpets in Rome an< neering at the Kellogg pact, Ger aany in ferment over Rhiuelarr vacuation ami Lioyd George in poorny mood over Anglo-America1 v.lacioiis, tno diplomatic weeK era i urther enlivened by illfethy anjoncicroua onslaughts upon Foreign Secretary Chamberlain by J. L. Gut rin for his attacks upon the pies >f the v,or!?l in his speech at the Til r'ir.is dinner. Lloyd George, xvhos Stterances on foreign affairs are fir anning more violent, hinted a Manchester at trouble with the Uni ed States. After declaring "this gov rnnient is leading us straight bac nlo the hell of war," he remarket 'since we signed the Kellogg par irmaments have been steadily grow ng. Mr. Kellogg says, 'Thou shal ot kill' but he says also 'Fill you .vaist belt with knives and pistols s is to be ready to kill.' Why shoul .here he"all this hush and whispei this don't say anything in ease might make it worse? In 1922, w ivere able to discuss relations b( hvcen' the United States and th country. Now we can'r do it. Wh cannot we have this interchange c relations? We must face reality. 1 was because it was not faced , i 1914 that we had the greatest we rv-v on vtii Ac fVvinire orn VI AVI* flvu VI * >- 11 nai till. n i v nun mi. in tions of the world are headin straight for war not because anyor wants it, but because no one has tli courage to stop the runaway horsi and the chariots of war." BROWN-GREEN Married on Wednesday, Decer ber 5, at the home of Rev. E. 1 Hodges. Miss Cora Brown and M Tom Greene, both of Boone. Re Hodges performed the ceremony. We won't really have films natural colore until the stars st< using make-up.. M?TWO SECTIONS DEMI : Best Interests of Northw lOUNA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER ? - A* iflect jpirit of Sho Skirts i the ' airfding business houses of They are messages of jthri id of good cheer. Following 1 i: a ... <; ,?f those who have placed | Christinas ada^in this p..per and who ? n your confidence and patronThey want y :r business and jivfo asking you for an opportunity to J be of service during the remainder it of the shopping period. Extra salesj people have been employed to take care of the rush and they will be 'glial in each instance to render you 1 every service in solving your gift j problems. Be thrifty and trade at i j home. The Fashion Shop.* ; Boone Chevrolet Company. Boone Clothing Store. TunnelTs Studio. ' Cash Coal Company. 1). J. CottrelL ? Boone Drug Company. -I. & E. Self-Service Store. Davidson's Department Store. : City Barber Shop. Boone Hardware Company. Boone Coal Company. Th<? Music Store: > Will C. Walker, Jeweler. rj Hodges Drug Company, -j Watauga County Bank. \ Spainhours' Incorporated. C | T. L. Mast & Bro. (Lovill). ITi-T rn.l n.-, p/??no.,. I Isaacs* Department Store. r Watauga Insurance Company. I*! Watauga Building & Loan Assn. ; Carolina Stores, ij Peoples Bank <V- Trust Company! i' \W, R. Winkle.* & Company. ! NEW COCNL TRAIL V/ILL i FOLLOW OLD ROUTE I Phe Wilkes Patriot learns that t the state highway commission has tj definitely adopted the* old route for 3 j the new highway to Boone Surveys 7 J v. i'io also made by Summit postofII l;icc and Happy Valley, but the old , route has been deemed best by 5. Henry Lassing, locating engineer, jf and C. s. Currier, engineer for the - seventh district. -1 The hew road will lessen the disC tance to Boone by several miles. it 1 is estimated. The contract for coil sfcructipn of the ten mile stretch cl . < concrete will probably be let at ;<n ;> early date FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Mrs. .1. D. Council! was hostess to the Friday Afternoon Club on Fri (day afternoon at her home on Main " -licit. Mrs. OouoOlU i'dceived the I ?..i = 1 t i ? i 5 mco ?ic uvi:,. ; room- wmcn ' :v- beautifully deeevaTcd v -tb ferns mn other potted plants. An air of i ':^> and frihin p *rvadct ' the ^tiriosphere as all chat tod rind " Were merry. Sdr.ie. were busy mak f inp: Christinas presents, and all foil I he spirit of Christmas when tht ? j sv ei-etnvy passed a plate of capsules ' and each drew a name and learncc \.| hora we must have la mind wher j wo prepare for our annual ohd , i Christmas tree, which, all look for ' \y&rd to with so much onthuskiriv ! and pleasure. ' ? The meeting v'as then turned ovm 11 to the hostess and the following pto a | gram was given: 11 Mrs. O. L. Hardin read "Our Eirsl s,| 'Thanfesgivih^y Mrs. E. S. Coffej ^ j read a short Thankedving; poem n and Mrs. A. E. South read an edi " j tori a I on Thanksgiving. s | At the conclusion of the program " t he hostess, assisted by her da ugh e j tew Miss Mary Couneill. served ; :7 i most delicious course oi" refresh ;u j me ills. i Special wests beside club men: ~;bers were Mrs. T. H. Earthing am Miss Eula Todd. At the close of r.p.< ' ; meeting Miss Tood very sweetly in -cited the club to meet with her :: ' the college on December 1 1.?Vie " I ported. r j U HACKETT NEWS r> j Hackett,- Dee. 6?Bethany Sunda; school is keeping up very well con '< sidering sickness and bad weather, '"j Mr. Ted Nichols of Wilkes county ' who is our public school teacher thi y year, has taught one of the bes schools we have ever had in ou 'l community. Mr. Nichols visitei 11 home folks last week, and found hi ir father, very ili. 1 Mrs. Eliza Rominger has beei ? verv sick for t.hr? Tin^t. thrpr? wo^ks ie but some better now. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Edmir.stei 53 and baby visited relatives here las Sunday. The Woman's Missionary C.lub i this community is progressing nice iy. n- Mr. Martin Yates' two childre C. are recovering from a serious altac v. of Dneumonia. v. Misses lLeola and Mollie Edmir sten came home from school Thank: giving on a visit. in "Is it safe to drink out of th: >p cup?" ' "Lots of people do." 3CR A est North Carolina J 3, 192S ' Revival Closed Last i Night at Baptist Church j1 Because of the wide spread prevaj lop.ee of influenza in the community, ) it was decided best to close the st j - of revival services at the Bap-j S list church here last night. The! I meeting began December add 'would have continued until 1 Sunday tinder favorable conditions. Dr. Vines, who has been doing" tbej preaching:, left for his home in?< Greenville, S. C., this morning. How [ever, there have been a number of', j additions to the church by letter ahd| \ j by profession of faith, ' aiid the j v ; church has been greatly revived un-; . tier the masterful preaching <>C the j , i noted divine. Dr. V ines stated yester-i1 ' terday that he would probably accept , j a pastorate either in North Carolina! ^ ! or Florida, he having received calls j J | from two strong- churches in both I states. He has been a member of the evangelistic staff of the South-j cm Baptist home mission board for; the past, two years and during that tiirfe has held revivals in every sec- j. tion of the south. He was for a hum* ;; her of years pastor of the First Bap-' J tist church of Charlotte, and has held j 1 other important pastorates in this I 1 and adjoining states. His friends j , i hope that he will decide to come jJ 1 back to North Carolina, should he!' j decide to leave the evangelistic field, j GENERAL NEWS NOTES It is expected that when the ReI publican state exeaiitiyc committee . j meets in Greensboro Saturday with i the newly elected Rept\bKehn mem- ' ] hers of the state legislature, the I probability is that the a scmhlagt : v. ill endorse Stuart \V:i Crasher of. j Charlotte for a post in the Hoover: I cabinet. Mr. Cramer i< being put j forward for secretary of the navy. | Loiujsbiirg College. a jfOtVinr < ,:! lego of the Southern Mothoao.t [ church. V- -h''1 a 1 .ouitiliiJS?. X. I suffered : $20Q,i)Ob loss Wednesday,' | when she main dnni.iuny anil a1'. .. !'Strution lndlditpH of C.o : s- iitrtfor. was lu-'troyoil by five. Ten t : and. 05 girls who rimjwrjj in 'I1 [ building escaped Without injur;. , i entire student bod; of 2u(l to ' 1 j girls wi re sent hor.i . fill e?i'.?.e , I work haying been impended nnti 1 after the fitai of the year. i I London. Dec. i!?Kins': George 1 ' is struggling magnificently against his illness, if was semi officially said tonight, at. Buckingham palace. This j was shows by the fact, t'littt his ex- ' haustion has not increased while his , pulse remains steady. The night bid ! fin was said to be Over, more satis- < i factory than had been anticipated; ' The palace informant said, however, that it tviu not considered altogether . reastv.rin.e and that deep anxiety r. waists and must continue. The '.nniet lay which his majesty paused . enabled hie constitution in coo'in.m : ;: n> right s^ainst the rvumal infection i in his svKteui vi'hici? hod :>cen weajf-, 1; enin.fr bl.v. during the last few days. : 1 Press dWpatehc-j front \v ideiy rent to rod parrs of the globe indicate a' : world startled. by the threat of war' 'lover the hcupclory dispute between llolivi.-i arid Parage: y. Even before, I 1 receipt oi .uhtsi. niirl confirmation mobilization aircudy is under 1 Vv ay in Hoiiria. efforts toward medi j ntior had neon made by world ngon-i 1 civs, and the latest information from South America is to the effect thai the Bolivia:; :i:in,Utter had received ' f'-om the foreign minister at La Pa?, j advising him that Bolivia hid dceid- J etl to ret urn to the Pan-American! conference on conciliation and arbi-i >; tration r.ow ill session ;? Washing-j j ton. and on a neutral South Anieri1 can republic has offered its Services i <] and expressed the hope that an amie' ible settlement would be reached. 1 Yoieirg again hisi plea for gov enihiental economy. President Coolidge f harsuay submit tod to congress s d budget for the fiscal year IbSO, '.calling for expenditures of ?3.7S0,-; i .tmiriv ii" *?- - fr - i , ii.*; U \ XV ltl! ii , j S0?rS7S 3 32 i rtimatyd surplus wliieh: rihc declared offered no immediate! -1 prospect for farther tax redaction. ; l"he estimated surplus, which would! he* available .Inn? 30. 193C, is based upon expected revenue totaling $3,-: . 8J 1.203,329. Describing the sur- J * ! plus as small, the president said it i j was nevertheless ''satisfactory as it; i points to a balanced budget." Mr. j * Coolidge waned congress that "it is} s clear that wc cannot assume any j 1 great additional expenditure without j r jeopardizing this favorable outlook." j ^ Practically all departments were i s given increases with the exception i of the prohibition bureau, which for j 1 the second time since national prohlbition became a law. a reduction in I the amount of appropriation for its 'enforcement is estimated. The nmAlinf aclra^ r.i, 0>? . ?... **. ? I Ch?n^u LU1 I.I1C UUiCdU AUi bltC | next year was reduced by $'.16,304. n I The estimated cost of the bureau for 1<?29 was $13,004,140. ? MORETZ-DAV1S Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moretz request ]. the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Lucy, to Mr. Win. A. Davis, on Saturday afternoon, December the fifteenth, it nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, at six o'clock, Boone Baptist church, Boone, North Carolina. pSm'7: ' | s' T :" y ... .. ; ' , .; -' :>5jv^?v'! FIVE CENG'S A COPY ^EPIDEMIC ^ CLOSES SCHOOL iecauyc Several Teachers arid Many Pupils Were Unable to be in Their Places, Thought Bert to Close Oe* monstratioc School Until Jan. 2 IS' cftiu-c of an epidemic of infill nzii v.Jn -h is rasing: in Boone and icioity, the observation der^'tmeiit >i the Appalrchiun State Normal vas closed Tuesday afternoon and vail remain closed until January 2. Although in Kiuhor light form, was serious enough to keep several teachers and a large number of upils away from their work, and it as thought best, to close the school mtil after the holidays. NORMAL NOTES Dr. ft. B. Dougherty is or a trip ;o the eastern part of the state. \mong; other poi-its he will visit Xeanokc Island and he will doubtess have ojnc interesting things to elate on his return, as usual. In the inter-class contest at the formal between the freshmen and *bphbmore cUvrsee in three games, the sophomores v on out u;:d a banwas present .si to them Saturday chape) c wises by Miss Gamier, the coachl The first inter-<To!k>.jviate basket ail a,a me of the season was played in the gymr.asinm here Saturday nivrhi botviren the young ladies' team . the Normal and the team from IV.oivntc-iii Park .Junior College. The ; h o. played a godd clean game* .. v ir- efficiency and good train: , but were usable to com- with the [<o inal vvlrh v:ho won the ::moc by : con qi 11. Following the {fame the visitor^ were enter? -i v,!.lv hali at I.oviU .,. < i., i.- > - ? .v.- ' . un: iuv.it 1. <1111. . k baske-tbttil schedule fov this Norma' letter-' team this seaa; follows; Feb. ':?? iit : I-,"'t GoJIpctc, there. 'V Mitchell (Joikye. here i'l'ii. 1!-?<>.Hiy\vHen X- rmal, there Feb. 'is - i !!ovl- Normal, he-e. Jan. Jti?Ka.s! Tsnn. T. there. Feb. 1 C?K'..3'" Tenn. T. C. here. March 2--'Wiugate College. here. Ft;h. !. noa- KhyiK-. there, pending.) March I.onoir-Jthyne. here. The young r.ii a have nor yet comj'leLe.l th"iv sbftediilo. The Noitru.l is pkinnir.r to close for the holidays nr. December* 21 at noon. The oh! shod tints are expect(1 s'o he eje!. or work on January 2, ??;l the mid-term osamirai'ons will he given cu the -!th and 5rh of Jannary. biew. rccristrhtions for the spring tarn yvjT he f,r. ianuary S, and or.itc a tun id r have applied for on .'ran re at that time. Dr. H. !' . !)o*fghei*!y attended a ' oi : ty-v.'ii!* nieofing of teachers of Vsinc v onn'.dy n;cenUy and deiiverc.ii add.** St. to tiic body. Yancey hut- r.oVn well rcsireseptc! at the ifitefhial for a numV f years. Dr. James E. Hillm.'.n. director of coriififatUm', Walttigh. meat a part of Thursday find a!; of Friday at the Normal, during which }ie visited r.np observed in. vm io' ; places at the Normal ami si-nu- at the Demonstration school. He made a talk to the students at the chape) period Friday. A bamplrf vas given in the domestic science department at. the Normal Thursday night in honor ot the young men's football team, at v lii-.il several guests wore present, in rinding Br. B. B. Dougherty. Dr. dames F. HiUmah; Mrs. D D. Dougherty. Air Rupert (iiilett, Mrs. Van G. Hi.nson. Mr. and Mrs. Coffey, Miss Camper, basketball coach. Prof. Don-hum and other-.'. After speeches followed by a most sumptuous dinrev. by Dr. Dougherty, Dr. HiVhnan, Mr. Wibon, the toastmastev, Mr. (iiilett. and others, the following young men were given letters as rewards for special distinction in football during the season: Capt. Frank llaliman, Clyde Canine, Fr-ank Phillips. C. floyle. Claude Crouse, Conrad Hinson. Kcrmit Hinson, Bascom Perkins. Cor.nic Morefield, -JameS Fortner, Oswald Hooper, W. S. Fulkerson, Jay Hartley, Bob Williams, Oscar Barker, Hairy Hallyhurton, John Gaines, Everett Reece and J. B. Dove, manager of the team. It was pointed out that the : boys had performed well during the nrst season ol football at the col lege, winning nearly half the games > played and scoring nearly as many I points as their opponents, which is ! considered an unusual record for a j first year team. ! FIRST SKYSCRAPER CHURCH ' . IS DEDICATED IN NEW YORK New York, Dec. 9.?The new Church of the Strangers on West 57th street, New York's first skyI scraper church, competed at a cost i of $1,750,000, was formally dedicated today by the pastor. Rev. Paul M. Spencer, and a congregation df 400. The church proper oc; cupies four of the sixteen stories.

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