V JUNE G, 1929 FARM APPROPRIATION IS PROMISED BY CONGRESS Washington, June J.?Assuranct was given by responsible leaders ir ncogress today that they would sup port a recommendation to make i half billion dollars available for the stabilization of agriculture as sour .as the farm relief hill, which would, authorize the proposed farm board ^to spend that amount, is enacted into law. V > lw> ?S9PBHE8B* V _ W7 I iou won Right; now thou people are saving ward paving1 nextex penfes. The satisfaction to do things when always makes life HAVE MONEY FOR VAC; TO PAY D FOR INVE WATA1ICA | Ti HI L VA > 'i * BAt || R O N >" IT IS HARD to understan it better than another, ju or the first thousands of n But after you've thumped your tires for months, the a * tire the most importer termining life and mileag its worth. It is the body rder the tread, and compoi 1 cord fabric^ This body at a tire gets. It bends mi under the car's weight, t I riding. rk_ ?- ?u;? How many times they wi! cover, or how far they w out breaking, determines See This Test at Our CENTR tCelebrcte July Fourth in 1 Among: Iho.^e wliu expresscu the| Ho6vipr?Swflli](i i send congress an estimate for the full amount was Senator McNary of 1 Oregon, chairman of the senate t agriculture committee. He said he; thought it advisable to give the i i board every opportunity to take the J I fullest advantage of the benefits]. ! inteifiled to be provided by the rebel I legislation \vhicK~Is" hearing enact ! ment. * m ! i "~3 - ; 3SK B K "wSimSEBSiS 5 it Miss It isan<ls of smart small amounts tosnmmer's vacation ? of having money you want to most enjoyable. I VTIOM EBTS STMENT COUNTY iK E. . N . G . I II The Most Iim Fart of IS THE PART " YOU CAN'T jjK^p SEE id why one tire nest, dging by looks in repa;rin|t all tiles of service. lha, l()e pat<:n, and hammered Gondyfcar 'casinj hidden part of By a patented it factor in de- - called SUPER ;e then reveals that they will s , concealed un- farther before ---> ? tsorbz the blows best competitive Uions of fimei, Th;, crealer ci o cushion your explain, (1) ih tires their ?r? ist be elastic. and (2) the fi II flex and **e- "worn Goodyear ill slretch with- another tire sii their useful- down in the bo< Store?it Proves the Case AL TIRE CO 9cone THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E IV MFMnDI A M | 111 a. 1 Ml I " I-^riSW MILDRED MARCELLA COOKE p 4-year-old daughter of Mr. an< Mrs. L. Lea. Cooke, died May 15, llt'29. She is survived hy her par eat and foil" srs'ev^. Mrs. Wni mnnen, Misses Bernice. Pearl am Ruby Cooke. She was a loving also a devoted Christian girl, bavin? joined the Boone Baptist church a the age of ten years. She Iovcm her school work, and was especially talented in music, having had tine yc-ars of music. She was organis for the Girls' Auxiliary and the -ii R. V. P. U. ar the time of her death Her friends were many, which wa shown by the beautiful floral offer ings and the unusuaily large crow< which attended her funeral. A dear one from us has gone, why we cannot know. We, that are left wonder why one so young, so sweei so loving, generous and loyal, ha gone on before, but we wander bad over days gone by and we think o deeds, words and acts, and we tim s\yeet memories to fill our days til we, too, pass t<? the "great beyond.1 A GOOD MAN WANTED We want a good energetic and re sponsible man to represent us a traveling salesman selling choic lots in the great industrial city p Eii:'.abethton. t Tennessee. on th easy payment plan. Commissio work. Wonderful opportunity to the right man. if interested call at our Elizabeth ton office in the Birchfield Buildin or write us at Princeton. \Y. Va. LILLY LAND COMPANY Home Office Princeton, W. Va irtrlt S A ivE - - -Ywri- i it ??< r ---i--*v Greene Heights, having ar. eqim frontage of 66 feet. Young or - . ehards- if interested. ~,Iv-W Bryan, Boo tie, N. C- 2 ipartant a Tire , I makes of tires we find ed cords used only in gg outlast any other kind. g? process these cords TWIST are twisted so trctch up to 60 per cent breaking. They also over repeatedly, after the ; cords are lifeless, asticiry of SUPEETWIST te longer life of Goodyear ?ater resistance to injury, ict that the average wellis worth retreading when milarly used is broken dy. of Goodyear Tires! MPANY " - ... VERY THURSDAY'?BOONE, N. C. 1 SPECIAL NOTICES : DOGWOOD WANTED?See us tor specifications and prices. J. J. | Coffey & Sons, Boone. N. C. 2 {. | WANTED?200 or 300 gallons ??i": s good ripe Red Cherries. Catawba i I Creamery Co., Hickory, N. C. 2 : J i i, tvyjiv n.c.iM?g*ruum nouse uii -uaiu street, furnished or unfurnished. ( For terms see Mrs. H. McD. Little, : ( Boone, X. C. 1 ^ FOR RENT?Two nicely furnished'I rooms, with hot and cold water s and adjoining bath. Rates reason- i able. Phone 8S . dh j j FOR SALE?Good pair of mules, j a See H. Coitrell. Yadkin Valley ;c -?: J. P?. Cannon, Hodges Gap, j (] x. c. c?-<;-6 _ i WAXTEI)?To buy an old eight-day Grandfathers Clock. Write, u-v intr price and condition, to P. 0. i Box 324, Hiekorv. X. 0. Adfij] ] r, 4 j 1 UMBER ? HemlocR and White 1 Pine, Chestnut timber cut to or- ?~ :er. Sold 0!1 varci Or det:vr-re?? V IV. bepir t ultin.tr about the 15th.j Ivminsten Bros. Malney, X. C'. c ' BABY ( HICKS Wednesday of each T' week through June and July. J j Reds. Rocks and White Rocks, i i Write for l<;w price-. Wilkes j 5 ' Hatchery. North Wilke^boro, X. , | C. 6-6-3 | i CHEVROLET TRttfcK FOR SALE ?Good tire-. trood condition. ! 1 S;j 00:6j); easy terms. Litrht Slv ' i . Nash tourinp, pood condition.! ? r | *200, easy terms. Write or W. 1 A. Watson, Deep Cap. X*. c Attic ;| quickly. 5*23 tfl; BC>W*AB'U U MllllfilfcU HIM MHWII I fllTff IITTTI k e TYPHOID AN! 1 a We are putting on a : the following times ai I th emselves^of this opp ' 1 from these dreaded di . I rimbered Ridge IE ?Ivy Ridge Pottertown .... I Tracy Zionville . , . . . I Todd H Green Vail ev I Miller Matney Valle Crucis . . . IT. L. Mast's Stor Grandfather . . . Foscoe Rbobins' Store . I I I Walter Ward's S Rominger Bethel Don Hagaman's Mabel jtSui Silverstone . . . . Wind3' Gap . . Popl ai Grove . . Oak Grove .... Winebarger . . . Chestnut Grove Boone F.Ik Rutherwood . . . \ r->i r-? i I mowing- r\ocK . Middle Fork . . Stony Fork . . . Deep Gap . . . . Aho Bamboo Cove Creek . . . Phillips' Take notice that vacc named places and tirr ! : . I II CONTRACTS TO BE LET FOR TRANSPORTING 600 PUPILS The board of education will consider letting contracts to transport ibout six hundred children for the chool term 1929-30, County Suoerntendent Smith Hapaman announc-1 d Saturday. These routes will inlude Zionvil!? or Hrynn/1 to Cove j "reek; Valle Cruris or beyond t ? *uve Creek; all of Blowing Rock j lansportation: Deep Gap to Boone;, Jeep Can country to Deep G*p'j chool; Todd to Boone, Boone and >erhaps othersAnyone interested in taking con-1 ; act for one or more of these routes j ire asked to meet with the board ! >n Monday. -June tilth, at which times letails will be full discussed. Dr. U. G. Jones of Johnson City. Tenn., cyp, ear. note and throa? specialist, will be in the office of Or. [ lagaman in Boone on Monday and Tuesday, June 3 and 4, for the practice of his profession. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of the execution direct rd to the undersigned Sheiff from he superior court of Watauga ount.y on the 17th day of May. 'J20, in that certain action entitled Urs. Joe K. Mast vs. J. A. Woodiv. 5* G. Ward and W. \V. Mast for the ;?.iIIi ?. i o'.-A.i'o suoject vo a creci;1 ?f ?78.28, and interest and cost, I vill on Monday. July 1, 11*29; sell o the highest bidder for cash all the ight, title and interest which the ?aid I\ ('. Ward has in the following: Jescribed real estate, to-wit: Being that certain tract of larul n Brushy Fork in Boone township ind being bounded on the north by >fic DjlPTHERIAJ free vaccination for typh ~icl places. We trust e1 (ortunity to protect. j'OUi iseases tojtv t IIIWC 1A raiuM i, junlr. 1 I Church ;; ;y;'7; ' ..... i e - .Y/.7.7-. i SATURDAY, JUNE 15 itore Store 1 MONDAY, JUNE 17 ."".WW"!.'!.'.' 2: t V. TUESDAY, JUNE 18 VEDNESDAY, JUNE 1? THURSDAY, JUNE 20 ination will be continue les each week for four si H. B. PE County I .. .... .the lands of F. C. Ward: on the ! oast, by the lands of Andy Greer; on 1 the south hy the lands of Andy Greer i and W. R. Billings; on the west by j the lands of Pauline Henson and be I mg trial tract ot .'and lying between j Boone Trail highway and the J. W. j Ward lands. From the above is excepted the lands heretofore conveyj ed to A. Y. Howell and J. B. Can! non. I This 1st dav of June. 11*29. ' L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County. I By II. A. Hagaman, Deputy. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of ail execution directed to the undersigned sheriff from the superior court of Watauga county on the 7th day of May, 11*29, in that certain action entitled Lyon & Mealy vs. Carter Cook for the sum of SI lb.12, interest and costs. I will on Monday, July 1. 1929, ' the right, title and interest which the. said Carter* Cook has inthe following rloseri"b? d re;,1 esfat c: Beginning on a -take <?n hank of Boone Trail Highway. thesoutheast or nor of Lot. 107, runs north 'J <'egr??c*s west 211 feet t?> a stake ii line of 100: thence with the line of | 100 and 195 to a stake 12 - j feet from the northeast eorner oi Lot 195; then south 25 degrees west K',01 . feei to a stake on th'- Boone Trail Highway; 12H- feet from the southeast corner of Lot 195; thence with said highway 77 \L- feet to the beginning and being Lots Xos. 197 and 19(> and eastern half of Lot lp i as shown on the map of the Daniel Boone Park addition to the town of Boone, N. C. This June 1. 1929. !. M. FARTHING. : Sheriff Watauga County. By H. A. H&gamau, 1>. S. ' JLJ <m ACCiNATlQN oid and diphtheria at /erybody will avail selves and children . 1 0 to 1 2 a. m. ... 2 to 3 p. m. i . . 9 to I 1 a. m. ... . 1 to 2 p. m, ... 3 to 4 p. m. . ,9 to 10 a. m. I 1 0 to 12 a. m. ... 1 to 2 p. m. . 9 to I I a. m. 1 I :30 to 1 p. m. - 5 :30 to 3 p. m. . 9 to 1 ! a. m. 1 :30 to 1 p. m. I :30 to 3 p. m. 1 0 to 12 a. m. . . 1 to 3 p. m. . . 9 to I I a. m. ! 1 :30 to 2 p. m. . . 9 to 12 a. m. - . 1 to 3 p. m 10 to 12 a. m. . . . I to 2 p. m. >0 to 3:30 p. m .'.I . 9 to i 1 a. m. I 1 :30 to ' p. m. 5:30 to I 1 a. m. ! I . . 9 to 11 a. m. . . I 2 to 2 p. m. | ) II . . 9 to I 0 a. m. . 1 0 to 1 2 a. m 1 r> . m. ? . . y LU I w rt. a . . 11 to 1 p. m. 1| . . 9 to ! 0 a. m. . 1 0 to 1 2 a. m. . . 9 to I 2 a. m. . . . Lo 4 p. ill. d at all the above lccessive weeks. RRY, M. D., Quarantine Officer

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