> f " JANUARY 16. 1960 Uncle Sam's Ileal Estate J i \ ^ rsa 1 i '' ; * ;; 1 | V i- -. : r A" - .1 l&nM dr??s show the area of public I d ?? ? which President Hoover would BffB<*Ver to the states. The total acreajre d asthr thirteen original states. J i> Sickly Boy, 7, Gains <: 15 Lbs.?Father Happy, r "My boy, 7j would not eat. J Rave! hint Vinol anil the way he eats and j r plays now makes me happy. He has! Rained 15 pounds.*7?J. F. Andres, i Vinol a delicious compound of i cod liver peptone, iron, etc. The! eery FIRST bottie often adds scv-1 era! pounds weight to chin children j or adults. Nervous, easily tired, ane-, rnic pepole are surprised how Yiripl i gives new pep, sound sleep and a; E I r BIG appetite. Tastes delicious. j Hodges Drug Company, Agents. I ?Advertisement. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION j Having qualified as administratrix j of the estate of William Rainey, de- ., j ceased, this is to notify all persons j I : having claims against the said estate r. to present them within twelve j ? months, otherwise this notice will be ]< I pleaded in bar of their recovery. All y persons indebted to the estate will r| please come forward and make set- s tlement. s This lath day of January, 1930. d MRS. MILLIE C. WATSON, k 1-lG-Gt Administratrix. d SALE OF LAND FOR TOWN TAX J Jj By virtue of the power of sale! ^ j ' vested in me as tax collector for the j town of Boone I will on Monday Feb. | } ( ( ? 3, 1930, between the hours of 10 a. | 0 1C, ^ 111., and 1 p. 111., sell to the hiighcst X bidder for cash at the court house ? | door in Boone, X. the following jj real estate, to "satisfy' taxes ol the [ 0 said town for the years as indicated: ri R. K. Bingham, house and lot '26, 27. '28 $2,si.11 Dean Bingham, house and lot '2G, '27, '28 i G1.0G j. ('. Cook, house and lot *28 05.55 T. L. Cook, house and iot '20, '27, '28 100.03 "f 0. G. Cook, house and lot '28 66.11 '* , J. H, Cottroll, 5 lots '20, '27 ** |' '28 53.39 P? j i i M. P. Critcher, '.i int. in 2 es II r j lots listed C. M, ami M. ' L ' ' P. Critcher, '27, '28 31.85 m It M. P. Critcher, Vi interest it', 1'' y 1 lot oil Depot St., listed tr- P1 M. P. Critcher and G. H. Winkler, '28 11.58 Miss Edna Dellinger, 2 lots Daniel Boone Park, '28-_ 6.00 Ti Don D. Farthing, 2 lots '28 1.50 M. Ed Greene, 1 lot, '28-- ti.05 if Wiley G. Hartzog, house and lot, '28 208.10 Mrs. H. W. Horton, house and lot. Orchard St., '28__ -'9.06 Walter Johnson, house and lot 28 19.99 F. P. Jennings, 1 lot '20, '27, '28 18.00 Mrs. Mattie Jones, 1 brick bldg. and lots, '28 219.30 Mrs. F. M. Maltba, house and lot, '28 36.22 A. F. Parsons, house and lot 28 49.71 . Frank Payne, house and lot I '2S 132.35 W. M. Reece & McBride, old courthouse and lot '28 78.71 Mrs. J. A. Sprolcs, house and j -< lots, '28 28.65 Hunt Horton, house and ilots, '28 .75 Episcopal Church, house and lot, '26, '27, '28 78.70 Martha Hagler, lot, '27, '28 5.40 F. C. Ward. 3 lots, '28 49.73 A. M. Triplett, 1 lot, '28 2,251 This January 8, 1029. ' P. C. WYKE, | ? Boone Tax Collector. w lj| The Best Purgative for ?* the congestion, reduce* complications, hasten* recovery. DIMirv niMirv m uirv 1 uuiiv i : : : : if' C?^| f h . TH gp^L. SUCCESSFUL] J, Sf'l HOMEMAKING By GtACF VIAll GRAY fU\ HOT ROLLS "H , ers Where Is the person who doesn't ? ho hot rolls? And yet knowing tlih 5 be a fact, many women never at* T trmpt making iiot roiis for their fauiies, thinking it is a difficult process Bee taking hot rolls is easy. Once a Sta1 ousewife starts making them, she will E. Iways make tlicus. Iter friends will to s emaud them when they come a-<lin- sixt ng, and almost over night she lias a the eputatlon for making rolls that fair- con y "melt in your mouth." of The recipe I urn going to give yon Boo equircs little kneading and handling 10, ml only n short time of mixinir until hav eady for the oven. The secret of ihi> said '' - ' ^ at very Member of the Family Weicomes Hot Rolls. ' VI ...f i uickness ues in I lie fact that we use ni?! oft wheat and plenty of yeast. We' ^OAV all them Parker House rolls, and .sou 1take them as follows: j sou cups scalded milk 6 to 7 cups sofltbsp. sugar wheat Hour I nor comgrggocii yeast 1 tsp. suit ; thei cakes 1 fat j ?hel Scald the milk, n?|u the iUgjar, and i birc it cool until it Is lukewarm; add tlie ] to 1 east and stir until it is dissolved, moi 'lien beat in enough llour to make :i j S oft batter. Add the salt and fat and! saitl tir In enough, llour to make a soft! sam ough. Place on a iloured board and pen nead just enough to obtain a smooth j 7 ough. Place the dough in a greasedii 192 owl, cover with a cloth, and lot. standi ntll the dough is double in hulk; rut ! ith a large biscuit cutter, grease tlie! W. Iscuit with melted butter, crease; lirough center with knife, and fold! no-hali over the ether; grease the! * 3|> of each roil and place on a well reused baking sheet to riso. Vhen 4-hi? lie rolls double in lmlk, bake In a hot k 1,1 veil (4(H) degrees 1'). These (ieireidusj SRn1 oils require only about PA hours. j l'rvV J j bar r_ : j irtd< ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j Havinp qualified as administrator I , the estate of Mrs. M. A. Kingham,j ?Z. ceoscd. late of Watauga county, I 1 orth Carolinu, this is to notify alii T :vsons havinp claims apainst the J:on tate of said deceased to exhibit ,J? em to the undersigned within 12 onlhs; otherwise this notice will lie 0f eaded in bar of theii* recovery. All Boo irsons indebted to the estate will the ease come forward and make set- Cou anient. This Jan. 4, 1930. ^ur R. F. REIMS, Administrator. wl" I'ivettc & Holshouser, Attys. -1-9 t gen def. BK_KS9HBKBKSe?L8 Makes Life i Sweeter Too ranch to eat?too rich a diet?or 0 much smoking. Lota of things, cause ur stomach, but one thing can oorreet quickly. Phillip* Milk of Magnesia 11 alkaiiniie the acid. Take a spoon1 of this pleasant preparation, and the stem is soon sweetened. Phillips is always ready to relieve stress front over-eating; to check all idity; or neutralize nicotine. Be ember this for your own comfort; for ? sake of those around you. Kndoreed *. ' physicians, but they always say ! hiffcpe. Dual buy something else and 1 pent the same results 1 ' Phillips i . Milk 1 oiMagncsia j ~77 . V UOOK. HERE VOU, { jff J TELLS N\E VOO'V V ?T " \ BOV / /VOW, I P< * " I YOU THIS WHIPPI IE HEBE / / ?>G\*iC. TO MUR-, THA>N IT JS ~V0 ." ... ?_ - '' E WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV igal Advertisements Ivertisements appearing under is heading am payable strictly advance. Tbis rule applies to . do not ask the publish* & to deviate. NOTICE OF SALE hat whereas, on the 31st day of V, 1323, Sid Bed: and wife, -Yada k. of the County of Watauga, te of North Carolina, executed toll. Prestwood a mortgage deedj ecure the payment of the sum of) y-five dollars, and the interest on | same, said mortgage being re- i led in the office of the Register) Deeds for Watauga County inj k 8, page 82 of mortgages, July* 1929, and that, Whereas, default i ing been made in the payment of? note, and the interest thereof,n due. :OW THEREFORE) prusuant to! terms of said mortgage, and the | v-r of sale therein, 1 will, on Feb- i i y 3, 1930, expose to public sale I ppblic auction for cash in hand the courthouse door in Boone, th Carolina, the following de-j i. , i i *p- . < _*_? - ut-'ci utnus, suuaxen in tne county Yatauga, State of North Carolina. *e particularly described as foist .EGINNJNG on a birch, and runs thwest 46 poles and 16 iinks to a, ist in J. R. Berry's line, on the thwost side of Watauga River; ice north 23 poles to a chestnut; ico east 43 poles to a bunch of h sprouts; thence south 17 poles the beginning, containing 5 acres e or less. aid sale being made to satisfy I debt, and the interest on the le, together with the cost? and exses of sale. 'his the 31st day of December, 9. E. 11. PRESTWOOI), Mortgagee. R. LOYILL, Attv. 1-2-Up. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE laving qualified as executor of, will of TL Shipley, deceased, is to notify all persons who have ms? against the said estate to prel"tlieni witnin twelve tiior.ihs; othise this, notice will be pleaded in of their recovery. All persons ?bted to the estate will please, ic forward and make settlement, his December 31, 1029. E. FV SHERWOOD. 6t Executor NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND tnder and by virtue of authority forred by deed of trust executed C. F. Dixon, single, to the First lonal Bank of Durham, North olina. Trustee, dated the 1st day February, 1928, and recorded in k 12, page 287 in the office of Register of Deeds of Watauga nty, the First National Bank of ham, North Carolina. Trustee. at 12.00 o'clock noon on Tuesday, January 21st, 1930 the courthouse door of '.he Suor Court of Watauga County ill ne. North Carolina, sell at pubauction for cash to the highest !er. the following describe] prop, situated in the Town of Boone, nty of Watauga, Ctate of North ilina: EGINN1NG on a stake on the < of the Blowing: Bock Highway being a corner of Smith Hagai's and runs with his line north legrees cast 238 feet to a stake; ice south 33 degrees east 100 to a stake; thense south 57 dees east 100 feet to a stake; thence h 57 degrees west 238 feet to a e on the bank of Blowing Rock I; thence with said road north legrees west 100 feet to the bcling and containing 23,800 square nis sale is made on account of tult in the payment of the indebtjss secured by said deed of trust, his lith day of December, 1929. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF URHAM. NORTH CAROLINA, Trustee. W. COBB JR., Attorney. 1 JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE, N. C. Office* Poatoffice Building Phone 63 DR. ALFRElT W. DUli j RYE SPECIALIST ?hTO SEE BETTER 1 y SEE DUU 17 Years Experience | i e Equipment Obtainable. 1 imies NO MAN-MOTHER ) E BEEN A NAUGHTY / JAI'T LIKE "TO OWE J NG ? FOR IT's " ME MORE (Lr ERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution issue to the undersigned Sheriff of \Vt tauga County in that certain actio entitled Bristol Grocery Company vs R If. Potter and wife. Armte^PoUew 1 will on Meads.-/, Fchru&.y 3, 1230, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the courthouse door of Wataug County, sell to the highest bidder fo cash, all the right, title and interes which the said R. h. Foilei and wilt Annie Potter, have in the followin tract of land, to-vit: Beginning on a birch in H. H Main's line at the road, then nea west with G. \Y. Main's )ine to beech on lidge, then with said lin to A. E. Ellison's corner; thence wit his line north course to a stake; the near east with said Ellison's line t a stake at the public road; then dow the road to stake; then with sai line south course in Clarence Pot tor's line; then with said Potter', line to lb E. Hockedy's comer; the with his line near south to a maple then southeast with said line to U. A .snores', Ilockudy's and C. F. Wilson' corner; then with said Wilson's to -John Potter's Herton's and Wi son's corner; then near west wit said Potter's line to Abraham Pot tor's corner; thence northwest wit said Potter's line to a bunch of beat wood sprouts, a corner in II. II Main's line; then with H. ii. Mai line to a stake at the branch an public road, then up said road to th beginning, containing seventy-fiv acies, more or less. This the 3rd day of January, 19o( L. M. FARTiilNG, 1 -0-41 Sheriff Watauga Count} NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution dirccie to the undersigned Sheriff of Wa 1 auga County from the Superic Court of Watauga County in ths certain action entitled W. R. W'iei ler vs. Alf. Triplet!, I will, on Mor day. February 3, 1930. between th hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. at th courthouse door of Watauga Count} 1 sell to Che highest bidder for cas j to satisfy said execution all the righ title and interest which the -aid A1 L Tripleit has in _ iKe following di scribed real estate to wit: l Bounded by the lands of the Cai roll heirs, Greets, Barnett place, I ' G. Carroll, Thomas Johnson and otl j era and containing one hundred an seventy acres, more or less. I As a homestead of the above excepted from the following. Beginning in the Elk road at th point where Alf Triplett's line b? tween him and the Carroll heii crosses the said road; thence with an down said road south course to large apple tree in front of an o! I house, the first log house below A Triplett's on the right side of th road; thence south 15 degrees we: to the old line between Alf Triplel and P. G. Carroll; thence with A Triplett's line to the beginning, cot tairiing one hundred acres more o less. This January 2, 1930. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff of Watauga Countj l-0-4t PUBLIC AUCTION of Purebred Jersey Cattle I will sell to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, Jan. 18, 193( On EFIRD'S LOT, LENOIR, N. C. (In cat? of rain at J. C. Eller's barn BEGINNING AT 1:30 O'CLOCK My entire herd of pure-bred registered and high grade JerSGVS- poricktino OK cows and heifers. For further information see N. P. Coppage, J. C. Eller or P. M. Hcndrix. N. P. COPPAGE R. F. D? KINGS CREEK, N. C. Caldwell County 6 6 6 it a Prescription for COLDS. GRIPPE, FLUE, DENGUI BILIOUS FEVER AND MAI.ARM It is the most speedy remedy knowi SAY PDP-VOU HAVEN'T ANN THING BAD ? VSHN LET NOUASEUF OFF EA Just don't whip / MORTGAGE SALE d By virtue of the power of sale coni tained in a certain mortgage deed n executed by Claud Williams and wife, 5. Dessie Williams, to M. J. Williams r, and Ed. S. Williams, on November 30, 1923. and recorded in Book 2 pogn 356 2nd bv virtus of an ordov entered to consent judgment at fall a terra of Watauga Superior Court, r 1929, signed by John M. Oglesby, t Judge, appointing the undersigned commissioner, i \\ ill on Friday, Fe!>g ruary 7, 1930, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door of Watauga l. County sell to the highest biddei for i" cash the following described tract of a land: e Being a part of the J. B. Willi liams old home place, for calls see n deed made to A. C. Williams by J. B. o Williams and wife dated November n 1, 1910, recorded in Bock 21. page kit 101. This is not to include 1 1-2 acres; s soid and deeded to S. C. Eggers, datn ed November 30, 1923, by A. C. Wil; liams and wife on Federal Land loan L of ?450.00. Is This January 6j 1930. p JOHN E. BROWN, 1- 1-9-4t Commissioner, h NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Vi Having qualified as administrator of the estate of L. I). Miller, de[. ceased, this is to notify all persons n having claims against the said estate d to present them within twelve c montns. otherwise this notice will be e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will )# please come forward and make settlement. : j This 3ist day of December, 1?29. 1\ J. C. MILLER, Adnir. I 1 -2-6t. i \ Mother! e I Elean Child's Boweis h U ~~~ if "California Fig Syrup" is Dependable Laxative for Sick Children a ir if c ^ ?*- U TTirrrr- V *WT A [ "California c>ig 8vnip*' now will I iWMton the stomach and thoroughly clean the little bowels and in a few hours you have a well, playful child again. Even if cross, feverish, bilious, constipated or full of cold, children love Ha pleasant taste. It never cramps or overacts. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Tell yonr druggist you uant only J the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on. bottle. ) Mother, you must say "California." BshtM any imitation. i Cc( i FORTY and /^r piT as a ^^^^fiddle A FTER forty, watch out for x\. winter ailments.Cod-liver oil, the natural foodtonic, is a wonderful I protection. Take it I theeasyway?pleas- xLjfjJ I antlyflavored,digcs- R Iff I tible, full of energy. I . i ||| scorns emulsion H ) I 7 ~J*> zi { S^crl SEVEN ! AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF STREET 1MPROVEMEUT BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA, i \"o i"th C*iroiir.ii, ? | Watauga County. I At a regular meeting of the Bosfu !, of Aldermen of tlie Town ox' Boone, North Carolina, held in the town offices of said town at 7:30 p. m. on December 31, 1929, at which the fol: lowing members were present: R. S Swift, Mayor; II. B. Perry, L. L Bingnam. and J. D. Rankin, Aldermen, and the allowing absent: None. Dr. H. B. Perry introduced the fol| lowing ordinance and L. L. Bingham moved its adoption! ( "An ordinance authorizing the is; cuance of street improvement bonds ! of the Town of Boone, North Carolina." BB IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen <?f the Town of Boone, North Carolina, as follows. Section 1. Pursuant To the Municipal Finance Act, as amended, bond* of the Town of Boone, North Carolina. are hereby authorized to be issued foi the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and paving of certai. streets in said town. | Section 2. The maximum aggre . gate principal amount of bonds t-i ( he issued hereunder is $2">,000. Section A tax sufficient to pay I the principal and interest of said oonas snail be annually levied and collected. Section -1. A statement of the debt of ti:e* town has been filed with the ! Town Clerk, and is open to public ] inspection. Section 5. This ordinance shall I take effect thirty days after its first I publication, unless in the meantime j a petition for its submission to the ] town is filed under the Municipal F;i nance Act, as amended, in which event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the town at an election as provided in the said Act." The foregoing: ordinance was passed on the thirty-first day of December, 1929, and first published on the second day of January, 1930. Am* action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days of its first publication. U. S. SWIFT, Mayor. L. L. BINGHAM, Town Clerk. ; NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE S SALE ! By virtue of the power of sale con | tamed in a certain mortgage. deed e\ ecutod to the undersigned on the 2n<i day of November, 1022, to secure the sum of $200.00 to S. M. Austin by J. R. Shore and wife, Mollie Shore, which mortgage deed is rc corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book No. 1 of Mortgages, at page 505, and default having been made | in the payment of the money thereby secured, as therein provided, 1 will on Monday, February 3, 1930, at 1 o'Ciock p. M. at the courthouse door of Watauga County, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land, to-wit: Beginning on a chestnut in John It. Hagaman's line and runs north about 50 poles to an ash in said John R. Hagamans line; thence up a I branch about forty poles to a poplar i near the barn in Hagaman's line; | thence south about fifty poles to a stake on top of ridge in W. C. Dan ner's line; thence with said Banner's line to the beginning, containing ten acres, more or less. This tjie 3rd day of January, 1930. S. M. AUSTIN, Mortgagee. Bingham, IJnney & Bingham, Attys l-9-4t A suit cf clothes is new just as long as it looks new. Our modern dry cleaning methods keep clothes looking new. They help you get more service out oi the clothes you buy. To the man or woman who is interested in economy, we offer an economical service which will save them money in the long run. HI-LAND DRY CLEANING CO. Dry Cleaning, Pressing ami Hat Blocking By Terry Gilkison JINGLES'* Jjj P?O? MB*??ttr P?:Ky?\on?sr?.'.;7t.Jt ** THECE's UTILE vIRllE MIX K.VJOWS ALU THE "TRJX." ir,tic lam'i uu vtnbKC HE FEEUS LAIS DOWN ANP KICK? VJF HIS HEELS >

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