EIGHT Sunday School Lesson By DR. WILL O. GORDON CHRIST'S STANDARD OF GREATNESS LESSON TEXT Matthew sx. 17-SS. GOLDEN TEXT?The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, hut to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.? Matthew xx, 28. Metsago of the Lesson What a disappointment it must have been to Jesus that His Disciples should have failed to understand thai the road to eminence m his service lay along the way of lowly duty. For almost three years by precept and example He had. endeavored to make this clear to them. Now after ail the had witnessed with their ". >vri eye.-., and heard with their own ears, of the tender gracious ministry of Jesus. Salome came with her two sons, the well-beloved John and James, and requested that they might sit. the one on the right-hand and the other on the left, in His kingdom. SEE ^ * TO THE VVc take a great deal of pride an tures to the citizens of Watauc The DeForest Phonofilm, which of Dr. Lee DeForest. father of from film. It is of the 'lighest q with any sound system you hav? is truly worthy of its slogan, "Tli tire programs from this date wil real entertainment starts when 3 CAROLINA THEA THE CAROUI PRES MONDAY AND TUE5 ? RON ALE 2 1 i "BULLDOG I -J A I IMITF r* AC* B *" ? ? One of l.'ie ten best PATHE NEWS ANT WEDNESDAY AND THU 1 MAURICE ( | i "THE BI< -1 ^ A Pre-release Showing of PARAMOU! FRIDAY AND SATUR Louis Wolheim a I "THE SHIP FRC J < Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's PATHE * I NOTI< i TAXP. MHHHnnHB a I U/1 a ave to ad for delinquent tax X The law makes it hope all will do I } before this becorr ?? ??- notrmonfo UOT 'WMincC^*^ piA r i^v.iiLo Ildi considering hard t $ collect all now. * i L. M. Farth fc-~ James and John certainly had forgot- . tea the lesson that Jesus taught them , while at Capernaum that "if any man , woo.Ul be first, he shall be last of all, | and servant of all." Now on his way , to Jerusalem, and it was thought that . His purpose in going there was to set' \ | up Ilib kingdom, they, Jaroes ar.d , j ,1'ohn, evidently thought, by getting , ahead of the other Disciples, there j would hi* better chances for thesn to j i secure the prominent offices in ; His kingdom. It is so easy to set j our hearts on a goal and to overlook the thorny road that leads to it. The selfish -wish to shine above others is: i poor and miserable. But the Christ; | crossed both?Whosoever will bej chief among you, let him be your I servant, the, hi;ri> plapes so often { j ought, as was the case with these . j Disciples, Jesus made it plain that the high places in the kingdom were : not given, but acquired through hum-j ble service. The Price of High Position Can we say thai these men were JI i prepared to pay the price? Thai altogether depends on how far they follow .ho King in living out the spirit of the kingdom. The final test of I fitness for high position in the king: dorti is determined by a willingness id suffer, if need be. Paul wrote: "If we suffer with Him, we shall also I . eign with him. "Are ye able, said' ????????? : c PUBLIC: id pleasure in offering sound picja and the surrounding country, we have installed, is the product radio and reproduction of sound |uaiity, and we invite comparison e heard in any other theatres. It >e Best Sound in I own." Our enI he all-talking, all-singing. Your .'on have first >'ieard Phonofilm. TRF. Rlr?wir? or R nrl^ NA THEATRE ents Wi?K????Dg? ? DAY. MAY 5th and 6th > coleman > n? c )rummond" > TISTS SPECIAL pictures of the year O > SHORT SUBJECTS RSDAY, MAY 7th and 8th :hevalier r r N H a POND" % Paramount** Newest Star O v'T COMEDY DAY, May 9th and 10th ;> tnd Conrad Nagpel ? N H )M SHANGHAI" ? Thrilling Epic of the Sea ^ COMEDY he to! ayers i wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm xrovfieo vool octofo > * w* v *?_?*_- * VOVMVV- # es on May 1, 1930. ; compulsory. I do { :heir best to settle les necessary. So | re been gratifying imes, but 1 have to ting, Sheriff f i . " rHE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE It'ous. to, drink the cup that I drink >f?" These are qualifications of one kvho would be great in the kingHort. Every step toward Jesus is a step coward the light, for He has said, "I mi the way; the truth, and the life; lie that followeth me shall not walk m darkness, but shall have the light >1" life." "Though weary deserts we may t; e ad, Dreary perplexities may thread. Through dark wavs underground be led. Vet if we will our Guide obey. The dreariest path, the darkest day, Will issue forth in heavenly day." Bills to Aid Jobless Are Passed by U. S. Senate Washington, D. C.? Two Wagner unemployment measures?to set up a Federal program for emergency ^instruction, and to provide for collection of complete employment; statistics?were passed Monday by the Senate without a iecord vote. A little later, over outspoken objection by Administration leaders, the Senate voted. 37 to 32 to consider the third point of the Wagner unemployment program immediately after discussion of the nomination of Judge John J. Parker for the Supreme Court is completed. The third bil by Senator Wagner. \ew York Democrat, would provide| Federal system of . employment. to o-operatc with State agencies. Waaler asserted confidence after the vote that Senate would agiee to the : H iv d m c a sure. The first of the two measures passed .Monday would require the department of labor to publish monthly figures on the volume and change in employment. covering not drily rs of workers, but hours worked for the Federal Government and fo) various industries. The other would create a Federal | mployment .stabilization board com- \ vised ' !' the Secretaries of the Treasury. of Commerce. Agriculture and La or. The measure also would rejuosi the* President to direct the secotaries of War. Agriculture and the Treasury to accelerate construction within their control during periods >f depression. The stabilization board would be directed to inform the President j whenever a period of business de-; pression and unemployment existed er were "likely to exist" within the succeeding six months. On the recommendation j>jL_the ooaid. thePresident would transmit to Congress sunnlemo?-?t-?l Cor emergency appropriations to be expended "in order to prevent unemployment and permit the Govemnunt to avail itself of the opportune y for speedy, efficient ahd ecunemieal e?instructions." The bill Would authorize appropriation of any amounts "necessary i\? expenditure on public works to pi \i ni uiiempioyment'' not in excels of $150,000,000 in a fiscal year. Public works which would be accelerated under the measure include fc leral highways, rivers and harbors, LKrod co n t rol urojec-tfir-Hnd- tire p" 1:1: , buiidiners. 5 ? 1 HORRIFIED THRONG SEES FLIER LOSE DEATH FIGHT Dusseldorf. Germany. ? After a struck* for life of 15 minutes over the heads of thousands of Horrified so )ctutors, Willy Hundertmark, aerial acrobat, was killed Sunday while attemptin?r to change in midair from one airplane to another. The acrobat; who was usinir a rope ladder ;? effect the <--h :>?.? /* *' ' J . T T7* I The ice season is here and we are better prepared than ever before. We are making absolutely pure crystal ice and our deliveries will be prompt. Give 11 us a can. Boone Ice & Fuel Co. Boone, N. C. RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. ing on the lower plane succeeded in grasping the rope ladder hanging from the upper one. But as the upper plane swung clear of the lower one, Ilundertmark was unable to grasp the next rung of the ladder. The pilot of the airplane didf not dare attempt a landing for fear of crushing the acrobat. To induce him to drop, the police stretched a canvas sheet, butThen it became apparent that the acrobat's hand was entangled in the ladder. After trying to help Hundertmark by flying as low as possible, the pilot decided to take a c hance on landing. He reduced his speed as low as he could, but the acrobat, dragged over a iong stretch'of the field, was picked up unconscious and died in a hospital soon after. SPIKE PUNCH AT BRIDGE CLUB GIVES NINE JAKE LEG Wichita. Kan.?The Beacon said Tuesday that nine women, members i>;" a bridge club in t^e fashionable College Hall district here, were unJ der the care of physicians after a bridge luncheon at the home of one of the members where punch was served, "spiked" with alcohol. Three of the women were report-! ed paralyzed, three others confined to their beds, having lost the use of their legs and the others were iu?iv 10 got uooul only on crutches. Two of the women told their physicians they had but one drink* of the punch and that they had partaken of no other alcoholic beverages for weeks. Dr. M. H. Hostetler. county physician. today re, .., i?-,j 25 now liquor paialysis cases outside the city in Sedgwick County. Twenty-eight men and one woman now are being cared for at an emergency dormitory at tlie county poor farm. AIMEE BAPTISES HER DISCIPLES IN THE SACRED .JORDAN RIVER ' riisalem.?Aimee Semple McI'hevson, Los Angeles evangelist. Monday said that, although she had come to Palestine only to enjoy a holiday, she could not help baptizing her disciples in the Jordan. The ceremony took place Saturday afternoon when Mrs. McPhrrson. with v party of lit. made a motor trip to the Jordan. Twelve of her disciples, equaling in number the Apostles, were dipped into the water at the spot where Christ was believed to have been baptized. Policemen held their hands to prevent them from drowning. Sunday Mrs. McPherson stood under the Rock Garden tomb, believed to be Christ's sepuleher by Protestants. and read the Bible to her dis? pies. These two ceremonies were the only opes in which she participated during Viei slay in Jerusalem. She left for Galilee Monday mornink. DEMOCRAT WANT ADS PAY! BillHiiilliillllililllllliiiiliiiiiiiiilililll I 4 I A Vi I ( Childr | By G1 CHAIRMAN C IN COMM g A1 i i = If you have a ch oPthe calendar EE cameras under Fifty thousand = ' May only thrc ? j cacn aeaier oer are given away Child must call == or legal guardic = one roll of film man and Boont NOTE?Our s =? shipped, but ha ==j them by May I =: first applicants || Boone AUTH A LINK IN THE W I iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii j jjH IfomOi Ihcmt from The Democrat of April 30, 1391 i Harper Heal) of Lenoir has leased : the Lenoir and Blowing? Uocfc tele- nu j graph line. . I It is probable Miss Sallic- Jurriey. j of Mooresville will teach for us this . j summer, beginning possibly the lllh J.e of May. All within reach should help " J to patronize the school. CJ The town people organized a Sun- *u | day School at the Baptist Church on ? i last Sunday. ^ We are sorry to know that Mvs. * Polly Greer was so unfortunate last j ar week as to fall and hurt her arm, , very badly. J . 1 ickrt for the town to be elects ed the first Monday in May: Mayor. ".J W. L. Bryan; Commissioners, In. ^ Reeves, J. D. Councill and Man ley i Blackbu rn. t J. T. Sullivan is now painting J. F. ? pain hour's handsome residence, and when completed it will be one of the prettiest as well as one of the j*'1 most convenient houses in or hear| c town. | te HI? MOVEE TO NEW Ql j t The Boone Shoe Shop has been in occupied next to Swift's (Inn-cry ! erected near the Farmers Hardwai the name of DANIEL BOONE SH1 been added, making the shop a X Prices for work as follows: I Men's Dress Shoes, soles and heel to Better Quality Material, per pair. Ladies' Shoes, Soles and Heel Taps, Children's Shoes, as to size, per pa Have your shoes repaired and sav practically the same service. All price t<> all. Nothing charged. Daniel Boone NEXT TO FARMERS HA lm _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiilii FT to th en of Am EORGE EAST] )F THE BOARD OF EASTMAN KODAt IEMORATION OF THE F VJN1VERSARY OF KODA ild, boy or girl, who was bori year 1918, they are entitled the following conditions: are being given away durinj mgh authorized Eastman K ng allotted a limited numbei , there will be no more in th in person and be accomparii in. You pay nothing. Get tf free with the compliments o i Drug Company, local East upply of anniversary came ive not arrived, but we will i st, and wlil immediately gh under the conditions set for TV j l^rug i^or OR1ZED EASTMAN DEA WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN OF INDIVI1 AND OPERATED DRUG STORES lllliilllllillllH MAY 1, 1930 ^ wEarivFikfi I -or Fvancuni opened school st Monday in New River Academy \e people of that section arc fortuite to secure the services of such teacher and should give him aP e suppoTt that is possible. Governor Holt orders a special Lin of Superior Court in Watauga r the trial of civil and criminal ises. The term will begin .June 22nd id Judge W. A. Hoke is appointed presideJack the Ripper turns up again in ew York. Another woman killed id disemboweled. The Tomahawk gives an account a shooting affair that recently took ace in Mountain City, wherein J. . Mitchell, a prominent merchant, lot K. E. Butler, ^