SIX I Miss Nob' I TVT I 11 ow 1 By ELIZAB1 E WWWWUWWWWW % \\%rk ELEVENTH INSTALMENT A warm hath partly soothed het the familiar bod v?as comfortable, ant the quiet neighborhood was fret from the car-clanging that had dis turbed her at the apartment. With : mighty effort of will she tried ti draw mental shutters between mem ory and the episodes of the night but the gray-haired stranger pushe< back those shutters, with compelling hands. The room seemed full of him The very world seemed full of him and of some horror connected wit! himThe horror was worse than the ma: himself, because it was intangible Like those trailing ends she was al ways striving to catch, it lay heyon< her reach, just hack of him. ... I some way he was connected with : ail?he was in the very heart of i< At moments she was just within th grasp of what it was . . . somethin lifted,- lightened, and suddenly dark ened again even as she was holdin her breath in dawniiig understand ing. She was convinced that she ha tied to avoid niiij and that to to hei" norma! -elf w?>uld be to v? turn to him . . to him." The sun ose. bringing with il ljl niM. ?W? r.Aiii age. . . . She was awakened by a 'J.mkU sharply imperative. The telephow A as ill he sitting room and she ros tio answet :: At the first words thu came over the wive her heart caugb" then leaped, and reviving courag ivi'ted < like a wave. '"Mass Parsons*.'" It was Hain* t vvynr ami friendly voice, hob >ii?- the thrill of controlled exeiu me:u. "Robinson has just tokl rr that yorVe back." he continued. "an it seems too ?*ood to be trite. I don want to he a nuisance, of vr.r,-se "Oh, shall i t* viaci to see you Kve gasped. "You can't imagine ho glad" 10: "'he. Mat?" with *u? effoi shy ypntiolleci her Shaking voice?' -han't no around ;to it for a coup of hour... I'm just awake Will elcvv ' 'c'iocjkybe convenient for ymi?" The Jasi 'of her panic had {slur, vavvvty at the so nipt .of Hamilton -voice- With - SEEfofltpn1 .in t he . hoi: xffij \V:;s cafe. -:d"'S Sk, rarij^flov. C .h e rhaihVer?p a i who cume '.irmni'itd offered tl el' five duilars for the ?n of, ;o. = hat. a dross. and a pair < el?ffl??8BgHaij wlslssii .#%% -nc hub i \tiv?i,"c?u{- then-, co do. aft that of a v ine working girl ai l- h.nvbdyant type. It May Be When Children Ciy for It . 9?*;or}? " a comfort when Baby i ..... - . "'KM uiaii tUP UtSi ?ne is at eaae. If restless, a few drop ioon bring contentment. No harm don< lor i aaroria id a baby remedy, rarao or babies. Perfectly 3afe to give th >?>unge*t infaiit; you have the doc ton *or<< for that! ft la a vegetable ore luct arad you could use it every day. ihi t'e in an emergency that Caatoria mean no?T.. SiHne night wheu const i patio r.uet be reUeyed?or colic pains?o tidier stiiTering. Never bo without it ionic mothers keep an extra bottle, hxi ipeued, to make sure there will aiw&y te Castoria in the house. It is effectiv 'or older children, too, read the bool bac, comes with it. PINKY DINKY : t Qt \ s odv From ?' I here ] JTH JORDAN \ ? * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m UM.IUjMA4 m r. rW'w'www wwwwww www wwwww'www ww wV- wWWW www w 1: An impulse came to hei and sb . stopped to consider it. 1 "I really must be a rather goo 2 sport. somewhere under all this," sh - told herself. For the impulse was th t unexpected one of walking it- o -> Hamilton ?n ail her garish finer - when he came to her sitting room, o making no explanations of it, an j of watching its effect on him. "l>u ^ 1 won't do H." she stoutly decided . and when his knock fell on the paiu i, of ih? outer door she hid her excite h incut and emotion, by making' her c> Sanation while they shook bands, n; Don't look at me," she beege. trying to speak lightly. "I'm fu th 1- chambermaid's Sunday plumage, an 1 it doesn't suit my style." n Bui he did look at her as they s;i t: down together; and that look of svn [. pathy and understanding brought th e j isufiy of last night from her in rush '>t" words which ht was ca):t*f? not to iricefrupf. g **So you see, it comes to this." sh [- slimmed up; "I'm even more afrai d of knowing who I am thin of nc ni knowing it. I'm afraid of what's b - the otne.i side of mv blank wall. Me there; I'm sure of that. And I'm sun with nothing but my terror ot bac -the conviction. that lie was I he dar I ran away from. And yel, as . think of it., doesfdt look liW a '".a p i nt' would fear. There was norhiri (- i:>. his nia'M?r?quite the era ,r ilrar\. He to hi: snflVr'm t. ! oiuro he almost broke doyvn. m:t a e Uw ;me t was odd with feat.' Hamilton nodded. \. ''There's somotkihir back ot r ; said. -I've got sever;;! pieces of fl* . puzzle to put with yours. We'd tal e a}! ver late v on: Bat first ' V d; save the nee<i of UmVperatih di\o' ir?g her mind tc other phase- oC h< ; proble^m?"\vh> did you riir awn ;,*.j : or, us ,v "I seeiv be 'running ;iw?.o aii U it time.*' she said. * an;i today I suppmVli I'll oiul bv -.ahntrtg;w;iy again. no ;( withstahd ng all t*\ -a d." She shr ;n v't fl. "i I shouldn't lake tl ii.-k of being ir: the siuhe city wit ,k that hian. whoever h. is." V: .She had *->:peott-d .hiin' .*/.> kj; Inu be rodded. ' "ir "V>-s." he said. "' hex a j on youi- whogvo 1 ' ate. i' lt. Vhy n\S;fb at . ilfiTu5 > tut nbiwydiv x'u; - any sense that yon knew l.ihi, at ;f sht?r? him biff org?'-* o memory. only paialykn 13vi? of eojii*.v I mux-*--know fir e!i*a'v r!,r?t i hiu-w me aa,t t.smst-U ii< M?fc '- f - sBb'bvjJj ..vw nic'' .SI,.- v. fl -MUCK i<>- -iiillK'11 ill! ; ^.Vv'h.M'r wo'Vi rhc- inmoriant linnjrs jj " $$?[ vou wimi-jil V>:? left '??-*' B fcLIig-.i**vSfflmrog-w**** emi - -11 U \V.Vgg_ J1 ?A J I 'XIIIJ 7: ; ..!&&&?&*;-?;vB I Tim most impGttaut is aUout He men .1 huloasf f> "in fib p-'.rk and found in it a small piece oil p : i>f-i hied fK- tipfuldbii aipi haml ... ! : . II nus a i-.i'.tir.i! f:mn a nee. hazier. and as she vend ii hi r fa whito'itf.!. it ran:. WAN' iKl)Sr Information iihijut voitVlg lady Win ilisiippi atoil ? AfJ net hOtr,. Twenty three vcaiA ;- ! ."I'igi.; ataifet hijBiit*."-4! and higcf Hn !'->>> nil#, height. riv, lot U ; inthe;-. tai?y.-cyss.. jVgiiJai' U: lull';.. HUbbod Mfini.t-e do: ay'il Via When 1 hs! set*:: sfu . -v- a ir'rei , dross aith gjold . v.:';.- am: ccill.-u'. green hat, nateiit.-Ieatliev ?ls ..I" . and champagne-colored si stocking:. A libera! reward will jl ,lffy?cSL:T?i] ihv'np.a'-iop leading j her return to ho I fiend- Add it j X srffii., care ot' t'hi-- new-paper. Fpt- a moment she could opt- .-pep He wailed patiently. "Who:' did that appealshe ask. at las!"About a Week ai'lec you loft." "Did you"?she seemed almost v. aide to i? ii it out tiiy words?". .*va'lvthine ahoui " i "Nothing you would disapprove b": jhe told her. arid added hurrie? | "That is rib thing that would give y< away if you don't want to be found It was clear that she breathed mo freeiy, and ever, as he observed tl' & she commented on 11 with the insijr e own .situation which hi ?'"sur|iri3,ed;-:him irGSBWt "God knows I need to be leui t and taken care of by my ov. n poop! e if I have any," she confessed with sigh. "Yet, as I've just told you, !* e ns much afraid now ot being fou: t as of not beino- found. What I'd re: * ly like," she desperately added ' r- to come back to myself, arid to km r wh.' I am. without any one else kno1 = in<r it till I decide what to do. V.'h I couldn't endute would he to be any one else's power in my presei J \ condition/' ? I He understood. | 'It's a subconscious fear." j agreed. "The chances are that vox iarjee filenu of last night is back it in some way." "Tell me exactly what you did. a all about it." < ?? * el.u , pxnk.v how \ ou hke rr on? J ( t FARM, CH? J V -i -L THE COW^ ^ * .NO THE CHICKCM^ THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? * j s4l wrote an unsigned letter to ] Fifty. saying that you were safe an that some now friends you had mat! would like to know ail the eircurr before pitting: X Fifty^i touch with you- I signed ?ht sot with fake initials and gave the new: paper office as the address. I pot reply the same night. ?>ut it vns mighty noncommittal. X Fifty \va?n showing his hand any more than w t were. He wanted to know all I coul a tell him (I'm assuming rhal it was e man. von see^. and he was rathe high-handed about it. That, of coursi j didn't make any hit with Carrick an e me. We decided that a family eh'cl e wouidn*t_be so cautious. In fact, ?.h n whole situation looked extremely sit .. picious ' t> us." f i *'I can't see a family circle, e jjS'hjeV." she murmur.*'. "But thent God help iie!" she broke out wit | J sudden passion. ' ! can't see am .( thing What have I done . . whs could 1 have done, ti? deserve this!' -i /|S5t tight." he urged, and the f; ? miliar injunction steadied her. Sh Lraightcned with n quick breath. J ? "1 beg youi -Aa - 'on." she said i a different tone. i4F:? making it ban I e: foi you; insfc-ad of listening an )tj helping l-> think dings out. Plea: , j go on. and I'll fty to do better." I "Half a deceit notes were e: ;l changed in the next few days." 1 ; !?! hot, "each of us trying to dra '(but the other. Meantime the adve t j tisement kept appearing. It was i j yegulaHy for a week. Since then >cjnay.?n*t seen it, '? ? heard front X Fi u j ty It looks as if he had given up. . ll decided io leave town. myself, ar * i had made all my preparations; <>i . tor so mo reason I hung on and5 Jovo!?how clad 1 am that I did!" V { "He. hasn't given up.' Eve sai from the depths of a black apstra " ; *ion. 'He's just going: at it in son ^ i other vv:iv." She had npt observi ;; 1 hi-/ eimtiori, but now sire noticed n , checked herself io me his sympathetic eyes. * 1 wonder wl , i said thai." she mused- "It sourn as if. under it all, 1 had <ome del'inr j khpwlcciyc " She broke of ; "It's larky I've left the green die *'j and the green hat behind me fore le er.**" she continued in a lighter ton *" I **5s there any way they can trace n through those things?'* > *5 don-t think If y??uCf ianit -Smith, did you say??reads tl ;v* ; newspapers .he may have seen the a ;0 e? tisemen*. But. as I' ve sahl, hOs V newspaper reader> never urea 1" I of looking at the personal rolunu Fake the men iii this hotels t'iii exai r'; J'de. Even if you had been Hght hei weaiing aifc fefcer, lull and dress, thi * j m ohahlv jjmyu.policed wn ; you ; had o?v- Vou? disappearance : . sud decks are lenyiny those' cloth ma . mean, o} c in . !hat vc ? > ; iiii '"j! vivi ieft in the apartment will ha1 il a harp r.sped .m?; bin even th . tu\ ir. t-s ligation \e \"re very web disguisd now v- "Yes." ..he admitted, "if. mv m &1**3^? HT>tht v. - Margaret wnrdro l''ih;s given me an idea. i*ve g*Vt Id ' ev elol'm ^ of court* Wh i' . - : 'he plain hiaek dn v,,io; d oiatir black hni aiol plain blk' ,> of a nice I it 11 v waitress vvi : r'. ?. >y yvw k ~k~ _ - VlnEKS DON'T COMPARE TO IT " i don't !>t !ic-vo thai is a moiiii'i a; sna>t<- tha; xvil! \yitl> S; M-; U<-a(n?eut. When I 'turned' id T-JvEXFJ LF.TT i<i ,o, eiJty' three years ago and vheuma a pains hit me ail over and 1 had m use a cane to get about, I realiz id I '-va- in a 'had way. I went on tf- strict diet for two years, and to 3c : medicine regularly tor my stoma tV: i and constipation. Nothing helped i w. until 1 started Sargroh. I haven't at 1 sign of rheumatism now, never ha in : to use a cane any more and my f< nt j are as good as they were i y av$ ago. Sargori Pills regulated . ' perfectly. They act easy and natur he 1 which is something I can't say i iy* | any other laxative I ever used." ijff ! William Lee Kellett. 300 East Cofi i Street; Greenville, is- C. nd j Boone Drug Company. Agents j (Advertisement) NOW, VJE/LL GO OVBR. *\ TO the BARN AND I'LL "EACH YOU WOW TO J NUUK *fH? III ? ? I EVERY THURSDAY?BOONE. NT. C. K quiet tastes. They Will be cheap, \v ci which is my first reason, ana they j bt ie vill be a disguise. which is my sec-ill i- ond. But 1 don't know what I'll do I ? about my hair," she added thought-J n, e quity- "l impose I'll end by dyeing; m 5-1 in dark brown. a! ' Oh. don't!" |sl l-: "l ii have do something,'' she j sj tjicminded him. "My hair is rather fi e unusual, you know.'" k? !d "It in," he fervently agreed, watch- hi a ing her with eyes so eloquent that she r refused to meet them. "It's the most y? e, beautiful hair I've ever seen. The f! J lights in it?" j hle. "Thai one detail might give mfcjqt ic away." she went on, ignoring tht i a- < omniiment; but she made up for this'.it in her next Words. "You see, though el i- I say I'm a trifle afraid of you, X'rn j yi ? trusting you with all my plans, as far lb; ;> 1 kuov. them, myself." "! know you are, and 1 can't tellI vi it j vou how much I appreciate your con-,1" fitknee. Thai reminds me of some- -A a.'th'Cy more." ! ci ic !' - took a package of papers from in1 I an nsidc pocket and banded them toj n he> "These credentials 1 wanted for]?*; I -1 Car? Uk got here a few days after you j d: id left 1 showed them to him, and 1} c? ?e want you to look them over, too j Please!", he urged as she hesitated, j M <. "1 trusted you without these," Eya 1 a lo mutmui ed, as she handed them back. a w "I know you did ... up to a cer- j tain point. Now I'm going to Z jn J you to trust me all the way. i want j <5 I you to promise to keep me post* ^ f. r ?m now on." he rushed a Inner "1 I j0 i haven't any tight, to ask, but. some- ! ., K::b>u. I don't think ! could stand an-!, othei two days ;wd nights iike those | i i went through before I got your!0 note. It wasn't alow? the sense that)1,1 cjj I had lost you. o "I promised myself I wouldn't J j1! jy | . ak til! you were normal again. ( ?,i Mut your leaving that way. and now j$.iihis hew danger and your fear of it \ [ the look of things- 1 want * ly'V" to know thai it isn't the interest V. ds help of :? friendly stranger I'm '' to 1 ? ring you. It's the interest and K \ ; ) * ! > of a man who loves you. v "When you're well. Eve." lie eon- ? v - | * ;11.;i d steadily. "I'm going to ask ( e-Jyou fs. marry me. I wain to devote c : to making you happy. ;? you I ZEPPELIN We're in a sales conic ?a Zeppelin Rare---wi Ivcar Dealers. Everv t * shoots hs miles a!on?r. "Step in" and let jojl to (Jet the lowest prices, t< Goodycars ever mad friends. Our 'crew** w We're out to bring hr and prizes offered the win, too, in the value hacked b\ our friendl year service. FRFF Small Znpp. ? rul?Ler?with Ford?Chevrolet Improved? Speed Factory Firs! WE LEAD WESTF CAROLINA IN LC t PRICES ? OTHEI eil a Ori 1 Centra] DiST W. R. Winkler, Man) "Ol fee J. H. Vr'iiiklc, SJovrisj Rock i 1 I WHY ? cK - \ -E.BNER. - A* LOMG A* l? I JU*T STARTING TO LCAH TO MILK, CAN'T | 5tA?.T T: ;n. CALF??; ^^N^TgAP^ OP^THE ill take me. But in any ease let mi ?gin to look after you right now. e stopped an instant, then added "I've said it all. I won't mention i ^uiii till you're well, or till you tel e I may speak of it." "i don't Kuum what te say to you,1 ie murmured. "I oughwt to let yoi >eak of such things. You're simpl jiiowing a shadow. Why don't yoi -ep out in the sunshine where yoi elong. and forget about me '" "1 like the shadows better, whei .^u're among them," he said quietl) e pressed the hand she impulsive! eld out and went 01: in a new torn aietly matter-of-fact"That's that, and I won't speak o again. 1 just wanted to make i ear to you that some one to whoi pip're first in the world is s tan din v." Eve left the hotel through the sei ants' entrance, as befitted her a| earance, and walked across to 4t .venue. There she picked up a tax ib and ordered herself taken to th en rest large department store. Eve. keeping close to her new rojj U-ctcd a simple hluck one-piec i"ess of good qualify, a severe blac nit. arid a small black cloche hat. "Could I go to inovin' pictures wit no minister in these?" she inquire i: she revolved before the sides won n in the new outfit. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK :ERT!FICATE OF dissolution pate of North Carolina. Departme? of State. To all to whom thes presents may come?Greeting: v HF.REAS, it appears to my sati: action, by duly authenticated re rd of the proceedings for the vo nrarv dissolution thereof by t'r naninious consent of all the stocl olders. deposited in my office, thj he Blowing Rock Light and Po\v? omnanv. :i rnrriArat-ion ;hose principal office is situated he town of Blowing Rock. Counl f Watauga, State of North Car iha {W. B". Snow being the agei herein and in charge thereof, upr -horn process may be served), h; omnlied with the requirements < Ihapter '2:1. Consolidated Statute ntitlcd "Corporations." preliminai o the issuing of this Certificate < start in the lotn H \ CK! -t this Summer 1 th other <?ood- L ire <>r tube sale n 11 you about it- J o, on the finest e. Tell your ill appreciate it. _ inic the honors /wft winners. You'll s we give vou ? i r i ' ? super v. helpful, all- brand Good} cnjoyf uler 4 MMHSHna hlin ? made of B? i each tire or lube Specials! r j 30x wav Cords?" 29x 30s JRN NORTH 30* WEST TIRE dut *S FOLLOW | 32s I Tire C< R1BUTORS FOR WATAUGA CO atger B LOCAL DEALERS: A. A. Greene* Deep Gap. r Ek. " ^111 llll | JUUY 5.0, 1330 $?: ; * r * " ~ e Dissolution: " < NOW THEREFORE. I. d. A. Hart: t ness; Secretaarv of State of the State ti of North Carolina, do hereby certify l that the said corporation did, on the i 28th day of June. 1930. file in my >?! office a duly executed and attested ujconsent in writing iu the dissolution y ! of said corporation, executed by all i> j the stockholders thereof, which said n consent and the record of the pie. : reeding* aforesaid are now on file n in mv said office as provided by law. IX TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I V have hereto set my hand and affixed -'.j my official seal at Raleigh, this 28th dav of June, A. D- 1930. f .J. A. HARTXESS, it| Secretary of State n | (SEAL) " 7-10-41 g! ICCTHAM CONTRIBUTES 17 TO FOURTH S 178 DEATHS j! i New York.?To the country's total e j of J 78 casualties for this year's Inch.: pendence Day, the metropolitan tils , ! tr act contributed 17 deaths, police reJ ports show in their final eheekr-up. Of k these, only three fatalities can o,* laid to fireworks, h The other fourteen deaths in and about New York are the recall of drownings and automobile accidents, such as characterize any other na tioihat holiday, and occasionally a summer Sunday. i Probably five hundred persons, iti mostly chldren, were injured in fire- i ;e j works accidents in New York- Life ! guards ami swimmers rescued about f- j fifty from drowning anions the 2.?-! 000,000 who heeded the seductive I-i call of the Atlantic Ocean, te j The general toll for the whole k- country i? 178 deaths. Twelve died it j from fireworks, as compared to seven ?r|last year, and 11 in 1928. Automobile e,; deaths mounted from 70 last year to in, SI. Drowning dropped 14 in total ty 1 from 71 for last vear. o- ' >n I Ephriapi "What yo* all doin' vvif 1 dat papah. Mose?" ,f Mose: "T'se writin' mah gal a lcttab " , y "Go way, yo* kaint write." o ,'j 1 "Ats ali right, mah gal kaint read." jfelime Guaranteed jfjxthfinder ior to many highest priced s. Values possible because ear leads In lire production and 5 lowest costs. Carefully Mounted Free FuIB Oversize llooiu High Pressure EEDWAY TIRES SVz $3.75 4.40 4.74 4.50 5.75 ;5 Pathfinder Heavy y, 8 ply 19.50 ;6 10 ply.... 35.00 f )mpany UNTY oone, North Carolina. Vila* Service Station, Vilas ^ : : : By Terry Gilkwon JINGLES' WOW ^Awe A UAUICaH TOR LITTLE VWLLIt GATF HE CAW NOT TALK.Hl$ MOUTH '5 fOLUA CANDV TATT 7 * ?(" *0*Y -trtlCJ., atw/VftiJyx.J

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