Church Announcements i METHODIST CHURCH ! T $ UU. p. J- CHAN'DLER, Pastor r B J Sunday School. t?:4h a. in.. J. D. i jaw | Tlnnkir.. Superintendent. '' 5 PTVrri.ifls at 1! a. and 7 p. S by Dr. Chandler. . 1 Epwerth League. S:15 p. m. j and j Pray. - meeting on Wednesday at on J 7 p. ro. o'cl' i* Choir ptaetig? on Friday, T p. in. '' ; ' Oidd ruti> ADVENT CHRISTIAN w;lu REV. S. K. GRAGG, Pastor Sunday School each Sunday a; ipo, 9:40 LMorr.iog service at 11 o'clock. csfa FIRST BAPTIST ' REV. P. A. HICKS. Pantor Vv"! Sunouy School :4 ' a. ro., -f. T C. ^ Wragyit. sipcnnici\a<*nt Preaching B6*? t y. r??. ui .:lk',!.vi>rl 7 r. m. Mid \\t - ice " >V< - ~ a: S t.- fu. zzz LUTHERAN CHURCHES == St. Marks. BAil?tyr.T Camp IZTT I';eaehi'ng seivi Siii ay 11 >'a. Si 'm-i ' every Sunday at i>:4S a m.;t ssss Bi aiisHaw. interi- ? Grace Boone each;.... service every second and j sss fc ii tr; Siindax -.f each month at > I ; r= in., and vespers everx first ami j SSS third Sunday <:f each month at s' rrr: ... ?ri: Sunday Schf Sunday _ = at i>: S o in.; Professor George L.; as Sav. yer. pjtipe^ntifiiilent. L u_t h e a ) meets -_-ach Sunday at 7 p m. : Holy Communion Congregation ZZZZ Clark's Creek - EE rzz h- . ?-very Sunday at a. 'Vt\.: i'- T->\\ .;> . !a!, ^iperint .-o !-. =ZZ Tc ah these the rvuhlk-1ZZ: :n1 uiati\ vr :; ; ~ . A. Y< == WATAUGA CWARGE ~ REV. A. BURGESS, Pastor ? 'fronsoriV Ctiap^l?Seeortjfi alio ss 1 ' Sun t ."i Si. nr.;;;. - 7 : . 'a. Sunday - -h >?.?! at s i 5; .T. !'?. Hortoh. super- = jwtfcnderit-. Fptrorth ?.eairto-. tl p. m. m Yah- rvut-i.- Ihvachinjr o v ? v > zrz First ,ant! Third Sukriay at 1 1 a, hi. zz: 1 m.. M. Shuti, rzz vrrvi:: Wednesday night. == I s Sia oBd and Fourth. Sunday. ; :..o (. = M.i r < i lunpr every Second Fourth -r iv Slip- ? VlaS JM-h.Sol 10 m.. Sir- &<"*'" '>' ! ! EE . .>-.: every First ard == Tl "i n'.ai !> m. = l.ENVOI = By Martha Haiketl Ci..rh. "The ?_ Home Road" i Apologies u. Kiphne) zzz. \\ hen |j| AnT? ' m hiw died. EE vVith 11. Vev a shrill alann t'oicl: == 'I'p set u-- i.i w.-.ik answ h,j ' H They shall in ;>. cushioned .-bail-- == i"n. h ivo-.i.v iiod: .--.'ivaiat.- sss | So rumhevr.l i oiit v-ith ir . : ? EE And f.,e> -lull: hav door = . by tilt : :r ad. p With never * >- = A-?it; m:wi a iivis'?'??>i t?? otaiitt-,- zz^_ (I- tHc hdtfseWife fame: = Uut earbjfpi" m ami ever. In a sepavah .-tar alone. == May do the things she his ior.f ed ? 5n lime teal is all her owe ntnH OH EN LINDEN =E By Thomas Campbell j ~~~~ On Limii'ii. when the stii; was lew. i=j= All bloodless lay the untrodden snow. ~ And dark as winter was the flow . == Of Lser, lulitnii rapidly. But Linden saw another sighi. ? When the drum heat, at dead of night ?: Commanding fires of death to light The darkness of her scenery. " By torch and trumpet fast arrayed = Bach horseman drev, his liattle-bl.uie And furious every charged neighed | = To join, the dreadful revelry. -? Then shook the hilis with thunder jas Then rushed the steed, to battle ' == driven; . ?? JT: And louder than t;i- bolts of heaven ? Far flashed the red artillery. ? But redder yet that light shall glov.' On Linden's hills of stained snow: 1 i And bloodier yet the torrent flow Of Iser, rolling rapidly. *-.= *Tis morn; but scarce yon level sun ? Can pierce the war-clouds, rolling dun. \f*? Where furious Frank and Fiery Hun ' ?? Shout in their sulphurous canopy. := The combat deepens. On. ye Brave Ess Who rush to glory, or t.he grave! Wave. Munich! all thv banners wave And charge with all they chivalry! Few, few shall part, where many EEE meet.' The snow shall be the;: winding j ~~ sheet. - And every turf beneath their feet ] Shall be a soldier's sepulchre. t- Kegardless of weather conditions, a more determined fight will be made on the boll weevil in Cumberland 2E: Comity than ever before, reports the zrc farm agent. ?? Mrs. R. F- Collins, of the Holly 5S Springs community in Wake County ? sold $741.72 worth of homemade jel- SE ly, hams and other food prr>ducts V.I during the past winter. W vjflg (/tyPyoV-'' v =? ? ?= ITICE OF EXECUTION SALE | c of North Carolina. County of j c "atau?>a. in the Superior Court:-; | . L. Mast and Brother? v& W, H- j n ingham. jl .*irtuc iii' n execution di?e^;ed *?{ undersigned Sheriff from the Su-ij. r Court of Wntauica Countv. in ( the sum of $i.'>1.95 and interestj r costs- less credit of >35, I widJ , Monday. August 1, 1930. at 1 j>ci; p. m.? at the courthouse dour | ' sa >u v, -oil to the highest \ ei tor cash co satisfy said nxe- j h tin* all the right, title and interest' r :h the said \V. H. Bingham has']; ad on the -2nd da\ of Octobei. I h i?t rhe f<>*loving lesc;ibcd real; t io-wit: IKST TiiA* T: A.jj.drnng :hr la id :?ic<^ Retry on the pi|h, <,u the\v the lands S. j. rv;. .. ami) i Hi Bingham. pr? the sou.., by tii*' ll!!ipi!liililill!llllillll!llllillJ A BIG ASSO.TTENT OF BEADS in al' colors and designs. The prices are very low. considering the quality CLE Our $15,000 worth of your needs at a great s; 200 DR At Sacrifu &p \ . IU -M All Spr\ Coats 1-2 Former Pi Some Dress Coats an Snr\rf C aofe V. UUXiaL/ all-year use. A BEAUTIFUL ! FELT] Ladies' Snappy Felt Hats at verj as well as white, a wonderful seh to choose from at FINE BLEACHED SHEETS, od. soiled of our 1.00. 1.25 and 1.50 A BiG ASSORTMENT OF FL< were 1.00, 1, Reduced to 19c, 35c, A BIG ASSORTMENT OF L; VERY LOV !i!!!i!!!!!!!lliS!i}iili!!!i!li!HiiHilillKli:ii THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT--KYK amis of Will Greer and others and | in ihe west by the lands t>? S. .1.1 *rice. containing: 9 1-2 acres mere] r less. and being a part of the I. S. i Jumgarner home dace. 1 ?n."Av*? in? a /i>p?v Jvu.iy wiavv3-'*11' ?. . ands of 7asper Ragan. .1. Price, j 'icero Greer and other*, containing J no acre more or less, and being a i act of. the J S. I>i/mcanier home j iiace and lying on the south oi the! nibiic road. THIRD TRACT: Adjoining the j ar.ds of A D. Adams. W. H. Hi again and others, containing C? acres nore or less, and being the same rnd conveyed to -J. H. Hayes by \V. {. Bingham and wife <>n the 1st dac ? October, 1929. This the 1st day of -h;iy. 1930. L. M. VRTHIXG. Sheriff Watauga County. >v H. A. Hagmr-an. Oeputy 7-1 i? it! !l!illil!!!!ll!l!llll!il!!l!!!lli!i!lll!!iin?!!i!! SPAI "BOONE' = A GI 1 A D ) 4 r\ xv i IIBIWMHI IIMIIII I Hill merchandise at greatly r iving, as we are offering ESSES| ta n I i ze r rices? \ >. I ?Regular 11.50 .50, 16.75, now 8.90 it - 1 O.J;0 si'ncl !' :?? k Material*. Vial v reirvivr Sf'Kr.tungrt. IV psr w v\\ Snappy .sport styles ). 2?Regular 16.75 nd 18.75, now 11.50 . CrepSf. Sprort Materials. Excellent styles 'A DRESS VALUE Silk Sliarit.unR Sport Orcsses 1.1 istoi White Shatl!liSitlli!llli!!lli!ll!!l!l!!l t-_? .. ?.. . -. -_r_; j-^.-" -'. RV THURSDAY?BOON?:. N. C. NOTICE I will pay S25.90 reward for e- i dence leading- to the convict ion ol the person r l.'fi l!!:iij;!;il!!!!!ili!!!llllil!!lltlll!j|l!!inil!ll NHO ( ! N < O 1| V O K 'A T K I>> S SHOPPING C tEAT J \NC mMHMMH. woi?un?w educed prices. Be sure t the biggest values ever ( DRESS MATERIAL! AT LOWER PRICES! OA, 5 p\> * icii i y SEVERAL HUNDRED YARDS <>i SILKS -our-yegnlar 1 i?i? tirade aii? $1.1*8 specially pvicfed "I This lut includes solid printed Flai I lci v.- and a find quality Shantung All ptOc Printed Percales re- OO1 dueed t ncess slips. c ' '' ?1'. 4; pieces Fine Voile at Closc-pu Prices, "regular 5j8B yd. value QJ" at only . ? - - 03 (Pink, Lavender. Peace and Maise Nine-quarter Unbieached Sheeting:, heavy grade fbv the small ;sp Oft priCfi of <*y Thirty-sis i':cn Domestic a vegula lot; pel yard value, priead at A only 1J A Big Assortment of Silk and Cotton Remnants! T A SPECIAL SALE OF Hosiery! By a special purchase, we. secure these fine Hose, with picot tops, pui thread silk and lull 45 gauge, si! from tons to toes: reeular ~i 4 1.50 values at A? At ANOTHER EXTRA HOSE VALUE A good quality service weight really worth 1.25, per pair zs\j Every Pair First Quality J, (" Bundy. 1 iol .. - ' ! ' > . Mrs. Frddpnia Clark. i tot .'1.1 I Mrs. Evnvrtuie B. Clark &' , R. I. Clay. :i Tots 51.1 , i Gfcoice E. Coffey, 1 lot. 5.1 .131*8. HoletivCplt. 1 lot-_i_JSi:? -H5.2 :! A. B. Colo. 1 lot ?.. 21.o t j St, John Courtney. 1 lot- B6.2 *.; 1 .\xfy \\r fe'lt.1 oin 1 lpj y'.G j Mrs- Partie Fishburu- .. LT?.j ! Thomas Genvuieil. 2 lots ._- 87.0 (MrsJ Sam Gladsteiru I lot--.- 82.2 J.C. S. Goulds, 1 lot ^ 18.8 J. Allen Gragg, 1 lot-:. 18.S | J. Allen Gragg. 1 tot - . _ 20.7 -Vatth.' Gwyn ? 2.9 ' F. W- H ass fit Id, 1 iot - "j A. A. Jk-idonrich. 1 lot. 2.9 - 15. K. Jenkins. 1 lot- - 18-8 Bun Kniirht. 1 let.. _. . . 14.2 ) I>. Lamptcii - - - 27.2 'Sect - < Burnett. "> lots. I.a "> 58&l? B. lUichannan. 1 iot ly2_ .. .- 2.9 lli!lllllilll!llll!lfll!!iill!llill!il!)!ll!!llllllill UR'S 1 C Kl T C D " JL- 1 N I 1? I\ ULY = E S A o take advantage of this jffered in this section of V HWUIMI?I??M??MMMM Ladies' nUHH At Cleara i.atpos Dross and Spoil shoes the" season's newest styles : etilors at very low prices. 1 rack of ladies' stylish Slipp in broken sixes and discohtim liiiml'eir. original prices i> 1-tLV yOl'.t choice till I- O ^ i 11 stile Ld**i Ail % 1.H5 hlotuic and white slippers reduced for clear- tc l.W'A -.1. YTU l\. the tan.. Shoes for service, comfort ; ? ^ looks?made on the combinat | last with well soles Those co in various styles, widths A f nr.vl colors, priced only CHILDREN hieh speak .style, quality ami styles anil enlors at "BALL-BAND" anil Ovfn?*d< -?!' cirrys.- H .? i??? lAJiJf II c the prices are I EXTRA > Men's 15 Every $1.95 and !j ONELOTAT ONELOT AT SPECIAL PURCRf Whites, Solid Blue, Solid Greei all guaranteed fast colors, sizes -I MEN'S 1 In fancy patterns and solid v 1.05. your choice for DISCONTINUING ALL PRICI 2.15 GRADE AT I -t AA A?\ * ? ].a?liKAWiAi SPECIAL VA : BARGAIN I f Largo Lot 25c to 35c Dress a3 Prints, Suitings, Silk Stripe Ma c Sixteen Ladies' Hats, which \v to close out at DOZENS OF OTHER MATC M THE SHOPPER AT TH1 i!li!!!lti!lil!l!!!lll!!!iliS!lii!iil!liilin!IIKII! I' July to, idao oil). C. MrLurd. 1 lot 2 90 SI i>r. O 1.. Miller. I lot 2.18 Oil.. 1. Motu. I lot -- 10.59 S j 'i, Mott - ? .. - - - ? ? - ? 18.85 0} E- G. Pitts. 2 lots 102.22 5f JJ. K. Pitts, 1 lot p I&.IZ s; K. ?. iizid 5J F. R- Razook & Rro., 2 lots. .2' 65.08 r Mrs. F. G. o?iyo?r - - 7.25 ?T|"EiT^J t ~~r_.. -. - - I . Ui.Gu 01 Alex H. Stephens .. 5.80 1J \\ . K. Starncr. 1 lot 122.40 5; Conor M. Stcry. 1 lot 25-38 :>} L. D. Toaster, 1 lot ... 18.05 i A ' . WadsYv'orth. i lot 2.90 0' Mrs. Joe Wads worth 14.50 1 ? item*. C. Wall. _ 48.50 0 G $?; Watts Estate. I 13.92 5| Thomas A. Weaver, 1 lot 28.08 OjJ Carl Wolfe. I lot 4 /0 0 This July 7. 193(1. (I H. l\ HOjLSHOUSER, ojY'vv.ii of Blowing Rock Tax Colleiilr.i l!ili!i!!iiilil^lilli!!!!l!l!!ll!llilllllll!!i!l!il Ladies' Pocket Books j|i A ; ! assort- ?mont of shapes and colors. so me reduced to less SEE than half price! SEE i j n * lLeiI opportunity to supply EE /estern North Carolina. ?e SHOES! I nee Prices! | 18 Agnes == kill ~ m/ ' KXSA ~ '5 SLIPPERS low prices. A ?ood assortment of = reduced prices TENNIS SHOES do whole family. Ami best of ali, excc-rcUojrly low. .0$ j-'-: v- ?CSSl^ VALUES IN si SHIRTS | >2.50 Shirt Reduced! 1.29 1 1.49 1 ^SE MEN'S SHIRTS! = ns ami neai Fancy Patterns, (\Qc = i XT to 17. choice I/O == ' a PAJAMAS 1 f rhite, originally priced at J ~ LEE OVERALLS! I IS REDUCED B 1.69 I 1.69 | LUES ON OUR BALCONY | dterials, Rayons, Fast Color "j Ac SE tlras at A?7 S ere formerly priced at 08c 48' I HLESS VALUES WILL GREET =j S BIG JULY CLEARANCE ^ !!!!l!!!!l!!ill!lll!l!!l!!illll!!llllii!llllllillllti '