V NOVEMBER 6. 1930 LOCAL AFFAIRS Join the Red Cross. One do Par pays for one year's membership. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner Hendrix.j o? Koanoke; have-beer. spenain^ several days with home folks in tnis community. Mr- Alex Brown, of Philadelphia.! left on his return home Wednesday morning after having spent four or five days with relatives here. A Mr- Triplett of Blowing Rock ran over a large gray fox one day last week near that place and killed itSince the heavy snowstorm Tues j day the sun has been shining and the I major part of "the beautiful" has dieappeared. But the slush on the pav | intr lo Miss Mildred McDade, who teaches at Old Fort. N- C.. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j R. F. McDade, and entertained the following o-ue&ts on Sunday: Mr. and] Mrs. Swick, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ra-j gle, Miss Nan Brasington, Miss Mar-| garct Lytle, Miss Kathfiryn MrCall,! Mr- Bob Hughes, Mr. Austin Harris] and Mr. Adams, all of Old Fort; Mr-1 f and Mrs. E. L. McDade, Mountain ] City, Tenr.; Mr. Elmer Rankin and j Mr. John Howell, of Boone. f- i Dr- O. J. Chandler, beloved pastor j of the M. E- Church South, left Wed-1 nesday morning for Greensboro, N. C., where he will attend the ami'iai j conference which assembled in tha*! c ity today. Dr. Chandler took with' him a clean sheet, all assessments paid, and it. is understood that he] would like to return for another! year. Certainly it would he a great1 disappointment to our people should] ho fail to cnme. as he is a good pas-| tor and a very great preacher. Misses Ruth Bingham and Annie] Dougherty, of the faculty of the Coven Creek High School, went to High Point last week to attend the teachers meeting. The trip was made one of the new Austin "bantam" automobiles, a distance of ill miles was traversed and a total of $2.001 worth of gas and oil was consumed! by the tiny vehicle. That is, not e>.-j renting some gasoline that remained| in the tank when the trip was completed. Order Eastern Siar Will Present Mi r?strel Revue. A minstrel revue, entitled "Choc-j elate Drop." will he presented hyj Daniel Boone Chapter, Order Eastern Star, at the Demonstration School auditorium on the evening of November 11th. t;03O, at 8 o'clock. An admission charge of 2a and .35 cents will he madeCast of Characters?Mandy lee. old Southern mammy, Ruth Gpttrell; Rose Adair, Southern girl, Mrs- Stevenson; Judge Kennedy, a dignified lawyer, T. R. Moore; Painter Renn'dy judge Kennedy's son, A. R. Smith; Jake Lee, Maridy's wayward son. Couneill Cooke; Officer Sherman, comes to arrest Jake, A. E. South; Interlocutor, Charles Stevenson; SexIon Sum. Howard Cottrell; Parson ^ Ebony White, prosperous nigger j* preacher. Dallas Cottrell; George Dishwater Black, Angeline's sweetheart. James Moore: Angelina, a "high vnllor" flirt, Suma Hardin; End Men. colored comedians, J. P. Moore and John Greer; minstrel men, W. H. Gragg, Russell Hodges, Hubert Coffey, Paul Coffey; Cullud Ladies, Margaret Coffey, Fay Hodges, Lucy Greene, Carrie Coffey, Ruth Isaacs. Ruby Winkler: Chocolate Drops Band, eight little piccaninnies; eight attractive chorus girls Johnnie Perry and Allen Norton Entertain at Halloween Party. Johnnie Perry and Allen Norton entertained a number of their friends at a Halloween party Friday evening at the residence of Johnnie's parents, Dr. and Mrs. II- B Perry in Cherry Park. The rooms Were decorated with grinning jack-u-Ianterns, black cats, and festoons in Halloween colors- The children came in costume and they had good fun guessing the identity of their fellow guests. After a number of lively games; they joined in a contest >n which Louise Taylor and Winton Rankin won the prizes for pinning the tail on the Halloween cat. The guests were then invited to the 'Onir_ room where refreshing drinks cakes, candy and nuts awaited then. Those present were: Mary Helen Hagaman. Blanche llagaman, l.iia Clay, Martha Moore, Louise Taylor, Laura Kuth Hagaman. Mac Greer. I. G. Greer, Jr.; A. E- Hamby, Jr.; Charles Wright. Tom Wright, Tom Blair Moore, ft. K. Bingham, Paul Hicks. Hersche' Scott, Bruce Farth; ing, Winton Rankin, Ralph Hagaman, Junior Blair and the hosts. Alien Norton and Johnnie PerryWorth While Club Holds Halloween Farty. "It's Halloween, it's Halloween. My black cat's eyes are blazing green" The spirit of Halloween, with its ghosts, eerie sounds and hair-raising sights was truly manifest in a delightful party given last Friday ove-1 ning at the home of Mrs. J. Frank j Moore, with Mrs. A. E. Hamby as pretty indeed, the entire lower floor in its trappings of the spooky last of | October, the skeletons and wailing cats sharing honors with the reliqmtous orange and black of the occasion. Ruddy fires glowed and strings of apples depending from every po> sible nail or casement foretold the merriment of the time-honored sp m of biting apples, while in the kitchen tubs of water soon liuu luuglihig ' iness men, for the nonce turned kid again, bobbing deep for rosy apples there. Mur.h merriment was occasioned by the feeding of the grinning skeleton with peanuts. After an evening of genuine fun and laughter, the hostesses served peanuts and popninij -..vert cider and doughnuts- A large number of club members, with their husbands, enjoyed the fun. Burley tobacco ^rowers of West>ein North Carolina will soon be able to market their crop within the State through the construction of a large k warehouse at Asheville. R .. | YonaMos&ec Delphian Chapter i to Meet November 11 tii The Yonahlossee Delphian Chapter will meet Tuesday, November Ilth, 4 p. ir.,, in Miss BoueheHe's room , at the Demonstration School. ProI gram for the day follows: j r- --Che Land of the Pyramids." j Theme. 4Life in hte Earliest Cities of a Rainless Land"; approximate i dates, 1Q.C0C B. C. to 2400; leader, i I Mrs, James Moore; Delphian travel- 1 j er, Miss Eula Todd; topics for report: The Nile, Mrs. John Horton; Egypt j and the Modern Man. Mrs- Russelljl Hodges; Before the Pyramid Days. Mis. G. K- Moose; Our Sou ices of J ! Egyptian History, Mrs. M. P. Orit-i 1 j cher; Life in the Pyramid Age. Mrs.; j James Mast.; The Egyptian View of I Life, Miss Elizabeth Rucke**. Presi-M j dent's summary. Mrs- .Tamec \s ' 1 I Mr;. Baxter L?nncy Hostess I ; Tc Maids and Matrons- ^ Mrs Baxter M. Lir.ney was hostess < to the members of the Maids and i Matrons Club on Thursday evebirg t at her lovely home in Daniel Boone Park. 11 Bright aula inn flowers and potted - plants were used in the living room'i and sun, room, where a delightfulj game of bridge was enjoyed, W'henj scores were counted, Miss Carrie; Coffey held high and was awarded j i dainty beads as prize. Mrs. Fr :d i t Hodges, who held second high score, i also received an attractive prize. ? At the conclusion of the game, ; the cards were removed and Mrs-:! Linnay was assisted by Miss Carrie: s Coffcv and Mrs. Paul Coffey in serv-jj. ing a tempting party plate of fruit | ] salad, potato chips, sandwiches andjc coffee to the foliwoing club mein-ji hers and guests: Misses Ruth Cof-| ? fey, Eric Greer, Carrie Coffey. Annie Dougherty, Ethel Rouchellc. and! Mesdames Paul Coffey, James Moore 1 A. B. Cole. David Greene. Dean Bing-! i ham, Fred Hodges and Joe Craw-i fordROBERT F. GREER DIES AT N BRISTOL. TENNESSEE. HOME; c ?; 1 r Funeral services for Mr. Robert? c F. Greer of Bristol were held Sunday I aiteVnoon at 2:30 o'clock November 2. at the home of his father, MrSamuel \V. Greer of Hi'owmvooil. " Watauga Comity, interment was in the family cemetery nearby. The service was conducted by Rev. I'. A. t Hicks, pastor of the Bo one Baptist I Church. j Pali-hearers were near relatives of the deceased. There were many ri beautiful flowers that weve in charge v of Misses Emily Miller, Marie Miller, Bina l ay.. Miller, Mildred Miller, < Dolphin Miller. Edna .Johnson, Anna c Johnson and Jessie Parker. % Mr. Greci died Friday, October 31, at his homo ir. Bristol, death follow- _ il?B a short (.illness resulting from . heart trouble; In early manhood he ^ married Miss Lillinn Prutier, of Ma-lfc rion, Va- He was 10 years old. Sur vicing" are tho widow, orre ^ori, Robert F. Greer Jr.. and one daughter,! Miss Maiguerite Greer, all of Bris-j tol; his father, Mr. Samuel Greer, of Rvowmvood; two brothers, Mr. J. F Greer of Bristol, and Mr. M. H. Greer, of Greenshoro; and one sister, Mrs. W. B. Miller, of Brownwood. He Was a traveling salesman, sell- y ing sewing machines. He followed! this occupation until his health gave j way. Whiio he united himself with; v no church, he expressed to his coin- \ panion as his life-blood ebbed away , that he was satisfied.'b^ s t "The span of life will soon be o'er, a The passing moments say; r As lengthening shadows o'er the mead. Proclaim the close of day. a But O, the hope, the glorious hope, r The hope through Jesus given; j The hope when days and years have i ptt^seu. ,?j ft We ail shall meet m heaven." ^ KOME ECONOMICS GIRLS TO t PRESENT PROGRAM FRIDAY j, ' ~ v The home economics girls of the g Boone High School will present a c "vegetable" program and play on ^ Friday. November 7th, at 8 o'clock in the Demonstration School audito- g rium. An admission charge of fifteen s cents for school children and twenty- fc five cents for adults will be made. ! f The cast of characters for the four! act "Punishment" play and program! is as follows: Father, Mabel Greer;] c Mother, Carolyn Blair; Son, Edith; ? Hamby: Daughter, Viviar. Cook-;} Tiial scene between Milk and Coffee.' a Judge, Josephine Hodges; Coffee,'- t Jean Wilcox; Good Food, Gem Noi-} l l-ic \Tal.W?fMtinn Viroini^ .Q.mtK-! - Milk, Floy Cottrell; Fruits nr.d Vegetables, Gladys Hagamau; (it-reals, c Helen Edmisten; Vitamin Children, i Edith Parsons, Rer.a Mae Farthing. | Opal Norris and Estelle Watsor.. s A group of food songs and fecria- j (ions wffl afford amusement and add interest to the evening's entertain- i mont. Proceeds wili be used to help equip the cooking laboratory. LIFE SAVINGS OF AGED YANCEY VETERAN TAKEN BY THIEVES j Burnsvillc, N. C John Edge, 8-1ycar-old veteran of the War Between the States, early Thursday was robbed of $300, his life savings, by Ibieves _ who ambushed him on his little farm ] in the Bluerock section of Yanecy County, nine miles from Burnsvillo. The Sheriff's department is seekingSam Smith, 22 years old. and Vex- non Robinson. 21 years old. whom 1 the veteran said he recognized as his assailants. Edge always carried his savings on his person because he did not trust banks. The S300 represented funds accumulated from Us pension l checks and the earnings of his mountain farm. He told officers he was] uppioaciieu irum me rear Dy tne twoi itier;, a burlap sack thrown over his! head, and searched and his money I taken from him. He was roughly ban- ' | died by the robbers and his condij tion, as a result of blows he received, was considered seriousSmith and Rohir.son, sought in connection wiih the rouueijr,- were said to be grand nephews of the veteran. There will be more than 2.000 fat turkeys for sale to the holiday J trade this fall by growers of Carteret County. THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? MORAN AND MACK DO SOME MORE FUNNING About a year ago the firrt MortUi and Mack picture. "Why Bring That Up," was driving audiences into! fren'.ies of "Ice all over the countryNov/ coincfi fvmvii ; second all talking offering, "Any-! body's War," based on the novel by ! Charles E, Mack, leader of the Crow! team. "Anybody's War" traces the hilar- j iously funny adventures of tho two blackfact comedian? from the little j town of Buforri, Tennessee, to the j battlefields of France and back again i Whereas "Why Bring That Up** "as a parallel of the real rise to faineiof *'Thr- T\v? Rio#*!.* ' *' '1 xys biographical in effect, the new film, "Anybodys* War." has no pretentions to actuality- U shows the, .veli-known Amos Crow and Willie Crow in blackface from start to finish. It is a complete funny-bone irkler all the way through. "Anybody's War" will be shewn at! :he Pastime Theatre in Boone on Sunday and Tuesday, November 10 md II. NOTICE TO EX-SERVICE MEN Listen Comrades: District Com-| nander G. Max Long from Morgan-: or.. X. C.. with R. R. Yonnt, State] nyaiYi and trophy officer, and oth?rs of oronunence in American Lecion circles will be present at our] lext regular meeting. November 7 it T :G0 p. m. in the American Lotion Hall over the Boone Feed Con'-, >ahy store- We want a barge crowd it this meeting- Comrade?, come nrc-j ">arcd to join with \;s and help to! mike the Legion a success. ! CHA S. L. YO.UNCE. Com. RA LP 3 GREER, Adjutant. I _EGION AUXILIARY WILL MEET FRIDAY EVENING I I Th<" Amf?;*icn?i Legion Auxiliary! vill mcoi in Legion Hall on Friday! iveniljtjg November 7 at 7.30 All th"c| r.embem and those eligible are nr^-i id to attend. MRS. i"HAS. I.. VOUNCE. Secretary. A CARD OI- THANKS Wo wish to express our thanks and ieep appreciation for the many ho ugh tip I acts of kindness and sympathy hy the people of Boone and ounty. as well as for the messages it consolation that come to us while 've were enshrouded hy the shadows f the darkest gloom that ever camcj ver our home?the tragic death of iur wife an I ave had this terrible, affliction know j it nut a messed relief it nleans to( ;et rid of it. 1 also suffered ?voni| hronic constipation almost as far lack as I can remember. "After the first few doses of Sar-i :on my stomach seemed to right it ! elf, my nerves 'grew stronger and l! iegan to sleep well and now 1 ami n better health generally than I've leen ill 35 years"I use. to take a physic almost, evty day of my life, but since taking largor Pills my towels are as reguar as clockwork. Their easy natural ction makes ihem especially suited o elderly people like ravself. 1 on'iy iope ray statement will help others ufferers-" This is only one of the thousands if cases where grateful men and wonen have received such wonderful lenefits from Sargou that they have ;ent it to their relatives and irientis n distant, lands. Boone Drug Company, Agents [Advertisement! SPECIAL NOTICES"! jUMEEP.! LUMBER!?If you wantj good Building Lumber or g o o d j Chestnut Shingles, see or write J.I E. Maltha or S. B. Bagby, Vilas, | N. C. 7-6-4t LOST?Between Boone and Blowing] Rock, Sunday, a gold case Elgin watch. Finder please return to Democrat office. SOUND IN BOONE?A class ring from a noted school in another county. Owner will call on Mrs. J. Y. Walker, Sugar Grove, describe same, get ring and pay for this notice. I AM NOW HANDLING a full line of flout, chop and euLluii^ecu ineu:, at the lowest prices, and the best feed in town. Every bag guaranteed. See me. W- W. Shore. St. MASONIC NOTICE Regular Communication of A Watauga Lodge No. 273, ,-v s\ A. F. ot A. TvL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 7:30 P. \ M. All membei-s urged to attend. Degree work. A. R. SMITH, W. M. GORDON H. WINKLER, Secretary. fKKY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. _?._ "Old Ironsides". Takes I _ . iJitllgSSSt^ The ancient U. S. frigate "Constituti rcrmiii and made scawotXuy through cot all over the nation, as she left C!iarlest< BOARD OF TRUSTEES HOLD MEETIN'C AT LEES-McRAE I Banner Elk.?The annual fall i meeting of the. board of truklees of ] the Edgar Tufts Memorial Association was held last Thursday at Ban- t ner Elk, N. C., with the following in attendance .1. A Summers and Sam 1 It. Selis of Johnson City, Tenr.-; E. : Yv. King, Brisltol, Va.; J. H. Still- ' son. Banner Eik: Rev. K. D- Brown. ; Slatesvillc. and Or. Frazer liood, of < Davidson, X. C. l The principal business transacted . was the appointment of a committee to .draft a change in the charter to provide for the election of seven ad- i dilional members to the hoard, bring- < Bj3 I Ann* For our customers wh have added the nati I f/\T/TV ;; i * to our iine of Men's Fi < * selectior j; $7. | Boone |j EOR THE MEN OF - i to the Sea Again ~j j on, sca-lij'-. r i., t; . r I >!?, rtno-ition:; Ir.-tis ;-airbij? vis-.t . s >wn Nr.'. v Yard. 1 ? | in^ the tola) number of trustees to Uventy-onc instead of fourteen as at present. This is considered a nVost? progressive step looking toward the future development of the associa-l ion. j Announcement was made of twoj bequests, one of $7,500 by Mr. .1. A, Slonamakor and the other of $2,000 j ivjltail by Mis < SaMie Taw of John-! son City, Ten .. both bequests to be! leveled to the newlv-created endow-! intern fund of Cigar Tufts Memoriaji Association? A filer jhe mectine: iimoh was served at Grandfather Orphanage to bh< trustees and the heads q?.th'e departments oiraeer to want the best we tonally advertised HATS ( lrnishings?A good I i i at ? 85 Get in L Suits for E arid Pocket Newest Browns, Grays long-wearing fabrics Blue Serge, fully guara We also have some all a are good for DON'T FAIL TC OVERC< What you want at ... . HA1 Btchison, snappy mode Swann, ($5 values) clc SHOl Anything you may wis Clothing "The Man's Store BUO??, NORTH CAROLINA BOONE AND ALL W, BLOWING ROCK. NEWS The members nf the Blowing Rock Cfc>Titian Endeavor were guests of tilth' own Halloween party !as>. Saturday night, Riven in the Sunday School njoni of the Frvhyteiian Church. The mom was very effectively decorated in the usual Halloween culots. Tfcc of the " 'fning was in charge < ' Misses Dorii White and Liiciie Jlebi. who met thnt? st* the prize was won by Miss Lois Kkatiz. w&HM Mirs W y I matt: Brads haw was very not iri pinning the eyes on the pumpkin and received the prize. Partners for refreshments were obtained by the guests meeting and shaking bands. The members of the refreshment committee, Misses ITaien and Blair Suddreth and Loir Klutz, served n delicioul imnuiia sah.d. *:-f>?fsc and pumpkin pie. Guests of the evening were Mrs. Let Bobbins, Miss Blanch Lentz oi Winsion-saiem, and Miss Vvylmath Brad.shav. Miss Corinne Knight, who has a position in Hickory, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs- John Knight. laid. Sunday- With her wr-i- Mr. and Mrs. George Coffey end two sons, Arnold and Bill, also pf Hickory. riie girls of the Blowing Hock basket ball team met Aho at Aho on Wednesday of last week. The score was ' in fa\or of Alio. Mrs. Jesse Walker :iml children, of Chase City, Va., arc visiting Mrs. Walker's no rents. Mr. and Mrs C\ I)_ Gannon. OSAGE DAM COMPLETION EXPECTED THIS WINTER Bagnell, Mo.?With .3, S3 5 men wprkihjf night and day. the $30,000.000 hydro-electric dam across Osuge River near here v.'ili be complete before the winter is over, and traffic from Federal Highway 5'1 will be routed over the dam by Christmas Day. engineers for the Union E'ectric bright and Power Company said recently. The mammoth project ;s 78 per 'C'ffit,. completed now. and "'00 me n arc engaged in highway building hear the darn. The dam v.'ili impound SEE THESE ? I 3ATS J . $12.50 to $29.50 < J rs ? Is $5.00 sing out $2 to $3.75 jC ES 5 L