r~ ?? | "BRC ? I By RUBY I l.VENTH INSTALMENT Yo:; c&h'? say it*. Jul*** - . Vviifv v li-rvt' iitrW ?v.:?vexne:ii i StUcw K-<- Kitu bis arm* ?nu Hia.-i V-.. >v-.i5" vrhispBrcd'j 1 i* "" iUl Km'K' ^iU4 B$t h< V hands atrniast V&'cht: ;c. hifla ?fm from her. '*Ff>?-$ivv y /n ' Anil then \yhat :s^k*.d- hh.rti>t>!y, 'She began to cr -of'.iy and brokenlyl""' You nil# . 4 ' - y . m:.ht havt- 11 h . : i-; .-a.-ho.: the c l ?& he - nndniair.ve.-- knw.lhiit she si'.vv in to hx;> now theie wot* no reijar.ing hei steps- She tiii * .' think : Lawrence Hchelield?t?*u <> htiteye that he was far the heft man of the two. and that with hi she would stand a greater 'chsmev happiness. bur common-reuse a? logic -.tit": against ;he magic tout "f Cb.itte.TJhair.'*? arms and the U>u< oijffiir' iins. She only feV,?;\v Uhvt cTiiviv a'i the weeks since they {?drted Switzerland, she had aelWil fox ib moment, dreamed of it arid lonj?< for it and that now. in rpito of h< rnpiJtt defiance, h had conk1. ai when Chittenhyni asked again: y?:?"i\.. v.. . h;,-,. in* -do you vya me after alh Julie','"'* she haV? ho a . svvyi'. She let him draw her closely in has arms, and when he Dressed ht n?S5 d>wr against his shoulder. r.M close*! r.tn eyes with a little sigh -pent resignation It was .? long; time bet* >re ?bth< vi '.ii'Miv noKt- again. Chittenham d P.i.-t gKtemid: to kiss her. he just nc net ;n hi: arms, his cheek ogam ht-i hair. as if she bud been a' tin child Who teid bime to h'tn for *?>? and protection, U was .TilHe who moved first. ; "inRV^Kil!- 'n sooin Poor Hii I've been sn'ch a beast to;Tier lately She drew a little back from hii looking at him with eyes that we al wet and ashamed, and yet happi than be had seen them ifinee th bight in Switzerland. It was tynica! of .iuliy that ny sh" had given in. she was ready acknowledge herself fully beate W ith Chiitenham's first kiss sne. p the past behind her and kept h eyes 'jlose^ to?th^ future. For t! moment the present v. as all SttTi eiont- The great ;uh' and unhapj ; h??W7(a' hei heart hail peen tak? away: he was hero and he loved he 'I he happiness of that knowledge ai the relief of hoi own admisai? th; she loved him. for a little while hliir "Him is away?d' Chitienhairi |l|i "I lartg- her up before -ame he' what voason she e uv, -- pi?e frien it.was I who really drove her awa mV iyid^.i hf (dose to bis lu.-a a \voro'.-rfui mar. :f y-it e;?h say :h; suyiv ' bni'iden? sho tolU-.hi: thi inyi.-ience nt' jg- /' <? I "! r.w'an ,4Hg? s.tm>?'so fts mirs Style- have, han'ivn^ti. havi- they*" "Only that arc tejro. in m "Thnt r- n.it. what ! nu-ai:.* ii.. anf\v - . rial shr incnnt. and fcl auswmpd feev <Mr?ctty. j ' t am -a'T: tnarviP-WB t hat h: wKi yo ii mi-ait. .Tniir?" "Yes." 11- i-outd hardly patch tfl lie u:rnp<' hey face tram ii- re:-! ;>!?.? plac.! -sainst his shouliler, n;i I shall ask mVawne y> set m "Pst- trey- W<? are nothing to one another, shiwrcil. 'hSnSrajgmir ah:: won't .or.tent? . "She may not bo sjigc?V unoi i . want i?. knojv. She and have not feen anything w? or.c an otHvr Ior-7f, long time. Where ar ha ! i iron to her feet. gent] riis avros. "i am jus: wondering how all thi >ame about,'.' she said bvokeni^- *tHo\ tl . . now vo.u made an? give In t you. ii 3' the last Thought in m; mind when 5 came in- No?drui" touch me. i d ens(?" For he had l is en also and moved towards hey. 'Giies . . . do you think 1 hav been very easy to break?" Chit ten ham winced. Her word hurt him. She looked infinitely pa thellc as she stood there, her far still stained with tears, and her lip trembling He made a swiftly pas sionate movement towards her. -.Judo . . . ftft Uftll TO^Ilv PINKY DINKY : : | ~J~ >KEN" M. AYRES '; The h.'t n'Uir rushed from hr. r c N: to her brow. fctt; "W'l! ifit ?o??a very "norrid of ir f 1 say that ! wish V ar'n't ?'* sr - i:. "Xo?no. stay there v*sj \vant to talk to you. it's |iil! all * real?- I el so Trtuddied?-us :f it ^t just a dream that 1 can only faintl reihctrolwi'1. Toll ?.yny did yo cv-nu' ha;:fc this- .- on y "Lkciiuse I heard thai van vve< ht! yV, nrjrrry .Seh'*?i?W " " < >h 1" Her eyes fell; Poor ,L-a'v i vm'-.'! She had t'ovsrotheh hSrn e< u! ! I dr; 1 i-iv. Si :.. ;*!A*t?! now?v.-hat i?, we -J r.osv? rd j a>ke?; softiyl d i 'hit ten/ un\ lu- d out Ids a :w* : '!1 "Come here, and 1 \v?H toll yri i " er'-l So- went ' him readily -ivus;: m: at':/] ' a " '' iVx "t\ :opjtohen in kisses, and the tool's io;v-io;ds of lovers \yhirh yet he hi a h.'ilu- v.-m of tlic world :*h The ehiimb'g of a eiot-k brou-.fl w hem back -r. earth, in} she pus ? him away from V,. . its "It was >>o:r fault." she said ?\ . i: vorishly. "I was va-aic eh ousels to k-t i or in? your faidt. 1 suppose I haven' id any miu< . a)4 I should just hav- oh and ;rol over it-?" hi "I'm jrla'd you didn't, Jusid." n- Y.'rth--sirimmilse, Julk raise his hand to her lip.-: ami kissed u t . tUa.. -/V?V* ii ? . . >' .?U.? ..I B7F ..Jicvui-rou t?i iXCl i.ire rt: E?r most angrily niiSh-d it from her. to lie took her *aee between .v. >;'i mm-Is. and k'utsel her passim .<* V. "\*.vhire- -ha" e\v pas,t " - a*v t'i mare." he whispered against her ffi?> id i But she was r.< t satisfied. Id: "Giles?s.ipposmpy she wr.'; <h >1 vi i;*eo y u ?" feci "i am no; afraM >f r.ha; " ".But suppo-duM- she von"'. V* .full j/rnsi^Ted feverishly. "Need v. ?.' suppose any jitieh thine? n. "I want to ^Vippose fcverytiijut ."'pvsTr to kr.ow v.fbrJ. the AyorstJs t ha n. I we,may have to face.'; re': < hnteuliam ixtked away Horn net ei jaiicl there was a ha: 1 line Shout hi at mouth. HW "If i'licii a thine happened w would he for you f.?> say " he .a! it. swered at last. n. "What do you nuanV" tl| He Utoked' at her sadly. er "That rhen ;iu->v wonlii oe a,r le one way in which we rouM h.e oi, f.i-j r'o earn pi-lie r7 Julie " ?i She did not met end to nnsuruiei in <tand him. hut the hot hloo<l ros" l< ;iy: he; -of? hair an-.: her eyes fell. "Would you yore well enough ;' ? at that . .if thieve was no other wav Li- .Julie?" lVrva; moment she was silent, the; ' with '.% : v.-ift tittle gesture she turnai ... to him. hiding he'- face asrair.st ho i?i hreait 'U .".y, , .7-u -v 7 V- i d|{& g&?g&ggn| I' ' gg r 1; was 'wo $8Jock Olp ihhu^ht; 0$ leaving the flat. ,f "Such a scandal!'*: he teased Jviie v. "Neither of us would have a shred p j reputation- left if ouv hV-st and d?ar ifil^-.Vtnvthhj knew how aftcTitinaosy >*. 7'. nave been KhaSHrJ' !v i- -{alio mode a little grimace. r "1 navch'i <ir.v and ydeartin :*"eexcept Bim-?'' she answered w :u-,t 'hilt M'ruMtly: what <1. g vou think of Sadie m, *kc>adie--?" Ho w as triad th it-ms. |ih | cheek was vest', tig pgainst his shop! J1m?- ..... -.^s.. 1- - ? r - " i _ ?ii- afiAmeii - at &ih ?'.? : >vtpur. r-lm should-f pi ak r.f _}?{? ., lie iTj K? avoided a ik-lit'pialt an.' r. "Wbat a ouestioRs I hardly knov v. iyhat tit say," he r.iid lightly. "I 'inly asked because she ha j fpet'en about you several taste*. 0| think she rathe;- like.-; yon " ' "Nonsense!" it Hi- ?oice sounded almost aiigr arid Julie looked up at him in Tu'-t' !' t-. "Do'i't you want her to like you "' i ( She and I aye great friends- I r? gfej her to ar.y one I have met sin jo ?' She sioppc ti with a little shrug of he; t 1 shoulders. ? ! "Since yem and 1 met on ilia un ci the wovld," Giles added fo; h*r. It 'was nearly three in the r.u.iii 'ng when he left the fiat, and th< streets were silent anu deserted as he . walked away through the darkness j pausing for a moment to iook bocl [ J at tr.e lighted window where Julh (, si od with he2 face to the pane t< cat? a iast glimpse of him. v Behind him was the sound of nth i steps, a tittle slower than his. anc 4. yet in some strange way 'seeming de v dherately to be dogging him. 5 y'hittenham glanced ever his shoul y liei. iiritatingly conscious of heinj; - ;x '.lowed. A tnxicab on he h okou4; for a iat? fare turned a coiner, and Giles halt :> t e-d it. At ail events it wv>$;id put jar end once and for all to his in'erestet .s' follower. As he slammed up the dooi - he glanced backwards along the roac e = the way he had com#s. The man svas passing beneath a - street iamp. anfi in the sudden ligm his figure seemed strangely familiar although for the moment Chittennam I ^ /rf i4Ct ocuu^ C. THE WATAL'GA DEMOCRAT?EVE i| u I WasbingionJjirl r Miss Catherine McCattcry, a sicn- S ccraphtr in the Government Printing n Office, selected as the typical District % oi Columbia business girL 1? j < uiId !t??t pine tee. i = T j The taxicah ji? ? ed away avid ? ,'nen | ^ j a] once he knew ?>u iva's Lont-jg. . ?'' Fhat was th< resemblance hefs= i ; had seen?Harry Loipbard I } Per at: instant he wa conscriousj'J j: of anpi v premonction: what did ;j. p* 1 j nam a--then he Jaairhed at himself-,^ i YIu- idea v.-as p a posUtous'. Whvijlj ^ sfi'-nld Lombard have followed luttiVjij j. > He remembered thei? last meeting;? . and Lombard's detestable insiiv.aicjti<:bs. ^ : i iriUonhaniV have crew crini; . -::r.;.<.sir<- J. >ir;ba:d had been wnlt-ijli . i??4*- Julia*-.- rilirinn- ( c2 ? . --r- ' - " ] RJ Uve hours'. 13 VI ft - i flj When Clvittenharo was !resting u'lgj n i n" - his m< iher fang thv? ugh) 3 sj .?n the 'phone. ] iij "! only rang up U\ ask it" you v. ;> = :eonu- this afternoon." "Why <io yon war.: mo lo ^conu Sj JU Voh know I'm ah unbeliever." 1^ "i There wis a little hesitation before 153 the plaintive voice came again. | U' J ,-T.) tell yon the truth, I'm just, 2 tiny hit nervous! I've nwt-i het its: mixed up in anything "f the ; ?<ion'i worry? " Oiks laltgheri. "I meant :?? come anyway." "And. Giles?in east you're angry what ha| - ivr.o.i 'v other night -Mi.-s Farrow s tanning! I know i sit id i wouldn't '"j havv her in ti e house any more, hoi j I. ?u mu st be i oad-minded. Giles Suffawd-f "1* takes ail w t make a " < n. "So you -Trliv op rnei- OoTj-polltv t?"? hrr, r W."' X - y?>?i, dear?" '! ihink I an el\ promise yo that ' ile sonIeU t himself he h abs 1 I'M : i.? ssary to ask him fco he polite 1 to Jhlie! He liad hardly finished dressing ; Lombard was downsi-ans waiting ! > see him. C0\'T1NUE!> XKXT WKKK "I.ETTKR FROM HOME" on lad 0 the br.ti in ?Ire- j I gon I \ eat. but \ always like to ! I nvdr'^jiiri! V? tvlfttiuH. JOE MAST. ri Myrtle Point- Oregon. -? BputT'is: ,t" fH'.lr.-hi i?n hi;'..- jus rut. . ju ti Her. " = :t ten spi.i f.ive ; j you -more br r VfeHife-- What's tike idea'.* i ii. r.ot | dfit?,y?y to I.,. ...n fovev on the .! mt-nt man I ij H ;-V^^ Comes Back Strong i cr the World War, John G. | Lutz of 1110 Wavcrly Ave., in San j |i | Antonio, came l ack home -with a i stomach which kept him in misery. ; "1 couldn't find a thing to help me j very much until a friend suggested ~ j I try Herbkic," says Mr. Lutz> who * | is a service officer of Alamo Post 1 No. 2, American Legion "I carr't j - j say too much for Hcrbine since it i r_. i ; jixea me up so l can cat again, and I :j the pains I had in my hack sloped. I 11 I never felt better in my life." Hcrlnne helps the stomach anil lj bowels to take care of the food you I eat, so you do not suffer from the I |[ gas which causes indigestion, bilious ncss, sick headache and constipation. I ' | Sold by Hodges Drug Co-, j ** M .SL... T| VuuT jitrvu*o ? a^yC cayr>yi\X. /ZyPt c?s*_e. ^ ZV "faM-e. A^rwii Zr/>vtV . M. pvtK ; Y". LAt-lA. Ctt-K. ! . lA -l.Cx. A^t ;1 ;*: ,;.^j 'H ; ?3 S . ' : : RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C> esfci-,. . '. .. ' ' -- ', ml WIN' p wgKKa??BtaK>sgga?gmiaBuagi*mwiaj??imiiBi | 3TJ Now is the time to buy your k have a complete line of coal ; also accessories: stoveboards, 'S 'ii tS oersj shovels, etc. jfS IS; iijy A nnT nn,i\ 1 ii ml .Tf Th The Genuine "ESTATE," the \e the trade-mark "Estate," ig / Come in and let ft) fj -T3 .......u- ...... MI. j?? .MWI ? TT S Boone Har< Pj za ? ' I DRIVE WI Coiui<ienc>e f WINTER SUmdard 1 Xew Heavy ?uly y GOODYEAR X "Mr PATHFINDERS |W*W Central Tire DISTRIBUTORS FOR W W. R. Winkle BOONE AND BLOW LOCAL DE/ LEE MAST SERVICE STATION, Mabel, N. C. T: A. McGUIRE, * t. tjC_ CSL*Asi/\fi^Q CL**x?t ~fo-Cc? V ^ ^ J ^ sLX~^urtmz, j!^ P /"*\yyXX Asisl^(. x^t-on tk J /utAv-v. /irvm M I C^-AAV>? *tvLe/ A<_ nXrrvi P J, tCt K v]' - Snl rER! ! rOc* daawMWKiiffiwiiii nil''Mill Maaawwai Ife leaters for the Winter. We ^ni ru^ ind wood burning heaters, coal hods, pokers, fire ten(AT AO I Ll^L/ZiO p i i only one made. Look for ^ tfe and accept no other. 3ffl us show you. spi _____ 11 jgjj dware Co. I I <S^WSWBBWiBWKiBBWWM8SWB ?????? " ?< riim* for T5r?* S$ssy??r:s>! idnjj boUojn, Xou ; costs mor? than ii'v: tures arid delays to kct iho last miles out ' ? iltppery fall and winter roaxls require Cti J * Goodyear treads wear down slower, than ?about TWICE as slowiy as \vi symirc-r. ?e like new next spring?this is the time to I ue Guaranteed Full Oversize ny of the first grade tires selling? dollar:, only Goodyear can offer! Free :r. >unl!nc:. vice. Ilalloofts . Slandard l o.'ds ' size is here at the :e you want to pay * 5 Company AT Airrt A r/MtwTw ...nwun yyyilS 1 r, Manager 1NG ROCK, N. C. M.ERS: A. A. GREENE, Deep G.p, N. C Todd, N C. : : : : : By Terry Gilkison _ J IN/Slcs i TOM CAT ^ETTtN'ON THE | S7S-I SACK. YARD FENCE 'ji FEET AU. FULL OF GLI STEW, j VI F'CKIN' HI* TEETH WITH THE V, !f J'yA 6N|) OF HI* TAIL ANP THE WINP RL.OWIN' - THRO HI* WHI*KER* >//?y 50V ayr-vr jv WL/HM ccmti YsoA^M^-A/r^ ^

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