H | w VOLUME XLII, NO. 20 Today and Tomorrow By FKAXK V STOCK BTUDGK Voices The head of a college of music has scot into the newspapers Vy an ncnncnrg that the pitch of American vriiTs" voices is getting louver and attributing thi ?< "yelling at foot> all games and smoking cigarettes." It is much more probable that the American type is changing through ht admixture of races ami that the average American girl has a better muscular development than her grand mother had. Physical training rather ihan cigarettes would tevid to enlarge the breathing passages which affect tthe pitch of the voice, i If the change which this teacher | has noticed is general, so much the better The high-pitched American jema.'c voice, almost shrill, grates on sensitive bars. Women may admire :?anos. but most men prefer the Jeep-toned contralto voice. * r- * Junk Nearly a year's experience with the plan, adopted by nil of the 'argr- automobile makers, of offering a bonus to dealers for "junking" used oars, seems to have had a good effect, hot on,!y in stimulating the market for new cars, but iu removing dangerous vehicles from the roads. Ford is paying $20 for each hope less Ford eai delivered at the factory. Other makers allow from $20 to $10 to dealers Cor each car junked in the presence of responsible witnesses or factory representatives. The dealer has to find his own "'graveyard" for the wreck and that is a difficult problem in some localities. Almost every abandoned quarry and mine has been tilled to the top with old cars. On some of the undeveloped streets in the suburbs of New York ancient automobiles virtually line the roadway on both sides. There is a fortune waiting for the man who will discover a cheap and .speedy way of reducing old cars t<> their original raw steel. V * Noise Hiram P. Maxim, hop. of one great inventor and nephew of another, ami himself the inventor of the gunman pet, the Maxim silences for firearms, has found' a way, he rolls the world, to keep noise out fo the house even with thc-vrindows open. The principal use of such an invention, will of course be, in the large cities, where noise interferes rp.ot only with sjegp but with the health of those who get no respite term it tinoujrh the twenty-four hours But everywhere there will be a demand for a silencer of this sort for hospitals and rooms from which all external sounds must he excluded, as well as for places near railixiavU and other sources of noise. Taxes One <>lr the things we are to hear more about in the next two or three years is the proposal for a federal Sales Tax on all merchandise, or on a good many items. At preseuf the Government levies a sales Taxes on tton stock sales ami some other things. , -A few states have tried the sales tax as a means of raising revenue. Thu gasoiiite sales tax is in general use, in almost ail of the states, as ovef\> body knows. Xew York levies a tax on the sa'e of stock. Advocates of the sales tax contend that it is the fairest of all forms of taxation, being based on definite transactions ir? which money chancres hands. Since The war many Kuvonean countries have adopted it, and it ranks second only to income tax as a revenue producer. Germany gets 15 per cent of her public funds from the sales tax, Belgium, France, Austria and Czechoslovakia somewhat AVtelher n;"' Federal Government ever tries it on a large scale or not. the effort to pass a sales bill is likety to be made in the next Congress. - ??. :/&$?.-' A Einstein ^ George Bernard Shaw, who has the clearest mind of an\ man in England. introduced Professor Albert Einstein to a London audience the other night as "the man \\ ho has created a new universe." Eight men. each in his own time, has changed oar conception of the universe, Mr. Shaw said. They are Pythagoras, Ptolemy. kenli-r. Copernicus, Aristotle. Galileo, Newton and Kmstcin. g Eqc'n of those scientist. ,ave the world a new conception natural laws. Each in his turn prov chat the others had been wrong, bi each of them served the purpose o his time . Over a period of two thov id years about the world he lives . A few hundred j'cars from now s. no scientist. equipped with better leasuring instruments than arc avail >le todav. may prove that Einstein : , wrong in his theory that a straight u is not the shortest distance b ten two points and that light travc n curves v instead of in straight line But his theory will stand until somebody finds an nne-seapable fact which contradicts it. That is the way scientific knowledge grows. Man probably will never r.ll W^ Tr.?V..s uniuavQf but we are learning faster now than ever before. The Alleghany County Mutual Fanners Exchange has recently purchased 2,000 bags of cottonseed meal for its members to feed cattle this ~f winter and plans to purchase anothei I ' ' 1,000 bags shortly. > II /ATM A Non-Partisan Ni BOON SmmGHWAY SYSTEM EMBRACES TOTAL OF 335 MILES Two Hundred and Ninety-Two Miles nf c? --- TL - _ i\u \ gpege nere Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. ; North Wilkesboro Man Takes His Own Life i i North Wilkesboro.?Roscoe Prove tie, prominent merchant of this j place, committed suicide at his home ; on Eighth Street Sunday. When he was::^lij;u-.v^ns' that he was not feeling well, went to his room, locked the door, fastened his belt to the head of the bed and j around his neck, and when members I of his family, becoming uneasy, entered the room they found him dead. Mr. Prevcttc had been in ill health ; for several months and had been no( ticably despondent, but his family was totally unprepared for his action. He was a partner with his brother, J. T. Prevette, in the clothinir business here and was prominently connected in the county. His j widow, a son and several brothers ; n ud oistcrs stiryi vt*. DOUGHTON'S MAJORITY IS OFFICIALLY PLACED AT 15,007 j Congressman Robert L. Doughton. who was re-elected in the November 4th election, received a plurality of 1 157007 votes over his Kepultiickii ufr , noner.t, Ed F. Wakefield, according i to the official canvass of his district. His majorities in the nine counties |-are as fallows. Alexander, 648; Allei thany. 7GG: Ashe. 683: Cabarrus. 12,075; Caldwell. i,8'.6; I. . ,"., !!. 0,050; Rowan, ",275; Stanlv, 706; Watauga, : 270. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION HIT BY FIERCE BLIZZARD Denver. Colo.?Winter took an 'icy grip on a wide area from the Roet:y Mountains to the Pacific coast and from Aiiaona to "Canada Tuesday as snow fell in depths rangine up to 24 inches. The fall was heaviest in the mountains. ! The ioss of two lives had been atIj trihuted to the storm; mountain passsi es were snotfbound; air travel was made hazardous and many highways j were clogged with drifted spow. JGA ewsDaDer. Devoted to the % j. *, " " ? K, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH C i| Two Ruths Return Horv. Ruth Bryan Oven of Florida (above) and Hon. Ruth Pratt of i New York, both re-clected to Congress. Hon. Ruth Hanna McCori rnick of Illinois, the third Ruth in Congress, was defeated for United ! States Senator. Short Illness Is Fatal To John Winebarger i John Winebarger, prominent citij zen of Watauga County, died at his home in the Meat ('amp section last Saturday, succumbing to an illness which had not appeared serious until about a week before the end came. He had reached the advanced age of 81 years, and although he had been in declining health for some time, his condition bad hot b?/n previously regarded as critical. Funeral set vices were conducted from the Meat Camp Methodist Church by Or. \V. A. Deaton, assisted by Rev. L. A. Wilson, following which the remains were taken to the family graveyard for burial. I Mr. Winebarger bad spent his tniirc life in the neighborhood where he fiist saw the light of day, arid \v%? a successful former. He was a (ending spirit in church affairs, and no better citizen lived within the borders of the county. In bis death fcne com munitv and the county have sustained a great loss. Surviving are a widow and or.c son. Olin G. Winebarger of Meat Camp.; four brothers, Caleb W.. N'aham W. and Noah W. Winebarger of Meat Camp; Jonas W. Winebarger of Piney Flats, Tcnn.; Jtnd three sisters, I Mrs, Martha Mliler, ss'i Francis Miller and Mrs. W. F. j^ookabill, all o( ! ;-Watauga County. j ? I Gardner Urges Care in Selecting Supervisors (Special to The Democrat) t.v 6S96B$aE6S5?a@Ml?- ~ " IMIIBaae governor Vraraner has issued a CSH to the one hundred boards of county commissioners in the Slate, many of which are new entirely or in pari:, ho exercise great care in selecting counj ty tax supervisors for the reassessi merit ol' all real estate for the en suing four-year period. The super visors are to be named at the December meeting's, the first to be attended by the newly-elected comm'tH; sioners.. and the revaluation is to start in January"No function of government comes closer to the people than this, and <1 ! satisfactory performance of thispubj lie duty requires the infinite patience i of men of broad experience and [ sound judgment," he states. "If the | re-assessment is to be successfully : and reasonably satisfy b-tit will j require the services of men in whose i judgment and integrity the public jwill have complete confidence " j Governor Gardner has arranged foi the State to pay actual expenses or five cents a mile for travel ami S-l a day, to the supervisors while tho> are here attending the threeday school to be conducted., begin! ning December 10. by the State j Board of Assessment, to inform and aiii the- supervisors in -theii work ! Uniform blanks for property listine will be worked out and efforts wil j he directed toward a fair and just j basis of valuation for every taxpay j er, the State Board announces. : LEE CARENDER OF MATNEY GROWS MAMMOTH POTATOES Air. Lee Calendar, progressivi jl'o.i.'.ei oitlvc Mr.tr.cy section, send' j The Democrat office a couple of po i tatocs that look to be about as ftooc i as were ever produce*! on a Wataugr ! farm. The two tubers tip the scales i at three pounds, there being a lit i!c lets, than an ounce difference it I their weight. Smooth as apples, am I free from any protrusions, these Green Mountain beauties look like J prize winners. Mr. Cal ender states | that he has two hundred bushels j Jsl like 'em that were raised 011 a little ! over a .juarter-acre of ground. ** "' >n ^ e, _.... ...... nmrrmaK was unam mously elected president of thi Schoolmasters' Club, at a hanquoi meeting Tuesday night at the Smith oy Hotel in Wilkesboro. A fine grout of educational leaders responded te 1 the invitation of Trofessor and Mrs I C. C. Wright., to be their guests a: ! this meeting.?Wilkes Patriot. DEMC Best intere sts of Northwei AKUELNA, THUKSuAi'. NOVEMBER IhTILLET WOUND f ! PROVES FATAL TO ED. S. DAY; Former WaUugAn Succumbs Satur-j aay in North Wilkoiboro Hospital,} After Havi??z Been Shot by S- C. Webster More Than Two Weeks. Ago. Body Returned io Watauga. 1 Funeral Held at Cove Creek. I Eel S. Day. 35 years old. native Wataugan and for xnauy years a business man of Boone, died ip the Wilkes Iiospitu!. North Wilkesbom last Saturday, whore he had been a patient since he was shot in the back; at his meat market ip. that city on! October 2iHh. As soon as Day expired officer?! promptly rearrested 3. C. Webster, free on a ST.500 bond since the shoot-1 { ing, and placed him in the county jail to await trial at the spring term i of Wilkes Superior Court, which con-j venes in March. The trouble between the two men was ascribed to "domestic difficulties" and the fatal shot vas fired through the window of Day's market, while his back was turned from his assailant. The bullet passed through the body, piercing the i left lung, and at first the injured man j was regarded as having a 50-50 j oiinntu* of recovery. For several days; I thereafter his recovery was confid- j ently expected, and his death came as | I a distinct shock to his friends in this] j county. Funeral services we! e conducted Sunday afternoon from the Cove, Creek Baptist Church by Kev I'- A.! Hicks of Boone and interment was in the nearby cemetery. Members of thej , Wilkes Post American Legion acted J j as pall hearers and no less than 25 : friends from the Wiikesboros made i the trio through the rain to he nros e'nt as the last writes were held. A large concourse of Walaogans was IA present and the floral offerings were) j. beautiful. r Mr. Day was a native of the Cove t Creek section and a member of one ti of the county's most substantial tarn- f ilies. Fie served with the American j ? forces during the world war, was at-i s tached to tin* famous, 81st division! \ and was on the filing line during! ] the bloody campaign in the vicinity! s of Verdun. It was there that poison- , ous gases so affected his lungs, that | he had small chance of surviving an t . injury to one of these organs. Fol- j lowing the wa? Mr. Day settled ir-: Boone where for a long time he op-! { crated a meat market. He had been ? in similar business in North Wilkes- , f l)oro for several years. He was woii } . liked throughout this section and was 'I equally populav in the Wilkesboros- . j j Surviving arc a widdw, who be-!< ' fore hov marriage war Miss Mary.' ] 1 daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. j j | A. \y, Beach of Watauga, and live , I children. ; It is undei stood tiiat the family,(,< will continue to make their homo in; t North Wilkeshoro and that Mr. Day's t business will be operated without in-1 < terruption. I j ^ | i Red Cross Membership |1 Drive Begins Monday;' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday p of next week Watauga Chapter, j American Red O'-oss, will put on her I I annual Roll Call Membership Drive, ! i and really nothing of more imp* i* Stance will gome before our peuplej for many moons. Last year the la-i i | dies who had the active pari oi the j i I campaign in charge succeeded beau- ( J tifully. and our hopes now are thatj 1 the same ones will he at the helm in'* this fight that is to he waged for < ' dollars with which to trv to alleviate'- 1 'the siifferinir of our local noov ?fir> 1 \ i whom the hand of Fate has rested j 1 j heavily. And.at the same lime, while.: i j looking to our local need?. headquar-! t Iters at Washington getsoO per cent.} ;; of the amount raised, which is used;* when great tragedies strike our 1111- j 1 ition. And oar beloved soldier boys, j< ' who fought our battles in Flanders!? 11 Fields, still prostrate on beds of suf- i 1 fering as a result of the fearful war. 1 r> are still mothered by the great j . [ j - j1 I Rut why dwell on this? A year's - < : membership costs $1.00. ft your;] duty and join. Don't say you haven't J< ligot the dollar?get it! If you fail:! j to sec a solicitor, call at The. Dome-j ! ijcrat office, pay in vout dollar, getji ' receipt for same, ar.d feel good over j ! a duty well performed. j ? i Quail and Rabbit Season Opens on November 20 ! ;; I * f\ All ye outdoor sportsmen take no-' -j tice .:tfcat-.N.oy,?rp.b.er 2ftjth' is the first; ] j day of the open season on quail and. ? rabbit.. Buy your license and get pei -; (mission from the ones on whose land] jyou want to hunt, and try your luck] ion the feathered tribe (quaill. ] J There is no open season on phcas-; 'j ants this year, so don't let the tempt- ] | i ng rustic oi wings uvcipower -your.. j| better judgment. It will cause you ^trouble if you are caught. Eyin il'| ,j you think you can kill them and gel; 'i by without being caught, you should! "I be a better sport than to violate thcli |! law. Both the old native pheasantj , | (grouse). and the ring-necks are get- j ting a pretty good start and if they| jigct the proper protection for oneji '| more rearing season they should in '. '/ crease in number so that the danger ji j of extermination of the coveted bird! i will not be near so great, j Don't forget to buy your fur dealer; -j licerfse before you start trafficking! :!in furs. We are grateful to the? pub- i L i lie for the sympathetic co-opcvation, : -\ that they are giving in the presevva ) ] tion of the fish and game. There are 1 > | very few violations of the game laws : . in the county now. 11 H. GRADY FARTHING, i 1 ? County Game Warden. ] st North Carolina 20, 1030 - 1 New Minister (i( REV. H. M. WELLMAN. newly appoirtcd pastor of the Watauga Circuit of the Methodist Chusch, expects to fill his initial appoint- i menl next Sunday. The rever.in I t gentleman is a graduate of Duke University, and joined t? le Methodist Conference in 1914, since j which lime he has done fine and constructive work in every detail. rie is an actsve Master Mason and is interested in every other organ- ! ; izaiidii ui movement that : for a better citizenship or community. Mrs. Wellman is a real ( helpmeet Jo her husband in his { work and is a native of McDowell County. They have three children, | two of them 'high school students. Mrs. R. D. Jennings | Dies at Banner Elk J Mrs. Margaret < atiierinc Jennings;, 1 vife of Dr. R. D. Jennings, well mown Avery County dentist, died I it her Home at Banner Elk Sunday. 1 allowing an illness of only a f* . J? lays, which is said to have resulted c roni internal injuries sustained front} i i fall. She was 64 years old. Funeral i ervices were conducted from tfie 1 tome Monday at 11 o'clock h\ Dr. ; f. D. Rankin of Boone, who was as- I tisted by Rev. W. R. Smith of Ban- I u; Elk. Interment was in Banner Ilk Cemetery, the burial being In t :harge of the Morel?. Funeral Home, i Jootie 1 1 "Mrs. Jennings was a tii?e ! < on County, a daughter of Mr. and!) tfrs. Columbus Abernethy, but \yas a i citizen of this region during the ! I f eater part of her iortg fife. Slteh ,vas well known and well loved 1 s throughout .Watauga and adjoining: I counties, was a w hole-so nle.jj Christian lady, and news of her demise s the occasion for widespread sor-i Surviving arc the husband, three' a.:i.I e i -'-5 r.\i- ? i iiiniLcii, !-. 5 . gsmiing^fi Ciireancin-; on, Tenn., Harvard Johnmgs of Kan 1 101* Elk, and Mrs. Mary Sue Helms j >f Tryon, and the following* brothers ; ind sisters: ;.;im Abinnopiy, Long': dreek, Thomas and William Ahev-j; iiethy of Shelby. Ed Abernolhy ofHliderbraod, and Mrs. Clara Cook.j >f; gy'ehd-J. hildren also survive. -- - Wates Greene Passes Away Last Thursday ; Watos Greene. 7<1, prominent. |5| j ideht of the Middle F6i;U secti n,j massed away at hi: home last Thurs-j lay after a lingering illness whWn j iiid its beginning more than two; .ears ago. Funeral services .-.were con-fj luetctf Fnrhiy; from the Middle Fork* Baptist Church of which deceased j ,yas a long and faithful member, by! :he Rev. Robert Shores, and intersfcs nent was in the neighboring ceme-; eiy. C1 Mr. Greene was a native citizen] ?r Watauga County, and had spent:, .is entire life here. He was a splen-j lid citizen and contributed his full share toward the general welfare of | he community In which he made his | lonie; Surviving are a widow and eight diildreh.: Dock Greene. Caldwell \ Jounly: Newton Greene, Blowing! !?o<-k*, Hymim Greene, Boone; Milton Jreenc, Boone; Lloyd Greene and rVcri Greene,Middle Fork; Mrs. J.I Harrison and Mrs. Wiley HoKiiieki. Blowing Rock. SPECIAL MUSICAL. PROGRAM AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY The following special program will: 3c presented ai the Boone Methodist j Church next'Sunday evening at -7:30 ! /clockHymn. "Softly Now the Light of Day" (Gottsehalk), choir. Prayer. rcBible Reading?Psalm xix. "Creation" (Haydn), choir. Talk. "Church Hymns," by Miss Bnuchelle. Anthem. "Soft Floating on thc| Evening Air," choir. ] Offers tor v Large- -(Handel) Duet. "Peace to This Dwelling" (Smith), Miss Wary and Mr. Moore. Hymn "Manoah" (Haydn). Address. "Value of Music in the Church," Dr. Chandler. Quarto*. "I Wonder if There's Room There for Me" (Thompson),Miss Wary, Mrs. Norton. Mr. Moore,' Charles Rankin. Anthem, "Spirit Divine. Attend' Dur Prayers" (Stults) Benediction. METHODIST BAZAAR Tile ladies of the Boone Methodisti Church will hold their annual bazaar! at the Blackburn Hotel on Thursday: afternoon and evening. November 20. The sale of fancy work will begin: at 4 o'clock and will continue until 10. Beginning at 6 o'clock, oysters and chicken salad will be served. The public is invited to attend. Sl.RA PKft YKVAR -OM-i'.rj' ' - u-VY-S'j'/v coun' growsa" HIGil jRADE OF bur i ;y tobacco Johnson Ca * usiness Men, on Vir.xt to Wat. R , Stale That Leaf Growi hTTM:' Is Far Above Average Delegation Lunches at Daniel Boorc Hotel, and Meets Farmers at Courthouse in Afternoon. Twenty four .J?hnson City, Tenit, >u?iness men. each one a booster foe ;he tobacco market of that town, visited Boone last Thursday, lunched vith Boone Civ t at the Danel Boore Hotci, and at f the district's most experienced tobacconists. was introduced by Mr. Faw, and gave figures to prove that ivery county in Western North Car ut.m where Burley culture has proven 1 success is showing a steady increase n business. Mr. Brown estimated hat nearly two hundred acres of ;he weed was grown on Watauga 'anus this season, and advised that the acreage be doubled next year. Raymond Rpsson, Washington ounty farm agent who, according to lis own words, "was raised in a tobacco patch," declared that Watauga average, over:_a rperio. KM KlUIIII1K. the meeting turned over to Messrs. Rosson, A. 1.. Brown, J.tnirs I'. Gray, \V. K. Carter ami Lawrence Bvitton. Short talks oil marketing tvere made by those gentlemen, following which tables were arranged and grading started on the many piles of golden leaf, each move in the sorting being explained by the workers Several warohousemehSSwo: - in the party and, according tolfflhem, It; lite samples displayed here were of I'.igh quality, excelling. in fact, most el' the tobacco grown in the Eastern District this season. Mr. Brown, who during the meet'.iig. gave eacli farmer present a year's subscription to Ttugtt' Barley Bulletin, was enthusiastic over the tnbareo he found bote. "During my thii'tyffivp years' expetience with Burley." he stated, "! have never seen meter weed than that grown by Mr. M. Motet/ on his lots here in Boone. The large manufacturing concerns are looking to the Eastern District for their beat quality tobacco. due to the failure in Kentucky," he continued, "and ! am happy to state that Watauga has the best average T have seen anywhere." In Mr. Brawn's opinion, Watauga soil is peculiarly adapted to tobacco growing, and the climate is unexcelled for curing and handling. The Watauga leal is thin and velvety and each stalk hoars an unusual number of high-grade leavers**-' The visitors extended a cordial invitation to Wataugans to patronize Johnson City warehouses: also to call on them tor advice ulutivc to marketing. A list of the Tennessee men whe formed lite motorcade i ollowsi Harry taw. Tom Watkins. Ed Hous ion, Hugh Webb, lioiTt'ri Dosser, Hanis Wofford. Jim Crumley, J. VV. Summers, W. F. Carter. K. D. Default. Cliff Bower:, 11. E. ltead, Hugh Edmonds, il. E. Han, Albert Bowers. Raymond Rosson, Hugh Squibb, Ralph Carr. lames P. Gray, Elbert Anderson, Folsqm Taylor and Lawrence Brit ton, ail of Johnson City: A Brown, ol" Giecneville, and Mac.ir Chambers. pi Hampton. NORTH CAROLINA G O. P. SPENDS $17,204.77 IN ELECTION Voney. disbursed^ for campaign purposes by the Republican State Executive Committee from May 1 to Novembei 14 aggregated $17,204.77. a very small amount by comparison with the total of approximately $75,000 expended in the campaign of 1 PL'S, it was revealed Tuesday when Senator James S. Duncan, chairman of the committee, dispatched to J. A. Hartness, Secretary of State, at Raleigh, the final statement showing receipts and disbursements in the 1030 campaign. The largest amount of money was contributed by Representative Geo. M. Pritchard, of Asheviiie, iveput/iiCan nominee for United States Senator. At one time Mr. Pritchari! furnished a check in the sum of $2,000. subsequently he gave $5,100, makinghis contributions total $7,400. He gave almost half of the qmnKa money listed. J r ,||v|? tM'