TWO Budget Commission Si* i . Asked for $73,000,000 K5, ;ny'' TtTTT^' .-; - -1? ?? - I Speeial to the Democrat ; faweE ' X. "pyucjS ? TheAUvl ; .sory Commission. composed | of the chairmen of the ,f5han.ce and appropriations committees of House and Senate aad tn^- v.ocfc tccuM'/ over the | reomsts fgt 'ivaiRU-Han.1.' and per- ] nutrient nn-rovcnnuls asked by the! stated t?*!'. at.-, institutions and; mrem?.--. which will be presented to the ii'-il HeJ'vrai Assirmdy. alter 1 i th?* conimfeiicin ptfraS and ruts them J .1 - *. ......t ..It I The thai ippii ximaieb &73.UOO.v$$% tcv *h?- next two y < &%*; j s of Which iuchnU'S hytchwav lur.dx oi'i $17,503. ' ?*> m m^inXw.-.iWir aridl $.*? >: ?;. 1 v.: I a ; . ?nst uirti in and ' $5 1 1,1 >. : -:j md $54.f>vo$2 " n i 1 :' - for :h< i ?e?>??mu?;-n? I Ag-f.cultuiv, iWth \ii Svhich i'uwif i"i*. ii'f sr,vc;a! sstlse.d by.)4 the departments. Tne institutions. departments anil.' agencies' of the state are ??k;a? ' * foi inamte'n&nc- e tor the tvv?> years. or abou\ 5-1 .oOUO.OOO f< > and J|iout *?^0OihG*j'O ' ifJ'iJ ' while fhi- requests hotids f.o'r ivermanvnt improvements: u#.'for it- tu : .. : ; . ;.1 - r.; ? 1 ,h)M \v.r- appro::? :a'; ed far ;idr> ] ! prison fitin acreage aikI has not,1 ' or, used. This >nay be '\x\i veoi^nl&ng th. prison ??< the basis;; of ro, i'irhio.?d^1-! ms U? be made -by j tlovoiaor special committee, whirli may sugii?vit. abamoniit*:; the central pf'Sbn Here. JJlj.. ? U?r,.n. !?>-.- u.'lf .ummoiirir. s J .s-T. I'VOfo-rh -,t, : .-m m *1T.iXVO. *.1a, due to Movvrnor iia'dnerN \ ut in appropriations and the ;5!ixniP! appr^natci) fr permanent improve, ments far the moment hicnnuim hm ' on s: PTn.npo Changes or. Political Map Of the '?- counties, ijvhirh had R/puMieap administrations -isrinj; th nasi two years. iu 'wu ii :!?? and "arc now manned l v I)eir.oernfs tea ' iii;-. .'.ess than a -doi'tMi vvlvh it it. c-rmpr e?loniih:iti:m patt .of lh. r?>uni\ ; aii:uin;stiatt"Tis in tJSe hands of the' KupoI'il|v alls, a a u: of the made Morning. 1 - A ... lion last PiOtvth. While - o'\ six of th.tiO ] a'i)ri'SCRtiiViyV>;.'r^n!; Got cftungi p-V' - H2&- : tte? *"!? ?Miuht\- administration. i n Aid in i/iiemp'oyiiicin Distr**> urwat.s oi^anhed to of and iippitti: $j|pl nu r' in '.he state '.viii ?n uihUmtaker, this' v.eok. ?ol,?owitiv, ms'etitiu or. T'.ljki- ; day iif th>v?;r.?i'a? liardners iidncii an -nenVpji* vfpeRT and ttv: North Carolina with Frank Ban?, Wa>h.:av:?5U. i'tesfhent Hopyctr^ Committee "h 1 nemph?yment. in rite Revenue l)ljj|ding heie M. ICugone Newsom, Dusnhm. the former president of Rotary International. is cdumnuin of^the commit toojj with M W. T. Kost. . commissioner L of public welfare. \\i vm1 .-hair-man with J&j/.p'thtM* citizens* :v?on anil wo-: im'ts, tewiers in > o u-. labor ami in;nef ^1* the digress! in \vhle|i: larg'e mmdv-rs of our nebf.' :?le ii fW find themselves Dr. C. B. Baxigh?nan. Eye. Eat, : No?e and fin-oat -Specialist, johntoo City, Tenn., will be in the! of fioa of ' Dr. J. B. Ha^aman m Boone-.: on the. first Monday ir? each month for the practice of his profession. - - ' -~r *- is! ;; All Ladies Desire r" Charm- X C HELP THEM TO Q ? ATTAIN IT ?i N'olhiii!" mcrcascs feminine loveliness more delightfully j Vj* than toilet i*oods that pos ^ !. i ii scbs yuimmi: auun:. .-miuiic, 1 i X our various Christmas Sets >J W; of f a c e powder, beaut, -g j creams, perfumes and other 'C , Jt t0^er you'll find J | fl just the erifts that will win j X the approval of the fovtu fr j nate recipient, ^ ^ ^ ^ $ CARA NOME SET $) t 1.50 to 12.50 ^ ^ Sold Only at Rexall Dtur ^ V Boone Drug Co. Q g THE SEXALL STORE jjg) | THE 'OOLO'sTTrtCEST 7HAIM OF la Mountaineers Defeat Piedmont College in i Thanksgiving Game, D? mo'r??st -?a.? Appalachian 1 Teachers College, Boone, N. tie-j fettled Piedmont College i;t a home-! .-oYnirife vrarm- hero Saturday. after-1 > >.'11 b> the .score ot* 11-0. rhe > II u-a? Piedmont threats -xifd twice in tin* first quas.'vr ititfir .hives of twenty nw and thirty the oh dy/w.hs on he Mouj:?;?Jna<:ts* sin and twelve : . v J Aporddehwt oiv.'Jteti ,ay? Ayiin brd-j ;i-M!T [>ii< -u;j: :-rantv to can y the halt! dxty yards for a rouehdo'.vn ,?r the! second quarter. H antes scoring on a. [ ns t I'llaro ki< k*. o extra yoinl. An the thud quarter the Mountain* cors hud a an0K uieiensae irame. Jth i\i" thiV'd quart. : *: the Mountaineers :;>rain took theoffensive. when Wal-j kov siv y_ar/fe to tatty. O'Ha.ej drop kicked the extra point. St i ?_ i.y pn ioth : \ ppa!a< hta " 0 V ! 1, :'iou:iK>r.t if 0 0 *'? C?j MEAT CAMP NEWS Latent ? s f rtnn ' 1 . A. J Wilsoi: are thai; lie :< ?mt?roviii? 'y ;mi?1 thery are u~- t luvpet? if his! :>*: rmnnvnt . \ t\u iu-a? fa lure. M;>. it S. .font-:' ha:- ''tvii icV. i'-r *hi; nasi fe\v -ays. a iJ.rench'iai '. t, nt.'v sht ii* >or.:ei Lvttor. Mis:. '?.. L? v.-i>, \vhi Ma> ?*.' it ae ri.ous c .?n -:li.if' * ? ? > hV^S'.'j :*nf! wo hop*; that toe ';Vo'y v.illj semi''-jli? hack t--qt:hj ;ui a t*i. j Mrv. l>a\n: i -okal'i'.: spotu Tin. ks riv'imi votn h-:s- oaf-.. M M... C t Ml!. ..? vmk \U ,n?v! SOCt'OTl. AITS. Veftu' S- Vvh'; is j lu.-u-himr it: ??m- of th*. i-iib';. schoolsri i?f lohusou County. To ionise v. -:peTK J I Thanksgiving with her husband on j !Meat Came. fho younjt couple aivj makir.i; then C m< with .Mi. and M rs. s *1. S. Jones. AI hU Ctliis:-.. lit the! vvith Mimes AJ.ahyt and j \\ ' i 1 i! Ruthervo >d \;. v, .on of Mi. and M.> >. < \V rj'j;-, u,-v'- a \ 01 V -i? :. : ;. Ml--!/ :irju ensC lwo ^eek^. jhuf the latest ]_ r<:p?B's ah- 'Uv-H<- effect thai' -ho i>j \ < \ much improved. \i?s* mfti: Ikvwii. dnyybNr : M . t; . nd ,\!ti, i!. . Bi ' . who l\a^ ; n' :n thY- hospiuC at Oast'oiUa tM th'hj ivi>i sly jn -tirhsy has undergone two 11 ? oera;ione i\> an', injgfjfct thy asC i kb . Phe latest Top ??. : -n:.t?. "me is ! '." .V hei return honm. MAIM'V NEVVS \i:.-ndar...v at svho'ol has Tit it celba diiyi?H ihe rc*conl nUiish wi-alheiC;- S-.?nie nn^ht say that M r.d ideal conditions; fur edasdiiiji an the! sn.iw hud snmcihui^'^i '.jIq a an ..I iuu i husi wh-j krw.v the. comma nil y j .f?d< istand thai the people are mtt r .ii in education ^ ? that then ' children am in sch??oi. A Thanksgiving prop,van; was giv > en a' school Tlui?*sJa\ afternoon.5 The absence ?? a inier audience ar.vlj the meseuoc of a deep .snow did notj mat the spice "V.f the vo^iam in thej K-asi. flu* larger student- presented! .x play, "The First Thanksgiving Dinner," while the smaller ones presented a pantomime, Future America. Fopuvviufe- r,nc AI;S5" MolUe Edrmrtor. former student of This s', hi.iul and now a student at the Cove Creek Higrn School, made a do iitrhlfui talk. \yhk*h was greeted with m U Cbapp'ai: s e. Frie.rids of iRev. !.. it. Wood, who ne.or. pastor of the Methodist 9 fp lht ^ /"" a'? nad 10 eni n thai he is to remain here for another year. Brother Wood jy f;u. efficient minister ami a live v. .re in the- c?>muiiity? vvho meets] eyer> -m- with Xt: smile ami nearly, felgp -hahe. 30 *?'' ^ j 3D (lard Thomas is making a record th .- > as a school Kb' -inv--v. He. is always or? time an| . veins, v---- Piii-e.i' at a P. times for the Troubled which omir with motor trucks. The o.Vsk.eT hall 'teams of the : in:;.!? a l it.ndiu record so i,v. :His ye&i. The .boys*, team has only lost or,,- which was lost to high school si a dents. The gins have met uith only defeat from, an -elementary school. Recently in a 1 tame wiih Iffiljiv HiB schoi.U turns' V.VIC 'Volh winners.. Ti t I v.-imiflwwBai^: -vh<. mmimmm. irip toa^Lihirrly Ti;R ahs enjoyed? s cry in a eh. ami o ially the kind] hospitality of the Misses Rowe and] them students. I Mi. John Smith has been adding! gi'> |}> tfio Sai'.mlav morns :v.r jaevfotis ar iht- hone oi" ho 9.01:. losenh Porter ^ u?n ... c*i. ... .. ; *?;. - " " , >io n:her mom- her ft&U-'i gf \ vai. and her .- - s.< fiM 0?irVm>.io\v ??t the < ?>as<-h of which (hey iaU her the m.e.htM. ^ Mrs Hail, who i> the last v g* :;i:11:!\ of nim brother- : t'vjM was horn in i"v\-is'uuir. V;i?rw^rt. ^ whe? c niarriiaj Mr. Thomas D - g' tei li b) Pernio ' s shv :- ?? ??> h? in. Mrs. K'.j'iUi fM? Tuff* i:.. ? ?v" s? Mem x ^ Miss Marc.:vet Tat'; Bahnor Klk. jVL a'i'd Kliv.ahcth. Marm.rrt ami .ianr- 3^ Hal! <>i* IMtigfitree; mi! two M . \ ant* K. gYL >...! ; . '.! Tuits f banner Klk ' 1: i'kinir i;ai' ir The svrv.o were K< v. Dan Graham of BtoekviiV,j,|g? Tear: ; Ih?v. .John tl -. c;radu.- .- ?? 1 . J'iumtn t S _ - nasi .?? erf a cY-ss'.' -,.>;;an ehnn - v Ka:>;?< Git : tri lb W. 1. Smith f Uanrte' G . and Kr i \\\ .'la:; ! i*l; i . T* 'ii!ir.itpi a;.rr vv;.- macf ay Kv\ ] Tfk RV. . , ? ?. r'h S"l ' S? ! B'l ATE BANK- EXAMINER SAYS p;. DEPRESSION IS NOT GENERAL'S? 'VUale'yh. ?r ;ii!"?i? < : th ( ent J BanK and Yrus? Company i \ - . - S:: a s J LaiM'.lMM. institution. a fhw s 1 ^ air" ami the syinwilhrtK failures soveral other sin*?.!.* . banks .n Ar trT? \ IT. Biltinbn . i i. udersotn i!!e .inn other niafos. is not a teflectiion of i . i it yen. ral m ' he Stale.I>111 as iin aftermath of boom eon-.'-jw? ti ms, inflation ? !" real estate val ffo and I'iirh fmaru dir. earned mi some tin.' \ears aijo l?y high-pressure on ...I*:- a:* . the Florida I'unm. is ri th.' heliei of John Mitchell, ohiofjld. State -aitK ..-xannher. j Vt$ Mi. M holt warns ay.ninst hyslea on th.- | ;t!'i o> tin people of * )' Stat., a - mxiit: m whh'-k \Vfle:i salt- : "':;n" that few banks ia::j a it|,:-tan,;. Ann.r-r incut of the \Y.\-; ?St . hovi;. Bank and Trust I'ompa^'j gg thai a million or mo.- doliars \v;s! fig : woiild pay ii' -sitors wins ouu'in to \vitK<)r;t'?v | W ludi. t : 1 iu have helped allav the j fig foass in .VOieedle and vicniity. ) ?? COVE CREEK BASKET BALL 1 fti TEAM DEFEATS BOONVILEE : g? asuaSaG -r^r-r^a.r:lc? .-_._S.aS i ^ On PhanksLnVjr.e afternon. Cta i Mjf < 'nvr Creek basket hall team traveled' :< BoonyRtfc whoc thev del fated the | gy BoonciUc" Boys to the tune of I'd to! '? On the fplUiwinir I'ijrh* the Covej Creek hoys held their record by dej-jg* teatinu the East Bend team, :'.i Both uaine were played in Boon-! ^ ; lie's new gymnasium. The boyso^j making the trip were Ralph Wi! - j jjL Hants. I.oney Isaacs, Gilbert Mast. ?? Howard Walker and James Horton. | Kg They were- well received by thejgj lioonville boys and all of them i e-j gy rori it irood time. !M "With Byra at the SuuiSilw Pole" | Official Picture of the Byrd Antarc- ^ tic Expedition J? PASTIME THEATRE. Boone, N. C. jjjfl Monday, Tuesday, Wcdnes, Thursday j DECEMBER 8-9-10 1! | 2? PRICES REDUCED Back to war prices. No use to fool "n-v|x? longer?jus? going to knock the i ?$ bottom oat and be done with it. So bring on your shoes and jrets-.g* the best work ai lowest prices. All j JB ash, nothinc charged. Work done; |jtf while you wait, and it does notl g* vakt- long. Work guaranteed. DapjS el Boone Shoe Shop, the place tot?j quality work. 12--3 j jrj nASTIME'l I THPATRrI | - - *-* -* * ' *- M ^ MHI "'Place of Good Shows'* ? ^ | k FRIDAY. SATURDAY. DEC. 5-6 | ^ Helen Morgan, Charles tys Ruggles ! ?2 ?IN~ IS ROAD HOUSE !| NIGHTS" | MONDAY, TUES., WEDNES. *nd ? THURS., DEC. 8-9-10-11 WITHBYRDAT I THE SOUTH POLE" J Actual Scenes of Commander Byrd's Epic | Flight Over the Polar 1 Regions | Where no woman has ever been! ??3 What human eye has never beheld. ADMISSION TO THIS SPECIAL S PICTURE HAS BEEN REDUCED Jlj FOR THE SPECIAL BENEFIT OF & ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN. Children Under 12.. lOc W Adults Matinee, 25c; Night, 35c S I f r - rnn --in rja*TMtWi'l i THURSDAY?BOPNB. N. C. IT ~ PB J I s; IN KEEPING WITH THE MC has gone feminine. Delicate in more elaborate details. C ome to fashion's newest conceits. Our flowing with lasting gifts ot b< gone by have prices been so reas A Group of Sugge Mother, Sister c Diamond Dinner Rings AH Kinds of Set Rings Gold Bar Pins Complete Line of Waidics Pearl Necklaces Bracelets and Necklaces Ciuraretie Cases Cigarette Lighters Toilet and Dresser Sets Manicure Sets f Pocket Knives , : Chains Stick Pins t Cuff Links f Silver Makes a gaPl Lasting Gift ^ ' TOitte of lriL ilesijin. the pi-: < will invoke sincere ajtarira- sEot. ' ' lion ani pride in its noshes- jNvrrftfe-" jpBfifofe V sior,. A gift of Community ??8BhLJ^\\ j ir- a -_r\ft of elegance. s F ? - - t ' \ We are agents for the famous El new styles . . . Each piece of , famous Meeker Line-?do not b F er . . . Books from 5 cents up . Gibson Christmas Cards . . . < for the kiddies . . . Christma f holiday wrapping paper?ever] exceptionally low prices. f \ THE BEST PLACE ! WALK i JEWELR\ \ j Boone, North i i f VKsKiBfHS jWj&^KRSiEJK. / ' .WftSttB m ' ?' DECEMBER ;. t?> "ag iM^r!^^ 1 I 0" \ a 1 ile. $1 ! fa fa, stions for Dad, ind Brother: | J-r"; Fine Mesh Bags Ladies' Leather Hand Bags Vanity Case* ^ i??ui?? p;?. ^ m^iitusdis m m? ? T? 5 Gents' Military Brush Sets ^ Pocket Watches ^ Wrist Watches |jg Gents' Belt Sets |? Silverware ? Cut Glass ? Leather Bill Folds Cigarette Cases j i| Key Holder* |f (Separate or in set*) mmm ^ | The "Write" Gift | for Old and Young j? \ Parkoi pen and g penril $ei is beautiful tXi look afc* aBSBwMCT^ at. fits votif hand. has a j nojn rto suit your handwvit^*!BS1ES m*?,- is .! oh n ivy-on-the-spot MpHBfe when needed, and fits mi 0$ - 'v.aiT;- poeket or wmnan'?. ^3 s._ .HmSGgcz^ handbapr. It tills a needs in sHll gin Watches and carry the ^ i & ' Leather Goods is from the e deceived, call for Meek- H . . . The famous line of & Complete selection of toys 6 s decorations, gift boxes, pthing for the Yuletide at S TO BUY GIFTS ERkS i ' STCT E |