PTfoe Watauga Democrat1! ESTABLISHED 1SSS |! Cvurv Thursday hv The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY,]. K. C. RIVERS HOB. RIVERS J Publishers ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year $1; 5*}j Six Months - .< ?! Three Months . - ^01 Pay abje ir. Advance Cards of Thanhs. Resolutions of Re aspect. Obituaries, etc., are charged; for ai the regular advertising rates. | Entered at the Poatoffice at Boone, j N. C., as Second Class mail matter. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 HCil' j 'The Way of Life" R> BRUCE BARTON VICTORY Three ey.--1 -Hny ami very .ii,.V ent expeiiericc-s .werreu me ia>; fall. ; I;? the ja^rnir^ we >y.t' in /!.<$ ch:: p.- j ? ! - ; historic .waticrnv ,n New Kn ;-:H jsiaiui. a Hi) ' the i he r'J.} we ihua.'i; a !rtt.le. Out ' cv.,k- war.-; tfffVeB I'vur CIu* l'vEivcd hea'ils of ?J:i' >? hoys; uU'' imuiiinatioe.: were b'.:-y a itb thoughts t.'i' .vh:i: rn^Bht r?e in j sTt re them. Kidiri:; r?a.v k to New V'ork or Aw Train v. e read an tir.c-v-ss;a c Mieech by the :': ;!.jrn? of Hie IVr.itouState*. When the (:r^.ir? HfhpjKwt hi i 1 si?: forn wo looked out of tin* { * > a - \yd fHiinji the ?Vu with'; rice and confetti, ami presently an' emhanasM vt but hapcy young < t?u{ h ieg through The -:t? ant! into : drawing room. Of these events -the prayer i,J the avatiomy ctjapcl, th'i? speech ofj Mr. Hoover, the martinet- of ; ri unknown ami apparently commonplace} young cbyplt?which was the most important? Which will leave the mos* a.sting impression on history? No ore an possibly tell. I f uvi-i v chiltl vend i>\w\ k.-mnMi. ii-j* Worr iaboic?i "This iiMjniriaM.": ki "Thif. is uri1m|Hi?iin?l." ? husi nr..s Ut .;'.irir wftul-.i !'-> it-'!' Tile '.-tcrna! -in" --tainty t i' kerns it ox<-itin?r. An- ekamitic, a KiiigViJt' Knclai.i!. coming (iown from Scnl'iard. -torn- ' for r..>frtsh!iH-i:t at iv Kit!*.' town oaih'd Scn-uh;'. Yho >('.011.0 man c ' lyaii&i! on 'ho tal-lc was 'si: 'Ms- ".oa i tl8U the king ;>i ohaViy novo,- nofieaii him. IJt" who i-' our,'" hhcumi; v,?*. v *. hi v*citk : y ^ .lames i '1' Kn^iaru! ??! lh? -tn?r young1 man YVtiliuoi Jh ?*vs'?r, v. KBBfl sailed mi ,hr* Mayi'iftw-' anvf ... thiV fit si jioV.ernor of insert -" In 17oi _v>ojt?iii^i:it;IvIjion'H lm. M.pst u! ns n;)5n=nilur h inir al)o\u it^io.opt tht -a^t . f j i*ll <i n'i kno\v." the. man "l^Uf y'''as':a -famous- victor#:'* hist nrjfc year before. ? tarfe) jitjie. hattieiVid. wds fei a ' cd f;u v<?! j \>aby. [tit? namo wns John Wosivv. BffflS K-ttlSS kingdoms, fortuSJ th? > i are aU, part of the* grea; human drama. Hut iho t?li l;c-- in the l'ftct. | that a world dropped' into Iho fcrti" : ' inn,.; ..{ a; kafWii' a yimngply! J Starting! a nc." hong- or airi'lplesinfant uttnii-.r its first cry?iho? i also may have i.nJymg; significance.; Am! nny mil if lis, unite iinwiv-l. iujgijy- '!uig*-U'S - :i rancor a i amou*- | ... The Family Doctor By BK. JOHN .;"OSF.f'H vAINF.S | He :stiii<;-iiii i my-..- !:ist ?s>ok. r<e -ns:i!;: m -:!y. ! thijiicrit;. tfd as if heVi : hrste! tftiQjfr? happened^ th'jft ; v. \ihn?xf.iii '^> h|nv^r; hi ml ;i .uuw-r hi- iS^; hadn't "!; ybad;t*'hv .gffljg married. 01%grajj attempt aiivrbrhg no: directly to ;Kv- had v;||h\r. the v ; iatjh-mor.tb *i/ui ;hi>*' tijiixiiVe^'aurf ftdtj Pm bereaved ^ .-aid'bng. Jj*v was oi/fdirl. citrti ! VT? a;*i, .;. weaze.-.ed. -? < n>u-J' iou*. greetK\a?n;naib>n' vt-v^uh-oJ ^ Oicamo?<hsv''.-c wfcai-J1 1>;;T ifcere are human disorders gra- j{ s3a cvGh than ngunh di.-e.-L-e. Hev* j ; was jt 'rtti;; with a >\-;?en-out ruu v Kvj ' v thought of ??st and j rein .-at u;r> had >.$?t>ak<-n him long; ago. He had >r.e obsession- -thai he; might be compelled to go to the* pjcipr| ' Mouse or starve- to death before his] %t?pie. . gapf I all but lost my t( mper when hegj skittered al] over the room as 1 tried, ' -*to take his blood-pressure?madei( more noise than a frightened child?j ' ; a'h-^v thii BIS!! -?l?tV- ?I told Him h<*' ought to be turned over mv knee and warmed with a bed slat- He looked!, at the door, wistfully 1 thought, and! 1 told him he was perfectly welcome | to decamp; "go back to "business"', and wind up in the bug-house! This aroused his ire a little, and he told] TAP i-.?'f wwi ....... - ?JAKV "vv.ii ?/w u jcavciUrtjr that he knew what he was doing. Ij congvautlated him for his first nat-, ural expression in my presence, and told him he had probably been born, but he hail never lived?he had just existed! Wt finally agreed and dhyoli hands?on a schedule of conduct for There is a man, a perfectly good man?headed straight for the insane asylum, unless he reforms right now, and it may be too late. Why is he in this condition? Just the mad chase for a dollar! He has it?at the price jflggfctr. of all health and enmfr?vt There arc thousands of good men, doing the same foolish thing. This letter is just a winning; learn to rest while it i* today. hirst Relative?The idea ox old Uncle Sneeber willing all his money to have a mausoleum over his remains. It's just a willful wa3te. Second Relative?Huh! I call it a Gold Nuggets j; JESUS SHAM. PILOT MF Vr\ kro;vv r-.t. -hat ??11 u- v. ? may know what is ri^ht ; Am! we never nehtj jprepe in darkness; lx we look to heaven for l?@ht. ' ' ' fiat1 ' tvV'* WrStffi&fiMRi-''MB J Llovvh decn in the bold ot the vessel.: The ponderous engine lies. And faithfully there the e**?tue?-'. Hi?: labor steadily plies 51r knows not the nui^r <>\ the yes-j Sr; 5, H<; kr.'HVj i?yr tlve way be should; iio: He min(ls his simple duty. And keens the fire ajtbsw. He knows not whet hoi the billows The bark may overy**he*.in; He knows and obeys the orders Of the pdot at the hy dir.. And so in the veaiisome .* Over life's troubled sea. I know not the way 1 :au ir-oarr. Tar. ,le-us shall pilot me., I see not the ;r..-ks :r:d lire ouisk.-t -amis. For thy ?tjrnt 1- dull and oim: Biii I know *jia i hiisl ? n-.y ? From Salb:r>* Mii^av.inv. illl SILVER LINING A ehlid ">f C.o& aralef, ts , ?^:u, f4w,.e. . s- . - . t. nights long.' its daysj&luvk. gvK<! atU'cMor.s chilled^,!? orbing -Tine. h*?t5rtri inV got. ihi. H&fep seated up. !? ?? "m f<vit wi 1 K.'ii/.'n, the* Virrh- -ha!! ' he ?'!:>U V}> apfwa an?. 111 . [IIKT'-' * liti yV**?V ' '/lit" iiv.ay t\iti - . ! thev. Hen ry. RENEWED STRENGTH "Hie direction ; >i >vork "with wi!1. drying Sewice. as to the (. r.i." -1 ansform.- dr'nigery ijito joytui fort. ye: as u'e i:< ahm:: the read of oui da'tlv av?.-k >ve constant !y pass By pat: - loading doiv n dis ' tliai.'vl.rlii. Bat . t t h- . the road the -tgn always ,> >i;tts ra at iy; mKvttnl, saying ."I cap ?io all; thinp through Clui-t when gn ngth j enet.h n:0." . We s often hear talk of their longing to ox nross themsoh- . i" fitfd w.u k vhaJ will give theiv ar. opportunity for selffNtM'trSsi'lao its think uth?o ji t evtiros-in,; (C-j through. a\tV \vork . ^t'sor, sr.iivi v,? - M?j? be , "hS^rV'> tog* rht r with hjn. . ." "They that rc>t ?\ ?? _- i.ord .ih ' <neffl iheiy strength like the cajjflfiS HitA >-ha?j wa'k' Vftki i&j. faint, t key; $>a:i ?a;n am! "not he jfeeary.?! Wnh; this giad ptvj^so n fwv. t*u -trengih in -emd. leCifTjfe peacv.i :uoL, ?-r.^l.?n:v ;i > i riMirv tSffl-y>. vdh^tiiioJE. rest, in tli? l.o! l^cni?u*tnft: t"r.nT Iph.YeaMi jjffi tho' eveilnslhio 11 ni .'V - Ethel ?\>\ MUW I IJ USE l Mir. 11> L- fc'.Vh<-i in Vontow. rVnfi John I S. , V? h.- ii nu .i fail you, i .'.ai Wirt Y'.'.i . lui i- sfnr.Yi!, ii-jSw. [y'afe>? &!, VVh'.'ii von v. Bjnil MatthtJ'.v > I Hfl'.i: ' olmrik .-oivis.t. a IValiu ^ l. Whoit i'u ale m r. i Psalm ;?i. Whi 'i .v. v. have liny Ku-.-s. ileuu j Ua1m :M A 'ra-n tioii avna foil :iY.a\ i :i'11 V-Hini ,\-i><7. si . - a SShiBt' When van iUv ibsrouraireti. lead laiah J'1. if yr.ii n am in be fruitful','! vend > lohn 15. When'(lonlvs i-ami- upon van. tryj lohn 7. 17. ft Wheti <yf>u a?v lonely or .'earful, '"When*1"!!l"!f. ruvl vol., v:ul I'S.alm 1015. For Icsns" dca of a Christian . ; Ualthvw ~. ?? For James' ,iJe? oOTrrVigioi:.' : (.'ad. | lames 1. JU 'i~. When faicli nctuji'i i.e. via! Hebrews !! When roil fori lU' .vn antl -ail. ,u-1 j >4 Romans' a. 'WW UTiai (ot waif rioiiay. n.i ask. rciiJ^Toshuri 1. ;V n rlil rid^m.i bsvrsvr 'inn o."i, bond F?a':ni lit). Wliijii gSfeflBg rest ?hii |naii-.' villi 'Matthew il. 4S-30: Whi n you want ('h) istian assur-; x;uj& Romans f. For Paul's son- f ?i har/pinesc j I- ysMMHUBUAmia When .M.U leave nohau ;{oi iaWii or ravy!. Waim '-Sifts When you y-n.v, hitv-r :> Ofitical.j cad I v'onnlhian.i is. Whin yuiii prrtyi-i.i- narrow j >: selfish. ivad the Psalms. For Pad's i;lea of Christianity. :ni IT Corinthians 1C,-! For Paul's rules on. h??w to get' along with riifn, Roman;; 12 When you think ?tfinvestments] i7?(j returns. M ark 10. i 7-31. For a great invitation and a great] upportunity, Isaiah 55." For Jesus' idea of prayer, I- il. i-lo. Matthew > For the prophet's picture of Worship that counts, Isaiah aft, 1-12. For the prophet's idea of religion. Isaiah 1. 10-18. Mic. >. C-S. Why not follow i^salni 111), 11 and hide some of these in your memnr\-'f ? H.rric'liw R?R MR. DOBBINS' WORK (Lenoir News-Topic) Rev. Mr. Dobbins, head oi the Patterson School, reminds us of a noble Roman as he walks around the school ground?one of the last and one of the noblest. Romans of all. The people of this county little realize the work he is doing out there in Happy Valley among the boys entrusted to his care. He is not only the lovable rector of ? beautiful F.piscnpnl chnreb^ hut he is professional, business executive, adviser to a community and a farmer on a big scale. He should never want for support in any endeavor which to him seems worthy Ri? tvpo orn rare Indeed. Kind Old Lady?L>o any of your friends ever come here to see you? Prisoner 174747?No, Ma'am, they are all here wit' me. , '"SSBf '' -V-: THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EY PERHAPS YOU DIDN'T KNOW: By Gr.v jut;: t. robhins :har at last a pvograro is berny. bf"oa<JmL?.t "jrU'Tifyinj: the old maid." -This is "Avin Lula's Adragitiires,'" heard ovi"- thi- >il>C network Thursdays. that H ah,-t Kayo !iau??r. who hioadeast t'lon: WVIC i Hartford) Jatiiy .was ?he first matt u> score ri>n sic for t;i banjo band. lie also edits hvo publTcalh ns devoted to freU^d'" 'usti air.t :its K:u?v;n u.-> "The < Veseer ?:n" ana "The Maste? tone/' that dl'th .?ugh 6e&e lb i Shaw in his recent broadcast tiuTadt o Albert t Mtisietn as one cf the y:ra;" humpr'tqjs. he to ti\- :i-. ;*>n h:tr?seilV as the outstanding: "inn hf^rrsh 0 . cxpvvtwi the irrcat tY\\\to re*i?.r n the rornpHhtept LUT' T'instcin d*s&im-- iui ? 11"at although. Btr Munday. the j So ;ih? rii N ' fcot at a.a- ( > knr>\\i. :"ov his (^breia drawl, ho' v as ..iahh, ! "Bu/ct BitB" when he ' 1 iryi starred broadcasting through WSl.i. Atiatsa - u .ocor.i oa&C' !ahifi hl'm y spit-fh"?;'t?s indicates t ij^a''vlie .' 1 -J 1*dVjj; .1 '.hat h !: iei: :s soon.sor Irish wvlt ; ci. iij;.- ?:V. n Ulik his \v:r. . i h-. . v nt, wrote a ^Cemj ksi?i. r: I hil . ' in New. City. are.-eHine ap:ufr;.: Eve was not .. Aar.ton, A simple nui ;\i wa.- s'a.Entil-'she/saw 'he apple a-nade..- tree. ) ? i,!tjck J he maiden. .Via', eat >' eve; i Vtfg&K And s'n. trav* i ; .-?{ to Satan Slinking 'thrmjeh (h? crass. Vhti tipper o ?ifts of heaven A"er- very much annoyed. And seni. >-::t warring: lepppns An.; i . - * unemployed. A'?:w sirenM'AherV failing' man:, a mortal grieve, A .pj. r.? i'??c an apple \ Vne- ft?i M i h? v Kve. that '.? < : _ i :Vinson. alth"* ;>thtilkne- people only via his aerial dare-devi! stun*. . decidedly jrav* ,i new thril ty thy NIK* >*"tli'js bt Nev VVI! k veiieh tie IttRMgB r.i> pi-: along vmn mm the other aVi\\ : ritTc:; TiToytra? lien'ii name, js small yet, he weighs 1 ihuujos and Wis an atioleasani "VERY LATESTS" By MARY .MARSHALL It is mu enough tseason to havt tin- neckline of your dross look marl. :l must he oee*ming and fluttering ?ys well, and in many of the new dresses this neressary eomhinatiun of smartness and heooiningness ?_____ - fiji A - c eP N ha h_oT5< zii hifVi H !n- r.t - 1 drane'ii scari collar attached :?;> :H$I dress. AetuaHy we need expect ho genera! change in the or general arrangement of the new necklines. There are V-necks both deep and I shallow, round necks, surplice neck: lines anil bertha necklines in the new ! dresses. And just at present fashion j seems too much occupied in working out the problem of skirt lengths and 1 eon tern plating a possible elaboration ! of sleeves to he much concerned oven ! any marked change in necklines. The , important thing is to find the collar arrangement that is feminine and becoming. I The sketch in this article shows ? j collar euro- tc bc. bec^ini;ig. ??>?*?: make and easy to attach to an> i frock, old or new. The diagrair . shows the pattern. From B to E measures 27 inches. From A tr? R moQcnr.>,- n ;?y?u?.. . i From A to C measures 2.5 inches From D to E measures I inches. From B to X measures 4 inches. Cut the collar with AB laid on < crosswise or lengthwise or Bias foh of material. Hem with a fine hen I ali around, hind or else have lh( edges finished with machine picot, Fasten the collar on the dress wit) B at the" center back, X at the sljoul aer seams, and the ends trough down and tied loosely at the fron of the dress. Mi's. Bilgewatcr?Where have yoi been until this hour? Mr. Bilgewatcr?Working at thi office, my dear. Mrs. Bilgewater?Then you must \ be made of asbestos. The building j where your office is burned down ai 10 o'clock. ERY THURSDAY'?BOONE. N. C. r ? ?? e II iiii Hiiil Hi ~i~ UT C CA ^ T f QE^C ~ successful] fe -1 HOMEMAKING, * -JR ??? \ By GP'CE VIA1 L CAvJ HAPPY BREAKFASTS "I .< sI;ii"i :lu> day hreaUfast i s'l.-'iivl riulos be )lit- hanjviesi irtValj] | ?-f :11: In too many households*. how-1 ; over-, i! is r..n>!?1 :i:n] dash ..s lite !'iV.'ic'fii members nf the family m**m* fOo-1 .odeLly f,o-l sfr?2ftfc 1 si- s: or- h? iin* iitr.a? .?{' ia-*, t?9 !::i;isii'il :itit! lhrvried in start Wilit* M..S? oj iltlv is ?nie to n>K nann.uo; I "!.:>{ ;: 11 c I hod i railiill'.*. ! I-fiON s\sJ ;en?. order and regularity will overcome much ??f this early morning confusion. Well planned. Sni.erosrmi: and tsMnullv ?et*\'i*d bivnuVastx win do i tin* rest. Doii'i always s.>i\.< the same thins; fot- breakfast and show the f;.m3I\. at Jens* two or throe t.nas a svopk. i it is w-ii'ili ii liu'.e effort lo jiive tlie day n srooO send oft by* serving a : j delie!u\:s hot Abroad, Cvcsh from the oven. Ilow about a .'lnii-r- . .<a*i.^ r.? v ? ? - ?"1 : example? This- is how- it >i* made: 2 lb*?ir fat l -v.? 2 . ups so!f-n?hiij r. t:?s\v .c?irar flour-- < ui> iniJk Cut or rub the fa: iu-tp ihc dour; boar the c-?ii with I he -emu' arid rub it. a<1(1 it to the milk. Ami this 1 l?fus<l to the rtcmr/ sjrrpad the mtver in a irrensed pan uitfal one-half inch thick cover witi- a top mixture hake in a hor ov<?n (UHi decrees F.) for hi teen minute*;. The top mixture consists of fhur raeU\spn??nfuls hmteV. one mh'.o neon 'fill sel'-risiitL' Hour, one-hall eupi'til rem feet pinery snaur. one te-isp.ionftt^ 'eiTiusiino'.^ {v o tlr.ver raiius or cur-Mi reJiVs. ilnh lhe butter the Ih.n.r. a::.-'! cinnamon. I'mss the raisins into <!:< eoifoo cake baiter at I t;pj:uiar iu:</i \ ais. and sprinkle this i iv.ixi'rre over ' he lop. \ 'rj;e aroma of This ?!t-!h ious break 1 fast' ' read Mnni:?;V upstair-. is better \ To start the clay r.qnt, breakfast 2 should ce a happy .rseaC A delicious I hot ccffee cake, fresh from the oven, ! w:'; make the breakfast the happiest . - -r- ?- _"K" m prepared or self-rising flour can have 1 such 3 coffee cake for her breakfast:*. J than ;i dozer. ;:<>ncs or shominjKy to .; U-e family down r ? breakfast *?n .I time! And no; only coffee cuke. but :i 11 i sorts ??f delicious b?? breakfast breads, | .Vr ^la:;. ptidd!ZZ &}gjSS-' '%! !?; nuts and hoi roll?-, are easily anri 1 ?iiiu-l:iy made by ilie use of self-rlSiuj: sOtl wheat Hour. And in addition. It saves from to 40 j?er win of one's time in mixing them when time is the essence of success with the morning meal. J Self-visio? flour is only soft ^ Hour to which the miller has added > pure mono-calcium phosphate and bicarbonate of soda, which is really bakt iny: powder, and salt for seasoning. - So it Is after all a ready prepared r- pre leavened Hour. Ideal for breakfast t use. s ^ 'i "With Byrd at the South J Pole" Official Picture of the Byrd Antnrct tic Expedition : PASTIME THEATRE, Boone, N. C. tt Monday, Tuesday, Wednes, Thursday DECEMBER 8-9-10-11 ======*^-^. ? ick i' /> H'c. f'tv ^wmisams IfSf & itHBS j AN IDEAL GIFT FOR THE BOY What i^Ipripiis adventures hoys V?ehvt?en the ages ??f i-.-n ami twenty have reading THK AMKHK'AN HOY -YOUTH'S UOMPANION! As if 'ay magic. this well-known magazine an'-os hoys to distant parts of the warUi, ijitrqduees v>*.? m to strange i t op'o lets them experience queer I citsi.pitis and level in the adventun s ! o f foreign b-nds In a single issue, a itoy will Kittle! . the frozen Northland \t ?t,h sled ami | dog team, cross Indian-haumod plains! ! ia..^nr^ie.j5ch_ooiier._^i(iBi.q.Y,er AVftr.t-i to in lands in an army plane ..or on j j dangerous mutes with a \\ S. mail! | pilot, hunt wild animals in Africa j atop the s.waj ing back of an elcr ! nhant, cruising in a battleship, j Tight Araii raiders with the Fdieign j btgion and participate in many other thrilling experiences that come to | !|| y.| ^ [spec Think of buying seasc these remarkaf MEN'S OVERCOAT! MEN'S SUITS MEN'S ALL-LEATH special at BOYS' ALL-LEATH per pair MEN'S HEAVY WOi per pair ! MEN'S DRESS SHO? CHILDREN'S SHOE II LADIES' PUMPS AT per pair LADIES' HI-TGF ST LADIES' ALL-LEAT per pair LADIES' FELT HAT NO MORE HARD T TRADE F. C. N AND CO East Maun St. DECEMBER i. .. , ~f mv :| ^. A'OHAH ft <^Z$&r g-VR-y v<* p- e. | ;j [MK j? 'ee ve^-UTTLe i fa?', 4JaxXre rxoin, TILL P {^^Ume ^-CRo^S 1 jgt\V:'L (>La p (Vt SSgjg^&^^'ctyiaPpe^ [ ml IfSSi! i\| i'lii i |l>i jf f$h| :j |.U IV-' ; ! !! f ! i & lf!.| ' 1 ' ; : ' C^p' 1 oaders of TilK AMERICAN RUO YOUTH'S COMPANION. It is such experiences a- these L'r ? sharpen a Koy's wits, kindle ) agination, strengthen his charac'to develop his understanding of n world in which he lives and of L" people that inhabit it. Here, incie? ||r is the ideal gilt for that boy in wh vou are interested?that snn. neplicousin, neighbor, or. perhaps, the Spn of a business associate. An. u tractive gift card hearing your nan will be sent t<? the boy if you , ?;, quest il with your jmlor. Ther. eve: : time the mailman brings the mag,' zinc to his Uoor, the \\o> will thiol | of you grate fully. Subscriptien prices are only $2* for one year and $.1.00 for thr t vears. Mail com orders direct TI1K AM KlviCAN R'0\ YOUTH'S COMPANION. 6&0 W. Lafayet I>lvu., Detroit, Michigan. Service -r your subscription will start w?th m whichever issue you specify. s8KmoHBnnDiflmB % yjitf- ***"' iiiable merchandise at >iy low prices: 5, each . . $1.95, $9.95 . . $7.50 to $12.00 ER BOOTS $3.98 to $5.98 ER BOOTS $2.98 to $3.98 RK SHOES $1.98 =:S $2.98 to $3.98 5 98c 4D OXFORDS $1.98 to $2.98 An lVElO JOC HER BOOTS QO I ?|Tt.JO S 59c 1MES WHEN YOU WITH SILLER MPANY Boone, N. C. bhhinhhh * ? -a*

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