t " By KATHLE I EtMMMVMMWWnWtlWWMtWl SIXTH INSTALMENT 'But now. l*ssin, foe," she ve-umed s.*r;ously. "here'? what i want to ask yoi: Could anyone why. wasn't "i .rn to be a lady?now. f* rinstar.ee. like niOr^mv mother talks a lot about n y gsandmother Pcthgridge. but? E ,:i m\ mother"?she hesitated? ", oil wofflpii't snv she was always puttiii* others first, and tbinkin-ger an' seivin-y.tr others before she does herself. You couldn't?honest!?say that, Joe. So that?" Again she paused. "An 'Lixab^th positively is net a lady!" she admitted regretfully. "Well, anyway. I do not think l.:-'. i-- a iady?not yet. anyway. But J'k do you think?' Again she floundered. "I guess I . 'iiMn't!" she -aid hastily, shrinking rack, gallant, and he saw she was trying t-? save his feelings. "You ?k.n*t have to tell me, Joe," she said. "Maggie, 1 not only believe y??u couid. but i Deiic-Vf you viii: "Well, if you say so," she almost sang, unci she rattled joyously away. On the next Sunday he went to e her. He reached the -Johnson cottage in 'he neighborhood of three o'clock. He had to waif a few. cold, wet. silent minutes before footsteps, audibly approaching thiough the house, ratifie d him that it had been heard. Mis< Klisabeth Johnsrin admitted him. For war.I of any guidance.-?for Liz. after a {shout of "Maggie! Man here!" had almost immediately disappeared into what later proved rv? L her bedroom door,?.Joe had followed the little hall into an empty ' ininc roon; smelling of rotting apples and dust, and had put his head ? 'r. at the kitchen doorway .Ma .Johnson, a heavy, woollen k< tv-"no tied about her ample.form with 1 aggied tassels, was in the rocker. At the sink stood a nondescript, foiloiu little figure that Joe could not tor some minutes at all identify with the gallant hitture he had formed of Maggie's father. Behind the table and between the sink and The sto\i- was Maggie. She d"i?ked at hup and said delightedly: 'Wells what do you know! i nevei beard you ring. If it isn't Joe Grant! Mujujrif." Joe said, grinning:. "Tbia rs nu mother, make* you a< quoin ted with my father; IV?p. thi^ Ma was evidently not tavoxiyajijy jujuuBji; mil pre s few??!? "I didn't know you expected >i taller, Maggie." "I didn't. -Ma. Sil down, Joe Vdu don't* have to finish those if yon iidn't want to. Pa. I hate to haw yon ?take oft your apron." "Sometimes--my father -kinclei helps me, .Ice," she stammered, will hot gallant Utile smile. "r don't mind vvipin' 'em one hit Maggie," her father's mild voire said surprisedly. help you." said .loe. putting his hat and coat on a chair in the corner of the kitchen and . helninti |j himself to a. dish towel. /"When wc haven't a maiu we ea1 oat here. I'm one that's always had,' 'said Mrs. Johnson, dpn't cor.it ^uEE^. very easy for me to put up with thh '!o\vn a Vhair. ami cleared his throat, aiv.j said politely could Map'jrioV:"?||| "ot xvit;l 'Why, 1 Slvchi* ;u> objections.* Fl.Mfc' &*S$>7: sat.! ^|gyntrd!y, *f icr a niomej'.l. "Maggie i: a t nothing hut a ahilil. i\y? Giant. an' her fa ait ! Ulojf i Van: her to get n< .silly notions into hcv head." "TenVnT*avily? loiup'rarily * sh'e' has Trj^k? - accepted a position in a?well. ?gp fire-and-*en." said Ala. "I -yovk there.-'myself, yo^krow 'Tvc no douor vou do! An* f*v< no doubt it's a veal nice place an* al fc&W . that." conceded Ma loftily. "But v lsn*t sort of place. To pu r; the \vnol-. thine- in to a nutshell?* Mrs. -Tohnson was resi'mung ; briskly when doe's opportunity to discovei SsKS whether she was really capable oi this elision was destroyed by -Mag [-' ' trie's ahiaipt re-??tuu:ce into tin BO? - kitchen, and in anothci mimic t r.r; were V> uI. in the dull. cold, whitn EasjKS?8| Sunday street, and she was daiK-int along at his ide. ->./ gjlg - , f "Want to go to a m?,wc, Maggie?' "Oh. I'd love it!" "How abouv The Highwayman?" "Oh. Toe. ?v>' That's a sixty-cdir show There are Jots of niee 1HU< ones over on Chelsea Avenue her; fo r i>ve fl ty- f i ve. They were at the window, he pu' dow n his money. But there wer< nothing left or, this Sunday after noon but lodges at a dollar a chair Maggie's face fell, and immediate iv her eyes Widened and she cauirh ;V .at bis arm. S&Y/i 1 '49 y i. . '.~?V V * . i T, V ' ?? nng^M i ur hey went in past the mirrors ami marble column.- ami red boundary opes, and he thoumt it v.-a>. Theii ; coats wove in the very front of tin balcony?deep, comfortable seats, with \cids arms It was pleasant. somehow, to hi;yt that earnest little fragrant i>aoy face come close to his in the dark, ami that fur./.y aureole of gold brush his check, ami that eager little whisper reach his ears. loo kept his handsome head close to her.--, and leaned H5| sin.ul dor even closer. Her fate was beaming with satis (action and wet with tears when they came out into the chilly dusk. In pitting he presented her with .111 enormous box of sweets "Oh. Joe Grant! Oh. Joe?two I pounds! Oh. thank you?thank you. "Oh, hush." he said. "Mow you run :i am! I'll watch you until you're inside the door." She fled up the path, tlied the knob of the porch door, called a joyous "Goodnight and thank you!" in: to the dark, was silhouetted against , a gush of red light, and then was gone. Joe walked two Mocks to his car, raging at himself. "Gosh, whet a fooi I am! What on earth did 1 do that for?*! Millicer.t Russell, sitting next to him ai dinner, was a pretty girl. Kruiri a point an inch or two below her armpits, to a point an inch 01 i tsvo above her 'knees, she was packed into a tube of suangled satin. Hc?, arms wove heavy with links of gold and platinum, her legs looked bare if they were not actually bare,1 hei [feet were elevated dizzily upon pin naeles of gold leather. Her cheek: were smoothly and brilliantly rougec her lips stiff with grouse, her eye blows.shaved inte two startling, ink? arcs. Millicents' breath was thick oi ) alcohol and nicotine, her evelids. cfll ..... i . :?i. 1.1 ..a i..,\ j fatijruo and boredom, ami .-he ha< no ino-v hair than he) hunker ha*!. "1 thought you had-, to -too pcis <>\ to ?et a dip like that !" said doe ! "Isn't adorable? They call i\ the cocottofcsSj Millfcent :dd him en rhusiastically. "It's Jt crown of glory. It' I won ; a girl," 1 oo saiti. with sudden fire "I'd have hair. Beautiful braids am curls and masses?o? hair. It's pret I yijaV rin- wovd, 'oe. and' Pit hi i. \.iur little ov.'ered wagon," surest ! vl Miliiceni in an odd tone, and wit! a laving little laugh i "Nothing doing. i'tii in en!!,"' .Toi II hn?\yer<".!. !. "YiiiiV" not ?*> coll! You're work tin* yc.ii an awful lot, Joe i [Yon tbuik I'm crazy, saying this |7 iVrhr.v: I am But"?her voice v*a . uuskv?'"but i like you on awful lot 1; Joe." fjgg Girls always said that to him, am ' presumably to .all the other fellows when nr. evening had reached ahou iliii? point. Joe reflected. That wa the way persons got engaged, no wa : dilVH. Miiliccm was trying: it rmw. U:gh 1 here, at the Carter's hot, crowded u stupid party, MilliC' she accused him. reproachfully. "I?when did T? How do yo i) mean?": -j "Before Christmas. Just after w .' r,. ^t iotu v??. ?:0;.i fiie, you oujrht to ko to ni^ht school! t| 'Did I?" He was stricken.- "Whj ?1" you study?" he asked. ' Political economy . aim Freavn. she answered bravely. 9'. "That's a darn Rood choice!** Jo :: : ::::::: t M ... . . f&j&O0?>NE?)r,' [ in tuu /SOW > TOLP Mt "THE MATTER / y TO A xPiNKv ? y|| 'yjVHBN THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV ' | assured her. "If you ever go abroad.' yor. lot;*' want, to be ^MDarffisedj I about pronouncing words." } 'Maggie"* come u bat^h voice ijvi'iu upstair- at this point. "Mitggtc; 1 Johnson! Wnatjs haupened >on dowri I there in the stockroom? Start ypufj trotters up here with, tbvm feJayj j niedalliuns > "Oh. nely Nelly!" Maggie ej; = i ; iated. sekirg the green cards" upotsj J which the meilalion- were stil. rie-l i ' and 'icchig wildly from -foe's too so-; . ^active neigh-bom hood. "She sent mo; I ( down for rheni fifteen minutes ago."j .! She left Joe very thoughtful. H?| 'took ?n opportunity, when they; . j chanced to t o entering the autor.ir' I toeetheir for a late luncheon, to sayl 'j deliberately: "Look here. .Maggie. I've got some-' J thing on my mind t?? say to you, and! jjbv Ueorgc. t'm going: to spy it I r want t ? warn you. Don't waste time, j at seventeen, taking any crush too 'i seriously." "Who do you think 1 have go. crash or, Joe?" "i know damn well whom yoi?*>e| 'got a crush or.!" Joe giowled. "Is zat so?" Maggie asked, flush-1 ing. "Suppose the person I bar! a; J crush on had a crush on me?" she 1 asked. i ** A n<>v?')ii ' niiirli; lil>> vnu ^ lot ' mm. an(* v"'sh for all sorts of; i good things for you." Joe said ra 'jther slowly. "Without?without. .1 ; say. having a crush on you!" '"Well, that'd he er.ough for hie, { 'she answered, still in the same au-j } dacious, high-spirited keyv "I don't j want any kissin*. an* as for pettin j i parties." I "Now look here, you little idiot.' ! j he said, half angry and half laugh ! ; ing. "don't you think you can get. I away with that sort of thing! When your hour strikes, my dear, you won'tbe so suit? you can gel what you; want. You'll he sick for more than! kisses, then, Maggie, and afraid to! j take them. The whole world will turn j itself into sort of a blur, with a man .1 in the center, and when he speak-! , you'll answer, antl you'll say what! ' he wants you to say, too. Don't fooij " yourself. You and I are friends? friends -friends?I was down and out when we first began to talk to- j j gather, and you gave me a right steer and it kind of made you like me. T like you- -1 love you?1 think . you're a perfectly keen Kid. But thai kind of here's different. You're too young to know anything about it. j Believe me. it's got a lot of pain in it, and it leaver a sear?you don't get over it?" CONTINUED NEXT WEEK 1 DEPUTY COLLECTOR WILL ASSIST IN INCOME RETURNS , 7 For the convenience of those who j are required by law to file Federal ! Income Tax returns, W. M. Thomas. " deputy collector of Internal Revenue, 1 ,.-;n ?>*? . _.i ty_ on February L2-1S to assist taxpay" j . i MR?. JOHN T. BROWN, SR. so had in my back and hips T couldn't sit Jov/i'v get up or turn ever in bed without help. I also suffered from : tis and neuralgia pains' in my tj buck and hips I couldn't srli down, eel up or turn over in bed without help u I also suffered from colitis and neu > pains in my head. It seems almost unbelievable what -two bottles of Saigon did for me\ 1 u' could feel the pains gradually leavj ing me the filt-t few days and now e 1 hardly notice them at all. The r. Savgoii Pills straightened out my co Ion trouble and are by far the b'esl lt I laxative I've ever taken. T feel a 1, hundred per cent, stronger, and bet. ii J tor in trerv wayl" I boic! by Boone Drag- Company l0| (Advertisement) * ? * - ,..... r /?"~! IMi irtu. ?UW I f i than "\?cariiijr 'c LOW UST FA on linest Goodyear Pa LIFETIME GL =|j GOODYGAK l\ ?: fresh stock?strictly P.rs1 the world's largest tire r !== ?U?we'll PROVE (heir su issr twist demonstration. Ca You can ride with pride i = years! Full Oversiiz = Standard ?= See the new, impro = Goodyear All-We AT THE LOWE jj| IN HISTC :!= All types and siz :j= 1 centra ? DIST 1 Bo 1 S LEE MAST SERVICE STATU jllllllllllllllHllllllllillllllllllHUHlllilll ? ?? ? ? i? well,/ I've couKt-rec TO FOUR. HUNPREP / "Five ANP A PA" MADC -- .vSI^SMSS Church Announcements : ADVENT CHRISTIAN KF.V. S. E. C.KAGG. Pastor Sunday School each Sunday at j 9:15. Morning service. at 11 o'clock.; 1 FIRST BAPTIST REV. P. A. HICKS, Pastor Sunday School 9:15 a. in., J. T. C. ; Wright, .superintendent. Preaching; at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m- B. Y. U. U.*s] 0 p. in. Brotherhood 6:00 p. in- Mid-J week prayer service on Wednesday.* i at 7 :?10 p. m. Choii practice on Friday. 7 p. hi- | \ METHODIST CHURCH DR. O. CHANDLER, Pastor i Sunday School, 9:45 a. nt., I. D.; Rankin, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. , by Dr. Chandler. !, Epvvorth League, C:15 p. 117. J Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7 p. m. \ r.vit jaiaciiiK mo i. nwu^, ? ?' j( LUTHERAN CHURCHES St. Mark#, BaPcy'a Camp f Pi caching service the first Sunday , of each month at J1 a- m. Sunday , Virgil Uradshaw, acting: superintendent Grace East Boone Service every second and fourth Sunday at 11 a. in., and every first and third Sunday at S p. in. Sunday , School every Sunday at 9:15 a. m.. Professor G. L. Sawyer, superintendent Luther League meets every School every Sunday at 9:15 a. m.; Sunday at 7 p- m. Vesper service at 7 o'clock p. m. Holy Communion Congregation Clark's Creek Preaching service the third Sunday of each month at 11 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:15 a. m.; Perry Townsend, Superintendent. Banner Elk Station Service every fourth Sunday at 3; o'clock p. m. Illlllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllll ' Nc^ Goodyear Path(iii?le - expenses. On wel jv.x xT^-A'f7i worn tire does n< v.^| on#k l et * insj] what condition tl incr. No charire? V O V*' Cheaper .g >ut" old ones! ^ I.I. I"B6HKS jm R lliliiulers ever built! jfl>/V AKANTEEi) J IS J 1 VTIIFINDERS I (jVf r3 Is. Values which only jV C y ^"8 saktr can oKcr. Come Nl!|lhV ' this is pa es in stock. 1 Tire Co TRIBUIORS FOR WATAUGA COUIS W. R. Winkler, Manager >one and Blowing Rock, N. LOCAI- DEALERS: 3N. Mabel, N. C. T. A*. McCUIOft, TctJd. N C. lllilliUlIIIIIIlHIIHlllllllli.lllllltflUlllilllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiimittfiiiiiHiiiiimiimiiii ? 4 * up ) J.NP FORTy j , To all tics.* : vvviits the inibHc iS' most cordially invited.ljG, J. A. YOUNT, Vxstov. WATAUGA CHARGE ftKV. R. M. WEl.MaN, Pastbi Henson's Chapel?Second a n '? Fourth Sundays. 11 a. w, Sunday School at h:55, J F. Horton. superintendent.. Epworth League, B p. m. Valle Ci*uc is?Preaching every First and Third Sunday at 11 a. ni Sunday School 10 a. ni., J. M. ShuU, superintendent. Epworth L?-ague evcrv \\ ednesday night. Mabel?Preaching every Second and Fourth Sunday at 3 p. m. Sun lay School 10 a. m.. Robert Castle, superintendent. Saler.i?Preaching every tirsl Sunlav at *'J p. ni. FOR THE UNEMPLOYED 0 Lord our Father, we commend le thy projecting care and compas-ion the men and women suffering distress and anxiety through lack of r.ork; support and strengthen them, kve beseech thee, and so prosper the counsel of those engaged in the or deling of industrial life that thy people may be set free from want ind fear, and may be enabled to labor in security for the relief of their necessities and for the well-being of jui people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ?Selected. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our most sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their untiring ~ attention and help through the sickness and death of our dear wife and mother. May the richest blessings of Heaven abide with each. Will Coffey and Children. TOKEN OF THANKS I wish to thank the Daughters of Confederacy for the nice box of fruits, cakes and candies I received from them at Christmas. At any time 1 am ready and willing to help the Daughters in any way I can. Respectfully yours, E. J. NOfclUS. Ilillllllilillliillillillllillllllllllllillllll rs Cost So Little SS s ticMid Sense? ^ ?j J"" IU vuaiiKv 11 res?- ? in fall and winter. I'unr- == to fix. Blowouts on the cly annoying and run >i|i = t, slippery roads, a smooth- = it grip the road like a new ? leet youi tires and tell you uy are in for v-iatrr driv-no obligation. m [mm ] , Goodyear Pathfinder Heavy Duly = 6-Ply Supertwist Cord ^ Body = J 'ICE Is Our Motto - SE lieck your battery, test your adjust and mount chains: rt of our service and we apycur b'ismeis. STANDARD motor oils and greases?use ? rtesy card with il. . mpany | A. A. GREENE, Deep'G.p, N. C ~ SB liiiiiiimiHiiiiiimiimiiiimiiHiiiHiiiiil : By Terry Gilkison MARV r)At> A LITTLE LAMP" IT yr^AVti TO rXlTdHER. MUTION, Ar-,P