UNION NATIONAL BANK OPENS AT LENOIR THURS. j Successor to First National Does Big Business on Opening Day. Ftniey Coffey President of Institution:' Squirts, Globe-Trotter, Named a* Active Vice-President. Sixty-Seven: Stockholders. i Tin- Unjon National Bunk of I ti .iuitali'/ed at SISOdtjw'k ope,ned; jtst ijursday at SrSO o'clock, us sue-tci the old First National Hank which failed Vo poen for business on December Ii.h. .John II, Januirc-, ice-president and jne of %he iinpm*>ant 'ijnnrs in tt-or^ani.'.aiiojv. v.as -3 a vLvt*-! u> Boom- on Thursday e'yt- J :?njg after banking houis apd i>-:- ?vt cd that <|S>osits for the day h>ts3s?| :?otv than S.sn.OliO and withdrawals! vein only about $20,000 show inv: aj net caii! of $f?0.000 for fhe row in-; 'tut ion. According- to the Lenoir Now--Topth< Union National Bank b?-j .an nnpnitioiis n? an ?*iittrrde now Concern; having aKsbrbed a!! the as-j sets of the bid bank and covering the! abilities with $ib0i00000 in i:cw capital stock. In opening for busi- i ess, the new hank has no jtrihgs on be deposits. Any depositor of the! M biiiik is at liberty to withdraw] any portion or al! of bis money if In desires. "'This bank has been organ ' ixccl on such a sound basis that all.; deposits are subject to withdrawal .vithout lest lid ion/' said an official! ? 2f the Union National on the morn -' ' ir.jr of the opening. 4 h<- story in the News-Topic cdn-i ! he?: The Union National Bank is J <?ne of the first in the Stiile to be] 1 eo> gani'.ed recently which attached ! t \'j whatsoever to the depos-jl its. However, it is not anticipated i (hat any appreciable deposits wli'i he J withdrawn. On the other hand, it is' ' generally .reported "among business(,v coder- of the community that thej. deposit:.- u syj be increased materially ] f . ft , r the ffj ;t day's business. In the -oganiyntion vrteetmg of the - .1 kj olr'l t S. . H. i p:unt *\ ' orrdavc manufocitirvi1 and oik- of jA prominent lenders n his S ntir-- t i"?n was elected prnsidoiil..} > 1 . -it.. r? M. >?,Mil'ss. br?>i>i.j r of Mark douu'r- , aiM wniely-tvievde l tikafojii' 9?c :vi*.titic < xiK vr, yv.as dec : J ed vuv prw-uieut;. .--white i.ous* l>y-58 >avl. fovnveii-. .i oa.hior av| ' the ?>Id National. wa.sftoioclen cashier b>' tin ;new Kink, * Directors and Stock.bc-Idcrs i -in i wv11-rvi men: Mr. (-O'ffgsg Mr. Squires. A1? I * Rysai'rt, .J. i?. Ballev.. J. L?. (hiiviu,) jg recently n\ade manager of thVr Cald-j;v weft Furniture Company, Ik. C. l..|i| Kobniivs, ( . H. Hopkins, Robov S. Cvisp and T. H. Broyhill. The J ?ml understanding at the orcanizntioit meeting was that the hoard of j directors, consisting of those recognized business leaders would ho ex-j tr chicly active in the direction of tin The lis! of stockholders include? many of this sections most promtnent :uid substantial loaders. It fol-'^? lows: F. H. Coffey, I\ H. P.royhillJ C. 11. Hopkins, \V. J. Lenoir. \V. L.: t toffiS.tr. *T- H. Squires, L. A. Iiysavt, L. C. Underbill, Charles Poe'.ei, B. *1 F. Williams, Benjamin Jacobson, .1. ] L X. Minivi'. Thomas J Moore, Clai oneo B Craig, d. C. Hogan, W. K. Miller,i Virginia Lenoir Poe, ;L K. 1 Moore, .Jenni* K. Dy.sart, A. V. Mil- s: mSSai 'or. Margaret M. Piitchort, J. W. Hickman. W. .1. Hickman. M. AI. F ?'ddo:ck,- -a, 15. X visor., ,1. F. u^W GhSSSSmSs''^fcvdaiityini C. I.. ' Bobbin's, Mrs.j S^WhetH Bfo .Robbi#; J Ci. Bnllew,' m''T?:ckson. N'y- A. Kalodkin. R. ??i -1 JfiS & X. Crisp, .VH.-s Marjorie, P :<>frdVe:'A. LA Huffines.} * ?g| T. jgj .fflffied !L L. Srt-eh-, w.f P.-; SS^aBSSwgtein^ AI.rs imfiSi?ttw\mngs, f>r? -*. 8BSSg^. .'. t:I:-.,- , (,. ? Vnoy. 11a- > C. n ncjfl Hdehiv insurance A^cn-pJ ?:y, '-Miss A-:>?$:?. fayipr, Mi.-,- l.Tnma; J1 Coipehiiitc, 1 . -N: Mikr-al, ^fncor ? ^^?3 '; Miheal. 0. W. Slun? T. Harper TO*aifJ& fifths' i.i. IVpBa.o?*r>;:A. {*>-Ftisnii. Gourpvsja ?. Moinv. I'. I\ Cvav/foiuk AUs. L. K. KnV:>. I . T. llidmaii, -?. <\ Sei gel ,'Nev. York*. 1>. IT. Stubhs. B. B | Dougherty. Richmond Bernhardt. ; Mis. Li V. pimmetle, Mrs. i. V. - and .!. W Palmer. Squires Has Had Novol ?*pnriences |?0k' Toe Ne\.*a-T<}pk- has therfpllowing j-ll n- say concerning I ' - Soui . , vice- I jLr pv^dciil; and -argesk stockholder in j ? 'hi* new.lnstiti'ifion: i ,i 14 "Dr. Squires winss hero literally Dem the world,' aV.d lip .Svingrs " itr.i i , tiihi a wealth 6f experience^ thai range all .Ahe way 1'vom t vperimor.lin<j Vcngine.s to elophiiru y hunting in 3u;?iatra, |?Sffij?fii>, in; C - the Dutch K;s?sv Incite'*.' fjjSS? 8?-.; J?, 'P _ . cult tu UJievc ihai u man could pcrowd so .vuich sciivny in 1- year3.it hut up Spinves ha-. I'.oiie it. And a-|c he at hi the hanlc blinding and ic- h iated Uh- -t ??,y-of ins fascinating '.a-; I* > i'c. it sounded a.- if one chapter a er another v.*ere being lifted from thep nages of Alger's gripping novels. - U: "Born in Union County, North: " Carolina, in 1K82 he moved to Lenoir I a twelve years later where he received [ J a jus eariy education. He later went.! to V. P. I. in Klacksburg. Vj,M where - f ^ he received his Bachelor of Science t degree in 1 h0.~>, and won his Master-* f of Arts degree a year later. He spent 1 one year in the service of the Unit-,; ^ v ed States Government and in 1907 j; entered Cornell University where hej* was awarded his Ph. D. degree in'l Agronomy, which deals with the the-M ory and experimentation of scien-P 'fgjW; - tiCu- agricultural developments. 1 Following that he went t<> Xcv. t Mexico where he was professor of Agronomy for two years, after which i < he wen; with the K. J, du Pont deji Nensoiuv Powder Company, in Wil- : mington. Del., as technical adviser i ! and propagandist, later being made 1 manager of the Sales Promotion di- v vision and also manager of the educational work. He organized and ' - served as editor of the du Pont mag- J azine. and was director of their per- j divisioA in the recruiting of*' the staff during? the war, after which 1 he was charged with the task of j - breaking down the war staff follow- iiig the armistice. He was with the 4 du Font people eleven yea^s. "Then began his extensive travels, j which have led him into more rc-j mote cor.ntiies thaij the average has heard of. He sold munitions in! 'cusi.i?i- a _A tihpSKSvcfitiffl BgMMiBaK Q2?&Sj Si { auu~vi n ?uuc, uv>.? | ib|? with governmental heads i:i the! most v onfideutial manner. " ; Oominrt-.K^ij the Ignite*! States. ?>;- Quires did some special work for thv Cfc* ere let company for about two years, and then he went to experimenting with and developing the iJeisal engine--. a rwinc motor, which work he t his? d as the most interesting; he has ever done. He worked oii but a sides of the Ai.Uulic Oct a:-, pros : more tirsi - than : . . ami spending months a' .,i. "After that he was with the America!; Cyanmvi.le Company lor about four years, organizing then, business: hi h", :: > 1 the Philippines, Fur in a (Taiv, :a>. .Japan aiid Korea. He' lo-dowed that work by doing private j investigation and consultation in the) murine field, working front the is-j lar.il - !' Mee-vc-en tt> Chicago. "Then !. -. came to Lenoii where. ho home ot his broth-! rev. M-uk Sjljtiires. Ho was iestir,v ( taking HtV ea.-.y. when the First Nr. \ no mil ran into difficulttes. ami he sensed he opportunity to pioneer again by iendiTig his aid t<> che organizaiioh *?f the new Union National Hank, offering to finance naif of the new stock issue. "That brie fly?oh, < > very briefly ?accounts f? r tin various work he has (ioiiv in all parts of the wot id. but h? has been * !.-< enough. and able, to enjoy the best sports the world has to offer- He has hunted and fished in ail the coast countries from Labrador to Mfliiio, as well as extension "nips of this nature on the west coast. He has killed wild hoar n the region around the Malay Pednsula. He has fished where nine hundred feet of line wouldn't reach >oUom and has hunted elephants .b rough the j'.injrlc of Sumatra. He ias enjoyed the finest sports in many: iation?. and has worked success-{ ally m things that were to his j iking. He conies here with that! \vaith of cxninhnci and under-} landing. and as he observed the io ; a! bMipess -itnalioii r5 is impressed j ?y ihv ;hat irdastries hert have lehi : i> I he Y business ii; the- faoo of J his n-.tich better than in i? t ; . . he Unit* i Yato n.'.Mjeifing the new Union v. i'-na1 Hank He emphasized the ",!I l,-j' J daced :i AO\ not!gn.^functions ".on- j "mil .COH-.I 'll ?S!:k .11 1 I felt i | t v.-i!i ?tnrt as a iteitiir Rial hU'orvr)I oheeir.. Th* 1m?K - to he .a v^ryj j.J. nili.J - r.:* .-: i'd CiSfci'lk U? ea?h | n<) .W'swvtf far iu.sir.os.., ho .-uul."j 1>i. S.(uav>. during iiis brief visit! : B.u.i,.-, suited thai a .otnesoiiia :\i- of the Federal Reserve SysLehi. I in! .Many ;n wnitietu North Carolina) ankers visited the Union National n tliv .lay of 5U i.|u'einjr. [>670,827 Increase in Farm Products Needed, iCMinufed fronv Page l? liiiretl; 1,08 I acres planted; 12G .cies~shtiitug?-, $.">2,320 value of the hovtagc. i Watauga produced surpluses in wo crops: Irish Potatoes?13,810 bushels rout rod ; 232,540 bushels produced; 13,280 bushels surplus; $274,037 ahte of surplus. Beef and Veal-?S07 head required:) ,s;?2 head pr'Oilneed; 4,085 head) ui|uw>. vauu- ol fundus. i EMALE BASKETEERS WILL MEET LENOIR-RHYNE TONIGHT; Tonight (Wednesday) the gilts' j askei. ball team of A; S. T. C. will] lay llenoiv--KhyiitiV\fast i\u'.ntdt. The I $ uithernns are renoited as havihy :i': Long team all set for t>tc* Appa-j ichian girls. The local Ivjskcteei^l re i .11 ( ; 11\ .;.?. rajiitiiy. Las; Saturday t; ijrfct they trimmed ifciltm'dye '.(doiiectel it'AsKuvUle,- ?9 to )jj[?itfi'e first time; n two years they had oeen defeated j t home or away. At greai game is! ii prospect ronighi. It -x},', he called; \i i< o'clock. " via?'" T' . ''va Sunday School Lesson KKV. .SAMOEL I). WICK. 0. t\ : hterna.tior.E.'. Sunday School Lesson for Fehruary 8 ESUS. THE WORLD'S TEACHER | Luke vi. 27-42 ' .w term had becv, used; when j I osiis pvoelnhned the Kingdom of rod. He set forth the principles of ia! Kingdom in oil of Ills addresses ut especially^ in the Sermon en the; fount, Mntthev, 6. 7. It is though1'" hat this great message was repeatd in Viet'ov statements in the Verier. on the Plain, from which this isson .study is taken. Give careful tention to all toe iterus in Luke C ( \ they have much to say about dai| living'. ' I Listeners ihtist have been amazed I t the nature of the teaching. In the j tast they had been urged to take an' :eye lor an ey?v" and i! strength iftrnmted they would probably seek ;o give back with added interest when in injury had been done. Now this'ositivisi says '-'Move vour enemies."! Such direction must have caused j ibout as much amazement as the I piracies which hold the peopje Spell-) m?uu(! In fact, no limit lis gra nponj he kindly attitude and active help: f03 all who had nought to injure| ilicui. Axlct ail'. '.lie^ cnulil.. J hey were advise?! to "pray for there that ckspitc-fully U?e you." What We ail ctinritv was to l>e dispensed with real kindness. Such teachings have m application today as we are imlovtuned hy the needy and worthy vho are hungry because of lack of employment. Soma profound truths are hard to j 110 erst and. Jesus, however, made His meaning very clear in our Golden Rule. Note that it is positively static! and not. in a negative form as ire;,anted by the philosopher Confu:ius. AS YE WOULD THAT MEN SHOULD DO TO YOU. DO YE kLSO TO THEM LIKEWISE. [TIE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY THURSDAY' "This Ws Ladies Gent 17 jrm JL KJB ti Bigger Better Boone Ballyhoo serves its pur}: over the long haul It s the 1 <jf Boone, therefore we droj builders of Boone did a goo< passed on to we citizens here what we do. If we nourish t sary in the development of < will achieve to greater succi and every citizen in the sma an imposed duty- but simpi dollars sent away from the h trade improve, property vah jobs created and greater livii Boone. 1 he unselfish and h boom expansion and wild sj vision and striving for bette em business structures and loyal support of all citizens t and home business will in tu No Community Spent (CONTRIBUTED TO THE BUS1 " M^^^^^iBSSBsS^s^Sm ay, and lemen!" a ml ioai ""Hi ^ :' ^ tp? - - >ose when it attracts attention-ong haul which has to do with t ',) the ballyhoo and go to merit, d iob. I heir work is done ai today. The future of Boone de md cultivate the mmmnnilv In ..J 3ur town to this point then al isses. Community loyalty is f Her acts of the day. To trade at y common sense. Boone can c iome town and g)one forever. 1 les increase, salaries be advanc< ig comforts be realized?excep ?ading citizens of Boone are n< reculation. But they do urge th r homes, better public building a bigger and better Boone. Th :o home industries and home bu rn offer better service and oppc Was Ever Built : Avoay from Hoi NESS INTERESTS OF BOONE BY THEE \V S JBMHE&BI s $$88^???. MM Hs??a. ??Shs3K?2 f ffltSaeeQ mmsa ^ >;: _:' / ': } ?&?pta -.-! :; Si&*, '&i " ::; ' .: ' - &M'i'i'--' " :&'; ":'" 4SB;<s*Wl "' ' ' ' mm |p||f| I! it ' -;."c:\' - I I; -but only merit achieves he further development The rounders anu the * id the responsibility is pends a great deal upon yaltv which was neces [ will be well and hloone irst registered by each home is not necessarily iever be built up with Jpon what basis will id, better positions and t through loyalty to Dt this year advocating at vision never falter? s, more factories, mod%, \ v flgfc is all comes about thru i siness. Home industries | >rtuTiities to the citizens. With Dollars me! ' ATAEGA DEMOCRAT)

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