IgJJARY 26, 1931 TICK OF EXECUTION SALE virtue of aa execution directed e undersigned Sheriff of Wai County in that certain action ed F. W. VonCannon, Assignee B. Taylor vs. R. D. Jennings F. F. Jennings, I wil), on MonMareh 23, 1931, at One O'clock it being the first Monday of , sell at the courthouse door of ,uga County to the highest bidor cash, all the right, title and; est which F. P. Jennings has in! following described real estate,! jwHui that piece, parcel or tract ofj land containing one acre, more ori Idas, situate, lying and being in Watautga County, Boone Township, North iolina, adjoining the lands of Ben >dy and others, and being more ticularly described in a certain d of trust from F. P. Jennings and e, Fannie Jennings, to John E. iwn, Trustee, said deed of trust tig recorded in Book 7, at page in the office of the Register of ids for Watauga County, to which ference i3 hereby made for a more | nplete description of sanie. This 19th day of Februarv, 1931. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff. By H. A. Hagaman, D. S. Bingham, Linney &. Bingliain, Attys. 2-26-41 ttjemocrftt Ads. Provide a Short-Cut to Better Business. F O 1 C ? M F Kerry new Ford i* ; four Boudaille hydraulic shoe ONE of the fine things about <1 way it takes you over the miles No matter how long the trip, y oafely, quickly, comfortably l< The scats are generously wi carefully designed to conform Every new' Ford has specially t! Hondaille double-acting liyd These work both ways ? up sm force of road shocks and also ] Uie rebound of the springe. Other features that make I above the price are the Triplex shield, silent, fully enclosed than twenty ball and roller h fine steel forgiugs, aluminum alloy valves, torque-tube dr unusual accuracy in manufact In addition, you save mar low first cost of the new Ford, op-keep, and low yearly depre L?W PUCES ? I $430 to F.O.SI. Detroit, plus freight mi deliver mS ?mC fail. You cm purchase a Foi the Authorised Ford Finance Flour oj I Lime f Pulverized Lime, h fine. Samples found in sto I SMYTHE J SHOUN! NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deec executed by F. M. Maitba and wife Martha MaUba, to D. J. Cottrell, t| secure the sum of S686.86. and defauIt Jhavintx been made in the payment of said sum, as in said mort gage deed provided, we will, on Saturday, March 28th, at One o'Clock P. M. at the courthouse door of Wataugz County, sell to the highest bidden for cash, the following described rea estate, to-wit: Being lots 21 and 22 of the R. 0 Rivers addition to the Town of Boone and described as follows: BEGINNING on stake in right oi way of Linville River Railway Com pany and runs south 51 degrees easl with said right of way 58 feet tc I corner of lot No. 23; then runs witl said lot north 36 1-2 degrees easl 75 feet to corner of lot No. 19, ther with line of lots No. 19 and 20 nortl 51 degrees west 58 feet to Jail St. then with said street south 36 1-2 de greos west 75 feet to beginning, thi: being lots No. 21 and 22 of the R. C Rivers addition to Town of Boone. From the above is excepted lot 22 ! being sold to J. B. Taylor. This the 24th day of Februarv 1931. BOONE FEED COMPANY Assignee of D. J. Cottre!! Bingham, Linney & Bongham, Attys 2 26*4t IS D out i equipped with duubie-neting It igliHftmh4'rn rt\ iug the new Ford is the without strain or fatigue, ou know it will bring you > the journey's end. de, deeply cushioned and to the curves of the body, lesigned springs and four ranlic shock absorbers, id down. They absorb the provide a cushion against [he new Ford a value far ; shatter-proof glass windfo?r-?licd brakes, more earings, extensive use of i pistons, chrome silicon ive, Rustless Steel and urtng. iv dollars because of the tow cost of operation and ciation. \H^ The New Fortuoa Skoam ' FORD CARS $630 T- Dmmp*r* an J tparr lira mxtrm rd oh ocmohioit trjrmts iluw^i tA? CnivartaI i'n-diz Compmmy. or Sale igh quality, ground of Lime can be res. Sold by & GRANT 5, TENN. THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?F INFLUENZA SPREADING Check Colds at Once with 666 TAKE IT AS A PREVENTIVE Use 666 Salve for Babie I NOTICE l? This is tc certify that we have thi i day sold our entire interest in th , I Boone Chevrolet Company to \\ [ Ralph Winkler. All accounts due t I raid firm prior to this date are to h paid to us. and ali indebtedness is t ' be paid by us. This .January 20. 1931. L. L. Bingham. W. T. Payne, L 41 A. K. South. 1 TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN J This is to certify that on Janunr 30, 1931, we sold our entire iuteres in the Cash Flour and Feed Compan . to Mr. Gordon Taylor. We are t ' collect all accounts and pay the biL of said fiim up until the abovt 5 named date. After that time we ar resnoncihlf* fn?- nn nhlit?alii;ne ??f CO.; firm. This February 11, 1931. George V. McGimsey, G. C. McGimsev, 2-12-lt J. H. Gibhs. FARMS FORSALE I" | THE SHENANDOAIi | VALLEY, VIRGINIA O ' Where we have good roads built an paid for; no . State tax on farms < persona! property. An unexcelle School System. The best of -Soni markets and near large city market 135 ACRES?Smooth, level land i high state of cultivation, splendid 1 room brick residence, slate roof, larp bank bam and all needed farm buil< ings, good as new; watered by well springs and gravity system. Fift acres bearing apple orchard that wi pay for farm, large packing she< full orchard equipment ? tracto tractor disc, plows, narrows, spraye cultipackcr, mower, rake, app crates and ladders, 2 horses, 2 waj oils, beds and hay ladders, I potat digger, on good road near a larg town, cold storage, apple and cich j plant. Price, $100 an acre. 116 ACRES?Large brick residene good as new, large porches, full hasment, spring, well and cistern s house; poultry plant, capacity 7(! tionc nntl 1 ROD Krnihirc unit" Gov new double garage, included in sal' two good horses, 1 good cows av full line of farm machinery, good i new; 1 acres fruit, 7 acres timbe 20 acres blue-grass pasture, balam in cultivation, school and church : farm, two miles this city over goc road. Price $5,000, half cash. 270-ACRE DAIRY FARM- Smoo and level; new 8-room residence, large bank barn, meets dairy r quirements; all needed farm buil ings; wells, cistern and never failir spring at buildings; plenty of frui 10 acres oak timber, 8 miles Lh city, good road. Price $12,500. Th is a REAL BARGAIN for someone. 80 ACRES?Good 6-room bouse, ce Jar, large poultry house; new imri silo and all needed farm building: 2 wells and spring stream throap 6 acres of truck bottom land; te acres timber; four miles this oil over highway. $3,500, one-haif cas 50 ACRES?Well locatedv right ; school, churches and store; goodS room house; cellar, largo porclu unu new metai rooi; good nam a| other farm Buildings; large spring lawn near house, large shop suitab for auto repair; located in a got community, on hard road seven mil< this city. $3,000. $1,000 c?sh. WRITE FOR FARM DESCRIPTIONS?TELL ME YOUR WANTS. W.T BIRMINGHAM 35 West Water Street WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA W. C. ROl NTRKK. M. D. PELLAGRA A SPECIALTY If you have many of the following symptoms, 1 have the remedy, no matter what your trouble has been diagnosed: Nervousness, stomach trouble, loss of weight, loss of sleep, sore month, - hurting in back of head, shoulders or back, peculiar swimming in head, f.v^hy-Iikc phlegm in of mucous from the bowels (especially after taking purgative), burning feet, yellow or brown skin, burning or itching skin, rash on hands, face and anna resembling sunburn, chronic constipation, (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea), copper or metallic taste, skin sensitive to sun heat, forge tfn In ess, despondency, thoughts that you might lose your mind, gums red and falling away from the teeth, general weakness, loss of energy, and look older than you are. If you have many of these symptoms, have taken all kinds of medicine, and are still sick, I especially want YOU to write for ray FREE booklet, questionnaire, and diagnosis. W.C. Rountree, M. D., BOX llSt Dept. 6-J, Austin, Texas IVEKY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. . Legal Advertisements Advertisementi Appearing under this heading are payable strictly in advance. This rule applies to ! 5 all. Please do not ask the publisher.* to deviate. * NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION , r Having qualified as administrator 0 of the estate of M. W. Eller, dee ceased, this is to notify all persons o having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the u;.- j dei-signed within twelve months from date, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery ' - persons indebted to the estate .vill I: please come forward and make setv '.lenient. 6 This February 10, 1331. v W. C. GREER, o 2-19-G Administrator Is 1 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE e By virtue of seven several cxccu-j tions issued from the Shnerfflgl Court of Watauga County to the undersigned Sheriff in the following entitled cases: Cliff Weli Cigar Co. vs. D. J. Boyden; The Tiracs-Pica yune Publishing Co. vs. D. J. Boyit den; Asheville Fish Co. vs. D. J. V Boyden; Irwin Brothers, Inc. vs. D. J. Boyden; The Cincinnati Enquirer [vs. Donald J. Boyden; Graham-Chis holm Co. vs. D. J. Boyden; International Circulation Co. vs. D. J. Boyden; I will, on Moivday, March 23, 1931. at One o'Clock P. M. j at the courthouse door of Watauga County, sell to the highest bidder for d cash all the right, title and interest ie which I). J. Boyden has in the fol?. lowing described real estate, to-witn BEGINNING on a stake in the 1- turnpike road, corner of lot conveyed re by C. J. Kenworthy to Councill and 1- Taylor, and runs with said line north s? 16 1-2 each 210 feet to a stake, cor'jf ner of said lot; thence north 75 i-4 east 0G feet; thence north 30 east y 258 feet; thence north 79 1-1 west r' 1-1-1; thence north 29 west 100 feet; le thence north 79 1-2 west 66 feet to if- a stake in the south edge of Spring ? Street; thence south 58 feet west with e said street 53 feet; then south 50 1 west 135 feet: thence south 52 west with said street 165 feet.; then south c* 55 1-3 west 233 1-2 feet to a stake J' at the junction of Spring and Ohestnut streets, southwest side; thence r south I and -15 minutes east 152 e- feet to a stake at the junction of icl Spring Street with the turnpike road; is thence with said road south d4 east r' 300 feet, more or less to the begin v' ning, being Loi 00. of the Fair view lands as made by John M. Houeke in the year 1887. From the above is exempted the L1 following allotted to 1) J. Boyden as a homestead BEGINNING on a slake at highifr way running a direct course between t, first and second cottages on east is side to a chestnut tree; thence about IS 50 feet to a stake near dead chestnut snag; then a straight line be1 twoen two and three on west side n? to stake at highway near telephone pole; thence with highway to the be;n ginning, containing middle cottage in y row of three cottages east of the h. Blowing Rock Hotel. T"hls the 17th day of February, 1931 -?U' Fa W;? I- M. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County, n By H. A. Hagamnn, D. S. 2-19-41 le ^ ' ?l? -tv!1.' NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION SALE tSl All persons are hereby notified j that I have this day sold my entire interest m the J ? K Store to Tv M. Greer and wife, Amelia Greer. The said Ti1 M. Greer and wife; Amelia Greer, are to pay all the debts and r obligations owing by VuiU 3 & E Store | and all accounts due said store are I to be paid to the said T. M. Greer and Amelia Greer. This 28th dav of January. liKfl. 2-5-4_ I.G.GREER. Dr. C. B. Bau^hmau, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Johnson City, Tenn., will be in the office of i Dr. J. B. Hapaman in Boone, on the first Monday in each month for the practice of his profession. 10-17-tf j are iraduded in the places are lisrcdsuch ! as Gather, Sandburg, Stalin,Latvia, etc. Constantly improved and kept up to date. I WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAI. j DICTIONARY Get The Best j The "Supreme Authority" i in courts, colleges, schools, and among government officials both Federal and State. 452,000 entries including408,000 | vocabulary terms. 32,000geographical subjects, i2,000biographical entries. i Over6,000illustrations, and 100 val- I uable tables. I Send for Free, new, richly illustrated pamphlet containing sample pages of the New International G.&.C. Merriam Company Springfield, Mass. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator c*f the estate of Wyatt Hayes, this is to notify ah persons having claims ngainst estate of said deceased to ex. hibit thera to the and eloigned within twelve months from date, otherwise Ibis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate vriil please come forward and make settlement. This January J 5, 1931. If. C. HAVES, 1-22-61 Administrator NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Watauga County, in the Superior Court: Watauga Motor Company vs. J. A. Miller. The defendant above named w.Ul take notice that a summons in the above entitled actiQn was issued against said defendant on the 9th ('ay ot February, 1931, by A. E. South Clerk of the Superior Court of Wa tnuga County, North Carolina, foi the sum of $460.00 due. said plain tiff by note and check, which summons is returnable before said ticrl iii. ms oincc at woone in said counts on the 11th day of March, 1935, a< I o'clock p. in. The defendant will also take no tice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said clerk on the 911 day of February. 1931, against the property of said defendant whicl warrant is returnable before the saw Clerk at the tiine and place above named for the return of the sum monis, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 9th day of February 1931. A E. SOUTH, 2-12-4t Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Under and by virtue of an aliu? execution directed to the undersigner sheriff from the Superior Court oi Watauga County in that certain ac tion entitled T. L. Mast and Broth era vs. W. II. Bingham, for the sun of $131.95 and interests and cost; (less certain credits), 1 will on Monday, March 2, 1931, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door it Boone, N. C.r sell to the highest hi 1 der for cash to satisfy said execration, all the right, title and int :.esl which the said W. II. Bingham ha*or had on the 22nd day of October. 1929, in the following; described leal estate, to-wit: FIRST TRACT?Adjoining the lands of Enoch Perry on the north on the south by Will Greer and others, and on the east by S. J. Priceon UlCi west by S. J. Price, contain ing 9 1-2 acres more or less, ant being a part of the I. S. Bumgarnci Home Place. SECOND TRACT?Adjoining tin lauds of Jasper Ragan, S. J. Price Cicero Greer and Outers, ccntsinin; one acre more or less and being ; part of the I. S. Bumgarner hotr.? place and lying on the south of tin public road. THIRD TRACT?Adjoining th< lands of A. D. Adams, W. H. Bing ham and others, containing six ac^e; more or less and being the same lane conveyed to J. H. Hayes on the 1st day of October, 1929. This the 2nd day of February 1931. L. M. FARTHING^ Sheriff By H. A. Hagaman, D. S. 2-5-4! NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of a certain deed - 1 trust executed to the unclersignei trustee by John Johnson and wife Cova B. Johnson and Nancy Haye to.secure the sum of $500.00 to Bc.i jainin Harrison, and default havinj Been made in the payment, of sah sum. as in said deed of trust :>pi"o \irle'}l< I will, on Monday, MaroS 2, 1931, at One o'Clock P. M. at the courthouse door of \Vataug; County, sell to the highest bidder fo cash the following described, veal e? tate, towitr ,,, BEGINNING at the mouth ol" fch old house Field Branch, and run with the meanders of said Elk Cree to a locust, an agreed corner betweej Joel Hayes and G. \V. and 1*. G. Ca; rill; thence \vith an agreed line ?u tween Joel Hayes and G. V?? and I G, Carroll to a stake m the line o the old 200-acre tract; thence eas with said line of said tract to a stak near draw bars; thence south 32 d< grees east with the meanders cf branch S3 poles to trie beginning containing <55 acres, more or less. This, the 2nd day of Februan 1 931. T. E. BINGHAM, Trusts Bingham, Linney and Bingham, Attorneys 2-5?it A suit of clothes is new just as long as it looks new. Oar modern dry cleaning: methods keep clothes looking new. They help you get more service out of the clothes | you buy. To the man or woman who is interested in economy, we offer an economical service which will save tTiem money in the" long run. HI-LAND DRY GLEANING CO. Dry Cleaning:, Pressing and Hat Blocking Z Abraham Lincoln Z Once Said: ^ "An ounce of prevention is f worth a pound of cure." J * ^ Have your shoes repaired be J fore they are vroni so much. + and get better srevice a I less J cast at the? * J Daniel Boone Shoe J t Shop ^ Where work is as cheap as any ? shop iu the Stste and bet- J tnr 'than some. TO WHOM JT MAY CONCERN , North Carolina, Watauga County: This is to notify all persons that Charles L. Yooiice and .1. R. Gra^have this day formed a partnership for tllC nurnoses ot" cawvirssc nn . general feed, flour and grain store - in the town of Boone. North Carolina*' and io carry such other artiely. of merchandise as shall he mutually agt'ecd upon by the partners, ; " party contributing fifty per cent; ' the stock of said partnership, sa partnership to be known as Boone - Feed Company, and is to run iV. a period of ten years unless soone dissolved by a mutual agreemti ! between the partnership. This 10th day of January, 1931. 1 CHARLES L. YOUNCE. T. R. GRAGG. 1-20-4 I JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE, N. C. j Offices Postoffice Building | Phone 63 j 5 for I ANY BABY J| \T7E can never be sure just want J W makes an infant, restless. but. , llic remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria! There's comfort in . every drop ot this pure vegetable prep[ oration, and not the slightest harm in its I frequcnL use. As often as Baby has .t j fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can't. l sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. " Sometimes it's a touch of colic. Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea ? jar,' condition thai should always be checked without delay. Just keep Castoria handy ' and give it promptly. Belief will follow i yery promptly; n it aoesrr.L you snouia call" a physician. 5 oo Much ACID TL yfANY ]>eopIe, two hours after eatj JVjl ing, suffer indigestion as they call Iit. It. is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali- The best way. the quick* harmless and efficient way, is Phillips | Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for j 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes manv j limes its volume in stomach acicls, and t at oncc. The symptoms disappear in Jive minutes. \ou will never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you will never suffer froni excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Oct OAnninp Philliny Milk of M:isTncsia, tf.e kind that physicians luiv^ prescribed for over 50 years in correct i^ excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle?any drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark of The Charles II. Phillips Chemical Company and its predecessor Charles Hi Phiilq.s since 18/5. 6 6 6 Liquid or Tablets Core COLDS, HEADACHES, FEVER 666 SALVE CURES' BABY'S COLD