LOCAL AFFAIRS I Mi's. Earl Reeves is spending: the I weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moretz, in Aahe County. .Mr. Barton Mount, of Shouns, Term.. was a business caller at the Democrat office Wednesday. Dr. O. J. Chandler will preach at tre Blowing Reck Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Petrea, of Lenoir, were calleis at the home of Rev. H. W. .leffcoat on Sunday afternoon. Lenten mid-week services are held each Wednesday evening at 7:00 o'clock at the Luthern Church. All are invited to attend these services. Mrs.* Joe Greer was called to Lenoir Tuesday evening on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. George Austin, who is suffering from pneumonia. C. Lyman Sale, special agent for Pilot Life Insurance Company, is spending the week in Boone, assist injLr Agent Gordon Winkler in his J work. ; Mrs. J. A. Sproles will leave to-1 day for Kansas, where she contemplates spending several months with! relatives. The trip will be made by motor. Messrs. George O. Kluttz, Augustus Kluttz and George Wiley Kluttz, all of Salisbury, were in Boone Sunday to visit their aunt, Mrs. H. W. Jeffcoat, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gragg spent the week-end with Mrs. Gragg father, Mr. Hcrton, at Unicoi, Tenn. The venerable gentleman celebrated his eightieth birthday on Sunday, and several near visitors visited with him on the happy occasion. Little Helen Gragg celebrated her twelfth birthday on Tuesday of last week with a party to which several of her friends were invited. Many games, were en.ioyed during the afternoon and delightful refreshments served. Mr. and Mis. 13. G. Leake who have been visiting relatives at Valle Cruris for the past several months, will j iSoVE I0r tTicir iiuiiic- In MnililUy F.-J. next Sunday. Mrs. Leake is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -I. M. Shull. Mrs. Joe Cooke, accompanied by her son, Edgar, and daughter, Louise, spent the week-end in Charlotte with Council Cooke, who has been ill for some time at Presbyterian Hospital. They report his condition slightly improved, but state that hewill have to remain there for several weeks yet. Mrs*. P. A; Hicks and Mrs. J. L.? Quails attended the annual woman's , .State Missionary Convention of the Baptist^Chiirch Ut Gastpniu on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of laet week. More than one thousand worn- j en were present, and many notable speakers were on the programs. Mrs. Titus Efird, of Albemarle, and daughters, Lillian and Rosa t Jane, Mrs. Morrison of Troy, Mrs. i R. R. Sowers of Rockwell, nieces of i jS Mrs. H. W. Jeffcoat, came up last j week to visit her. Mrs. Jeffcoat has 1 been ill for eight weeks and more. ? Her condition remains serious. i Mr. Silas M. Greene of Bumpass,! I Va., accompanied by his wife andr | two daughters, Etta and Mattie, and 5 son-in-law, John Jones, were visitors for a little while in Boone on Sat-| ! urda>\ Mrs. Greene was called to! visit her mother, Mrs. John Dougherty, of Silverstone, who has been 1 very ill foi several days. Rev. P. A. Hicks, Miss Elizabeth j g Cowan and Miss- Mildred Richardson ? Monday of last week in Char- < lotte, where they attended the State Baptist Mission Rally. Mr. Hicks re- ? poi*ts that the emergency appeal for i $64,000 sent out by the Baptist State i Convention was responded to by sub- < scriptions of more than $84,000 ! Mr. James Gross and family, who ' for several years have been making their home in Pennsylvania, have returned to their native heath in Watauga. Mr. Gross will, we are told, 9 take up farm work (on his own land) " and become a permanent citizen of I Watauga again. The family is welcomed. back by their many friends here. v Entre Noui Club Entertained By Mrs. Jimei Meat. Mrs. James B. Mast was hostess at a delightful party at Critcher Hotel on Saturday afternoon when she entertained the Entre Nous Club and a number of other guests. The hotel parlor was arranged with potted plants and 'five tables Were laid for bridge. The tallies^and score pads were attractive representations of St. Patrick's Day and' the color scheme of green and white was car ried out in refreshments and favors. Cunning prizes, which were won by Mrs. Dave Mast of the club memJ *J . T -/ the guests, were also in keeping with St, Patrick colors. After the game the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Critcher in serving a most tempting party /plate to the following guests: Mrs. Sam Horton, Mrs., Joe Gaither, Mrs. Tracy Councill, Mrs. James Horton, Mrs. Fred Hodges, Mrs. Lloyd Isaacs, Mrs. Russell Hodges, Mrs. Paul Coffey, Mrs. fames Moore, Mrs. Dave Mast, Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. Will Payne, Mrs. Joe Crawford, Miss Louise Critcher, Miss Winnie Thornburg, Miss Constance Shoun, Miss Gladys Bolt, Mrs. Clyde Ritch of Greensboro, and Mrs. Byron Williams of Newland. I - Social Ha] Daughters of Confederacy | be Meet on Thursday. i W? On last Thursday afternoon the I wa Watauga Chapter, U- D. C-, was en-1 be tertained at the honve of Mrs. Alice j ew Hardin. Mrs. Monroe Moretz, presi-i it dent, presided over a short business) pr session arid M?/s. I. G. Greer con- sa ducted the devotional. qu An interesting program followed mi in which Mrs. Rorida Hardin of Ej ner Elk, Mis. Tracy Council]. Mis. ba Mack Luttrell, Miss Metta McRcary, ed Mrs. Hooper Hendrix and Mrs. Grady th Farthing participated. Mrs. B. .1. Council! of Boone anci Mrs. Wilson of inj Banner Elk were guests. During the wi social hour Mrs. Hardin and daugh- Ai ters served a delicious salad course, se I. Florence Weaver Club M With Mist Clay.. ^ The Florence Weaver Club beldiQ* its monthly meeting with Miss Maude Clay or* March 16th, the February wj meeting having been held with Miss M Virginia South. The session was at opened with the devotional, led by trs the leader. A missionary program was ar given as .follows: A story of Mrs. Gilbert S. Evans* work in Cuba, by Miss Evelyn Bingham; "The Latest Ven-1 di ture in the Heme Field." telling of El the Indians in Southern Alabama, Hi by Maisie Jean Jones; a chapter in the Bible study book was discussed by Mrs. Ciay. 011 A social hour followed the program, during which delicious lefreshments were served. T< Yonalilotse? -Delphian* Gi Hold Interesting Meeting. The Vronahlossee Delphian Chapter Bj held its regular meeting at the Dem- M onstration School on March 17th, with every member present but one. ar During the business session a letter was read from Mrs. H. A. Saxon, which tendered her resignation as treasurer of the chapter. The mom- 0T bers regret very much losing Mrs. fld Saxon from their number, but hope m she will return often as a visitor. sj( The resignation was accepted unci re Mrs. James B. Mast waselected. Mi\inimouslv. to fil) the place of OI treasurer. Several questions regard- jvi ing the semi-annual report to head- lc quarters were discussed and agreed upon., after which the meeting was ^1 turned mw ? i?i... / -- ? ?.w kuc- ivhiht jor tne pj* day, who was Mrs. G. K. Moose. The w* following reports were given and X, each one showed the result of in- A: telligent study: lh "The Land of the Hellenes and t.> the Spartans," by Miss Elizabeth at Rueker; "Athens' Struggle for Democrats," b>' Aliss Cora Jeff coat, "Plutarch's Character Sketch of So- 0f Ion," bv Miss F.ola Todd; "The Dc- Q} feat of Persia," by Miss Lily Dale. af A few summary points were uf brought out by the president, Mrs. tc James Moore, after which she ex- jjj pressed her deep regret at having eS; to leave the club, due to the fact ?; that she is moving to Charlotte; but pinformcd the Delphians that/ she will pp,, return for every meeting possible, m, particularly until this club year is w; . ompleted. Mrs. Clyde Ritch, of 1,0 Greensboro, was n special guest of the society. Mrs. J, Mi Gaither pre- , t sented the topics lor the next meeting, which will be held on March 31, mil then the chapter was adjourned. Mrs. B. J. Councill Entertains At With Quitting Party. COi Delightful and novel was the club tw meeting on Fridav. 13th ot tt.' I--."'.' *". of Mi's. B. J. Councill in Cherry Park eh when the Friday Afternoon Club and in a large number of special guests ur were entertained at an old-fashioned Fu quilting party. Le The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. M. B. Blackburn, and ushered into the living room which, lai together with the sun parlor, was wt cheery with bright potted plants. AH took part in singing "AnId co Lang Syne," with Mrs. I. G. Greer at ? the piano, and led by Mrs. Clyde Ritch of Greensboro. go The hostess then led the way to ? the spacious dining room where two * Sale Coi ? THRO rA.inl 1 tuun In order thit those who were the bod weather may have an o *?K? of oor special prices, ;we I tunity Sale Event so a* to en court. a?7 w values remai inf added at the special price NOW IS THE TIME TO TA WANTS IN SPRINC BOONE CLOTH ' "The Mart's THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?BV1 : if peiimgs 1 a autiful quilts in applique de igns; S ire set up i" frames. One of these [C is over eighty years old, having o en pieced by ?drs. CouncilPs moth- ( . A busy time of quilting follower, F being the first i'or a good many g esent. Peppermint stick candy and t I ted nuts were passed during the illing. Mrs. R. L. Clay read the hu- ? >rous story of Negro life, "The! t [-communication of Mother Huh-P g rd." Mrs. Sarah Hardin was award- o a lovely piece of Irish lace for f e best quilting. c The guests reassembled in the liv- a g room where they were favored th an Irish song, "When Irish Eyes e e Smiling," also several old time lections bv Mrs. Clvde Ritch. Mrs. I G. Greer gave a piano solo, and | o rs. A. E. South played several old vorites, among them, "Aunt Dinah's r lilting Party." f A delicious two-course luncheon s as served in the dining room by Isses Mary Moretz and Eliza Look- r ?ill. The tables and buffet were at- > active with carnations and jonquils, c id candles in tall silver holders. c Mrs. Council's guests other than Lib members were Mrs. Sarah Har- t n, Mrs. Ronda Hardin of Banner 1 k, Mrs. Joe Hardin, Mrs. Henry acdin. Mrs. Adtlie Farthing, Miss J innie Rivers, Mrs. Jim Winkler, rs. Joe Winkler, Mrs. M. B. Blackirn, Mrs. H. B. Perry, Mrs. J. M. lither, Mrs. Clyde Ritch of Greensiro, Mrs. G. K. Moose, Mis. O. J. ( landler, Misses Billie and Jennie 1 >dd, Mis. Cora Councill and little \ ace Councill. I tptist Missionary Society t eet* at Banner Elk. T The regular meeting of trie Wonii's Missionary Society of the Bap f 5t Church was held March 14 with ; rs. Ed Perry. An attendance of six- 1 en was recorded. The meeting ( leneci with the devotional led by rs. Charles Coffey: Mrs. Ed Gaultly read an article on "City Misins." Miss Frost Gualtnoy gave a aciing "In a Chinese Sky." Mrs. I irswell gave a most interesting talk ! i her work in the foreign field; rs. Charles Coffey a poem, "A me Star in a Dark City." Two Committees, Home Circle and lurch Fund, were appointed by the esidenl. Mrs. Jim Shoemaker. Plans ne made to make quilts for the _\v Grace Hospital at Banner Elk. fter refreshments were served by e hostess. The meeting adjourned meet the second Saturuayin April the home of Mrs. Tom ProffittCircles of the Woman's Auxiliary the Banner Elk Presbyterian lurch held their meeting Thursday ternoon. Circle 1 met at the home Mrs. Robert Banner. A most investing devotional was given by iss Nell Hall, after which the host5 served delicious refreshments, rcie 2 met at the home of Mrs. H. Stinson. Mrs. Edgar Tufts led e devotionals. At the close of the leting a social hour was enjoyed th refreshments served by the stess.8j|j fffl- . ' M 1GION AUXILIARY TO SERVE | wtALi uIN MONDAY-TUESDAY Ladies of the American Legion ixiliary will serve meals on the urthouse grounds during the first o days of court, which convenes rnday. Twenty-five cents will purase a well-balanced meal, say those charge, and visitors to Boone are ged to patronize the Auxiliary, nds raised will be used to advance gidn work in Watauga. First Farmer (milking cows by item light): '"Who was that just tht by so early in the morning?" Second Ditto: "Oh, that-s the town mmuter on a dawn-to-desk flight." The best in Fertilizers is none too od for our customers. Greene & ihn. ntinues I UGH ? I Week I kept away 011 account of pportunity to take advan- Mail iuve extended our Oppor nbrace the first week of n, and new items are beconcessinos. \ iKE CARE OF YOUR i CLOTHING! IING STORE t Store" MMMHBir I ( Wjl ' , ' 5RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. kiajor Patterson Speaks j B ro High School Students R On Thursday morning. March 12,, t chapel exercises of Boone High an choc-1, Major K. B. Patterson of the ;e L S. Army spoke to the stdent body Qe n the advantages of attendance at j a]i itigens Military Training Camp at j ort Bragg, June 12-Juiy 11. He laid j ^ reat stress on the necessity of get- J ing applications in at once. 1 At the 10 o'clock chapel period at I itate Teachers College, Major Pat-1 erson was principal speaker. He! ave a brief resume of the ten years f C. M. T. C., giving the reasons or the great popularity of these enanipnients. These he classed generlly under the following heads; "1, Opportunity for thirty days of nergetic out-door physical activity. *'2. New environment with new as ?...ttv.np, ^uuiig oiej? 01 ; ither sections of the State. The natural desire <>f a young B nan to be on his own; to cut loose B or a short time from the routine of I chool and home duties. '*4. The desire for competition: the!I iatur&l human ambition cf healthy S rounjg men to test themselves against I ihers; to make good against vigor- g us competition." Dr. Rankin, dean of the college, inroduced Major Patterson, and spoke | briefly commending the C. Ml T. C-| VIrs. E. M. Gragg Dies At Elizabethton Home' Mrs. Gragg, wife of Rev. E. M. iragg, died at her home in Elizabethton, Tenn., on Tuesday .of last v'eek; aged 83 years. The old people left Watauga, the county of their lativity, several years ago, and set;led in Elizabethton, where internent was made. Deceased was the mother of the ate W. R. Gragg, who died in Boone ;wo years ago. and grandmother of B Messrs McKinley and Ira Ayers, B !al electricians. ^ead the Ads?They Arc Messengers j B of Thrift! 1HARR1 JL JL Department St< ===== Court! New Low Pi *?? ??????????* yj | LADIES | in| : DRESSES ! a ? New spring dresses in i jjfj the new styles. All X sizes and colors. X tei | $2.95 up | SJ* ? ? ? b0 | THE NEW | Pl | COATS I th Z 1 tei J Spring Coats in all J A +t%0 PAtU VYlrtfy $400 onus Lnecks Arc Dcing: wjjj pay ,nc ,(,j(. j am OT1 m-,- WKy ,, eceived by Wataugans'the And on, ami on. and on. I the idea of each one seems to be r,i ~T7 I oav at least a part, if not all, ol what. The homes checks" are coming m.j- ? ?,?y; rt many of the wys wno did strv-j * : ; : "over there** are wearing: smiles- J Set- ut for Rovit^r'* and Apm..T.A :e veteran got his cheek and paid-Field Tettcd Fertilizer*. Green*- & his pressing debts; another said,J You Need Not ( Fish for Good 1 Barber Service! k * s ^ Visit our shop today. We believe that you will find our service second tG none. Four experienced barbers are at your service at all times, so that waiting will be greatly !educed. All work guaranteed. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CUTTING WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HAIR. Two Shower Baths Are Also Available to Our Customers Central Barber Shop W. H. Brock, Manager ALBERT BINGHAM JERRY WILSON WALLACE BROCK SYLVESTER GRAGG Barbers in Attendance IS BROTHERC ore ? Everything to Wear for Everybody _ rwT -m i ? week special 5 ices on All Merchandise I hile you are here attend- I * court, why not make it MEN S point to call in at our ? CLOTHING j II >re and select your Eas- S a? the new spying t 11 ^ , *-il l_ i styles., colors and ma- J IB T clothes ? Here ?lt tile J terials, 2 trousers? a IB >re that features "Every- $14.95 up X ing to wear for every- II dy you will find a com- ?? ?>? ? >? >? ste stock of clothing | BOYS t 11 at will outfit you for Eas- ? CLOTHING 1 r and Spring from head t , X II : A *mi <*u^on ?f II ?? iinu, iww, ^ ooys suits, well made J at our prices are unusual- | garments, - trouser? | low and that buying now i $4.95 | ill save you money. | dress : iece Goods! : shirts | ! Men's shirts in many X patterns and weaves 4 Bleached _ J 79c leeting, yard. ^y. Bo,.- shin. 49c | 1 Brown Sheet-/^Q HATsl I, yard JV* X ?o Qe X | >z.i?5 up 2 iReblocked Jioiin ft. a trd-wide Sheeting ^ % s,et5?? "?? od grade 3C | $1.98 1 5c! men's I I value. c/V | OVERALLS | 1 ???????- T Blue Buckle brand ^ ^ 1 "I "\7 |\J /^k"VA7' Heavy Chanibry Shirts X^V^VV 39c & 49c X I * * I ? ? ? ? ???? ?? iys Low at Harris Bros. I . > ' Ji