MARCH 1!), 1931 Sunday School Lesson REV. SAMUEL D. PRICE, D. D. Internationa! Sunday School Lesson for March 22nd THE USE AND ABUSE OF GOD'S GIFTS Luke xii, 16-21, 41-48 Though the lesson text does not deal directly with the subject, the quarterly temperance lesson must be pressed with special earnestness. Therein we have one of the iivest topics of the day. Test thi* out by reading the daily paper for a week seeking down to date news on this subjectIn parable form Jesus tells the people in Perea about the man who thought only of his personal gratifications and desired t.o do as he pleased regardless of any influence on others. In story form a rich gormand was portrayed. This man was beaded for the gout, judging by his objectives in me. jae nad productive fields which yielded far more than enough for his needs. When the climax was reached all were startled by the question which Jesus asked. What will you do with ard who was unfaithful to his trust quired of thee this night? That inquiry brings each one face to face with the Judgment Seat of God. Peter brought forth the next story and we have the parable of the stewthrough education, while he thought the owner was far away. Thinking power was taken away by the indulgence in strong drink. When in that condition the supposedly trustworthy man harmed his fellow servants and also himself. Society can never be safe when right mindedness is taken away by any habit forming diug. The corrective is made very clear in the Golden Text: "Be not drunken with wine, wherein is riot, hut be filled with the spirit," Ephesians v, 18. The Govern, ment will be increasingly effective in stopping commercial violations of the law. The Sunday School must meet the non-commercial violations in history?" asked the teacher of a Silage and pasture cut the grain v*;n auu n? ? Rto uut ui v/iunuiii r?rocners, uairymon of Chatham County, by 60 per cent, during the past winter. The cows are in better condition than usual, say the owners. "Who was the most capable man in history?" asked hte teacher of a bright young lad. "Well" said the hov, "judging from political talks over the radio, it must have been one of the last crop of candidates." tnii Htlost of the. A 1 standard size flower packets 1 NorttnmK -ft jPii 1 Sec Mrs. Byuun Banner Entertains ; ! At Bridge Party. Banner Elk.?Mrs. Bvnum Banner, J gave 2. bridge party honoring her sis--. Xi iter, .Miss Margaret Hubbard, of: j ! Wiikesboro. The house v.a* fteauli-' ?: fully decorated, the color scheme be- s ling white and green, in keeping with e ,I St. Patrick's Day. Prizes for high! I score and lew score were, won by; p j Miss Birdie McRae and Byard Stin-i ^ son. Delicious refreshments were 5 ; served to the sixteen guests. j ^ Public story tellers who inform the' i'liiterate population are paid in ; i China. ' Church Announcements E ADVENT CHRISTIAN 2 BEY. S. E. GRAGG, Pastor C Sunday School each Sunday at < 9:45. Morning service at li o'clock. ^ FIRST BAPTIST REV. P. A. HICKS, Pastor C it Sunday School 9:45 a. m., J. T. C. n i Wright, superintendent. Preaching | at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. 1J. ^ i G p. m. Brotherhood 6:30 p. m. Midweek prayer service on Wednesdays , at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice on Friday, 7:15 p. m. L METHODIST CHURCH DR. O. J. CHANDLER, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m., J. D. Rankin, Superintendent. ' Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ~ by Dr. Chandler. Epworth League, 6:15 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7 p. m. ' '* Choir practice on Friday, 7 p. m. R LUTHERAN CHURCHES St. Marks, Bailey's Camp c Preaching service the first Sunday p of each month at 11 a. m. Sunday j Virgil Bradshaw, acting superinten- , dent. c Grace East Boone 0 Service every second and fourth t, Sunday at 11 a. ir.., and every first 4 and third Sunday at 8 p. m. Sunday c School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m., k.( Professor G. L. Sawyer, superinten- u dent- Luther League meets every ^ School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m.; a Sunday at 7 p- rn. Vesper service at ^ 7 o'clock p. uk rj 'Holy Communion Congregation f, Clark * Creek Preaching service the third Sunday n of each month at 11 a. m. Sunday " School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m.; * Perry Townsend, Superintendent. a Banner Elk Station w Service every fourth Sunday at 3 o o'clock p. m. T To all these services the public T is most cordially invited. l< J. A. YGIjNT, Pastor. a WATAUGA CHARGE 3 REV. H. M. WEI MAN. Pastor ~ I iAllthe 1 ^Flowers 1 romAto Z ?! or^cmr Home Garden f h( ^ ROM asters to zinnias a n< wide range of delightful ^ nnual flowers - tall, dwarf, n. ragrant all of them colorfuL ?' iome bloom early, others late, it nany bloom all summer. rc ielect your packets from Jorthrup, King & Co.'s seed la *>x at a nearby dealer's. No . ' "i etter seeds at any price. sj II * Wper, packet mg&>Co!s ids THE WATAUGA; DEMOCRAT?E' Her.soii's Chapel?Second and "ourth Sundays, 11 a. re. Sunday School at i :45, J. B. Horton. superintendent. Epworth League, 6 p. m. YaKe Crucis?Preaching every "irst and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. ianday School 10 a. m., .J. M. Shull, uperintendent. Ep worth League evvv Wednesday night. Mabel?Preaching every Second md Fourth Sunday at 3 p. m. Sunay School 10 a. in., Robert Castle, uperinteudent. Salem?Preaching every first Sunay at 3 p. m. </al!c Crucis Associated Missions of THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Leicester F. Kent, Rector Holy Cross Church, Valie CruckNeiy Sunday morning, 0 o'clock; elebiation Holy Communion, 1st, ndt 4th and 5th Sundays, 9 a. m.; hatch Schoo?, 10 a. m. it. Anthony's Mission, -Dutch Creek {hurch School every Sunday, 3 p. m. St- Matthew'*, Church. Todd Ihurch School every Sunday, 10 a. i.; service every Sunday 11 a. m. St. M ary's Church, Beaver Creek Services lrt, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sunays, 2:15 p. m.; Holy Communion st Sunday, 3:lo p. m. [oly Trinity Cnurch, Glendale Spring ervices (Holy Communion) each th Sunday, 3 p. m. Avery County Missions .11 Saints Church, Linville; Banners Ilk, Carey's Flat, Newland, Roseoro. Services as announced by Caplin William A. Smith. Services at the Stringfellow Melorial Episcopal Church, Blowing :ock, Sunday evening at 7.30. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of authority ontained in a certain deed of trust xecuted by Coy Rogeis and wife, iula Rogers, to the undersigned 'rustce on the 20th day of August, 030. which deed of trust is duly reorded in Book 11, page 100, in the ffice of Register of Deeds of Wamga County, default having been lade in the payment of notes seured by said deed of trust, and at equest of holder of the notes, the mlersigned will sell at public aucion to the highest bidder for cash t the courthouse door in Watauga 'ounty, Saturday, 11th day of Apil, 1031, at 1 :00 o'clock p. m.# the glowing described property: BEGINNING on a slake on bank of e\v Boone Trail Highway GO. runipg northeast course with A. J. /ellhorn's and Moretz heirs' line to stake in said Moretz line. 50 poles lore or less, thence northwest course ith said Moretz line 50 poles more r less to stake on bank New Boone rail Highway 60t thence with Boone rail Highway 100 poles more or :?? to uegmmng. (Jcntaining eight ires more or less, This 12th dav of March, 1-931. -12-4 .JASON MOKETZ, Trustee 'ARMS FOR SALEIN fflE SHENANDOAH VALLEY, VIRGINIA 'here we have good roads built and ltd for; no State tax on farms or! :rsonal property. An unexcelled: :hoo! System. The best of *icme i arkets and near large city markets.] 15 ACRES?Smooth, level land in gh state of cultivation, splendid 9-1 om brick residence, slate roof, large ink barn and all needed farm fcuildgs. good as new; watered by wells,! irings and gravity system. Fifty TPS hpsrino- nnnla A,'nR?v/l ...ill 1 ?n ut<(>iv uiv?aiu kuaii ??<i iv for farm, large packing shod, ill orchard equipment ? tractor, actor disc, plows, harrows, sprayer, iltipaeker, mower, rake, apple ates and ladders, 2 horses. 2 wagis, beds and hay ladders, 1 potato gger, on good road near a large wn, cold storage, apple and cider ant. Price, $100 an acre. 16 ACRES?Large brick residence, )od as new, large porches, full haseent, spring, well and cistern at )use; poultry plant, capacity 700 ins and 1500 broilers; new barn, iw double garage, included in sale; vo good horses, 4 good cows and ill line of farm machinery, good as i\v; 4 acres fruit, 7 acres timber, ) acres blue-grass pasture, balance cultivation, school and church at irm, two miles this city over good ad. Price $5,000, half cash. rO-ACRE DAIRY FARM?Smooth id level; new 8-room residence, a rge bank barn, meets dairy reiirements; all needed farm buildgs; wells, cistern and never failing iring at buildings; plenty of fruit, ) acres oak timber, 3 miles this ty, good road. Price $12,500. This a REAL BARGAIN for someone. } ACRES?Good 8-room house, celr, large poultry house; new barn, lo and all needed farm buildings; wells and spring stream through acres of truck bottom land; ten res timber; four miles this city 'er highway. $3,500, one-half cash. ) ACRES?Well located, right at hool, churches and store; good 7>om house; cellar, large porches id new metal roof: cood harr. her farm buildings; large spring in wn near house, large shop suitable >r auto repair; located in a good immunity, on hard road seven miles lis city. $3,000, $1,000 cash. WRITE FOR FARM DESCRIP. TICiiG?TELij IRE. iuuk WANTS. W. T BIRMINGHAM 35 West Water Street WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE, N. C. Office* Posteffice Building Phone 63 t'EBY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. I Legal Advertisements j Advcrt-sementv appearing nnd? i | this Heading are payable strictly iin advance. This rule applies to ail. Please da cot ?sk the publish- , er* to deviate. ! NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE ; North Carolina, Watauga County: N X. Colvasd vs. T. K Levitt ant ; I.irjcey Barnes. i By virtue of an execution directec I to the undersigned Sheriff of \Va | |t?t:ga County in the above entitlec I action, I \v?il on Monday, April v? at 1 o'clock p. m.. 1031, at the courl house door of said county, sell to thi highest bidder for cash to satisfy salt execution all the right, title and in teres! which the said T. F. Lovil had ir the following described rea estate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of T. F. Ldvili John E. Browr. and others, and boun ded as follows: BEGINNING on a small chestnul on a ridge, Mrs. Mat tie J. Greene': line, and runs north 73 degrees wesi crossing a small branch -10 poles to i stake in a division line between Johr E. Brown and T F. T.nvill* t>iono* north 43 1-2 degrees east with sale line 37 poles to a stake, John E Brown's corner; thence north 11 degrees east with said line 8 poles tc a stake, Little's corner; thence soutl 85 degrees east with Little's line 3( poles Lo a stake, South's corner thence south 26 degrees west with Mrs. Greene's line 37 poles to a stake on a rock;-thence south 14 degree? west with same line 11 poles to the beginning and containing ten acres, more or less. This beir.g the same tract of land conveyed by T. F. Lovill and wife Josephine Lovill, to Ruth Barnes, Grady Barnes, EuJa Barnes and Kenneth L. Barnes, dated January 11 1923, and recorded April 16. 1926 in Book 34 of Deeds at page 212. This March 5. 1931. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County By H. A. Haganian, D. S. 3-12-11 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of salt contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by F. M. Maltba and wife, Martha Maltba, to D. J. Cottrell, to secure the sum of $686.86, and default having been made in the payment of said sum, as in said mortgage deed provided, we will, or. Saturday, March 28th, at One o'Clock P. M. at the courthouse door of Watauga County, seil to the highest bidder for cash, the following described* real estate, to-wit: Being lots 21 and 22 of the R. C. Rivers addition to the Town of Boone and described as follows: BEGINNING on stake in right ol way of Linville River Railwav Com panv ami runs suuth 51 decrees easl with said light of way 58 feet tn corner of lot No. 23; then runs with said lot north 36 1-2 degrees east 75 feet to corner of lot No. Ill, then with line of lots No. 13 and 20 north 51 degrees west 58 feet to Jail St.; then with said street south 16 1-2 dc g-rees west 75 feet to beginning, this being lots No. 21 and 22 of the R. CI. Rivers addition to Town of Boone. From the above is excepted lot 22, being sold to J. B. Taylor. This the 24th day of February, 1331. BOONE FEED COMPANY, Assignee of D. J. Cottrell. Bingham, l.inney & Bongham, Attys. 2-26-4t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of the estate of H. A. Miller, this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve months from date, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please come forward and make settlement. This March 2, 1931.^ URO. ALll t, MlLLtiK, 3-5-4t Administrator MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 16th day of December, 1922, by M. P. Critcher and wife, Jennie, and R. P. Tate and wife, Emma, uf Watauga County, North Carolina, to H. J. Hardin, deceased, for the purpose of securing the payment of three certain promissory notes therein mentioned, at their maturity, said mortgage deed being of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Watauga County. North Carolina, in book of mortgages No. 8, page 118, and default having been made in the payment of said notes as is therein provided; the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Boone, Watauga County, North Carolina, on Monday, 6th day of April, 1931, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness and costs of said sale, the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake in the north bank of the old Boone and Wilkesboro road, it being the southwest corner of the Perkins land, and running; north 3 degrees east with the said Pprkinc lino t .-. j and sixty-nine feet to the center of said branch two hundred cjid tpr (210) feet to a point opposite a stake on the bank of same, it being the east side of a ten (10 foot al ley; thence south 17 degrees west along the east side of said alley 251 feet to a stake on the north side oi said alley 251 feet to a stake on the north side of the said Boone anc Wilkesboro road; thcnCe eastward}1 along the north side of said roat 270 feet to the point of beginnir* and being lots No. 11, 12, 13. 1-5 and 15, in Iiardinville, a part oi the H. J, Hardin Home Tract locat ed about one mile east of Boone, N C. This the 2nd day of March, 1931 R. IJ. and MRS. H. J. HARDIN. Administrators for H. J. Hardii Estate, Mortgagee. Cfcas. T. Zimmerman, Atty. 3-5-4. A fine boy. WilHara Joseph, Was| born to Mg and Mrs. Bryan Tucker. I West Jefferson, last Thursday night,'! March 5th.?Sky Iatul Post. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE | I By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned Sheriff of Watangr. County in that certain action ; entitled F. \V. VdnCrrtnan, Assignee s of J. B. Taylor vs. R. lb Jennings tl . and F. P. Jennings, X will, on Men- X i day, March 23, 1931, at One O'clock c j P. M., it being the first Monday of " court, se!J at the courthouse door of ^ { Watauga County to the highest hid- a' , der for cash, all the right, title and r interest which F. P. Jennings has in ' the following described real estate, ; 1 to-wit: i All that piece, parcel or tract of ^ I land containing one acre, more or less, situate, lying and being in Wa- y , tauga County, Boone Township, North f Carolina, adjoining the lands of Ben J Moody and others, and being more f . particularly described in a certain " I deed of trust from F. P. Jennings and i t wife, Fannie Jennings, to John E. i Brown, Trustee, said deed of trust 0 j being recorded in Book 7, at page ? 'j440 in the office of the Register of ~ ' j Deeds for Watauga County, to which ) j reference is hereby made for a mo? e , J complete description of same. lj This 19th day of February, 1931. o ; L. 31. FARTHING; Sheriff, c i By H. A. Hagaman, P. S. h Bingham, Linney & Bingham, Atfcys. d ; 2-26-4t il NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE p 1 By viitue of a certain mortgage p deed executed to O. G. Mitchell, by p - John C. Hodge? and wife, Julia tl Hodges, on the 14t.h day of March, , 1922, and default having been made in the payment of the moneys therein 0 secured as therein provided, I will, w on Monday, April 6, 1931, between' the hours of ten o'clock a. m. andj two o'clock p. m., at the courthouse, door of Watauga County, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: [ BEGINNING on a stake in the j road near a sugar tree, Brown's oor1 ner; and runs south about 15 poles to a stake on top of a ridge on the 1 south bank of road; then south 8G west along the ridge 6 poles to a . stake at the old saw mill setting; then south crossing the branch 9 4-5 poles to a buckeye; then north 80 cast 8 poles to a beech; then south 40 poles to a beech in the Bill Miller line: | then north 77 east 11 poles to a stake near a birch; then south 89 east 23 poles to a stake in the Little's line; then north 26 west with said line 12 poles to two water oaks, lottie's corner; then north with Little's line to a chestnut. Brown's corner; 1 then with Brown's line to the beginning, containing twenty acres, ; more or less. This the 2nd day jof March, 1931. .). b. HORTON, , 3-5?It Assignee of 0. G. Mitchell. A suit of clothes is new just as long as it looks new. Our modern dry cleaning methods keep clothes . looking new. They help you get more service out of the clothes \ you huy. ( To the man or woman who is r interested in economy, we offer 5 an economical service which will _ save them money in the long run. HI-LAND nov Of IT A MIXTr? r?A I i/i\ J. \^yjm Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Hat Blocking ___ v/i uiuoj j paiiirr? iicauache and neuralgia, muacuj lar pain3, functional pains, the headache and congested fwline of a cold in the ' head?how quickly they disappear when you take a tablet or two of DR.MILES* ; Odbir-TJUnt Dr. Miles' Aspir-Mint is the new, stable, mint-flavored tablet _ that is making people all over the country "Smile at the Ache" 15c and 25c at your drug store Wl n i SEVEN NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION ioith Carolina, Watauga County, in the Superior Court, before the Clerk: S. B. Adams vs. Heirs of Mis. Jane Wilson; Deceased. . , he defendant heirs above named viil take notice that a summon? in he above entitled action was issued i a&fd defendants on tb? lay of March, 1931, by A. E. South. !< rk of the Superior Court of \W auua County. North Carolina, cur tan ding the defendant to either anwtr or demur to the complaint which vas filed in said action which \yu* is of foreclosure of mortgage in the natter of the delinquent taxes Irs. Jane Wilson, deceaseu . .. cm 929. Sir.'; land? in U>e faint were sold foi said taxes : B. Adams became the highe.-i. Skater. for the same. You will rake notice that unles* on appear and answer or demur to ho complaint which is fifed in the fficc of the Clerk of the Superior "ourt of Watauga County on or boore the 1st day of April, 1931. the clief demanded in the complaint will e granted. This the 2nd dav of March. 1931. A. E. SOUTH, -o-4t Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified a? administrator f the estate of M. W. Eller, deeased, this is to notify all persons awing claims against estate of said eceased to exhibit them to the ur?crsigned \v bin twelve months from ate, otherwise this notice will be leaded in bar of their recovery. A!* ersons indebted to the estate will lease come forward and make secernent. This February 19, 1931. W. C. GREER, -19-6 Administrator 0OUR ^ STOMACH [UST a t&Ffeless dose of Phillips Milk ] of Magnesia in wRter. That is an al aii, effective* yet harmless. It has been he standard antacid for 50 years. One noonful will neutralize at once many imes its volume in acid. It is the right ray, the. quick, pleasant and efficient /ay to kill the excess acid. The stomach tecomcs sweet, the pain departs. You re hapr.y again in five m5nuf.?*-s. But don't depend on crude methods, ry the best way yet evolved in all the ears of searching. That is Phillips ?li5k of Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine. Phillips /filk of Magnesia, the kind that the ?hysicians prescribe. ^Milk of Magnesia" has been the J. S. Registered IVade Mark of The r.harles H. Phillips Chemical Company md its predecessor Charles H. Phillips ,ince 18?5. " JM CHILDREN CHILDREN will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's always ?antoria! Afi harmless as the recipe >n the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a a youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine. That's the beauty of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant?"as often as there is npwt In rflsm nf mlir Hiorrhnn a? similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue calls for just a few drop? to ward olT constipation; so docs any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest web, cr hiV? lifllA ?nvt?thU nun" vegetable preparation ' is usually al! that's needed. 6 6 6 Liquid or Tablets -ure COLDS, HEADACHES, FEVER 666 SALVE CURES' BABY'S COLD

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