5IAY ??. 1.931 LOCAL AFFAIRS j Oleve Johnson returned Fridavj from Raleigh where he spent the | week looking in an the Legislature. ' Mrs. Jo me; Korleu spout '-everal days iasr week visiting w:t..: ie:^CK,e& and friends in Lenoir. Dr. Stewart Hodges, of Alva, Ky., spent Sunday and Monday with his father, Dr. ?. M. Hodges, in Boone. Mrs. Roscoe Little and daughters, Jean and Elizabeth, are visiting friends in Salisbury this week. Miss Mary Cable D;ggle of Charlotte was the guest over the weekend of Miss Mary Kidd at Daniel Boono Hotel. Keith Little has taken the AsheVillo Citizen route from Spruce Pine to Boone, succeeding James Carter, who recently resigned. Misses Rebecca Young of Wir.slonSalctn, and Bessie Idol of High Point are spending a few days visiting with Mrs. Fred Hodges. Mi? Blanche Horfcon, who has been J teaching school at Ro.vboro, returned j to her home at. Vilas Sunday, where} she will spend the summer months. I Mi. J. Frank Moore and family j have moved from their former homej into a nearbv residence owned by, Mr. Fred Cook. Miss Nancy Lewis, secretary^to the business manager at the Teachers College, is spending her vacation with homofoihs at Newport. Indiana. ; Mr. and Mrs. Grady Morels and family have returned to their home on Blowing Rock Road, after an ab < sence of about three months, dur- 1 ing which time they visited with vel- 1 atives in this and other counties. Mrs. Joe Crawford returned Sunday from a visit of several days to ' home folks at Henderson. Mr. Crawford motored down and accompanied her home. 1 Mrs. Fred Hodges and daughter, ' tittle Mary Carolyn, returned Sunday after having Spent three weeks visiting with home folks in Winston- ! Salem. Dr. Hodges accompanied thetn ! on then return. Mrs. Kay Rouirigjit, of Kingsport, . Tem>., returned to R?r home Monday after haying spent a few days with her parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. John W. , Hodges. ^ U The reside nee t i' I >. and Mi's. G. 1 K. Moose i.- being given an application o? sitttyeo, and on completion ; j; v?'jii be the city's most attractive homes- The wock/.s being c?ono I by Tin? Miller. : il^vy',. P. A. Hicka and ITof ossor. I. | G:cv r loll. yesterday for Raleigh Xhe.vt- Uuy are attending a meeting i of the General Rfiavri of the Baptist i ?Sinte Convention. Mrs. L. M. Hampton, <>f AiWuitha for the summer and fail, with Miss v Oeia Thompson of Cregion, N. G.. I returned last week end from a visit 1 Of a n.ionth to Mrs. Hampton's home at Biyhurdth, X. C. ; Mr. \V. O. Spencer o: Salisbury, | the popular manajrie ef Green Park Hotel at Blowing Rook, was down last \ve?k. 'Jjfcf; hostelry is now open: j for the season, and Mr. Speiieor thinks the prospects for the summer ; are fairly good.}X Mre. J. M. Ga.thcr returned last , week from a visit oi several weeks to home folks if Ncwnan, Ga. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Kathryn P-agly, who will spend some time in the city. Mr. and Mrs. .). A. Rush and Mr. | ,_J T.f? ' i"" * * ' utiiu-iixcs. uaruner oi ijrHStonia, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city, quests of Mr. and Mrs. \V\ II. Gragg. Tbc Bush? spent several weeks in j Boone last summer, and contemplate I returning for an extended visit later j in the season. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, of Charlotte were visitors in Boone Sunday and Monday. Mr. Moore is engaged in radio broadcast work at the studios of WBT, and his excellent tenor voice is being featured on some of the leading programs of the Columbia System. Mr. Newton Phillips of Sugar Grove stopped over here Saturday en route to Blowing Rock where he went to dispose of a load of rustic porch furniture. Mr. Phillips is finding ready sale for these articles fashioned from the rough rhododendron. He was accompanied by a neighbor, Mr. Dwight Edmisteri, and young son, Howell. Mr. Lee Hampton, field representative of the Winston-Salem Journal, has been in town this week just "noain around" for news. Sometimes this "knight of the quill" finds that commodity rather scarce, but in snite of thsjf tn norav Crailj. frt a clue to something anil, when you t see it in print, it makes interesting! reading. The Central Tire Company ar.-j nounces special price concessions on j Goodyear tires, in connection with i their regular advertisement. Mr. Ed. Hodges, the manager, tells The Democrat that printers ink has enabled his concern to enjoy good business throughout tbe depression, that they have used advertising space during their entire career, and that publicity pays continued dividends. Miss Ruth Bingham and sister of Amanthn, with Miss Annie Dougherty of Boone, returned a few days since from a visit of two weeks to Washington, D. C., and points of interest ill Maryland and Virginia. The trip was made by motor, With Miss Ruth at the wheel, and a most enjoyable outing is Tcported, not one thing occurring to mar the pleasure of the trip. . ' The 7\Yo.ava:k's? Missionary Union! meeting of the- Three Forks Associa- t tier. \vas held last Sunday with the j Meat Camp Baptist Church. A largo J crowd was in attendance ami one of the w.ost enthusiastic gatherings hij the history of the organization is re- , ported. A. S. Harris, Manager of Spain-d hour's store, speiit the first of last I week in Greensboro where he attend-j e marriage was a Miss Coffey of Hudson, >.'. C.. and is closely related to the Coffey family in Watauga. i | SOCIETY j Miss Coffey Honored at Bridge Party. Mrs. Dean Bingham entertained Saturday evening at the Hotel Cyitr cher with a bridge party and miscellaneous shower honoiing Miss Carrie Coffey, a bride-elect whose marriage to Mr. i>. Frank Williams of Asheville will be one of the outstanding events of June. The parlor of tbe hotel was artistically decorated with dogwood and i rabapple blossoms. Four tables were arranged for bridge. After several progressions, scores were tabulated, and Miss Louise Crilcher, ladder of high, was presented a lovely linen table cover. Miss Ruth Benfiekl, hold- j er of low score,.was awarded a piece of linen. Moth gifts were graciously presented to Miss ("offey. Prior to the bridge game little Miss Roberta Crilcher entered the Loom dressed as a Cupid, drawing a beautifully decorated wagon filled j with lovely gifts for the honor guest, j At a ic.te hour the hostess served a. tempting party plate. Wiss Kathryn Bwgley Honored 't Bridge Parly. Bv. and Mrs. ti. iv. Mnosr graciously entertained n mfmfiev of friends at their pretty home in )>anie! Bonne Park on Tuesday evening, J the happy occns'oa honoring Missl Kothryn Baglcy, o.? Newnan, Ga.,| who is spending a few weeks as the! ?uesl of her Sister, -Mrs. .1. St. Gai-| Ehcr, in Boone. Bridge was piayod at six tables, and following a spirited game,"Mrs. J. M. Gaithor, holder of high score, was awarded a lovely prise for her skill. Miss Bnglcy. the honor guest, also was. presented a gift. A delightful course of refiesir.nents, consisting of congealed fruit jftdad, sand wiches, pioklos. potato chips and coffee, followed by brick ice cream, was served by Mrs. Moose and Miss Zilda Wilson. Those enjoying the Moose's hospitality were: Miss Bagley, honoree; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coffey, Mr. and j Mrs. Cliff McConnell, Mr. and Mrs.' .lames liorton. Dr. and Mrs. .T. M. Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Council), Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivers, Mrs. Surta Hardin, Mrs. Ifule.V Miss Lonise Critcher, Miss Wilhelmina Hughes. Mr. Kenneth Linriey and Mr. G. G. Page. IpeoalIsotices NOTICE On June 8tb and 10th there will be operated a tonsil clii.ic for removal of tonsil? and adenoids at Watauga Hospital, Boor.o* N. 0. To make arrangements see your family physician, or the nurse in charge. The fee for the clinic will be onehail regular rate. H. E. PBRHY. PLANTS FOR SALE?Sweet potato plants all varieties, Japanese Red, Nancy Hall, Early Triumph. 35c per hundred delivered by pared post. Early tpraato plants, all kinds, 50 cents per hundred. Sweet pepper plants, 10c dozen. Hugh F. Webb, Johnson City, Tern*:., Buffalo and Pine 304. Phone 732. j HAVE YOUR ALVTT RESSES reno-j rated. See us for new mattresses.; In Boone twirp o mmoV Ti'ii-i-n i Mattress Co., Elkin, X. C. 21-2 Dr. C. B. Baughman, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Elizabethton, Tenn., will be in the office of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on 1 the first Monday in June for the practice of his profession. A FEW MORELANDi POSTERS or trespass notices being offered at the reduced price of 20 cents per dozen. Printed on durable cardboard. Write or call at The Democrat office. j THE WATAUGA DEMOCR AT?E Miss Louise Hodges Hostess to Livingstone Club. Miss Louise Hodges was hostess to the Livingstone Club at her home on ??io!iday evening. May 25th. After -he program an interesting business discussion was entered on how the club might be improved. Several good suggestions iron? different members were given and it was decide*! that every one should endeavor to get a new member for the next meeting. Delightful refreshments w ere served by Miss Hodges at the c nelusion of the meeting. LittSc- Miss Helen Wilcox Celebrates Eighth Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsev Wilcox entertained a number of children Monday evening at their home on Oak Street, honoring their little daughter. Helen, whose eighth birthday anniversary was celebrated on that date. A number of games were played and stories told after \vh;cb the guests were invited into the dining room, wh re the lovely birthday cake with its eight tiny caudles graced the center -1 the table. Delicious refreshfTJi'Tit's worn gpruotl K.. ~\T>-c- I 3Iis3 Jean Wilcox and Mrs. Edith Cornell. The guests included Misses Helen, Maude, Nancy and Mary Lillian Wilcox, Lucille Cooke, Edna Payne, Louise Taylor, Laura Ruth Hagaman. I Stella Chloe Rogers. Triila Grass, Ruth Miller, Edna and Mary Joe Ra-1 gan. Ruth Isaacs. Georgia Mae Ay-! ers, Mildred and J. M. Harrison. ; Friday Nighters Entertained at Blowing Rock. Mrs. J. TI. Winkler charmingly entertained members of the Friday. Nighters Club atul a few additional quests at her beautiful new home on Friday night with a buffet snpper. Masses of spring flowers were effectively arranged, making a festive setting for the guests. An enjoyable social hour followed the meeting. Mrs. Henry Conrad was winner of the contest prize. Members present were Mrs. Henry Conrad. .Mrs. T. H. Coffey Jr., Mrs. Howard Ilolsheuscr, Mrs. Gene Story, Mrs. Cameron Williams, Mrs. Lioyd Robhins. Mrs. Rob Greene. Mrs. Ben Greene Jr.; Mr?. C. S. Prevette, Mrs. Ralph Norman. Mrs. H. F. Ingle. Mrs. H. M. Tharrington, and Misses Lena Reeves and Dorothy Hayes, invited guests included Miss Mary Gihbs, Mrs. Ben Greene Sr., Mrs. Sallie Reeves, Mrs. John Williams and Miss Marv Rohhinu American Legion Auxiliary tc Meet on Tuesday, June 7. The American Legion Auxiliary will be entertained at the Hotel Crityihev on Tuesday, June 7th, o'clock p. in., by Mesdair.es Fred Winkler and Charles Rogers. All members arc urged to attend. I Personal SA1 I On MONDAY, JUNK at the Blackburn Hotel in Boone, all of the personal property ot BEDROOM FURNITURE. LIVL CABINET, DRESSERS, SPRINT LINENS, HEATERS AND OTHK ding have been thoroughly eleanee TERMS?All Items under $5-00, 1 limited time will be given if secu will be announced on date of sale Spencer Mill* D. J. COTTRE1 iOld Time CONVE Courthouse 1JUNE1 TO BE HELD UNE WATAUGA POST, ? Uncle Dave Macon, " nationally known bat artist, has been asked We are expecting the greatest C County. Make your plans to be later. Watch for them. .ADDRESS ALL CON ARRANGEMEN' WATAUGA Lioneil Ward. Chairman VERY THURSDAY?HOOSE, N. C! Worth While Club With Mrs. R. L. Bingham. Mr?. R. L. Bingham entertained member? of the Worth While Club and additional guests at the last regular meeting" on May 22nd. A lovely arrangement of spring flowers- com bined:^:th roses, adorned the living A inecial feature of the program was the reading of several poems (hi? :? , coiiipusiLIoyis) by Professor J. M. Downum. The poet laureate of the mountains has a delightful personality and his splendid presentation of the delightful verses was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Mr?. Bingham, assisted by Mrs. L. L. Bingham, served two courses, consisting of fruit salad, siiltines and cofu . fallowed by cake and ice cream. Xext meeting of the club will be I held v. it>i Mrs. D. J. Cottrell on June 5th. COVE CREEK NEWS ITEMS A its of meetings are being held at the Cove Creek Baptist Church. The r-astor; Rev. J. A. McKaughn, is| bei:.: assisted by Rev. Clyde Yates,| Of sviile. Mr. Y-?N s is a strong preacher. his sermons have beers welt rectiv .i and much good :.s being; & -com} ished. Mis. Luther M. Bingham and two children. who spent the winter months' in Florida, have returned to her at-! tra ;;ve home here. Mrs W. T. Payne spent the past] two. weeks with her parents in Gras sy Creek, Va. Mr. \V. H. Mast has started e'x'ea-! vati r. work for a modern homo to! be elected rear his present reM-1 dome. lie plans to rush tho work to! cowplation. Mrs. .1. A. McKaughh, who has j spent several weeks with her daughter in Tallahassee, F!a.. recently! joined her husband here. Mrs. F. H or ton is spending a few weeks at her father's home in Wake Forest; Mrs. William B. Morton and children. of FarreR, Pa., are visitingj Mr and Mrs. .1. B. Roytcm and other | i oh: i vs in the community. M . S: B. Adams lia& Uceii light sick for several days, tier conuiiion! now shows improvement. ! GRANDFATHER NEWS Mr. iirsi Fox lie.! at the Craec1 H-:-1 i;; 1. Banner Elk; Tuesday night May l1.'. from ulcer of the stomach.; In; imerit was at the McCteoti graveyard Thursday rr.-n-nitij/. Deceased is RUivhhd hy a wife ami six children. K? e. M. II. Ka-npton filled his appointment at the Watauga .Baptist Church on the Haul Sunday. He hnilnf been will: us tor Several months tin account of ill health, htit \vc are glad to know he is improving.' M:\ Ley itays.-vi end family spent the wctk-end at Lenoir with Mrs. =="7" ? WMWIMIMMMMBBB* Property -^1=1 1st, 1931, 10 A. M. I will sell to the -Mghext bidder Ed S. Day, deceased, including NG ROOM SUITE, KITCHEN iS, MATTRESSES. BEDDING, *R ARTICLES. Linens and bed[ and are in a sanitary condition. cash in hand. Amounts over $5, red by good paper. Exact terms er, Guardian LL, Auctioneer ! Fiddlers | NTI0N!| i in Boone f 12 & 13) )ER AUSPICES OF ? AMERICAN LEGION J The Dixie Dewdrop," ? ljo picker and radio C to be with us. Convention yet Lieid in Watauga there. Prizes will be announced B IMUN1CATIONS TO ? TS COMMITTEE | POST 130 H Boone, North Carolina jR Rup< rt~*s brother. Si Bom to Mr. and Mrs:. A. V. Moo| dy on Monday morning, an eleven- j \ pound boy. Billy Lee. Mrs. My j a Gragg and children, of ^ Boone, X. (have been spending- ttj j few days with her mothers, Mrs. i -p\ , Gtoige shook. 8BBBBBBffWg88M I . Mi'?,J ohm MHlei* - n^- sv?. f4rpr.~- BBfla j Hospital in Banner Elk. She has been - u. ! very sick for some time and : still ; uuiiuprov ed. | Mr. John Fox Jr. and wife ano i | baby visited Mrs. Fox's aunt at Koan! p., j Mountain, Term., last Sunday. j sr:. TAXPAYERS NOTICE i 1 shall advertise real estate For the" taxes June 1st and will start levying on personal property the first week ! in June. The collections for May have been so extremely had that I t am forced to press for the taxes. : | realize the stringency dF the times, : but the county's obligations must b? | met. , ^ I TV m in A. r-k ?? * - L.. iVI. rAK 1 MlINfj sheriff of watauga i;\'.wav.v.v.v.v.,.w,v.wav I jl *f' K !; T TOW much more sensil I* J-JL our income, and mat to imitate those who spcr l' Open a Savings Account w 5 happiness of financial saf< 5 ^ Your Patronage II ifi j: Watauga Con IWMM W.W.V.W.WAV.W.SVW.V.V, ;'l: ~~= | Fly time I and sc ! the f I ft!m?!8IW PROTECT YOURSI DANGE RBY S( YO 'R Hi We have ve ive prices ( wire, screen WE ALSO CARRY "F DEADLY ENEM THE FLY F ! i i I Farmers I & Supp Boone, North 'll There is an ?Kart boinir mode to tt on a training rcviv'a! hi !!: Sil'ELy schools throughout the Three irks Association. If the eiuut is a . must n/.. .. ft- "& >i; izp-the j;:prt-:nt-.!t-3-;nts afi-2 the acher.v. The pastors, of course. wiM I he flat" ror their people- to uiice iviintage cl thif . n;i'..riuitit:'. in or- ^ f to get this definitely before the ople. ?-<: ate planrir.gto ha".a three nap mi.vtii5jts in, ! the association 'Oil :i:<; superintendents cap briiii* Kir leacbere r.ud cV.arnh- ".rprkarb u'vth'i- for a conference tv:th oar o.rhi-ional leaders. The art or.p mc-et.? urine planned ate to 5 - ilt thiiovvinjr places,: Bethel, Joiig i. at ? p. nL; Cove Cj eek, June 2, at 8 f*j-; Bbont-. JtineVS, at 8 p. rn. Please let 'lie sr.p er hitcnvk> n t? am' a.chers of the various Sfhooi- meet the iilp.ee most convenleiit for you. :t> every sehpol be representee1,. Thi- work has been enuor.-trd hv l pastors in (inference, who are to : e i:OY I>OTSOX. .... Sunday .School Director. * "* """< MiimmmMiiiiifBiiiiniiiiiwi i > | EEPING UP | WITH THE | JONESES i i >Ie to live well wiihia % ;e sure progress, than % id it all. ? ith us, and learn the ; *y. > w~ Be Appreciated < Liity Bank | ?WAW.SW.V.SWW%VW ' ?m 's here ) are lies ^LF from THIS :reeening ome! j ry attractm screen doors, etc. LIT," THE MOST Y KNOW m "?? ? * * v> AMiLY. lardw're lv Co. J Carolina