News of the Week in Legislative Circles By M. K. iicXN'AOAN Special IV v?ioc? at C vf^'ioiiiier.t < N. c. -> --.He. liule ' 1 to prevent the . Nr.vrt*:r,tet?>:*y one, ;ht report huvinv been adopted on its i'ir-?: 1 i a*Mhi' 5 i - 5, Thiirsd&y nig nt Tht S>'ii-U- ' ^ir.s ^r>ns;derar,io:i . asu? M ?rday and is 'ixpecrt-il : ..? i -iss it along as rapidly J as te nonsjituttonai pro vision of ! *.ad"'ivjr ot! tht . o ,epava\i- 'days wi'd ?&?-.>. A!th-j;th tlu- report was lad .^ited !'v th'fy^Sehh: - by only two J nagjovhy, no jSjpuMe is- nticipatnd h|/s t'ki- tils*.' .^;i;!o'%-"wVrkiTi^ : : . .. M Th : s t the! the .'upi.tu'iits. bh the rtther hand.. . are expected !b jjjiri them. : The conference' report has had ahe -lie cared. following (Mor confer-, e.ptv imports i.i! rhe -uiik hill, which( alio had their up* and dawns. This! report. ".vhei, *. %; : eanieiftfooi 1hi* i vmnbttt a to th. 1! use las' M-ii-i , :.,y n:;cht. v.'a i eject ?d, ,57 ta a I Tuesday it vviis bit, ogle, hack fa the :;.i?e 57 j., 5d, and held v.-ith! lit :!i;:.:on. the House wait ins fig the! Si ha; t The -a nate, \Vi duos-! day, rejected the report by- a tie vote, j -sjp tz r- ' wsh^vjt"m er the next nay. Tiib "'i r.u',0, Tr. I.-- (i;;y. by a 2i> lo j t yp?e, l- i- nsidored aiui adopted thcj fi&W, paving- :bc way.J'oj its final ^ an.-?enat<> F. 0. Cbirksm. of' firei-kk-nburg, hrnkv the tie h\ voting 1 for the rnvavi.i t?. ffchator F. 0. 5c??*irk sun; ? Me^kier.aj-.-. bruk?' tltc by voting." for tl.i metism-o. unti! the Senate had adopud hrajres-1 ?? whiol) would prevent ?-.utUntr| ol ?t suiH-rmtend-i out:-, principals and supervm^l morel than Wl 0 per cept. below the State j schedule ami nut then imii! nU-o'V.orl means of economy hail foiled. Sena j tor Glarkson skid he was unwilling tcv have tin teachers made the* goats' and bear the big end of the salary cat-. The iCevenuc* 1?, it is generally agreed, will resiffi in a deficit of the business and economic conditions contimue as at present. Imber normal or gp^U ?-onn Bill, giving the various initil'.i.-::s departments :ui liiv'iior.s f BBBSuffl the money oil; n'thh to aerate to* the feext ? > jeat-s. are| ce t to M passt i. 1: is to.-rsilvle that win "fee both .M these.! rue to trie oro\ isio-ns hi the K.;\ nti. ; tti'd. -Settle o." the aptn.e! iations may be out to tvv to help the expeetod dcfieiT. i ossibiy. bui hot BBSH5 i#- '-els may CM* the session ; cor.tffle a .y ot even two days i..:.;re t rutn 1 fce trm. ;hdt-ll for passing 'he Kvv. Hi'!. The ?.:!! seeking to iv&nv.'ise me SetW.-.u-ial districts on the basis of the ll'BO cjenaoe frigates lias also hoti a hectic career. The bill finally j luicoteil by the House and seal, ot the >omir<- ajjj>ina< h*>o a (air ui.stri l butufn of Senators a> to ropuiation. but the Senate kilic-i? ?t :itv.l L>n?' '.vh-eh sW1? on?y tv.o or ihr , o counties ;n fa>;eiri (Tiftriets end I maker no effiiit lc .-distvsrt on on sis 'pcjpiiUttion. The Ho:;so probably ii 1 pa?s it. although it !e;t>"es two Senators in the Oast v;h w.nid normally be elected by the west, rhe Rouse reappoitionmcnt bill rs a matter of- lhatliefo&tical calculation and nut so much subject to politic- and it will probably pass as arranged. Less than twenty-five bills were introduced las* week, largely local, and only a few have been .enacted into law. Total introductions have leached -.000. Laws, enacted the pas'. Week include ore to empower and direct tr.ifflBnalftlys ?<> apply sirkltiir fiir.ds t?? the 'purchase of ihtrir own bonds vvlwre-ver such pin chases may be ef*\w t ?*/! and to require proper in*estment of: sinking funds. A joint resolution pr?nSlliE*s. for the appointment of a commission to study this 9BBM of adu >pti:?n, nurchas" and di>tribu-| tioii of-high school text books ;apd re port- it s findings. Conclusions aii| roe oinmendatiors- prior t" the 1 rcyuiar session of the .General Assembly. Ahidh<:! act passed exempt-brakeno i. front jury duty. The dtiusc killed the bil: which: would haw placed an additional tax j on p .we: ' ompanios of lijijf a mdli per killov.att hour of power produced i in the ^ State. Chain -tores are taxed on anchor basis b\ a bill' introduced and; passed by the House. The pre sou! ! " -'i-gare ?m*" i.T .:ui?! cu;t* : as to consrp-tit:.ona|ity. taxedj eachstove eveopt rno. $50. The new j pOl graduates the tax ami gets all] stoves, as follow:-: Sc. each for one | store; $$? :V-r each of two to five | ?p :> chain; $40 each for six to 10; I $??0- each for 11 i2. Ib wever, they both follow The Der.iocratic donkey, and confidently expect the administration to change following: the next election. A few years ago levin Cobb stated lhar |p North Carolina needed was a press agent. In Miss Ukic and Mr. Biavknier the Old North State has two of the most sincere boosters on record,?two famous persons who just love t > "tell the world" how well they like it. And they intend to stay just as possible on this "second, horn ymoon." In the meantime, they will return as often as possible to their snug little home on the, moftfctain top. GOD OF THE OPEN AIR Tnou who has made thy dwelling fair With fiowovs bel&w, above with starry lights And set thine altar- everywhere,? Oh mountain heights. In woodlands dim with many a dream. In valleys bright with springs. And .?n the curving . pes of every ,-t ream. Thou hast t ::k? n to t bey self the wings of nooning, to abide e purs irn secretp?aco ol the sea. Ami on fair lards nhovt- ;ho tide Visits the beautv oj^intl'ftgrien shoves, for v.. i : to conte to t'noe In thy err eat out-of-doors! To, thee I turn, to thee L make my In aycr, '' ,|jg ; God of the Open Air. ?Her^y Van Dyke. ? - - ? 1 The i J IN THE QUAE h I ^ 1 Owing to the fact t $ wm | Satu ; ! An ini ? c ? % I have a beautif | DRES tv # i i in . { Summer Silks, etc. in J Bought at the new low i . * i*idiculouslv low prices fi if )M 4 ' ? M?VV ?L^ 4 * 4 | j House Dress ! | ??4 NEW SUMMER HATS IP i % AMAS AT LOW 4 * * ! The ; ; "Under P; Bkaaaa^^/^W .'KY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. $7 DEBT CONTRACTED BACK IN :S7S PAID GRANDSON CREDITOR 11 . | | Sj fs m cd !. i >Twas pa<vei : . !.l for them. r i Oil f : : "i! ; he !.>:?..!? 1 .)1 | dautrh'i : promise she wouM find an 'reft- of NntsS? Berry and {ay him. ,, . r. - T FARM Our ii'j tfit' last two mrntt.s. Conn-, A C*ii?.i?A ?y Aye at -J. 0. Anthony of flame': ; [County hai assisted his farmer* t'?j sell = 6 20 v?earth of live ; >u!ti' i:i eai 1 -t shipments. *BWWMMC-uium n=ni I,,.. 11 II BARGj 113 Plate Battery, guarante 13 Plate Heavy Duty, gua 30x450 India Tires, fully 32x6 India Truck Tires. . 30x5 India Truck Tires. . JO "IT $ m ksb ! % AUTO S jj LENOIR II n=n ?'gipBimmw?wnwBiiiwww* nm Five to Fi L.S BUILDING i he store is being remodeled, I will n was stated in last week's Wataug Open at 9 o'( irday, M ritation is extended .+??? > *? ?**?? Pure Xhread Si a. ul line of new ^ ^ ? Hand-made Po; | Rayon and Silk % Misses and Chi nnted, Shantung Siik^, + % Piece Goods, la 'OU1 ? Men's Dress Sh )m rfV (These are vat dyes, fl III- J you,can't afford j?# $] | Men's Work Sh *s, 49c up | Men's Overalls, Bovs' Overall?, J CTD A WC A wr> DAM A est'prices!-" I Lots of other v >>>??>* Come early, get Five to Fi riced Merchandise in All Lines" ? way - u>-;i MESTONE! | ? Mil II I ;sted in some limestone for your cab-ound, see us. We can now furnish ound Limestone delivered in Boone $3.50 per ton EBS HARDWRE& SUPPLY CO. BOONE. NORTH CAROLINA il AINS IN ;ed 12 months 6.75 ranteed 18 months 7.50 guaranteed 5.69 29.75 17.95 )LiERT -j UP PLIES and BOONE I rilii^ISTi J?lipi5SSS!iySS5 JSw'SBSMBBWW lM] ive Store I BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA < > ^ j; ot be able to open on May 2.8th, as 4 a Democrat, but i ^lock A. M. : 1 av 30tVl l! to all to come! ; ilk Hosiery 77c to $1 (Full fashioned in all shades"* rto Rican Gowns 49c < t ; Bloomer 25c up i ldren's Anklets 9c to 19c i k rge assortment 5c up < iris, whites and fancys 89c i fast colors and pre-shrnnk,. at a price so low that . to miss i he opportunity of laying in a supply) t ^ irts, good quality, each 49c < y , per pair b7 C / a enlon^i^ Vslu^ 45v m * allies from 5 cents to five dollars. i * your share and let's get acquainted. * ve Store ;i j. B. Brewer, Proprietor