? EIGHT ?- ~ ? North Carolina's Record Assembly Adjourns Sine Die on Last Wednesday <B;.- il. R. DUXNAGAN") : >. C.?N.-vth C;i j'jwxtvad s:r.e *ili>- at i> o'clock the t . - M.-y 27, was, in maxiy reMm 'most roraarkabl.o c.-, . ?&&? *>' ~ ^8$IS88SH L- Ny-.o'it t'aiY-.i-iii, not only hi 'sasSit >c, out ir. type. of I-.. .- .- v. and dion from norma! *: which if achieved. \\ '.rier ge&sior. has lasted for 1-1.7 ays, 1.2.1 leyrislarive days, exLtt?c 1 StJS-'d reconstruction pe-i ?i of 1 IS day's, from which 12 of Chvi.-tnua: recess must he :: ' dihkva. JwBnjjj only 1 S(> Jayr. it t-s3 r.(">y I'^cdrti iii .Vnijla* and d-%vi ,]>c-d into an . endurance test. X . oth jr st'isi'yii has taken fron; h.- d?ca! units and ?ested hi :r- S:.at?j nior* author?ty, oarxKadarly in the maihtenahce of roans and scho anil n * ad mini nt rat ion f c unty. c ity. lovra and loca- districT fiscal affairs. autonomy to r. groan.-xtetii titan ever he-fore, trading, in v'hcit much looce. inefficient and !T:L-u'f-ct:-"c administration for what is expected to l)e greater coacoctrari?j r.r.-J mere rii'ecring handling oi governmental affairs. Xo other 3esraon has taker bat-k .W to the jirov/erty owners of tbe Strata oy grcSuc-- meusprc of tax rajit-f. for \vtHe! vetd estate . : were c'xrn$ 'tjrJrtjjJ. Alt ^cs 'Re not iv:nove<3. schecrablrfohal % - ' uinw' will . a redaction ace raging 57 $4M ^SBy&f in PAe !.h*>4 '^'SH.rSi or auTiotu 1 8s :v.any e*>ur,? oth'<W- sosirjoiiy' ha- nbnebre: * n pbii :'V-V ^ ft1-* #1? :,f iaxes ' that iva? iod -against such business 'tire that -tv.ub; have- feu reached gap f'1 the insistvnt for land tax ! relief. The burden. ha>\ in large beon 'piactd; Bn move,.* sufr oessiu! 'tvusirivs.*, that hu?st ai>!e to ray. and, v/h:l?- apparently more than a ju?i sfcar*. may not be or onerous The closing day of the -session marked Ir.'?; pa;-:.sngrc and' enactment ( I -' v Vsi. of t he- !:1 est import an' pieces vt legislation of the ehtfgS session, including the Revenue^ Apnenmr -? 11. i; - r?r ?in/J ..V""V1 ...... other acts. The Revenue Act provide? foe collectioiv of i.'-'y S;i0,0li0.0no a year in taxes, a- compare.! with al,nut SlS.OOO.Ofitt :tv;previous meant j ears. Of this, $ IT,"50,000 i.- for scnr.olsa inclufiira Slo.Tf'lM'OO for the sixmonths term. io be : suppletnvr.ted by the .ipr.nvir.uu.-elji I'nvji fiiies.-'rprt'eUiires. penalties, pv.il an.! dog' taxes. .ipilecte-.I gfei us-.-.i '.oralis ; $1,500,000 fov te.t- oxtelitiei1 :?tg! ami Slfiti.i'foi r,s ai: eritbrpericv fuuth 8.- sunt ineiuiies the e.-iiaiaU ,i Si,.0i)o fft.m the. 1-i-eent ad.vale/ere k'itit of-10 -pet- m ssr natdi .vie;. ??{<ss :ir,d fr--'S -t*"c-.??ieyc.,J oU'h'er.- iJi-a'A State ciepnrtiyietitf; 11| mit ilium than 10 ;.ev cant, fat :iou0hns, are iti-ilhiletj ill the Ap^Viat-oVfl rviVs "(itil- to ST2X.QO0 each Uva^.veai^. '. i.i'.t other .Stato the provides for ni . i.nij^vivn >J. {zmuonv^ ;iit ;i<i viib' om ' scholia - hgujsB K n t\ic ?>i tr>^ HKiO valiKitio^j TJi<: c h.-oi iKi^puts into effect operation the/ai^ionthSsr-term. with the aydVof the 15^ei>t;ta;\ *ho;.eoiv*?1ies, .aivd. p]voviueiv fov some schoo* economies. State Superintend Smile At i the AcheM Stop them with that mode DR. MILES* ASP1R-MINT. Try it for Headache, Cc!ds, ai I DRJ A jds-nt A. T. Alien is nor at all dU-' nieised with The outcome the, . school kyisla-aoR., which at ?im?, -*ia&J fcc-aeed toward crippling; school?. ! Thv last act parsed pro nixus forj | consuming: activities of the State fax : Commission, spec)lying: a sia.lv ut'; ! listing uv'.i assessing property tor? | /fcy ^ - ' Ph h" ' tp ! ' ,; kUkki because cC the leoairement o| j a ^wwahird vote, to pass it on three ; i t 'Ifliiitrs ill i tie day. until Governor! { '-:> t'r-.i r ca 1. f? 1 he pjxnc its, ai- j j lowing: sti to pass. A l-sl act was Jukiir of ihe v.povt I o! the, commit too mve^Ujratin^ chaSS* ' attempted brihjt-ry ard ? ri*t:ptc?>n' instigate(1 by Senal< r K. S. \V: : The Commil tee's report was that no : Senat:n n&a beer, found to have vie atvd his oath of office., that no ram'| potent vvidcr.ee was unreduced to h< that >. ("ay W'rUiairis^ prcsi!j dent, W, V. i: ? . fCieer of [.the K, Keyi oi 'I bs.ee Company, * r \ to bri'-. a S< hat >i. but the differetj e in srylorh testimony Of ; Se-tiaror John Hinsdale'; WaUc- CounII iy, and D. H. Pope. cEthrau of the! iVakt ' a I . :::m ncrs, sfc uld 1 be called to tht (U^ention ef the sa-j i licitor. Senater Ward filed r. supple-\ ; report, -aitboK^h sjigini.tf mej ' j general report. in which he sh?">v.-'_?*i| 1J h;s feeling against 4'big: h.a.-iness,T ana \ . - Reynolds Oont^nny partjculsrly.1 ;j His report v.;;- referred t? \ho cvn'i W?M? ??MP tBWBMWaPBflWWHMW Prin-: atkfj ' Plac e of Good Snowi" j FRIDAY-SATURDAY JUNE 5-6 Richard ArJen and Mary Brian "GL'NSMOKE" j Actionful! Thrilling! A Western Thais' Different! j MONDAY-TUESDAY, JUNF. S-9 clara bow IN HER LATEST TRIUMPH "KICK IN" ; A .noving picture t.hat moves! A {righting- picture that fights! A talkie .U.i nr _ t e _ _ :? i ! aoarcifiinsi oee u; F R E F BATH TOWELS STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 8th, every I.idy who purchases :tn adult } ticket to Pastime Theatre will he p? est ntnd with a genuine Muskogee Bath Towel, sixes running as large a? 22x40. Thii is the first of ii complete set of beautiful towels to be given away e.ic'i Monday ; for a number of weeks. No extra .charge whatever. absolutely free and to ADULT LADIES ONLY! WED.-THURSDAY, JUNE 10-11 Clive Brook, Conrad Nagel and Ann Harding ??in "EASTLYNNE" j An avalanche oF fiery love and j ! j tears ! TT-riiw7iniiiiFi7ri7~iii 7i7i Muscular Pains They may attack you anywhere?your back, your leg3, UUI ax ilia, jrotxx IICV.IV. These Pains may be misaken for Neuritis, Ttheumaism, Lumbago, Sciatica. rr., pleasant, mint-flavored tablet, It's quick in action and effective, ul Neuralgia, _ _ ? __ _ * Two Sizes 15c and 23c ?yJc%c THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT ?E nhttee without reading. Ti.c ms,cli*.-:*--us*ta fgicjaf: au fAr:-ni';fuc; betting HU mait third ippeai-uuee last week, in -h guise ' -: x i nrrieult usal and steel breeding mra's.t, wanted by Rvi V.. \V. Xei!1 for -Mr! ' v el! r :;n:' it piate'i! the House ,u -.-a- I;:!!;,- :r. fcxrt. A lAcjf ft;-" fl;:n'e;:-v - _/r : , hi,; fate t-t".;iiin tin *: ??> -.r. an:: ?>nv for Pol '; : y, Senate fjrsti mt ? : rough- 1 set to the flat ant; kt::---t thai body. The sifcpn', r>:-r.hru.ts rush ;; - the- rite session. Seven ' ills. ; -.0 .he tabfe ethtr S=:-'g1 r-.fffl - ryfr to r- h c: and by. i -. most of : -e rr, tven: bat to a long rovtins" piaffe. The was noticabiy -- fiain last-rf-iu' legislation. even .1-,- ugh a few i-rcs got ' ; The fas t day sin.; ; :tv v as . uve to tbr ;pi: time foi-.-Si "' urt'O!'.. but the bills : ro.'i: irk-t rh, -Siat. as t ? Se-- ; li .: . ,ir : rc apportion r nieii bets of tht H 'of I*i ; - ta-iv.>, v t-r.; i the* table in spite < the const :r utl"i:a: r- .jairc?mer.:. I cause of - ual od>i: ions &r. tioral cipjabbiinjr. Thv . 1 Ger.cfiB Asj'aioT': p:-.-- i 1.1 w ,-s, 1,147 and "it of 2,ir.-j ' >>. At Coi FRIi Some of tl this and f FOUR PRIZi B^nio Piflikpi1 Quartet, and Auspic CHILDREN ; U/ >}^vrf^^j^>VJVrr''^:?t^'tS^^v?'^^j%CVi^"^r^Kii aan^ail^o',/-' ' VKRY THURSDAY? BOONE. N. C. ; ahi'i i c v*i*JMpn< imradctcetf. kwFng coii] d ,;<,? ; v.-hii'b j'aiieJ to pas.*. Prorii'oJy &$! ?' i ? ('(* public bHjs v.t e enact e.^. aid ! ,A &; ,t!rvL-t l|?0 <| those ware an.vr.axn.?* is, c-.-ui r-' cfear.?*es. corrccriorvs an:! 'nini^v nr.* as- A ? '!'irrvs. !ozmn? ;?.!".'Vt -0?> >!' ix-ne'ral mcc -- > :'. -v.-:-';- interest. P?< ' f>P? ' bOO t.u ; -al nu& suivs, m an avcw^e j ji ?? S?)W9?9 -;' -: |,aw S ;: 8:^^r-whb- i7??g^r :-i <?: gfegti-aS in. | ? ,il,: rV-r^iri"y.na>^i a h; 4: V* LC-k.. J-.J tallUtlOTi if"" ^ ti?* u, ; '. ' -:Ulv for xnakingr oo-nds and ! I ity. 9 ? ,11 V-- : all tit*5. except ifo?r?s. of jus-[ I I - ..... 'a':";. *.v;.-r s mi 1:0 ns fzotn ; | ;x. - such iii.ffi/pL* courts is 'fjpa||$ to '.im 11 v. .-u7.-i<!" ihe county oi* <:.ch :nf.; ruvr; 1 ^{ courts. <* _ jl& ic,'i I'vovldinsr for an aOcif|gp'o.a: Sif m- j 2 .. ' I .?]' tioo. on ;u c:.vr.: of creation ' i j J iC; C?.?:ipv$cioaal district. ftSB i$| i fromoto ?taMvja?'ii/:\l!on of trars- 9 ,f : rratior? :-y- >i?- for - cno'-i fhii'hxn | e,.| and to provide- icr ccoiuonirai cjK*i -1 B -r.-o/t. ^ || | -V lelathv to I'vcirr - i !y ' ~.CPUCi (i * *. r. n-v j K.Iu< :-.i: ail va.i rem tuxc- ;n I DanHBDEHiHVSSnD m>.HM IIlit irthouse i DAY and SATI ME' ie Best Bands Adjoining State S EACH for Indiv s, Guitars, Charles Truck Bringing th ;?s of An BENEFIT OF LE !5c - ADMIS . aty-wi4* special charter ami lo ta* scrooi district:? of the State .rjiecome^t relutive to auditing KH niy ?&c&unts. LiTieieiu'eiit to net providing to; ?rpora*ien 'ami maintenance of co int.ive .;.?r^,aiii25?5'>ns. ;ovise lav.' as to ertablU-hinR cart levsitljii^ *he Confer eft: < nnajattfHi>iiM?aiiBiiiM.iiir.iri vawrmw i? i If interested in seme, bage ground, see us. you Ground Limestc for onl\ FARMERS' HARM 3CCNE. NOH n Boon JRDAY NIC i?n?i?m uummjiii?J and Solo II C> % r ,<"s S3 i 9 I IRVC DCf idual Fiddlers ?ton and Buck e IVlost Peopk lerican GION BAND ;sion - JUNE 4, JSS! -] Amendment relative to compulsory 'J.* .J^cho' l attt*ndM>ce. f : Prescribe ?>0iv?ii3 an?i duties ci X. |??'r?Sj C. Coi poration commission, pcrz^ra^Bra^j r, tin? a coinidete report of - investments and re venue c'f jmb'u/Service corporations. K? Maiv coilffii . firoods? are m:\s.\iit.>. ?i?H? t;;i.e-i Xvrth Carolina than in any limestone for your cabWp ran r: ow i ur'.USh me delivered in Boone $3.50 per ton V'RE& SUPPLY CO. : tTH CAROLINA w m pjM jrfHfcjB no jaBMoSm HI I S Q^Hp KB fflMKB h ' -' HBHK OHV 'v*:' SHTS i 13 Musicians in sn Secured! >, String Bands I ; Dancers, Male B. Legion ADULTS, 50c

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