fCv . FOUR ---== The Watauga Democrat ESTABLISHED lSSi? gg$$ Issued ?>*erv Tharscav by The RIVERS PRINTING I I MP ANY R. C. RIVERS ROB. ELVERS j P:i Wishers SUBSCRIPTION RAtt:On.' Year Six Months .751 Thrge Mo nibs AO I Payable in Advance, Cards of Thanks. Res : ki tic lis of R*--j kpect. Offings, tic., are charged! for at the vecrrdar adverting rs*:es. j Braced IffwH Boone, N. n.e o-.-ona Clais ntaii irattei. r:-tu;\.si|\v ::;ly :;i Mountain Progress \V? now thi-T ?u.v irnb litis eoanty ox Va+ui/^a ur.t n a ;! r.vcr sfaV>v.* !i? Boone >T -*n- Fouvh. in if!'' *vhj i;b. ;?.') 0 vanotag 5fjj i%v|i-'l- yvfh* on . - :: it . Tbis ' ' - tvy-o'..h\mdrednets 0/ . a.j| !?ht"t ti.'iio.E'Ji? r'iov.er jVo'.v. tn-ii-1 | Lcn.'-.i- apx\ tr.ei'. t :n Oil- ::?:sta "..gf thv jBtati- Oi'.!4 ,!o tiK9te;| 1 : /,v;. iV.c :-j I :?** R 1.r. 1 j6Jt:it3 ' o-.iu " !able "'' jNpffi $|j|g|;"' V;?^; ' The v.-jol growe; s_of W a: rue-a And; AVfV\ CC UTJ'ief T>'>M ."i tlivil' Wr.-v: S.;-^ crop this season c?r.?:l last v.*o?k r- ': /? tb ham M i" .;. it - mv, S r.;tirv of Elkin ami \Yi?2htM>*S:aiv:? {rouiids of vr-ol. 'The nfi_c<* : .vSjg!'*:***"1 -or 1--:e ?vOol inn- not. rafejli1. kr.^vn,-bu^v.*n at an cxvi ir*-iy Ic.v ligui-. it f\voisJ<! moan Uie disi t>f a = nu? .-ain nf apj^SB :s' fiivr.i?;s ;' that pan -i jfijp .Stale. .With abnmiarr ?:vn?? ero'-vn iri t'.'.O mountain-e. u.njtr.akhm pi'-xnra/ v i1 'n1 K?'. oi 1 o layman fi...; . no-s oini'i;:x u!<? he a ; r?CKab!i :r.-io :y. Limbs: :ti ' ^ ; " , .'f '" V. ' "The Way of Life" KIM.INC nr. SN--.KI. fe'i/rytva DON'T STOP TO KOI. THE snake: :;'t The; idea c'nma.ne&Saj that drisi '.i Iterance K^s^fifr-f ' " ng applir at_i;.n s. -should iVit'be'tiou* (isruuiVs 'not mere-, iv upon k- eharu.-.ltr' out t jtvtlly -toon the circumstances and the time. s Year? ago I Interviewed Dr. .Torn R. M'jtt, a speai Uader, - ;. I asked "I watch a candidate' for- a Jor.g time before I decide;"- be- .irswevri. "1 wan; to satisfy ntysftU" point?:-Docs he no small thing? -vet;? > Dues he jo FIRST things 1 i As he spOK-t- t lememl.- ' - : . 5il:| Hi intentioned, hard w.t'rVirij^rrity:-wool Proas tipper my cbseiva: ~ ti? .: ' time. Ho Lad a most iciaii,-..' tar*"-ity for doins his ' ..-. : ' ' I m-et tit ;i-- 'me agg the Grand fCef cat StatSfet'witifi SSie*? '^^^^fctroic.;<'^v.e Jjffis Of riven -'. five minutes K nam ."in.e telephoning to the office, found the Egitan sa^gt hit fBSBK'Hi: excvseAvatj tho': he was ijiga;ici> on i sh:: ihivii he though; might' potstftTy dcubie- ?.b.e business and he ran become so en-H giosseiS in it that be had foxgoSfen, hir- watch. The -,.lan might have been all right, though it turned cat not to he, but! m dealing with it at the wrong f.in-.e he caused the boss to miss a train j ar.d lose an order. He was forever writing memoranda on matters outside his department, while neglecting the routine duties for which he -was paid. He was usually late to the office because he had gone out of his way to make a call which he believed might he of benefit to the company. All of his activities were inspired 1 SBB jW* f . WW* KaWW the business anil so raise his own earn-j ing power. But r.e was a nuisance, and was finally fired. The human race possesses all the information necessary for the sue-1 cessful conduct of its affairs. Many of its troubles arise because men fail to make a schedule and arrange their tasks in the order of relative importance. The parade is held up by perfectly good people stopping to do perfectly proper things at exactly the improper time?letting the patient perish while they earnestly kill the snake. Read the Ada?They Are Mecienger* of Thrift I A jljj fifomC Items (rc-n The Demottat of July 2!. ISP? - V l?vav was see :r. j*Boo:<t ,cvi<v ??i!r.ht 'asi , ../ BB1 There use ro&u*. 2*30 -unii?'. r vis :<-.1 BIc-vvir.?Ko,'k. 'V:> ti\\v u?n;rn(-.: Satur '5-1 ; T^"fi M \ 'JL'lTr- ' L.'*'. ?" , Koysoc. , Bfe >kirk>.'! . Butler,. president-- ov dit Alii .: vciil supT/or.t C)?v$ifit}0 am Cat v. . . * : . Bunne: F.Ik ii r.U% bevhr st.r-inied fci- the? tb> r-: r^, I^i k r.vSi'0)ixi^. 1-).'. * ; : (?? - ??'; '?hu:<Jx*\ <> ' Hick ovy i> ?r;eiu^s> a lew day? with Mas; ?t&: Coffey wThe roupty -.?r?pertni'eader?y. examined s:< teachers Thu: sday, ail 03 obtai^d i't'vtliioiite.s. i;-. MyJ D. O. Dohgheit;' has a-e^ittec n p?)>itiori a.? tv'u.h-.i ;r, Holly Srv\n;ri 0 " at Butler, Tomi: The h.sxi se$f.y)i? begisas August 1'. 7:..- X- wf- Observer thai Ci?.vernor Holt Iras grh e-n oeririssTog g& the I..;< ? Idgh- Infantry -t Cheetvr ;?.'. . . -.7. , , The Family Doctor 1 " PR 'CH>: JOSEPH GAIN'ES blood imbalance Nothing h v.:!d be appreciated mo|? rhpeitee? eircitlntlr-n i* the :vn:Y-*u iiiy h..-;^ '-iht:pvverT rr.hr,:: - . t by i isr meet yar.i : !. \\h:rh may be ^-rrhalaror engor nehtj r f.-ve ape' uHcn ;i;ny vary iron congestion:? to a-rfiiat dilation? of the ^ -'T-a-e. . .. ... ' ,i ... ... torero r, v;, yinr frcilD biota iwSE&-:v. Tjterc are r.v.rv svea' v. ns TV.: vfc tb? alumina wall ait'i T'TMVsal-'ijonienl there situ in'i-i.'. Avy.i.ins ??<<': may i.-auiy "'nistl 10 ' ' < o:V' torero })!ab<l ves?f-! = . pro! 'iASes mniwUiilana very eviilem i effect |Hfturv< els?\vbere. I tap ; man! v.-titi eanvta - ?:-v?-rva*.<pa: in ; Wmrmiaati blocii to Thi h fhyi depleting th< . vi !.ho ti? vohnr, ear.:-injf .lis aiion. stajwvine gKK Istan-v v.-:h heavy fooling u'b Bfut ih-. :-litri'iv ovatifbsshtfil abdomen - ;..ros '^^swmniT tn a fern j I - it'oouti' -lejiiivaia j'rat i!" ii-n-v ,,f tiio.H volhva ' 'a' ?-.o.v in !-no.it'f-.i1 ivo.-ls heavily upon th J heart ami 'drain; >? course the v^in ten" such an ui- 'oirn-u W'-riiiu- anion <9 I-nit-d 11-1 ii'. the .vi.h>uat!i>sap,r\ne, ma 1 Vine r- v-o,:--. 1 nwv use tbo ami 'abdominal epbplesy " Atn< !;m- i . iKthat tin.- rit-,;!?*-" gbuSfton i. a very :rar.!,i.:.-mo .vary. Mvtf.?A#;&*? eyrvv-ffiby ?y<. gggv j vi'bVtsill-i;.rinaJ- . ? .! arc veldmn persist ed in T.O\ge; the. relief poiSiblo. Care fully practiced exece':-. a are nruuuo live aaMBBnin?. Qf .muls- -free dailj c-acnatian of Uie l-nv.-o.) MUST V< . Ilf.; it is starches ir ! ti.e dirt rasa he- rot d.-.tvn to a rainiima:.. Indeed,'. -ne d% an -' in just ivhat 15 seeJ'.-.i f.ncl tio :m re. Ir ohi-.-r.::- oases ro-iei::.- Uc- n : breath sr.Hrvjifc --jH 7.i:h i igrl | Igjggffiri. may .'.v-ar a v. e'.i-.'n.tcd tarn tiaire to sapE- rl -lie satnrlcjr, indolent mrira>^in.. \T'f:. j Sunday School Lesson I REV-: SAME El. P. PRICE, D. D. Sunday School Lesson tor July 26th CHRISTIANITY SPREADING BY PERSECUTION Acts vi., 8-4; xi, 19-21 - - usually comes m connecvery har/1 experience?!. I? r?:- v:n - . in'the extension of the bT?s^Jap of Christianity.' The standpalters io the old Jerusalem church inly made it hard for those who i ig to follow Christ*? teachings." Persecution was resorted tu in rder to stay the progress of these humanitarian teachings which claimed the crucified and risen Lord as then Teacher. Special hatred centered upon one of the seven deacons, bj the name of Stephen. Again the Sanhedrin was sum mined and Stephen wa< tried. Wher called upon to make ni defense tht opportunity was used to present i formal statement that reviewed tht leading facts in the ministry of Jesu; Christ and how He had been treatec by this same Council. In bold lan guage Stephen charged the Sanhedrir wun rne Killing 01 .jesus. soon sen tence of death was given agains him. also in the hope that the Causi could he stopped by destroying in able proponents. Death was accomplished by ston ing. During the slaying Stephen, liki his Lord, prayed his executioner! might be forgiven. A profound im pression was made by ali these act; on a young man named Saul, whc as a member of the Sanhedrin hat helped in the sentence and furthei assisted as caretaker of the garment! that were laid at his feet by those who did the killing. Such persecution forced many Christians to leave Jerusalem, ami thus the leaven of Christianity was extended over a large area and "a great number turned to the Lord." THE WATAL'GA DEMOCKAT-EVE ^orEhrtyFiler* ' ~J I j S. C, to ' iiito v amp at Blowing! [ Rock. Mr. K. L. Cdiiw .-1". ?vhc? ;? huiMing a fine residence for \V. Ft. Lovill at Sutherland took' his wife and. "children oacS v.itr him Sunday to spend some week? risking :n that hospitable neigbboi hood. Mr. B. Pughc-riy i etuvned on Friday after several days work at : the Mittec mines and won: hack to; v- > k Monday. He - - t-vv eriihusias-{ - tic over the nvne. Hit nrs developed j * -it;, -secI : very :icn vein oil :rr?petiv ore;. wEi i -h yah be :raced] ha a r.rio an : - t' night to be The ' has recently! *'ntr> :Kb hfaids f Leventborpej - I Ciwy:; rtn Co!;:p;'.r.y. :\v): are able! and wiTintr :>> n oh v enough.) j to rhoiw.^nly develop -.re mine. I I George Dagger ?^., an expert at I mining, > r .. : - t it and' thinks tear > > etjaal u? n quantity J and superior i" to the cele-' . iron mines. which ; . a: v.. time ovym.- ! ; ho-or.d to* .develop " ' ; Helps Along the Road TO W:N THE WORLD , . V\"i>-.iri v ;.i vyir. aU thr .v.uTl for : rhr ;,t I One way there an.i >:iiy ;>:ie; . Yc ti nnst-divo Chi\?t from -iny to day. j . And see HL> will be done. 8; iv.--.- Chi ?t ma ft tread His} i way. j ,* Leave re'.* env! a'3 de world be-: hinjL ?|| . Pr?s?$ ever up and oh. and serve . i Hi? kind with .-Ingle pund. N easy way?rough-r strevyu with; i; stone?. 1'i An 1 v. path He trod.: pi But Ii'is way - the enl.v yvsy That v trail hack to God. *i - - ' V k I: Ami ' >:ie?oir.e oft. and i/Tccn -.lark . | With -batr.e. ami -. utcastry. am'. ., 'i : SCOt'lVi . Aitd, at the end, dttrchhnee a cross And many a <ro\\n of ihoni. But His iocc <?ss an.! vnwn thorns '! Vim v wren . !..was am! empires ;> tailThy r.ir.?IH of! His nt'lyinu 'ore . j In . dyVtty traftAt ditcH ail. s Only* hy Jft'ts steps Th<-a!!-.-o?iac!lin^ \v?ys of Ltive. ' i iwflaBSSi \vi -.1, and man made J..Y. mil! 'fj I With thai Gloat l.ovo above. ?John O.it-uhatii. V;r < DYNAMITE t-onv. V. a1 I.".'is' God has always . hay II .- w.vi-. thi-m wittnjt the Spirits, 3 : 'inihiforminy power, rosi* with ttsns. j mittio? fy-teh-' GHrist ^aid, "Ye jam - revive p3>vet after That the Holy GV.csl is tome upon you. and ye shall -Mi- witnesses at" me." Our Iihrd'c own ; Art id is "Dunamw," from which tie yet our Snptiish word, "Dynamite," 1 , The power of the promise is not ,;. w - or exerted so ranch as powei assessed.?Rev. A. GV Johnson. "My Experiences in the World War" j (Continued j.rom Pat^c Si 1 > | of th'1 allies, and their apprehension!] may he imagined when we realize j) 1 that this was greater by oae-:'ouvt.h 11 j than the combined allied armies of i 162 divisions then on the western , front. Saw 3,000,000 as Limit I Although no inch number a- this j j could have been considered feasible, j as it is unlikely that it could have | been either transported;, equipped or J supplied, it. was necessary. In view of the situation, to lay plans for j bringing over ail we could. After 'giving the question careful study, 1 it seemed to me that 3,000,000 men ' would be the limit we could hope to leach by the spring of 19lib ' This, roughly, would provide at I least sixty-six or Possibly over seven. ty combatant divisions, the rest heI ing necessary for the non-combatant f service. As we had hitherto made estimates based upon a total force of 2,000,000 men, it was quite imperat tive that calculations should be made > on the increased basis and that work 'x everywhere in the A. E. F. should 4 now have that end in view. ; A cable I sent June 21 set forth j i the reasons for fixing the program . for- the future definitely at 3,000.000 j men as a minimum, and urged upon . the War Department the utmost eft fort to meet our immediate require> ments for the expansion of port fa5 vilitics r.r.d railroads. A detailed stuay 01 me troop shipments andT . tonnage required -.vas included, lily |' ; cable closed: ; 5 "There is nothing so dreadfully im- ' - portant as winning this war, and ev- ] 3 ery possible resource should be made ' immediately available. My Secretary, , i the question is so vita! to our coun- ' try and the necessity of winning the < i war is so great that there is no limit < ! to which we should not go to carry!, out ?be plan 1 have outlined for the'* ' next ten months^ and we much he:, I prepared to carry it on still furtheri J ; after that at the same rate or may-', i! be faster." I < I (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) 'J RY THURSDAY?-BOON'E. N- 0. _ M Mr. Cityman Cc -==: Certified Seed Are From Reliable Growers Oen jet1'!- Of "V i growi rs :!bo-! I .u mc or t\vo y-.Mrs from :he breeder r.r* aHvo?"4 o lit ;iyi to. t-hr? hinb; :m :l : . ed ?.y the No?*th CtfyOfff .1 Crop Improvement Association j jraiati j-'.jcii sc<L\i arg^iio* certified.! i tb|5 arc Ilk. ly to pi\>v?> a disappoint-j 'I mcni. . * j1 "A . .o<i example of riris giv|3-j J .his spring: ?.vhen c'evta>!i.? havk>y: a vol A >at crops wvve inspected.'' says OurffiSl n K. Middleton, .-m-dal^t-Aat SLaie; 'Jyc "Tr.c ijel.'l v. are-found t ? *' c v:'y infest? \\ tS-AvtUj onion? aiui ~ r oats showed 'tonidderabi? v.u iota! : mixture due ton voWnU'Or ore it itoni ? preceding pUn'iUiig. The grou^r did not 'realize teat such a.cpvtditioti existed bin when told that fhe seed prR&ynct be oertitierj, he relied that nc wou'l . < rtist thrift as one year th LC'Ctter. lit- ionnnded the inspoctor that bis. eotion seed av&sl fused ct ilust year >,lt bf;; hail 110 difficulty in dispos:!'.i> of b:s SlWplllS seed." : A in.titer grower, says Miiinlctou. iuni a diffluent excieiienee. TKii mr.ii prnde'eed :)r.'! -'.!(! KOI! bushels < f fire, certified wheat last year, lie did not j rot a complaint and those wliri boughtj from hiiii wanted "mere. Spine regret-j ted that they hod bought only enough | for a seed pateh. This man rendered: a service to his coinmnttity and was} proud of his aeciiinplishiiiem. The first man who sold mixed; , ... ...-- > . - --ft, see?l. wast helping- to hold dovvn \hfe| crop improvement vvoxk in-hit? co.itf-\ munity: CeitijieaUon does not make i the seed any better boi rioes establish I +??+?++ *+#*? | WHY W1 ! Westet ! SOUNI f CjJ Because J on the market a t could buy; q Becaust t with the speciali ephone Laborat< I \V 7 *-"* ? w estern Llectrn ectrical Researc] <jj Because terrupted enjoy] and reproductio ued favor. ? Ifl We ask r will confirm the ( interests. | Pastii f "THE mies to Fairyland - ""t ? __J f-ftwr reliability end ^r-tW two ;? ? f-vi witfi seed i'mni 'he mmbreederJ ih m?fi whhtjc crofjj ;:;is I all l i- -tit'icafcibn torts. ceitniniy hpf jj;e beet -.d. M:. MM-betL.ji finds 'hut alert !;<nue:s #? Uiiw dujgdtndir.g r.nnioW'tl '.cm and ore ssfcins. thrfi those bo tioBi reliable L i'uct . Thn- o pun wile-.- .rope ;>?-: ihe cei'lif-.'-'-.tieii tests iv.icht soil ihi.li ;o?4 .?.,? sltgl.: l? higher ?ic| but "the resuits un-ve than ;i:iy (01 this chiii-^o. lie Say-. Five Farm Women Selected for Honor C HV?C\ic?I. Vurie^J* t?u-> strict Roy.;ii\ bavo hu<l h^nor tct thus*' iMth sii*i ;i|iiU)Vik)oeiiK-m '? ' ve.-k that farm women residing in tf.t-e counties have been selected for the title of Master fain: by the >.fnrth t.'avodinu State ('"liege co-'nviatiny witf, Tin. Fht filer's Wife, national tif.vol won: en's publication Paul, JlfflB The OA omen selected lbr this t/tll iwu Mrs. E.: 1. Pivlb hi Thkeville Wayne County; !. J. Forbes S-v <>| Fhawboijo. Curt it nek County; .Ml'S C. E. Baineh "i Hendets ??'. Vfipos CoWnty; Mrs. Annie C. l.lay, of Mry Vilie. Jones County, and Mrs. J. F McKnighi, of China Grove, Sowar County. The nublic: ceremonies dor ?ng which the. recognition will be- bo siow<:d, %sili tfikt place Wednesday evening, July 29, at the 29th annua meeting oi the North Carolina Farm era* arid Farm Women's Cohvenrion The* cfxeicises . begin promptly a 8:30 cdcloek with Mrs. Jane S.Me Kimnion presiding. An address vvih be made by Miss Lucille Reynolds E HAVE INSTALLED V\ ?f If| HIacth^I ( ; we decided to survey e nd give our patrons the ? ^ i.. j _ _i n . i - wc ^uhliuucq mac only zed development facilitie >ries, the manufacturing c ; Co. and the servicing or ti Products could meet th only by assuring our pat ment of the highest qual n could we expect to sol you to act as judges, ss wisdom of the choice m. ME THl i PLACE OF GOOD SH By Albert T. Reid e $ rf _J?- u Toc>- s T ^ - ^ cvf the edit nial >-.n'i of The Farm' or* V.';fe, urn! inch <i- ihii five xomen win to- called upon for a 1 >v;<-i .espon-a- tfU'njf so'ne.tliiivr c?f Itet : v.'Oik ar.d nveomishshincnto in the past j -evein! year;. : The five women aciecud fur this honer wore nominated by th< ir neigh 'tola alto wuv ei.o.-:::n fvoir, a i.-i of , hundreds if mfh n-vhiince-'. A -ominittte appointed by t'lo ntnctar.tne ' afi>( the homo uLoiiorstratihp h-.-iiai' meat of Sidle CSqKc^ then Studied ' | i.v nominees oKVyiuliy Otttl c?pi;? iaily che nnsuois to about 50" 11 hi ' --n-. i The final sole-t on was made aftf-i ' carefully oimiiideviiw the work done i bj! tee worn-o in mam.yiiv both j home?, education ar.d dc'veo>,iim.nt 11 thoiv ohildreii, oonimtmuv work ami the health roe >rdr. of their families. Each one has made- I spate notable i contribution to her con,inanity and Stale, says Mia. McKiimnon. GOOD SAMARITAN ROLE PLAYED BY PRESIDENT La lay. Va.--t,re?i>kiii Hoover on i, the, road to hia slaptdan, Vu., camp . Saturday ttfdajB the Part, of tin; Ootid ? ; Snmtrvitan. -j I'ot.ting upon an automcbih- acei.! dent the Oliici Executive, stepped add i! had his. 'physician, Dr. Jeep, Booby, -j attend the v.-ife of Commander. iVil-J'!i?m Xov.tpii, of Washington, j She was suffering from it cut knot", \t is vaj.?o>v, bprairreci uacK S|V(1 -| shock. ;i Cinmnarider s?ii'd-. that in i.jroinj* around a cavvo a back the -j b)e\y out. It caused th? car to turn Ij oyer and roll down a slightenvbhyhk" ,'. ment. 71 -.. :-V ' v g *< V- ' '' , ' ; i? v THE I * electric i SYSTEM i X < i * ;verv equipment 5 best that money | a sound svstem % s of the Bell Tel- | lCiii^C U1 UJC X ganization of El is requirement; rons of the unin- % ity of recording icit their contin itisfied that you ade in your best | EATRE! OWS" I i

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