JUNE 23. *932 i or if a rr a roc Ll/vAii XXX JL x iilio Tht> Blowing nock Exchange was opened last week, with Miss Lena Reeves in charge. Mrs. "Coom" Lovill has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Surry and Guilford counties. Mis. Edna R. Harris, of Raleigh., secretary of the State Baptist W. M.j U-, was a week-end guest of Mrs. J.j L. Quails, at the Commercial Hotel. Mrs. F. S. Palmer, Charlotte Obscrver a*jer.t, returned Tuesday after having spent several days: in Charlotte looking after matters \u connection with her agency. ! Mr. Finley Hodges has returned j to his home near Boone from DavisHospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis recently. Heis roper* ed to be rapidly improving. Mrs. G. K. Moose has rcturii?c? fr??i? a'dwell Hospital and is showing ^ulisiaciory improvement from the operation for f appendicitis recently performed. MisseS Ruth and Rebecca Young of Winsion-Stolorw* ?* tx i?e past weekend with then- sister, Mrs. Fred H. j Hodges. On their return today they: vve'e accompanied by Mr. Hodges. Ex-Sheriff John W. Hodges is showing a marked improvement after having been confined to his home for. several days with a rather serious illness. Mr. Grady Moretz has rented his handsome home in East Boone to Mr. Curry for the summer season, and: has moved his family to their former residence in the Deep Gap section. Ma Qaste Your.ce, little Misses' Katie Younce and Kathryn McGhce enjoyed a visit over Sunday with J home folks of Mrs. Younce in W ilkes county. Mr. ItariVr Bell of Lenoir has been appointed by the Clerk as guar- j dian for Billic Mack Hardin, a minor.' following the death of his mother,! Mrs. Sumu Hardin, recently. The interior of th. Watauga Dmg; Company's store has been greatly r?.?\?-rvoel k?- ? c ' .r_? ..nir> vji vajjuviaiiy tie>igr.cd soda booths, which supplant, a . lumber of the tables formerly em-j ployed for fountain service. Dr. Oi. K. Moose of the Roone Drug. Company and Dr. ! '. II. Hodges of the Blowing Bock Drug Store, attended the State convention of retail druggists in High Point Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mr*. S. R. Sullivan, ofI Florida, arrived in Boone today i (Wednesday), and will be guests at' the \V. H. Gragg home for the n?vn few days. Mr. Sullivan, who handled: .-ever a! picCer, vf fiSf TC-Sl CSt?tO ir. ! Boone several yeais ago, will be rs-j membered by many Wataugans. I Mrs. C. u. Reese and small son, | B. dr., with Miss Millie Swift, all j ef Reese. WeVe pleasant visitor;-, at, The Democrat office Monday, Mrs. j ltcese is a daughter of the late Alex Hagaman, and Miss Swift is a daugh-: ter of Mr. George Swift, long since] departed, both of whom were highly esteemed by the editor of this paper. Mr. J. L. Quails in commenting upon the death of W. W. Holsclaw j recalls his visit to Boone thirty-five i years ago, when he and Sir. Holsclaw j were attending a church conference here. Mr. Quails says the two of Lliem i... i .1: r? n r>un.nn i UttU ainufl' ill IV. Xj. IUVC13 uumc, ] and talks interestingly of the changes in the landscape since that time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKenzie, of Mountain City, Tenn., were business visitors in Boone Tuesday evening. Mr. McKenzie, who was formerly associated with the Winston-Salem Journal, has just installed a printing equipment and will publish a weckr.y nwespaper in the neighboring towr.. Mr. C. W. Clarke, of Cleveland, Ohio, was a visitor in Boone Friday, on his return from a trip to Caldwell County, where his mother, Mrs. G. R. Clarke, is seriously ill. Mr. Clarke has made his home for many years in the northern city, having moved there shortly after his marriage to the former Miss Jessie SKull of Shells Mills. W. H. Gragg, marshal for the Middle Histrict of North Carolina, and Mr. Grady Farthing left Tuesday to attend a building and loan meeting in Wilmington. Marshal tiragg aiso took with him his daughter, Helen, Louise Setzer and Virginia South, they going to get a view of the occar.. Watt Gragg is always looking out for the pleasure of someone else, and this trip will mean much to the girls. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lyon and two children spent Tuesday night with home folks in this community. Mr. Lyon has been engaged as the manager of the Carolina store at Newton but has been transferred to Rutherfordton, the change having been in the nature of a promotion for the popular salesman. Mr. Hayes Coffey of Blowing Rock has been left as the head of the Newton store. STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY? Reliable man wanted to call on farmers in Watauga County. No experience or capital needed. Write to day. McNess Company, Departmenl P., Frceport, Illinois. I I - . ? U^'- . ii* i | \ rtc 3 uui nis i This bafiy clepli2ist, one of the fe.v in height when he was born a few days Mrs. Sam Horton Hostess to Entre Nous Club. On Thursday afternoon of last week! the heme of Mrs. Sam Hrtrton on j Cove Creek was the, scene of a pretty; affair when sh ? was hostess to the j members of her bridge club and scv-j era! additional guests. Bridge was; played at tables arranged amid ai pretty setting} of mimjyer flowers. When scores were counted Mrs. Jim Rive:- was found to be winner of high score and Mrs. John Horton held second high. Both ladies were presented lovely gifts. At the conclusion of the game Mrs. Horton served a tempting salad course with iced tea. Those enjoying Mrs. Helton's hospitality were her sister, Mrs. Gus w - - - i/onni'jy, ot Wake rorest, and Mes-J dsimes Paul Coffey, Russell Hodges,* Jim Rivevs, John Horton, Murray' Crueller. David Greene, Ralph Wink-j Icr. C. B. Johnston, Jim Mast, Luther! Bingham, Will I'aync, Jee Gaither, i Tracy Council!, Jim Council! and Miss1 Annie Sherwood. LiUln Mi?5 Winkler Honored Ou Birthday Anniversary. Mrs. W. L. Winkler delightfully entertained on Wednesday afternoon at her home. North Side Farm, honoriifg~her daughter, Cieiie Moore, wiio , wnsj cvivbi uiing her lunih uiiihuayj A dainty color scheme of red and white lire-dominated in the details and 1 iuvuiy garden driowirrs were used -ioj decorate. Games were enjoyed, also; sonic readings, story telling and piano selections added to the delightfulness of the occasion. The lovely-birthday cake with ilsj nine glowing candies was used as the; central decoration of the dining tn-! ble, and the small guests were served delicious fruit juices, cake ar.d candy. The honoree received many lovely gifts, souvenirs of the happy occasion. Those who enjoyed the- afternoon were: Little Miss Winkier, honor guest, Katherine and Margaret Smith of Boone; Henry, John and Robert Welfare, of Winston-Salem; Jumes Grimes, of Winston-Salem; Misses Gladys Winkler, Eloise Robertson, Mary Frances uiid Helen Maltba, OraJ I Lee and Pauline Williams. Livingstone Club : Meets with Mrs. Coffey. The last regular meeting of the : Livingstone Club was held with Mrs. jr. A. Coffey. The devotionals were tin charge of Mrs. James Horton and 5 llus program, -centering about f,,o I "Citizens' Responsibility for Crime" yy-oc- antflvaH irtf.t lit' MpSfl.TllHlS Gl*a j dy Farthing, Joe Crawford and BrantI ley Duncan. I Piano selections by Miss Mary | f ranees I.inney and vocal numbers by j Mrs. Hooper Hendrix contributed to j the enjoyment of the meeting. The [group headed by Mrs. Rob Rivers proved successful in the contest for I outstanding church and Sunday school attendance for the past several weeks, and the winners will be entertained ! at a Inter date. Miss Louise Hodges j sponsored the group which lost by a ! small margin. Miss lane Eliason nnd Mrs. Rrondo II were special guests, the former having assisted tfce hostess in serving refreshments. VILAS NEWS A severe storm struck Vilas and vicinity iaie Saturday night. The '?m accompanied by hail and lightning damaged crops considerably. Fuse plugs from transformers and telephones were meLed out. Linesmen were busy all day Sunday repairing the lines so that service could be continued. Section Foreman W. H. Brown with a crew of men was also busy . a greater part of the day cleaning out clogged tiling where the water ovcr, ran the highway. Miss Maxie Greene, who gruduat. ed last summer from the Teachers College at Boone, has accepted a position in Cabarrus County schools for the coming- year. Little Eugene Bingham continues to be very ill. However, some im provement from last wg$k is shown. Mr. and Mrs. Dosher and Misses t Maxie Greene and Susie Banner returned Friday afternoon from Shulls Tin; WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVt ??:?:?? s Mother's Nose! I I M born in captivity, measured 33 inches ; ago iu the Zoo at Munich, Germany. ?F 3liLs where they have been conduct- A* irig a daily vacation Bible .school with is the Baptist Church. cd Several people from our comir.ur:- Bi ity are attending the special term th of court at Boone. Some probably T1 have business and some just onlook- Ts crs as usual. is Mr. Wlkioson, aged brother of W Aunt Nan Hugger, has been visiting pr iti the community for a few days. bo Dr. Jordon Billings spent Saturday night with his brother, Mr. C. I. Bil- gu lings. wi Mrs. J. L. Reese has been seriously Ju ill for several days, but is now im- tht proving rapidly. fri Vilas and Cove Creek teachers are sel taking advantage of the good roads tht and the advantages of Appalachian ? State Teachers College by going to m summer school by automobile. Many go to and fro each day. What has become of the corres- AS pendents of Deep Gap, Beaver Dam, ^ Foscoe, Laurel Creek and other places? ^ BRUSHY FORK NEV/S Miss Violet Greene of Valley Forge, i Tenn.. spent the week-end with Mr. ami Mrs. Gradv Greene Rev. Raymond Kendrix, of Perkins- J vine, delivered a very interesting sermon tcTThe cuhgrvgation of Brushv . F-jih Gap' i-l-G*iu;-ch HulurG::-- afie*noon, although Rev. \V. D. Ashley is pastor* " ^ day by the sudden death of our friend E Itby Hayes, by gunshot wounds inflicted accidentally. Mi. Eari Colvard and family of Sandy Flat spent Sunday with Mr. and Mfr. A. ~D. Adams.- Mr. Iran Hayes, of Elizabethlon,! ? Tcnn., has just completed a week's ^ visit with friends and relatives of this section. Mrs. Philip Bentley, of Laurel Fork, spent the week-end with friends and relatives in this community. CALL MEETING OF DEMOCRATS TO BE HELD IN SHAWNEEHAW * There will be a call meeting of all TTjj Democratic voters of Shawneehaw *" Township, at Maincy schoolhouse on ~ [Friday night, June 2-lth, at 8:30 j. i o'clock |). m. Each voter is urged to == I be present. EE HE FESSED UP "Judge," cried the prisoner in the == dock, "have I got to be tried by a ^ woman iurv?" zzz "13e quiet," whispered his cour.- ~ i sel. _ "I won't be quiet. Judge, I can't ~ even fool my own wife, let alone ? twelve strange women. I'm guilty." rs SPECIAL NOTICES j IN THE RANGE STATES 80 percent S of all mutton sires are Hampshires. = J The highest priced car of mutton = Iambs ever sold in America were = Hampshires. A few registered rams at a reasonable price. J. W. Norris, s Boone, N. C. 5-26-ip S Dr. C. B. Baughman, Eye, Ear, ZZ | Nose and Throat Specialist, Eliza- S I bethton, Tenn_, will be in the office ZZ < of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on ZZ ' the first Monday in each month for Z | the practice of his profession. STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY?Re- ZZ liable man wanted to call on farm- = ers in Watauga County. No expe- z= rience or capital needed. Write 10- = day. McNess Company, Deut. P., = Preeport, 111. IFOR SALE?We have a great many = houses and lots in the city of John- = son City that we want to sell, and = some outside the city limits, and = 1 "11 _.ll *1 ? ,..i+V o ovtall ~~ will sen nieac liuuaca ?*?un a. om?i? i? payment down and the balance on = easy terms like rent. We also have ^ seme baby farms that we will sell 5 cheap, on easy terms. Carr Broth- E ers. Johnson City, Tennessee, E Phone 5104. 6-23-4t E FOR SALK?Home grown wheat and E corn in any quantity. Carr Broth-jE ers, Johnson City, Tennessee. Phone S 1104. 6-23-4tl| iRY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. scvro Notes From j North Side Farirsj This section, being off the niainj ighway, is little known by people! m directly interested, Our new de-J dopmcnt. "Azalea Heights," is com-j g al . nineteen lots have| :?;n sofa and a number of homes ready built. Some of the state's ading cities are represented here, r. and Mrs. John A vera, Winstonilem; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brewer.! aleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Strickland, of bur Oaks; Mrs. W. I. Brooks, Winon-Salem; Misses Jessie and Ceste Penny. Rsileigb; Miss Margaret: jbor, teacher in the Four Oaks hocls; Dr. K. L. Wall, Winston-j ilem; Dr. W. L. Grimes, Win: tonilem, and Superintendent J. T. Hat-j er are among those who have homes ' th us. Here we have the noted Camp Yon-' ilossee for girls. Each year from! emy-five to ntghly-fiv? grrls. ....... Yonahlos?ee for health ar.d Hcr?f-j ion. This cam}) owned and oper- j I cd bv Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Kephavt. Notth Carolina College for Worn, Greensborc The Kcpharts have as. returned from Scotland where j | ey have visited and studied camp I e for a year. Camp Yonahlossee i 8 ens July 1st. Just rftm the Davises from Raleigh ; d Winston-Salem are occupying the j ."era cottage. Miss Ida Potent, who j head of the art department of Merith College, and friends are in the ewer home. The Brockses are in eir new home. "Yoo-Hoo Lodge." ?e Strickland? are living in Miss ihor-s cottage while their new home being finished. The Grimes and elf are families are in Dr. Grimes' j etty home resting from their Jars.. ' - The WinKlers are having week-end ests in their North Side home which 11 open for regular boarders on ly 1st. Last week-end they had as I ?ir guests Mr. and Mrs. Fussell with 1 lends from Winston-Salem. Mr. Fusil is in the payroll department of ? Reynolds Company. CAROLINA * H EAT R Ef BLOWING ROCK, N. C. ? I Friday and Saturday, June 24-2S OAN BENNETT & JOHN BOLES j 'CARELESS LADY" j ton<iwv nwJ Tuesday. ,'unc 27-23 lONEL and JOHN BaRRYMORE HAREN MORLEY in "ARSENE LUPIN" ! i L'Jncsday and Thursday, June 29-30 I SARI MARIT7.A and GEN RAYMOND "FORGOTTEN ft *T?>* ^UlVilVlAlN UiVltlN 13" 11 !!!li!!l!l!!!!!ll!!!!l!;i!!!iHrii!!M!!i!!;L pi!!!lll!lill!i!l!'i!ill!ll!!l!!!il!ll!l!!!!!l!lll!ll ! Hnvt i ^ I Are Now is the time I | about checking fc | needs. Our stock < ing Machines, Raj Ask here for price - Rnrlre an/) 4 ~~ ?Utiu V1V/ ^ BINDER TWINE | LOW] ( FARMERS Hi Opening Thu nrs 1 Appdli Beauty (In Cottrell Buili i-K't r?f-l r? i_/UKktOi. A BEAUTY PARI TO SUIT E Permanent Waves . . . Finger Wave and Sha All other pric M icc Olsdsos of Dcti experienced operat< with an experii GIVE US "u//. ~ V T *C H iJiC III ll?IWi III 11 III II ! Here's QUIC CI:.. i I M(9f IIIUJUU Here is r ny killer that The vapor of Elkay's Fly-Kil to flies that they will not come screen door when the mesh i Yet its odor is pleasing. An Mulrc ijciir heme solcr and nic ELK AY'S One gallon $1.75. AL Boone Dru The REX./ r\0 S0 y ou Rec to get your machinery >r repairs now and let >f NEW machinery is c kes, Tedders and Swee s on Scythes, Snaths, Pi Grinders. THIS YEAR AT THI PRICE OF 50c PER B WARE & Boone, North Carolina FIVE i i ij rs., June 23rd he achian Parlor ding Across from \ * I? \ I V^ilUl HI J .OR WITH PRICES :VERYONE QO ?c nn LU tpVtVU mpoo 25c to 50c es reasonable. t\/I.?, 1 J *-r xc, ITXIA-llgatl, i.11 U1U, :>r, will be in charge snced assistant. A TRIAL! nd let live" X3n=.jK.rmmwAmi*umrt*TMmi!it<uai,uu%wmMtTnmmmm**mai :k death to i t O 5, insects! I actually Kins tnesi r^ETTl \ ler is so repellent J ! through an open fJ"n>V"|3 \ s sprayed with itsj ji a <1 it cannot stain I I|.jaai-JJ rc pleasant. I^S^B < | FLY-KILLER s in smaller containers g Company LLL Store llill|lll!n!!i!!ii!jSSlilil!|lll|iliillli Qcnn tdyf | in shape. How = us know your j?? omplete?-Mowp Rakes. = tch Forks. Scyth I UNUSUALLY ALL. | SUPPLY CO. 1

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