Today and Tomorrow By FRANK P. STOCK BRIDGE SONS A great man's son usually has hard time to gain recognition on h own merits. What made me think < thai is the appearance in the nev of three sons of former presidents. "Jimmy" Garfield was chairman ( the Resolutions Committee at the Rt publican National Convention. Ricl ard Cleveland will make the horn lating speech in the Democratic Ni tion Convention for Governor Kitchi of Maryland. And Archie Roosevcl :> leading the fight to limit Govern merit aid to veterans who actual!; suffered disability in the service. At - hie h?? a riodin tn foka that nn&itini he himself is a war casualty, Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert president of the Pullman Com ; a ay and a successful business man General Grant's son. Frederick, ha< himself a distinguished military red ord. Mr. Taft's son, Charles, is successful and distinguished lawyei And "Young Teddy" Roosevelt, a Governor Genera! of the Philippines : ?? > I<iu<uii{j ti n,uuuiiiUll UIl HIS own. All of these, ami other famou mens sons had a bard time overeom the idea that they were trad in: on their father's reputations. Several hundred people sat in i London theatre and saw the famous Derby race reflected on a screen a' it was run, on June 1. The figure: were not much more than silhouettes but it was actual television. So far nobody can say positively when television In anything like : perfected form will be available t' everybody with a radio set. Perhap: never. Many engineers think the cos will always be too high for the pri vate home, but they admit it may be come possible to threw clear-cut im ages, as clear as the average mutio. picture, on a screen in a theatn while a football game or a horse ract or what not is actually going on. A lot of bright young men art working on television, trying to discover new means of accomplishing it, Some of then! will surely hit. in time. UULUK Human nature is peculiar, and nost snort! i< j H! HUOULU The Dr. S. 1 At BUTLER 330 Acres located 01 ing Butler, has been farms of from 10 to lutely be sold for the ii : U:J U1 IIE'C pi ICC um Sat. JUj 10 o'Clock A. This farm has long hear, noted acres of very fine Roans Creel ably well. Over 200 acres oS wiil produce wonderful yields o for grass. Watered by several sets of improvements including at the beautiful little City of I A GOOD PLACE 1 A LI $50.00 IN CASH g free without obligate tion sale. TERMS OF SALE: and 3 Years. JOHNSON LAND I AB1INULHJ INTERSTATE! BRISTOI "YOUR PR1CI /? Bud 'n' Bub S By i&M ed ,(/; . KRESSY k * |?hc?c uiO: i- >41 ' exhibitions (popular misbelief . nttd perj;:;iivv3. j Jufl uow> for <.vampt2>; j ~iuso to buy yviiov, gasoline Otcau '>f a wide-spread belief that it "gui ; up the motor." Now. pure gas oil ; comes from the still with a slip ; yellow tinge. To make it "watt | white" it has to be bieaeheu tvi ?'.sulphuric arid. That adds to tiit to i but the motoring public pays it i a ther than buy it yellow, is Ked, pink. blue, green, any oth 5f color of gasoline, except yellow. .'3 readily accepted. But because sor motorist told another, who told a ?f otter, that yellow "gas" was bad f e-;the valves, filling station folks w t-ihavf nothing to do with it becau i-!they can't sell it. i- j e COLDS Itj Colds are caused by germs. If thei - was any doubts about that, the pro< y seems to be at hand. A medical con - mission which has been studying cob flips four-d several placer, where ' i hody ever has a eohl unless some on .(side \isitm- brings it in. One of ik-?? places is the island i.1 Spitsbergen, in the Arctic ocean. Mi i er: who work there sleep in dam - stuffy underground quartets and a a exposed in their work to temper '-itures below zero, in which they swe. s; profusely. Everybody knows there >f I no surer way to "catch cold" than i ,live and work under such condition sjBut. they neve? have colds! Xcverthe'iessr as long a.s we li'? '; vheic- we are exposed to cold infei i <:l5L it i= ?""&f w~" t~,"~ " ?ca t.w IUM: jm cautions against thejn. J PORK fci It looks as if people were begi: ? J uihg to realise that it is bad ,! to spend the taxpayers' money for ui necessary things just to help a locj r Congressman get re-elected. One < \ the big "pork-barrel" items of go1 > \ ernmentai expenditure for years h: s ] been the building of expensive Po 11 Offices in towns that didn't nee - ! mem. - Two towns, that I know of. an -j perhaps others, have notified the i j representativus in Washington cbl iithey don't want $70,000 Post Office : | One of these is Itawlins. Wvornin; and the other is Tuxedo, N. Y. !! Cowboys and millionaires are i -1 agreement for once. . i lj J. M; Cornelius of the SherrilV {Ford section of Catawba County sol ; his surplus corn to hogs for 0o I i cents a bushel this spring. The cor I cost .10 cents to produce. ITC ftllPTirty !|L HUU i iUI"! =r~? II M r. Sin itli Farm , TENNESSEE i Roam Creek, adjoinsubdivided into small 75 acres and will absohigh dollars, regardless NE 25th M. on Premises far the fertility of soil. About 35 c bottom and balance lavs reasonfresh or new ground land which if all crops and is especially suited springs ?nd Koans ^reek. i wo 5 two good Homes. Located right Sutler. O LIVE AND MAKE VING! ;iven away absolutely on to bid or buy at auc1-3 Cash, Balance 1, 2 AUCTION COMPANY N, VIRGINIA VND LAND COMPANY VIRGINIA ; IS OUR PRICE" / DIDN'T YE* 1EACUERN 'l.tfldlb THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E Church Announcements ADVENT CHRISTIAN - - i iG>tyr; Sunday School ear' Sunday at ^9:45. Morning service at ii o'clock, nei Evening service at S o'clock. bt eY- FIRST BAPTIST th REV. P. A. HICKS, Pastor - j Sunday School a- in., W. D. " * Factning. superintendent. Preaching '"(at 1J a. m. and 8:00 p. m.; B. Y. P. U. 7:00 p. m.: Brotherhood, 7:00 p. e.1 in.; mid-week nrayer service on Wed1S; nesdnys at 8:00 p. ni. V'J Choir practice on Fridays at 8:00 n1p. m. or i "Rj METHODIST CHURCH se REV, J. H. BKENDALL JR., Pastor : Sunday School, 0:15 a. m., J. D. Raakin, Superintendent. Preaching at 11a. m. and 7 p. m. ro by Rev. Breiidall. >^j Epworth League, 0:15 p. m. 'i-1 Prayer meeting on Wednesday aL Is I 7 p. m. , Choir practice o& F. .u?>, 7 p. ra. i BOONE-WATAUGA MISSION rjfi LUTHERAN CHURCH n-jST. MARK'S (Bailey's Camp)?SerP, j vie . every Sunday at IX a. m.; re : Sunday School at 0:15 a. m. a-j GRACE * CHURCH (East Boone) ? at- Service every Sunday at 11 a. m.; is j Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.; vesto j pers at 8 p. m. s. i HOLY COMMUNION (Near Valle Crucis)?Service every third Stance day at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at l'- 9:45 a. m. 2- BANNER ELK CHAPEL (near Hani sins' Roclci?Sergio Sunday at 3 p. m. To all these services we most cor-; l- dially invite the public. ;s ?REV. J. A. YOUXT, Pastor. ,1 WATAUGA CHARGE ,f KEY. G. r. GRAHAM. Pastor Hansen's Chapel?Second and! ?. I Fourth Sundays. 11 a. m; ftundny l I School at 9:45, X H- Harton, super-1 ^intendcnt. Epworth League, G p. m. 1 !rtj Voile Crucis?Preaching every! : First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. id; Sunday School 10 a. in., ). M. Skull, ir j superintendent. Epworth League evit? cry Wednerdny night. s Mabel-?Preaching every Second r' and Fourth Sunday at 3 p. m. Sun' day School 10 a. m., Robert Castle, | superintendent. 51 Salem?Preaching every first Sun-1 day at 3 p. m. j j Vaile Crucis Associated Missions of THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH o i Rev. Leicester F. Kent, Rector ^: Valle C> ucis. N. C. | Rev. George \V. ITulbert, Assistant Valid Crucis, N, C. a Cnpfeln VvdJinni R. Smith, A. C. R. Linyiilp, N. C. I Services BlfeLY CROSS CHURCH, Valle Cru-i i cts?Celebration lioiy. .Communion I i every Sunday, 7:30 a. m.; morning! i prayci- Pion, 11:00 ? ?'?t. . [SAINT ANTHONY'S, l>; Creek?1 w > ?2>?as C V< -.I V PUIUUty . uiou j j p. m.; evening prayer and sevmon 1 en first, third and !if 11* Sundavs. 13:15 p. m. STRING FELLOW MEMORIAL at RioAvir.g Reel:?Evening p r a y e r and sermon every first Sunday, | 7:00 p. m. 1ST. LUKE'S, Boone?Services as an| hounced. ST. MATTHEW'S, Tedd?Morning prayer and sermon, second and fourth Sundays, i 1:00 a. m. Church school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. ST. MARY'S, Beaver Croek?Evening prayer and sermon, second and i fourth Sundays, 3:15 p. m. j JIULY TRINITY, Glendirfa Springs? ' Evening prayer n?d sermon, secj on'd and fourth Sundays at 7:00' p. m. i i ! 1 In Craven County, 131 farmers are |growing 217 acre:", of cucumbers under contract for picklers. i H! LAND DRYC! KANINGCO. Dry Cleaning, Pres?ing and Hat Blocking Pkonc 60, Boone, N. C. j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the administrators of the estate of Mrs. 0. L. Hardin, deceased, late of Watauga County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at. Blowing Rock, on or before the 16th day of June, 1033, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All ! persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of June, 1032. R. B. HARDIN, W. D. FARTHING, iG-16-6t Administrators. * y o / no-m tfW f IMGCMHA // \ MY WAtAE TO VERY THURSDAY"?BOONE, N. C. - 1 . ~ IN MEMORY I "He has hcsit wiiH me all my iife;t i-He \v:!l ' nt frtrcnU rn? "O'i'.'' -Th?Cj j words were among the last uttered, ; by Mr?. Suma Little Hardin, and the j following lirtlc poem written by a: [friend in memory of her is based on; these words: 1 l _ I j In childhood He was with me As I played 'round mother's knee; | Heard each little prayer I uttered there, I And k pt from my ehiidish heart All care. {In girlhood He did still abide, jAnd ever was my daily guide; j Both night and day He was my star, !Has bt cn with me All the way. ! ! i V;her. womanhood brought duties j sweet And little children played ?..v jact 1 turned again to my Faithful Friend. j The i'lrs-t and last,? Beginning and end: And now as dark waters round me roar, I trust ilirn more fully !E3 T. & W. N. C. MOTOR TRANS-i PGRTATION COMPANY ! (Schedule Effective March i, 1932)1 LEAVE BOONE FOR ?Valle Cracis, Banner Elk, Elk Park. Roan Mountain, Hampton, Elizabeth ton. JolinI son City?12:01 p. in., 8:00 p. m.j Cranberry, Spruce Pine. Burns-j ! ville, Ashe ville?12:01 p. m. Chattanooga, Kuoxcille, Morristown, Greene ville, Kingsport. Appalachia Norton?12:01 p. m. and 8:00 p. ni. Grceneville, S. C., Greenwood S. I C.f Columbia. S. C., Charleston, ] S. C., Augusta, Ga., Jacksonville, Florida?12:01 n. m. pAoxrc; pnoij HOO^'E I Valle Crucis.~N.7iT~._r?0.50 Banner Elk. N. C 0.75 Elk Park. N. C 1.15 I Elizabcthton, Tenn. 2.00 Johnson City, Tenn 2.25 Cranberry, N. C 1.15 j Spruce Pine. N. C 2.20 IBurnsvillc. N. G. 2.80 Asheviilc, N. C 4.15 Chattanooga, Tenn. 7.75 Knoxvilic, Tenn. 5.25 Morristown, Tenn. 4.15 Greeneville, Tenn. 3._25j, Kingsport. Tenn. 2 851 Appahtchia, Va. L25 Norton Va. ;.2.r> Greenville, S. C. . .".00 Greenwood! S. C 7.15 Coh'tlt1;.-. S. C.-. 8.10 Charleston, S. V. -.11.15 Augusta, ila. 8.15 duel erviile. Fin. 111.'JO INQUIRE OF TIC KMT AO:.NT FOR FARES AND SCHEDULES ffijg TO OTHER POINTS^ IT NOTiCE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina, Watauga County, in tne J vijurll Wi O. HitrLzug " "VS.' L. 11. Hcnttey. By virtue of an execution directed to the Undersigned from the Superior Court of Watauga County in the above entitle'.! action. I wiil on the first Monday in July, 1232, on the. 4th day of said month between the hours of iO o'clock a. m. arid 2 o'clock p. m. aL the eoiirihouae dour of said county, soil to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all tfis right, title and interest which the said defendant. T,. M. Bentley has in the following described vral estate, td-wit: Being in the Town of Boone, and being lots No. 154 and 155 as shown by the pint and map of Daniel Boone Park su'u division of the Town of, N. C., said map being recorded in Rook 1, Page 7, and for a complete description, reference is made to the description in a deed from W. II. Matthew to R. N. Brooks, recorded in Book No. 30, page 04. This 3rd day of June, 1932. L. II. FARTHING, Sheriff. | fi-9-4p i ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as The administrator of S. J. Burnett, deceased, notice is hereby given to all person? having; claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same to the undersigned for payment within twelve months or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment of the same immediately. This 31st dav of Mav, 1932. 1. T. BARNETT, 6-2-6 Administrator JOHN E BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE. N. C. Offices Postoffice Building riiunc 03 iXT FALL \ j O /VVHATTTI CWANGE } CALLING MINUTES k-obSss. ^ m,nl W PJL f r A ?/ ^\ > A iJh==i Than eyer before; "He will not leave iv.e"? I WOW,?? I And ask not when, nor where nor how. < ?I. L. t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE 1 North Carolina. County of Watauga: 1i Under and by virtue of the powi and authority contained in that ccr-j tain deed of trust executed by W. F. c Reese and wife, Melissa Reese, to s The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust s Company, trustee (the undersigned t trustee having succeeded to the lights o and title or the named trustee, under f Chapter 207, Public Laws of 1931). i which said deed of trust is dated 1 November 1, 1928 and recorded in * Book 10. Page 23, of the Watauga ? County Registry, default having been a made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in tliej conditions therein secured, the under-1 0 signed trustee will on Tuesday, Julyj5. 1932 at or about twelve oclsekl noon, at the courthouse door atj Bocnc, X. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest l.idSev for cash the! following described properly: All that certain piece, parcel or) . tract of land containing 119 1-2 cLc?*e*c more or less, situate, lying and being.' on the Beaver Dam road, about 15 ^ miles west from the Town of Bc-one,'J in Beaver Dam Township, Watauga s County, State of North Carolina, hav-i *;ng such shape, metesj courses andjj^ distances as will more fully appeal* I by reference to a plat thereof, made !c, by L. M. Trivett, Surveyor, on the;!1 11th day of September, 1928, and ? 1 attached to the abstract now on file J i-i- tii--" * - ' wimi ?,nc .-inantic joint oEOCK Jtfana i ; of Raleigh, the same being bounded J on the north by the lands of Clyde j. Reese; on the east by the lands ofj'l Burton Farthing; on the south by the * lands of Wellington Swift and Asa , Reese; 011 the west by the lands of 1l< Asa Reese and George Robertson, ^ and being the Identical tract of Snail: conveyed by deed from M. J. Wil-:! Jiams and wife, Bruce Williams, to * W. F. Reese and wife, Melissa C. Reese, of date September 15, 1928, s said deed being duly recorded in ; Deed Book No. 38 at page 19 i in the ! ] office of the Register of Deeds for a Watauga County, State of North " Carolina, to which reference is made for more complete description of thc|u same. S Terms of sale cash and trustee will ^ require deposit of 10 per cent, of ' the. amount of the bid as his cvi-. 11 dcnce of good faith. ^ This lib day of June; 1932. |* NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND '' T1>1T?T nn\r6 * mv rr,... .1 ? i wvi?i an l , nusitv, Successor to the Rnleiyh Saving'? Hank and Trust Company, Trustee. I J. I.. Oockcrham ar.d Itobert !^, Wciaetcm^-Al!.?i^s- Re.k'Sh, N It. 0-S)-4t NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE By vir.'ue of the power of sale eon- r laiiied in n certain deed nrri'Ust executed to undersigned trustee Oy i on- iS ley Greene end F.llw Trivett on the 21st of July, 1S130, to secure the sum! of $-1,500.00 to Edwin N. Tlahtl, said I deed of trust beinsr recorded in thc| of five ,|f LIU: UK^Iatii C'f Deeds f Ot j Hectic & w v; % ? F xife i / m I'OO MUCH work, too much ? . . then "NERVES". How you awake nights! "NERVES" make you irrila Indigestion.... "NERVES" make resistance and pave the way for s J. M. Foster, a druggist, suit. Nerves. He had dozens of so store. One by one he tried the Mr. Foster tell his experience ii "I think D; \ medicine mad: ?^~~ ^ made. Dr. M f s cine on the sh '?? put me on my V - V I mmt, J. M. Foster fill 'I iTBFl1 IE IDEAN J ( ****&# *8 M?\ S ites?5 v.^ & r;'SI^SEVKN Watauga County in liook 15 of fields ?f Trust at page 237. and default uviog b~n. nrndo in trie" payment n the H otkeys thereby secured as herein provided, I will on Monday, July J. 1932, at the courthouse door fi Watauga County at the houi of o'clock p. m., sell ito the highest udder for cash, the following de?J ?< : tab?, to-wit: BEGINN! NG at Bryan's souths orner, and runs west 16-1 feet to a take; hence north 10* feet to a take; thence east 18 feet tc a stake; hence north 80 1-2 feet to a stake r Howard Street; thence east 134 eet to a stake on Howard Street; hence south 195 feet to a st3ke, Aryan's corner at the beginning, containing 13,194 square feet and being ns?i-t of the "R ('. jiisjSrk. division, r. known as the Boone Planing Mill. This the 1st day of Juno, 1932. T. E. BINGHAM, Trustee. i-9-32 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of power and '.'A t fieri ly coixUuteiu hi thai certain Iced of tin v., dated March 1st. 1928, lvid recorded in Book 12, Pago 291, .v'aiauga County Regisu\, and exeuteii by Carter G. Cook and wife, o the Citizens National Bank of Ra?igh. N. C.j Trustee, default having Been made in the payment of the idebtedr.eis secured thereby, ivherey the entire amount oi said indebtdness became due a ad payable and eiaand having- been made by the older of said note upon the trustee anted therein to advertise and sell lie property described in said deed ? trust, the undersigned will offer or sale for cash at public auction t the courthouse door in Boone, Waauga County, N. C., at noon on Vednesday, July Oth, 1932, the fol3wing described real estate: That certain lot situated in the 'own of Boone. North Carolina, and lore particularly described as foliws: Begins on a stake on the north ide of King Street, Lb <f. Cottrell's outhwest corner, and run's north 4 egrets east 1?>7 feet to a etakfe in an Hey; thence with alley north (?9 dere us west 31 feet to a stake. Chapel Wilson's northeast corner; thciice i.h Wilson's line south 21 degrees est idl feet to ft stake in King treJi; thence with King Street south 2 degrees east 77 1-2 fee* to the sgsnning, and being the same lands jnveyed tc Cavtev G. Cook by W. . Gragg and wife, Ann is Gragg, and ohnson Hayes and wife, Willa ayes, by deed; dated January bib, 920/ and recorded in Book 34, av age 42, in the office of the Register ? Deeds for Watauga County. North RvpJiiuXi This the 28ih day of May, 1932. NORTH CAKOLu\A SANN AND ~ i'ic u?s"i Liulsii'Ivlu . Trustee; uteiv to Citizens National Bank of Kaki^h, A. ? Trustee. Tr r-is Sale?Cash. Place of Sale, Court-house door, Boone, X C. Time of Sale?Noon, Wednesday, l.,v. ?~t, fooo A.O. I,1V^jf? " - - Days .' 4, ^ J A menial strain, ioo much worry they torture yon. tire you. keep bio, restless; give you Headache, ; you look and feel old.... weaken ;erious nervous or organic trouble. Bred tortures from Over-wrought called "Nerve Remedies" in his m without relief until... .But let a his own words. ". Miles' Nervine is the best r.erve e, and that a better one ce.nnot be iles' Nervine was the only mcdielj or in the prescription case that feet." J. AI. Foster, Druggist Marysville, Ohio 'cause Minutes always) .PASS- that's whyV-^

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