MARCH 9, 1933 SITTINGS FROM - LEGISLATURE (CvKiLiuuctl from Page 1) House were pretty well cleared over j the week end; that is, both bousesj were well up and had few measures requiring their attention. OC course, they are constantly reaching the ?al endar from committees bills introduced during the session reached J about 1150 last week, above 325 in the Senate and nearly 825 in the House. Introduction slowed down a bit, *o about 120 last week, 80-odd in the House and 10 ill the Senate. All measures ratified through last week, including a few that had passed and were ready to be ratified, numberd 274. The week's ratifications, including a few ready, numbered 24 public bills and resolutions and 39 local bills. Three were resoy lotions: approving the Century of | - PrOPl'f-ss; *" -o? " iii vmcugu; commending: Congressman E. W. Pou for a speech in Congress and designating the week of March G-ll as National Business Women's Week. Important among the measures passed was the provision for a commissioner of parole, taking the place of the former Executive Counsel, abolished. The new law provides for a commissioner and four inspectors to work in the field with paroled men, providing for completion of sentences outside -prison walls and under supervision. Another abolished the State Tax Commission. Another lim-i its highway Work for two year3 to maintenance, construction being only from federal funds and one or two minor projects. Several laws finally passed deal with legal matters. One amends the law as to payment to clerks of court of sums of money not exceeding $300 due and owing to persons intestate; another allows clerks to demand proper reports of commissiners they appoint; one prevents clerks of court from loaning trust funds; one relates to jurors; another to advertising jul dicial foreclosure sales; another re[ lieves sheriffs and tax collectors, allowing them to continue collecting taxes due and for which they have settled; two amend methods of sevice of process under two actions; regulating appeals from general county to superior courts; relating to probating wills; relating to issuance and filing of pleadings in claims and de!iv*vr_v- actions: navment nf Kii'v-nl 1 expenses from assets derived from J wrongful ulLi. New laws of a general" nature u>c. Drovide for return of escapees FiCV.". penal and correctional institutions;an amendment as to license fees and taxes on commercial fishing; prevent deception in storing, selling or offering for sale liquid fuel, lubricants, etc., and prohibit sale of nny such from containers improperly marked; authorizing the Secretary of State to sell the three volumes of Consolidated Statutes at $5 a set; providing for repairing and ditching the State canal in Hyde County. New measures introduced last week include five resolutions, three to Congress, one asking that R. F. D. routes he put on a competitive basis and two asking for legislation to prevent| foreclosures on real estate; one asks for a short hour day and short day week in industry; another asks the. ^tr Commissioner of Banks to supply a list of attorneys, their duties and fees Spaid them in 1931-33. Tax measures include two for t property revaluation, by horizontal ' cuts if county commissioners so decide, to save costs; another would relieve homes of the blind from taxation; another Would impose a tax on electric current; tax on non-resident fur dealers would he reduced by aother. Bank bills, in addition to the one mentioned, would allow operation of bank cash depositories; regulate the sale of certain assets of defuut banks; and safeguard bank deposits, repeal the double liability of bank stockholders and give additional regulatory authority to the Commissiont er of Banks. Legal measures would: provide for stay of execution in cases where motion for new trial is made after affirmance of conviction b> the SuHi-Land DryGleaningCo Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Hat Blocking PHONE 60 BOONE, N. C. *" V [SUPPOSE WE J T"J "I RAW DOM TO DA |-5nrl PICK. UP ODDS ViV* lUTECtSTIMC n'Bub ED KWf* KRESSY V ?& 'USB L ?"? 1 preme Court; make competent evi-j dence of communicated threat against defendant, in cases of assault and battery and affray, where a deadly j [weapon :s used; regulate seizure audi ' sale of personal property and title jietained contract or rental agreement; validate judgments under j ethics contingent remainders and exjecutory devices have been partitionled; amend the statutes on foreclosures of mortgages and deeds of [trust; direct clerks to give notice to devisees and legatees under wills ofI fered for probate; amend the process iu jury service; provide process for disbarment of attorneys at law. Other new bills of interest are: Consolidate Mitchell and Avery counties as Mitchell county. Place hospital hills in second ciass in payment of debts of decedent. Croatp a Sbitft T?vt /v? v?V t/Wtl j sion. Regulate workmen's compensation insurance rates. Place the purchase of all office supplies, books, records, furniture and fixtures of all counties under Division of Purchase and Contract. Amend the law on penalty for non payment of dues in Building and Loan Associations. Protect the public from a ttain infectious diseases. Amend the State game law; also open season for raccoon and opossum. Protect the consumers of flour; regulate bedding. Appoint a Board of Agriculture' and define its dutiesAllow local units to invest in their own bonds. Include neighborhood public roads under provisions for cartways. During the past seven years, Lincoln County poultry growers have sold 700,000 pounds of surplus poultry for a total income *-o the farmer; of ? 15! ,000. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Henry J. Hardin, Assignee of Wa tauga Chevrolet Company, Inc., vs. F. C. Ward, L. M. Farthing, ./. W. Ward, W. J. Mast and W. Hardin Brown. By virtue of the execution issued to ( the undersigned Sheriff of Watauga . County on the 3rd day of March, ( 1933, that certain action entitled: , Henry .1. Hardin, Assignee of Wa- j tauga Chevrolet Co., Inc., vs. F. C. i Ward, L. M. Farthing, j. W. Ward, i W. J. Mast, and W. Hardin Brown, I : will or MONDAY: APRIL 3rd. 1933, < at the courthouse door of Watauga ' .C?vhty,at iO;iO o'clock a. 1 to the highest bidder tof" cash alii the right, liiie ami iinetrst which the said W. J. Mast has in the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake on the j hank of the highway and at the forks of the road leading to the Wilson place, runs south 1? degrees west with the east side of the Wilson road crossing Brushy Fork Creel: 52 poles to a stake near a hickory on the bank of the. road; thence south fi2 1-2 degrees east with the Hartley and Wilson lino 18 poles and 6 1-2 feet .to a stake; thence north, 12 degrees cast crossing Brushy Fork Creek 52 2-5 poles to a stake on the south bank of the highway; thence nortli 62 1-2 degrees west with the said, highway- 18 poles and 6 1-2 feet to the beginning, containing 60 acres. BEGINNING on n stake in the road at Campbell's gate and runs north ' 34 degrees west crossing the creek 32 poles to a stake; thence north 29 degrees east 25 il-2 poles to a hick- . ory near the hollow and branch; i thence north 7 degrees West crossing a branch 89 3-5 poles to a stake i in the old line near the top of the ridge; thence west with the old line , -19 polls to a white oak, the old cor- < ner, now gone; thence south with the old Councill line 81 poles to a stake in the road on the south side of the creek;thence south 79 degrees east with the road 15 poles to a stake; thence south 59 degrees east with the road 11 3-5 poleJ' to the beginning, containing 25 acres; Except all the lands from 20 feet above the barn at the J. W. Ward line, straight course ot the old Councill line back to the highway, including house and barn, and about five (5) acres. This the 3rd day of March, 193$. A. Y. HOWELL, Sheriff Watauga County. John E. Brown, Attorney for Plaintiff. 3-9-4c DR. R. G. STONE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Office on Second Floor OveT the Boone Clothing Store UMP ABOUT AT ^ ( ittSVL / polks 8. just and euds of SBK i FACTS.,. 1? /TMATS^kX ( OS | . Blowing Rock, Lenoir, Hickory, Char iotte, Statesville, Salisbury, Higi Point, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigh, Norfolk, at 9:15 a. m., and 5:30 p. m. Asheville, Greenville, S. O., Columbia and Charleston, S. C.. Augusts and Atlanta, Ga., Jacksonville, Fla. and South at 9:15 a. m., 11:50 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. FARES FROM BOONE: Valle Crucis, N. C 3 0.51 Banner Elk. N. C 0.7E Elk Park. N. C 1.13 Elizabethton, Tenn. 2.0C Johnson City, Tenn 2.2E Greeneviile, Tenn. 3.2c Morristuwn, Tenn. 1.1c Knoxville, Tenn. 5.2c Chattanooga, Tenn. 7.7c Kingsport. Tenn. 2.8E Blowing Rock, N. C 0.4C tr:t ** " riii-Kory. V 2.25 Charlotte, N. C 4.00 Greensboro, N. C o.OC Asheville, N. C 4.15 Augii-Li. Ga. 8.15 Jacksonville, Fia. 13.90 Lowest Fares Everywhere Best Highways No Dust. ENQUIRE OF TICKF.T AGENT FOII FARES AND SCHEDULES TO OTHER POINTS. i Legal Advertisements Advertisement* appearing under this heading are payable strictly in Rdvance. Thu rule applies to all. Please do not aak the publishers to deviate. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of the power of sale con ainod in a certain Mortgage Deed executed to R. E. Clark on the 25th Jay of October, 1922, by J. C. Brown md wife, Bessie Brown, to secure Ihe sum of $6-12.56 to R. E. Clark, ind said note and mortgage being rssigned to C. D. Taylor, and default having been made ill the payment of the moneys thereby secured rs therein provided, 1 will on Monlay, March 20th, 1933, at 11:00 o':lock a. m. at the courthouse deer n Boone, North Carolina, sell to the highest b*ddov -foe--cash the . fall: v.* ing described real estate, to-wit: Beginning" on -a?white?oak, Mavy Brown's corner, and runs west 71 poles to a stake in the branch; then up said branch south 20 degrees west 27 poles to a stake; then south 38 Jcgrces west 31 poles to a sarvis tree; then 67 -degrees west 26 poles to a dakc ir. the branch; then south 32 poles to a stake in the branch; then south 32 poles to a slake in the iranch; then south 50 degrees west 20 poles to a beech; then south 50 degrees west to Buckeye in Cling Townsend's line on the band of b branch: then east 1 degree south 1 poles to a chestnut; then south 2 de grces east 2-1 poles to a beech; then l-ioi. iui puies to a cnestnut; mer north 113 poles to the beginning Containing 65 acres, more or iess Eleven acres excepted out of thii rieed sold to Cordelt .Taylor. SECOND TKACT: Beginning ?i r birch at the form of the branch and runs -North with said brand and Itoby Clark's line to .1. C-. Browr line; then west with his line to a maple in John May's line; then souil ivith said line to a stake, May's corner in J. M. Shrill's line; then ar east course to the beginning, con taining 10 acres, more or less. This the 13th day of February 1933. C. D. TAYLOR, Mortgagei Assignee of R. E. Clark. John E. Brown, Attorney 2-2.'!-. falotabs ^ihau? fcSARK RES. For!?vv liver, stomach and kidneys, biliousness, indigestion, constipation, headache, colds and fever. 10ff and 35l at dealers* (the fullest ||4 oldeu times ku1ghts f wtmustuave visokto imdicate fbieuc bssggg ?v?ANvr* wwf<. hy R. 3. Hodge* anu wife, Maude 1 Hodges, on toe Vtn and this conveyance being a part of ! same and runs an east course with Ring Street 21 feet to a stake at the wall of the old Methodist Church; > mcutc suain coarse it* icet ~o a 1 slake; thence a west course 21 feet 1 to a sake, the southwest cornel* of 1 lot conveyed to W. 8. Christian and Henry Hardin by R. C. Rivers; tlier. 1 7G feet to :he liemiiningj containing 1596;feet more or lefs. This the 28th dav of February," 1933. \V. H. GRAGG, 1 3-2-41. TiustcC. 1 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE*S~SALE I By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed >to the undersigned on the 2tat day of May, 1928, by Carl Hodges and wife, Allie Hodges, to secure the sum of $400.00 to the I ,Watauga Building and Loan Association, and default having been made in payment of the moneys thereby secured as therein provided, I will, on March 27th, 193.3. at 1 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in Boone, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land, to-wit: BEGINNING on a beech at the road and runs south 82 degrees east 21 poles to a maple at the edge of , the field; thence north about 87 1-2 degrees east up the ridge v, ith the fence about 30 poles to a slake on top of the ridge; thence north 83 degrees east 11 poles and 18 links to I a chestnut stump, Andy 'League's | corner; thence south 5 deewes east I with Tcague's line 35 poles and L8 '.inks '< n chestnut, Tcague's corner; thence south 2 degrees east with iTeuB~ae~!ir.c lapels: ti " ccerwood, j Tcague's corner; tthcncr north Su yegtuci a stake at the road near the forks of the branch, thence with said road to the beginning, containing 15 acres, and 88 square rods, more or less, being the land purchased by W. R. Gragg from | I. J. McGinnis, October 2, 1012. This the 27th day of February, , 1033. W. H. GRAGG, Trustee, i Trivette & Holshouser, ; Attorneys. S-2-4t NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SAGE North Carolina, Watauga County: Under and by virtue of a power of , sale contained in that ccrtaia Dead or Trust, executed on the 15th day of December, 1930, by M. P. Grit; cher and wife, .lennie Criteher, to G. M. S\jddreth, Trustee, to secure the , su:n of $3,S09.00, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office [ of the Register of Deeds of Watauga , County in Book No. 15, page 29, de. fault having been made in the pay, ment of the principal and interest . secured by said Deed of Trust and , at the instance and request of the . cestique trust, 1, G. M. Suddreth, Trustee, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Boone. North Carolina at 1:00 o', clock p. m. on the 20th day of March, 1933, to satisfy amount of said j principal, interest and cost including tsxer, on said property, which will be given on the day of sale, the following described property, lying and being in,Watauga County, North Carolina and bounded as follows: Beginning on a corner of King and Depot Streets near the Critehei Hotel and runs south 29 1-2 degrees | west with Depot Street 155 feet to a stake; thence south 53 degrees east j 140 feet to a stake; thence north l 29 1-2 degrees east 155 feet to King j Street; then with King Street 140 11 cct. to me uvgiuntng, anu tne j lot on which the Critchcr Hotel now .stands. Known as the Critcher Hote t>iopeity in Boone, N. C. Including all improvements on said lot. This 14th day of February, 1933. G. M. SUDDRETH, 2-16-4t Trustee ? The mamaquas iwdiams st ARROWS AT StoRMS TO WUVE1 " ':'^5 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the of .sale contained in a deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Charlie Keller and wife Bessie Keller on the - - r.y.\ of 1Q3I. to secure the sum of $500.00 to R. W. Keller unCE ALL MEU WAVE THIS HEM AWAY. AS ACEMlHCEftOTADAMSSIU.. seve:; Dr. C. B. Baughiiun, ?je, E*r, Nose and Throat Specialist, Elizabetoton. Tons., will be in the oEiice of Dr. J. B. Hr.gaman in Boone, oo the first Monday in each month for the practice of hu profession. i Church Announcements i 4; ?o ADVENT CHRISTIAN (Rev. J. T. Greene, Pastor) Sunday Schoo! each Sunday at 9:45. Morning service at Xi o'clock and evening service at S o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST (Rev. P. A. Hicks, Pastor) Sunday School at 0:45 a. m.. W. D. Farthing, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. ni.; B. V. I'. (I., 6:00 p. m.; Brotherhood, C:C0 p. re... mid-week prayer service or. Wednesdays at 7:30 p. nr. r.hoir practice each Friday, j Junior, 7:00 and Senior, 8:00. METHODIST CHURCH (Rev. J. H. Brendal! Jr., Pastor) Slin^fll' QpllAAt oJ Q. '' - T D. Rankin, Superintendent; morning sermon at 11 a. m., evening sermon at 7:30 by the pastor; World Club, 0:45 p. rn.: Fellowship Hour Wednesday at 8 p. m.; choir practice o Friday at 8 p. m. ?o? BOONE-WATAUGA MISSION LUTHERAN CHURCH (Rev. J. A. Yount, Pastor) St Marks (Bailey's Camp?Preaching first Sunday of each month. 11 a. m.; Sunday School every sunday at 9:45 a. m., Gracie Bolick, superintendent. Grace Church (East Boor.r)? Preaching service on second and ! fourth Sundays of each month at. 11 a. m., and ori first and third Sundays of each month at 7 p. m.; Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m.F Grady Morolz, superinTendent. George TSawyer, assistant superintendent; Luther League each Sunday at 0 p. in.; Woman's .Missionary Society on Monday after the second Sunday of each month at 2:iHJ jp. m. Holy Contmunion (near Valle Crucls) ?Service on third Sunday of each month at 11 a. m.; Sunday School each Sunday at *J:45 a. m Perry Townsend, supt. Banner Elk?Preaching service every fourth .Sunday at 3 j>. m. Holy Trinity (Deep Gap)?Preaching service -on .the second Sundav of Oilf'.h m/inth 9 1/. .. ?" WATAUGA CHARGE (Rov. G. C. Graham, Pa&tor) Henson's Chapel?Second a ftd | xu'irth Suliuraj'' 1 J Sun* dfly school ut S;*o, j> u> auitwrt ?im?rintimd'nt: Epworth League at G p. rn. Valle Crucis?Preaching on first and third Sundays at 11 a. m.; Sunday School 10 a. m., J. M. Shull, superintendent; Epworth League every Wednesday night. Mabel?Preaching every second and fourth Sunday at 3 p. m.; Sunday School 10 a. m., Robert Castle, superintendent. Salem?Preaching every first Sun day at 3 p. m. ?o-? Valle Crucis Anociated Minions of THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Rev. Leicester F. Kent. Rector) Valie Crucis, N. C. Rev. George W. Hulbert, Asst. Valle Crucis, N. C. Capt. William R. Smith, A. 0. R. Linville. N. C. Holy Cross Church (Valle Crucis) Celebration Holy Communion every Sunday, 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11:00 a. m. Saint Anthony's (Dutch Creek) ? Church School every Sunday at i "2:30 p, m.; evening prayer and sermon on first, third and fifth Sundnys, 3:15 p. m. Stringfelluw Memorial (Blowing Rock?Evening prayer and sermon every first Sunday, 7 p. in. St. Luke's (Boone)?Services as announced. St. Matthew's (Todd)?Morning prayer and sermon, second and I fourth Sundavs. 11 -nn - Church School every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. St. Mary's (Beaver Creek)?Evening prayer and sermon, second and fourth Sundays, 8:16 p. ro. Holy Trinity (Glenaale Springs) Evening prayer and sermon second and fourth Sundays at 7:00 p. m. ?o? BLOWING ROCK BAPTIST! ' Kev. P. A. Hickft, Patter) ' vires Kirst Sunday morning j at 11 .."-lock; Third Sunday evcI *r.*: i o'clock. Sunday School , sday at to a. m.. Wade E. : 8rc*vn, Superintendent. Prayer ] r etting each Thursday evening at II 7 o'clock. fwHLSUD WE COVERED QUITEABiTi 1? rrr*JyTH ??T(V? CArr< IT I Isucii DOESMT TAKfLOMGTWO-JGH ?uj *05 inio oati/ct-oi A?tr. ?