MARCH 23, !?33. Facts About Out Schools By GUY H. HILL LOCAL NEWS Copies of the constitution for stu(Unt participation in school government in Boone High School have been distributed among patrons of the .institution. It represents the work of the constitution committee sponsored by Mr. R. H. Harmon of the hi^h school faculty, and wiil be put into effect as soon as it has been ratified i*\ the student body and faculty. THE PEOPLE AND THE SCHOOLS If there has ever been a time when we common people needed to get into action for the purpose of saving the pu ic schools of North Carolina it is now?now?this very day. There is a force *>n our legislature which is advocating cutting our schools from eighteen million dollars to ten million dollars., and they are honest and conscientious in thinking that they represent the will of the people. There is another force there which is advocating repeal of all taxes for schools on local property but wpSph is trying to save the situation by guaranteeing an eight months education to every boy and girl of Nr.rth Carolina 01 school age. This force would make no difference between the schools of the city and the country with respect to salaries, efIficiency, etc. This force 13 also honest and conscientious in thinking that it represents the desires of the people. Which force is right? Which force is advocating your sentiments and desires? It behooves us as citizens who are interested 211 our schools to arouse a ourselves, get in touch with our legislators, and let them know in no uncertain terms which bill we are for. "The old cry. raised in shipwrecks, earthquakes, fires. 'Women and children first.' inspired and still inspires to reckless, willing self-sacrifice all but the meanest and most cowardly adults. Yet we are in danger now if we ever Were. And if any considerx able proportion of our race or nation has shown any sign of reckless self-sacrifice to protect the children of this State from it, at any cost to themselves, I'd like to have somebody tell me. Less money is the modern 53E equivalent of earthquakes, fire and .. _ ?^im&v^eksr;H8ve we made every possacrifice in order that children S9| -nd thosc who ca~>r fer them -msy-* the last to fee) the prick of less wonjMBBL ey? 1 do not have to wait for an OHK answer." ?55 ond ever dare," says Danton to his g? comrades in the French Revolution, jMafc "and the Republic is ours." But it is not ahtei without Jthe asking. Let's a||| (oil our representatives where we * -y8| stand on this educational dilemma. J Wedding Anniversary Of Roosevelts Observed Washington.?Both President and Mrs. Roosevelt were so busy Friday they had to wait the dinner hour to celt-male their 28th wedding aniverThe Chief Executive, after clearing away a Cabinet meeting, press conference, anil manv other mntterr I pi '.vent from his offices to Mrs. Roosevelt's "at home" at 5:30 p. m., the first time he had seen her during She had 150 guests in for tea, and Roosevellian relatives <-:;re arriving by various trains to join in the stricttj "family party" of the evening. ? The tea time guests got to see the gorgeous floral gifts that helped to . make the day memorable for the -;Y. Roosevelts. V The President and Mrs. Roosevelt, with Theodore Reosevelt, then preshnm ider.t, giving the bride awav. were I fig married in front of a shower bouyy r"' ??a?, i Courthouse ? Boone < J MARCH 25, 8 P. M. r SPONSORED SY WAT AUG* > POST, AMERICAN LEGION. . I Money Raited Will Go for Ley gion Charity Work. i * COMEDY ACTS, SINGING, . > DANCING AND MUSIC BY BLACK FACE COMEDIANS I A Real Show! If You Don't I Laugh, It's Pure Contrariness! ^ . Conie, Everybody! < 1 Admission Prices: < ! 10c and 25c. DOUGHTON FAVORS1: TWO-CENT STAMP Ninth District Congressman Intro- 3 duces Rill to Do Awav With 3- 1 Cent Rate and With Fee on Bank Checks. ; Washington.?What is regarded as j the bill that will replace the three-jj cent stamp with the old two-cent \ j stamp was introduced in the House ji Friday by Representative Robert L. i Dough ton of North Carolina, chair- \[ man of the Ways and Means com-!] mittee. j His measure provides that the three \ cent stamp be done bfray with, that I the former rat? of two cents be re- ? stored that the two cents on j bank checks be abolished, hut it ox- i lends the present gas tax one year. Farmer Bob called at the postof- j fice department Saturday to discuss i the matter with Postmaster General j Farley and was told the Cabinet j member was out of Washington. He j was toid at the office that Farley i had not yet expressed himself defi- i nitely on the subject, but was oniy : investigating it with a view of othvr- j wise reducing expenses to save reve nue that the extra cent for stamps : yielded. : In order to nave the matter in ; shape before his committee, the bill : unu orwl ....II talk to the President about it as the proper time. : "The three-cent postage rate keeps many people from (writing betters : and has never accomplished what was l: intended, to yield revenue," Mr. : Doughtbn said. "The two-cent stamps on cheeks is a nuisance and should : have never been enacted. I would : continue the government gasoline tax : a year, but would exempt state agsn- S cics from the tax T confidently be- : lieve that this Congress will abolish'; -oOn 1 fflpjjaH The magician ffiWffllHl on a tabic it tl sides to show up, he places After a short j the screen. Tfc girl, covered t from the "cmpi EXPLANATIO The girl was There is a tra with a hole far The flowers, c a regular part wears a rubb< flowers compi tunic down an .... * 3 WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV1 :he check stamp and also go back to two cents postage rates on let:ers." YALLE CRUCIS NEWS Miss Blanche Reddick is here for in extended visit with her grandmath.r Mm W H. M ast Mrs. C. D. Taylor had as dinner quests Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dunklev and lit la daughter, g^SSSSSSm j On 33 i Smith Tested $' I YET IT DOESN'T We Also Handle A | R. O. C == Warehouse Opposit llllililllilUlUlliiliHliiiiililHllHIHIlil exhibits a flower pot with hinged Hides ae center of the stage. He opens out the that this container is empty. Closing it a screen between it and the audience, eriod of magic incantations he removes le astounded audience sees a beautiful o the shoulders in lovely flowers, rising ty" container. Where did she came from ? N: hiding behind the drape of the table, tp door in the bottom of the flower pot, ge enough to allow her to crawl through. :alled "magicians5 feather flowers," ?tc : of a magician's outfit. The flower girl :r tunic and a bathing cap to keep the -essed into small space. She slides the d the flowers expand when the emerges. [MM CuiJTltbt. 1333. B. J. BuuM? 1ttwco Ow?W . IRY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. Mary. Afterwards Mr. Henry Taylor a was host to his club. Three tables of t bridge were irj play during which time a delicious course of candies was g served. o Mrs. Naomi Johnson of Oharies- ii ton, S. C-, arrived in the Valley Friday for a visit with her grandpar- ii ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shull. e On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. u Dunkky delightfully entertained a- t Success -Donflk 1.57 PER TO COST ANY MORF THA? JIMOUR'S JERIK! BRA? Before Placing 1 REENE, :e Boone Steam Laundry lSlllli!!illilili!i!!iii'!!!!lli!Hl!!lllliilliil!lll!Hl Jts jFinv it's mo, A trick frequently worker advertising is the illusion t in a cigarette comes fron processes of manufacture. EXPLANATION: All po reiics today are made in i tary factories with up-to-< ery. All are heat treatedintensively than others, f inferior tobaccos require JywvvR fiBBaBa ^Bl PWk;. .;.^x>-'' ;-V:::;". n old time square dance at the atractive Hughes cottage. Mis? L:ta Tester had as her housa nests for the week-end Misses Car-| line Leake, Bculah Baird and Lou- j >e Johnson. Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Glenn of Wash-j igton, D. C., are visa ting their par-} nts and relatives. Dr. Glenn rot-' rued to \Yashing tou Monday to-con-L inue his work, however, Mrs. Glenn' ilillllllllllliillllllllllllllliillllilllllllllllliil ive State iq Fprti JBk^ Si ^>5. N Above the i OTHER GRADES Wir JD FERTILIZER- Farn "heir Orders! Repres'i BOONE, N( lllilllllllfillillli!!llHllll!iliilillill!ilii!HI I: < I- : ill ^ '. '^/ ^w> . jftj ) ^ JuiOTJ? r a SJK ?/' F172V 7 '0 1 in cigarette sive treatment- t hat mildness baccos. 1 mysterious The real differ baccos that are i pularciga- tobacco, the mild< nodem sani .1,1 tc machin. " '* ? *0< ?some more tobacco jecause raw, ors made f more intcn- EXPENSIVE tob popular brand |????||j||jiik That is why Care is why Camels hi ure to more peop 'mIII arette ever made W$& It's the secret i quet"... their cot ||||| irritating mildne. Mjlm oiate the greater friP tion of the more w rrr*/TT . - -will be here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. D C. Mast. Mr. and Mrs. liive Mast r.rM small son. Pat, -pj' t Si :idu.. wi h Mi. and Mrs. WW. Mast. Misses Frances and Lsnra Farthing entertained in honor of Dr. and Mrs. It. O. filenn Sunday afternoon. A dehonor guests. Mrs. R. A. Olsen, Mrs. Naomi Johnson and Miss Wilmc Baird. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii.i 5 Tests | lizers ( i Analysis! 1 FH LOWER TEST! |? ??rs Should See Us f|? M itative | )RTH CAROLINA || HlHIIIIHIIilillllHHIIIIIllHllllHIlllHllli mm i HTi D jKjXOW han choice, ripe toence comes in the roused. The better the :r it is*. tt? welt known by leaf experts, that Camels rem finer, MORE accos titan any other i. _ tcls are so mild. That ive given more plcasilc than any other cigd{ Camels' rich "bou )1 Havor... their non" e o nfttmce to nnpreplensure and satisfac: expensive tobaccos. RICKS yQSTZIi:R iCCOS BLESS BLEND