MAY 25, 1833 LOCAL AFFAIRS Attorney Joe Prevette of Jeffers was a business visitor in Boone Tuesday afternoon. Dallas Shoemaker and Lionel Wi son spent the week-end visiting wi friends in CheiTyville and Kin violin tain. Dr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hodges Johnson City, were week-end vlsitc with Mr. Hodges* parents. Mr. aj Mrs. John W. Hodges. Italia Clay has returned from t Grace Hospital, Morgan ton, much ii proved from her serious illness of t! past six or more weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Grayson ai two children, of Trade, Tenn.. visit with relatives in Boone Sunday al eraoon. Mr and Mrs. Perry Morgan ai baby, of Carey, N. C., are spendii a few days al the home of Mrs. Mo gan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 Farthing. Mr. J. B. Hopkins, of Washingto p. o jc cprtn.iinp twii week? visit**" with relatives in Ashe County, ar * with a sister, Mrs. John W. Hodge in Boone. Mr Elmer Rankin is at home f< tlic vacation period after having cor pleted his second year of teaching the Cannon High School of Kannai oils. Miss Mabel Hardy, who recent! underwent an appendix operation the Wilkes Hospital, ;s spending son* time with her parents, Air. and Mr Luther Hardy, near Boone. Mrs. Pearl Hartley, son and daugl ter arc occupying their home on Gree Heights for the summer. They spen the fall and winter months in Wilkes boro, where Mrs. Hartley has held position in the city schools for a num ber of years. Mrs. J. C. Farthing has returne from Long's Sanatorium, Statesvilk where she has been patient in three weeks, and her friends will b glad to know that she is rocoverin rapidly Mr. F, M. Richards, of .Spruce Pirn was a business visitor in the cit Monday. Mr. Richards is distributing a well-known brand of 3.2 brew, an says he is finding no little difficult in securing sufficient beer to kee his dealers supplied at all tiroes. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Davis an daughter, Miss Jacque, of Willis tor S. C., left Wednesday for their horn after having spent a few ilays visit ing with relatives and friends in th county. Rev. Davis will be remeir beteQ as a sutl yi lui; latc~ItiV.--J.-I Do vis, local Baptist minister, ~wc known by all the older residents, ar. hlC visit ha? boon nniovod Hv thos with ban not mingled fc many years. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Rankin and fanily have returned home from a week end visit with their daughter, Mr: P. M. Rutherford Jr., of Knoxvilli Tenn. While there they attended th great celebration staged by the Cit of Knoxvilie In approval of the pat sage by Congress of President Rouse velt's Shoals Bill which provides fn developing power in the Tennesse River valley. They report the grea! est enthusiasm throughout the whol section. Everybody seems to be look ing with confidence to thi3 projec to start the wheels of industry an to bring back prosperity to the Stall Miss Greene Honors Bride At Miscellaneous Shower. Miss Billie Lou Greene honore Mrs. Edgar Cooke, a recent bridi at a lovely miscellaneous shower las Friday evening at her home on Eas Main Street. The reception room were charmingly decorated with cu flowers, carrying out a color schem of white and yellow. Mrs Cook was given a large roll ing pin and was told to roll unt she came to the end. There she foun a large basket of gifts awaiting hei Each guest received a small rollin pin as a favor. A delightful refreshment coursi consisting of salad, sandwiches, ice tea and pineapple cake with whippe cream was served, the yellow an white color scheme being carried ot * through the party. Those enjoying Miss Greene's hof pitality were: Mrs Cook, the hone guest, Misses Virginia Greer, Wilhc mina Hughes, Bernice and Ine Gragg, Maude Greene, RiJhy and Iv Dean Wilson, Marguerite and Lucill Miller, Elizabeth Cooke, Ruby Win* Icr, Zelda Wilson, and Mesdames Rol ert Moretz, Howard Gragg and VI] gil Hall. Mrs. Hodges Entertains Entre Nous Club. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. ku sell Hodges delightfully entertain* members of the Entre Nous Club at a number oi uuct guccto at contra bridge. The home was attractive arranged with a profusion of sprir flowers. After several interesting progre sions. Mi's. Baxter Linncy was four to hold high score and Mrs. Jim Ri era proved lucky for cut prize. Eai was prseented an attractive gift. A delicious salad course with id tea was served by the hostess to t] following guests: Mesdames Cliff M Connell, Ruth Isaacs, Joe Gaith* Paul Coffey. Dave Mast, James He ton, John Horton, G. K. Moose, Aik Kennedy, D. J. Whilener, Jim Rivei Murray Critcher, David Greene, ' R. Smith, Baxter Ldnney, Prank W . jjlAfarC ,r" Items from The IVmoerat et th \fo?. >? tont ?s A. W. Beach is now at work on th* turnpike bridges near Mr. J. W. Far of tiling's. ,auic wi uugu txil5"tOT\rn "rrill rc^ suit. The space devoted to Boone will contain editorial and pictorial matter pertaining; to the civic and sce* nic interests of this section with par^ ticular attention directed to the altic tude, mountain views, recreational fay cilitics, fishing;, the state Teachers " College, historical matter and data regarding Daniel jl>c one, from whom r this town derives its name, e '* WATAUGA BOYS LEAVE FOR REFORESTATION WORK ^ Watauga County's contingent to the ? President's Reforestation Army, 27 in niuiiber, left Friday morning for Winston-Salem, where they underwent a physical examination preparatory to entering Camp Bragg for a two weeks ^ uiMiHiHrtnirio- nnriA/> linfrti-Q a-h:ntr t r\ ' camps ill the woods. Only two Wa| tauga boys were rejected cn account of physical disabilities, however oths ers were on hand to take their places, 1<- and Saturday morning the full quota '' was sent on to Camp Bragg. Those whc. composed the Watauga group were: Keith Little, Frank Ha' gaman. Worth Byers, Earnest Sims, d Sever Triplett, Ford King, Marshal r' Farthing, Dexter Baird, Dennis " Hughes, Faw Miller, Turner Storie, Donald Greer, Glenn Ragan, Cliarlie Adams, Grady Eller, John Critcher, d Jack Steele, Dwight Hayes, Hex Mcd Guire, Donald Brown, Con Moore, Lee d Smith. Elmer Miller. Wade Edmisten, lt Blaine Phillips, Howard Ward and Martin Moretz. ! ,r SPECIAL SERVICE AT GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY 'z The fourth anniversary of Grace a Lutlieran Church is to be observed ie on next Sunday, May 28th. Dr. J. L. Morgan of Salisbury, president of the Synod, is to preach the sermon at r" the chief service, which is to begin at 11 o'clock. The speakers for the afternoon are Mrs. J. L. Morgan, of Salisbury, member of the executive committee of the Woman's Mission3" ary Society. Mrs. Kepner's topic is :d "Use Me, Even Me." Special music ld will be a feature of the services. will be served at the church and iy the ladies are asked to bring wellfilled baskets. A cordial invitation is extended to ali. s ld TO IMPROVE CEMETERY v" Citizens of the Oak Grove com ^ munity have announced that on Fri day of this week an effort will b< made to clean up and beautify th< rle Hines graveyard, and to this end al c" persons who have dead buried ther< :r" are asked to come or send a man ir" and co-operate in the work. en rs, liams; Misses Erie Greer, Louise Crit N. Cher, Louise Coffey, and Virginii 11- Wary. WATAUGA pKMOCRAT?EVE] %rUktfyFikr | The snow remained in many places. all ;U"iy cwiudy, auu V.0u9 XT' 1 | 13 mj J = The kind of beverag< its I5est . . . Blue Ril with the same taste < = in the old days. It w ? then, and is equally EE best beer going. I BOONE TB E Next to Postoffice r Kill eived a good supply of spi lich to kill bugs and insect ite of Lead, Calcium Ar iordeaux Mixture, Bluestc do not have a Dust Gun < it what you are looking f 5 TO BEGIN SPRAYING DUSTING EARLY! rs Hardv %1?r flj VUI1I[] )NE, NORTH CAROL!! FIVE en ;n memory of those who fcli in Flanders* Field and others who have fallen by the wayside since they were discharged from the service. Immediately following the service the ex-service men and women will arrange the wreaths and flags in order that every World War veteran who is buried in this country may he decorated in the afternoon. There will be someone in every community appointed to decorate the graves. RALPH G. GREER, Commander Watauga Post 130. A good man folks are now studying imateur magic. Tov shops ?n the large Sties report an unusual demand for itugivioTid kila. IP AIRING L & N. Tire C Company idio Repair Shop and est of service. LKTS, TUBES .VXD . CARiMF.n lio Service PHONE 108 i HOT? I "TIRED? I THIRSTY? | y a meal, pick-me-up ee :h, together with == bottle of ||| KliSiSOJN!" Fr Tft S M W = Li* AV i | is . . . Lager beer at abon comes to you == and zip it had back M as a favorite brand = popular now. The -== LAIL CAFE I BOONE, N. C. 1 lIllilHHlllllilillllHillllllllHIIlllliHiHl lersl HnnwanuMBB 1 iry and dusting | s. We now have senate, Magne- { ine, Paris Green | >r Spray Pumb, 3 or at our store. J G AND t | a. ???? + I rare & 1 any j