\ BOONE SKETCHES ) By J. C. R. I I ? "" ^ PROSPER IT V ji u in.HH V n. nun aavCM VUU I growers at least 5 rents per pound, < as Wi>ol sold previous to Thursday \ from the county at large averaged I less *&?in twenty-five cents. Some j 1 wool Iras been sold for SO cents and 1 i ~ Mopp&d By The Watauga Post American Le-101 gion, in session at Legion Hail Fri- re: day evening, voted in favor of hold- m ir.g a Fourth of July celebration in Boone, and a committee appointed for 01 the purpose has drafted o tentative ir program of various sports which will d: last continuously from 9:45 a. m. to m 5:30 p. m. ti According to present incomplete arrangements, the celebration will be w different from the usual independ- w ence day fetes, in that there will be ri no patriotic or other addresses. At ir 9:45 a. m., a colorful parade through U the streets of the town is scheduled U to set off the festivities, following which visitors will proceed directly t< to college athletic field, where upon p the payment of a small admission fee, J p Jeffress Reapj Highway H (By M. R. DTTNiSAGAN ti Special Writer for The Democrat Raleigh, June 13.?E. B. Jcftrcss " was named chairman and George Ross Pou executive director of the new w State Highway and Public Works Com sl mission, formed by the Genera! As- n sembly from the highway and prison departments, headed now by these a two men, and A. J Maxwell was re- ?' appointed Commissioner of Revenue in an announcement by Governor Kb- Ci ringhaus Saturday night. At the same time Governor Ehringhaus named the six members of the e Highway and Public Works Commis- 11 sion, as follows: Charles Whedbee, e Perquimans county; W. C. Woodard, Nash: James A. Hardison, Anson; I?u- ? ther Hodges, Rockingham; Ros3 Sigmoil, Rowan and Frank W. Miller of Haywood county. L Previously Governor Ehringhaus had broken his silence to appoint Ed- C win Gill as Commissioner of Paroles, succeeding Tyre Taylor; Charles B. Aycock to handle workmen's compensation cases arising under relief em- f< ployment through the Governor's of- d flee of relief; General J. VanB. Metts u as Adjutant General and Col. Gordon g Smith as Assistant Adjutant General, t< the latter two having served in these positions for 12 years. C In announcing the highway and s public works officials. Governor Eh- d ringhaus said that the law consolidat- v ing the two departments will become b effective July 1, Mr. Pou serving for a s of Northwest North Care JUNK 15, 1833 aiiu vjiiriS to Comp^ ^ | first applicants for entrance to the women and criris which has h??f?n *ict of New York State under the ;tary of JLabor, and sponsored by 1 k!? first three applicants registering ity. Insert is of Miss Frances Per35,000 Lbs. im Is Hiah enls Is Price i little for 32 cents, but this is cit;d as a direct result of the pool. The decision to sell the local Fleece at this time, the committee I ?aid, was partly duo to the World | Economic Conference, which was i hought likely to cause the tariff :o be lowered. The buyer stated that Jie mills did not need any more .cool at the present time, for most :>f the farmers had already sold hem this commodity. This remark constitutes a powerful argument for cooling, and farmers next year will iikely hold their wool anil stick to the co-operative method of marketing. Is* -J-'* Legion Post xe is permitted to enjoy the full jund of amusement and entertainient without leaving the grounds. Refreshments and foods will be sold ily by the Legion post and fo** a iriing sum a visitor may spend the ty, and experience not a dull motent, according to the sponsors of xe event. Three official league baseball games ill be played during the day, there ill be foot races, potato races, sack xces, amateur and professional boxtg, and many other sports and conists. A street dance is planned osj xe closing event, in the evening. j The annual fiddlers' convention is I x be held during the fourth of July, eriod, but the exAct date for this! opular event has not been decided. | pointed As ead By Gov. me as superintendent of the prison ivision. He said many friends had rged naming Mr. Pou as chairman, tit naming him as executive director as in line with his own wishes. He lated before the Reorganization committee of the General Assembly that : -was not his desire to be chairman nd he has repeated it several times ince. In fact, the campaign for him ? said to have been waged more by uemies of Mr. Jeffries than by the riends of Mr. Pou. Regret was expressed that the preset highway and prison boards could ot be retained, Governor Ehringhans ^pressing Appreciation of their work, he new board members are all from aunties not heretofore represented on ae highway body. The remaining oficials are expected to be named in he next few days. )ONGRESS ASKS THAT THE AKRON BE REPLACED Washington.?A ringing demand or continued lighter-than-air craft evelopment for the national defense 'as made Saturday by the joint conressional committee that investiga _m me AKron disaster. The committee, in its report to tongress, strongly recommended contruction of a training ship, and pening its completion the committee adocated rccommissioning the dirigile Los Angeles for training and reearch purposes. RAT slina *1.50 PER YEAR m m i.r r.'ujjr.1. ,.i. ., .. aKitwirvr. r> fiAi i rftr mmAi i o 1*-f>l f - o*-iv*v.?_-o *.v* juiiii ivi. rxo.rsbaw, 55, wore conducted from the home in L-enoir Saturday afternoon, the well known citizen having; sucj cum bed Thursday morning: at the I Daniel Boone Hotel here, the result of a self-inflicted bullet wound while I he and hi3 bride of two days were aoheymobiiing- at uie iocai hostelry. ! Air Hnrsh.'iiv was found ir. his room [mortally wounded at 11:45 We-dnenI day, but waa conscious tcrougnout the afternoon and evening'. He insistfeu" that the anootinghimself, but failed to assign any motive for the act. His young- bride, the former Miss Effie Suddreth of Edgejmont, to whom he was married the previous Monday evening, was said to have been in the bathroom when the shot was fired. The bullet entered the chest, toward the lower extremity of the heart, and passed completely through the Ixxty and into the mat! tress. I Harshaw was a prominent citizen of this section, being well known in I Watauga. County. He was district I manager for the Standard Oil Company. and had riser, to many other 'business heights. Ke is survived by a daughter, three | sons and his young bride I : Ask for Aid in the Upkeep City Cemetery | Messrs. J. S. Slanbury and B. J. i Council!, who constitute the commitjtec in charge of the town cemetery, have requested that all those who have made financial pledges on the improvements being made, pay these pledges at once, and that others interested will greatly benefit the worthy cause by making prompt contributions. The committee states that it will be impossible to carry forward the work without the material help of those interested. It is further asttcd that citizens refrain from pasturing cattle on the cemetery Int. THE WEATHER Weather report for week ending Tune 10th, as compiled by the cooperative station at Appalachian Teachers College: Average maximum temperature, S3 degrees. Average minimum temperature. 59 degrees. Average temperature, 71 degrees. Aunrorro flail" -eonn-n uuiij i cuig^ xii vciuucta* ture, 24 degrees. Greatest daily range in temperature, 31 degrees; date, 8th. Average temperature at 6 p. m. (time of observation), 77 degrees. Highest temperature reached, 90 degrees; date, 8tn. Lowest temperature reached, 54 degrees; date, 4th and 5th. Total precipitation in inches, 0.28. Greatest pre -'ipitation in 24 hours, 0.28; date, lOtli. Number of days with 0.01 inch or more precipitation, 1. Number of clear days, 4. Number of partly cioudy days, JL Number of cloudy days, 2.