JULY 13, 1933 LOCAL AFFAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGuirc w< Miss Mildred Haines of Winstt Salem was a week-end guest of M Geraldine Smith. Mr. Frank B. Schumann, editor the Avery Advocate, Newland, visit briefly with friends In the city F day afternoon. Mrs. Roby Coffey, son Dennis, a daughter, Miss Ruby, of Blowi Rock, were visitors in Boone Tuesd afternoon. Miss Daisy Adams, Jimmy a Sarah Rebckah Rivers were visiti in Mountain City over the past wee end. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Johnson. Farmington, are visiting with Ml Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mi's. J. Greene, on tbe River. ivir. s. l*. Kepiar, or Nelson ville, ( arrived in Boone on the 4 th and spending the summer visiting at ? home o? a son, Mr. Roy Keplar. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene a three children, of Cleveland, Ohio, a visiting with home-folks iu t county. Messrs. John Combs, Grady M retz, T. D. Hefner and Mr. and Mi Jim Rivers attended the Young Der ocratic convention at Wrightsvil Beach last week-end. Miss Maude Clay, student nurse Grace Hospital, Morganton, is spcn ing a two-weeks vacation with h parents, Mr. and Mr3. R. L. Cla in Boone. Mrs. F. S. Palmer, who has be< confined to her home for the pa ! three weeks, is much improved ai expects to leave this week for an e tended vacation. | Mr. A. S. Harris, manager of tl Spainhour Stores, has been quite for a few days at his Daniel Booi Hotel apartment. Wednesday the po ulur merchant was still absent fro the Store. Miss Louise Coffey, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Coffey of Dc< Gap, recently underwent an append I operation at Long's Sanltorium St&tesville. She is said to be recove ing rapidly. Mm. KS T. Hnllin and son. Eugen of Washingiton, D. O., were gues utr iuc v^aiu-?vau Ir.r. over the pa week-end. They were en route hois trum u to-rcl Uvea in Georgia. Mrs. Antoinette Chalk er, of Was: | ington, D. C., is the guest of her si ter, Mrs. H. O. Dowling, at the Car 2 Jean Inn this week. Miss Mabel Nicl IellE, of Greenville, S. C., is aiso guest of Mrs. Dowling. Mrs. Bowie Warren Gray and h ueugnccr, miss ivancy, 01 Wilson, J C., are spending a few days as tl guests of Mrs. John Hardin in Ea Boone. Mr. Herman Wilcox is the new st tion agent for the Linville River Rai way at Boone, having taken over tl duties of the office on the first, succeed R. L. Clay, resigned. Mr. W: cox has been with the company fi twelve years. Mrs. John W. Hodges left Tuesdi for a few days" visit at the home a son, Fred H. Hodges, at Jc.hns< City, Tenn. Before returning she w go to Kingsport and finish her vi: with a daughter, Mrs. Kay Boatrigt Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Widenhouse at daughters, Misses Ida Mae and L lian, of Midlands, N. C., P.rrived their summer home here Saturda Mr. Widenhouse returned the first the week, but the family will rema here for some time. TLfiaa r ,.1 ? urnwi ^ , ..f If. ?JU'U ? vesica, unu^iitci ui iiii S. E. Ward of Blowing Rock, was I cently married to Mr. C. A. Dougli of California. Mr. and Mrs. Dougl have opened the Blue Bird Barbec and Service Station on the Blowii Rock Road, and will probably be pe manent residents of Boone. Mr. W. C. Kivett and Mrs. Kivei of Winston-Salem, have moved in the Tracy Councill residence, and w make their home here for the pre cat. Mr. Kivett is district manag for the Standard Oil Company, su ceeding the late John M. Harsha and lias five counties in his territor Miss Pauline Swift, who for sever weeks ha3 been a patient at an Eli abethton, Tenn., hospital, returned in Boo?? TupuHav Rft< noon. The many friends of the po ular young lady will be glad to kn< that she is rapidly regaining h health. Mrs. Hitchcock of Washington, u, ana aaugnier, mrs. veima sei of New York City, were visitors Boone for a short while Saturdj Mrs. Hitchcock, with her husband a baby Velma, spent the summer seas :n Boone more than thirty years ai and she and her daughter are t: mendously interested in the deveic ment of this section since that tir They called on a few old friends, h lunch with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cot cili, and proceeded on their reti Journey. . " v . ' . . ^ - V. . . . -V.' . . . iAVV,',; J Friday Afternoon CluM Meets 1 With Mrs. J. L. Winkler. Mrs. James L. VuSkJcr was hos ess to the Friday Afternoon Ciub ar ^ additional guests on the afternoon < July 7til at her attractive home c the Blowing Rock road, ra- Quantities of white hydrangeas ar iss larkspur furnished the effective de orations. A delightful social hour w? enjoyed followed by an attracts ?* program consisting of readings take mostly from our .North Carolina p< ri~ ets, and interspersed with music. Readings were given by the follov ntl ing: Mrs. E. S. Coffey, Mrs. Je n_ Stan bury, Mrs. Winkler, Mrs. B. ?y Councill and Mrs. /Jice Hardin. Mr A. E. South and Miss Bouchei: played two lovely piano duets, an nd then two piano and violin numbers. >rs Mrs. Winkler's daughter, Mis3 Ar k- ita, assisted lier in serving a iovei plate luncheon. In addition to club members Mr ol Winkler had as guests Mrs. Brer rR- dall, Mrs. Herman Eggers, Mrs. Gil c- dy Farthing and Miss Rouchelle. JUNSON?GKAGG i3 Married at the Baptist Church i hC Boone on the first, Rev. P. A. Hick officiating. Miss Inez Gragg of Boor to Mr. Kermit Hinson of Kannapoli: \nuy ix iew ciosc menas or the ram re iiieg were present, he Mrs. Hinson is tiie daughter of th late W. R. Gragg, and Mrs. Gragg of Boone, was reared here, is attrac .s live and talented and has a wide cii ^ cle of friends. Mr. Hinson is a forme student at the college here, being brother of Prof. Van Hinson, and i well and favorably known in this set at tion. The newly-weds will be at horn d- at Kannapolis after the tenth, er (Note: The Editor regrets tha y, through an oversight this item wa omitted from the last issue.) ZIONVIIJ.K NEWS at \( Miss Bettye Ruin Green has re turned to her home here after visit ing relatives in Ohio and Indiana fo 10 the past few months. She was ac ill conipanied home by her sister, Mrs 1C Jake Chapman, and daughter, o p. Richmond, Ind., who will spend th m summer here. Mrs. Lloyd Elier has been a ver; sick lady for the past week, of Greer and Bobbie Isaacs of Cincin Jp nati. Ohio, are spending the summe ... wilu uieir gianaparents, Mr. an in Mrs. K. G. Greer, r- Mr. and Mr3. Roby Moretz o Trade, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Oic era Greer. ?.X bilvera tone, visited oi : cuuuajr wilu ml. aitu ~ I Wilkinson. J Air. ana Mm. vtraujf sn | children of Spokane, Waah., and Mi ~ ana Mrs. Bob Hodge of-' Post Pulli Idaho, are visiting their mother, Mr Victoria Hodge and other relative s_ here. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isaacs of Cin lj_ cinnatl. Ohio, spent a few hours 1 u the village last wee!:. On their rs turn home they were accompanied b; Mrs. Isaacs* brother, Glenwced Greei er who will visit for some time wit *1. them. re Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins and sot st of White Pine. Tenn., are with Mri Collins' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. h ^ Wilson, at this writing. le Carl Ragan Injured j" When Horses Go Will ar Carl Ra^an of Boone was serious ly injured Thursday afternoon who ty a team of horses ran away with hir of at a point two miles from Boone o >n the Rich Mountain road. Mr. Ruga ill was thrown from the wagon as th rit team bolted, struck a log alongsid it. the road and his right shoulder wa crushed by the impact. Despite th .j serious injury. Mr. Ragan managed t ~ regain control of the horses and drov them back to town. y. in Local School Children To Present Operett. rs. e- A Toy Orchestra Operetta, "Tt is. Princess Has a Birthday," will t as presented by the children of th ue Demonstration School on Thursds jg afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Miss Gl&dy T- Bolt, director, announces that no ac mission charge will be made, and coi dially invites the public to attem Lt> The cast is as follows: Princess. Bobby Clay: Queen, Katl 111 ryn McGhee; King, Greer Hodgci 3" Master Melody, Robert Lovill: Majc er Scale, Junior Hodges; Sharp, Max !C" Alice Cook; Plat, Lucille Cook; Da: cer, Elizabeth Pendergrass. y- Fairies: Velma Rivers McGhee; J j Anne Lovill, Sarah Rebekafc River Marjorie Hodges, Amie Lee Angi to Wanda Hodges, Jean Lyerly, Ann ,r_ Miller, Kathryn Horton, Roberl lD_ Gritcher, Maruia Harrison, Maldri )W Tunnel, Nancy Wilcox. Joyce Grag er Essie Norria, Virginia Norris. Gypsies: Martha Ellen Hamby, Be ty Williams, Kathryn Younce, Ma: D. Lillian Wilcox. ey Pixie Pranks: Murray Craven, W: in liam Wilson Fori Rush T Tt ttr-,. ly. die. Prank Mast, G. C. Greene, Cat n?l Greene. on Palace Guards: Mac Hagaraan, V jo, ra Snow Barnett, Charles Younc re- Dean Hodges, Hearld Jones, Merrt >p- Hill, Margaret Johnson, Kathlei ne. Gragg, Kathleen Carter, Hugh Hag ad man, Royster Barnett, Vera Norr. m- Dala Clay, Helen Wilcox, Dot u-n Wright, Ruby Kirkman. Cleo Gre< Bwron Iannis Brown. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E 4-H Girl Winner >n p Miss Bessie Lack, a 4-H Clab win3. ner of Orchard, In., with her chami pion egg-laying hen, " Dixiana * entered under the Booth Farms banner from Cliton, Mo. "Dixiana" has r a. i ccviu vx otti eggs ui ooo aajs. : LEGAL NOTICES S e Advertisements appearing vndei this classification are payable ir t advance. This rule is enforced im s partially. Please do not expect th< publishers to deviate. COMMISSIONERS SALE North Pcrniinn_ Watauga County the Superior Court: Gordon Win] lcr vs. H. W. Horton and Mrs. ] r W. Horton. .. Under and by virtue of an order , the Superior Court appointing tl f undersigned a commissioner and c e rccting the sale of the hand heiei: after described in a certain foreel y sure proceeding for taxes, I will c Monday, August 7th, 1933, at 1:< _ o'clock p. m., at the courthouse dot r of Watauga County, sell to the higl cj est bidder for cash the following d scribed tract of land: ,f Three and one-half lots, lying the Town of Boone, Boone, Townshi ? in Horton Terrace. I fhiQ tho Kfh Hfty of -Tiilyv 1 Ujfk. EDGAR BROWN, d1 -A '?.... Corarnissione COMMISSIONER'S SALE '' North Carolina. Watauga County, the Superior Court: Walter Ell vs. Toy Miller and Mrs. Toy Mill* Under and by virtue of an order the Superior Court appointing the u; ri deraigned a commissioner and direc " ing the sale of the land hereinaft ^ described in a certain foreclosure pr I' ceeding lor taxes, I will on Monda August 7th, 1933, at 1:00 o'clock m . at the courthouse door of Wata ga County, sell to the highest bldd for cash the following described tra L of land: Land lying and being in Elk Tow ship, Watauga County. This the 6th day of July, 1933. , EDGAR BROWN, J 7-13-lt Commission! i- COMMISSIONER'S SALE !i North Carolina, Watauga County, n the Superior Court: M. B. Sou n vs. Perry Hagler, Dan Hagli n Spencer Hagler, Neomia Hagler a: e Leroy Hagler. !e Under and by virtue of an order s the Superior Court appointing the u ie derr.igneil a commissioner and dtre< 0 ing the sale of the land hereinaft e described in special proceedings 1 the sale of real estate for division, will on Monday, August 7th, 1933, 1:00 p. m., at the courthouse door Watauga County, sell to the higtii a bidder for cash the following c ! FIVE-: SPE( 1?! aw????in nil >r 1 Men's Well Made P o Pure Thread Silk H :i.jlj Prints, vat-dyed . . . * 11J Boys Suits k. New Shipment Dres t_ All merchandise is better buy } iisa Get the 5 to 5 Habit I THE FIVE-t J. "UNDERPRICE VERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. scribed tract of land: Bounded on the north by the lands of the Colored Methodist Church: on the east by the lands of June Horton and the American Legion Park; and on the soutli by the lands of A. E. Souuj and on the west by the toad that leads from Junaluska Turnpike to the Colored Methodist Church, containing 1 acre, more or less This the 6th day of July, 1933. EDGAR BROWN, J{^ 7-13-4t Commissioner. ( NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ~ the ESTATE urs By virtue of a deed of trust exe- the cuted to the undersigned trustee, by W. C. Walker and wife, Boyd O. Wai lvi ker, on the 29th day of February. j,-ri 1932, to secure the sura of $1,400.00 jug to the Watauga Building and Loan 0f Association, said deed of trust being j recorded in the office of the Regis-1 neJ ter of Deeds for Watauga County, in! Book 17, page 16; and default hav- ^ ing been made in the payment of the moneys thereby secured as therein provided, I null on Saturday, August 1 the 12th, 1933, at the courthouse door wa of Watauga County, at 1 p. m., sell of to the highest bidder for cash the fol- his lowing described real estate, to-wit: is Beginning on a stake on the bank we. of the highway road, A. M. Hodges corner, and runs North 60 degrees ; p.ast with ca'J 1 rc~- * ? " stake; thence south 29 degrees east I __ 15 poles to a stake on the southeast I _ side of the branch; thence north 55 B degrees along foot of the hill 11 poles B to a stake near a locust stump; then B : south 41 1-2 degrees east 29 poles 1 to a stake with pointers near a large B r chestnut; thence south 26 degrees.? t west 19 poles and 4 links to a stake I in the wire fence in the Farthing and B Hodges line: thence north 43.% de- B grees west with line crossing the 0 branch 52% poles to the beginning, B containing 4 3-4 acres, more or less. . j This the 12th day of July, 1933. ^ , W. H. GRAGG, Trustee, * Attorneys, Lovill & Zimmerman. 7-13-4t R \ SPECIAL NOTICES I ?" FOR SALE?We have just unloaded 8 many new designs in wull paper at B exceptionally low prices. Come in 3r and see our stock as we are satis- | a" fied we can please you. Carr Bros., J E" Phone 5101, Johnson City, Tennes- M see, 6-22-It ?| p, FOR SALE- We specialize on wind- H shields and enr door glass and are j B fully equipped to cut any shape and jg I polish the edges, that your re-1B quirements would demand. Carr IH BW^MWi^BBEWElpaWWgggFUT'lifllH.'MWg?HlWM? ? ?jrotners, rnone oHH, jonnson \;uyi Tennessee. 6-22-4t in er Dr. C. B. Boughman, Eye, Ear, !r- Ncsc and Throat Spcciali&t, Eliza beihton, Tenn., -will be in the office ri" of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on the first Monday in each month for er the practice of his protession. yt FOR S A? P.. romforrtinlp BOOM* Park p. home, excellent location, attractivou ly furnished; free oi debt; low er price; your opportunity. See Mrs. ct Irene W. Moody, Box 463, Boone. a. FOR SALE?Six purebred Hereford heifers, bred to a line-bred bull. Will sell these heifers for October 1st delivery at a reasonable farm- 0 ;r ers price; also six pure-bred buli 8 calves at the price a farmer can B afford to pay for them. R. G. Ship- I in ley, Vilas, N. C. ,r 250 SUMMER HATS to close out at I 1 j 19 cents, fashion Shop, Boone, j I n. c. la I ?? of 100 DRESSES?Slightly soiled, to n" close cut at 19 cents. Fashion Shop, it- Boone, N, C. or FOR SALE?Six pure-bred Hereford I heifers, bred to a line bred bull, at Will sell these heifers for October of 1st delivery, at a reasonable farmist ers price. R. G. SHIPLEY, Vilas, le- N. C. 7-G-tfc rO-FIVE 21 A LS | ants, all sizes.... $1.00 [ose, F. F., pair.... 48c . . . 10c, 12V2c, 15c, 19c $4.95 and $5.95 ses $1.98 to $5.95 i s going up and you had 7/YIir nPiPrlo nAt*r! r w%?* tiwv(0 11V TV i and Save the Difference I o-FIVE STORE D MERCHANDISE" Jgjtejc Items from The Democrat of -j July 12, 1894: Fhe grading of the turnpike has iched Silver Lake near Blowing! ck and will soon be completed. | Some parties, anxious for fun, had : pleasure, if there was any pleas-! : in it, of building a fence across' 5 turnpike a few nights ago. The colored people will have a fesal at the ^<jurtiioui?e in BvOuC- on j iday night, for the purpose of rais- i money to help in the construction I a church. 3ob Hemdon, a former law part- j * of Abe Lincoln, and deemed much ! more brilliant man of the two, s been sent to a poor house in io. j Esq. J .H. Tavlor of Meg* r*orv?~i - ?I s up on Friday last. He was full talk and encouragement and says crops are fairly good. Mr. Taylor | a model farmer and is succeeding j 11. I 'The Great B; Some few people h for centuries on vari dav everv man and a way in which the dollars go as far as j ing necessities. SIV has answered this ] dreds and thousands ?J n w if- 1*i UlCJf nave. uouc. A** AkBIjiklh turn MACARONI, 3 pkgs. PRESERVES, big assc 1 Large Snow King E Packages Snow Kii Aluminum Cake Pa O. K. SOAP, 3 pound o T Flfl onnnm *nw*n B Lti& SWtfT JKWJ CHOCOLATE DROI MASON FRUIT JAF Quarts, 75c; SALAD DRESSING MOTHER'S COCOA PEANUT BUTTER, REMEMBER . .. QU FLOUR IS NOW CI AND HIGHER IN ANY OTHE1 WATAUGA We are payng top pr Eggs, Chickens, C Hams and I SMIT1 vi.. r.rz bx r East Ma V-. ; M W *?51: y FIVK ^arEa^Fikp ; Joe Rowland Passes At West Jefferson Joseph T. Rowland died at his home in West Jeffersdn Saturday, it was learned today, after a long illness. Funeral services wore conducted Monday and interment was in the comj inutility cemetery. Surviving is the vvhIovv, a daughter o' Mr. and Mrs. Gus Donneliy, of Trade, Tenn. Mr. Rowland will be well remembered by many Boone folka as a former college student here. For many years he was cashier of the First National Bank of West Jefferson, but about three years ago was forced because of ill health to retire from acj tive business life. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ward have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Colietta, to Mr. Fred Green. The ceremony was performed at Mountain City on Die fourth. irgain Givers' j ave been exploring ous subjects . . . tovoman is exploring :y may make their >ossible in purchasIITHEY'S STORE problem for hun3 of people . . . and ?r? <t?rntu 'W )>'-' :" P ?T w ? - m * S ft, UK. 12iC I for ISc rment, per jar... 5c | taking Powder, 3 lg Soda and one ji, all for 29c 1 I bars for 10c I EL LARD 59c I >S, lb 10c IS, pints 64c Halves, 95c fresh supply 5c 2 lbs. for 19c TDaR lie EEN OF THE WEST REAPER IN PRICE QUALITY THAN t* FLOUR IN ^ COUNTY. ices for Green Beans, abbage, Tomatoes, | Poke Salad. g HEY'sl in Street I

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