HP PPAGE EIGHT TOTCKB FARMERS CCCB AT COVE CREEK IS ACTIVE On Monday nigbi, October 23. there \?*S % call meeting of the Cove Creek Chapter of Future Farmers of America for the purpose of initiating the new members or Green Hands." The following were initiated: Howard Howe, Lenwood Blair, Brady Campbell, James Br-jwn. Earnest Cauuzll. Frank Caudill, Horace Bingham, Robert I^ewLs. Marion Johnston, Owea Hodges, James Greer. Tommie Ward, Jetb.ro Harmon and Lee McGuire. Frof. George Farthing of the faculty was initiated as an honorary member. Refreshments were served, and it was an enjoyable occasion for ail present. Members of the F. F. A. Club rendered the following nroeram in chaoel cn Friday morning, October 27: Devotional by Flecnor Hodges; F. F. A. songs by Prof. Farthing, Fleenor Hodges, Wheeler Farthing, Charlie Mitchell and Alfred Adams. "Harvesting Farm Crops" was discussed by James Sherwood. Stanley A. Harrsi Jr. made a talk on "Marketing Farm Produce.' The Green Hanas were lined up across the stage, and Olin Combs gave the qualifications of a Green Ko.nd. David Horton gave the qualifications of the "Farmer," or second degree Dtotie Glenn gave the qualifications of the "Carolina Farmer," or the third degree members ol this organization. Wheeler Farthing gave bis experience as a 'possum hunter. The program was closed by a song. The sixth regular meeting was held on Friday afternoon. October 27. The by-laws ox this organization were read by Secretary Charlie Mitchell. Lenwood Biair talked on "Feeding Cost." James Brown discussed "The Costs and Benefits of Running Water in the Farm Home." "Improvement of Dairy Shows" was discussed oy Brady Campbell. Jokes were told by Frank Caudill.--Reported by Alfred Adams. SEED SHOULD BE PLANTED NOW FOIt SPRING P VN'SIES The pansy is becoming more popular ir. North Carolina flower gardens biit two many growers depend on buying plants from nurseries rather "We have found that the average gardener may grow AiLs own plants with fair success by observing a few: simple rules,? says J. G. Weaver, in charge of the horticultural greenhouses at State college. "The pansy grows host in cool weather and there V..*:is^aUH --to sow seed.for flowers next sprung. To grow the plants successfully one must prepare the seed bed carefully. This means pulverizing the soil for about six inches and raking away all rubbish. Add about one hi eh of well rotted manure to the bed and place about one-half an inch of good garden soil on this. Smooth it down and soak the bed with water." Weaver says the seed may be planted oii~ Litis bed in rows or -brcuueaaf. It is better to drill the seed and cover them lightly with fine sand. Keep the surface moist but not wet. This may be aided by covering the bed with unbleached sheeting. As the plants come through, gradually remove the shade. Never allow the beds to become dry as this will be fatal to growing strong plants. As soon as the true leaves are formed, remove the pansy plants to their permanent location. Weaver says it is not wise to transplant any more than is absolutely necessary. Goodyear new tires... Take 8 All-Weafhor no unnecessary S Cord Tires P^ry fall anil win- m -5^3P20 safe-gripping new H Goodyears now! H ???* Mo.t .Uc still I lowuce for P^cec lower than gj yoeroidttrca fall. Sww ii nHMimi'mfl fMExpert TJre Mounting! Wo clean rimx.' pxJnt tliem to provenr rust, ptoperly apply aor tubco and tire#. Experienced tire men do your wort box?. ? "SiSR | | 1 GOODYEAR PATHFINDER I ^uptrnmr Cord Tiroi I "^C?55 qualfty*tire wlt'b in reach of all p HODGES TIRE COMPANY A. E. HODGES, Manager Items from The Democrat of NovojaAei" \. 1894 D. B. JDoughreiy is completing sun] extensive barn. We are pleased to see the pleasant face of J. H. Bryan of Lenoir among us this week, j Professor Fred Page, the blind am sician. will have an entertainment at ! the courthouse tonight. , i Dr. Keeves and Wiiey H. Farthing, J candidates for the Senate, are in Alleghany and A.she counties on the campaign. Captain Coffey has completed the [ turnpike aud awaits a meeting of trm , directors to deliver the road. This ?road is the best improvement this . county has ever had. Our candidate for representative, . {A. J. Fletcher, is making a splendid DEEP GAP NEWS i Mr. H. S. Steel man. and family vis'lited relatives and friends in Wilkes1 j boro Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moretz are |! planning- to move to tbe*r new home I1 in a few days. Mrs. Lizzie Greene Willaxd and h**r son Charles Greene Jr.. of Dilion, jMonl., are visiting Mr W. E. Greene and family this week. Mi3s Pearls Gray Thompson and her friend, Mr. Abernatiiy, both of Charlotte, visited Mr. ami Mrs. Ralph | Moretz Sunday. Miss Thompson Is a j sister of Mrs. moretz. The students of the Deep Gap I school have had a very interesting I contest securing subscriptions for the {Southern Planter. This farm journal j is giving a series of maps to be used ' in the school, also special prizes to i the boy and girl securing the most I subscriptions. The winners of tliis ! contest are Miss Mary Steelroan and | Mrs. I. F. Church. j NOTICE OF SACK ?V TRUSTEE I' Notice is hereby given that the unvlersigned trustee will 011 Monday, December 4. 1933, sell to the highest ! bidder for cash a certain piece, tract jor parcel of land. Ij'ing and being in ' Shawneehaw Township, Watauga i County. N. (J., ami the same being j fully described in Book 8 at page 43 I .-.f ?.v ...u: J.. 3, IW Vt lllV] 1 CiCi CJJW 13 j made for a complete description, and ' it being the lands or farm on which Lurn Miller now lives and contains 60 acres more or less. This sale is for iiic "pUi |/WV "w- pojrir?jJ v??f" a tSiT: balance due R. C. Church in the sum , of $780.00 with interest on the same from and aiter December 6. 1928. This sale will be made at the court house door in Watauga County, N. C., between the hours of 10 o*clock a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m. R. D. EDM1STEN, 11-2-4 Trustee. c WATAUGA DKM OCR A T?EVE ^ttrEadyfikr canvass and so arc all the other county candidates. All seem to be in good cheer of the results. W< are indeed pained to hear I ha? : Major H. Bingham of Statcsville is very unwell again. Mr. Thomss Bingham cf Amantha passed througt town Tuesday cn his was to see bini Cards are out for the marriage ol Mr. A. C. Floyd to Miss Flofenc< Jrviac. The marriage will tnfcp plac* en tne fcth of Noveruber at Columbia j Term. Arch is well known nere am his many friends extend congratu latiens. Old Mr. Ransom Coffey, who live on Middle Fork, recently returnci from Tennessee. Kis wife had boei over there for some time and tool sick and died before her husban* (knew of the sad occurrence. NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina, Watauga County, i the Superior Court. Action insti tuted during the month of Novem ber. S. C. Eggers vs. Worth an ' Comnanv W H. Wr.rl h nnrt aTt-j W. H. Worth, Joe Worth and wife Mrs. Joe Worth, Mrs. T. B. Flnle; and husband, T. B. Fin ley, and a! persons, firms and corporation ; that have any right, title, interes or claim in this cause. i j The above-named defendants and al 1 other persons, firms or corporation | having any right, title, interest o claim in the Dhnv^entitM action, .wO take notice that an action entitle" i as above has been commenced, in th ! Superior Court of Watauga Ccunt> North Carolina, to foreclose a certan j certificate of tax sale and lein fo i taxes for the year of 1930, held h; j the plaintiff on the following de | scribed real estate: . Situate, lying and being in NortJ ! Fork Township, Watauga Count> j North Carolina, and bounded on th : east by the lands of the Bald Moun ! taiii Company; on the north by th | Horton lands; on the south by th I lando of G. W. Johnson; on the wes I by the lands of Robert Miller. Con j tabling 640 acres more m less an< ; being known as the Worth and Com ! pany lands* That they arc required, to appea \ and answer or demur to the com | plaint filed in the office of the ClerJ | of the Superior Court of Wataug; ! County in Boone, North Carolina I within thirty days from publieatioi ' Kit-. I ? ?8BKE3 Sgy BSKgg-y j apply to the court for the r elief de j manded in said action. All other persons will take notic that they arc required to appear, sc up and defend their respective claim* If any, within six months from tli I (late of this action on pain of belli; forever barred and foreclosed of an; . and all interests in said property o Si? >ncs RY THURSDAY?BOOSE. N. C. VILAS NEWS Mr. Lionei Harmon, formerly of this j county but now a citizen of Indiana.' was a Sunday visitor at O. J. H&r-j men's. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chappel, of Sfepuns, Tenn. were week end visit-. . ors at the Brinkley home [ Mrs. Sam Adkins, who has been in; Grace Hospital at Banner Elk for! several weeks, is reported much im-j | proved and is expected home in a few days. f. l Mr. and Mrs Paul Everett and "Airs ; Ellen Davis, of Mountain City, Tenn., I were callers at D. F. Horton's during | ^ the week-end. Miss Rachel Rhyne, daughter of ] Dr. Rhyce of Boone spent Sunday) proceeds from the sale- thereof. This the 1st day of November, ' 1933. A. E. SOUTH. 11-2-4 Clerk Superior Court, j P': ASTIME THEATRE 'Dl _ C r' I Ck " a; ??"? : M y[ PROGRAM FOR THE s WEEK OF NOV. 6th: MONDAY-TUESDAY, NOV. 6-7 s "HER FIRST MATE" r; with ill a; Slim Summerville and Zasu Pitts 1 ' r WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8 "AFTER TONIGHT" witlj \i Constance Bennett and p | Gilbert Roland THURSDAY-FRIDAY. NOV. 9-10 * The Power and the Glory J with ; Spencer Tracy, Coleen rj Moore < , ' ' SATI.'HDAY, NOV. II li\ "SUNDOWN RIDER" " i vviLUinauBi BUCK JONES I' JjkVll&AIN MATINEE 13c; Mfctineen e! Hejfin at 8:00 V. M.; Evening Shows 7:15 and 8:45. t :: jBe-^Kfc ?&&& MF 3 . S ' . Hra|ra|JW| gWgKfS ' .a*'-.:':;1/.- ' * &? ': with the Sherwood? Mr. and Mr3. Grady Mast of Johnsen City, Tenn.. visited relatives ?n the community during the week-end.; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Henson. Earl Henson and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reese motored to Mcwiand and spent Sun- ; day with Rev. Roy Davis. RECORDER'S COURT The fell owing cases were disposed of by Judge Sudd re th in Tuesday's session of Recorder'? Court: Fred McDaniel, ossession of liq-1 uor, 6 months on the roads: appeal to Superior Court. D. F. Sheppard, assault with dead ly weapon, not guilty Rufe Lewis, homicide, waived ex- j eiuiemUou to spring term of Supe j rlof Court. I FIRST CM 1 will be at the foil dates named belov* collectiner taxes to I NOVEMBER 9th, NORTH FOE A. M-; Thomas' Store, 1:00 to NOVEMBER 10th. MEAT CAM 12:00 A. M.; Hodgson's tSore, 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. NOVEMBER 14th, BALD MO 1:S0 to 3:00 P. M. NOVEMBER 15tli STONY Ft) A. M.; Deep Gap, 1:0? to S:0( NOVEMBER 16th. ELK?Trlpli NOVEMBER 17th, BLUE KID A. M.; T. L. Catcher's Store, 1 NOVEMBER 21st, BLOWING 1 12:00 A. M.J Collins' Store, 1: NOVEMBER 22ncl, WATAUGA M.; W. W. Mast's Store, I ;00 NOVEMBER 23rd, SHAWNEE 12:00 A. 31.; Komingcr, 1:00 ti NOVEMBER 24th, LAUREL C 12:00 A. M.;; IK V. Word's St< NOVEMBER 2?th, BEAVER U. A. M.: Kagantan's Store, 1:00 NOVEMBER 20th, COVE CRE Silversteme, 1:00 to 3:00 P. M I will be in rny of fit on Monday and Sal We urge the peoplt fall of the year is th A. D.1 TAX CO II keep e to that wor on the hi Chesterfie V^OU often hear something is < heavy, not on an ''e What you read,"* are a balanced blent amounts of the rigl welded together; tl baecos, ihe right kir are blended and crt cos from Turkey an When these toha against the other, cigarette. When they are in a better-tasting cigi m i uorv j i/u iu ? ' on the back of the IIU .W?) ice as/; you to I / j A Bali W/0^ infflan '."' ' ; - . '. -.; ; ; ;.' ;._ - \ NOVEMBER 2, 1933 Carl Tripiett, drunkenness, costs. Marion Main, drunkenness. costs. Jake Wystt, drunkenness, costs. On account of the repeal election, no court will be he'd next. Tuesday. NOTICE On account of the voting place being occupied as a residence in Meat Camp Precinct Number One. the election on November 7th, 1933 will be held at the Green Valley School House. This October 2Gth, 1933. R. S. SWIFT, Chairman Board of Elections. LOST Black rat terrior bitch v/ith coliar and brass buttons. Finder return to G C. Greene. Boone, N. C.. and get reward. JFOR TAXES I owinp nlacfts on r for the purpose of r Watauga County: IK?Ellison's Store-, 9:90 to 1.1:00 S 3:00 P. M. P?Kit h Mountain Schoo, 9:00 to g 1:00 to 3:00 P. M.: Stevens' Store, 8 UNTALN?Todd, Brown's Store, IKK?Cook's Store, 9:00 to 12:00 t P. 1H. :tt Post office, 3:00 to 12:00 A. M. UE?Storey's Store. 9:00 to 12:00 1:30 to 3:00 P. M. lOCK?Holshouser'n Store. 9:00 to 00 to 8:00 P. M. ?Harbin's Store. 9:00 to 12:00 A. to 3:00 P. M. HAW?Mutney Poslofficc, 9:00 to o 3:00 P. M. ItEEK?Ilngninnn's Store, 9:00 to 3re, I :CC to 3:00 P. M. IMS?Perry's Store, 9:00 to 12:00 to 3:00 P. M. EK?Mabel, 9:00 to 12:00 A. M.: [.! Sherwood, 3:30 to G:00 P. M. ze at the Courthouse c u -l .uiuaj ui caun WCCK.. i to pay early as the e easiest time to pay. Wilson, LLEcrOR 5y -? > * X :v ?!?! " il1; r : >' : ' H ~ f* nininff linrlr d "balanced" ack of the Id package the word balance ? jut of balat. "e?topven keel.'* TJiesterfield Cigarettes 1," means that the right it kinds of tobacco are lat is, home-grown told, the right quantity? 1 i -? "? ' iss-Dienueti witn to?>ac? id Greece. , ccos are balanced one then you have a mild balance, then you have irette. ead again the statement Chesterfield package? try Chesterfield? gSr ' ' \ : - '' meed Blend ? iy33. Uouirr & ISvsss Toaiece Co. - ,?- '

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