NOVEMBER 23, 1033 LOCAL AFFAIRS Mrs. Sam Black, Mr. and Mrs.) Frank Black and Mrs Jim Greene of Bakersvilie spent Sunday visiting at! the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Bing-' ham i:i Boone. The Worth While Club will meet with Mrs. \V. C. Greer and Miss Nancy Lewis, at Mrs. Greer's home on Locust Street next Monday evening, S o'clock. All members arc urged to be present. Messrs. O. J. Harman. Hamp Blackburn, W. R. Winkler and J. S. Winkler of the W. Ei. Chevrolet Co., went to Charlotte yesterday to attend a showing of General Motors products. The meeting was comprised of more than 1,000 dealers in the region centering about Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Greene of Blowing Rock were visitors in Boone yesterday and brought information that a son, Clarence, is a patient at a Siatesvillc hospital, where he recently underwent a serious operation. La test advices are, however, that the young man is doing as well as could be expected and sbouid rapidly re X.VVCI . Mr. Carl Winkler, who has been with the State Highway Commission as mechanic for some time, with headquarters at Ilendersonville, N. C., has recently taken his family there to live. A Mr. Houck and family, of Henderscnville, will occupy his home east of Boone for the present. Mr. Houck is also with the State Highway. Mr. W. S. Miller of Todd visited for a few hours in Boone Monday. Mr Joe Goodnight, who is conducting a fruit business in Lincolnton. Visited with his sick father, Mr. J. L Goodnight, on Sunday. Mr. Goodnight, whose health has been declining for the past two years, has been very ill for the past week but is improving to this writing. Mr. T. M. Diinkley of Concord arrived in the city the first of the week' and is now in charge of the local A. & F. Store. Mr. L. G. Jones, who lias been managing the store since it was founded three years ago, has been transferred to K&nnapolis, the change coming in way of a promotion. Noi other changes arc made in the personnel of the A. & P. organization. Messrs. J. A. Mullins and J. E. Clav of Williamson W Vn hnvn nn. nounced the opening of a grocery and feed business next to the Pastime Theatre. Mr. Mulling recently purchased the Lee Tcague property west of town and Mr. Clay will occupy the Luther South Residence in the spring. The gentlemen have formerly been engaged as traveling salesmen. Mr, __Mu!Uns will bo in charge and attention is called to an advertisement appearing in The Democrat today. Friday Afternoon Club With Mrs. Co in: 0 ill. The Friday Afternoon Club had an enjoyable meeting last week with Mrs. B. J. Council!. In addition to the members of the club, Mrs. Councill's guests were Mesdames Tate and Harrnn or Banner JttUK and W. 15. Ferry and G. K. Moose of Boone. A short talk on T' anksgiving was given by Miss Kula Todd; following this a study of an old Courrier and Ives print entitled "Going Home for Thanksgiving" wa3 presented by Mrs. Annie Coffey. Grace, the young grand laughter of Mrs. Councill. rendered several piar > selections. The large dining room of the Councill home was profusely decorated with potted plants making it unusually attractive. Before the guests departed, Mrs. Councill served a salad course and sweets. The members of the club always enjoy the meetings held in Mrs. Councill's lovely home. I". i>. C. Meets With Mrs. R. K. Bingham. The United Daughters of the Confederacy met with Mrs. R. K. Bingham on Tuesday afternoon. After a brief devotional service new officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. J. M. Moretz, president; Mrs. Joe Hardin, vice-president; Miss Jennie Todd, secretary, Mrs. Joe Cook, treasurer; Mrs. Tracy Councill, registray, and Miss Metta McCreary, historian. Mrs. Bingham was assisted by Mrs. Joe Cook in serving delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be held with Miss Jennie Todd and Mrs. McDonnell on December 11th. HODGES?CRAWFORD Mrs. D. H. Crawford announces the marriage of her daughter, Lucy, to Baxter E. Hodges, on Saturday, the uui v?**jr vi iiwcuiuci, i?oo. me iiuptial vows were solemnized by Rev. George Brown in the presence of immediate friends. The bride wore a lovely costume of blue crepe with all blue accessories. Mrs. Hodges was reared in Mountain City. Tcnn., and is a graduate of Johnson County High School of that place and Johnson City Business College. Johnson City, Tenn. For the past three years she has been employed as steno-bookkeeper for the J. C. Muse Hardware Company, or Mountain City. The bridegroom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Hodges, Mabel, N. C. He received his education at the Cove Creek High School. He is a prominent young farmer of the Cove Creek section.--^Reported. Messrs. C. W. Teal and C. Jj. Rhyne j are in Eastern Carolina this week c?u a duck hunting expedition. VILAS NEWS Mrs. Sam Adkins, who recency underwent an operation at Grace Hospital at Banner's Elk. is much improved and is expected home this week. ! On Sunday. Messrs B. S. Howard and David Dugger ol Slk Park were e visitors in the community. ^ Uncle Johnnie Smith has been .shut ' in for some time, tout is improving 01 at this time. Miss Frances, daughter of I. H. j1' Brinkley, has been sick for a few days, but at this time is slightly irnproved. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Henson, Air. and Airs. J. L. Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reese spent Sunday with ^ A. L. Wilson at Silverstone. ^ Alessrs. Morris Eggers, Wade Fletcher and Homer Haynes of Boone cr wen: ouu'j.iy visitors. Mrs. W. "H. Shull is visiting her 92 daughter, Mrs. O. J. Harmon. C( Mr. Doughton Greene and family N are moving this week to Rominger, ^ where he is teaching. Mr. Ralph G. Greene, with his fain- N ily, visited relatives at Vilas on Sun- a* day. Mr. Wiley Cole of Baird's Creek is ^ moving to the W. L. Henson house "*l near the Service Station. a i ZIONVIL.I.E NEWS gc Ray Ho< with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Greer. Dr. Wood of Bristol (drugless specialist in Swedish medica1 gymnas- go tics and massage) is at the home oi ^ W. K. Wilson giving treatments to ca a numuer ot people suftenng trcm Jo, high ami low blood pressure, rheumatism and other abnormal ccndi- J ticns. The treatments have proven entirely satisfactory and it is hoped ^ he continues his work here. The children of "Uncle" Philip ^ Grccr, with many friends, gathered at the home of a daughter on Fri- . day night to help celebrate the 90th birthday of the aged man. Rev. Alex Wilson of Meat. Camp %v is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Orn Stc- * phens at this time. Mrs. Dana Farthing of Sugar Grove j ': and Mrs. Tom Wilson of Silversione V visited recently with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Greer. M CITIZEN OF .11AKEL COMMUNITY D< CELEBRATES HIS OOlh BIRTHDAY to Mr. Phillip Greer, one of the pio- bo neer citizens of the Mabel commun- Ys ity, was honor guest, at a supper Fri- St uuy evening, which was given by int.children in honor of his 90th birthday. Among those from a distance Bi present were W. C. and T. M. Greer of Boone, H F. Greer of Morganton and T. G. Greer of Thomasville. A bountiful meal had been prepared and bi "Uncle Phillip,*' as lie is familiarly yc known, entered into the spirit of the CI occasion and greatly enjoyed the fel- wl lowship of his children. ai The many friends of the esteemed or gentleman will be glad to know that y< he j.s enjoying remarkably good it health, and will wish for him many be returns of the happy natal day. re y< Letters to 1 B Santa Glaus ? B Dear Santa Glaus: I want you to send me something for Xmas as my father is dead and Mama says she can't buy me anything | jj for Xmas. So please don't lorget me s< and my brother Randolph. I am a a] girl 8 years old. I don't now weather I will get to come to the Christmas b tree or not. If T don't you can send us something if you have anything D for us. Yours truly, Antha Coffey. fc Blowing Rock Route 1 ol ai Dear Santa: yi I am writing you to let you know li where I live. I live on Meat Camp e: this Christmas and I'm looking for X a present from you. 1 hope you can come in person as I would love to z know what you look like. I have heard so much of you, you must be a fine D looking fellow. I am eight years of age. You must add a present for my a: (little brother who is 2 years of age. a He can't wTite so I will ask for d WATAUGA DEMOCHAT?EVE Clems from The Democrat of November 22, 1894 Born to Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Colvavd i Tuesday morning of this week an even-pound boy. Mr. W. 1j. Bryan 01 our place lias sen in Wilkes for some days past a a business trip. The newly-elected county officers re now putting forth their best ef>rts in getting up their bonds. Governor Carr has appointed hursday, the twenty-ninth of Nonnber, as a thanksgiving day. Mrs. Parks and little son, Frecl, ho have visiting in Virginia. >r some time, have returned to their )mc in our town. Judge Greene will hold his first iurt in Durham in January. 'God lvc the State and this* wonderful luri. Mrs. Rebecca Horton and family ive returned to their home on New ver and will permanently remain, are glad to y/elcome them back rain. The revival meeting now going on Three Forks Baptist Church conictccl by Reverends Sherwood and jhnsor., is causing much interest nong the people We hope much >od may be done. Allen W. Whittxngton of Wilkes >unty is the oldest magistrate in the ate. He is over nmety-four years age and lately married Miss Mark V annoy. aged 41 years. Reports y that he gave her a $1,000 bank icck before her marriage. nr. Mis name is Geto Miller, a tough .lie guy, and he is just, as anxious hear from you as I am. Sincerely yours, Annie V. Miller. cat Camp, N. C car Santa: I am looking for a present from >u this Chris!mas, and perhaps 1 id better inform you where I am, I am writing you. I am six years age and live on Meal Camp. You n guess what a girl my age would ye to have for Christmas, so T am iving it up to you to choose a esent for me. y aimer's name is Enia Norris, and nd it in care of L. B. Norris. Thelma Norris. oone R. F. D. ear Santa: Please send me and Peggy a doll, ick wants a toy airplane. We want >nie nuts and candy. Jack is 3, J n 6 years old. Your friend, Juanita Shook, anncr Elk Route 1. ear Santa Glaus: Will you please send me something >r Xmas. I am a little girl 7 years d. I would love to have some candy ad nuts and a doll if you have any ou will haft to mail it to me as I ve ten miles from Boone. I will be tpecting to hear from your about mas. Your little friend, Mattie Ragan. ionville R. F. D. ear Old Santa Claus: I am just a little girl 4 years old nd X have a little sister 2 years old little brother 8 months, and ota addy hasn't ever been able to buj Nannie Belle Miller eat Camp, N. C. jar Santa CI a us: I will write you a line to let you tow that I am a little boy ten years I and I want you to remember me ith a Christmas present this year, go to school ard I hope to go thru Hege when 1 am 21 or 22 year3 old. tpecliiig to hoar from you this iritsinmo. Yours trulyr Grant Miller. eat Camp, N. C. ?ar Old Sautv Claus: We want you to bring us some ys for Christmas. We are two little ys six years old and seven, Clyde irber and Claude Yarber; Dear old mty Chius: I want a great big ,jjj one year"" old. Georgia Yarber. inner Elk R. F. D. ior Santa: I am a little past 12 years of age it I am writing you any way to let >u know I am still crazy about Santa laus and expect him to visit me, toe, lien he does my younger brothers id sisters. Just imagine me looking i when they receive their gifts from >u and nothing for myself. I think would surely make me sad, and I slieve you would be, too. So please member me with them, as I think >ur kindness will include myself, hen you make up your grip of presits. Yours, Glenn Miller. cat Camp, N. C. ear Santy Clans: I am sorry I forgot to send my adess. I thank you very mutch for lything. Send myne to me. Shelby Church, inner Eik Route 1. ear Old Santy Claus: I am a little girl 11 years old and have a little 'sister and she is 9 iars old. Me and her want you to aid us some toys and candy and fruit you have it. I live eight miles from oonc. Please send it by the mail. RY THURSDAY? BOONE, N. C. \trfkirtvFiief | Hope we wui be able to give our {readers the vote in the State uext jweck. So far as we have the figures, it seems that in the House the Fops j have 47 members, the Democrats 45, ; and the Republicans 22, but this is j by no means official and the dilTicul| ty seems that ;t will take the official j count to determine how the state has j gone or judges as to th? majority. All the Republicans and Populists are elected, however. We are pained to state that on Wednesday night of this week about 3 o'clock Mrs. Mary V. Council! was stricken with paralysis and at this writing she lies Ln a comatose condition, not having moved since she was stricken. The greatest fears are entertained that 3he will not recover, in consequence of which a deep gloom re3ts upon our town arid community. We do hope, however, that the disease will lose its grasp and that this good lady who is so much loved by all may be restored to her friends again. Tammany lost feathers, paint, tomahawk, wampum and the whole outfit. The time has come to smoke the pipe of peace and to be "good Inl juns." The fight between Japan and China still continues. It is now thought that Japan is getting tired of the conflict as well as China. An arbitration of the trouble between the. two contending forces has. or will be submitted to President Cleveland and a settlement may be had. us a doll and I want you to please send us one and some candy. We live 12 miles from Boone and you will have to mail it in care of Marvin Main, Meat Camp, N. C. Ada Belle Maine. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 11 years oJd. Please send me some candy and toys for Xmas, as my parents are not able to buy me anything. I have two little brothers, Harlan Shook, 3. and Blain Shook, 6 years old. Please send SPECIAL NOTICES AiKJS. ?i. w. N KA L-. All kinds Dress Making and altering. Located over Jones Building in Apt. 4. ITtUIT CAKES and Layer Cakes baked for the Holidays at reasonable prices. Mrs. A. It. Smith, Daniel Boone Park, Boone, N. C.; P. O. Box 351. Ll-23-2tp D?. C. B. BinoKmaw, Ey*i Etr, ' 'Tircst 5pcvmSUt, ??:?_ bcthton, Tean., will be in the office of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on | the fivat Monday in each month for I the practice of his profession. WANTED?Representative to look after our magazine subscription interests in Boone and vicinity. Our plan enables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in thi3 vicinity each fall and winter for magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. Guaranteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign. Instructions and equipment free. Start a growThg and permanent business in whole or spare time. Address MooreCo ttr ell, Tnc., Waylaud Itoad, North Cochocton, N. Y. 1?WIWIIIM Hlkl'filHIIIIIIIII'IBI || PASTIME THEATRE "Place of Good Show*" I PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK OF NOV. 27th: ? MONDAY-TCESDAY, NOV. 27-28 "THE MAD GAME" with Spencer Tracy and Claire Trevor i WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29 "BEAUTIFUL" with ANN HARDING THCK.-FRI., NOV SO & DEC. 1 'One Sunday Afternoon' with Gary Cooper, Fay Wray SATURDAY, DEC. Z "CASEY JONES" with Ruth Hall and Robert Elliott BARGAIN MATINEE 15c; Matinee* ' Begin at 3:00 P. M.; Evening Shows 7:15 and 8:45. them something too if you please. ] Yours truly, Randell Shook. a Banner Elk R. P. D., c-o Jake Shook. 1 \ Deare Santa Claus: f I am 7 years old and have a little 2 sister 6 years old, an we would thank t you very much if you would send us 2 something for Christmas candy or t anything you wish, an thank you many times. Lloyd Winkler. 2 Zkrayilie Route 1. ( | DRESS 5 Entire Stock of Ladie 5 for Quiet 5 LADIES' SILK HOSE?Full Fashio jC value at only S Curlee Suits and Ovej J? MEN'S WORK SHIRTS?Made of ; sj specially priced at only > Wolverine Work Shoe: 5 LADIES DKBSS OXFORDS -Blac } patterns and materials, per pair i BOYS HIGH TOP BOOTS?Wolv r special, per pair j Peters Solid Leather ! ^ Women . . . Size | Keplar's S' J "CORRECT S W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V I ANNOUNCING of a Independer & Feed Est; (GOODNIGHT BOONE, NORT1 Staple arid Fancy Gr Vegetables, Flo Lowest Price ! MULLINS H ^^Goodnigh^Bldff^Next I Cold Weath T> T*1 1 r or ine i DOUGLAS AND WIL1 GUARANTEED FOR 12, 15 and i Prices very reasonably up from..... We have a complete sto heaters at attractive pri anti-freeze?Alcohol, 1 Glycerine. . . . The pric PARTS AND ACCES MAKES Ol Hodges Tire Dress Up For' NEW SHIPMEN Silk Bret Izi all the newest styles and Fall $5.95 to $7 S GLEN-MOOKK Sl'rrs?Double | service, each only SULK HOSE?Pure thread, fullioncd, per pair ! FKF.EMAVS SHOES?For ?, j men, per pair ?j$oi Central's Shoes for all Sweaters . . . Blazi Overcoats . . . Stets< Quality Hats THE FIVE-TO "UNDERPRICED PAGE FIVE Sfy Hear Santa Claus: As it is almost Xmas, I thought I vould write you a letter and ask you o send me something. 1 would love ;o have some candy and chewing turn and a nice doll that can cry, end : hope that you have that kind ol lolls, if not any kind will please me. Please don't forget me as I am a litle girl t> years old. Mary Eggers. Sionville. N. C? Box 60. More Saiitf Claus Letters Page S.> .VA'AV.V.".V,V.;riVV.V.V.-A SALE! j s' Dresses Reduced S : Sale! 5 ned, an excellent OSJC ? rcoats for the Men! > food heavy material, 0 ^ ^ JI s Priced Very Low! 5 :k and brown, new M| erine Brand, very 2.95 Shoes for Men and ? s AAA to EE ? tyle Shop \ STYLES'" % .VA'VW^AVAVAV.VAVoVA the OPENING I n it Grocery | iblishment I UI!I1.?ENG) d CAROLINA oceries, Fruits and ur, Feed, Etc. ss Always! & CLAY J : to Pastime Theatre Ler Special J Vlotorists i LARD BATTERIES !4MONTHS $5.50 ck of hot water auto ces. . . . All kinds of Prestone, G. P. A. ;es are very low! iSORIES FOR ALL F CARS! j Comoanv ' J riianksgmng TOF t *S idSk. Colors for only 17.50 rjp" ooc 9 I &5&S5 mm the family jWHHA ers and ///an High \ jkL -FIVE STORE MERCHANDISE"