PAGE FOUR The Watauga Democrat The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY Established in 18S5 and Published io'. 45 Years by the late Robert C. Rivers ROBERT C. RIVERS, JR.. Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year - $1.51 Six Months 75 Four Months 5(1 (Payable in Advance) PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Cards of Thanks. Resolutions of Respect, Obituaries, etc., are charged for at the regular advertising rates Entered at the > nA brought to Boone a very clear., whole soma play and presented it on thro , oiuerent occasions tor tee people < Boone and vicinity. This play wa not only worth while in itself, but i afforded many people an evening <1 harmless pleasure, gave opportunll for the development of local tulen and enabled both the high and eh ' mentary schools to increase and er ! rich their libraries. Other instance I could be mentioned, but the write PIV. tIGii vUITe IG GGGIG e/rjG^ mwv a?v -3?-.?ui like to suggest to the parents an patrons of Boone High School. If we. could produce situations fc j our children of varied nature durin j their waking hour*, we could be ai i snred that they would keep out < i crime and that they would leurn t dc the things that they should <3 ; hetter If we assume then that t? J school is creating these situations f< the children and that they sometimi I go astray when they are not in tl ; school. would it not pay us as putroi i to mcraese the leng th of the scho year? One of the definite requisit< of the standard accredited agem known as the Southern of Colleges and Secondary' Schools that a secondary school shall opera I nine raoniQ!. mis is the greatest hii j drar.ce at the present time to Boot ! High School's entrance into this a; jsociation. and incidentally this is 01 i of the ambitions of the principal < J Boone High School that this hig school become a member of this a sociation. Now to meet this requisite will CO; the taxpayer aoine money. The a] proximate co3t for operating tl school an additional month would 1 $1,100. This means that it would co ; the taxpayer about $4.30 per chi i for the additional month or aboi ! 22c per day per child. This amoui i would include supplies, transport ! tion, instruction, cafeteria service at I all the other services that are no I being extended to the children. Yoi principal respectfully invites discu sion of this suggestion pro and co i It seems to him the experiment wou i be worth while attempting. rSPECIALNOnCES I FOR SALE-?A beautiful mahogax i piano just iike now. Will-seil at bargain and give terms to respo; sible party. Must dispose of san at once. Write Box 13, care Democrat 3-15L UMBER WANTED?20,000 FBI 2 inch dry pine. Southern Desk C Hickory, N. C. 3-29-4 i That Good QUEEN OF THE WE! FliOlTB now 33.50 per hundri Wholesale prices cheaper. Smithe; HEREFORD BULL?For sale o pure bred Hereford buli, ten mont ' old. Absolutely a good one. Pn reasonable. Shipley Farms, Vib N. C. 4-5-1 >; : CARD OF THANKS r We want to thank our friends f their many expressions of sympat during our recent Iterearement. M God bless each of you. Mrs. Ralph G. Bingham and Farm WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY TH ? One other suggestion for bettermeut is a first-class park or playground for our children. Incidentally adults could spend time there with 10 prufit. This might be undertaken as s, a chief project, and the value to be derived from it in every respect is incalculable. 'r Talk these suggestions among yourselves, parents, and stockholders in your schools, and let your final deV; cision be prompted by the need of ' the children. at In the citizenship study that is bel!l ing made at the high school the defa inite attributes of character as exa pressed by the faculty and student body have heen compiled. At the next w meeting of the parents and teachers t? it is hoped that we may he able to :l" ascertain those attributes that are ' most desirable from the standpoint " of tho parents. At tho culmination of the study the report raid wil! be re'n vamped so as to show what progress c- is being made by each chiM in each a- attribute monthly. Definite means for s attaining these desirable attributes ? aiv also being worked out by the facuilv. 11 ' > VAL1.E CKl'CIS NEWS e Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Glenn enter>f tained the Kutups Klub on March 21. honoring Miss Nancy Taylor's birthi day. Soon after arriving the guests 0 were Invited into the dining room r where the beautifully appointed table was laid with an exquisite Phile ippine luncheon cloth, and was ceritered with a lovely hirthday cake r with lighted candles. While Miss Taylor cut the cake. Mrs. Glenn assist11 e.d by Mrs. R. A. Oisen, served delicious ire cream and coffee. l On Saturday nighi, March 24th, the girls of the Mission High School e gave an interesting entertainment. n Prior to the entertainment Misse3 Rie caud and Basom gave a splendid t:t' hibit of domestic art. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Olsen enterh tained the Kutups Klub on Tuesday night. Games were enjoyed for quite ' awhile, after which dainty refresh1 ir.ents were served. 0 Relatives and friends oi Dr. and " Mrs Howard Mason, of Freehold, N. r' J., were grieved and shocked to hear e of the death of their son, Thomas, " age 2% years. The cause of the death " was an infected throat. Miss Wilhelmina Shull of Gastoma s arrived in the Valley to spend Eas0 ter with her nr.rents Messrs. Ray Farthing and Ralph n Church of Mars Hill College spent, ~ the week-end with their parents. c Misses Frances and Laura Fa) thine! 11 ! were visitors in the Valley for Eas;s tor. 'L Messrs. Arnold Mast and Ray 75s ird 11 left Sunday for Asheville where tney y weic signed np with a CCC catv.p. ' Born to'Mr. and Mrs James Davis j on last Friday, a daughter. ' Mr. Howard Mast of Boone has re-| 3 turned from Florida where he spent J '}' the winter for his health. He seems; " greatly improved, much to the" Je^ light of his many friends. He and his family spent Blaster in the Yalir ley. S We were indeed sorry to hear ot the automobile accident of Messrs. '? J Joe and Arthur Mast in Statesville ? i Sunday. They were on their way fo 101 Concord when the accident, occurred le! Details have not been learned, but )r neither was seriously injured. -3 Mrs. C. D Taylor and Mr. Gilbert le Taylor spent the week-end with 13 friends in Winston-Salem. They were present at the Moravian Blaster serv:s I ices. y J Miss Gertrude and Johnny Perry of ,n Boone spent the week-end at the home 's of the C. D. Taylors. te Bishop Gribben spent Monday night at the Vallo Cmcis Schoo!. te 5 )f The Family Doctor h 5~ By DR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES 3t COl'GH?A. SYMPTOM Most everybody knows that a cough 'e is not a disease?it is mereiy a syrnp^ torn of a disease of the air-passages. ?. Coughs are of many varieties, due to the character of "the irritation. A dry, painful cough, common In children, certainly needs an expectorant. With dry, painful coughs there is 1 most certainly fever at certain hours ?and fever is a symptom which should always be heeded. The baby n. . . To Our a t tiusiomersi iy * We wish to express ^ our appreciation for 6c the patronage you - have given us during j the past year. -- We stand ready to a give you prompt and ^ efficient service at "c all times. h3 =1 Miller Floral j Shoppe Telephone 20 Ay j 18 EAST MAIN ? BOONE, N. C. i Iy. i ! URSDAY?BOONE. N. a Our On Recovei ^ ~ f ^, o- rr - _ with a loud "barking:" cough, that j makes the little fellow cry from the j pain after the paroxyism. should be j attended to at once. An ounce of sy- ! rup of ipecac should be kept where! there are children in the family. To | give baby from three to ten drops; every two hours, should relax the ir- j ritated bronchial passages and pro- j mote free loosening of the secretions; j Ipecac is an expectorant of old and established value. In event of marked foverishaesa, call the doctor--you may have a case of pneumonia, where there is always Graduation Gifts! I have been very fortunate in having secured a great number of articles in the jewelry line, suitable for grad I uuiiju presents at u great. reduction | in price, and am passing along the 1 savings which I have secured to my customers. Whether the graduate be a young man or a young lady, or whether the expenditure is to be lavish, moderate Si auialiri etui aid you in selecting just the gift that will last through Uie years and be a constant reminder of graduation day. Call In and let us demonstrate our ability to scree you well and economically. WILL, C. WALKER, Jeweler, Boone, N. C. ?Adv. PASTIME | THEATREj ! "PLACE OF GOOI> SB'/WS" I . I Monday, April 9th Design for Living with FREDERIC MARCH AND MIRIAM HOC KIN'S Tuesday, April 10th Lady for a Day with WARREN WILLIAM AND MAY ROBSON Wednesday, April 11th Frank Buck's WILD CARGO Also "TARZAN" Thursday-Friday. April 12-13 DAVID HARUM with WILL, KUULKS Saturday, April 14th TRAIL DRIVE with KEN MAYNAKI) NIGHT SHOWS, 7:S0 & 9:00 MATINEE AT 3:00 BARGAIN WEEK To Matinee Show# Adults 15c; Children 10c; to Matinee only. Matinee each day at S:00. Night*, 10c-26c. - y Highway?5 - fever and painful cough. Adults with cough without fever) need not as a rule be alarmed at a bit of bronchitis. It may be nursed into recovery by observing the strict rules of staying in, keeping the body and feet warm, and taking slimulat-j ing hot drinks at bedtime. Sweat it j out?and don't venture out into cold wind, or over sloppy ground until you have fully recovered. But watch the cough that "hangs on." There is nothing more treacherous. The cough that persists. Consult your doctor and follow his advice. If your oruncnitis invades me smaller! air-tubes it mav become formidable. i I don't like coughs that hang on tilll spring?they may be dangerous. If j the cough is loose, don't waste time with expectorants; something to quiet the spasms of coughing is needed. I can think of nothing better than codeine for a distressing cough that keeps the patient awake nights. Many DM?M??nmm?? Learn Beat . BE INDEPENDEN1 OWN BUSINE A GOOD You con save time and Our school is approved State Board. Write for 1 | Hinshaw Sch 1 Cul Opposite V I"? I Smith FERTll ARE WELL KNO> FARMERS, WH SUCH FIN LAST Our fertilizer has food content and grades and quantit: l-rv **"s IV 1 CXI All pi U SMITH-DOUGLAS FORMULAS TO CAL CROP A. J. EOMI* Hahn Buildii BOOTS : nmaH fl?n riTr mu rim. > .r.?_ rf'?-hAPRIL 5, 1934 i j "By Albert T, Reul 1 / s\H,'- I'm ' \ ^GONNA jy|^/ cough mixtures contain codeine. and they may bo taken with good results; no danger of habit. Hebrew Money The monetary system of the Hebrews was hosed upon the Babylonian system of weights. The ratio of the vol tip of gold to silver was 1 in l-.'t and prevailed over nil western Asia. NOTICIK OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the administrator of the estate of K. R. Kggcrs, deceased, ai! persons having claims against said estate nre hereby notified to present them within twelve months from the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoverv. At! ntrwins innphtftri fli?* said estate will come forward and make settlement. This April 3rd. 1034 S. C. EGQERS, Admr. of 4-5-6 E. R. Eggers, Dec'd. ity Culture I r_ OWN YOUR J5S OR EARN SALARY! money hy enrolling now. by htc North Carolina j# ates. ool of Beauty ture /Ukt'-s Hotel a. NORTH CAROLINA Douglas LIZERS . VN TO WATAUGA O USED IT WITH P Of CI TI TC M~* ivuuVLiIJ YEAR! a mighty high plant its use in the right ies will point the way fits. COMES IN PROPER MEET EVERY LOCONDITION! ISTEN, Agent rig Near Depot IE, N. C.