PAGE EIGHT Edward W. Pou, Dean of House, Dies in Capital i Continued from Page 1) ed upon remaining on duty. He Kan- j died many ot' President Ftoo&evelt's, recovery proposals and led tie fight j & number of them during the; special session last spring and in the present session. Only last week he was ordered by his physician to take a rest and yesterday it was announced at his office that he was in better physical condition. He died at 7:30 Sunday morning. Mrs. Pou, a son, George Ross Pou, of Raleigh, N. C.. State Highway official. and a daughter, Mrs Thomas Anthony Waddeu of Washington, were prseent. Another daughter, Mrs. Edwin Fuller Parhani, of Henderson. N. C., returned to her home a few days ago when her father's condition appeared to be improving. Flowers from White House Immediately after the uniouncement of the death. Vice President Garner and Speaker Raincy. both of whom served more than 30 years with him in the House, called at the Pou apartment. A message accompanied "nv flowers was sent: fro?i> the White House. I Arrangements were made by the., vice president and speaker for the j joint funeral service. Senator Robin- j .son of Arkansas, the Democratic lead- j er. Senator McNary of Oregon, Republican leader, Mr. Gamer and Speaker Rainey delivered addresses. Pou was the only member of the House to regain chairmanship of a committee he formerly controlled when the Democrats recaptured the House in 1930. He had been chairman of the rules committee from 1912 to 1920. Born in Alabama Pou was born at Tuskegee, Ala., September 9. 1S53. but his famiiy had lived, for years in North Carolina. He went to Smithfield as a boy, was educated at the University of North Carolina, and became a lawyer. He entered politics in 1SS6 as chairman of a county executive committee. In 18S7 he married Miss Carrie H. Ihrie. In 1SSS he became a presidential elector, and for ten years was solicitor. During his Congressional career, he first attracted attention when he supported President Theodore Roosevelt in his big naval construction pro- j gram. When President Wilson came in, Pou became his advisor on legisla-! live matters. He had a great file of letters from the war time President vir<x,*ijYiii? nun iur ixis assistance on many important issues. Iji(uied by Garner Vice-President Garner said Sunday "Ed Pou was one of the most lovable and courageous characters I've ever known." R a inay ooj/J ^ "Mr Pou was a groat man. He had high principles and adhered to thorn Representative Byrr.s of Tennessee, Democratic leader, said: "He was noble in soul and principle." Neutrally quiet, Pou became almost an enigma so far as public comment on legislative matters was concerned after he became chairman of the rules committee for a second r.irne with the advent of the Roosevelt ad m i n i stratum The North Carolinian took the po- i sition that so long as he whs chair-1 man of such a powerful committee I ho should not give any indication of how he felt about any particular 'legislation until it formally came before the House. Offices in C'apifol Pen was one of a doaen representatives with offices in the Capitol. His desk in his private room was placed directly beneath a huge chandelier. Along one side of the room | was a leather cought on which he frequently napped to conserve his failing strength. Visitors to his inner office usually found him either in his shirt sleeves or wealing a sofL sack coat that did not match his trousers. In his later years, he wore soft leather slippers almost exclusively. One of Pou's favorite stories was! that he forecast the election of Pres-1 idnet Roosevelt in 1914 when the chief' executive was assistant secretary of the navy. Met Roosevelt Pou met the man who was to be President in the office of another North Carolinian, Ambassador Josephus Daniels, who was then secretary of the navy Pou later related that when Roosevelt left he remarked to Daniels that his assistant was "as handsome a young man" as he had ever seen and that he predicted "that young man is a coming President of the United Stales." Despite ell the work he did in the Wikori administration in the trying war days, Pcu, on his 70th birthday last September 9, said he was "proudest" cf what he had done to pave the way for President Roosevelt's program. tin almost the same breath, however he advised his listeners that Congress should he giveu credit for giving the President the extraordinary powers delegated to him. ATTENTION, VETERANS! Watauga Post No. 130, American t Legion, and the Auxiliary, will meet Friday night, April 6th, at 7:30 o'clock. Every ex-service mail is urged and requested to attend. C. S. Stevenson, Commander. , Walter Greene, Adjutant. ?" WATA NY A NYAL ASPIRIN TABLETS For headaches. colds* fever, neuralgic and rheumatic pains. Bottle of 100. 2 for 50c ??????_____ 1 NYAL MILK MAGNESIA ! For acid stomach and heartburn, indigestion and gas 50c full pint size. 2 for 50c NYAL FACE CREAM A peroxide vanishing cream that softens and whitens the akin, l^arge 50c jar. 2 for 50c ; Nyseptol TOOTH PASTE Cleans the teeth?purifies and improves gum conditions. Regular 25c tube. 2 for 25o INYALGESIC For si rains and muscular soreness?just shake it on?rub pain away. 60c bottle. 2 for 60c Nyal Vaporizing Salve Head and chest colds yield to its soothing vapors and penetrating oil3. Large 50c jar. 2 for 50c NYAL COLD CAPSULES Quick relief from colds and headache, positive in action. Regular 50c box. 2 for 50c Nyal RUBBING ALCOHOL Refreshes tired sore muscles -an invigorating body rub. 50c pint size. 2 for 50c KLEER-A-HED A vapor inhalant?just breathe it in- -out go coids and asthma 50c bottle. 2 for 50c ' _______________??_____ s Beef, Iron and Wine Tonic I Builds robust health and rich red blood, de- J licious wine flavor. Large $1.00 bottle. j 2 for $1.00 j HONEY & HOREHOUND ; A soothing cough syrup for raw throats and racking coughs. Regular 50c gike. 2 for 50c Nyal VANILLA EXTRACT A pure full-strength flavor?does not bake or freeze out. 3 ounce bottle. 2 for 60c NYAL HINKLE TABLETS The popular cascara laxative - always safe and always effective. 35c tin of 100. 2 for 35c < LEXACOLD TABLETS Take at the first sign of colds, check further discomfort. Regular 25c box. 2 for 25c ^ NYAL HUSKEYS A soothing lozenge, for husky throat and bronchial irritation. 25c box. 2 for 25c ' NY AGAR?LAXATIVE An asar-mineral oil lubricant Tor th#> rnr rection of constipation. $1.00 bottle. 2 for $ 1.00 NYAL PENCILS , medium weight, even writing pencils?at* c tractive striped design finish. 2 for 5c HOSPITAL COTTON Pure and white, long fibre?for general household use. Pound roll. 2 for 65c NY-NAPS "Form-fit Sanitary Pads, deodorized and very absorbent. Box of twelve. 2 for 25c NYAD HEALTH SOAP A. milled soap with an aroma of cleanliness. Callophane wrapped bars, o t in ?? & Ui A. W Nycest Almond-Cocoa Soap A quick-lathering soap in either soft or hard, cold or hot mater. large bar. 2 for 10c NYAL CORN PADS Oval adhesive pads with medicated centers that actually take corn right, out. 25c box. 2 for 25c UfATi IhBBSBBHBBHBBBBBKBHBBHHB CKiA DEMOCRAT?fiOTSitS iwirBaDAT?B :?r:v7?~ ? 3 ?, rr ? it 1 Ik &m '?' Ji NOW G HOME REMEDIES, TOILET) Twice yearly, Myal Service Drujf Stores offej portunity to buy two standard, full-sized Nyal for the price ot one. In other words, you buy 01 jXyal medicinais and remedies have safeguard) elation to these thousands?and to interest ot] ing this sale, assuring yon of unsurpassed vail your dimes and dollars. Come early, shop am 2 for 1NYAL HC REMEDIES AROMATIC' CASCARA, 2 tiz. bottle ri nr> UIL, 3 oz. Dottle PUKE OLIVE OIL, 4 oz. bottle.? CAMPHORATED OIL. 1 oz. bottle BOI1IC ACID CRYSTALS, 2 oz. box ? SPIRITS OF CAMPHOR, 1 oz. bottle ... SPHEDRINE COUGH SYRCP, 50c size EPHEDKINE NASAL JELLY, 50c tub. CHOCOLAX?LAXATIVE, 25c tin DLYCERIN, pore, 2 ounce bottle PURE EPSOM SALTS, 16 oz. box COD I.IVEK EXTRACT TABLETS. St size FIGSEX?LAXATIVE TABLETS, 50c box BECTONE FOR PILES, 50c tube VYAL WHITE PINE AND TAR, 50c bottle SYAt YELLOW LIVER PILLS, 25c bottle VNALGESIC BALM, 50c tube N YAL WHITE LINIMENT. 50c bottle 50c Muriel Astor Toiletries at "2 for 1" Huriel Astor Toiletries include the requilites for a complete home beauty treatment ?creams and lotions that improve the comllexion?soften and whiten the skin. Fowler Base Cream, Tonic Astringent, Cocoa Butter Night Cream, Face Powder, Special Sand Lotion. Camphor Iced Skin Cream, Tissue Cream, Cleansing Cream, Rose VVaer, Glycerin and Benzoin. All regular 50c ,'alues. Your choice? 2 for 50c WITCH HAZEL EXT. A soothing rub for muscular soreness-bruises and scratches. Pint bottle. 2 for 50c ULTRA BAY RUM A refreshing lotion for after shaving- a fragrant dressing for tme hair. Pint bottle. o t r?n_ !Ur ULTRA HAND LOTION whitening lotion for the hands?softens chapped and irritated skin. Pint bottle. Z tor 50c Milk Magnesia Tooth Paste Whitens and polishes the teeth?lessens acid mouth and tooth decay. 2 for 25c Norwegian Cod Liver Oil valuable food tonic for convalescents and ihildren. Builds disease resistance. Ft. bottle 2 for $1.00 Rubber Goods 9 fr\i Nyad Fountain Syringe?2qt. size with tube and fitting. 2 for $1.25 iN Nyad Hot Water Bottle?2- NYAI" ASP qt. seamless. Guaranteed. E. A. B. Oil 2 for $1.25 mkrccro. Z NYAL ZINl Nyad Combination?Fountain TINCTURE syringe and water bottle. COWFOUN1 2 for $2.00 LADIES DI Nyad Vaginal Douche?Asep- MEN'S PO< tic spray syringe. BARBER S 2 for $1.50 ci mi com V " NYSIS TAI Nyad Syringe Attachment? NYIjOTIS 1 Tubing and fittings only. NYSIS HA2 2 for 75c I V-8 VBGET Nimrod Syringe?Rapid flow BOSE IIAn tubing, finest quality. NYLOT1S I 2 for $2.00 hiruston qi.ycerin UGADB Boone, Nor mmmmmammmmnm IING ON! RIES & DRUG NECESSITIES r this nation-wide M2 FOK 1" SALE?an op ! products of tiie same hind or the same prlo ne?we give you another free. For many year ?d health in thousands of homes. As an apprc her thousands?we invite your patronage dui lies and savings* double purcliasing power fo 1 save on everyday Drug Needs. >ME Stationery Specials Wedge w ood Linen Tablets? note size, ruled or plain, a real bargain? .2 forS5c 2 for 15c ,._2 for 25c *> for 4' Wedge wood Envelopes?Pure r white linen. Packages of 25. 2 for 20c 2 for 15C 2 for 15c ? f >><<. Ardsley Linen?60 full sheets and 50 envelopes, correspond 2 for 50c ence size, nicely boxed. 2 for 50c 2 for 75c ?2 for 25c Cadillac Kipple Bond?Large 2 for 25c size in individual package. 2 for 25c 2 for 60c 2 for SI ? j -0(, Cadillac Ripple Envelopes to match above paper. 25 in tike - f?r n r cn .. ..2 for 50c *?r 30c .2 for 25c E<lgemont I.inen ? 24 sheets 2 for 50c and envelopes, medium size. 2 for 50c 2 for 50c "35" SHAVING NEEDS at "2 FOR 1" "Thirty-Five" Toiletries for men Include velvety Shaving Cream, a refreshing Sha\ inx Lotion, a soothing After Shave Powde a greaseless Hair Dressing, a cleansing lie uid Shampoo, all with a fresh pine fraf ranee?nnd in addition, " 335" Razor Blade (package of five) for double-edge type rs zors. Priced regularly at 35 cents eacl Your choice? 2 for 35c SWEET TREET GUM A piquant, full-flavored chewing gum?pe[ permint, spearmint or fruit flavor. 5c pk| 2 for 5c Milk Magnesia Tbotli Past< The daily use of Milk of Magrnesia Toot Paste prevents acid mouth. 50c tube. 2 for 50c Perfection Tooth Brushes O ...4 J-V?>?4-1 ? .- ? . - 0* 1?? -* **TOC1CCVV.U SS4L MWWtOp-W? V< yr- VU44VU w set. in assorted celluloid handles. 2 for 25c Nyseptol Tooth Brush Sturdy flat-handled brushes in individui cartons, solid set bristles. Special 2 for 35c Brilliant Lilac Hair Oil A fragrant dressing, not greasy or stick; It keeps liair smooth. Regular 50c bottle 2 for 50c NIMROD CQMB1NATOIIS Syringe and water bottle in one, guarantee) 2 for $2.75 TEVERYDA'V [ECESSITISE IRIN TABLETS, 25c box of 24 .2 for K tfTMENT for bonis, 60c tube. .2..for 5? 'HKd.MK, Vi-ounce bottle 2for2C 3 OXIDE OINTMENT, Z&c. tube 2 for 21 OF IODINE, 1 ounce bottle 3. tor 2! 0 LICORICE POWDER, 4 oz. 25c box 2 for 2! tESSING COMB, 8 In. size 2 for 50 CKET COMB in case 2 for It TYLE COMBS, coarse and fine 2 for 21 PACT ROUGE, 50c box ... 2 for 35 X!UM POWDER, 25c tin 2 for 2C IABY TALCUM, 25c tin ? 2 for 25 SD CREAM, 50c jar _ 2 for 5C AL for SHAVING, Sflc bottle .2 for 35 1 OIL, 25c bottle .2 for 25 IE LUXE POWDER, 75c box 2 for 75 E HAIR TONIC, $1.00 Uze 3 for$l.C & ROSE WATER, S-oz. bottle 2 for 25 IIG COR th Carolina APRIL, 5. ISM M GAT 1?1 kJPrTLJUJU I | NYSEPTOL A refreshing mouth wash, antiseptic and 1 breath deodorant. 75c full pint, /$ ' NYAL NASAL DROPS~ 1 | e Shrinks nasal membranes and reduces con- B s gestlcn. Makes breathing easy. 35c size. 2 for 35c fi r Nyal ANTACID POWDER Banishes belching, gas and the distress of 1 sour stomach. Regular 50c size. 2 for 50c 8 Buchu and Juniper Pill? a stimulating diuretic uiat promoter nver mm and kidnev action. 50c bottle. 2 for 50c K . NYSIS FACE POWDER 1 * Delicately perfumed, velvety soft -applies g* smoothly and evenly. 25c box. Si 2 for 50c H ' NYAL SALTS 1 ' The effervescent saline laxative that brings B regular elimination. 65c jar. 2 for 65c B NYSIS HAND LOTION A fragrant quick-drying lotion?soothing H to rough, chapped hands. 25c bottle. 2 for 25c I Brushless Shaving Cream B j Apply with finger tips, requires no brush, j no lather, no rub-in. Large 35c tube. 2 for 35c B NYAL FOOT BALM For athlete's foot, skin cracks and foot ec- I zema. Not greasy or sticky. 50c bottle. -- 2 for 50c i- NYAL MINERAL OIL Relief from constipation and irregularity? I a pure and tasteless. 75c full pint. H ' i; 2 for 75c B NYLOT1S FACE POWDER _ A smooth silky powder that stays on all HI day or evening. Regular 50c box. 2 for 50c * Nyal LAXATIVE TABLET | A chewy wafer that acts without griping. H - -Safe for children. Regular 25c bottle. H ; 2 for 25c 1 NYAL CORN REMOVER 1 Stops pain at once?removes corn* with I - just a few applications. 25c bottle. 2 for 25c HIRUSTONE SHAMPOO g Removes dandruff?cleanses the hair, leav- I ing it soft and glosay. Large 50c size. 2 for 50c I *? NYSIS ALMOND CREAM A whitening lotion that brings a softness I I to akir. and hands. 50c bottle. 9 c cn. AS 4U 1U1 UUL r. Nyal SANITARY POWDER B ^ A cleansing, soothing douche?antiseptic D and deodorizing. 50c tin. Bj >V 2 for 50c _ I 1 VICEROY WATCH ' Thin model nickeled case, 24-hour movemen, non-breakable crystal. 2 for $1.85 r Guaranteed Alarm Clock Sturdily constructed, 24-hour movement with concealed backboll. 2 for $1.85 * PAR SHAVING CREAM Makes a velvety lather that penetrates to ic the hair roots. Large 50c tube. * 2 for 50c / c - / * Nyaliptus Cough Syrup c Let Nyaliptus Golden Syrup be your aid in ic relief of coughs due to colds. Large 75c hot. 2 for 75c ic Nyal Hot Springs Medicine ic Helps increase kidney and liver action, j clears blood. Ree^ilnr ?i hnttio * | 2 for $1.00 B ic I Nimrod Hot Water Bottle 10 | Two-quart size. An exceptional value. * ) 2 for $2-00 spaht

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