MAY 10. 1934. )Seek Funds to Fight ij Outlaws of Nation Washington.?The Justice Depart- t ment is seeking fund3 to reinforce its < .agents with swift armored automo- { biles and more machine guns for the pursuit of desperadoes like John Dil- js f, h' ^?,y^ 2ev ,j <<, year. JL'roUuction is t automobile company state after state, con Chevrolet is leading all fTlie big reason for su right. Chevrolet has st low-price field have 1 fully enclosed for comp A six-cylinder valve-ir Flame" beau. Big, "cu low-price field. Large, No Draft Ventilation. )T brings new ease and co automobile has a single That's why no other statement as this: wS^K A K M >WBBy H % :?T ^ II - I IjjPg CHEVROLET MOTOR Cumpate Chevrolet's leu Inger, Attorney General Homer S. Humming? disclosed Fiiday. Reviewing the Dillinger chase, Humming? denounced public sympaby tor criminals and scored laxity >? lav.- enforcement agencies in some jlaces as "disgraceful." "Many state and local jails are iieves through which the elusive is a great record of leadersli rolet made in 1933! It's an even d that Chevrolet is making foi is of thousands of ears ahead unning higher than that of an in the world. And every da; les the same report on rcgisti ' other cars! eh preference is plainly shown > many vital features that other eft out: Knee-Action wheels ti lete safety and absolute depend t-licad engine with an exclusive hie-coulrcllcd" brakes, the bes spacious bodies by Fisher, witl And real "shock-proof" steeri mfort to driving. No other Iov : one of these five leading 1934 f< can be backed by such a cc Ijg jyM"?< COMPANY, DETROIT, MIC] I defend price* cod easy G. M. A. C. term General Motors Value CH R. C H E V MSBSOKsI &' * :*M ssa SSaHaraSwi m M- :W;: w"''-.'-' ii?: WATAHGA DEMOCRAT? EVE I criminal finds bis way out," the attorney general said. He assailed doctors, political boas I es, and lawyers who have been dis ! closed to have aided Dillinger anc his henchmen. "Dillinger wc.uld have been trappec in Wisconsin if the Department o: Justice were modernized," Cumming: ip that ? ? greo^, HIE r 1934! nif lnal- f ability. F~ "Blue- ao HORSE t tltc valve~in-l : Fisher ng that -priced satures. Save EVRO ROLET ( RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. jsaid. i Fund3 are being sought from the f " budge' bureau, he explained, for &r- ? J | mored cars, a system of radio-equip- : a : pcd scout cars, more machine guns. ' ^ j and high power rifles, 200 additional n f j special agents and seventy account- 1 s ?I ants I v E-AG|T!OH WM POWER?80 MILES Aft HOUR lead six of matchless economy BODIES BY FISHES and finest among low-priced cars with a LET ? ;ompan\ i,? The Man Whom Nature Protectee roiri Pain, Heat, cold and wounds d< ot affect him. Read about this un sual case in the American Weekly he big magazine which comes witi tie Baltimore Sunday American, isue of May J 3th. On sale by your fa oriie newsdealer or newsboy. ' .. ill I m m B mi i a ' a ' i her lowpn !CC8 e FULLY E 15*5.8.3 AND WEA1 CABIE-COHTROLUE _ smooth and safe in < SHOCK-PROOF S not found on wy other ;ix r, Boone, ^ ? PAGE TURK* I Voting Americans l*arn to Fly? > Boys and girls are invited to Join the - Junior Birdcaesi of America, wear pins , : and learn ail about aviation- Full ilei tails in the Baltimore Sunday Amer ican and The Baltimore N?hts and > I'ost. Get your copy from your local newsdealer or newsboy. sBS j Ml fte i ri^ai nun ced car * V ' > #< INCLOSED HERPRQOF D BRAKES my weather rEERIRG low-priced car ; . Dt.AI.CR ADVERTISEMENT - " - .'V;" ' ' " "- V