JUNE 28. 1934 S55S*W IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Icunday i dchool Lesson (Br RBY. P. B. FiTZ WATER. D. D, Member of faculty, Moody Biblo Institute of Chicago.} ? by Western Nowsvauoi union. Lesson for July 1 AHiJAH and the divided king. dom. i LESSON TEXT?1 Kinds 11:M; IS;15S. ! GOLDEN TEXT?Pr'.de gooth Defer? destruction, and a haughty spirit Do- | fore ft fall. Proverbs 1G:1S. PRIMARY TOPIC?A King: Who Wm ! Not King. ! JUNIOR TOPIC?Why a Young Kin* 1 Lost a Kingdom. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?Right and Wrong Choices. 1 YOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- i IC?How to Prevent Divisions. j I. Ahljah's Prophecy (I Kings 11:2933). In view of tne political situation It would have been unwise publicly to rn.iko known God's plan to Jeroboam within the capital city. Therefore, as ! Jeroboam was going out of thA Htv I Aliljah, In a symbolic manner, made known the future of the kingdom. He took from his person hl#garment and rent It tn 12 pieces, giving to Jeroboam ten of the pieces with the assuranco that ten of the tribes would rally around him as their king. II. Rehoboam Facing a Crisis (1 Kings 12:1-15). 1. The demand of the people (vv. 1-4). This was occasioned by the burden of excessive taxation and enforced Inbcr required by Solomon in order to build costly houses and temples for his henthen wives. Upon the accession of the new king, the people, through their leader Jeroboam, reQuested that their burdens be mado lighter, promising loyalty on condition of lightened burdens. 2. Itchobonm's foolish decision (vv. C-15). I a. Consultation with the old men (vv. 5-7). These were toeu of experience who had beeh Solomon's advisers. Being acquainted with the conditions ns imposed by Solomon, and knowing the temper of the people, they advised that the people's request bo granted. b. Consultation with the young men (vv. S-ll). These young men hnd grown up with Ilehobonm, possibly \verc his half-brothers, sons of Solomon's many wives. Being thus brought up in the luxury of the king's house they ware ignorant of (he rights of the people and advised that the hur- , dens be Increased. , c Advice of the young men followed (vv. 12-15). At the appointed time ( lie announced his purpose to the pco- , pie, usserting his intent to increaso their burdens and sorrows. III. The Revolt of the Ten Tribes ( (vv. 10-24). Cpon Uehoboam's nnnounccmeni of his rash nnrnnee nit I..... - . ( ? ?" tlitu UU(| "What portion have we In David? ... to your tents. 0 Israel!" 1. Itehoboam'H attempt to collect tribute (vv. IS. 10). As ho endeavored to collect tribute from the ten tribes, Adorain, hla tribute gntherer, was , stoned to death. So violent was the opposition on the part of the people that Rehoboam himself had to flee to Jerusalem In order to save his life. . 2. Jeroboam made king over Israel (v. 20). The people lost no time in selecting a national hpad so as to be strong in their opposition to Rehobonm. ft. Hehoboam's attempt to compel the ten tribes to return to Judah (vv. 2124). To effect tills he assembled his army of 180,000 men. Through the prophecy of Shemalah, which forbade J them to go against their brethren they were persuaded to return. IV. Jeroboam's Scheme to Unify the Ten Tribes (vv. 25-33). 1. He established calf worship (yv. 25-30). His pretext for this worship was ma roar lest religious unity should heal the political separation. He was ] afraid that the people would go back to Jerusalem to worship and therefore would gradually be led to acknowledge allegiance to Rehoboam, nnd his own life would be taken. 2. Ills scheme of worship (w. 81-33). a. He built a house of high places (v. 81). This was against the direct command of God. God had directed hie people to destroy the high places and to break down the Idolatrous centers. b. Ho made priests of the lowest of the people (v. 81), though God set aside the trluo of Lovl to fill the office of the priesthood. c. He changed the day of the Feast of the Tabernacle, (v. 32). The time of this Feast was set by the Lord (Lev. 28:88, 3-1). Jeroboam argued that the change In the time would better suit their northern climate, but God who made the climate had or dallied the time nf the Fr Kx has ooe BC <r <4 ! AU.TUIID UP.B Kn ?E WHAT PAtTS U UU rmo today . ^ T n'Bub \ 3E?: i By |hyJ ED KRESSY j* Plenty of Coal > There are sufficient deposit* of eon In Nova Scotia and New Brunswlci to supply needs for TOO years. j LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES ADVENT CHRISTIAN Rev. Kenneth Barrs, Pastor ! Sunday School each Sunday at 9:1 i Morning service at 11 o'clock and evt | ciug service at 8 o'clock. BAPTIST Rev. P. A. Hieks, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m.. W. I Farthing, Superintendent. Preachin at 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m. 3. Y. P. 1 7 p. nt.: Brotherhood 6 p. m.; mi<3 week prayer service Wednesdays a 8 p. ni. Choir practice each Friday Junior at 7 and Senior at 8 o'clock. METHODIST Rev. J. H. Brendall, -Jr.. Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a. in. J. 1 Rankin, Superintendent; morning set mon at 11 a. m.: evening sermon a S by the pastor; World Club, 6:45 I in.: Fellowship hour Wo<in?vsd.-io > 8 p. m.; choir practice on Friday a 8 p. m. tiTKERAN itev. J. A. Fount, Pastor St. Marks. Blowing Rock?Servtcfirst Sunday of each month at 1 a. m. Service on other Sundays a: may be announced from time to time Sunday School every Sunday at b:4l a. m. Grace, East Boone? Service ever; Sunday at 11 a. m.; vespers first ani third Sundays at S p. m.; Sunda; School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. I,uther League each Sunday at ' p. m. Holy Community, near Valle L'ru els?Service every third Sunday a 11 a. m. and on other Sundays as maj be announced; Sunday School even Sunday at 9:4r> a. in. Hanging Rock Chapel, Banner Elk Service cacli fourth Sunday at 3 p. m Holy Trinity, Deep Gap?Service every second Sunday at 3 p. m. To all these services we most cordially invite you. Come, bring youi friends. WATAUGA METHODIST Rev. Q. C. Graham, Pastor. Henson's Chapel?Second and 4tf Sundays 11 a. in.; Sunday School al 8:45, J. B. Horton, Superintendent Epworth League 6 p. m. Valle Crucis?Preaching on firsl and third Sundays at 11 a. m.; Sun day School at 10 a. m.. J. M. Shull Superintendent; Epworth League every Wednesday night. Mahel?Preaching everv cernnr ind fourth Sunday at 3 p. m.; Suuuuj School 10 a. m., Robert Castle, Sup erintcndont. Salem? Preaching; every First Sunlay at 3 p. m. E. T. & W. N. C. Motor rransporfcation Company {Schedule effective Sept. 1, 1033) LEAVE BOONE FOR: i/aUe Crucis, Banner Elk, and Ell Park, N. C? 11:20 a. m. and 8:2{ p. m. ashcville, 11:20 a. m. Scan Mountain, Hampton, Elizabethton, Johnson City, Greensville. Mar rlatown, Knorville and West, 12:2f p. m., 8:20 p. m. Slowing Rock, Lenoir, Hickory, Charlotte, Statesville, Salisbury, Htgl Point, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigt and Norfolk, at 0:15 a. m., and 5:31 p. m. \sheville, Greeneville, S. C., Columbit and Charleston, S. C., Augusta ant tlanta. Ga.. Jacksonville. Fla ant South at 22:30 p. ai. LOWEST FAKES EVERYWHEUE BEST HIGHWAYS?NO DUST. enquire of Ticket, Agent for Fores uni Schedules to Other Points. d. Jeroboam himself Intrudes lute the priest's office (v. 33). This r.ct oi presumption ou his part was the ell max of Ills godlessness. Hatred of Sid Traj repentance has as Its const! tuent elements net only grief ant hatred of sin, bnt also on npprehen slon of the mercy of God In Christ It hates the sin, and not simply th< penalty: and It hates the sin most ol all because It has discovered and fell God's love.?William Taylor. Inexhaufttiblo "Wc cnu never fully know Cilriat nor fully nppreheml aim, for Chris It Inexhaustible."?Dr. Graham Scrog gle. >resr-Pi/w) f OVi.UE.Ti \ , ;wecau /C. /Cf^ \? % h J I ^ fue truamc ociavi was rcst meh ?i^Hi WAME SYUfcROOOTUS.TUE BOMAI I THE PBtS&JT NAME IS PEOM ft JhHp atlamticum ma Re WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EY ! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION '; 1 | Having quaiified as the adir.inis jtrator of the estate of John C. Dyer . j deceased, all persons having claim'. ' against said estate are hereby noti jfied to present them within twelvt months from the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded ill bar of then recovery. A11 persons indebted to th< said estate will come forward anc make settlement. This May 18. 1934. C. D. DYER, Administratoi 5-24-6t John C. Dyer, Deceased. AN ORDINANCE ) Authorizing the Issue of Eighteen ,, Thousand Dollars (818,000.00) Funp ding Bonds of the Town of Boone. [. North Carolina. t Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Boone, North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. Bonds of the Town shall be issued in the ,rovin,i,? *' ? ? ?*S?'-S?w i principal amount of $18,000 for the , purpose of finding tlic following described valid outstanding debt of the t Town, namely, $18,000 notes of the , Town dated June 1st, 1932, and pay(. able S8.000 thereof on the 1st of Det ceinbcr, 1934. and $10,000 on the Is! of December, 1935, which outstanding debt is to be cancelled priur tc its maturity and simultaneously with the issue o? the said bonds. Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay j the principal and interest on the g bonds shall be annually levied anc , collected. j Section 3 A statement of the debl of the municipality has been filed . - with the Clerk and is open to public I inspection. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, and shall nol I be submitted to the voters. [ The foregoing Ordinance was > passed on the 15th day of June, 1934 and was first published on the 21st day of June, 1934. 1 Any action or proceeding questioning the- validity of said Ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after Its first publication. | H. E. Perry, Town Clerk, 5-21-4t Boone. North Carolina. SALE OF LAND FOR TOWN TAXES , By virtue of the power vested in > me by law, I will oil Monday, July 2, 1934, between the hours of 19 a. m. and 3 p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands of the following delinquent taxpayers of the Town of Boone, to satisfy taxes due ! for the year 1932: Mrs. Carrie 13. Adams 15.21 I C. B. Angel 10.9t F T. S. Ayprs 28.05 A. S. T. College U4.1C Mrs. S. J. Barnett Estate 88.45 I. T. Burnett 5.81 ' L. M. Bentley 10.49 Dr. R. lv. Bingham 67.23 I. J. Bingham 36.72 R. Li. Bingham 109.93 L. L Bingham and A. 12. South 4.08 > Earl Blackburn 3.22 D. S. Blount 12.21 Bice Riuge Lumber Co 3.16 J. A. Boiuiu ... 31 75 Boone Feed Co 24.06 Boone Coal Co 16.32 c Boone Clothing Store 10.80 1 Mrs. J. W. Brawley 19.40 Ray Brindle 3.06 E. O. Britton 2.04 - Roy S. Brown 3.06 . tsoone Ice & Fuel Co 10.2G ) P. G. Carroll 3.0fi Raymond Carroll 4.5a James Carter 23.4B Cash Coal Company 4.0k 1 J. Estes Coffey 3.06 ' Mrs. Paul Coffey 10.2H ) G. A. Coffey 12.24 Fred Cook 41.56 i A. B. Cook 3.0(1 1 J. C. Cook 78.73 , E. M. Cook 11.9a Councill Cook 3.06 Walter L. Cook 29.11 Keith Cornelius 2.01 G. F. Critcher 25.31 M. P. Critcher and A. L. Harrison Heirs 22.71 Ed Culler 7.14 1 Lowery A. Deal 12.24 Miss Edna Dillinger 15.34 D. D. Dougherty Estate ..... 53.53 ' Glenn Davis 3.0t . ! RrtWv-* ' 3 Of t s. C. Egg-era & Co 91> . S. C. Eggers 9'7f Eggers & Mast _> 2.5!: " ^Ric? Cock iighi.wfote3ndfkty I Wl rttOJED BV THAT tf \J J MlSTOBiAU. 15 1 " IE LAT\M GOME,ATU?B WEIGHT,)H THE |1 SEA OPATLAS. ABOUT 2,000,0001OH A9ITA. ERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. ' Ray Estes 8.16 F. F. Fox 4.081 - j A. X Fietnoting 5.40 j ,IMt8. Eve'.vn Flowe 12.14; 11E. M. Gragg - 102; .! James R. Gragg 44.60; , Tipton Greene ? 4.00 \ ' Mrs. Pearl Greene 94.56! Mattie J. Greene Estate. ... 84.86 | Mrs. Etta M. Greene 306.33 ; ' Rodney C. Greene 34.68j' ' Mrs. Blanche Greene 16.32 i Fred R. Greer -- 2.04 ! Floyd Hagaman 20.12}. B. X. Hahn ... . 116.38 Helm in & Williams ? 19.30 Hour,-J. Hardin 5.10 J. Lnren Harrison 3.07 Mrs \V. G. Hartzog 29.66 W. G. Hartzog - 56.53 i Highland Pressing Club 10.20 Earnest Hodges 2.04 , Mrs. Will B. Hodges Jr 5.80 Dr. J. M. Hodges ? ? 4.79 . Dr. H. Stuart Hodges 109.14 J. D. Horton 18.78 ' John R. Horton 5.10 James Horton Heirs 8.10 1 H W. Horton 10.20 1 Max E. Houcl: 31.98 ; Charles Houck 44.92 Vance C. Howell 53,93 1 John A. Howell 16.32 ! Mattie Johnson 6.291 . Tom Jones 3.00 . Mrs. Mattie Jones 306.03 Oassie Keener 9.1# j * Carl Kuykendahl 4.59 Hessie and Baxter Linnev 426.16j 1 Mr.- F. A. I.inney 85.27 ; 1 Eugene Lippard 3.06 j Mrs. H. McD. Little 126.58 1 r R. C. Little 6.73' . T1 r- C* !~s r '" ?'? I O. V.T. L?VC - W.OU j I \V. R. Lovill ...... 34.37 ! Frank Lovill .. .. 3.06 , ; W. R. Lovill and Mrs. J. W. Brawley - 40.80 , H. M. Loy 141.06 Ralph Lyons 19.38 Mrs. J. S. Lyons 25.00 * J. C. McConnell 34.55 ' Mrs. Frank McGhee ? 24.48 B\ M. Maitba Estate 4.08 j Ralpn Mast 3.00 , Cecil Miller 25.50 . W. W. Miller 23.40 I. S. Miller 32.25 . C. P. Moore .... 20.40 4 McCoy Moretz 3.00 ; Ralph Moretz .. 15.30 Vilas Moretz 5.00 Granville Norris 3.83 Roby Oakes 3.00 Mrs. R. M. Owens 10.1 U Frank Payne - 31.20 Carl Payne 0.12 E. L. Payne 06.57 " Mrs. J. M. Payne 18.4S G. C. arid A. L. Peeler. 16.32 Milton Pennell 1.52 H. \V. Penny 58.04 Peoples Industrial Bank 117.30 ? Princess Cafe :. 8.10 Public School 99.05 E. L. Quails 7.14 ' Carl Ragan 3.00 : Henry Ragan _. 3.0(3 : W. M. Reece Estate 42.24 James Rivers 23.40 J. y. Bobbins 67.11 ; W. O. Robertson 45.23 June Russell 4.08 , ! W. E. Setzer 11.32 ' Mrs. W. E. Setzer 13.38 j J. B\ Sherrill 36.09 ; W. R- Spainhour 2.04 j. A. sproies ? ? 20.40 1' Mrs. Elizabeth Sprolcs 30.60 | Jeff Stanbury 3.78 ,, Ralph Storie 8.12 ;, H. S. Storie 33.88 , Cornelia Tate 1.53 ; IX,. T. Tatum 44.26: j M. L. Treemore S.16 ! Vviiey G. VaiUlOy - ? . 1 02 . Cinney Walker - 57 85 ; Will C. Walker 10 80 . Mrs. Roxie M. Ward... 44.58 : Albert Watson 54.06 j Dr. W. E. Weehunt. 45.611 Mrs. Nellie Wilburn 23.40; Fred White 20.70 ' Mrs. C. A. Wilcox 50.21 Woodcraft Novelty Co 61.14 11 Prank Grimes 2.53 Monroe Grimes 10.20 1 Weston Hagler 3.08 Rock Hatton 14.26 1 June Horton 4.87 Gwyn Horton Heirs 2.04 1 Hunter Horton 11.22 1 j Ella Shearer 10H0 i Coy Williams and Clay Folk.... 4.08 ;! Coy Williams 12.24 '; Robert Williams 6.12 1 jNelia Williams si* 1 Peoples Industrial Bank 401.12 Lionell Watson 7.00 This June 4th. 1934. ' TRACY COUNCILL, ^ 6-7-4 Mayor and City Tax Collector. i' LEGAL NOTICES J > ' AdvertisemcDtK appearing under this classification are payable in advance. This rule is enforced impartially. Please do not expect the publishers to deviate. NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina, Watauga County, in the Superior Court. Lloyd Coffey vs. Hugh Grant and wife, Mrs. Hugh Grant; R. B. Page and wife, Mrs. R. B. Page. (Notice appearing June 14, 21, 28; ant) July 5, 1934.)' H a r'amed defendants will take notice that an action entitled as above MAO tu A R)Uti2?0 WIUDOW SCMM WT5- ABOUTAMiLCOPvgiftS. has been commenced in the SuperU Court of Watauga County, North Cai olina. to foreclose two certain certif cates of tax sales ami liens for taxt held by the plaintiff on the followin described real estate: Being Lot No 8 in the J. H. Win! ler Division on the Blowing Hoc! Shulls Mills Road adjoining the land of Lloyd Coffey and ethers and cor tabling 21- acres. That they are required to appea and answer or demur to the complain filed in the office of the Clerk of St perior Court, for Watauga County i Boone, North Carolina, within thirt Jays from publication of this actioi or the plaintiff will apply to the corn for the relief demanded in said com plaint. All other persons will take notici that they are required to appear, sc up, arid defend their respective claim if any. within six months from dat of this action or they will be forcve barred and foreclosed of any and a interest in said property or the pre ceeds from the sale thereof. This 14th day of June, 1934. A. E. SOUTH. Clerk of Superior Cour Wade E. Brown, Attorney 6-3 4-4 .NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Watauga County, i the Superior Court before the cleri Mrs. Lizzie Harkleroad, administer fcrix of the estate of J. F. Harkk road, deceased, vs. I. M. Harkk road and wife, Mary Harkleroa< W. E. Harkleroad and wife. Rut Harkleroad; Nell Harkleroad; Raj mond Harkleroad and. wife, Mr; Raymond Harkleroad; Fred Harkk road and wife, Mrs Fred Harkk road: Ruth Harkleroad, widow < Henry Harkleroad, deceased; Do mar Harkleroad and wife, Mrs. De mar Harkleroad; Marlen Harkk road and wife. Mrs. Marlen Harkk road; Hubert Harkleroad and wifi Mrs. Hubert Harklerosd; Joe Hai kleroad and wife, Mrs. Joe Harklc road; Alice Harkleroad an husband ; Bonnie Harkleroa and husband ; Emm Combs, widow of Will. Combs, de ceased; Gains Geisler and wife, Mrs Gains Geisler; John Glover an* wife, Mrs. John Glover; Will Comb Jr. and wife, Mrs. Will Combs Jr. Maude Combs; Nora Combs; Ecr tie Combs; George Harkleroad; an? wfife. Mrs. George Harkleroad Charles Harkleroad and wife, Mrs Charles Harkleroad; John HarKle road and wife, Mrs. John Harkle road; Bruce Harkleroad and wife Mrs. Bruce Harkleroad; James Har kleroad and wife, Mrs. James Har kleroad; Lula Harkleroad am husband ; Andrew Harkleroad Thomas Harkleroad and Mrs. Liz zie Harkleroad, widow of J. F. Har kleroad, deceased, personally. The defendants above named will tale notice that an action entitled as abov has been commenced in the Supctlo Court of Watauga County, North Car olino, to obtain an order of the cour to permit the administratrix to exe cute a mortgage to the Home Own irs' Loan Corporation; and that tlv said defendants will further take no Lice Lnat they are required to appea at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in til courthouse in Boons, North Carolint on the 7th day of July, 1934, and an sper or demur to the complaint or pc Lition of the plaintiff in said actioi or the plaintiff will apply to the coui for the relief demanded in said p< tition. This June 6th, 1934. A. E. SOUTH, 6-14-4 Clerk of Superior Cour NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue of the power of sale cor tained in a certain deed of trust ex< cuted to the undersigned trustee h W. R. Armystrone to secure the sui of $8,500.00 and interest on the satin which deed of trust is recorded i the office of the register of deed for Watauga County, North Carotin; in Book 15 of mortgages at page 12 and default having been made in th payment of the moneys thereby s< cured as therein provided, 1 will o Monday, July 2, 1934, 1 o'clock p. n at the courthouse door of Wataug County, Boone, North Carolina, off; for sale to the highest bidder f< cash the following described lands: First Tract BEGINNING at a stone in the ma gin of Green Hill road and Charl Smoot's northwest corner and rui with Charlie Smoot's line south 74 degrees east 200 feet to a aton thence northward SO feet to a ston thence 74^ degrees west 200 fe to the east margin of the Green H Road; with tho Wi Road 80 feet to the beginning, corne Second Tract BEGINNING at a stake, Kankin comer, margin of Green Hill road ar running with said road north 84 d grees cast 65 feet to a stake in tl margin of Green Hill Road: them south 74 degTees east 185 feet to stake: thence south 79 degrees we ] f"IUt PAStfUR IHSTltutE HAS^ f " MADE exp6cimekts tuat - Mvealtwe Mcr-mAttxe tOUdt-ST ufe of afcyis a0.oot b2 pays.. * ! / v \i J ^ ituEfcts ?nHHH *** PAGE SEVER )r 65 feet to a stake; tber.'cc north 74'ii r- degrees west 200 feet to a stake, i. ThUtl Tract s BEGINNINGS at an iron pin in the <r I margin of Green Hill Road R. G. Rankin's northwest corner and runs with i. said Rankin's line south 72 degrees and 15 minutes east 200 feet to an Is iron pin in said Rankin's corner; [. thence south 21 degrees 45 minutes west 25 feel with said Rankin's line r j to a stake; thence a new Jine north 1164 degrees and 50 minutes west 107 i feet to point of beginning. n; The above tracts of iand are ady jacer.t to and constitute and make up a part of the residence lot of R. G. t Rankin on Green Hsii Road at Green I Park, hT. C. Deeds recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book 30. pages 30 and 35 X and Book 31 page 521. s This sale is subject to the trust 0 deed of the Jefferson Standard Life Insuranrp fnmnar.v o II 1P2S, and recorded in Book 12 at :>sgi; 320 for 55,000.00. This May 31. 1034. HARRY W. COB1.E, Trustee. By John E. Broven, Atty. 6-T-4t 1 NOTICE OK TRTSTBE'S SAMC OF 1 L\M) By virtue of the power of saie contained in a certain deed of trust exen outei to the undersigned trustee by c. jG. A. Thomas to secure the sum of L_ $250.00 and interest on the same, >_ which deed of trust is recorded in >_ the office of the Register of Deeds j for Watauga County, N. C-. in. Book n 3 5 at page 173 and defauit having f. been made in the payment of the iiis_ debtedness thereby secured as therein provided. I will on Monday, July 23, 3 934, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court ,f house door of Watauga County offer >_! for sale to the highest bidder for cash |. i the following decribed tract of iahd, ! as follows, to wit: Bounded to the north by the lands j of Mary Mast, James Mast; or the 1 east by the lands of J. J. Mast, Lawrence Moody and Hard Thomas; on U the south by the lands of Hard Them,j as, J. P. Thomas; oil the west by the a lands of Parks Ward, and containi. ing 72 acres, more or less s This June 21, 1934. ^ JOlCd E. BROWN, s 6-28-tp Trustee. : NOTICE " North Carolina, Watauga County. By virtue of the power of sale con' tained in a certain deed of trust esc'' cuted to the undersigned trustee by S. C. Egg el's and. Wife. Nora S. Bggers, and A. E. South and Mayb. de ' South, his wife, on the 20th day of December, 1930, to secure the sum of ' $8,430.47 to the Watauga County I diuik, ana uetauit Having Been made ' in the moneys thereby secured as therein provided, X will or. Saturday, July 7th, 1034. at the courthouse door of Watauga. County, nt 1:00 p. nr., c sell to the highest bidder for cash ? the following described real estate, 1 j to-wit: . ' A certain tract of land lying and j being in Watauga County, aforesaid, and more particularly described as ~ I follows: ? I BEGINNING on a stake at the " j public road and runs South 4': poles r! to a stake in John Presnell's line; then south 35 east 34 poles to a stake e John Presnell's corner; then north 1 west G33t poies i" a stake; thence north 32 west 22 poles to a chestnut oak, Presnell's corner; then north ' 65 west 17 poles to a stake; then I south 75 west 22 poles to a locust; then south 25V-. west 25 poles to a stake; then south 76 west 20 poles to a stake. Ward's corner; then south 22 -.vest 12 poles to a stake, Ward's corner; then north 60 west 10 poles " to a stake at the Beech Mountain road and Ward's corner; then a west course with the Beech Mountain road i_ 135 poles to a chestnut tree on the y hank of the road; then south 70Vi n ' east 50 poles to a chestnut oak; then j flyuw l-asi u ixji'js to &. lyiin nee: n?near the road; then east with the s | road about 65 poles to the beginning, * containing 116 3-4 acres, more or 15 less. ie Thsi 5th day of June, 1934. G. P. HAGAMAN, n 6-7-4t Trustee, a. ie |K RVnagging backache with BB , ^ |g| J bladder irregularities and a ftffl e". n tired;ncrvous,dcprcssed fcc'ung Bra e; V may warn of some disordered V ?t kidney or bladder function, f A lI1 Dcn't delay. Try Doan's Pills. ^ \ Successful 50 years. Used the / world over. At all druggists. ; Doan's PILLS a BjKiwWuiff^Tujnnni!n*]^fn8?? st nBSBlSEiZSKcCS^nn , .., _ UCH TOR TODAYS FAOT-RUDIUG. JOtH OS HPCT^ X VOUCi A WE'LL' SEtWMST IUT6<2JL?THXS 1UIUGS AH HHP IU THIS TUMMY OC WORU> OTCVJRS..

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