Ave:rsT P. iP3? LOCAL AFFAIRS j BHHj. Mr. Wiley I^ewis of Bristol spent Sundsv visiting with home folks in town and county. Mr. Thomas W. Hopkins of Xewlami was a pleasant business visitor with The Democrat last Friday. M'.ss Bessie Moretz was the guest 1 of Mrs Car3on Triplett on the Wilkes- ' boro road ever the past week-end. j Misses Birdie and Kuth Lawrence, daughters of Mr. John Lawrence of Trade, Term., were shoppers in Boone on Tuesday. Mrs Willie Miller. Route 1, sends The Democrat a sample of string beans ? as large as one's finger and ten or more inches in length. Mr. Edwin Hahn was taken to the Hugh Chatham Hospital at Elkin on Monday where it. ta expected he will undergo a right*serious operation. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Rankin and family returned Monday from a weekend trip to Knoxville, where they visited their daughter. Mrs. P. M. Rutherford. Mrs Naomi Knoblauch of Charleston, S C\, arrived at Valle Ct.ucls Sunday evening for a visit of several days to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Siudi The Democrat office was recently brightened by \ gorgeous bunch of gladioli, the result of the appreciated thoughtfulnoss of Mrs. T. Den Cocke of Boone. Mr. L. F Campbell, who holds a position with the Parks-Bclk Company of Bristol, is spending a week's vacation with relatives and friends i;i the county. Mr. W. T. Williams of Oak vale. W. Va., is spending a few days visiting with his father, Mr. J. B. Williams, at Vilas, and with other relatives in the county. Misses Sallie Stragham an-1 Lillian ' Snell of Boston. Mass., left for their 1 homes the last of the week after hav-: ing spent several days visiting with j Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Harris. i Mr. and Mrs Victor Preston, Miss ! dearie Rates and Mr. John Connelly, I oil of Aberdeen. Maryland, were the j week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. G Greene in East Boone. Miss Bosie Bost. of Albemarle spent | the week-end visiting with Miss E'dz-; abeth Hahn. Miss Virginia Payne ol ! Granite Falls is also spending s me j time in the Hahn home Mr. and Mrs. Ihvston M. Greene,! with Mrs. Greene's mother, Mrs Pauison, have returned to their home in Philadelphia after a ten-day visit with relatives in Boone, Meat Camp ' and other communities. ] Mr. W. F. Miller, who recently un- , derwent an appendix operation at a ' Statesville hospital, returned to his home in Boone Monday and advices are to the effect that he is progressing rapidly toward recovery. Mr. Carl Payne has returned from , an extended trip into Montana and other Western states. He visited with , relatives and friends, stopping l\v Chi- \ cago en route for a glimpse ot the Century of Progress exposition. Hr 1*1/1 MVft nr..?r- 1 -? ... . , 1 i .,, .in i jcm ' | Anders and Mr. and Mrs. Grafton ' Spargo and little daughter, all of ( Gastonia. were visitors on Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs Anders' sister, Mrs. J. D. Rankin. The Fidelis Class of the Boone Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. Me- ; Kill Icy Ayers and Mrs. B. F. Teams , at Mrs. Ayers' home in the old dom- , onstration building Thursday evening j at seven-thirty. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilcox, Mas. I ter Glenn Wallace Wilcox and a par- 1 ty of friends made a three-day visit 11 to Beaufort, IS. C.. and other South I 1 Carolina points last week by special < bus. All reported an enjoyable tune. ! Married last Saturday at the home of Rev. A. E. Moretz, Miss Ina Greer : to Mr. Ronda Miller, both of Deep ' Gap, Rev. Moretz performing the cer- ' emony. The newly-weds will make !! their home for the present with the 11 groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Miller. Information coming to The Democrat is to the effect that Mr. Asa Wilson, prominent resident of the Sil- ; vol Stone section, remains seriously ill. having been confined to his bed for r the past fourteen weeks. Friends will regret to know that little or no improvement is noted in Mr. Wilson's condition. Mr. and Mrs. Finley T. Brown and son, Billy Thomas, or" Jamestown, Tenn., left Wednesday for their home after a visit of several days to relatives and friends in ?nu Boone. Mr. Brown, a son of D. A. I Brown of the Rich Mountain settle-1 ment, has resided in Tennessee for the past nine years, and is a station agent for the Oneida and Western Railroad. Mr. and Mrs James H. Moore of Fort Worlh, Texas, formerly of thus city, will arrive the first of next week for a brief visit with friends and relatives before returning to Texas. For the past two weeks they have been visiting Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers, in Bristol, Tenn. and other relatives in Tennessee and V irginia. Mr. James Gross is a patient at the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, where he was taken Wednesday of last week by his brothers, Messrs. Cleve and Lee Gross, for treatment for a chronic illness resulting from service in the World War. Mr. Gross had recently returned from the Veterans Hospital in Johnson City where he had spent three months as a patient. Items from The Democrat of Aogust 8, 18S5 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. of ! Hickory are stopping at the Coftey,: Hotel. Mr. and Mrs L. P. Henkel of Le- ! noir have been in town this week. : We learn from the Topic that W. j W. Scott of the Treasury Department at Washington, is on a visit to his' home in Lenoir where he will spend ! his vacation. Mr. Thomas L. Critcher has been I; appointed a notary public, by Cover-jj nor Carr. Tom is well qualified to? perform the duties of the office and v, e aiv gmu ne naa use appointment ; L?. C. Cook, who is now working j I on the Charlotte Observer, was in! i town this week and gave our office j J a call. He seems to be doing well anil> 1 we are glad to see it. as he was for j 1 a long time a typo in this office. j 1 There is the usual crowd at. Blow -' ?ng Rock this summer, most of the; i hotels being full The people are en- i 1 joying their rides over our new turn-11 Mrs. Mack Beach of Springfield. \ 111., arrrived Monday for a visit with! her father. Mr. J. I^eonard Xorns. j who is seriously ill at his home on , Route 2. Mr. Xorns' condition is re-1 ; ported as unchanged, and little hope J J is entertained for his recovery. Members of the American liegion!? Auxiliary are invited to meet with! ? Mrs. Nile G Cook at her home on j < the Blowing Rock Road Friday from ( seven to nine o'clock for the trans- ! action 6f business and a social gath- j ering. Husbands of members will be , permitted to attend. , Mr. W. X. Ragan of Golden City, i Mo., is in the county and will spend ( the next two months with relatives and friends. Mr. Ragan says that the c drought conditions in his home state 1 are severe, but not so serious as in 1 some other sections. He states that S some wheat was raised in his neighborhood, but that practically no corn j, is being produced. Mr. D. X. Trivott of Beaver Dam, Va., and son. Mast in, of Washington. D. C., are speudintr a week viciUn?y i ? *> i with relatives in the county. The ^ Trivfitt family moved from Boone to Virginia seventeen years ago and their many friends .ire glad when , they visit their native soil. This is their first trip here for five years. * Mr. J. M. Shuli of Valle Crucis. j whose right foot was right badly -rushed in a hav-rake last Friday, j was in town for medical examination lay afternoon It is though that Ins injuries are responding nicely In r Lreatment and that he will have fully c recovered in a short, time. Mr. Shull states thai every home in the Valley is filled with summer guests, and that t more than a hundred have been tumid away during the past month. c t Mrs. David Greene Hostess to Maids and Matrons. Mrs. David F. Greene was a delightful hostess on Friday evening of last week when she entertained the members 01 the Maids and Matrons L .ub and other friends. The home was very attractively lecocated with quantiites of dahlias, ind other summer flowers. ? - - ' u.uSc >vit?. eujoyea during the eve-il lirig at four tables. When scores were 1 added Airs G K. Moose was wm- J ter of the lovely high score prize The low score prize went to Miss Annie Dougherty. A. the conclusion of the game the j lost ess serve.] delicious refreshments! to the following guests: Mesdames A. it. Smith, Haul Coffey, Douglas Redmond, Dean Bingham, Jim Rivers. G. EC Moose, J. hi. Holshouser, Reinraei Porter, Frank Williams. Baxter L111iey; Mis.ese Louise Criteher, Kathryn Harwell, Nita Winkler, Annie Dougherty. Out-ot-to%vn guests were Mrs. Shirley Waters of Pittsboro, Mrs. Enlis Mickey of Winston-Salem, and Miss Margaret Lane of Ramseur BETHEI. ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Roby Vines spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tester on Watauga River. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brown visited home folks in tne Rich Mountain section over the week-end. Mr. George Edmisten visited on Watauga River last Sunday. Mr. Ralph Smitherman of East Bend, N. C., was in the community Sunday. Mr. Don Arrant is seriously ill in Boone at this writing. A lot of the folks attended the Mill saps reunion at Timbered IHidge last Saturday. Miss Loy Hicks spent last Sunday with Miss Edith Tester. Mr. S. S. Moore spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rominger. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Harmon visited Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Edmisten on last Sunday. Misses Edith and Lettie Anderson visited with Miss Addie Mae Edmisten on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smitherman spent last Sunday with Mr. Frank Vines. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Henson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henson on Cove Creek. Mr. Edgar Billings of Maryland and a sister, Mrs. Beatrice Burleson and two children, of Avery, visited Mr.. Bud Billings on last Saturday. ! Aunt Sarah Perry returned home! on last Sunday after spending twoj weeks with her daughter, Mrs. M. H.j Edmisten. 11 WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE iwfktkFikr pikes, and speak of it as a magnificent road. The :"irst bicycle trip ever made over the Boone and Blowing Rock turnpike was made on last. Thursday' by an AJabamian. He made the run from Blowing Rock to Boone in about fifty minutes The bicycle is doing wonders and is fast becoming the common mode of travel where Die roads are well graded. When the warehouse ou F.Ik burned some Itme ago it was given out that &'i the whiskey therein contained was destroyed. But or. investigation it. was found that the iron hoops from the bar rials rv?nM ?i..f v?-~ ? ?!. uv -.nacjverwi in the ashes. Search was continued until last Friday, when four barrels, ail full of whiskey, were found nicely buried in the distillery. Collector ~.orLon was notified at once and ho now las the whiskey in his possession. In Wilkes County last week some moonshiners called out a young man by the name of Prevette from his louse and riddled him. with shot. (i K EK N E?ROB ESO N Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Greene of this :ily announce the marriage of their laughter. Flora Elizabeth, to Mr. Sigmund T. Robeson of Tar Heel, N. 2., on January 25, 1934. Mrs. Robeson is well known ui Uns section and is popular with a wide urcle of friends. She received her education at Appalachian State Tea:hers College, Boone. Mr. Robeson is the son of- Mr. and VIrs. J. C. Robeson, of Tar Heel. He ceeived his education at Pre-sbytetax Junior College, Max ton, and will eceivc his B. S. degree from A S. T. this summer. After September 1st the young :oup!e will make their home at Hills>oro, N. C., where Mr. Robeson will ?e a member of the Hiilsboro High School faculty. SEVEN CASES ARE HEARD IN RECORDER'S COI.'KT Seven defendants faced Judge John i. Bingham in Recorders Court Tueslay and following are the judgments: Letcher Teague, assault on an oficer, assessed with cost; public drunkenness, costs and six-months suspended sentence. J. C. Carroll, violating prohibition aw, $10 and costs. J. F. Hodges, violation prohibition fiws, costs and four months susnenri cl sentence! Vaughan Greene, public drunkenless, costs and four months suapeiid(i sentence. Stanley Dancey, public drunkenicss, costs and four months suspend d sentence. Clyde Tripiett. public drunkenness, osts and six months suspended sencnce. PASTIiHK THEATRE BOONE, N. C. "PLACE OF GOOD SHOWS' Program for Week of August 13 MONDAY, AUG. IS No Greater Glorv With LOIS WILSON, FRAN KIE D AK It O TUESDAY, AUG. 14 STINGAREE with IRENE DUNN & RICHARD I) IX WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15 Bachelor Bail with STUART ERVIN THURSDAY, AUG. IB LADIES SHOULD LISTEN with CARY GRANT AND FRANCES DEE FRIDAY, AUG. 17 Romance iri Rain HEATHER ANGEL AND ESTHER RALSTON SATURDAY. AUG. IS Wheels of Destiny KEN MAYNARD MATINEE AT 3:00 NIGHT SHOWS, 1:30 & 9:00 Special Bargain Matinee, 10c, 15c Night Shows, 10c and 35c. I Matinees at 3:00 and 4:30. Night shows at 7 :S0 and 9. I "I KY THURSO AY? BOONE. N. C. M VTNEY NEWS I | Putting up hay seems to be Keep- i i irig the farmers in this section busy, j | Several people from Matney have, j been picking huekleber-ies on the j , Grandfather. One party of L'6 got around 100 gallons in one -lay, besides! killing a big rattlesnake with fifteen ! rattles. j Mr. and Mrs. Don Tester have re- i turned t their home in Hooding. Ida-1 ho. after ten days' visit with home! j folks in. Watauga. After being sick for nearly a year Airs. M C. Oliver is unimproved Mrs Cordelia Smith < Aunt Sis to her many friends) has returned home after a week's visit with friends at Cromerton, X. C. V. are sorry to learn that Mr. I Da-.e Yates' family is ill with oiitk i poisoning. -Misses i^cta and Gladys Tester vis-' ited with Misses Beulah Baird and J Selin. Thoma3 of Valle Crucis last; week The many friends of Mrs. Dessie I Ma E'imisten will be glad to hear > she L: improving fast since undergo ing a7i iteration a few weeks ago. 1 j Miss Margaret Hogshead of But- j; ior. Tenn.. is visiting the Misses La- | voia od Launa Calender. A birthday dinner was given in , horn bi Mr. Robert Mastin at. nis \ hoii" -,n August 5th. A picnic party was held recently1, en *he Grandfather by the relatives j of Mr. L.. D. Tester. Those present were Mr ami Mrs. Dewey Rominger j of Rominger. Mr and Mrs Victor ! War! and son and Mr. L. D. Tester' of ^iigai- Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tester and two griis of Matney, Mr. and Mrs. Don Tester and two boys, of Gooding. Idaho. J. IJ KK GRAYSON EWXTED SOLICITOR IN FIRST l ENNESSEEj J Luke Grayson. Mountain City! lawyer, was elected attorney general of the First Tennessee Judicial, District in the balloting last Thursday by a majority of more than four hundred votes He was opposed by Raymond Campbell of Elizabeth ton #.nd M. I.. Chalkley of Johnson City. Mr. Grayson is well known to Watauga people, who will hear of his viclovy wiOi interest. He is a first cousin of Mrs. Jim Rivers of Boone, j and lips been a leading figure in Re- j | publican circles for a number of J years It is interesting to note that ] Johnson County is furnishing its first j | at torney general in more than one j 1 hundred years. j In Thursday's election Judge Mor- j ley was elected sheriff of Johnson i uour.ty by a majority of moro than' thiofc hundred over James T. Greeverji and T. Winters. ; piiitiiiiitiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii | for Oft j== beginning NEXT MONDAY ; Er: A Special Factory Showing o | ~ the Now All-Enamel Majestic Range will be hold In this aton j EE: next week A man frcro tha fac | lory will bein attendance to show j == this new triumph In cooking ef != ficiency. and explain lt? mam interesting details. We speclall; i EE invite you to come and see fo ; ~jj= yourself how completely the proh 1cm cf efficient, convenient hr:n EE cocking has been solved in C -j and Wood Ranges. It is easy t> zz: have a beautiful, cool and moderi -777 ~ ~~ v?a?i61u6 ure izz to expensive fuels. 1 T NEW | ALL-ENAMEL | Maje EE No matter what fuel you ? amount of heat is always ne< EE or bake. Cool, clean cooking = ter of the fuel, but of the Rai = Majestic uses the good old rel EE everybody is accustomed to, 1 = with a new efficiency. It hoi = side, around the cooking con EE stead of wasting it outside, == With it you obtain the utm = and baking ability, together EE economy and a cool, comfort work in. Results like these ha ! = for years in coal ranges, but 'rE cently been obtained. SEi Makes a Cool, Clean Every woman knows how an = "heats up" a kitchen, especially how uncomfortable it is to work ? ditions. Yet this is all unnecessa =: jestic there is all the difference i = heat Is concentrated on the work; parativelv cool: the cleanliness = ience and practical features of th | Farmers I Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Midwife Classes to Be Held in the County; Miss Cera Beam, State Board of] Healtli nurse us In the county for a j period looking after the instruction I of midwives, and meetings are to be ! held at atr&tegw points oyer the j county and every practicing midwife j is requested to attend one of the) meetings. Miss Beam gav~ the fol- j lowing statement to the press: "Midwives will be instructed at i these meetings what to do and what j not to do in order that they may do ! safer and better work for the moth-' en? and babies they attend. They will! be shown a model bag containing ar-j tides so necessary to carry on midwife work properly. *P.cgistration papers may be renewed at these tvJaw , cant.-j may register at. these meetings. 1 Yon arc requested to invite any other women of your acquaintance who are' doing work of this kind t.o ivmc along \ to the meeting with you. There wi!.' ( he no cost to you. ?n this State a large number of1 babies and mothers die each year as j a result of poor care 211 childbirth.: Intelligent inidwives help to prevent! such deaths Bring your bag and the tilings you I nave in it along for inspection. Come ! to the meeting most convenient to you and be sure to be on time." Fol-: lowing is a list of th meeting places: j Beech Creek, Henry Hagaman's i Store. August 15. 10:00 a. m. Beaver Dam. Bethel School House,: August 10th, 10:00 a. m. Deep Gap, W. f Moretz's Store. August 17th. 10:00 a. m. Courthouse In B >one, August 18th, 0:30 a. m KVPRKSSION OF THANKS We want t.o exj ress our thanks to our friends and .eighbors for their help during the i ickness. death and | burial of cur dear baby, v.*h h passed! away July 19th. May God's richest j blessings rest wi h you all. That, wiv may aid and assi >t you all in the fu- j lure is our praye \ Mr and Mrs. Oranvflle Nciwfis.> IN MEM When the grave of a loved one tions, exmiples and knewied forever. KOR THE I EST THE MOM'M PLACE YOUR ( Richard I PHONE 21 iiffii nl in ii i m niinfi i lit nil iiifi 111 i! lis 1111 i 11 IVORY. APPLE GREEN, GRAY. WHITE use, the same good housekeeping :essary to cook is never a mat- creation of brigh nge. The New nickel?as easy to liable fuels that to work with. >ut it uses them "Pa ds the heat in- You can get one o ipartments, in- Ranges for your h in the room. rangement with th< ost in cooking to offer a most attr; , r , Just a little down; with real fuel months. No inter, able kitchen to vance in price I C< ve been sought the demonstrator f have only re- beautiful Nci work, and how caj , RWRR?Next Wi Kitchen Majestic Demons ordinary range K?hig on ?-a full s in summer, and heavily n i c k e 11 under such con- cooking utcniry. With a Ma- sili? will be n the world. The to every i the room is com- our chaser of a | and the conven- ?JCW ^aics^ic us modern aid to Range! lardware & ? BOONE, N. C. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll! PAGE FIV.% 3IIIMPS REUNION The annua! reunion of the Miisaps family was held at the oiii Milsaps home on Beaver Dams Saturday. August Itb More thau two hundred relatives assembled from North Carolina. Tennessee and Virginia, enjoyed the bountiful picnic dinner and the various other entertainments of the day. Those present were F'iari and Dorraine Milsaps, Doris Ruth and Paul Miisays: Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cornett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roby Vines and children, Mr. Charles Cornett and family. Preston Disiiman and family. Bessie Swift. Lillie. Lee, James and Dean Adams; Minnie Milsaps. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Milsaps. Smith Tester and daughters, Lyda and Vance Swift. Martha and Dudley Swift; Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Ray and son. Fred: Mr. and Mrs. A T_ Milsaps and family: Mr. and Mrs K. D EdmLsten and family: Mr. and Mrs. Grady Smitberraan: A A Milsaps, Lyda Milsaps. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Cruuse. Hubert and Mary Bins nam; it. v. Broolts, Etta. Clyde and Auriia Greene: Roy and Sally Barger: S. S. Moore. E. L. Viae.-. Fred, Vada. Mary. r. W., Joyce, Gir'by alio" J P. Palmer: Stacy and Fairy M y. Mr. and Mrs. M ~i. Cornett- and rainily: S. B. Adams. Eenky Lee Stevens, R. T. Palmer aria family. J. M Campbell. Hugh Moody. Lotus Tester, Mrs. Laura Isaacs and daughter: Eliza Eggers, Mrs. Alice Palmer, Julia, Rachel and Auriee Miisaps: Mr. and Mrs IJaytcn Greene aat' I'axiAy. Messrs Re, and Bob Ca&pbel! Mr. and Mis. Carl Farthing. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Greene. Mr and Mrs 5 A Milsaps and family: Mr. and Mrs. R. .1 Milsaps and family: .1. Y Smithesman and iemiy. Lou Johns:::. Herri Smittvenmm ,ind family: Mr alid Mrs. J. F. Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Love and family: Misses Maude ai :i Thelma Perry: IV G. Stout. Clyde. Claude ar.i Cioda Cornet: Paul Hash. Pearl, Lee. Carl and Geneva Coniet.te. Avoid chipping ant nicking delicate china in the dish pan by covering the bottom of the pan with a thickTurkish towel folded to fit. ORIAM remains unmarked, inspiiuge remain tragically lost 5 KN'TAL MARKET AFFORDS >RDER WTTH C. Kellev BOONE, N. C. i!i!i!!l!ll!!i!!i!!!!!!!!ii!!!!|lilllli||lig r == ; arc equal to those in any range ssz you have with it a beautiful s== he new Majestic is a handsome 5= t enamel color and gleaming ?? keep clean as it is wonderful y-as-you-use-it" ~~ f these modern high-efficiency ome so easily! By special ar- == e Majestic factory we are able = active "pay-as-you-use-it" plan. EE ; the balance spread over many ? :st, no carrying charges, no ad- == amc in, this Next Week, and let EE rom the factory show you how EE w Majestic will lighten your j Vitu guvstui or.C i T-* ek _only ? while the special j= Supply Co. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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