PAGE SIX OUTI of El o~ By PETER Vt\ X. U Sen-ire?Copyr: "The result was that early in 1920 '1 1 fcunj myself footloose ar.i with! a ' ' at a million dollars r- bank. Xow.'' While i was in France T securM a;' < -i.:itL-si'jn. Sly captain an : I g "> t :' along splondidiy together. I got to j1 juicw this man and tu trust him a:;.! |( admire aim. In civil iiSe he'd been j1 general manage: of a ierge V.. Yori:: .. ibroxerag : house. He had about i fifty thousand dollars and lie w i' e:i to ouy a sea: on the New Y'.-rk ' ' Stock Exchange and go into busi- j j uess fa;1 himself But he didn't have * enough money to buy the seat and finance his operations "I to.'J him I'd finance him one I hundred thousand in cash against hi? ^ fifty thousand in cash, his experience an i abi-ity. and we would be equal partners. We ina'to money from the j day we opened our doors." "And you say you're not a fioan- ; CiC*!"." "I he I list for nuney lias never I' overwhelmed me I find, too, that I j love Edeil Valley. I'm gre;?? to close j out my interests in Nc.v York and, return here in the fall " l shall he Very lonely while you 5 away, Nate." "And that reminds mo that i have seat down to San Francisco for aj| rir.e- and here it is. Tr it's too s>igr i1 w :: have a tuck taken in, ?ind if TTs !:" tot. .-small or you prefer some oUier ] stone I'll change it." And he slipped I -s on her finger a square emerald worth at . ist a hundred steers. It was the o li st piece of! jewelry she had ever g owned iirrR her hot tears ->f emotion ' a baptized it. h-ji' iv.?rm dps c:ire.o;e<J 1 ;t in a silent promise- ho knew would rtever be broken. Suppose '.ve pet married in r hurry and make th New Vork trip a t honeymoon." be said. c Slit shook her head. Impossible f uotil -lad's estate has bton .settled t I can't leave here nctv. I have to I w.rk this outfit out of debt, because I can't afford a trousseau until I do. c However, dear, you run on to New c York complete your business tin re. i and when you return we'll make those t two mergers you spoke of. I'm too bury now. I've got a lot of those I early calves still to brar.d and I'll ' have to brand about a thousand late < calves in the fall. I don't want to j' } ieave ahy Worries liedllnu irie when j we ft on our honeymoon " !i "And We'll spend our summers inji Eden Valley and our winters outside." . ! he suggested. 11 She leaned against him a little .) wearily and held hirn tight but .ii-1 \' r.ot answer * r ? * 11 Somebody once remarked t.hatj . .. ve vi surpassing interest for a period creator than nine days wjr forty-eight hours following the 0 unexpectedly lisinfill and highly dramatic denouement if his plan to ' sway public opinion against Nate Ti- ' chenov and Lorry Kershaw, Silas!' Babaon suffered acutely, not because he was sorry for what he had done but because the effect had been so wholly tun spect'd. aim pregnant of disaster to him. After having arraagea to protect the expose or the whole affair in court with probable penitentiary sentences for a couple of locen hitherto respectable but mercurial citizens. he began to view lift with a less jaundiced eye; and SSwheit. at the expiration of the proverbial nine days, he felt morally certain that "that Eden Valley gang," as he now referred to Nate. Lorryana Tennev. was going to clir.g to its ancient tradition and have nothing whatsoever to do witn legal reprisals, all of his old jauntiness and optimism returned K: waited two weeks longer and when st the expiration of that period Henry Rookby. looking faintly reminiscent of a potato sprout put forth in a cellar, returned to his labors, Babson left the business of the hank in 11 r. Rookby's hands and proceeded to motor forth among the forlorn Valleyites and argue them into SlPTliTlP" tho n.?KifiAn ? - o f-n nvii lu uir; i,u Llil board of supervisors for permission ! to organize the Forlorn Vailey Irri- c gation district. Having had a surveyor de-limit the areas susceptible ! to surface irrigation, he knew the identity of every farmer whose sig- 1 nature was necessary for his pur- = pose, so a week's time sufficed to aequite the number of signatures le- 1 gaily necessary, and at the next reg- i ular meeting of the board of super- ' visors, of which Eabson was a mem- c her. he presented the petition in per- 1 son and addressed his colleagues at * some length and with unusual elo- 1 quence on the desirability of favorable action by the board. f The chairman of the board rapped P with his gavel. "The pros appear to f hare their innings," he announced smilingly. 'Are there any cons to be f heard from \ man rose in the rear of the hall, n walked up to the railing in front of * the dais upon which the hoard sat. a and bowed first tc the board and c I ? .rr=z-jl .AWS | DEN i B. KYNE igfifc bv Pete: B. Kyne I 1 - =?1 ihen t< the su hence "Mr. Cniirmai ?gentlemen: My name :s John \v. ji?an, a member of the San F'.uilisec law firm of Brooks. Oagan and Brooks, and I appear as the i eg a 1 representative of the three riparian Wliejs along Eden Valley Creek, t art. Estate of Ranceford Kershaw, ! e.l. the Bar H Land and Catlie Company, and the Mountain Valey I'ewor Company. the last two y mpauies. as is generally known, bong owned i:i their entirely by Mr. Vathaa Tichenor. On behalf of my hients, t desire formally to protest to lib: hoigcrable board against the forliatior. of the Forlorn Valley Irrigaioh District and will state my reams briefly." Gagan immediately proceeded to do o, painting to his auditors precisely he picture that Nate Tichenor had ; lainted to bin., challenging Lnn Mor- ! On to gainsay one single legal state- I .rent Gagan spoke simply, earnestly irraying his facts in legal sequence, j When he had finished his address lagan bowed to the board and start-1 1 to leave the chamber There was j Hence until he was hat f way down J he aisle, then a storm of hisses and ; kjos broke around iiim. Gagan looked i >ack as he reached the doer and saw i hat Silas Bnbsor. was on ins feet, his I land raised for silence. "So you're goiajr to refute my to'env "t. eh'" ' ?aga>l CP.!!''i v\- :;. before 1 depart ''?! give you nd your deluded followers some very rod advice, free The man who acts s his own attorney has a tcol for client." vHAPTEk XII The hoard of supervisors granted he politic:. unanimously and amidst heers and rejoicings. B:Ux?on's j j>;ecb, in lebulti! to Gagan's proved he the masterpiece of his caret r.' is read to the meeting the law uiiler which the district proposed to "pirate?read it right out of the Code if Civil Procedure, toe and poohiocetf the idea of a slick metropolian lawyer trying to frighten h on vst and intelligent men with crazy vagalxioa of unconstitutional lan that .vas and for some years had been unbodied m the code. "If this law was unconstitutional," he yelled, "it's ir, co:i.5 fitu Mhtraii fy Aouij ituvc hra ILscovered hof.-.n- IK.. Kill submitted to the Legislature and ^ t. hadn't been discovered then the Legislature, a majority of whom are practicing attorneys, would have discovered it; and even ii the Legislature had, unbelievably, faded to discover it, lh: supreme court, whose July it is to pass upon the constitutionality of our State laws, would iong smee have discovered it. Poobp?x>h and a couple of what-nots for the mighty Mr. Gagan! We are not to frightened V>v mer. of straw " The project moved forward without ielav. Sixty days from the date of the approval of the petition by the :?oard of supervisors the Forlorn Val y irrigation District had come into egal existence, by a very substantial majority of the residents ;u (he area o be- irrigated. Silas Babson. tired, jjt happy" and triumph ant. was its President; Henry Kookby, who owned eh acres in the district, was the secvtary, and the Bank of Valley Genes was the depositor)' of the funds >f the district. Within two weeks after the district iad come into official being, the slate vater commission obligingly allocat1 to it the flood waters of Eden Galley creek. A bond issue was got but within a week; within two weeks he State board certification committee had certified the bonds as legal investment for tru3t companies and savings banks and. by unanimous /ote, Silas Babson was given the job >f disnosine' of thprn trv rV>o vucrv^erf bidder. A New York house wired in a ii<I of ninety-one. and after devoting i month to the task Babson decided :his offer was one point higher than le could secure locally, so the district closed on the offer and. with the cceipt of the money, proceeded at nice to spend it. Although Bahson took measures to ipprize himself of the return of Nate fichenor to Eden valley, his scouts irought him no news of the latter's irrival, although as a matter of fact j Tichenor had returned some four I nonths after his departure. He came j n over the mountains to the south in i four-passenger cabin plane and lanled in the meadow just below the j Cershaw ranch house. Lorry was in lis arms before he was half way up | o the house. I "Well, I'm all cleaned up in the last," he told her. "How far have you | vrogresscd in the settlement of your ather"s estate?" "All ready to close as soon as I can ind the money to pay the State and federal estate taxes. They aren't early so much as I had feared they rould be. The cattle, of course, were ppraised at the low price existing I n the day of father's death?and i WATAUGA DEMOCRAT- -EVE "It Pays To Smile'" | NEW YORK . . . Mian Mildrpl omiic, air^i, nos ?J> her tome town of Wilbur, Wash., population TOO. one year ago. , . . Today she is hero to pose for artist McClelland Barclay, with her loriest 4'Queen of Dental Charm" smile, the title she won orer 23,000 other American beauties. beef is f}p to nine and a half in tfc r audi n w .tr.d slioiild b-? twelve cent within a. year. I'm told by my catt brokers And the federal tax apprals I er decided the land has been great 1. , depress?in value by reason of th j diversion of the water to Forlorn V.i. Vy I "That's a. favor Bapson didn't real o he was u-nr.g to do you. Is every thing ?n tho ranch running smooth Iv th. coining up that Rub Texiuey can t attend to"" fc'he. nodded "As noon as beef got to crnt.s I'll sell five Sbousan I fat steers pay the taxes and close th estate." "Don't. Hold them over till sprii) an i ;levcn cents mav'oe. I'll loa you the money to pay the taxes. H \ so-a can you roarry me?" In about! three minutes, if we ha a licence and a preacher bandy." He gli - t the sun. "Justice ion}; leisyc !.!h the heart sick I he orated ''Likewise marriage a?l ! or you've ma le up- your mind. V 1 jskin right into the liouse. climb inc I your Sunday dress, throw a few art jcles in your aid straw suitcase ar. j meet me here in ten minutes. We v [just, about got time to get over lb mountains ana Into Keno before dari In California i\c have to annoutu our intention to get married and the wait for three days, in case we d uido to change our mind. M;. inind made up, so we'll take our trade I Nevada an 1 avoid annoying delays." you're a man after my own heart Lorry cried joyously, and came in! his anus. Ke hold her oUscr hw. fii ger under her chin, tip-tilting hi sweel fane toward him, the while 1 | appraised her hungrily, comparir | her w ith the girls of her age in tl world he liud known before the hon ling instinct had brought him hack i | Eden Valley. He thanked God si I wasu't soft, that she had high eou ! age .initiative, and the power of u stantaneous decision in an emerge] cy: that hers was the old, fierce, tu questioning loyalty that was his ow heritage. A man could rely or. h. always the told himself), know a ways exactly where she stood SO I was incapable of fibs, evasions, or tl tears that camouflage little ferainir ieceits Her code was a masculir one, but >f quality rare enough this decadent generation- the code < i gallant gentleman, plus that of tl very finest of her own sex. Yes, st bad character, courage, humor, set relince, capabilities of extreme sel sacrifice, tenderness, helplessness?s lngel with a touch of the devil i her. . . Well, better a touch of tt j devil than a trace of the cat. Dear little outlaw. I love you so he murmured, and kissed her a doze times. "Make it snappy. Time an visibility wait for no pilot." (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK! UPPER VALUE CKUC1S NEWS The children of our community at happy again, as school opened Mot day. Mr and Mrs. Don Isaacs and soi Billy, of West Virginia, visited horai folks over the week-end. Mr. Melvin Townsend returned t Shepherds, Va., last week, takin with him Miss Thelma McGuire, wit has accepted a position there. Mrs. Dee Coffey and Mrs. Jamf Brown visited Mrs. Jim Shuli lai Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Everett Honeycult t Hickory spent the week-end wit home folks in this community. Mr. Raymond Ecker of Brooklyn V V tr - ? ? .., juus .via dim erown, Mr. Ha Coffey and Mis3 Snow Brown wen to Richmond, Va., last Tuesday. The had an enjoyable trip. Mrs. John Griffin is visiting he mother, Mrs. Mary Brown. At BOONE DRUG CO. The REXALL Store :RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. BUSTER RUST PROJECT COMPLETED FOR SUMMER j Howard K. Clapp, district leader of II j blister rust control, has completed his|! {work here for the summer, and in or St..i men-. Mot.Jay 'lisdostKl that his i tore. :.a j c tvered ll.oob acres of pine < ati! protective zones anji removed a ' total of 0 <147 curriutts or.J goose ber- i r!e-- M: C'app's statement, in part. 1 follows: "Tn:re is still .about one BO'ih's v. rk ' i.e.- i n-.- in this county beforej ail the pile has been scouted. The j w ,rk v.:!! be started again next spring) g dining around the first of April, j I r lis S' on as the loaves begin to come ut The i i.'ivated gooseberries and! iii"rants that have not been removed I wi:: be rente, ed next year, as a Wis- j tor rust control area must be deter- , ::Sefor the State has the authuity to go forward and remove: th that have 'oeei: left this hum- ; vr Ti c ? rerati n of Watauga :>e lie has been fine and 1 hope that' th. wrk u have done this ( wili be of benefit to the people La 1 sect I ?.?. :;ivThe following local men have been j assisting Director Class in his work ! during- Lhe summer: Claude Farthing.' Stanford Berry, Milton Winkler and ! 0*car Brown. Anyone desiring information con-1 coming this work may do -so by writing to Mr. J. a Ferree. State Leader, 004 Comity Goiirtbouse. AsJitville. X. - C. at any time during the winter months. j Philippines' Fore?t Lxnds There arc 40,1"X),0L<J acrns of forest lands in the Philippine islands. \ Ol'H DAUGHTER?Distinguished president of a college for women discusses modern girls and advises shucked and worried fathers and mothers what to do about things they don't approve. An iiifceiesting article , I in the American Weekly, issue which : comes with the Baltimore Sunday Vmcrtcaii. Issue of September 23rcl* Buy your copy from your favorite . newsdealer or newsboy. v 5 iirst Class Repairing Oi Watches, Jewelry Anci Spectacles l- At . . . u i Walker's Jewelry a Store (Near Theatre) BOONE. NORTH CAR. Every Job Guaranteed n ____ 0- "" _____ is :o t o. ^ n ljjm f - fi^ACA, % io &>u> 4ut v id cl A&GJL 31 i>: \ f? "We Goodyear Dealers; yo more tires than any otl That's why Goodyear can ,i biggest value to sell at ever can bank on this Speedwa; safe troublefree mileage e the price?and it has a Cen tread for quick stops. It's 3 ^ year and a real buy?blowo in EVERY ply?lifetime gu ;o g perfection of materials am ship?backed by our full se !S r'f OPEN ALL. NIGHT I I ^ Willard Batteries! I 1 ' Steam Auto Laun- I i - * i! y Siliconizing! ! . Esso Lubrication | . Service! p * Hodj D. T. Brown Serv 1 *. 2 RECORD SET BY CHEVROLET 1 An average of 22.4 miles per gal- : on over a 3.000-mi'.e non-stop run is . he record claimed by Tel Ellis, a,] eteran long-distance driver, who pi- ;. otei a Chevrolet Knee-action sedan ;: ever a several hundred mile course! iietwecu C- ahnga and Sequoia Nat- ! on;:: Park, in California. The tota' oil : consumption is reported as 2 and one- | "close as i'.iiOUT OUR ENTI GENERAL U Including Shoes for tl Shipment of High-Tc I Ladies' Dresses, Th | Piece Goods, School 5 amel Ware, and hund rare opportunity to b | the lowest prices in y | SALE BEGS? I OCTOBER 1; | 'TILL JA8 | A $10,000 STOCK DURING NINE! I T. L. Mast !l LOVII , I ijMiMjm-nM V inr*T ' ug ter Traction I I GO lee the Maryel "in* e\t koViv<i? avi-f - m mm-**. G-3 *54 jOODYEAR Prices sub VLL-WEATHER I State Salt ges Tire ASSOCIATE DEALERS ice Station, Sherwood Mountain View Service i SEPTEMBER 20. 5<>m M iialf quarts. H ^ The route included desert a^ SB ' mountain tracks, deep rutted rrwda H , and a wide range of altitude and tew- TO perature between Stan Joaquin Valley 35 and Sequoia. Kach circuit included 6 JOB speed spurt oX four tni'es on a truck raj laid out in the desert near Coalmja. ?S E'lis was at the wheel for PS s being reiieved for short periods iron-. ??S time to time. gk RE STOCK I I irnAiifltinmp i s? ItMiHflHUlSt [ 1 ie Entire Family, New >p Boots, Men's .Suits, | ousands of Yards of Supplies, Dishes, En- ? Ireds of other items. A K uy Winter Supplies at ears. *8 MONDAY, I st AND RUNS 1 IUARY 1st | TO BE SACRIFICED "V r\ A V DCDinn a. -t^xTk. * Jl & Brother I I ODYEAR EE D WAY f with Supertwist Cord ! 4.-10-21 4.50-20 3 $4.95 $5.20 1 l 4.75-19 5.00-19 [) $5.70 $6.00 ject to change without notice? I Tax, if any, additional. I a Co. 1 ?: 1 Station, Laxon I |

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