El PECGMBER c. 19S4 ^ }^?r WT* fj CHRI || Bargains II GALORE ?>1 I LADIES WASH DRESSES j <*< jw With shbi't sleeves, made of fast color prints and our i? ''efnilar Si.00 values. Priced very specially p A tyJ^S SSj during our sal? at only. OuL ?? 1 LADIES' SUEDE COATS JJjyX | In blue, tan. red and srreen colors, sizes 14 to UO H To he offered very special at our low /Q" Cfc gS? I sale price of ; <^leO?f ^ I FAST COLOR PLAY CLOTH B in fast colors and many pretty patterns and solid Jk/jJ S colors The best of material for real bard .? A J _ H wear. Sale price, per vurd JJ_ ^ W I MEN'S HEAVY SHIRTS B Made of best quality heavy suede cotton material. A B regular SI.25 value. To go special at our low ffl/? B sale price of only ? LS*$ H lMITM'Q UAMCC I IMIAM CI I1TC tie* U i. 1111 -JOO V1M1VJ11 Owl 1 LJ [B Heavy weight fur reai winter wear. In sir.es from 36 Sj to 16. Special at our low Christmas Sale IB price, per suit OJJC I MEN'S WINTER UNION SUITS Heavy knit union suits for rough, eold weather. A ?TO real bargain for this special sale at, per fl A ? ST B suit, only .. Ot/C g, MEN'S N. & W. OVERALLS iff fg Made of best quality pre-shrunk denim, full cut and M triple stitched. The best money can buy. {Tft ^ f I?? H Per pair only wt A ENTIRE STOCK ^ ON SALE! w BIG SALE S I 8i BOON JHR i "WHERE pRiCES Al 5|/J? J^k One table I-adles' Oxfords in almost any size that might be deHf Sired. Regular $1.95 values. Our- .Ajtfl tJjTf ing this sale, per pair? watauga democrat?evjkrx tt A Selling St ! Stock of High Grade Dry Good?, ] ;ndy to Wear fo Men, Women am Uderwear, Hosiery and Other Sc oone ?eparti DNE, C. W. TEAL O ON SALE DURING THIS GRE OF ITS WORTHS Right Now, ir reeds are the greatest, we are piacirt rices. BUY A FULL SEASON'S I CTifl I (FRIDAY, DECEMBER | We Will Sell Fa I (PRINTS I Per Yard, O H Our Regular 15c Value, F I Absolutely Fas |g Not More than Five Yards Si in Line and Get Yours Wh ?j| jg Open Friday, December NEVER BEFORE SUC TARTS FRIDAY "i depari IE LOWER" hmhhhbbhm warn ir PF.PPFRF.I.L II PRINTS II Best quality 80 spare prints in many pretty fast color patterns. Special at our low sale price, per yard? IURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. snsation! Motions, Shoes, Hats and Caps, d Children, Sweaters, Unsasonable Goods of the ment Store NORTH CAR. AT SALE AT ONLY a FRACt the heart of the season, when g our entire stock on sale at real ^UPPl Y Di.rW This ffi?28S88B?B8M MHS05S m\s I g 14th, at 9 A. M. 1 I cial * U10c nil Yard Wide and || ? old to a Customer. Be 8 g spec" en the Doors Swing Sj imwii 14, at 9:00 A. M. | r :H BARGAINS! E E1 ________ , DECEMBER 1 rMENT SI BOONE, NO MEN'S WORK 9 SHOES 9 Made by Star Brand of solid .S leather with composition soles in either cap or plain toes. ^^9 Sale price per pair? 9 $1.79 I PAGE THREE lALEi mmsmMM^Ksga^ jgjS ensationall ? AVlNGSjl dies' Strap Pumps and Oxfords g Iross shoes in black or brown leather. Heal bar- H J2? right in mid-season. To go very CJ -4 M H ft'/Sk 1. per pair, only ?7 M J?"5' CHILDREN'S SHOES | )xfords. A large assortment of well known brands H es up to 2. To go very special during H ale at only j Bg I*aJ MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS | *5? Lck or brown leather with solid leather soles and Pa Good range of sizes. Special at fiJST) /I f ? ix-' lie price of tfrAio jt O ? ffiijk MEN'S 16-INCH BOOTS | W of good elk tanned leather with composition M A real value. Special at our low ? ? y'k O SgJ irico of only jffi AS? BOYS' WORK SHOES I ig of good leather material with composition soles. M cguiar SI.98 values, to go very ape- (PjjfJ (?> & it only 3?Xo*0?$ ||, COMPLETE LINE OF HOSE I ^8 H men, women and children, in many desirable ma- tf/\i; 's. All sizes. To go very special .g j?j? ig this sale, from Ei vSU.. fflS SWEATERS FOR WINTER I Igl I sweaters for the whole family in styles and H j&ift s to suit everyone. One table to go very |\ M _ H IjJ al at only H {fei.