DECEMBER 13. 1934 LEGAL NOTICES Advertisement# appearing under this classification are payable in advance. This rule is enforced impartially. Please do not expect tbe publishers to deviate. NOTICE OF LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by A. E. South and wife, Mae Belle South, to the Watauga County Bank on the 30th day of September, 1930, to secure the payment of a certain sum named therein, as appears in said mortgage which is duiy registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County. Book No. 8. page 130. the 3 poles to a hickory tree: thence north So degrees west 52 poles to an lash tree in the old line; thence south iwiih said line* to the beginning, con: tslning ?/) acres, more or less, and { being a part of a tract of land grant ' e l to Win. Ballew in the year 1817 land tying on I-ances Creek. TRACT THREE: Beginning on a !cucum*>er tree on Pigeon Ridge and j runs north 40 degrees east 56 poles I to a maple on the side of a branch; thence south 40 degrees east 8*| poles I to a chestnut tree on top of the mountain, W. L. Winkler's corner; thence \ south 51 poles to a white oak at a ] .spring: thence west 15 poles to a hickory tree; thence south 50 degrees east 31 poles to a Spanish oak tree on a ridge, the old grant 1 corner: uience east 13% poles t.o a buncb of small maple trees, W. L. Winkler's corner, to a ten-acre tract; thence south with the line of it 53 poles to a stone on the bank of the road; tliencc with the road north 50 degrees west 46 poles to a stake in the old Shull line; thence south 40 degree.west with said line 80 poles to a stake in said line; thence north about 35 degrees west 80 poles to the beginning, containing 70 acres, more or less. TRACT FOUR: Beginning on a stake on the bank of the branch in R. A. Adams' line, in the rich filed in the Coles line; thence south 214 poles to a stake, in J. A. Woodie's line (now Claude Shore's line), thence east 76 poles to a stake in the McCombs line; thence north 214 poles to a stake in R. A. Adams' line near and orchard, thence west 76 poles to the beginning, containing 99 acres, more or less. TRACT FIVE: Beginning on a stake on top of the ridge, J. P. Hodges comer and runs north 80 degrees west 56 poles to a Spanish oak; thence west 68 poles to a Spanish oak, thence, south 109 poles to a stake in a conditional line between Calvin Cowlcs, C. W. Moody and Margaret Harrison; thence east 124 pole3 to a sourwood in John Woods' line; thence north 102 poles to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less. This 16th day of November, 1934. WATAUGA COUNTY RANK, Assignee. Ev G. P. Hae.iman Cjwhtpr ii.oo-.i I NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE North Carolina, Watauga County. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Thust executed by Sarah Ellison to E. A. McNeill, Trustee, for T. C. Bowie, dated March 29, 1929, and default having been made in the payment of the principal of said Deed of Trust, at the instance and request of the cestui que trust, I, E. A. McNeill, Trustee, will i sell to the highest bidder for cash, I at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, on the 16bh day of December, 1934, at one o'clock P. M.. the following described real estate: The same being the land conveyed i by Sarah Ellison to E. A. McNeill, Trustee for T. C. Bowie, which conveyance is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County in Book 13, page 218. to which and page reference is hereby made for a more complete description o! the said property. This November 14, 1934. e. a. mcneill, 1 ] -22-U Trustee. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Carolina, Watauga. County. Having been appointed administi-atrix of the estate of Joseph M. Gaither, deceased, by the Clerk of Superior Court of Watauga County on the 2nd day of November, 1934, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified to come forward and sottle the same immediately, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present their claims to the undersigned adminisrtatrix for payment within the next twelve months or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 8th day of November, 1934. MRS. SARAH B. GAITHER, Admin is trat rix. Baxter M. Linney, Attorney 11-17-6 Sale of Land for Taxes By virtue of the power vested in me by law, I will, on Monday, January 7. 1935, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands of, the following delinquent taxpayers of. the Town of Boone, to satisfy taxes' clue for the year 1933: : Mis. Carrie E. Adams $31.32 Clarence Allison 5.26 C. B. Angel 46.57 11. S. Ayers 31.44 S. M. Avers 21.48 I. T. Barnett _ 83.51 G. D. Barnett 34.50 Dave Bentley 6.00 I. J. Bingham in.57 Bingham & Payne 2.00 P.. K. Bingham 63 77 Bingham & South 8.22 Earl Blackburn 3.16 A. D. Blair 20.49 D. S. Blount 10.50 Blue Ridge Lumber Company.... 3.00 J. A. Bouldin 28.85 Boone Coal & Transfer Co 13.50 Boone Clothing Store 20.00 Boone Hardware Co 17.50 Mrs. J. IV. Brawley 14.00 Ray Brendle 17.80 G. W. Brown 3.10 Roy S. Brown 3.40 A. H. Bush 7.00 Carolina Super Service Inc 86.50 Cash Coal Company 4.00 Miss Bertha Cline * 7.81 E. S. Christenbury. 7.00 Citv Barber Shop 6.00 Dell Coffey 5.26 Will G. Coffey 25.84 Earl D. Cook 62.36 E. M. Cook 26.50 M. C. Cook 7.88 WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?En Nile Cook ? 31.9! Kcitli Cornelius 2.0' J. D. Councill 89.8' M. I>. Craven ? 4.71 E. B. Crisp 2At Etl Culler 3.6< Lowcrv A. Deal 10.5' Mi's. Edna Dellinger ? 15.61 Arthur Dougherty 4.51 S. C. Eggers - 10.7! S. C. Eggers & Company 7.81 Eggers ?*c Mast . 2.5'. Ed G. Earthing - 74.1! T. W. Ferguson S.lAfrs. Evelvn Flowe ...!. 10.51 J F. Fox 4.5' E. M. Gragg 1-01 Howard Gragg ? 28.2* Airs. Blanche Greene 14.01 ,Mrs. Celia Greene 1-51 ClvJe R. Greene ? ? 34.41 George C. Greene - 41.41 Mrs. R. F. Greene 79.9' Rodney C Greene 29.71 Fred R. Greer 2.01 Joe E. Greer 23.61 Floyd Haganian 5.5< E. N. Hahn - . 288.9: M. P. Critcher and A. L. Harrison Heirs Hallman & Williams 10.91 A. L. Harrison Heirs 3.51 J. D. Harrison 17.51 W. G. Hartzog 88.51 Hart?no' A' WricrHt ^ Hodges Tire Company 12.(H Highland Pressing Club 10.CM Ernest Hodges - 5.2( H Stuart Hodges 84.81 J. M. Hodges 18.6' John R. Hodges 7.01 R. B. Hodges 18.St Russell D. Hodges 70.4! W. B. Hodges Jr 4( J. D. Horton 24.31 James Horton Heirs 7.01 Mrs. Susan Horton . 1.01 Charles Houck 32.01 Max E. Houck 25.4< A. Y. Howell 5.81 Miss Letliia Hoylc 1.51 Mrs Mattic Johnson 21.2T. H. Johnson 1.41 B. Johnson 6.01 L. G. Jones 5.01 Mrs. Matlie Jones 149.51 Will H. Jones 26.41 Mrs. Cassie Keeeer 7.8! Carl Kuykendall 4.11 Mrs. Grace Knapp 6.71 Harrison Lcinly 3.51 Hall Leonliardt 2."' Mrs. F. A. Linney 89.1.4 H. M. & B. M. Linney 30J.91 Kenneth Linney Mrs. H. McD. Little 114.21 R. C. Little 6.51 W. R. Lovill 30.5H. M. Loy 138.3! Mack Luttrcll 11.41 Adolph Lyons 23.1! Mrs. J. S. Lyons 26. < Michael Raeborn 3.51 I. S. Miller 34.01 Harrison Moretz 23.2: Mrs. Ida Moretz 108 1' J. M. Moretz 97.4! A. P. Moody 3.8' Ben H Moody 15.? Ralph AToretz lo o' V. J. Moretz 6.H J. C. McConnell 3Y.0' Airs. Frank McGhee 31.1V Mrs. Cera Norris 52.5' Granville Norris 3.'i' . H. Norris 5.2' Ott's Place 1.0' R. L. Parsons 47.4 Carl Payne 5.0i Frank Payne 26.0 K. L. Payne 48.2 Mrs. .1. At. Payne 17.2 G. C. & A. S. Peeler 14.0 Peoples Industrial Bank 221.3 R. B. Phillips 35.0 \ A. Proffitt 2,t. E. S. Quails 8.0' Carl Kap:an 3.5 Realty Sales Corporation 52.5 Jim Rivers - 20.5 W. E. Setzer 10.5 W. W. Shores 30.2 Silver Flash Service Station 8.0 A. E. South 105.mMrs. Elizabeth Sproles 26.2 C. S. Stevenson 14.1' Carl Storie ? 10.6 H. S. Storie 29.7 T E. Story 15 Lee H. Stout 9.6 Cornelia Tate 1.5 R_ G Teams < Letcher Teague 7.0 L. W. Timmons 12.2 Bill Tunncll 4.0 Yviley C. Vannoy 1.0 Will C. Walker -14.0 Mrs. Roxie Ward 34.9 Albert Watson 5S.7 E. S. Wehunt 40.S Mrs. Nellie Wellborn 23.2 Fred White 18.1 Mrs. C. A. Wilcox 53.6 Woodcraft Novelty Co 53.9 P C. Wyke 12.-1 John Grimc3 8.7 Munn Grimes ..._ 7.0 Coot Hagler 2 Weston Hagler - 2.5 Cling Horton s.O Gus Horton Heirs 4.0 G'.vyn Horton Heirs ? 2.0 Hunt Horton 7.8 Hrs. Hunt Horton 3.5 Ronda Horton 12.8 P. F. Johnson 2.6 R. M. Whittington .5 Nealia Williams 7.8 Coy Williams 11.1 Coy Williams and Clay Folk. 7.0 TRACY COUNCILL. Mayor MRS. CARRIE C. WILLIAMS, 12-6-4 Collectoi NOTICE North Carolina, Watauga County, i the Superior Court. Bessie Green (Roberts) vs. Clyde Roberts. The defendant, Clyde Roberts, \vi take notice that an action entitle as above has been commenced in th Superior Court of Watauga Count} North Carolina to have a nretende marriage with the plaintiff annulled and the said defandent will furthe take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of th Superior Court of Watauga Count} in the courthouse in Boone, N. C., o the 15th day of January, 1935, an answer or demur to the complaint i said action or the plaintiff will appl to the court for the relief demande in the said complaint. This the 10th day of Decernbei 1934. A. E. SOUTH, 12-13-4 Clerk of Superior Court TORY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. 5 WILLOW VALLEY CLUB HOLDS ', AN INTERESTING MEETING ]) y> y*rs. C. J. Phillips and Mrs J. Y. j j Walker were joint hostesses to the i; WilJow Valley Community Club on 31 December 6th at the home of Mrs. j j Walker on Cove Creek. The president, 5 J Miss Annie Dougherty, presided, and * business matters were discussed. The ^; next project to be worked out along I j with the c!ub*s regular work is to y j make a quilt, embroidering names on 31 the quilt of those who pay a dime. 3jThe quilt should net around S25.00. t: which will be ur d on the Willow Valley Church. The finished quilt J! will be given to the pastor by the ^ j club. I An interesting contest was enjoyed 3 by all. Mrs. Spencer Cable was win3 ner of the prize. T.iovely party plates ) were served to a goodly number of I, members and invited guests. 1 j The club will meet at Willow Val; ley Schoolhouse on December 20th ? for a Christmas party. Mrs. Leon art: ward win be nostess. The big, 20-page Comic Weekly of ; the Baltimore Sunday American prints 40 or more comics and pictures of adventure every Sunday. Each comic Is by a noted art ice. The whole family will bt^ interested in this great Comic Weekly, which conies with the Baltimore Sunday American. Buy your copy from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy. PRICES REDUCED! $1.50 PACKAGE, now $1.00 $1.00 PACKAGE, now 60o BOONE DRUG CO. The RGXALL Store m p iteL //' /|j# \\ pp* * % *m \. \ S9/etr a sefo/ V3e/7_r| HEAT CAUSES | ? BLOW-OUTS ? p The Life-Sever Golden Ply IEconoti OPPOSITE CKITCHEK t PAGE SEVEN Or. C. B. B.UKhroan, Eye, Ear, I A, jffflfr. jfffk, checks Noic and Throat Specialist, Eliza- j COLDS betbton, Teniu, will be in the ofcfice SBfKl ami of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on F?V?R the first Mondsy in caci< month for the practice of his profession. I.rLj.l/lS Ellinutes Salve - - Nw Drops * - ?? ? ? t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Insurance Department RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA April l3t, 7.934. The REINS-STURDTVANT. INC.. Huriai Association, North Wilkesboro. N. C., having filed and application with tills Department to do business in the State of North Carolina, and said Association having complied with Chapter 100 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, and acts amendatory thereof, is authorized to eniratro in the h?i<.-iee= of a Mutual Burial Association. The said Association, by these presents, licensed to do the business above named, during the insurance year ending April 1, 1935, subject to all provisions of the laws of tliis State. WITNESS my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. [Seal] DAN C. BONET, Insurance Commissioner. This License Expires April 1, 1935. j . > * * ! We publish the above that all our people may know that we are duly authorized by the State Commissioner of Insurance, Mr. Dan C. Boney, to operate a most helpful organization. REIN S-STU RD1V A NT BURIAL ASSOCIATION MAIKJE I. STl'KDIVANT, Secretary. - / ? Goodrich Silvertown. the onlv tire st Life-Saver Golden Ply that Prevents ? , Unseen Cause of Hi?h-$peed Blow-a , ?j? inemy of tire safety and mileage has been ficieed at last I ey ow, to protect you and your family from blow-outs, every safety Silvertown has the remarkable Life-Saver Golden This amazing invention resists internal heat. Prevents -eat, unseen cause of blow-outs! And with the destructive J~> s of internal heat overcome by the Golden Ply, the big, $?3 d Silvertown outwears ordinary tires by months. Enjoy r?save money with extra mileage. See us today about a " & ' Golden Ply Silvertowns for your car. They cost not a iy more than other standard tires! Ml *s IHlli /f Si ?? Q ^ M. if ^nmcnhv I Subject fa cbeKge uifltaf tiaitci fjnfy and toan)GvfCTi:n;in: LixorUty X& ^BBr Sw C^ood-ncii. Jl lly Silvertown 4 GIVE USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS! % W Ir. our store you will find literally hundreds of automobile JS accessories that would make ideal Christmas gifts for any fifil motorist. Come in and allow us to make suggestions which jQJ will enable you to fill your gift list practically and eco- ?8i nomically! Jt-, ay Auto Supply | IOTEL BOONE, N. C. P iWS?f, lftt? ?S?S?S?S?S?S?S^