I Kk a f | BOONE SKETCHES By J. C. R. A SIMPLE SUGGESTION With the exception of Dr. Henry B. Perry, who has warmed an aldermanic seat for a number of years, brandnew laces will hover about the city's council table after gpMSPSpl Mayor of former exW iwii P^-ience will deco rate the gilded ped--'TPl estal lately occupied by Honorable Tracy 1 t: Jj Councili. This was K | 3 ^he judgment handec* down by a small rf -<vrf-, f|l group of citizens -IfSSSf' who assembled at. l8P| A the court house on ^ g ? Tuesday evening . . . and surely no one J. C. K. could doubt the wisdom of these nominations . . . for they're all bang-up good men, thoroughly capable in every respect. * ? * But having nothing else to do, the Sketch Man earnestly shifts the position of his dandruff, and attempts Ito offer a platform which would, in his opinion, create intense interest amongst we of the proletariat horde who know little ... in fact nothing . . of high finance, the deceptive fluctuations of the municipal bond mart, the exalted art of coupon-clipping, the refunding of what we DO KNOW to be an oversize indebtedness . . . just finance, in other words. And here are a fewsections of this "personal platform" which we offer, free gratis, to our nominees of Tuesday evening: ?? * * * "Section I. We promise to remove, "without further discussion or notice, ot lAQcf V?olf nf AflUf-Jlmn- ?U?* P imperiis shoe-shines on the sidewalks i of thie e'*y. nr-d uInc.- it. earcfullv to he sure, on a few selected spots for the cultivation of dahlias and other flowers. "Section IT. We promise, vow and I declare that our energies and a small portion of each tax dollar will be ex- * ponded in leveling the unsightly dumping ground which now disgraces a conspicuous hillside, and cover, with dirt, et cetera, the cans and Model Ts and dead cats and putrid vegetation which now offers its offensiveness to 1 the public view. 1 "Section III. We swear by the eyebrows of Allah that henceforward the 1 unbearable odor of pig-pens will no 1 longer be carried on eoeh invigorating septiyr to the delicate nostrils of ' summer visitors . . . for there ain't 1 agoing to be any more pig-pens after ' we gather up the reins of govern- J ment. __ _ t "Secuon iv. Due to the fact that Mrs. Carrie Coffey Williams has sue- J ceeded in creating amongs liome-own* ers the hitherto unknown habit of * paying water rents and other obli gations to the city . . . we shall retain | her, indefinitely, in the position she now occupies. Section V. Without fsynr or rtiality Chief of Police I^ee Gross has ^ executed the duties of his office faith. ~ fully and efficiently, and If he's will- , irig to wear the badge for a few more years, we'll happily arrange the aalary. "Section VI. The Federal govern- \ ment is making available to nearby j towns and villages cheap electric y energy . . . and it shall be our pleas- ] ure to carefully investigate such pro- j jects with a view to making available t any savings possible for Boone home- j owners. "Section VII. In a period of low t interest rates, the Town of Boone is < carrying an unbearable burden of in- I debtedness. Having at heart the welfare of tax-burdened citizens, it shall r be one of our main objectives to slice a 'per cent or so' from the carrying charges of said indebtedness. "Section Vm. Realizing that civic pride has languished in the bosoms * of a majority of Boone people, we j shall personally sponsor each and ev- t ery movement which tends toward el- t evating this promising city to the po- y sltion it deserves in Northwest Caro- . Una." l ? ( Of course, there are those who : will say "yea" to this suggested plat- ' form . . . other;- who will echo an em- 1 phatic "nay" . . . but folks generally will have to admit that there's a smat- < tering of sense in it, and a "fairly ' good sprinkling of old-time democracy. The nation is certainly moving forward toward recovery under Mr. ] Roosevelt's New Deal program . . . 1 maybe a "fresh deck" and a change from "Culbertson" would help matters here. All is not well . . . that's 1 a cinch . . . for three-hundred-andfifty-dollar bonds, so it is said, still purchase more than a thousand dollars worth of tax receipts. We'll see what we shall see! And Just as we're closing the column a cute little feminine subject, who has been on relief rolls ever since Mr. Hoover's reign, prances out of a nearby photograph studio with a handful of the prettiest sort of pictures . . . and the thought occurred that another branch of Industry is being resuscitated by the ~ood old Brain Trust! ipnWTBMWBrwIriifcMiniriiii tinW^'Trffl WAI An I VOLUME XLVI, NUMBER 43 THE AMERICAN M Mrs. Fletcher M. Johnson of Irvi cal Mater by Colder 1^' ^ NEW YORK.?A small vivacious wc and silvery hair has been selected by ?. mittee as the typical American Mothe Johnson of Irvington, N. Y., widow, 59 teen grandchildren. She is the mother VETER ANS ENJOY T] DISTRICT MEETING Many Notables Attend District f Veterans Gathering Held Tuesday Night. What has been described a3 the argest and most interesting meeting t >f World War veterans and their n vives ever held in this district, took q dace at Legion Hail jn Boone Tues- t' lay evening. t District . v:r"-tv?rti|jjenrier Wlle^ ? Pickens of Lir.calhtorr, -District Cbnf nander Aubrey Cntahoim or Cross- r: tore; Mr3. M. H. Shumway. State o Auxiliary president of Lexington, and V rfrs. H. G. Smith of Lenoir, district n !ommitteewoman, were among those h vho were heard by the large gather- p ng of veterans. Many interesting n alks were made by representatives k >f the other posts of the district, and b l picnic lunch! was served following fc he business session. e Auxiliary Meeting ? Tuesday afternoon the Legion Aux- 11 nary met ir. regular cemi s.nn?>?i nca- 3 lion at Daniel Boone Hotel, the meet- * rig being in charge of Mrs. H. G. Smith of Lenoir, district committee- g voman. Mr3. C. W. Teal, president of v :he local Auxiliary, made the wel- t :oming address, and the response was c oy Miss Aurelia Adams of Lexington. 5 tfiss Annie Dougherty sang several c beautiful selections, accompanied by ilrs. W. B. Stallings. The department F ) rest dent, Mrs. Shunrs?ay, =*noke as ^ iid Miss Bertha Wright of Troy and e Mrs. Charles Younce of Boone. A gift from the Auxiliary was pie- ( lented to Mrs. Shumway. Many visitors from other units of the Seven:eenth district were present. rwenty Justices Named i, By Representative Swift I h RALEIGH, N. C.?The omnibus a justice of the peace bill, introduced a n the House of Representatives some 0 lime ago. is waiting for such changes r ao ma-y i/c mauc utuuic it 1a euocicu ui 3y the General Assembly. This is one \ the controverted bills, local squab- j s sles reaching: the floor in the naming c >f the justices. Terms are for six pears, unless otherwise specified, and \ those named are required to qualify c .vithin 60 days after April 1st. s Watauga County men recommend- ] *d by Representative Swift and in- r eluded in the list follow: t Bald Mountain, J. A. Wall, R. F. f Vannoy; Beaver Dam, Perry Far- r thing; Blowing Rock, J. T. Miller; r Boone, A. J. Edmisten; Blue Ridge, f J. M. Bradshaw; Cove Creek, O. B. c Moody; Elk, C. C. Triplett; Laurel ? Creek, Claude Edmisten, G. C. Ward; f Meat Camp, C. G. Hodges, Cabel t Winebarger, Harmon McNeil; North Fork, ?5. R. South; Srmwiict-iiaw, Fred Edminsten, Earnie Triplett; Stony Fork, W. S. Moretz, E. B. Hardin; j Watauga, E. B. Fox, Arthur Mast. t BLOWING ROCK WINS BALL ) GAME FROM BOONE HIGH < i Blowing Rock High School was sue- 1 ccssful last Tuesday In defeating the ! boya of Boone High by a score of 2 < to 1. Beach, Boone pitcher, allowed 1 five hits and struck out one man. < Lentz for Blowing Rock allowed three . hits and struck out thirteen men. i AUG ndependent Weekly New BOONE, WATAUGA [OTHER FOR 1935 ngton, N. Y., Selected as Typii Rule Committee. a t >man with sparkling dark blue eyes he Golden Rule Mother's Day Comr for 1925. She is Mrs. Fletcher M. , shown above vith one of her thirof six children. ESCAPES) NEGROES ARE RECAPTURED Jorlii Wilkcsboro Officers Nab Two Convicts One Hour After They Leave Boone Camp. 4 Two negroes, long,term prisoners at he State Prison camp near Boone, rade a daring get-away front their ; uartcrs Friday night, only to ba^cap- ; ured Just about an hour later through he diligence of police officer^ at ram the site of the camp by use of ne of the highway trucks, the North Vilkcabono police were immediately otlfied by telephone, and within an our a chase ensued as the truck occu;? k,? .i? ? ? - - ivw ?J uit. *1 tgioca ciucrcil U1C ctghboring city. They were ovcrta:cn by the law at the lower Yadkin ridge, but it was necessary to puncure the tires with bullets before the scapces could be stopped. The truck verturned but the occupants were iot badly hurt. Prison camp officials rrived shortly and carried them back o Boone. James Green, 44, one of the neroes, a native of Winston-Salem, .as a preacher before he was aenenced to a ten-year st retell for mnrler. Eugene Wilson, 28, was from fount Airy and is serving a five to ight-year sentence for robbery. Captain W. H. Brown, camp buicrintendent, highly commended the Vilkes officers for their swift and ffective co-operation. n n n 1 jiven run raraon A Month After Death RALEIGH. N. C.-Govemor Ehrnghaus extended a full pardon last /eek to a man who could not accept t, because he was dead. Joe Home, :illed by another prisoner at the Kennsville convict camp in March, was bsolved of complicity in the robbery if the Bank of Denton, Davidson bounty, in September, 1932, but it vas found he had nothing to do with t. The parole is to clear his name ind for the benefit of the members >f his family. Pardoned also were Sylvan Palmer, Valter Bridgeman and Victor Fowler, onvicted along with Home, and all lentenced to fifteen years in prison. Sen Lowe, serving a term for autonobile larceny in Guilford County, old Solicitor H. L. Koontz that he ind four others committed the bank obbery and the four convicted had lothing to do with it. Mike Stefan off. oreigner, and Lester Green were two >f his companions, Lowe said. Stefinoff and Green were electrocuted or killing the cashier in a bank rob>ery at Taylorsville. LuTiiESAno 3EKVE iiliiiiLii On Monday evening the congregaion of Grace Lutheran Church served i dinner, as is their custom occasionilly, in the basement of the church, lonoring the following, whose birthlays are this week and during the nonth: Miss Lona Moretz, Miss Amy Louise Fisher. Miss Katie Lyon and Mrs. A. R. Smith, who was a spejiaily invited guest. Others present 'rom out of town were: Mrs. Clarke >f Greensboro, who is visiting in the ieffcoat home. Miss Rash of Hickory ind Mr. Ford of Penland. A. DE spaper?Established in tl COUNTY. NORTH CAROf.TNA STORE BREAKERS GETSENTENCES OF FROM 2 TO 5 YEARS Case Growing Out of Robbery of Criteher Store Tried by Judge Phillips. NEGRO CONVICTS GIVEN YEAR FOR LIFTING CAR t inal Docket. Trial of Civil Cases Other Remaining Judgments 011 Crlni1 Now Going Forward. Term to Last Through Next Week. Ralph Gilley and Grady Hartley, residents of the Bamboo section were given sentences of 3 to t years and 2 to 3 years, respectively, by Judge Don Phillips in Superior Court Tuesday, after they had offered a last minute plea of guilty in connection With the robbery of the T. L?. Critclier store at Bamboo. Their confine ment is to be in the State Prison, and Judge Phillips specified that they were to be engaged at "hard labor." The case attracted considerable attention due to the fact that a safe containing several hundreds of dollars was taken from the store and was not located for several weeks. Diligence of local officers finally connected Giliey and Hartley with the burglary. Convicts Given Sentences lames Green and Eugene Wilson, negro convicts at the local prison camp, who escaped from their confinement last Friday night and appropriated ft State truck to carry them down the mountains to swift I capture, were arraigned, and given | twelve months each for the larceny j OX Uic Veiliuic, i.nc bcutcntic t.O uC^T.". ( at the expiration of the term3 they are how serving. The case charging \John Church v/ith seduction was dismissed. Henry Miller, reckless driving, dismissed. Perry Moody, larceny, 6 months sentence, suspended on payment of goal and $50 to prosecuting witness. <5X> make report to court for two >\i!) Folk <colored). larceny, twelve; rrtonths on roads. - The unusually light State docket that the court will continue all of next week, Charles Jenkins Injured In Automobile Accident 1 Charles Jenkins of North Wilkes- j boro, well known to Boone people,! who was seriously injured in an automobile accident near Greensboro Sun-1 day, is reported as being in "fair con- | dition" at the Clinic Hospital in that) city. j No one was with Mr. Jenkins tus hio car crashed into a closed drive at the Womans' College, and he was found unconscious early Monday morning. Severe lacerations and bruises may constitute his injuries, it was believed the first of the week. BACCALAUREATE SERMON NEXT SUNDAY EVENING The baccaulaurvAtc sermon for Boone High School will be preached in the Methodist Church or. April 28, 8 p. m. Rev. J. C. Canlpe will deliver the sermon. Class Day exercises will be held in the College Auditorium on Friday. May 3. 2:30 p. m. Graduating exercises will be May 4th, at 8 p. m. in College Auditorium. MAY DAY EXERCISES AT APPALACHIAN MONDAY Miss Evelyn Caudill of WinstonSalem will be crowned Queen of the May when students of Appalachian College assemble on the campus next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the annual May Day exercises. The event, which is sponsored by the Y. W. C. A., may be attended by the general public. SOFT BALL TOURNAMENT A soft ball tournament for the boys of Boone High, Blowing Rock High. Cove Creek High and Bethel High will be held at College Field today (Thursday), 1 o'clock. The winner will receive a new ball and bat. The tournament is sponsored by the physical education department of Appalachian State Teachers College. BASEBALL MEETING All persons interested in the organization of a county baseball league are invited to meet at the Court house In Boone on Saturday afternoon, April 27. 3 p. m. A. S. T. C. GAMES The A. S. T. C. Varsity baseball team will play High Point College Friday, and the Greyhound Travelers or Winston-Saiem on Saturday. rlWfeliTTilt" I ' "T'li" if"? liitni f in ' " 'iiVi :moc le Year Eighteen EightyTHURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1935 j Alice McHenry's Smile of Victory Omaha Girl Recovering from "Up-side-down" Operation FA L.L. RIVER, R. I. Alice McHenry of Omaha (above), whose j "upside-down stomach" operation, j here was quite successful, is now j up and about playing with her Easj ter gilts. PEOPLE APPROVE HEALTH PROJECT Representatives of Departmen of Health Arc Heard at Local Mass Meeting. A representative group of local cil izens were present at the courthoua last Friday when Drs. Branch an Richardson of the State Departmen of Health, discussed the possibility 0 Watauga being included in the State wide health program, recently er nniioo.) K? thn I'unrvAnnnn V..}!/... A . thority. Under the plan as presented thi county would secure the services c la full-time health nurse, and thre I full-time doctor^ would have charg | of five counties. The gathering wen Ion record practically unanimously a favoring the proposal. The next ste is to find out whether or not $140 ner annum may be secured from th [county's treasury with which to dt fray Wataugao' portion of the e> Ipense. The matter, however, has nc yet been laid before the Board c Commissioners. [Fathers tin joy Banquet With Future Farmer On the evening of April 17th tt Cove Creek Chapter of FXiture Farn ers had one of its outstanding evenl of the 3'ear, the annual Father an Son Banquet. Every member of th Agricultural Club invited his fath? to meet the group at the Cove Cree School. A large number of the fat* ers came. The program for the ev? ning opened with indoor baseball i which the fathers showed they coul still hold the bat over their sons. Aft er the game the group was serve (with a nice dinner prepared by th Home Economics girls and agricultt ral boys, under the supervision c Miss Annie Dougherty. Music for the occasion was fui nished by Hard Thomas and his banc Interesting speeches on agricultui were made by Superintendent W. I Walker, Wade E. Brown, T. V. J ' Agent Davids, County Agent Collin and State Horticulture Supervisor I R. Niswonger. The club has elected as officers fc the year 1935-36 the following: President, James Brown; vice-pres dent, Glen Anderson; secretary, Jam* Sherwood; treasurer, Ben Horton; r< porter, Paul Fox; conductors, Robei Lewis and Clint Elliot; watch doj Shelton Dugger. IMPROVED SHOWING MADE BY INSURANCE CONCER! i Mr. Frank M. Payne of Boone, gei eral agent for the Security Life ar Trust Company, on his return fro the Home Office in Winston-Sale Tuesday stated that the insurant IuuSiHcoo m really good and gcttli better. Records of his company sho a 90 per cent increase in new bus ncss the first half of April as cor pared to the same period last yea while paid for business is ahead H per cent. The company expects tl biggest month in its history and tl agents are being congratulated f having made possible this fine sho\ ing. Incidentally, a series of Instruct! i advertisements for Mr. Payne's age i cy is beginning in The Democr today. ? RAT Eight Sl-50 PER YEAR ~COTTRELL NAMED FOR BOONE MAYOR; | BOARD [- CHANGED J ~3H? Twenty-six ukskt in Municipal XominatiKg Convention at Cj 5 house. OLD BOAR??| IFEATED EXCEfpj&ONE MEMBER Dr. Perry OnIv\ffiprn?yii ltenomlnated by Poople^^or Counclll Defeated by Four Votes. Election to Be Held May ttth. D. Jones Coctrell is the Democratic j candidate fcr Mayor of Boone, as a j result of a second-ballot decision of Hie nominating- convention held in the courthouse Tuesday evening at which time twenty-six citizens of mixed political allegiance participated in the routine business of the meeting. Dr. H. B. Perry, a veteran member of the Board of Aldermen, was the only incumbent to receive a vote of approval, and his running mates are to be Charles Rogers and L. T. Tatllli.. Hr .1 r> PuuDin * - pal&chian College. was a runner-up in the aldcrmanic balloting. Mayor Tracy Council! in the final . voting received 11 votes arc compared L to 15 for I>. J. Cottrell. The vote for aldermen was as follows: Dr. Perry, 23: Charle3 Rogers, 18; D. T. Tatum, 20; J. D. Rankin, 10 T. E. Moore was chairman of the convention, while " ! Wade E. Brown acted as secretary. Cottrell Has Served Before Mr Cottrell, who Is one of Boone's n oldest active business men, has served acceptably as mayor in previous adpablc executive. The new members of t the board, Messrs. Rogers and Tatum, are successful business men of the town, but have not previously seen public service. These nominations are tantamount - to election, since Republicans do not c offer a ticket in this overwhelmingly d Democratic municipality, and there is t no indication Wednesday morning of if any independent nominations. The t- election is to be held May 6th, and a i- new registration of voters is going i- forward at City Hall with Mrs. Frank Williams as registrar. However, it is is reported at the office that aurpriaif ingly few voters have become eligible e for the franchise since the reglstrae tion books have been open, t p Rev. Canipe to Speak at ? District Meeting Juniors On Wednesday. May 1st, 1935, the >t spring meeting of District Number 3, >f Junior Order, United American Mechanics, will be held with Elk Park Council No. 88 at Elk Park, N. C. ITliciv will uc a business session at 4 o'clock p. m., at which time the diaO I trint rlocrrno airill * " ' s . ?. 0 win iic wmcireu on new members arid district officers will be elected for the ensuing year. ie At 7:30 p. m. a public meeting will 1_ be held at which time the following ? program will be given: ^ Song, -'America," by the audience; e Scripture, by Rev. LeRoy Gentry of !r Elk Park; invocation, by Rev. Mr, k Lee of Elk Park; address of welcome t- hy \'r Wallace Gentiy of Elk Park; 5r response to address of welcome by 11 Prof. Teague of Newland; presenta^ tion of award to council making the best progress during past year, by d Clyde R. Greene of Boone; acceptance e of award; address, ' The Present Challenge," by Rev. J. C. Canipe of Boone; ^ benediction. Special music by a string band will r" enliven the program. The Third District is composed of "e Avery, Mitchell and Watauga coun* ties. There are six councils in this district with a membership of 315. s? All councils are expected to have large delegations in attendance. Clyde R. Greene of Boone is deputy for this >r district. C. W. Snyder, Ficid Secretary, and pnasibly some other State i- i officers will be in attendance. ? 5- 5 n? ? ? -t ^tieritt Captures Man Wanted in Wilkes ; Early Speaks (Sanders), wanted In ^ Wilkes County to answer charges of assault, was arrested last week by a. Sheriff Howell and deputies near ,d Rutherwood and held for the officers m in the neighboring county. Speaks m was wanted in Wilkes, it is 3aid, on Je charges of cutting a man with a knife .- and for cursing and abusing and w threatening the lives of twe women. ,i- This is the sixtieth man that Shern_ iff Howell has arrested for other states and counties since he went injp to office. tie tie C.RADUATION EXERCISES or v- Seventh grade graduation exercises for Blowing Rock Elementary School ve will be given Wednesday evening, May n- 1st, 8 o'clock, in the auditorium of at' that institution. The public is invited to attend.

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