I APRIL 25, 1935 ~ IMPROVED ^ UNIFORM INTERNATIONA Sunday 1 chool lessor By REV. P. B. FITZWATER. L?. D.. Member of Faculty Moody 13<bla Inttltute Chicago. Western Newspaper Union. _ Lesson tor April 28 THE HOLY SCRIPTURES LESSON TEXT?II Timothy 3:14-1 Psalm !'?:7-14. GULDEN TEXT?O how love 1 It law! It is my meditation all the day.Psalm 119:97. PRIMARY TOPIC?The Look G< G tv.- U*. ,f EN I OR TOPIC?The Book Cod Ga' Us. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOl 1C?How to IT so the Bible. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TO! 1C?Inspiration and Authority of tl Bible. 1. The Origin or Source (II Til 3:1(5). They nre inspired of God, which I erally means "God-breathed." Pet says "Holy men spake from God, beii moved by the Holy Ghost" (II Pet. si), when Paul declares the Scri *, til res to be God-breathed, he mea that the. utterances resulted from Go? breath in uien's mouths. Because tin are God-breathed they arc the verltab words of God. The holy Scriptures n only contain the word of Guu, but tin are In verity the message of God men. II. The Value of the Scriptures ( * T in. 3:14-17). 1. Able to make wise unto salvat.h (v. 15). Salvation Is alone in Chrii It Is obtained through faith in li finished work on the cross. 2. Disciplines the life (vv. 1G, 11 It Is prolltable for doctrine, which the divine staudard of conduct. In ti **+ Iloly Bible alone is to he found tli standard of life. Not only is It t! standard of life, but of all thougl Then, too. It reproves, that Is, confut error. The way to deal with error not denunciation, but the positive pre enfatlou of the revealed truth. It al corrects, that Is, sets straight many the dislocations of personal and socl conduct The Word of God Is ti standard of measurement which se straight the lives of moral being Further, it Instructs In rlghteousne and thoroughly equips the minister f ! Christian service. The mastery * God's holy Word is the Indispensab equipment for Christian service. Oi who lacks this knowledge of the ho Scriptures Is utterly unfit for the Chrl tian ministry, no matter how \v< trained he may he In other things, ill. The Nature and Effect of Goc Law (Ps. 10:7-11). 1. It Is perfect. It Is without a (la , It converts and restores the soul: turns man back to Cod himself to lei a life of holiness. It not ouly eonver sinners, but restores the saints to ( vine fellowship. 2. It is sure. It Ib absolutely d pendnble. Man's reasonings change, b God's Word endures forever. G< cannot lie. It makes wise the simpl Common men and women as to natur become wise even In the rlghtf things or the world, because of the mastery of the Word of God. 3. it is right The precepts and jud fments of the Lord are expressions absolute righteousness because tin proceed from the righteous God ?? are, therefore. Inherently right. 4. It is pure. There is go admixtu of error. There is no compromise wi that which is untrue. Because of thi it enlightens the eyes. All that uia the spiritual vision is taken away. Co duct for the Christian is clearly d fined. 5. It Is clean. This is seen In tl effects of the Word of God upon tl life. The Individual who is sauctiiii by it Is clean within and without. 6. It Is true and righteous. The d clsions of God's Word are true wlthoi exception. The Judgments of Got] Word are unimpeachable. Because < k these qualities, God's Word is mo to be desired than the choicest of gol Obedience thereto brings great rewar IV- The Prav#r D/?i 10:12*14). The life brought face to face wi God's Word la seen as sinful. The so cries out for 1. Cleansing (v. 12). The i>erfe law reveals the Imperfections of tl life. The Word of God reveals sins which the individual may be Ignorar 2. To be kept from presumptuoi sins. Presumptuous sins arc peculiar dangerous. In the Mosaic economy i sacrifice was provided for such sins. 3. Freedom from the dominion such sins (v. 13). Flow awful Is tl slavery of those who are in bondage presumptuous sins. 4. That the words of the mouth ai the meditations of the heart be kept I C'M ON I -pT_j|7 AN' LEA1 i. V'TC! HOUSE OF A HAZARDS * By Mac Arthur _______ 5 ! A UJ'E APPEAL. Js Oh! ye women and ye men, L What is now your purpose true For the future passing years. Oh! ye noble ones of earth? to It is only for this life Ye are planning day by day, lca Letting higher visions die, | or Oh! ye kindly thoughtful souls? Your dear children turn to you j^t ? For a vision of true life? 'x What is now your aid to them, to In these sore distressing days? be Is it only earthly ways 1? You would dare to give to them, 7. Touching not their deepest needs, S Oh1 parents of these lives? be iy is there life in social ways, jfo ~~ Or just slowly moving death, m Bringing ruin to loved ones. Oh! ye hearts of love and truth? Si See the truer life you feel, v; Welling in your heart of hearts, G? Seize it, live it, for all souls, m P- Oh! ye higher, nobler ones! tle Look ahead and see a day, Ki Better far than those of now, al Lift your hearts ar.d hold them high, r.. Oh! ye faithful Christian souls! There's a vision in the Heavens, Kj er Luring you so sweet and true gi Catch this vision, hold it firm, : ic j. Live it for a higher aim, Wooing others to your way ] in For a glorious future day!? i th pg Oh! dear women and dear men! !eo BV ?James Monroe Downum. ; tu * Coone and Lenoir, N. C. lc : T>1 ot | By WANTED?Men to start in business;-^0 to selling widely-known products to Im' satisfied customers. Complete line.!aJ; jj Largest company; established 1880.!,r Big earnings. No capital or experi- j ence needed. Write for free partlc-'hc ulars. Rnwlivjo'h'.Q Rnv mpo.oo.i I w! st" Richmond, Va. ra ila !ha line with God's Word (v 14). From It0 many dangers the believer tronld he!1*0 is mived if the words and meditations of! '!e his heart were kept In line with the ' ils Scri. , PI: lie ?? | Vmi're Pivin ? P R 0 T E ( ~ Be Sure Yei I ts I II The "Goodyear Margin of e. i Safety" coils you nothing ^ | extra why not have it? g. g Guaranteed SPEEDWAY I n\ am d e- tQ/SeST lie _______ ?" CAR HEATERS I REMOVED 11' for of Summer Storage re d- Radiators Drained, Flushed, Refilled! 1NEW GOODYEAR RADIATOR HOSE INSTALLED! WE WILL CALL FO YOUR I FOR TIRE OR BATTERY SER 1 T7 I ,"0 tion, Oil Change, or Brake A HODGES' ? BOONE, NORTH FELLERS 11 NOW ION, I'LL TRY TO MOW YC iCMEj/CUPVEJ, THEN YOU TRY TO ST -i'N'y TM? OUT-HEH HgH. DONT SET 01 WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE i. S. T. C. STUDENTS ATTENTION! We will run special buses from the rtlege Friday, May 3rd, leaving the mpus at 1 p. m. for Lenoir. Hicky. Charlotte, Statesville and Salisirv. Then one for North Wilkesboro, atesville, Winston-Salem, Greens>ro and Raleigh, making connection all other points. These buses will i extra. Other buses will run as fol \vs: Leave Boone for North Wilkesboro, tatesville, Winston-Salem, Greens>ro and Raleigh, making coimection r all intermediate points at 8:45 a. 2:30 p. m. and 8:50 p. m. T eave Boone for Lenoir. Hickory, atesville. Charlotte. Lumberlon, ilniington and all South Carolina, iorgia and Florida points, at 9:25 a. 1:45 p. ni., and 5:10 p. n?. Leave Boone for Johnson City, tioxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and 1 Alabama points at 8:00 a. m., 12:10 m., and 9:05 p. m. Leave Boone for Bristol, Abingdon, tioxville, Chattanooga and all Virnia and West Virginia points at i;25 a. m.t 3:40 p. m. and 8:30 p. m. This is the best bus service ever troduced to the traveling public of is section, and we are sure you will ntinue to patronize our buses so in rn we can continue Uiis service. STUDENTS! Just one request: ease buy your tickets by the first, wc will know what kind of cquipent to furnish you for your comfort, so please arrange to have your links at the station at least one day icad of your departure so you won't disappointed ahout your baggage len you reach home. We have arnged with the transfer company to i ndle your baggage from the college the bus station at only 25 cents r trunk. N For Further Information Call THE BUS STATION ione 13 H. \V. Wilcox, Agent. i ? for this b t i o n 43% More Non-Skid Mileage B ' Quicker-Stopping Grip Blowout Protection in I EVERY Ply Guarantee against road hazards Guarantee agaiust defects for life Our owu guarantee and year B ! round service SPRING TONICS for YOUR CAR! ?Oil Changed ?Summer Lubricants in Transmission and Differential ?Radiator Flushed ?Specialized Lubrication {TAND DELIVER CAR .VICE. Specialized Lubricadjustment. Telephone Us! j rifte co. I t CAROLINA A fEw). ti?}fU6H! THAT'J FINE R,KE \ ^//SON. YOU SEE I MI5 sc0ur7 M \THAT ONE-HA-HA! :RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. Doctor told her1 how to lose 17 j r*rv*T*T*v ~ ? ? FUUINUS OK FAT GOSSIPERS PEEVED Mrs. Robert Hickev of Rosevillc. Calif., writes: 'My dear doctor prej scribed Kruschen Salts for me?he .said they wouldn't hurt me in the 'least. I've lost 17 pounds in G weeks. | Kruschen is worth its weight in gold." , Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to . ) gosipers who said there was no safe ! ; way to reduce?envious women who 1 don't like to see others youthfully j1 ; slim. She wisely followed her doctor's 1 advice. Why don't YOU ? Get. a jar of Kruschen today (lasts . 4 weeks and costs but a trifle) and if ] you don't lose 12 pounds and feel ] | years younger and healthier?money < ; back. Simply take half teaspoonful in cup of hot water every morning (it ^ tastes fine with juice of half lemon 1 added). Boone Drug Company sells , lots of it. < j , NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SACK 1 j North Carolina, Watauga County. 1 Under and by virtue of the power : jand authority contained in that cer- i ! tain Mortgage Deed, executed by i | Chase Brenizer and wife, Louise Bre- ] ! inzer. which said Mortgage Deed is ' | dated the 9th day of September, 1925, 1 'and recorded in the office of the Reg- j ister of Deeds of Watauga County, North Carolina, in Book No. 7, page 233, and default having been made in i1 the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the conditions therein secured, the undersigned mort-j I^ugcc will otter for sale and sell to ' | the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Watauga County, North Carolina, on the 17th day of May. 1935, at the hour of twelve o'- * clock noon, the following described j1 real estate: That certain tract of land lying and { being in Watauga Township, Watau- 1 ga County, .State of North Carolina, 1 and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake at the 1 Turnpike road and in the old Lenoir 1 line, and runs south 52 east about 30 c coles to a stake near an old Spanish r oak", thence south 51 east is*,*> poxes * to a rock, thence south 5 west 13 4 poles to a hickory, thence south 10% f west to a white oak on a rock; thence c south 81 west 14 poles to a stake in $ the old Lenoir line, thence with the * old Lenoir line south 28 west 18 poles 1 to a large Spanish oak, thence south c 25 west 7 poles to the road, thence c with the road the following courses r and distances: north 34 west 22 poles. c north 25% west 16 poles, north 3G west IS poles, north 9 east 1 poles, c north 75% east 12 poles, north 52% fl east 10 poles, north 68 east 12 poles,; c south 38 east 8 poles to the begin- t ning and contains 15 3-16 acres more \ or less. This being the same tract of land c conveyed to Chase Brenizer by George j H. Maurice and wife, hearing even t date Herewith. s Terms of the sale will be cash and j the mortgagee will require a deposit f of 10% of the amount bid as evidence r of good faith. r This the 16th day of April. 1935. r GEORGE H. MAURICE. r 4-18-4 Mortgagee, s NOTICE OP TRUSTEE'S SAUK ^ By virtue of the power of sale con- t tained in a certain deed of trust cxe- g ruled by Grady Ernest Tester and i wife, Ruby Pauline Tester, to the un- ( dersigned, on the 12th day of Febru- ( ary, 1934, to secure the sum of < $834.68, to C. A. Underdnwn ha id I deed of trust being- recorded in the ; office of the Register of Deeds for 3 Watauga County in Book 15, Page ; 27o, and default having been made < in tiie payment of the moneys there- } by secured as therein provided, I will, ] on Monday, April 29th, 1935, at 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door of r Watauga County, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: < Situate in the Town of Blowing . Rock, N. C., and designated as lots number i and number 2, in Block "F" as shown on the map of the! subdivision of the A. S. Abernethy property at Blowing Rock, surveyed and platted by C. C. Babb, August 17th, 1925. And for a more complete description reference is hereby made to the book of plats in the office of SKIN suddeniij looks qounqer Ye*rt Difference in 5 Cays t_TAVE dirt and exposure jar .1 11 robbed your din et ill Bflj', youthful charm? Herc'a thrill fi? _ Jm tag news' They rmif only the W ^?9* . outer tkin?a dull mask that ft \ j can be melted a nay?safely KL-. jf: and gently! Golden Peacock ; Bleach C'reme help* nature * "y flake oil akin that makes your r complexion unattractive' It I dissolves inviuWe particles of surface j skin that cosmetics, dost and time have diifig urcd? In five short days the supreme thrill is complete?a dear, fresh, satin-soft skin that s years younger and shades -whiter: All aurfbcc blemishes and freckles vanishf Relied '"flo by thousands to keep young-looking and ring! Only 55c at drug stores. BOONE DRUG CO. y* ?i t? * V-. _ IM-MU&Hf MISS TEDj ^ab\TM^TONE TOO, the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, at Page 17. This said property will be sold subject to a first deed of trust held by the Mutual Building and Loan Association, of Lenoir, N. C. This the 29th dav of March, 1935. E. F. ALLEN, Trustee. By Trivette & Holshouser Attorneys. 4-4-4 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE j By virtue of tlie power of sale con- j tabled in a certain ueed of trust exe- j cuted to the undersigned Trustee by | Clinton Stone on the 18th day of Sep-1 teniber. 1931, to secure the sum of i T-WyIK.W, . crwk? i UV.V..VJ A..V- jyulittio I Viu.w; tu v-^*' ' | Stone, said deed of trust being re corded in the office of the Register of \ Deeds for Watauga County, in Book : 23, Page 225, and default having ueen ; made in the payment of the moneys I thereby secured as therein provided. I \ will, on Tuesday, May IB, 1985, at One ; o'Clock I\ M.. it the Courthouse door of Watauga S County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a white oak in old (dowel! line; running north with said' line 30 poles to a red oak and chest-; nut in said line; thence west 36 poles! to a chestnut oak; thence north 52; iegrees west 15 poles to a black gum; thence north 25 degrees west 32 poles to a stake in Jerry Watson's line; thence south with said line 28 poles to i chestnut oak (now dead); thence south 8 degrees east 18 poles to a chestnut (now gone); thence east 24 poles to a red oak (now gone); thence south 4 poles to a stake in old Collett line; thence east with said line 50 poles to the beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. This sale will be made subject to a ilced of trust or mortgage to Mrs. Millie Watson for the sum of $175.00. This the 15th day of April, 3935. T. E. BINGHAM. 1-18-4C Trustee. NOTICE By virtue of the power of sale confined in the mortgage deed executed iy Thomas W. Hopkins and Lillle Hopkins, his wife, Avery County, State of North Carolina, to Peoples Industrial Bank, successors to the r'eopies Bank and Trust Company, of he County of Watauga, State of North Carolina, on the 20th day of December^ 1928, to secure payment of me certain note aggregatinglhe prln_ iipal sum of $610.50 together with the r.tr."^ct cr. cmiic at the tn nf n nov :ent per annum. And whereas de-j ault having been made in payment >f said note secured by said mort- j cage, said mortgagee wall offer for; rale at public auction to the highest >fdder for cash, at the Court House, loot* in the town of Boone, county, >f Watauga, on the 29th day of Apil, 1035, at 12 o'clock noon, the above leseribed lands, to-wit: Lying in Watauga County. State iforesaid, in Stony Fork Township1 ind being a one-half Undivided inter ' st allotted to Dallas T. Hopkins left j o him from the estate of the late: V. P. Welch. Deep Gap lands. 1( BEGINNING on a cluster of water j iaks and runs north 2'A degrees east j .6 poles to Uie Moretz heirs corner,; hence south 8S degrees cast with i aid line 28 poles to a stake at the doretz corner. Thence North 33 deTrees east S poles to a stake; thence lorth 17 degrees east 13 poles; thence lorth IS degrees west 22 poles; tlience il?rtli 10 degrees west 16 poles; thence jorth with Moretz line 38 poles to ai ;takc at Painters' corner of lot No. j Thence South 52 degrees west 100 j loles to a stake in Highway No. 60,? hence south 37 degrees east with laid highway 50 poles to the begin- ! sing corner containing 33 acres more >r less, being tract No. 9 and only a me-half undivided interest to the same as hereuiberore staled. For a complete record of the land \ ibove described reference is hereby; made to tlie Book of Mortgages, No. | L3, page 141, in the Register of Deeds Office, Watauga County, said Mort- : ?agc as recorded being-the one above mentioned. This the 28th day of March, 1935. THE PEOIT.ES INDUSTRIAL BANK 1 Successor to nun r-> 17>/^.nr n."< T-> *rr' A ?* ' ? 1 i_r.o nAJV 1Y cz inuol 1-4-4 COMPANY, Mortgagee. ^Mwuuujuuamu: jsT I'm disgusted! j2 This thread breaks tj! gSjwith nearly everypushl^ ed~j\ (tjtrike 3, mr. hazard! ^?iy j^BATTE'R OUTiyj Y I \Y PAGE SEVEN Comparisons Are Odious! But the only institution greater than lift* incnran/.n J? - ..^.w^u.tvv 1J JTWU1 OUUIUer, ar.d both give protection. FRANK M. PAYNE General Agent SECURITY LIFE AMD TRUST COMPANY Winston-Salem, North Carolina A, ''-1*3 ' r: ' ' " ' SPSS! A'LV i ltrc.-itc*t of the li ! N'^lrrC1 11 Tanioll.' Merrhini rrilll 11 TVcbstcrs ? backed ^n^rr I v^t7 I 1 ' >' a century of ' . /*** a 1 leadership an<l 5>Sal l> > J- I , representing the sfcrs!;- 1 -,J blghe?t modem ' scholarship. .Inst SfiSiSL;'J completed at a cost of Jl.3yn.oiHK newer than any" comparable dictionary. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Second Edition {{600,000 Entries?122.000 Not Found in Any Other Dictionary {{Thousands of New Words {{12.000 Terms Illustrated llMaqnitccnt Plates in Color and Half Tone {[Thousands of Encyclopedic Articles {{35.000 Geographical Entries {113,000 Biographicol Entries {<200 Valuable Tables {{Synonyms end Antonyms {T3350 Pages See The jVcw iferrianv-Wchatcr At Your Bookstore Vr Tl'ri/c / ' >; BmnphU-l G. & C. MERRIAM CO. Springfield, Mass. M Explain? die marvetounUVrfcm/ 3 TraaiiMiM whim ia bringing 5 nmuring ttlia. bold on irunclxa J n?on?)' hxi sruttrantcc. PRICaESS INFORMATION , ?for thoso suffering from a \ STOMACH OR DUODENAL FftpmULCERS, POOR DIOCS ACID DYSPEPSIA, 4 SOUR STOMACH. CASSI- Z Y-^r* NESS. HEARTBURN. <X)N- Z W STIPATION. HAD DKEATII. 3 ^ SLEEPLESSNESS OR HEAD ACHES, DUE TO EXCESS ACID. JJ Axk for j free copy . : IVttlanl'* Me-jjuoc. We 3 are Autluulrcd VYilDrd Ucahm ? WATAUGA DRUG COMPANY Boone, N. C. FEEL TIRED, ACHY"ALL WORM OUT?" Get Rid of Poisons That Make You III IS a constant backache keeping you miserable? Do you Buffer bnrn'ng, scanty or too frequent urination; attacks of ulkElneaS, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and ankles? Do you feel tired, nervous ?all unstring? Then give some thought to your kidneyu. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney disorder permit? polaons to stay in the blood and upset the whole system. Use Doanfa Pills. Donn'a are for the kidneys only. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of healthdestroying poisonous waste. Doan'a PQls are used and recommended the world over. Get them from any druggist. DOAN'S PILLS ??Q ? ?*> * ?-. Jl <r "ft 35 C O fi> ^ J & ' am M _ I have it easy! wt I J- & P. COATS ?| 3 best 6-cord thread L doesn't break every jp# minute! ?: If m-m-yeah! just a little 11 # motie tractice-4eh-a 1

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