BOONE SKETCHES By J. C R. The Hour Approacheth rPlHK nufrnmii nf , _ , wwux.v v? uwv/iiv o inuuiv ipai X election has, quite naturally, caused the public pulse to throb anxiously. It's also caused we forecasters of hoss races, pugilistic encounters, ^ dog fights and polit| | ical shake-downs to scratch diligently blip ^8|p tQ the dump-heap of if unrestricted opinion 111 for money-winning I *** ?* |] tips on the ever| ":-t? J& drawing-nigher bat^tie of the crossed circle. But relief, ah i sweet, relief, came * Tuesday morning as JK' the Sketch Man was i> soliloquizing in full tones, doubtfully, of J. C. R. course, on the whys, the wherefores and net. results of next Tuesday's balloting . . . Colonel Pinknev Erastus Baldwin, bewhiskcrcd Sage of Ripshin who recently celebrated a slightly controversial twohundredth birthday anniversary at his wilderness retreat near the headwaters of Boone's Fork, sauntered into the sanctum-sanctorum. The problem, surely, was nearinn solution _ from beneath a frayed flap of his venerable "claw-hammer" the Colonel extracted a sizeable cut of "rich and waxy" ... a calloused hand bore a he-man offering- of the authoritative twist to the cavernous Baldwin "hop-! per" . . . the Colonel "set" his chew well back amidst those yellowed-bytime molars, adjusted his cane to a characteristic angle, smiled sweetly as a blushing Elberta . . . and gave us \ the merriest sort of a "howdy-doI" WHAT do you think of the corning election. Colonel?" . . . that was the first question we asked him. The oldster's chinquapin eyes ngMm wickedly . . . he wee visibly affected by the query . . . his dyspepsia must have been bothering } him. "What election?" he demanded .. . and we told him. The Colonel then proceeded to deliver himself of a history-making philippic ... he pranced to and fro pounding his rugged staff on the office floor ... he declared 'pon honor that times ain't what they were back 'endurin'" the Injun Wars when Gen'ral Andy .Jackson teamed up with the clan Baldwin in many a duel-shooting, rip-snorting crusade against the enemies of democracy . . . that polittcy hi rotten and candidates rottcner than ever before in his long-range memory . . . that hoss-sense has ceased to be a virtue, or an accessory, of mankind . . . that the country, if it keeps on going to the dogs, will soon be there! "I've been athinkin' all along," the patriarch continued with a pfe-Revolution flourish, "that Td come over here and vote in this election . . . but I ain't certain about ANY of these candidates: guess I'll just stay home and help the old woman plant corn next Tuesday" . . . and then the wise old Colonel trlfincAfl tpnHf?r!v haiuti an,t ^ .viI ed his remarks with a simple little request . . . simple, quite simple: "Son, you just see to it that they elect a perfect man for Mayor. | and everything will be all right!" j And with this the Colonel shuffled j away . . . bearing the burden of his | great age with a surprising dignity, j TTTE didn't learn much from the! VV Colonel ... in fact, about all we j gleaned from his scholarly lecture is tliat perfection MUST abide in the Mayor's seat for the coming biennium . . . and that ought to be plumb simple. Without even a guess as to the outcome of Boone's battle of the century, its* our extreme pleasure to announce, loudly, lustily, the "card" i for next Tuesday, May 7th: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! ... In the left corner is "Slugger" Gragg, 220-pounds in his BVDs, entry of the Hamiltonian Club! ... In the right corner is "Kid" Cottrell, 152-pound man-mauler who also craves the crown of municipal authority. The "Kid" was selected by the Jeffersonian Club following an ^elimination tournament" held Tuesday night of last week. An anxious world awaits the outcome of this featured bout! Mrs. Carrie Coffey Willisai? will referee the stupendous struggle; Winkler and Stanbury are the time-keepers! Another exciting event win t>e a "battle royal" between four amateurs and two professionals . . . Jack Oempsey Wilcox, "Killer" Hamby, "Butcher Tatum," "Slasher" Rogers, "Bull" Moose and "K. O." Perry! The awards will be three nice, comfortable seats on the City Council! The show begins Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock in a specially arranged arena at City Hall. Those who intend to participate in the entertainment had better 'ave made their "registrations" early! o THE "cow, hog, flower-garden, dump-heap, electric, bond and Interest" platform . . . that generous offering of last week'3 Sketch column . . . died abornin'! As a putterover of political platforms, we must .-omit that our onions are in ignorance . . . but it certainly did read right pretty in places . . . now honest, didn't it! WAT An i VOLUME XLVI. NUMBER 44 NAMED MASCOT Billy Joe Crawford Honored at Boone High School. j | Billy Joe Crawford, attractive son J of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford of j * this city, who lias been chosen as mascot fo** the Boone High School I r senior class. Billy Joe is two years ' f old. j ( WOOLPOOL BEING" \ FORMED IN COUNTY ; Agents and Teachers Work Out System to Aid Farmers in f Disposal of Crop. 7 _ li The Vocational ieaciiei a duu u ty Agents of Watauga have formu- j, later! a plan for assisting farmers of c the county in selling their wool p through a pool this year. Agent W. p B. Collins, as spokesman for the 0 group, invites sheep growers of the county to meet at the courLhouac in f\ Boone on Monday, May 6th, 10 a. m., v to make plans for selling this year's 7 crop, and to elect a committee to sell v the woo!. It is his belief that a com-ib mittee composed of three good business men representing the growers of t? the county, can sell the forty thou- J| sand pounds of wool produced here at a much better price than it can he sold for by the individual growers in small lots of fifty to five hundred pounds. Market quotations will be receiver! \ daily at Agent Collins' office, and contact will be made with wool buyers in order to assist the selling committee in geting the best price possi- J ble for the farmers who pool their; wool. IP , l.onj; Experience Agent Collins haa for the past five v ! years assisted farmers in selling their a wool through the pool system. During d that time th0-*"* who enlorod th?1 pools I received from 2 Vb cents to 6 cents r J more for their fleece than local huy- ^ ers were able to pay at the time the 8 pool was sold. 5 No charges will be made for sell- F ing the pooled wool and the farmers r will be given checks by the buyer c when the wool is taken up 8 Only wool that is reasonably free 1 from trash will be accepted. Farmers 1 should shear their wool in a clean ? place and keep it free from trash. Mi. v Collins states that the only way to i] keep tags out of wool is to thorough- v lv tag the sheep before shearing. v Cards are being sent out to the 8 I sheep growers of the county asking a them to express their willingness to c sell through a pool. This will be the d only contract required of farmers. 8 "We would like for the farmers who sign these cards and return ther.i to j us to hold their wool for the pool or notify us if they decide to sell through other channels," Agent Collins said. In order to get the pool started, it is important that a large delegation of sheep growers attend the meeting here next Monday. jrotato Bill Uraws i Presidential Favor , - mm; i WASHINGTON. D. C. ? White House approval of the idea behind the i Warrer. potato control bill which . would extend the benefits of the AAA 1 to potato growers, was Tuesday giv- < en to Governor Brann and members J of the Maine delegation in Congress. The approval of the Warren bill I was immediately transmitted to Rep- I resentativc Lindsay C. Wan-en, the ' author, who expects to introduce a < revised bill having the support of the uepii uuCTit of Agriculture today and to secure early action by the House committee. i TO REGISTER TOURIST HOMES 1 Mr. Archie Quails, secretary of the I Watauga Chamber of Commerce, asks ; that all residents of the town and ; county who are in position to accept 1 summer people or tourists, please register their names, accommodations and rates at his office in the Watauga I County Bank building. This service | is offered free. AUG ndependent Weekly Ne BOONE, WATAUC RRPITRI If A WC nn iiui uuuitmio uu TOBATWITHFULI MUNICIPAL SLAT Straight Political Fight Is No On for Mayor and Board Of Aldermen. FIRST TIME REPUBLICANS HAVE OFFERED TICKE rV. II. GritR^ Heads C?. O. P. Tick* With D. .1. Cottrell His Opponent. Action Cornea 24 Honrs After Democratic Potv-wow. For perhaps the first time in ti nstory of Boone, voters who go lie polls next Tuesday will cast bs. jts on which appear a full slate democratic and Republican candidat ror Mayor and City Commissionei ind a full-fledged political campaij; s being waged by the political! runded. That the Democrats would have o josition in the city election this yei leveloped twenty-four hours aft heir nominating election last wee vhen leading Republicans of the con nunity gathered in convention ar indorsed a ticket headed by W. I Iragg for Mayor, and followed I he names of D. L. Wilcox, A. E.. Han >y and Dr. G. K. Moose as candidal or Aldermen. The Democrats, as wi ublished last week, nominated D. boftrell for Mayor and Dr. H. B. Pe jr, L. T. Tatum and Charles Roge] or Aldermen. First Partisan Contest Until Uie last few years, candidate or municipal office had been nom ated by citizens' mass meetings, ar ncluded both Democrats and Repul icans. Later Democratic tickets wt nopposeq: except wcnalultall}' by Z ndependent slate of candidates. Tt ity having always been consider* )emocratic by a large majority, tt Republican party had not previous) ffercd a ticket. As a result of the placing in 11 ield of two strong tickets, a lar$ ote is expected to be cast on It lit. Alx>ut six hundred arc eligible 1 ote and the election this year is 1 e held at City Hall. ilKSGAlTHKR WW INSURANCE CASE Vidotv of Deceased Dentisi Gi\ en Favorable Report in Judge Phillips' Court. Tho Spring Term or Watauga Si erior Court, which convened on tli 2nd with Judge Phillips presidin: ras adjourned last Monday wit bout fifteen cases on the civil calei &r finally disposed of. The suits brought against the Si urity L.iie ana Trust Company > Vinston-Salem and the Mutual lnsu nee Company of New York by Mr i V. T"? > "*-? ' - * to.rixt.i jd. gamier 01 uoone ior tr >urpose of collecting insurance ca; led by her late husband, attractc onsiderable interest and resulted i verdict favorable to the plaintif 'he only question to be answered t he jury was whether or not *3?. Ga her committed self-destruction, Th answered "no." Mrs Gaither ha^ ng won something like $12,000 by tl erdict. The prominent Boone denti: 'as fatally wounded last fall whe shotgun accidentally discharge jid understanding is that insur&n< ompanies resisted the payment < oublc indemnity clauses in some po cies he carried. Citizens Ticket in Blowing Rock Votin As has been the custom for mat fears, Blowing Rock voters at tl Section next Tuesday will cast bs ots upon which appear the names wo candidates for Mayor and s or Commissioners, with no party a illations indicated. The candidat vere nominated at a citizens met r*faThose appearing on the ticket tt rear are: For Mayor, I>. P. Coffey, I. Boyden; For Commissioners, He >ert Stewart, C. S. Prevettc, W. Castle, J. H. Winkler. B. D. Gree and T. A. Weaver. rtcporis coming- to Boone Indies that there is considerable interest the campaign in the neighbor! town and that a good-sized vote expected to be cast. SAYS PAPER IMPROVES Mr. J. L. Thomas of Mabel, old tii friend of the Democrat, in extendi lis subscription, writes: "You are pi ting out a good paper and I think y ire making improvements every we< I wish you the very best of succes: These words are greatly appreciate "Uncle Jasper" as Mr. Thomas is 1 miliarly known, is still active, desp his advanced ago and takes acti interest in the work about his pll cation. A DI wspaper?Established in tl 3A COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Doughton \\ g 1936 Guberi WASHINGTON, D. C.?Reversing W a definite intention which he had entertained until a few hours before he made his formal announcement, Representative Robert L. Doughton Monday evening declared that he will not be a candidate for T Governor of North Carolina in 1936. The reversal was due to the personal request of President Roosevelt -*> who over the week-end wrote Mr. Doughton a letter on the subject, sent an emissary to him and Monday morning asked him to call at the White House before announcing lie any intention to leave Congress. Mr. to Doughton, who was confident he il- could be elected, said he had acted of "reluctantly." es *1 made up my mind definitely *s, that unless the President asked me ?n to stay, that I would announce for y- Governor," said Mr. Doughton as he gave out his formal statement, in p- which he said: ir "I have been convinced that my er best field of service at the present k, time, if I am to remain in public 11- life.. i3 with the Congress and for id the nation." i. i Late last week Washington news?y I papers carried a story that Mr. a- Doughton would step aside from his is I (Continued on Page 8) liWAFMMS HAVE BEEN SELECTED S3 I id Tl*n W r?n rm Tv... 1 f I ? - ? ..uvuu^u * i am lor J^| Experimentation. Phosphate - Tn Be AoDlied. ie ** The ten TV A demonstration farms le for Watauga County have been sel>" lected, the farms mapped, and a requisition for phosphate to go on the pasture and other grass land on these farms has been forwarded to the Tennessee Valley Authority. O Following is a list of the TV A -O demonstration farms and the amounts of triple phosphate to be used: Tracy Councill, Boone. 7,700 pounds, JJ D. F. Greene, Sugar Grove, 4,300 3 pounds;. Don J. Horton, Vilas, 26,400 pounds; W. FT. Mast, Sugar Grove, W 3.900 pounds; A. G. Morctz, Deep 3 Gap, 7,600 pounds; C. M. Shore, Shulls Mills, 25,800 pounds; A. N. Thomas, Trade, Tenn., 8.500 pounds; J. L. Triplett, Mfttney, 7,190 pounds; Alex Tugman, Boone R. F. D , 7,500 pounds. This phosphate will probably be de1. livered to these farms by May 15. A kp system of crop rotations will be ^ worked out on these farm and rech ords will be closely kept by the ownl ers* Huge Liquor Haul Is " Made in Wilkes County S. ie NORTH WILKESBORO.?Federal r. revenue agents working in .Vilkes ;d County Saturday morning made a in raid which netted 7,083 gallons of lif. quor on which tax had not been paid. >v The illicit liquor was seized at the i- 'home of Glenn Johnson, fifteen miles is east of Wilkesboro. /- The liquor was stored in Johnson s le residence in cases of iiaii-g&nbn fruit 9t jars, it was reported. Four rooms of ?Ii the home were used for storage ana each was filled to the ceiling, officers >e said. Johnson, according to unofficial re,1. ports here, mftde his escape from the officers. Revenue and penalty on the liquor was estimated to reach $24,000 or $25,000. & Mrs. Hazel Moody Edminsten oi Raleigh spent Easter with her parents ?y iin the Shulls Mills section. re il ?f I , I Front Line Sketches x~ I es US I """"? r* i ?>- a OU WASHINGTON, D. C. ? Charles ;k. West (above), former Ohio Coi s" gressman, is President Roosevelt's ;d- new "contact" man, whose job it fa- will be to work out closer relations ite with Congress for the White House ive He was active in arranging details m- of the $4,880,000,000 relief resolution. :moci ie Year Eighteen Eighty-Ei{ , THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1935 ill Not Seek ji :i latorial FlumJ c__ 1 !i. 1. DOUGHTON ? IDYNAMITE USED j ! TO DESTROY MILL" s) | Sunday Night Explosion Plays rt j Havoc With Small Grist Mill P' ir 1 Near Triplett Postoffice. p, A grist mill, owned and operated w by Miss Alzcna Hayes of Triplett, hi | was literally blown to bits and the u; j building almost completely destroyed si ! as a result of what is thought to have f 1 ! been a dynamite explosion late Sun- ft day night. fi The explosive, it was deducted, had di been placed in the "eye" of the mill and the rocks or burrs were literally s! blown to bits, the water wheel dc- ? jstroyed and the roof blown from the h: [building. The loss was something like & j two* hundred dollars. It is satd, and it q has not been determined as to who the depredator was or the motive for Cj i the act. t< tc I No Picture Shows Here ' During Coming Week ? The Pastime Theatre will undergo extensive remodeling and redecorat- " ing next week, and Manager Hamby finds it impossible to carry forward * ! this work, and yet maintain his daily u S schedule of moving pictures. There- ** 1 fore his theatre is to be closed to the public all r.cxt week, with the c J tton of Saturday. The following week, [ 'however, he will offer his patrons the r ! usual program of late films, and the ? interior of the building will no doubt 11 be appreciated in its new finishing. s Five-to-Five Store a Closing Out in Boone !j 3 ; The Five-to-Five Store, popular dry goods establishment, i? beginning!-? a sales event, during the course of 1 which it expects to close out its large isfnrk* nf mprphanilic^ Thorr? aro ??v | Five-to-Five stores in the chain, most i of them in Tennessee, and it is explained that the discontinuance oi the Boone store is in order to get all the J establishments grouped closer together so that they may be carried on J conveniently under the same general supervision. v Mr. Jerry Brewer, the founder of ( the mercantile chain, was in charge J of the local store until succeeded by . Mr. Ft. F. McDade a couple of years ago. The firm has been popular here j ar.d has enjoyed a wide patronage. * ; Bill introduced lo A dd . Court Term for Co nty , RALEIGH, N. C.?A new two- , | weeks term of court for the trial of | civil cases, beginning the 14th Mon- \ day after the first Monday in March, is provided for Watauga County in a bill introduced in the Senate Thursday by Senator Warren. The bill. Senate Bill Xo. 529, was referred to the . calendar committee. The main section of the bill reads as follows: "The General Assembly of "Xorth Carolina do enact: "Section 1. That section 1443 of the Consolidated Statutes, under the subtitle 'Watauga' be amended by adding to the end thereof after the word 'week' a new sentence to read as foli lows: 'Fourteenth Monday after the i- first Monday in March, to continue ( for a term of two weeks, for the trial of civil cases only.' " i Mr. Albert Hodges, progressive far5 mer of Route 2, made an appreciated call at The Democrat office Wednes-' day afternoon. RAT M __ __ $1.50 PER YEAR iFLENDII) SHOWING rn? * . /r t nn wm.-r ? !S lAUt UN FISCAL \i AIRS OF BOONE tulES . Board Cares for $21,800 interest Coupons During 3 depression Period. a 2<i,()|? A' BONDS HAVE BEEN iEThrrl) DURING BIENNIUM Vatcr Respryoir and Street Improvemerits Are Added. Simplified Hooks Installed. Other Financial Details. Dr. H. B. Perry, senior member of lie Board of Alderir.en and town terk, Monday told The Democrat lat during; the two-year admir.istraion of the board which comes to a lose next Tuesday ?26,000 in town, onds have been retired, and $21,800 1 interest coupons canceled. The onded indebtedness of Boone two ears ago amounted to $257,000: toay the slate couUl he wiped clean if tie municipality had it in its power o rake up $231,000, this including delultecl interest and principal. The board, at present composed of >r. Perry, who has been a member nice raza, Mr. u lj. Duncan and Dr. r. K. Moose, is being complimented y many local taxpayers on the relarkable showing made by them in ie two-year period, during which tme the property valuation of the )\vn has decreased $100,000, thereby having $2,000 from annual revenues. Water System Improved In addition to the remarkable lowing made by tiie city fathers in xlucing the municipality's indebtcd?ss, $10,000 has been expended durig the past biennium on street iftirovements and expansion of the warn system: An impounding i-cacrvuixith a capacity of 7,000,000 gallons as been constructed and placed into sc. which will afford consumers a xty-day supply without additional ow. This huge reserve of water af?rds a maximum of safety against re hazards, and insures against the rought shortages of recent years. By retirement of the. $26,000 in .reet and water system bonds, Dr. erry pointed out, the city's interest ill has been cut $1,560 per annum, Imost one-half of the amount reuired fox normal operating expenses. Despite the in toads made on muniipal obligations by the board, the >\vn today is in default $14,960 in in?rest coupons, and $10,000 in bonds, ut, in view of the fact that bonds, iterest, notes and improvements ired for during the period total $56,S0, an almost unparalleled record as been established in an era of fiancial depression. *"? * xuc icuiaig nuara 01 Aiuermcn, in ddition to its financial activities, has istalled a simplified system of books t the City Hall, which enables inereated citizens to easily obtain a omprehensive knowledge of municipal ai l airs. The collection cf v/ater enis has also shown a decided inrease in recent months, and a much nore practical method is being pufued in this department. Final retirement of Boone's giganic bonded indebtedness still remains . perplexing problem, but the fine ecord of the olu Board of Aldermen .t least offers a glimmer of hope to lr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. rVaiker Representative For the C. M. T. C. County Superintendent YV. H. YValkr of Boone, North Carolina, has aceptcd appointment as representative or Watauga County to assist local out hs to qualify for this summer's Citizens' Military Training Camps, it vas announced Monday Mr. Walker also made it known that mblic-spirited physicians of the couny have again volunteered their servccs to the Government and will give tree physical examinations to candilates for the training camps. Young nen of this county should apply for these examinations to Dr. H. B. Per ~y, N. O. A recent increase in appropriations Dy Congress has more than doubled the number of men who may attend the camps this year, and all youths between 17 and 24 years are eligible to apply. The Government pays such necessary expenses as transportation to camp and return and furnishes wholesome food, uniforms, laundry service, and athletic equipment. The camps run for thirty days and attendance does not obligate the candidate for future military service of any kind. LUTUtiR GREENE STABBED Luther Greene, 18, of Stony Pork, was staobeci in the abdomen Sunday night by Lee Smith, according to meager reports reaching the Democrat this (Wednesday) morning. The . wounded man was carried to Wilkes- / boro Hospital where an operation was { performed, and his condition is said i I to be critical. Whether or not his as- j sailant has been arrested could not ' 1 be ascertained. Young Greeen is a son of Clinard Greene. J

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