frAGE TWO Exercises at Cove Creek Begin Friday Morning Commencement exercises for the Cove Creek High School begin Friday morning. May 3rd, at 11 o'clock. The seventh grade graduates of the entire district, about 150 in number, will receive their diplomas at this hour. A reading and declamation contest with two representatives from each school wm ue given, uv. x>. t>. uuugiiercv has been invited to speak immediately following the contest. Perfect attendance certificates, prizes and reading circle certificates will also be awarded. On Friday evening at S o'clock the Senior Class will present their class day exercises and diplomas will be awarded. Saturday evening at S o'clock a play, "Ted Drops In," will be presented by members of the Senior Class. There will be an admission fee 01 10 cents for children, 20 cents for high school pupils and 25 cents for adults charged. The final program will be held in the Henson's Chapel Methodist Church on Sunday niglit when Rev E. D. Butt, pastor of the Valle Cru-! cis Episcopal Church, will preach the' baccaulaui eate sermon. Bethel Items Mrs. Hard Ward still remains very | sick. Aunt Alice Palmer has gone to [ cnenrl tVin L-/\? "\T?? Richard Palmer on Cove Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Watt Tester and smail | son Clint of Howards Creek spent the i week end with their parents Mr. and ! Mrs. Walter Tester. The dinner guests of Mrs. M. H., Edminsten on last Sunday were Messrs Paul Edminsten. Alvm Green. Miss ' Grace and Hazel Robinson. Mr and Mrs. S. R Brown and children took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roby Vines on last Sunday. Miss Lora Herman visited her parents oh Timbered Ridge .on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Tlonson and two children of Beaver Darns spent a few . days ^jastr^week with Mr. and Mrs. ] John Rommger. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Perry visited Air. and Mrs. Ed Farthing last SunEvcryone in this community was grreatlv saddened by the death of Aunt K&thryn Farthing on iasi Wednesday. Air. Ray Wilson still remains very iow with pneumonia. Rev. Tipton Green of Boone filled his regular appointment Saturday and Sunday at Relhol. Mr. Carter Farthing of Boone spent Sunday with his family. Mr. and Airs Carter Cook of Eliz-! abethton. Term, visited in this com munity last Sunday. Mr. ana Mrs. Roy Adams were the dinner guests of Airs. Collis Green j on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shell of Watauga Falls were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ward. Misses Kaihryn and Genevieve Shcrwcod -visited Mioses Addle AlTae and Inwrence Edminsten on last Sun/ln. uoJ County Singing The time for our county singing is near ajiu much micrtat ilwt^ manifested in regard to our next Watauga county singing convention the first Sunday in June. New books, new classes, new interest among older classes and the best singing yet is expected. We are just delighted to know of this new interest. Please let all the classes that ex-! pect to sing notify us next week in I order that we may do something that may help you. Please remember that *tis you that is conlioEy invited to meet and sing with us this time. An enjoyable and an inspirational time is expected. Z. T. GREEN, Secy. N L. HARRISON, Chm. Incimieljour J POULTRY PROFITS 1 Poultry that is in poor condition or I affected witb Worms. Lice and Mites IF cannot be profitable. Baby chicks also , need proper care. Dr.LeGears 1, POULTRY REMEDIES :1 will surely aid you to make Bigger Y Poultry Profits. Dr. LeGear's Poultry - ^ Prescription, Mineral-ized. Poultry \\ w"v*v4? oxivx fliwuoe xvamaia |jrPills (for chicks and adult fowls) I\? Chick Tablets, Dip and Disinfectant ll^ and Head Lice Ointment?will prove to be profit makers for ycu. Sutv.jaction Guaranteed or Money Back WE CARRY A COMPLETE L] POULTRY AND DOG I BARKER'S STOC TRY POY Security Starter Mash. Security Growing Mas Security Hog Feed. . . 5 x Security Pig Feed.... V MULLINS s "Boone's Indepei Si? - ffc THE CIRCUS COME Famous Twins Celebrate Third ly Famous Clown NEW YORK. Final proof that ar arrival of the circua with animals i Woods boys. Celebrated their third b live clown. Edward Polidor. as showr News Of Tin In a Comprel By M R. DUMNAGAr (Special Correspondent) RAI.EiGH. X. C.?Afcer rejecting tJiv conference committee report on :h(' Revenue Bill Thursday by a vote So.? *> ?.-? Livos turned around and adopted it Friday, passed it on its second reading: at an after-midnight session early Sutuiday morning by a 49 to 14 vote, making the third reading Monday a matter of form, with opposition dissipated. Tito report rejected was only slightly changed when adopted, the change being safeguards around the "diversion" of 630.000 to 8300,000 of highway funds into the general fund as the equivalent of a three per cent sales tax on gasoline. The money will not be "diverted" unless it is needed and will not be diverted if its use would prevent the full benefit of the Federal funds for highway construction. The diversion is really $1,630,000 or $1,800,000. as against $1,000,000 a year for the present biennium. The report provides for an exemptionless sales tax of three per cent; deduction of only 10 per cent (now IIS) in income taxes for charities, etc.; no tax on individual income from domestic corporations. The "diversion" was apparently the most bitterly opposed item and when the safeguards .were thrown around it, most of the onpositirtn. ppeared. Senate Doubtful Just what the Senate will do with it is uncertain. That body may accept it, although the Senate refused stolidly to levy a tax on all basic foods. It did reduce them once. If it holds out, as some of th~ members are inclined to do, adjournment is in the dim and distant future. If it accepts the report as it was accepted by the House, then a week more should about reach the Nerves on edge were displayed in the House over the report. Kepresentative McDonald, Forsyth, sales tax opponent and more money for schools proponent, read a statement, asking that it be put in the House Journal INE of LE GEAR S STOCK, CEMEDIES .. . ALSO K AND POUL PDEKS. $3.50 h $3.25 $2.90 $2.90 and CLAY ident Grocers" WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVEF S TO TOWN AGAIN! Birthday Anniversary as Equal"Cracks Chestnuts." ^ J Jv i j, J \ .;-?* ? r ;..<f - i-S* i tother open air season is here, is the and clowns. Two famous twins, the irthclay by being: presented to a real i above. e Legislature lerisive Farm . ~~ jm. A-iLJt Friday, charging the Revenue and ' Budget Bureau officials with either duplicity or ignorance, and attacking the conference committee and its report. Representative? Con Johnston. Ireic!!, callcd hir."..t ? oka.?Y^, i hoped it would be throw n out the window and its author with it, and volunteered to do the throwing. Tain Bowie resented the attack on the conference committee, saying McDonald had tried to block o.Il moves by his tactics. Representative R. L. Harris, 1933, speaker, said it was publicity he was seeking and said he was tired of publicity stunts of the "flapdoodle I professor." At the ilight meeting it again appeared in the form of the petition | signed by several members to exjpunge the McDonald statement from J the record. Tarn Bowie and Gregg I Cherry suggested that Dr. McDonald withdraw it. He did, but reiterated | his statement, saying he was retracting nothing. It was a tense, time. House Adopts Wet Bill j The House pulled a surprise by 'adopting the Day liquor bill substitute, the third reading Weunesuay by ;a one majority, 52-51, although the {House had been thought to be the dry side. The bill went to the Senate, where its adoption is by no means certain, although the Senate was considered the 'wetter" of the two. It will reach a vote this week, undoubtedly. Meanwhile, the Hill bill is resting on the calendar in the Senate, which has not yet had a wet-dry test vote. The bill provides for a referendum June 8th, State-wide, and if as many as 51 counties vote for liquor sales, it becomes effective, a control board of three members, bi-partisan, to be named bv T J-Jiquor could be sold only in those counties voting it. The control board would make rules and regu-'aticr.?, although the bill limits the sales as to hours, prevents sales on Sundays, election or holidays, and to minors, and places a heavy penalty on selling or having for sale by others. Hope of the proponents is that the Senate will reduce the number of counties to 20 or 25, when it would have more chance of getting over in the election. But the Senate probably will not. Senate Considers Appropriations The Senate started consideration of the Appropriations bill, but decided to wait until the Revenue conference report was disposed of, due to uncerj t&inty as to revenues. Revenue and Budget Bureau officials now say the bills are almost in balance for The first year,, the second depending on increase in business and thus in revenues. If the Senate adopts the Revenue conference report, it is expected to pass the Appropriations bill about as it was parsed by the House. Both 1 mouses nave disposed of many of the i bills on their calendars and can finish all except the Revenue, Appropriations and School Machinery bills in short order. The Highway Patrol Bill, increasing the number to 121, establishing a radio system and takirg tax collections from the patrolmen, already passed by the Senate, nas been passed by the i House and gone back to the Senate | for concurrence ef that body in minor I House amendments. I The Senate refused to concur in the | House amendment reducing the license tag rate to 40 cents a hundred pounds, and a conference committee j j was named. The Senate had voted a 45-cent rate. The rate is now 55 cents, j I The House killed the bill to allow sale I of one-fourth year licenses in the form 1 of a sticker at one-fourth the annual I cost, plus two per cent. 1 "The proposal to submit to the voters proposed changes in the Constitu IY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. lion has passed both houses and in its present forms submits amendments to permit classification of property for taxation, increase the limit of tax on ; incomes, and limits borrowings by the * State and local units without a vote of the people. ' Introductions of bills through last week reached 1S32, and last week 40 ( i xal and 26 public measures were ra- i j titled. Those of general interest rati1 nod last week are as follows: c New Bills Ratified A ! a hiii?i* transfer of school dis 'riot sinking funds to county treasur- j ers: resolution to print 2.000 copies ;>i row law on sales or real estate for prohibiting dredging or catch- ^ r,g oysters in closed season: amend t aw 0:1 adoption of minors; extend the tr ie lor final settlement by execute; s and administrators where estate ^ - are in banks in liquidation; provide compensation for school children killed or injured in school bus acci- n' dents: require commissioner of banks . * to take over and complete liquidation I of banks now in receivership in the 1 State courts; require records kept of <ar.imals sold by stockyards: Change retirement age of judges 1 from 70 to 65 years: authorize co-op- j ^ erutive marketing association to cn- j ^ gage in production and deal in stocks j * and bonds of financing colorations; validating registration of deeds and mortgages in which court clerk had an interest; regulate method of becoming a candidate on citizen or independent ticket; amend law on rights of way of inland waterways. Among the bills passed by both houses and ratified earl}' this week are: Resolution inviting Josephus Danie!s. Ambassador to Mexico, now here v*if>alinn In -jJilnvcc t ho Cmii.ri 1 I Assembly Tuesday at noon: provide for unpaid commission on interstate ' operation: authorize N. C. Institute : for IV?f. Dumb and Blind to lease to Raleigh old blind institute for ncgrro i ;-.iv ground; to afford the relief of j iv-r actuation of testimony; require; i business schools to comply with con-; '.tracts, verbal or written, entered into i with students; amend law aa to heirs I of illegitimates; provide tor acting} highway commission chairman; amend on discriminating between con- ] Ui?ea." Although the flood of new bills has ict up some, many are stiil being ir.- j iroduccd. Mils. PORTER* PIANO PIJPULS TO PRESENT MUSICAL PLAY I Mrs. Ruth Coffey Porter's pi?* pupils will give a musical play entitled "The Mystic Land of Marie Music," in the Colloge Auditorium Monday evening. May 6th. 8 o clock, to which everyone is invited IC0NG1 To Our For I An increase thus providing homes than eve: An increasingly came f rom our p isfactory servic< of a policyhold< Company's Re& An increase force, one of the any Compan? in These splenc total assets highi I I That this re number of polic Dreciated o-nos u FRAr SECURITY "A I Office in Wataug: ? - Vilas News Messrs. John Dugger. Fred Blair. ,ynwood Biair and Mrs. Nan Dugger risited relatives over the .week-end in Slizabethton. Teiin. Miss Maxie Greene, a teacher in "abarrus County schools, is at home or the summer. Mr Yaught Mast of New York is >n a. visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,V. J. Mast. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wuiebarger of he Silvcrslone section were callers j it file D. F. Horton home Sunday. Postmaster E. F. Sherwood and son j Jlenn visited in Mountain City Sun- 2 lay. Mr. dames Crow, a student at the! V. S. T. C.. spent the week-end with . dr. Earl Henson. Mrs. Roy Reese, of Mountain City, j Penh., has been visiting Mrs. J. L.! teese. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Mast are moving o the Thomas Taylor place near Valle ' 'rue is. Mr. Sam Atkins is engaged in a umber job near Valle Crucis. The ' lepression is over, because Sam is, a king much pride in entertaining his riends with his famous jokes. J | REINS-STU THE FUNER Licensed Embalmers Ambulance Service . PHONE I3C I i ! Quality SL N Work I Thompson's BUILDING FORMERLY OC ? ?1? MMIIIIIHII? RATULA1 Agency Organ Its Outstanding Reco Turing the Past Year i of 67% in new paid-forl security for more peop r before in the history of large percentage of this loiicyhoiders. No better 3 can he had than the-sign ;r for additional insuran istered Policy Plan. of 18% in total amount oi ! largest percentages of ga America. lid achievements carried t'. er than at any time in its h icord, made possible by i ynolders and friends, is tl without saying. * sTK M. FA GENERAL AGENT r LIFE AND TRUST CC L SURE WAY TO SECURITY" a County Bank Boone. MAY 2, 1935 CKOWN?HOLLA It Married on April 20th, Miss Virgin. ia Brown to Mr. Hight Hollar, both of Boone. N. C. Mrs. Hollar is the ' 'J? attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Brown. Mr. Hollar is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hollar. Both are well and favorably known in this sec. tion. They will make their home here. Crazy Water Crystals We have the agency for this famous Mineral Crystal which is proving so generally satisfactory. Let us supply your needs. NEW PRICES - - $1.00 & 60c. ? Formerly priced $1.00 and $1.50. Get a supply today! x WATAUGA DRUG STORE g? RDIVANT | | :al home Funeral Directors . . Day anJ Night >ONE 24 i """"" LONGER WEAR... * is the result of having" your shoes repaired here. Quality workmanship and quality mate-Tliio cri WIUUUICU It J nviu iuiig months of extra service to worn footwear for men, women and children. Here shoes are actually rebuilt, not merely repaired. Yet the prices for this high grade service are attractively low. iShoeShop CUPIED BY OTT'S PLACE ~~ ' - HONS ization rd |J Ife insurance; >le and more the Company, new business ddence of sat- ed application ce under this r insurance in tin enjoyed by || * he Company's istory. m increasing loroughly aplYNE )MPANY North Carolina

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