I I MAY 9, 1935 f ' *" ?*-? LOCAL AFFAIRS i Mr. and Mrs. Grady Graham of College Street announce the birth of a daughter on May 7th. Miss Pearl Smith and Wade Eudy of Wingate. X. C.. were the guests of Prof, and Mrs. A. R. Smith last week. Attorney John E. Brown returned the last of the week from Roanoke, where he was called on legal business. Miss Frieda Farthing has returned to her homo here after having concluded teaching a term of school at Mocksvillc. Mr. A S. Ciav of Raleigh, assistant State supervisor of the Emergency * Crop Loan office, was a business visitor in town Wednesday. L.ittle Miss Carolyn Smith of Char- i lotte, N. C., is visiting Katherine, Ann and Margaret Smith, daughters of n Professor and Mrs. A. R. Smith. r j ?tniv-nvc members 01 trie watauga Chamber of Commerce enjoyed ( a banquet meeting at the Daniel Boone Hotel Tuesday evening. J Miss Clara Dohms, of Baltimore, ( Md.. has arrived in Boone for an extended visit with Rev. and Mrs. J. A. ' Yount at the Lutheran parsonage 011 j East Main Street. i Mrs. D. F. Rogers and son. Bob, of j West Lafayette, Ohio, are visitors in < Watauga, having made the trip on 1 account of the illness of her father, \ Mr. W. P. Moody, at Vilas. i Dr. and Mrs. R. Z. Linney and son. ^ R. Z. Linney TV, left for their home in Nashville, Tenn., today (Wednes- 3 day), after a visit of several days 1 at the home of Mrs Frank A. Lin-j( ney in Boone. jl Mrs. K. T. Odom and daughter, C Martha Ann, of Norris, Tenn . are visiting the formers' sister, Mrs. Grady Graham, in Boone, and her father, Mr. W. P. Moody, who has been ill at his Vilas home. Mr. Ralph Davis, jmpular manager ? of the Sandwich Rnx has returned to f Boone* after having been a patient at tiie Wilkes hospital for several t weeks. Mr. Davis is greatly improved 11 in health, his friends are glad to note. '1 Mr. W. F. Miller, popular member jv of the Board of County Commission-1 j ers, was a ble t o be present at the reg-1 ular meeting of the Board Monday. \ Mr. Miller, who was ill during the late % winter months, is showing a splendid ji improvement. r Mr. J. M. Moretz of Erwin, Tenn., , was a business visitor 111 town last * week. Mrs. Moretz returned several S weeks ago and reopened the Moretz v home for the summer, while Mr. Mo- c retz is still engaged in the furniture business in the Tennessee town. c Mr. O. W. Spencer of Salisbury has "V arrived at Blowing Rock and opened Ir Ma pic wood Inn for the summer tour- | ist trade. Mr. Spencer, while visiting c in Roone Tuesday, spoke encourag- ^ ingly of the outlook for the resort 1 business this season. * ii Mr. R. S. Swift leaves Thursday for \ Norfolk, Va., where he will enter the \ U. S. Marine Hospital for examiim- \ tion1 on account of injuries received while he was engaged in C. W. A. t work here a year ago. He expects to jreturn by the first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Beach of Spring- J field, 131., arrived in the county last week and will spend several weeks j visiting with Mrs. Beach's mother, t Mrs. Leonard Norris, Boone Route 1. Mr. Beach speaks encouragingly of } improved business conditions in the mid-western area. f Mr. G. W. Brown of Heaton is spending an extended visit with his son, John K. Brown, on College Street and with other close relatives in and I around the city. Despite his 83 years, ! Mr. Brown is hale and hearty, and declares that he can still cut a cord ( of wood in a short day, without very much trouble. J Mr. W. L. Winkler has returned ; from Rocky Mount where he has just i completed a school term, and will re- < side on his farm near Boone during the summer. Mr. Winkler tells a glow- j ] ing tale of prosperity in the lowlands I i as a result of the increased revenues J tobacco planters received during the past year. ( Miss Helen Wilcox Entertains Etude Music Club. Miss Helen Wilcox entertained the Etude Music Club at her home on Friday afternoon, May 3. The program w83 a rehearsal of the recital Monday night. Those present were Mrs. Porter, uviui, <^aroiyn Jjowling, Grace Councill, Willa Gray Lewis, Chloe Greeii, Katherine and Margaret Smith, Robert Lovill, James Norris and Carolyn Smith of Charlotte who was a guest. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed. Mrs. David Greene Entertains Friday Afternoon Club. On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. David F. Greene entertained the members of the Maids and Matrons Club and a number of additional visitors with four tables of contract bridge. After several prograssions, lovely prizes were presented to holders of high and low scores, and a tempting party plate was served. Mrs. Greene's guests were: Mrs. Paul Coffey, Mrs. Baxter Linney, Mrs. R B. Porter, Mrs. Frank Williams, 'I 1 WA' Issl ffotftQ ^-nn.u .J-iuiium Items from The Democrat of May 7th, 1896 Sheriff Boyd of Caklwell and Sheriff Pritchard of Mitchell were in town ; last week. Mrs. W. H. Gentry of Jefferson1 spent sonic days last week with her daughter. Mrs. Nathan Horton. Contractors on the mail routes ! through our section now have their men here trying to sublet them. Judge Greene is with us again, but will leave tomorrow for Fayetteville, where he will hold court next week. Editor Deal of the Topic and R. F. Gentry of the Jefferson Times were in town last week in the interest of their papers. Mr. W. C. Coffey left on Tuesday 5f this week for Chattanooga, Tcnn., where he goes to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. At the town election on last Monday, D. B. Dougherty was elected Mayor, and W. L. Bryan, M. B. Blackburn and R. C. Rivers, Conimission?rs. Mr. Dulaney. a chemist from Bris- :ol, is stopping at the Bryan Hotel. lie is analyzing ores and determin- i ng their value from different points 11 the eountv J. S. Winkler has moved his stock \ >f merchandise from Coone to his lome on New River where he can al- : .vays be found ready to wait on his mstomcrs. The following; visiting attorneys vere present at our court: Bower, j drs. Douglas Redmond, Mrs. James j Vlast, Mrs. S. F. Horton, Mrs. Jim j ^ouncill, Mrs. Tracy Councill, Mrs. Dean Bingham. Mrs: Jim Rivers, Mrs. i 1. K. Moose, Mrs. A. R. Smith, Miss 1 \nnic Dougherty, Miss Erie Greer, tnd Miss Kathrvn Harwell. I ZIONVILLK NEWS Mrs. Harve Wilson has been the < :uest of relatives in Bristol, Tenn., : or the oast week. Lee Potter has returned to his home > tere from Louisville, Ky., where he 1 las had employment for several nonths. Glemvood Greer of Boone spent the t veek-end with his parents. Mr. and drs. E. G. Greer, here. 1 Miss Geneva Thomas arrived here ast week from Richmond, Va., and < vill be a guest of her grandmother, Irs. R. A. Potter, during the sum* < nor. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Reece and * laughter, Miss Sue, and niece. Miss < Jadge Recce, of Bristol, Va., were 1 isitors in the village over the wceknd. . Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Greer, Mr. and Irs. J. M. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Spen:cr Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vilkinson and children visited with elatives in Neva, Tenn., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stephens and hildrcn spent Sunday with relatives ?n Meat Camp. Mrs. Stephens' faher, Rev. L. A. Wilson, returned tome with tliem where he will reoain for & short visit. Friends of Rev. I Vilson will regret lo learn that he tasn't improved much from a recent llness. nQotto < * > . .t iv.vi - itvat ocLiciouii apciu .he past week-end with home folks tere. Mrs. Fa3re Warner has returned to fountain City after spending the veek-end with her family. Mr. Grady Warren of West Virgina has joined her family here where hey plan to locate for the present. Rev. J. A. Canipe of Boone made in interesting talk to people of this immunity at the church here Sunday iffernoon. VILAS NEWS Miss Johnsie Brinkley has taken a josition at Blowing Rock for the sumner. Mrs. Peter Shell is visiting her laughter, Mrs. Sam Adkins. Miss Ruby Johnson of Sherwood .pent Sunday with Miss Ruby Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Greene, Master Fames Greene and Miss Grace Penned of Boone visited relatives in the community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reese, Mr. Claud Edmisten and Miss Maxie Greene visited friends at Mabel on Sunday. Dr. R. K. Bingham took Sunday i dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. j. j jrecllL'. On Sunday, May 5th, a son, Frank ; Ray. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clint \ Cole. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Madron of Mountain City visited relatives over the week-end. Miss Mary Moretz, who underwent a serious operation at Mercy Hospital in Charlotte last week, is said to be improving satisfactorily, her friends will be pleased to learn. Mrs. B. J Councill visited her Sunday. | $1.50 PACKAGE, now $1.00 $1.00 PACKAGE, now 60c BOONE DRUG CO. The REXAU, Store i i TAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY 1 Wakefield and Newland of Eenoir; Todd and Blackburn of Jefferson; Morphew of Marion, L.ovi!? of Sutherland and Fletcher of Elk Park. E. S. Coffey, chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee, d esires the chairmen of the different townships in the county to send him their names and addresses at once, that be may send him their names and addresses at once, that he may send them some literature. The Valle Crucis post office robbery case that has been hanging in the Federal Court for the past two years, has at last been disposed of. j Tice Wagoner was convicted and sen-; tenccd to the United States prison for four years and Mack Wagoner was acquitted and delivered to the State authorities. i Mrs. Alice Taylor, wife of Mr. C. j D Taylor of Vaile Crucis, died very j unexpectedly at her home on Sunday. | April 20th. This is truly a great shock \ to the community and friends all over j the county. Heartfelt sympathy is ex-j pressed for the husband in the loss of his sweet young wife, who bright- j ened his beautiful home so short a ! time. The Republicans held a convention in the Masonic Hail in Boone on last' Friday. John F. Morphew and others: addressed the convention and it is! said that much harmony prevailed, j Delegates to the State and district! conventions were elected, and, we understand. local fusion with the populists was arranged on amicable terms. WATAIGA FALLS NEWS 'Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Doughton Greene moved to their new home at Mabel on Saturday. Mrs. Rebecca Ward, who has been taking treatment at the Grace Hospital. is improving nicely and is expected to return home in a few days. Mr. Mac Tester and Mr. Ernest jlcnn each had the misfortune to lose i horse recently. Mr. Wheeler Farthing spent the veck end with his grandfather, Mr. kV. J. Farthing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shull and Miss VfalUe Shull visited friends and relatives on t.he Beaver Dam Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Glenn of Mountain City visited Dr. Glenn's parents, VIr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Glenn, Sunlav. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Ward, )? April 9th, a son. Thanks to the highway crew for he splendid work on our road. We tic- beginning to feel like we are a art of old Watauga again. pastime i THEATRE I BOONE, N. G. "PLACE OF GOOD SHOWS" I I Program for Week j OF MAY 13tn: BARGAIN WEEK! 10c to Everybody, Matinee and Night! Monday, May 13 Society Doctor with CHESTER MORRIS und VIRGINIA BRUCE Tuesday, May 14 Lost in the Stratosphere with WILLIAM CAGNEY and JUNE COLL.YER Wednesday, May 15 Four Hours to Kill with RICHARD BARTHELMESS Thursday, May 16 Behind the Green Lights with SIDNEY BLACKMER and NORM AN FOSTER Friday. May 17 The Best Man Wins with FLORENCE RICE ?nd JACK HOLT Saturday, May 18 Haunted Gold with , JOHN WAYNE MATINEES 2:30 & 4:00 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 I Special Bargain I Matinee, 10c. 15c I Night Shown, 10c and 26c. NIGHT SHOWS, 7:30 A 9:00 B MATINEE AT 3:00 'HURSDAY?BOONE. N C. Revival in Progress at Blowing Rock Churcl Revival services began at Blowin, Rock Baptist Church last Sunda morning. Sermons by the pastor, Re^ W, R. Davis, are being heard eac week-day evening at 7:45. Mr. Lesli Eookout., Gastonia, is leading the sing ing, and chorus choirs composed o younc neonlo havp - i i vi6anu.cu. The public is cordially invited t these services METHODIST CH U RCH?BOO N E Mothers Day will be observed a the Boone Methodist Church Sunda at th * eleven o'clock hour. Dr. Ernes C Widenhouse will use as his sut ject The Mother Heart." Sunda School at 9:45, Dr. J. D. Rankin, gen eral superintendent. The Epwort League will meet at 6:30. The Revei end A. C. Gibbs, presiding elder o the Mount Airy District, will preac! at 7:30, after which the third quar tenv conference will be held. MOCK TRIAL A mock trial, "The Case of Sniitl vs. Smith," will feature an entertain inent to be given by the adult clas at. Siiverstone School on Saturda; night. May 11th. beginning at 7 o" clock. Mrs. Lewis Reese, the teacher is making an admission charge of l and 10 cents, which will be used t; help defray the expenses of the elas on a trip to a kind of district corn mcncement at Ashevillc. BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY . . Bargain Week at Pastime Theatre T'mi rents admission to everybody Matinee and Night. llililliilliililllllliiiliiilllliliiiiM OT^ A XI Joi NA Cott Our PIECE GOODS array of the sea; yard goods . DRESS PRINTS OUR REGULAR 25c PR.? I THIS WEEK YOUR CHOI FOR 19c A YARD! It Wlli PHV Sun iv take auVut will pay you to take advai of this offer and buy a st for your future needs. A bi sort ment of beautiful pat and colors to select from, yard during Cotton -1 | Week, only A1 SEERSUCKER In the season's newest plaic -i aiupc liu: CUiUI cc nations. You will want a off of this. Priced per ft yard, only PRINTED PIQUI Lovely patterns and colors ' lect from. Priced, per ft yard, only . ? PRETTY RUFFLE CURTAINS These are full size and cor different colored borders. A good value during Cot- fT ton Week, pair & JLJ. JL llll Illllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllll Jl'NIOK MITSIC CLI R { The Junior Music Club met at the i home of the teacher. Mrs. B. W. Stallings, Thursday afternoon. May 2nd. After a study of Mendelssohn and his compositions, the club members gave * a program. | " ^ Miss Betsy Johnson played "April ^ e Flowers'* and -"doily Little Breezes";' * r_ duets by Miss Amy Lee Angel!, Brace .' , J Angel and Miss Royster Barnett; Is i "The Drum," Miss Rebekah Rivers. ! * o | and "London Bridges" and "Good ^ i Night, little One." by Miss Georgia I A-Vrc5 ~ Several new members were initiat11 ed into the club at Uiis meeting. The I opera. "Manse! and Grrthel." win he ^ I studied this coming summer. '"I APPRECIATION ; I wish that T knew how to express h! my appreciation to the good citizens .. of Boone for the fine co-operation fithcy gave me while I served as poh j liceman. Your words of encourage._ j mer.t and advice greatly aided me as j I diligently sought to serve as best 1 j could. Too. I haven't forgotten how 1 those big-hearted Rivers boy helped k me through the columns 01 The Dcm- 3 ocrat. T leave with a warm feeling 1 s to you all. y * ?A. L. GROSS. CARD OF THANKS 5! We wish to thank our neighbors R a and friends for their extreme kind- S s ness and sympathy shown us during B - ; the funeral of Miss Eliza Brown. ? illf AMILY. HANKS CLOSED FRIDAY >. Banks of Watnn^o will bo closed I on Friday, May 10th, Confederate R Memorial Day. a NHOUI ns The Nation TION on W DEPARTMENT is most cc ion's newest patterns and c< . . always at the lowest possi '' 9c dotted swiss i j A beautiful quality in a ______ range of colors. Priced :d per yard, only I 25c no in DRESS PRINTS Size l real All fast coolrs. New pat- jtv s terns, priced per yard * 10cani|15c onlv es To Wear W This is a snap- I See this new pv linen sandal leather sandal made of an ex- which is so cellent quality much in delinen. Priced mand. Priced k $1.49 || $1.98 llllllllllllllllillllllllll!l!llll!!llllllll!llllllllllllll PAGE FIVE_ ILEXX FARTHING MAKES HIGH SCHOLASTIC RECORD Glenn Farthing, 12 years oi(? a stuEnt at the Valle Crucis Public School, as won the distinction of having lade the highest grade in the county i the State seventh grade exaniinaon. The average for the popular stu?nt was 132.6, it is learned, and he being congratulated by his friends >r this splendid attainment. Glenn is te son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubyn Far UUU?. NOVELTY TABLE LAMPS! Enhance your home by the oddition of one or more of these attractive lamps, now being offered at the unusually low price of? $1.00 Various Other Lamps in Fanciful Designs Merit Your Inspection. New River Light and | Power Company j Boone. N. C . iiiiiiiiM \s,m In | AL eek! implete with a great jlors in quality ible prices!! ilNTED BATISTE :i would make lovely crisp lery dresses. A wide range ttcrns and colors. ft i ?r>r>n. J.tf'L 'RINTED SWISS e these lovely designs and ngs would make you want ;s from them. Price ft jra, |rd AwC E,L?/! fcMBKULU1. h will be so much in detnis season ... a beautiful Ly in the leading s. per yard JRKISH TOWELS hree sizes. Good values for Oc 19c 25c HOUSEKEEPER SHEETS 81x99. This is a good qualiheet that will wear well. od value for 98c -1 itn cottons 1 |\ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

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